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7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Po…
Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy
Makers Need to Know: What Policy Makers Need to Know (2015)
MyNAP members saveTRB Special Report 315: Funding and Managing the U.S.
Chapter: 3 Federal Role
10%inonline. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Makers Need to
the Inland Waterways System
Know explores the role and importance of the
Login or Register to federally funded inland waterways system, priorities
save! for future investment, its beneficiaries, and sources of
Visit to get more information about this book, to buy it in print, or to download it as a free PDF.

Download Free PDF In recent years, the inland waterways system has
transported six to seven percent of all domestic ton-
miles of cargo. The system is a small but important
3 component of the national freight system, particularly
for bulk commodities. The study committee finds that,
in order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
resources, the most critical need for the inland
waterways system is a sustainable and well-executed
Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System
plan for maintaining system reliability and
performance. Reliability and performance will depend
The inland waterways infrastructure isonmanaged bypriority
placing higher the U.S. Army Corps
on investments in of
Engineers (USACE) and funded from the operations
USACE and maintenance
budget. The(O&M).
first Without
section a
funding strategy that prioritizes system preservation,
below describes USACE missions and activities,
maintenance a maymajor component
continue to be deferred,ofwhich
would resultinland
which is providing for commercially navigable in furtherwaterways.
deterioration and
Thein anext
less cost
effective and less reliable system.
section gives an overview of the authorization, planning, and budgeting
process for the inland waterways system The and
howfinds that moreis
spending reliance on a “user-
pays” funding strategy for the commercial navigation
Recent trends in funding levels for thesystem
inland waterways
is feasible, system
would generate and
new whofor
pays for the system according to the cost-sharing
maintenance, andrules wouldspecified in cur-
promote economic
rent federal legislation are discussed. The greater involvement of the fed-
eral government in the inland waterways relativesuggests
The committee to other thatmodes is de-
an asset management
program focused on economic efficiency, fully
scribed. Considerations with regard toimplemented
the federal role in funding the in-
and linked to the budgeting process,
land waterways are explained, including reasons
would and mechanisms
help prioritize for as-
maintenance spending and
ascertain the funding levels required for reliable
sessing payments from those who benefit from the system. The final sec-
freight service.
tion summarizes findings and conclusions from the chapter.
View the TRB Special Report 315 webcast.
USACE Missions and Activities View the press release.

With the authorization of Congress, USACE, under its Civil Works

Program headed by the Assistant Secretary for Civil Works, plans, con-
structs, operates, and maintains a large water resources infrastructure
that includes locks and dams for inland navigation; maintenance of harbor
channel depths; dams, levees, and coastal barriers for flood risk manage- 1/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

ment; hydropower generation facilities; and recreation. The primary

Managing the U.S.areas
Works mission Inland Waterways
are support ofSystem: What
navigation forPo…
transportation and public safety; reduction of flood and storm damage;
and protection and restoration of aquatic ecosystems,
MyNAP members save TRB Special Report 315: Funding and Managing the U.S.
10% online. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Makers Need to
Know explores the role and importance of the
Login or Register to federally funded inland waterways system, priorities
such as the rebuilding of wetlands andfor thefuture investment, its beneficiaries, and sources of
performance of environmental
mitigation for USACE facilities. Hydropower generation is an important
Download Free
activity of USACE, although it hasPDF In recent years, the inland waterways system has
not been considered a primary mission.
transported six to seven percent of all domestic ton-
Other USACE responsibilities include recreation, maintenance
miles of cargo. The system is a smallofbut water
supply infrastructure (municipal watercomponent of the national
and wastewater freight system,
facilitates), andparticularly
for bulk commodities. The study committee finds that,
disaster relief and remediation beyondinflood disaster
order to reliefuse
ensure efficient (e.g., remedia-
of limited navigation
tion of formerly used nuclear sites). Some resources, the most criticalprojects
infrastructure need for the inland
are au-
waterways system is a sustainable and well-executed
thorized as multiple-use projects for navigation and other
plan for maintaining purposes
system reliability and (e.g.,
hydropower, municipal water supply, recreation), with the
performance. Reliability andcosts beingwillallo-
performance depend
on placing higher priority on investments in
cated among the various users, but most projects
operations are authorized
and maintenance for a sin-
(O&M). Without a
gle purpose. Navigation projects are authorized,
funding strategyandthatthe federal
prioritizes share
system of
costs paid, with funds from the USACEmaintenance
navigation may continue to be deferred, which
budget. Hence, with the
would result in further deterioration and in a less cost
exception of a few multipurpose projects, USACE’s
effective and less navigation
reliable system. mission, its
costs, and its benefits are separable from USACE’s other missions.
The committee finds that more reliance on a “user-
pays” funding strategy for the commercial navigation
Overview of the USACE Water Resources Authorization,
system Planning,
is feasible, would generate and for
new revenues
Budgeting Process maintenance, and would promote economic


The committee MAJORthat an asset management
REHABILITATION program focused on economic efficiency, fully
implemented and linked to the budgeting process,
would help prioritize maintenance spending and
The inland waterways system is both part of athelarger
ascertain fundingnational freight
levels required for reliable
freight service.
transportation system and part of the nation’s watershed system (system
of rivers and canals). This dual role complicates
View the TRB decisions
Special Reportabout manage-
315 webcast.
ment and funding of the inland waterways. Whereas some federal agen-
View the press release.
cies have broad authorities, Congress authorizes each capital investment
for capacity expansion, facility replacement, or major rehabilitation of
USACE water infrastructure projects. A construction project generally
originates with a request to a congressional office from communities,
businesses or other organizations, and state and local governments for
federal assistance.1 Since 1974, the process for authorizing federal water 2/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

resources projects, including infrastructure for freight transportation, has

beenand Managingbill
the omnibus thetypically
U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Po…

At this earlyMyNAP
stage,members save
1 TRB Special Report 315: Funding and Managing the U.S.
USACE typically engages in an advisory role to answer
Inland Waterways System: What Policy Makers Need to
10% online.
technical questions or to assess the levelKnowofexplores
interest in possible
the role projects
and importance of the
Login or Register to federally funded inland waterways system, priorities
and the support
save!of nonfederal entities for
(state, tribal, county, or local agen-
future investment, its beneficiaries, and sources of
cies and governments) that may become sponsors.

Download Free PDF In recent years, the inland waterways system has
transported six to seven percent of all domestic ton-
miles of cargo. The system is a small but important
component of the national freight system, particularly
called the Water Resources Development for bulk (WRDA).2The
Actcommodities. Onstudy
basis offinds
in order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
legislation, Congress authorizes individual capital
resources, projects
the most andfornumerous
critical need the inland
other USACE activities and provides policy direction in areas suchwell-executed
waterways system is a sustainable and as
plan for maintaining system reliability and
project delivery, revenue generation, and cost-sharing
performance. Reliabilityrequirements.
and performance will depend
Benefit–cost analysis is the primary criterion used in selecting
on placing higher priority capital
on investments in ex-
operations and maintenance (O&M). Without a
penditures projects for funding. Projects that pass a minimum threshold
funding strategy that prioritizes system preservation,
for determining that the benefit exceeds the costmay
maintenance are eligible
continue to befor congres-
deferred, which
sional authorization and funding. would result in further deterioration and in a less cost
effective and less reliable system.

Two types of congressional authorizations are required

The committee finds thatfor
morea reliance
on a “user-
pays” funding strategy for the commercial navigation
project—one for investigation and onesystem
for project implementation.3 First,
is feasible, would generate new revenues for
authority is provided for a feasibility study in which
maintenance, the local
and would USACE
promote dis-
trict investigates engineering feasibility, formulates alternative plans, con-
ducts benefit–cost analysis, and assessesThe environmental impacts
committee suggests that an assetunder the
program focused on economic efficiency, fully
National Environmental Policy Act.4 The study results
implemented are
and linked conveyed
to the budgetingto
Congress through a Chief of EngineerswouldReport (Chief’smaintenance
help prioritize Report) that con-
spending and
ascertain the funding levels required for reliable
tains either a favorable or an unfavorable recommendation for each
freight service.
project. Study results also are submitted to the executive office of the
View the TRB Special Report 315 webcast.
Office of Management and Budget (OMB), which applies its own fiscal,
benefit–cost, and other criteria to assess
Viewwhether projects warrant fund-
the press release.
ing according to executive branch objectives. Congress considers USACE
study results, recommendations of OMB, and other factors in choosing
projects to authorize. Thus, both the projects selected for initial study and
the project authorizations are at the discretion of Congress.5 3/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

After Congress authorizes a project, it becomes eligible to receive imple-

Funding and Managing
mentation the
funding in U.S. Inland
annual EnergyWaterways
and Water System:
Development Whatappropria-
tions acts. The appropriations process begins with the submission of the
annual President’s budget. To be included in the President’s budget, autho-
rized projectsMyNAP
must members
within the overall
TRB Special Report 315: Funding and Managing the U.S.
10% online. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Makers Need to
________________ Know explores the role and importance of the
Login or Register to federally funded inland waterways system, priorities
save! for future investment, its beneficiaries, and sources of
2 The 2014 authorizing legislation is titled the Water Resources Reform
and Development Act (WRRDA).
Download Free PDF In recent years, the inland waterways system has
transported six to seven percent of all domestic ton-
3 If the geographic area was investigated
milesinofprevious studies,
cargo. The system thebut
is a small study
component of the national freight system, particularly
may be authorized by a resolution of either the House Transportation and
for bulk commodities. The study committee finds that,
Infrastructure Committee or the Senate Environment
in order anduse
to ensure efficient Public Works
of limited navigation
Committee. resources, the most critical need for the inland
waterways system is a sustainable and well-executed
plan for maintaining system reliability and
4 According to WRRDA 2014, at any point during Reliability
performance. a feasibility study, the
and performance will depend
on placing higher priority on investments in
Secretary of the Army may terminate the study when it is clear that a
operations and maintenance (O&M). Without a
project in the public interest is not possible
funding for technical,
strategy legal,
that prioritizes or preservation,
system finan-
cial reasons. maintenance may continue to be deferred, which
would result in further deterioration and in a less cost
effective and less reliable system.
5 After a project is authorized, modifications beyond a certain cost and
The committee finds that more reliance on a “user-
scope require additional congressionalpays”
funding strategy for the commercial navigation
system is feasible, would generate new revenues for
maintenance, and would promote economic

The committee suggests that an asset management

USACE program ceiling not only for initial
program funding but
focused on also for
economic continued
efficiency, fully
implemented and linked to the budgeting
annual funding throughout the project’s life cycle. Once Congress receives process,
would help prioritize maintenance spending and
the President’s budget request, it is “marked
ascertainup” by thelevels
the funding House andforSenate
required reliable
Appropriations Committees, where project funding levels are adjusted in
freight service.
response to congressional priorities. Even if an
View the TRB authorized project
Special Report 315 webcast.has re-
ceived initial construction funding, there is no assurance that it will re-
View the press release.
ceive sufficient appropriations each year to provide for an efficient con-
struction schedule. The actual funding for the project over its life cycle
may be much less suitable.

A previous National Research Council (NRC) report (2012) encouraged less

reliance on WRDA as the main vehicle for authorizing projects for USACE 4/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

infrastructure. The traditional focus on WRDA for authorizing large new

Funding and Managing
construction theinU.S.
projects InlandisWaterways
particular less relevant System: What Po…
to a system that is
mostly “built out” and for which the main concern is a sustainable source
of funding for ongoing operations and maintenance (O&M) and major
repairs. MyNAP members save TRB Special Report 315: Funding and Managing the U.S.
10% online. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Makers Need to
Although WRDA Know
for explores
freightthe role and importance of the
Logindrives capital
or Register to funding federally transportation on
funded inland waterways system, priorities
inland waterways,
save! it is largely disconnected
for futurefrom federal
investment, legislative
its beneficiaries, pro-
and sources of
cesses and efforts related to other freight modes. Similarly, the goal of the
USACE planning processDownloadis to determine
Free whether
PDF In recent a navigation
years, the inland waterways project
system hasis
eligible for funding, not to assess whether transported six to seven
the project percent
will of allmost
be the domesticef-ton-
miles of cargo. The system is a small but important
ficient option for meeting national freight transportation
component needssystem,
of the national freight and particularly
nomic interests given the availability of forother modes. (The
bulk commodities. benefit–cost
The study committee finds that,
analyses required for the authorizationin order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
of navigation projects must con-
resources, the most critical need for the inland
sider other modes to a degree, as described waterwayslater
systemin isthis chapter.)
a sustainable andThe in-
land waterways system is not unique inplan for regard;
this maintainingasystem reliability
national and sys-
performance. Reliability and performance will depend
tem perspective on the efficiency of the onnation’s freight
placing higher prioritynetwork
on investmentsis gener-
ally lacking, and no mechanism exists for operations and maintenance
prioritizing spending (O&M). Without a
funding strategy that prioritizes system preservation,
modes. maintenance may continue to be deferred, which
would result in further deterioration and in a less cost
OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE effective and less reliable system.

The committee finds that more reliance on a “user-

O&M projects can be authorized underpays”
WRDA, funding but it has
strategy for not often been
the commercial navigation
used for this purpose (see NRC 2012, Table 2-2, for exceptions in WRDA for
system is feasible, would generate new revenues
maintenance, and would promote economic
2007). USACE headquarters sets priorities for O&M

The committee suggests that an asset management

program focused on economic efficiency, fully
implemented and linked to the budgeting process,
would help prioritize maintenance spending and
investments as part of the budgeting process onfunding
ascertain the the basis
levels of information
required for reliable
freight service.
gathered from USACE districts and divisions. Eight USACE divisions coor-
dinate projects and budgets in 38 district
View offices across
the TRB Special the315
Report United
Districts develop plans, priorities, and rankings for investigations, con-
View the press release.
struction, and O&M and submit them to USACE divisions. Divisions priori-
tize projects across their districts and provide divisionwide rankings of
projects to USACE headquarters. USACE headquarters considers division
priorities and rankings, administration budget priorities, and other factors
in ranking requests.6 The number of projects funded each year depends on
the annual budget appropriation by Congress. 5/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

The local assessment of assets and maintenance needs follows general

Funding and Managing
guidelines, but it hasthe
Inland Waterways
variations. System: What
For example, Po…may de-
velop their own asset management systems for assessing and communi-
cating the condition of infrastructure and level of service being provided
for navigation and O&M
MyNAP membersand save
repair needs. According
TRB Special Report 315:toFunding
a pastandNRC report,
Managing the U.S.
with respect 10%
to water
online.resources funding, Inland Waterwaysthe
“neither System: What Policynor
Congress Makers
theNeed to
Know explores the role and importance of the
administration or Register
provides clearto guiding principles and
federally funded concepts
inland waterwaysthat the
system, priorities
USACE might use in prioritizing OMR for future investment,
[operations, its beneficiaries,and
maintenance, and sources
re- of
pair] needs and investments” (NRC 2012, 11). Full benefit–cost analysis is
Download Free
applied only to construction andPDF
not toIn O&M,
recent years, the inland waterways system has
7 which is appropriate given
transported six to seven percent of all domestic ton-
the costs of conducting benefit–cost analysis relative
miles of cargo. to the
The system costbut
is a small ofimportant
projects. USACE is developing an approach of the national
to asset managementfreight system,
for bulk commodities. The study committee finds that,
could be applied systemwide to improve identification
in order anduse
to ensure efficient prioritization
of limited navigation
resources, the
of maintenance and repair needs and spending mostChapter
(see critical need4).for the inland
waterways system is a sustainable and well-executed
plan for maintaining system reliability and
performance will depend
CONSTRUCTION on placing higher priority on investments in
operations and maintenance (O&M). Without a
funding strategy that prioritizes system preservation,
USACE separates projects labeled as “major rehabilitation” from its O&M
maintenance may continue to be deferred, which
budget. Major rehabilitation projects meet
would the
resultfollowing criteria and in a less cost
in further deterioration
effective and less reliable system.
The committee finds that more reliance on a “user-
pays” funding strategy for the commercial navigation
6 The USACE budget submitted as partsystem
of the President’s
is feasible, budgetnew
would generate request
revenuesis for
maintenance, and would promote economic
not commensurate with all local requests given the lack of available funds
and competing priorities within and across USACE programs (e.g., hy-
The committee suggests that an asset management
dropower, recreation). program focused on economic efficiency, fully
implemented and linked to the budgeting process,
7As discussed in the next section and Chapter 4, rehabilitation
would help prioritize maintenance projects
spending and of
ascertain the funding levels required for reliable
more than $20 million are classified arbitrarily as a capital cost.
freight service.

View the TRB Special Report 315 webcast.

View the press release.

established in a series of Water Resources Development Acts from 1986 to


Requires approval by the Secretary of the Army and construction is

funded out of the Construction General Civil Works appropriation for 6/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

Funding and Managing
Includes the U.S.justified
economically Inland Waterways
structural work System: What Po… of a
for restoration
major project feature that extends the life of the feature significantly
or enhances operational efficiency.
a minimum
members of save
2 fiscal years to complete.
TRB Special Report 315: Funding and Managing the U.S.
Costs more
10% than Inland Waterways
online.$20 million in capital outlaysSystem: What Policy Makers
for reliability Need to
Know explores the role and importance of the
Login oror
ment projects Register
more to
than $2 million
capital outlays
inland waterwaysfor efficiency
system, priorities
improvement projects. These thresholdsfor future investment,
are adjusted its beneficiaries,
annuallyand bysources
reg- of
ulation and are subject to negotiation.
Download Free PDF In recent years, the inland waterways system has
Major rehabilitation projects are treated transported
as capitalsix toprojects
seven percentforofnew
all domestic
miles of cargo. The system is a small but important
struction in the budgeting process instead of being
component considered
of the national an expense
freight system, particularly
of maintaining the system. The decision forto
bulkclassify major
commodities. rehabilitations
The study committee findsasthat,
in order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
a capital expenditure instead of as an O&M expense
resources, the mostiscritical
need for the inland
waterways system is a sustainable and well-executed
Funding for the Inland Waterways Navigation Systemsystem reliability and
plan for maintaining
performance. Reliability and performance will depend
on placing higher priority on investments in
COST-SHARING RULES operations and maintenance (O&M). Without a
funding strategy that prioritizes system preservation,
Before 1978, the inland navigation system was funded
maintenance almost
may continue to beentirely
deferred, which
through general revenues collected fromwould result in further
taxpayers. deterioration
Congress and in a less cost
effective and less reliable system.
funding for the inland waterways by passing two pieces of legislation: the
Inland Waterways Revenue Act of 1978 The andcommittee finds that
the Water more reliance on a “user-
pays” funding strategy for the commercial navigation
Development Act of 1986, which created theisfunding
system framework
feasible, would followed
generate new revenues for
today. This legislation established a taxmaintenance,
on diesel andfuelwould
for promote economicves-
sels paid by the barge industry and an Inland
The committee suggests that an asset management
________________ program focused on economic efficiency, fully
implemented and linked to the budgeting process,
would help prioritize maintenance spending and
8 The $8 million ceiling for O&M was set in WRDA 1986 (P.L. 99-662).
ascertain the funding levels required for reliable
WRDA 1992 (P.L. 102-580) established afreight service. definition for “rehabilita-
tion” of inland waterways projects. WRRDAView the2014 (P.L. 113-121)
TRB Special Report 315increased
webcast. the
ceiling from $8 million to $20 million for rehabilitation projects that can
View the press release.
still be considered O&M. (With the escalation that accompanied the $8
million ceiling set in WRDA 1986, the ceiling for federal spending on reha-
bilitation projects was already at $16.5 million by 2014.)

9The Federal Highway Administration, for example, more clearly distin-

guishes between projects for maintenance and capital projects that signif- 7/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

icantly alter the function or expand the physical capacity of an asset.

Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Po…

Waterways Trust
members to pay for
save TRBconstruction
Special Report 315:with
Fundingfuel tax rev-the U.S.
and Managing
enues. It also10% online. the nonfederalInland
Waterways System: What Policy Makers Need to
cost-sharing requirements for in-
Know explores the role and importance of the
Login or Register to
land navigation construction projects.10 federally funded inland waterways system, priorities
save! for future investment, its beneficiaries, and sources of
The required cost share depends on whether the navigation project is clas-
sified as a capital cost Free PDF
or as O&M. In recent years, the inland
For single-purpose waterways system
navigation projects has
transported six to seven percent of all domestic ton-
and multiple-purpose projects assigned to ofthe
miles navigation
cargo. The system isbudget, the
a small but fed-
eral government pays 100 percent of O&M costs,
component 50national
of the percent of system,
freight capital particularly
for bulk commodities. The study committee finds that,
costs (including capacity expansion, replacement, and major rehabilita-
in order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
tion), and 100 percent of rehabilitationresources,
costs up theto $20
most million
critical (costs
need for for a
the inland
waterways system is a sustainable
single repair or set of repairs that exceed this amount are considered ma- and well-executed
plan for maintaining system reliability and
jor rehabilitation and a capital cost). The waivingReliability
performance. or adjustment of cost-
and performance will depend
on placing higher priority on investments
sharing requirements for individual projects is infrequent and typically re- in
operations and maintenance (O&M). Without a
quires authorization by Congress. funding strategy that prioritizes system preservation,
maintenance may continue to be deferred, which
would result
The federal share for commercial navigation in further
is paid viadeterioration and in a less cost
general revenues.
effective and less reliable system.
The commercial users’ share is paid for with a diesel fuel tax per gallon via
The committee
the IWTF; the tax is collected by the Internal finds that
Revenue more reliance
Service. The on a “user-
fuel tax
pays” funding strategy for the commercial navigation
was initially set at $0.04 per gallon andsystem
is not indexed
is feasible, togenerate
would inflation. In 1986for
new revenues
legislation, the tax was set to rise to itsmaintenance,
current level of $0.20
and would promoteper gallon,
where it has remained until 2014, when the 113th Congress approved an in-
crease in the barge fuel tax to $0.29 per Thegallon.
committee suggests that an asset management
program focused on economic efficiency, fully
implemented and linked to the budgeting process,
In contrast to the cost share for navigation, the O&M costs for nonnaviga-
would help prioritize maintenance spending and
tion projects are paid for partly by sponsors.
ascertain The federal
the funding share
levels depends
required on
for reliable
freight service.
the type of water resource project (see Table 3-1). For many project types
(e.g., levees), the nonfederal sponsor is View
responsible forReport
the TRB Special O&M315once con-
struction is complete. Furthermore, inland waterways feasibility studies to
View the press release.
determine the eligibility of a navigation project


The IWTF does not apply to ports and harbors. A separate Harbor
Maintenance Trust Fund (HMTF) was established in 1986. The HMTF is 8/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

designated only for O&M of federally authorized channels for commercial

Funding and Managing
navigation the U.S.
in deep draft Inland
harbors andWaterways
shallow draft System: What that
waterways Po…are not
subject to the IWTF fuel tax (Frittelli 2013). The HMTF is based on a 0.125
percent ad valorem tax imposed on imports, domestic shipments, and
cruise line passenger tickets save
MyNAP members at designated ports
TRB Special (collected
Report byand
315: Funding U.S.
Managing the U.S.
Customs). Major
10% port Inland Waterways
construction traditionally
online. hasSystem:
beenWhat Policy Makers
financed with Need to
Know explores the role and importance of the
Login cash
existing reserves, or Register
from to
operations, government
federally funded inlandgrants, and
waterways loans.
system, priorities
Often port districts are set up to operatefor future investment,
the port and its beneficiaries,
borrow from andcapital
sources of
markets, with bonds being paid off via user fees or property taxes. More
recently, ports haveDownload Free PDF joint
begun examining In recent years, thefinancing,
venture inland waterways system has
in which
transported six to seven percent of all domestic ton-
their customers assume most of the debt milesassociated with isa acapital
of cargo. The system small butproject,
and third-party financing, in which an component
entity invests in project
of the national design
freight system, and
for bulk commodities. The study committee finds that,
construction but may not operate the facility (see http://www.aapa-
in order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation resources, the most critical need for the inland
waterways system is a sustainable and well-executed
plan for maintaining system reliability and
performance. Reliability and performance will depend
on placing higher priority on investments in
operations and maintenance (O&M). Without a
TABLE 3-1 Standard Construction and O&M
fundingCost-Sharing Requirement
strategy that prioritizes for
system preservation,
maintenance may continue to be deferred, which
USACE Projects would result in further deterioration and in a less cost
effective and less reliable system.
The committee finds that
Federal more reliance on a “user-
pays” funding strategy for the commercial navigation
of Maximum
system is feasible, would generate new revenues for
and would promoteFederal Share
Project Purpose efficiency. (%) of O&M (%)
Navigation The committee suggests that an asset management
   Coastal ports— program focused on economic efficiency, fully
implemented and linked
      <20-ft harbor   80a to the budgeting100process,
would help prioritize maintenance spending and
      20- to 50-ft harbor   65alevels required for
ascertain the funding 100 b
      >50-ft harbor freight service. a b
  40   50
   Inland waterways View the TRB Special c
100Report 100
315 webcast.

Flood and hurricane damage reduction View the press release.

Inland flood control   65       0
Coastal hurricane and storm damage   65       0
reduction except periodic beach
Repair of damaged flood and coastal storm   50       0
projects 9/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

   Locally constructed flood projects NA   80d

Funding and Managing
   Federally the U.S.
constructed floodInland Waterways System:
and coastal NA What Po…
Aquatic ecosystem restoration   65       0
project components
members save TRB Special Report 315: Funding and Managing the U.S.
online. Inland Waterways    0       0 Need to
e What Policy Makers
Know explores the role and importance of the
Municipal andLogin or Register
industrial to supply federally funded      0
water       0priorities
inland waterways system,
storage save! for future investment, its beneficiaries, and sources of
Agricultural water supply storage funding. f       0
Recreation at Corps facilitiesFree PDF In recent years, the
Download   50
inland waterways       0
system has
Aquatic invasive species control and transported six to seven
NA percent of all domestic ton-
miles of cargo. The system is a small but important
component of the national freight system, particularly
Environmental infrastructure (typically       0finds that,
75g The study committee
for bulk commodities.
municipal water and wastewater in order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
infrastructure) resources, the most critical need for the inland
waterways system is a sustainable and well-executed
plan for maintaining system reliability and
NOTE: Information comes from 33 USCperformance.
§§2211–2215 unless
Reliability andotherwise speci-
performance will depend
fied in footnotes a through g. on placing higher priority on investments in
operations and maintenance (O&M). Without a
funding strategy that prioritizes system preservation,
NA = not applicable. maintenance may continue to be deferred, which
would result in further deterioration and in a less cost
a effective and sponsors
less reliable system.
These percentages reflect that the nonfederal pay 10, 25, or 30
percent during construction and an additional 10 finds
The committee percent over
that more a period
reliance on a “user-
not to exceed 30 years. pays” funding strategy for the commercial navigation
system is feasible, would generate new revenues for
maintenance, and would promote economic
b Appropriations from the HMTF, which is funded by collections on com-
mercial cargo imports at federally maintained ports, are used for 100 per-
The committee suggests that an asset management
cent of these costs. program focused on economic efficiency, fully
implemented and linked to the budgeting process,
c Appropriations from the IWTF, whichwould help prioritize maintenance spending and
is funded by a fuel tax on vessels
ascertain the funding levels required for reliable
engaged in commercial transport on designated
freight service. waterways, are used for
50 percent of these costs. View the TRB Special Report 315 webcast.

d View the press

33 USC §701n. Repair assistance is restricted to release.
projects eligible for and
participating in the USACE Rehabilitation and Inspection Program and to
fixing damage caused by natural events.

e Capital costs initially are federally funded and are repaid by fees col-
lected from power customers. 10/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

For the 17 western states where reclamation law applies, irrigation costs
Funding andare
initially Managing theUSACE
funded by U.S. Inland Waterways
but repaid System:water
by nonfederal Whatusers.
gMost environmental infrastructure projects are authorized with a 75
percent federal costmembers
MyNAP share; a save
few have aTRB
Report cost share.
315: Funding and Managing the U.S.
10% online. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Makers Need to
SOURCE: Carter and Know explores the role and importance of the
Login orStern 2014.
Register to federally funded inland waterways system, priorities
save! for future investment, its beneficiaries, and sources of

Download Free PDF In recent years, the inland waterways system has
for funding are entirely a federal expense; six to sevenfor
in contrast, percent of all domestic
deepwater navi-ton-
miles of cargo. The system is a small but important
gation and nonnavigation projects, thecomponent
federal share for feasibility
of the national studies
freight system, particularly
for bulk commodities. The study committee finds that,
is 50 percent.11
in order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
resources, the most critical need for the inland
system is a sustainable and well-executed
plan for maintaining system reliability and
WRDA 1986 established a federal advisory committee Reliability and performance
subject to the will depend
on placing higher priority on investments in
Federal Advisory Committees Act, the Inland
operations Waterways
and maintenance Users(O&M).Board
Without a
funding strategy that prioritizes
(IWUB), which represents shipping industry interests. IWUB was created system preservation,
maintenance may continue to be deferred, which
to give commercial users the opportunity
wouldto inform
result priorities
in further deteriorationforand
in a less cost
funded from the IWTF. WRDA 1986 specifies
effective that
and lessthe board
reliable consist of 11
members representing shipping interests in the primary
The committee geographical
finds that more ar-
reliance on a “user-
eas served by inland waterways, with consideration given
pays” funding strategy tocommercial
for the tonnagenavigation
system is feasible, would generate new revenues for
shipped on the respective waterways. IWUB makes recommendations to
maintenance, and would promote economic
the Secretary of the Army and Congress with regard to IWTF investments.
The board is advisory only. Congress and the administration choose
The committee suggests that an asset management
whether to follow the board’s guidance.program focused on economic efficiency, fully
implemented and linked to the budgeting process,
would help
WRRDA 2014 stipulates greater involvement of prioritize
IWUB in maintenance
project spending
develop- and
ascertain the funding levels required for reliable
ment and oversight than in previous years. According to the 2014 WRRDA,
freight service.
IWUB is to provide advice and recommendations to the Secretary of the
View the TRB Special Report 315 webcast.
Army and to Congress concerning construction and rehabilitation priori-
View the
ties and spending levels; feasibility reports press
for release. on the inland wa-
terways system; increases in the authorized cost of project features and
components; and development of a long-term, 20-year capital investment
program. A representative of IWUB, appointed by the board’s chair, is to
serve as an adviser to project development teams for qualifying projects
and for studies or designs of commercial navigation features and compo- 11/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

nents for waterways and harbors. The President’s 2015 budget request in-
Funding and
cluded Managing
$860,000 the U.S.IWUB
to support Inlandactivity.
Waterways System: What
The Secretary is to Po…
cate with IWUB at least quarterly on the status of commercial navigation

MyNAP members save TRB Special Report 315: Funding and Managing the U.S.
10% online. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Makers Need to
11 Before WRRDA 2014, a reconnaissance Knowstudy to the
explores assess the
role and need and
importance sup-
of the
Login or Register to federally funded inland waterways system, priorities
port for a project
save! was produced at 100for percent federal expense for naviga-
future investment, its beneficiaries, and sources of
tion projects. WRRDA 2014 replaced thefunding.
reconnaissance study with a pre-
liminary study thatDownload
is combined
Free with
PDF the feasibility study as the first phase
In recent years, the inland waterways system has
of analysis. According to the Congressional Research
transported Service
six to seven percent(Carter andton-
of all domestic
miles of cargo. The system
Stern 2014), post-WRRDA 2014 cost sharing of the preliminary analysis is a small but important
component of the national freight system, particularly
portion of the first phase has not beenfor clarified. WRRDA
bulk commodities. The2014
study established
committee finds athat,
maximum federal cost of $3 million forinmost order tofeasibility
ensure efficient use of limited navigation
resources, the most critical need for the inland
waterways system is a sustainable and well-executed
plan for maintaining system reliability and
performance. Reliability and performance will depend
on placing higher priority on investments in
studies, designs, and construction. Theoperations and maintenance
board provides (O&M).relating
guidance Without a
funding strategy that prioritizes system preservation,
only to capital investments, since current law specifies
maintenance that
may continue fuel
to be tax rev-
deferred, which
enues from the shipping industry are towould
be result
further deterioration
capital and in a less cost
effective and less reliable system.
and not for O&M.
The committee finds that more reliance on a “user-
INLAND for the commercial navigation
system is feasible, would generate new revenues for
SYSTEM maintenance, and would promote economic
The FY 2015 federal budget appropriated more than $1.8 billion for USACE
The committee suggests that an asset management
navigation projects,12 with about $834 program
of this
onamount provided
economic efficiency, fullyfor
implemented and linked to the budgeting process,
inland waterways navigation.13 In recent years, the demand for O&M for
would help prioritize maintenance spending and
the inland waterways has increased with the aging
ascertain of infrastructure.
the funding As
levels required for reliable
freight service.
shown in Table 3-2, O&M has become a larger share of the
administration’s inland navigation budget request.
View the It now
TRB Special Reportaccounts
315 webcast.for
about three-fourths of the requested budget
View the (Table 3-2).14
press release.

In terms of constant dollars, funding for construction and O&M for lock
and dam facilities is at its lowest point in more than 20 years and is on a
downward trajectory (see Figures 3-1a and 3-1b). 12/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

The balance of the IWTF, which is used to pay 50 percent of construction

hasManaging the fund
declined. The U.S. Inland
was at Waterways
its highest level,System: $413What
million,Po…in 2002
(see Figure 3-2). The balance fell sharply between 2005 and 2010 as expen-
ditures for inland waterways exceeded fuel tax collections and interest on
the trust fund balance.
MyNAP Reasons
members savefor theTRBdecline include
Special Report increased
315: Funding appropri-
and Managing the U.S.
ations, lower10% tax revenues than in Inland
fuelonline. Waterways
previous System:
years, Whatconstruction
large Policy Makers Need to
Know explores the role and importance of the
Login or Register
costs, and construction costtooverruns.federally funded inland waterways system, priorities
save! for future investment, its beneficiaries, and sources of
Capital projects are funded incrementally funding.
by Congress through the annual
budgeting and appropriations
Download Free process.
PDF InIncremental
recent years, thefederal funding,
inland waterways anhas
system in-
creasingly common procedure in which transported six to sevenof
only a portion percent of all domestic
the total budgetton-
miles of cargo. The system is a small but important
for a project is appropriated, contributes to
component of the national freight system, particularly
for bulk commodities. The study committee finds that,
________________ in order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
resources, the most critical need for the inland
waterways system is a sustainable and well-executed
plan for maintaining system reliability and
performance. Reliability and performance will depend
13 In the past decade, USACE Civil Works
on placing higher priority(which
appropriations on investments in
operations and maintenance (O&M). Without a
both general revenues and sponsor support) have ranged
funding strategy from
that prioritizes $4.5preservation,
system billion
to $5.5 billion to support the USACE primary may continue
mission areasto(navigation,
be deferred, which
would result in further deterioration and in a less cost
flood control and prevention, ecosystem restoration)
effective andsystem.
and less reliable the other ser-
vices that USACE has authorities to provide (water supply; hydroelectric
The committee finds that more reliance on a “user-
power; water-based recreation; and design depths
pays” funding for the
strategy nation’s
for the ports,
commercial navigation
harbors, and associated channels). system is feasible, would generate new revenues for
maintenance, and would promote economic
14 efficiency.
Although the administration budget requests will differ from federal ap-
propriations, this table shows requested committee suggests
because thatthe
an asset
of bud-
program focused on economic efficiency, fully
get detail for the inland waterways needed for this
implemented andreport (e.g.,
linked to the for inland
budgeting process,
navigation O&M) is not publicly available forhelp prioritizeappropriations.
federal maintenance spending and
ascertain the funding levels required for reliable
However, federal appropriations for O&M and
freight construction for locks and
dams are available, as shown in Figures 3-1a and 3-1b.
View the TRB Special Report 315 webcast.

View the press release.

TABLE 3-2 Administration Budgets for USACE Inland Navigation, FY 2008–FY 2015

President’s Investigations Construction Regular MR&T O&M MR&T Total Inland O&M
Budget (FY) O&M Investigations Nav Budget as % 13/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

and of Total
Construction Inland Nav
Funding and
2015 5 Managing
180the U.S. Inland
612 Waterways
29 System:
8 What834Po… 77
2014 7 237 608 42 11 904 72
2013 8 201 529 28 14 780 71
2012 11 166 531 22 Special Report
13 315: Funding and
743Managing the 74 U.S.
MyNAP members save TRB
2011 10 176 550 28 Waterways
Inland 15System: What Policy
779 Makers Need 74 to
10% online.
2010 3 170 Know
32 explores the
15 role and importance of the 77
Login or Register to577 federally funded inland
waterways system, priorities
2009 3
save! 307 586 25 10 931 66
for future investment, its beneficiaries, and sources of
2008 7 406 604 25 10 1,052 60

NOTE: Except for percentages, Free PDF
figures are dollar
In recentamounts in millions.
years, the inland MR&T
waterways system has =
transported six to seven percent of all domestic ton-
Mississippi River and Tributaries flood control project,
miles of cargo. Thewhich
system iswas
a smallauthorized
but important
through the Flood Control Act of 1928. Navcomponent of the national freight system, particularly
= navigation.
for bulk commodities. The study committee finds that,
in order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
SOURCE: USACE headquarters. resources, the most critical need for the inland
waterways system is a sustainable and well-executed
plan for maintaining system reliability and
performance. Reliability and performance will depend
on placing higher priority on investments in
operations and maintenance (O&M). Without a
funding strategy that prioritizes system preservation,
maintenance may continue to be deferred, which
would result in further deterioration and in a less cost
effective and less reliable system.

The committee finds that more reliance on a “user-

pays” funding strategy for the commercial navigation
system is feasible, would generate new revenues for
maintenance, and would promote economic

The committee suggests that an asset management

program focused on economic efficiency, fully
implemented and linked to the budgeting process,
would help prioritize maintenance spending and
ascertain the funding levels required for reliable
freight service.

View the TRB Special Report 315 webcast.

View the press release. 14/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Po…

MyNAP members save TRB Special Report 315: Funding and Managing the U.S.
10% online. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Makers Need to
Know explores the role and importance of the
Login or Register to federally funded inland waterways system, priorities
save! for future investment, its beneficiaries, and sources of

Download Free PDF In recent years, the inland waterways system has
transported six to seven percent of all domestic ton-
miles of cargo. The system is a small but important
component of the national freight system, particularly
for bulk commodities. The study committee finds that,
in order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
resources, the most critical need for the inland
waterways system is a sustainable and well-executed
plan for maintaining system reliability and
performance. Reliability and performance will depend
on placing higher priority on investments in
operations and maintenance (O&M). Without a
funding strategy that prioritizes system preservation,
maintenance may continue to be deferred, which
would result in further deterioration and in a less cost
effective and less reliable system.

The committee finds that more reliance on a “user-

pays” funding strategy for the commercial navigation
system is feasible, would generate new revenues for
maintenance, and would promote economic

The committee suggests that an asset management

program focused on economic efficiency, fully
implemented and linked to the budgeting process,
would help prioritize maintenance spending and
FIGURE 3-1 USACE budget authority, FYascertain
1994–FY the 2015,
fundingfor (arequired
levels ) lock and dam
for reliable
construction and (b) lock and dam O&M. FYservice.
2014 and FY 2015 data for both
construction and O&M are estimates from the
View the TRBPresident’s
Special Report FY 2015 budget
315 webcast.
for the Civil Works Program, USACE. Figure 3-1a includes appropriations
View the press release.
from the IWTF for construction not included in Figure 3-1b since the
IWTF is not to be used for O&M.

SOURCE: Adapted from Kruse et al. 2012. 15/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Po…

MyNAP members save TRB Special Report 315: Funding and Managing the U.S.
10% online. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Makers Need to
Know explores the role and importance of the
Login or Register to federally funded inland waterways system, priorities
save! for future investment, its beneficiaries, and sources of

Download Free PDF In recent years, the inland waterways system has
transported six to seven percent of all domestic ton-
miles of cargo. The system is a small but important
component of the national freight system, particularly
for bulk commodities. The study committee finds that,
in order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
resources, the most critical need for the inland
waterways system is a sustainable and well-executed
plan for maintaining system reliability and
performance. Reliability and performance will depend
FIGURE 3-2 Inland waterways financingontrends. Amounts
placing higher priorityare in nominal
on investments in
operations and maintenance (O&M). Without a
dollars and represent funding for construction only. Federal spending for
funding strategy that prioritizes system preservation,
FY 2009 and FY 2010 reflects congressional stopgap
maintenance measures
may continue and supple-
to be deferred, which
would result
mental funding under the American Recovery in further
and deterioration and
Reinvestment Actinofa less cost
effective and less reliable system.
2009 (P.L. 111-5). [Federal spending includes total revenues disbursed by the
federal government to pay for commercial The committee finds that
navigation onmore
thereliance on a “user-
pays” funding strategy for the commercial navigation
inland waterways system, including general
system isrevenues from
feasible, would taxpayers
generate andfor
new revenues
fuel tax revenues from carriers. The IWTFmaintenance, and would
(50 percent promote economic
contributed by
shippers and 50 percent contributed from general revenues) is dedicated
The committee
to capital costs and is not used to pay for O&M.] suggests that an asset management
program focused on economic efficiency, fully
implemented and linked to the budgeting process,
would help prioritize maintenance spending and
SOURCE: Stern 2014 (USACE data adapted by the
ascertain the Congressional Research
funding levels required for reliable
Service). freight service.

View the TRB Special Report 315 webcast.

View the press release.

project delivery delays and higher costs (NRC 2011; NRC 2012, 29, gives an-
other example on the Lower Monongahela River). Between 2005 and 2010,
Congress made a conscious effort to “spend down” the IWTF to accelerate
project completions and reduce the size of the backlog of authorized
projects. 16/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…


Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Po…
A substantial number of water resources projects that have been autho-
rized by Congress via WRDA remain unfunded through the appropriations
process. These projects are known as the backlog. WRRDA 2014 included
MyNAP members save TRB Special Report 315: Funding and Managing the U.S.
provisions to reduce the backlog and prevent backlogs
Inland Waterways System: inWhat
Makers Need to
10% online.
Know explores the role and importance
15 of the
whether the provisions will achieve
Login or Register to this purpose is unclear. Congress
federally funded inland waterways system, priorities
considers thesave!
recommendations of USACE and
for future OMB, but
investment, the selection
its beneficiaries, of of
and sources
waterways projects for authorization has a long history of being driven
largely by political Download
and local Free PDF In
concerns (Ferejohn
recent years,1974). In recent
the inland waterwaysyears,
system has
congressionally directed spending has taken the form of providingdomestic
transported six to seven percent of all addi- ton-
miles of cargo. The system is a small but important
tional funding for broad categories of ongoing
component activities
of the nationalnot included
freight in
system, particularly
for bulk commodities.
the President’s budget. USACE is responsible for selecting The study
of thesefinds that,
in order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
activities to undertake and for prioritizing them
resources, the on
mostthe basis
critical needof fordirections
the inland
and exclusions provided in the WRRDA. waterways system is a sustainable and well-executed
plan for maintaining system reliability and
performance. Reliability and performance will depend
While concerns about the backlog haveonbeen expressed, its size is not a re-
placing higher priority on investments in
liable indicator of the funding needed for the inland
operations navigation
and maintenance system
(O&M). Without afor
funding strategy that prioritizes system preservation,
at least three reasons. First, O&M spending is not reflected in the backlog.
maintenance may continue to be deferred, which
With the aging of the system, maintenance has become
would result a higher and
in further deterioration priority.
in a less cost
effective and less reliable system.
Second, navigation projects make up only a portion of the backlog ($4.1 bil-
lion) (Carter and Stern 2011); most of the
committee relates to waterways
finds that more in-
reliance on a “user-
frastructure serving other purposes suchpays”as
floodstrategy for the commercial navigation
system is feasible, would generate new revenues for
maintenance, and would promote economic
Third, not all of the projects in the navigation
efficiency. backlog are priorities. In
contrast to its practice for other modes, Congress authorizes and appro-
The committee suggests that an asset management
priates funds on a project-by-project basis. Benefit–cost
program focused on economic efficiency, fully
implemented and linked to the budgeting process,
________________ would help prioritize maintenance spending and
ascertain the funding levels required for reliable
freight service.
15The bill required the Secretary of the Army to identify a list of projects
totaling $18 billion that would qualify for the TRB Special ReportHowever,
315 webcast.

Congress also authorized 34 new construction projects,

View the press release. which added
nearly $16 billion to the federal backlog. The number of authorized
projects is likely to grow through allowed forms of congressionally di-
rected spending. 17/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

Funding andisManaging
analysis the U.S. Inland
used to determine Waterways
whether System:
a construction What meets
projects Po… a
minimum threshold of eligibility for pursuing authorization and appropri-
ations and is generally suitable for this purpose,16 but the lack of a prioriti-
zation processMyNAP
basedmembers save assessment
on a formal TRB Special Report 315: Funding and Managing the U.S.
of system needs has resulted
10% online. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Makers Need to
in the authorization of more projects than can bethe
Know explores funded
role andwithin
importancethe of con-
Login or Register to federally funded inland waterways system, priorities
straints of the budget. The current practice is for OMB to set a minimum
save! for future investment, its beneficiaries, and sources of
benefit–cost ratio that projects must meet to be included in the
President’s annual Download
budget request. 17
Free PDF While benefit–cost
In recent years, the inland analysis
waterwaysis usedhasin
determining whether a project meets atransported
minimum threshold
six to seven percent forof authoriza-
all domestic ton-
miles of cargo. The system is a small but important
tion, there is no indication that projects are further ranked against each
component of the national freight system, particularly
other during the authorization processfor(GAO 2010). Because
bulk commodities. The studymore projects
committee finds that,
in order to ensure efficient use
are authorized than can be funded, priorities are sorted out in the budget- of limited navigation
resources, the most critical need for the inland
ing and appropriations process, in which both system
waterways the executive branch
is a sustainable and
and well-executed
Congress participate. IWUB, as part of plan for maintaining
a capital projects system reliability and
business model,
performance. Reliability and performance will depend
has proposed projects that might serveonasplacing
a starting pointonfor
higher priority evaluating
investments in
the urgency of needed repairs throughoutoperations and maintenance
the system (Inland (O&M).
MarineWithout a
funding strategy that prioritizes system preservation,
Transportation System Capital Investment Strategy
maintenance Team to2010).
may continue be deferred, which
would result in further deterioration and in a less cost
For these reasons, a method for prioritizing
effective projects on the
and less reliable basis of the
service needs of the system may be more useful than an attempt to esti-
The committee finds that more reliance on a “user-
mate and seek funding for the entire backlog. As strategy
pays” funding for O&M, for theacommercial
system is feasible, would generate new revenues for
process is needed for prioritizing spending for capital projects for con-
maintenance, and would promote economic
struction and major rehabilitation andefficiency.
to ascertain the level of funding re-
quired across the system to maintain reliable freight service.
The committee suggests that an asset management
(Prioritization is discussed in Chapter 4.)
program focused on economic efficiency, fully
implemented and linked to the budgeting process,
________________ would help prioritize maintenance spending and
ascertain the funding levels required for reliable
freight service.
16However, USACE’s implementation of benefit–cost analysis has received
View the TRB Special Report 315 webcast.
numerous critiques mainly related to the use of optimistic traffic
projections. View the press release.

17Although the benefit-to-cost ratio (BCR) must exceed 1.0, BCR thresholds
and other criteria used by the administration vary annually. In recent
years, more stringent and differentiated criteria have been used to select
projects for funding. For the FY 2015 budget, a BCR of 2.5 was required for
construction projects. See 18/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…
Funding and Managing
Furthermore, annualthe U.S. Inland
changes in BCRWaterways
and the What use ofPo… other BCR
criteria have resulted in some projects qualifying for one year’s budget re-
quest but not qualifying in subsequent years. For example, instead of using
a traditional MyNAP
BCR metric for the
members saveFY 2007
TRBbudget request
Special Report for incomplete
315: Funding and Managing the U.S.
projects, OMB used
10% Inland Waterways System: What metric.
a remaining-benefit-to-remaining-cost
online. Policy Makers Need to
Know explores the role and importance of the
rationale wasLogin
if Register
the costtoof a project has funded
federally increasedinland dramatically
waterways system,sincepriorities
it was authorized, the updated cost may forhave
future become
its beneficiaries,
thanand thesources of
benefits. Different BCR cutoffs have been used for projects of different
types in the past. For example,Freethe
PDF In recent years, theFY
administration’s inland
budget system
transported six to seven percent of all domestic ton-
quest required ongoing navigation andmiles flood control
of cargo. projects
The system generally
is a small to
but important
have a BCR greater than 2.5; new projects needed
component tonational
of the have afreight
for bulk commodities. The study committee finds that,
than 3.2. in order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
resources, the most critical need for the inland
waterways system is a sustainable and well-executed
plan for maintaining system reliability and
performance. Reliability and performance will depend
on placing higher priority on investments in
A number of temporary measures haveoperations
been taken in an attempt
and maintenance to stabi-
(O&M). Without a
lize the IWTF. Beginning in 2005, the Bush
fundingadministration andsystem
strategy that prioritizes Congress
maintenance may continue to be deferred, which
increased annual budget appropriations for IWTF-funded construction
would result in further deterioration and in a less cost
projects. Congress also exempted the fund temporarily
effective and less reliablefrom
system. the usual
cost-sharing requirements, provided additional federal general revenues
The committee finds that more reliance on a “user-
(through the American Recovery and Reinvestment
pays” funding strategyActfor
2009, which
commercial ac-
system is feasible, would generate
counted for the spike in federal spending for 2010 in Figure 3-2), and new revenues for
maintenance, and would promote economic
waived the IWTF cost-sharing requirements
efficiency.for specific projects.

The committee
Cost escalations and schedule delays have been ofsuggests that anconcern
particular asset management
program focused on economic efficiency, fully
one project, the Olmsted Locks and Dam on the and
implemented Ohio River
linked to theinbudgeting
part of WRRDA 2014, Congress altered would help prioritize maintenance
the construction cost share spending
for and
ascertain the funding levels required for reliable
Olmsted project, which was contributing toservice.
freight the depletion of the IWTF, to
redress a perceived inequity to commercial users and help restore the
View the TRB Special Report 315 webcast.
IWTF balance. The provision for Olmsted requires the federal government
to pay 85 percent of construction costsViewforthethe
press release. (instead of the
usual 50 percent). The act also specified changes in project planning and
delivery, with the intent of avoiding such cost overruns in the future.

7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

Federal legislation specifies the waterways subject to the collection of fuel

Funding and Managing
tax revenues (Figurethe
see Inland Waterways
Appendix A for a moreSystem: Whatdescription
detailed Po… of
fuel-taxed waterways). Fuel tax revenues totaled $85,754,000 in 2011, the
last year for which comparable data on both fuel tax revenues and expen-
ditures are available (Dager 2013).
MyNAP members save This TRB
amount was 315:
Special Report about 49 and
Funding percent
Managingofthe U.S.
the 2011 administration Inland Waterways
10% online. budget for construction System:
costs. TheWhat Policy Makers
budget Need to
for in-
Know explores the role and importance of the
land navigation or Register
O&M in 2011towas morefederally
than $550
fundedmillion; however,
inland waterways fuel
system, priorities
tax revenues are only for constructionfor andfuture
O&M. its beneficiaries, and sources of
The increase in theDownload
barge fuel taxPDF
Free passed by the
In recent 113th
years, Congress
the inland waterwaysinsystem
consistent with the proposal of IWUB in transported six to projects
its capital seven percent of all domestic ton-
miles of cargo. The system is a small but important
model report (Inland Marine Transportation
component System Capital
of the national Investment
freight system, particularly
Strategy Team 2010). The new rate of $0.29
for bulkper gallon The
commodities. is 45 percent
study committeeabove
finds that,
in order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
the current tax of $0.20 per gallon. [Asresources,
with the original tax of $0.20 per
the most critical need for the inland
gallon, the increased fuel tax would notwaterways
be indexed
system foris a sustainable and well-executed
plan for maintaining system reliability and
performance. Reliability and performance will depend
on placing higher priority on investments in
operations and maintenance (O&M). Without a
funding strategy that prioritizes system preservation,
maintenance may continue to be deferred, which
would result in further deterioration and in a less cost
effective and less reliable system.

The committee finds that more reliance on a “user-

pays” funding strategy for the commercial navigation
system is feasible, would generate new revenues for
maintenance, and would promote economic

The committee suggests that an asset management

program focused on economic efficiency, fully
implemented and linked to the budgeting process,
would help prioritize maintenance spending and
ascertain the funding levels required for reliable
freight service.

View the TRB Special Report 315 webcast.

View the press release.

FIGURE 3-3 Map of inland waterways indicating where fuel taxes apply. 20/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

SOURCE: P.L. 95-502, October 21, 1978; P.L. 99-662, November 17, 1986.
Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Po…

inflation andMyNAP
would members
not include
savea capital
Special Reportmechanism
315: Funding andlinking
the U.S.
Inland Waterways System: What Policy Makers Need to
ture taxes to 10% online.
expenditures (Stern 2014).Know
action on these concerns
the role and importance of the
Login or Register to
would require separate legislation and federally
falls under
waterways system,of the
save! for future investment, its beneficiaries, and sources of
House and Senate taxation committees.] Estimated revenue from the pro-
posed fuel tax increase is not sufficient to pay to maintain the system, and
other sources of funding areFree PDF (see
required In recent years, the inland waterways system has
Chapter 5 for details). As ex-
transported six to seven percent of all domestic ton-
plained, fuel tax revenues are dedicatedmiles only to capital
of cargo. spending
The system and
is a small but not
O&M, and the federal government must component
match of thetheuser
national freight system, particularly
contribution for
for bulk commodities. The study committee finds that,
capital costs while paying all of the O&M costs.
in order Federal
to ensure funding
efficient for capital
use of limited navigation
projects therefore competes with federal resources,
fundsthefor most criticalAs
O&M. need for the inland
indicated in
waterways system is a sustainable and well-executed
the next section, for historical reasons,plan theforfederal cost
maintaining share
system andand
reliability general
revenue spending for the system as a proportion of totaland
performance. Reliability costs are greater
performance will depend
on placing higher priority on investments in
for the inland waterways system than for the other
operations freight transportation
and maintenance (O&M). Without a
modes. funding strategy that prioritizes system preservation,
maintenance may continue to be deferred, which
would result in further deterioration and in a less cost
Federal Involvement Compared with Other Transportation Modes
effective and less reliable system.

States and private enterprise led the initial building

The committee findsofthat
inland waterways
more reliance on a “user-
pays” funding strategy for the commercial navigation
infrastructure and charged for use of the waterways. Federal involvement
system is feasible, would generate new revenues for
in the inland waterways system began maintenance,
in the 18thand century, wheneconomic
would promote the scope
and scale of inland waterways projectsefficiency.
grew beyond what any private en-
tity or state could or would take on, especially
The committeewithout
suggeststhethatability to real-
an asset management
program focused
ize a monetary return on investment. Congress made on economic efficiency,invest-
these federal fully
implemented and linked to the budgeting process,
ments to promote inland waterways commerce, whichmaintenance
would help prioritize was central to the
spending and
ascertain the funding levels
economic development of the United States. This history has led to a required for reliable
freight service.
unique federal role in the inland waterways system among all the freight
transportation modes. View the TRB Special Report 315 webcast.

View the press release.

Today, waterborne transportation is the only freight mode for which
Congress authorizes and appropriates funds (for construction and O&M)
on a project-by-project basis. Federal management and decision-making
responsibilities for freight transportation generally are fragmented across
jurisdictional lines in Congress, multiple federal agencies, and different si-
los of funding. Whereas USACE and the U.S. Coast Guard (part of the 21/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

Department of Homeland Security) manage the marine and inland water-

waysand Managing
systems, theDepartment
the U.S. U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Po…

MyNAP members save TRB Special Report 315: Funding and Managing the U.S.
10% online. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Makers Need to
of Transportation has responsibilities for highway, aviation, rail, and pipe-
Know explores the role and importance of the
Login or Register to
line. Various congressional committeesfederally
are responsible for authorizations
funded inland waterways system, priorities
save! for future investment, its beneficiaries, and sources of
and appropriations for the different modes. Decisions about inland water-
ways investments, including ports, channels, and infrastructure, are made
Download Free PDF In recent years, the inland waterways system has
largely at the federal level.18 However, transported
most decisionssix to sevenabout
percenthighway in- ton-
of all domestic
vestments are made at the state and metropolitan
miles of cargo. The levels.
system For ports,
is a small invest-
but important
component of the national freight system, particularly
ment decisions are made mainly by independent private entities and
for bulk commodities. The study committee finds that,
sometimes by state or bi-state port authorities. As private
in order to ensure transport
efficient use in-
of limited navigation
resources, the most critical need for the inland
dustries, railroads and pipelines make their own decisions about
waterways system is a sustainable and well-executed
investments. plan for maintaining system reliability and
performance. Reliability and performance will depend
on placing
Public and private shares of funding also differhigher
across priority on investments
modes. Highways,in
operations and maintenance (O&M). Without a
aviation, ports (harbor and channel dredging and maintenance),
funding strategy and
that prioritizes system the
inland waterways all receive federal aidmaintenance
for capital maycosts.
continueInto addition,
be deferred, the
would result in further deterioration and in a less cost
inland waterways, harbors, and channels receive
effective federal
and less reliable general
system. revenues
support for O&M. Rail and pipeline, with which the inland waterways sys-
The committee finds that more reliance on a “user-
tem competes to some degree, are almost
pays” entirely private
funding strategy enterprises,
for the commercial navigation
system is feasible,19would
with minimal federal assistance for infrastructure. For generate new revenues
highways, the for
maintenance, and would promote economic
federal government pays a significant share for new construction, but
O&M is a state and local financial responsibility.
The committee suggests that an asset management
program focused on economic efficiency, fully
The federal government, through general revenues,
implemented paystomore
and linked for water
the budgeting process,
transportation as a percentage of totalwould
O&M help
andprioritize maintenance costs
construction spending and
ascertain the funding levels required for reliable
pared with federal contributions to highways and rail. For the inland wa-
freight service.
terways system, federal support is used to cover a large shortfall between
View the TRB Special Report 315 webcast.
the fees paid by users and total system costs. In contrast, fees paid by the
users of highway and rail modes cover View the press
a much release.share of the capital
and O&M costs of those transportation systems. General federal tax rev-
enues pay about 90 percent of total inland waterways system costs, in-
cluding the construction, operations, and maintenance of barge naviga-
tion infrastructure

________________ 22/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

The federal government has other important roles related to regulating
Funding and Managing
and securing access the U.S. Inlandand
to petroleum Waterways
other fuelSystem:
suppliesWhat Po…
for transporta-
tion. It also sets environmental and safety standards for each mode
through regulation and provides for operation of the air traffic control
system and aids to navigation
MyNAP members save for portsTRBand waterways.
Special Highway,
Report 315: Funding aviation,
and Managing the U.S.
10% online. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Makers Need to
and rail transport both freight and passengers, which has consequences
Know explores the role and importance of the
Login or Register
for federal involvement to
in passenger safety
funded inlandfor thosesystem,
waterways modes.priorities
save! for future investment, its beneficiaries, and sources of
19 funding.
Railroads did receive land grants from federal and state governments in
the 19th century and Freein
assistance PDF
building networks
In recent through
years, the inland exercise
waterways of
system has
transported six to seven percent of all domestic ton-
eminent domain. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission can exercise
miles of cargo. The system is a small but important
eminent domain for siting natural gas component
transmission lines. freight system, particularly
of the national
for bulk commodities. The study committee finds that,
in order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
resources, the most critical need for the inland
waterways system is a sustainable and well-executed
plan for maintaining system reliability and
20 performance.
(TRB 2009). This compares with virtually Reliability
no federal and performance
general revenue will depend
on placing higher priority on investments in
support for rail system users and pipeline, and and
operations historically
maintenanceonly (O&M).about
Without25 a
funding strategy that prioritizes
percent federal support for highways, which are primarily derived from system preservation,
maintenance may continue to be deferred, which
user fees (Federal Highway Administration, U.S. inDepartment
would result of and in a less cost
further deterioration
Transportation, Highway Statistics 2010 ).21 (See
effective andBox
less reliable
3-1 for system.
further discus-
sion of federal subsidies across freight The
transportation modes.)
committee finds that more reliance on a “user-
pays” funding strategy for the commercial navigation
system is feasible,
Decisions About Federal Funding and Beneficiary would generate
Payments fornew
therevenues for
maintenance, and would promote economic
Commercial Inland Waterways Systemefficiency.

In a climate of constrained federal funds committee
O&M that an asset management
becoming a
program focused on economic efficiency, fully
greater part of the inland navigation budget,
implementeda pressing
and linked policy issue is
to the budgeting how
to pay to preserve the inland waterways system
would for commercial
help prioritize naviga-
maintenance spending and
ascertain the funding levels required for reliable
tion. The structures (locks and dams) built and maintained for freight
freight service.
transportation have resulted in beneficiaries beyond commercial naviga-
View the TRB Special Report 315 webcast.
tion. It is reasonable and, from an economic perspective, potentially effi-
ciency enhancing to consider whether View
these beneficiaries
the press release. could help pay
for the system. Congress, in the 2014 WRRDA (Section 2004, Inland
Waterways Revenue Studies), called for a study of whether and how the
various beneficiaries of the waterways might be charged. The sections be-
low assess the available evidence on benefits of the inland waterways used 23/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

for freight transportation and the economic and practical considerations

Funding and Managing
in charging the U.S.received.
for the benefits Inland Waterways System: What Po…

MyNAP members
Commercial navigation is thesave
primary TRB Special Reportof315:
beneficiary theFunding
inlandand Managing
waterways the U.S.
Inland Waterways System: What Policy Makers Need to
system. This 10% online.
is recognized by USACE inKnowtheexplores
primary criterion
the role used ofinthe
and importance de-
Login or Register to
termining investments for the system.federally funded inlandand
The framework waterways system, priorities
approach to
save! for future investment, its beneficiaries, and sources of
benefit–cost analysis that USACE uses funding.
in helping

Download Free PDF

________________ In recent years, the inland waterways system has
transported six to seven percent of all domestic ton-
miles of cargo. The system is a small but important
20 This figure is based on user fee revenues that equaled 10 percent of in-
component of the national freight system, particularly
land waterways capital (construction and for bulk commodities.
major The study committee
rehabilitation) and oper- finds that,
in order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
ating expenditures (O&M) in 2006: capital expenditures,
resources, the most critical$0.5
needbillion; oper-
for the inland
ating expenditures, $0.4 billion; user fee system$0.1
revenues, is a sustainable and well-executed
billion. Commercial
plan for maintaining system reliability and
users are required by legislation to contribute
performance. only to capital
Reliability improve-
and performance will depend
ment costs and are not required to pay for O&M expenditures. See TRB
on placing higher priority on investments in
operations and maintenance (O&M). Without a
2009 (99, Table 3-5). funding strategy that prioritizes system preservation,
maintenance may continue to be deferred, which
21 In recent years, large general fund transfers
would resulthave been
in further made toandthe
deterioration in a less cost
effective and less reliable system.
Highway Trust Fund and the Aviation Trust Fund to maintain their sol-
vency. These transfers have resulted from a political
The committee findsstalemate thatonhas
that more reliance af-
a “user-
pays” funding strategy for the commercial navigation
fected investments in highway, air, andsystem
waterways transportation since
is feasible, would generate new revenues for
the 1990s by preventing the raising of user taxes,and
maintenance, which
wouldin past economic
promote decades
had been increased regularly as needs arose.
The committee suggests that an asset management
program focused on economic efficiency, fully
implemented and linked to the budgeting process,
would help prioritize maintenance spending and
ascertain the funding levels required for reliable
freight service.
BOX 3-1
View the TRB Special Report 315 webcast.
Federal Subsidies for the Various Freight Transportation Modes
View the press release.
Federal subsidies for the various freight modes are complicated and
contested among advocates for the modes, in part because of dis-
agreements about (a) direct subsidies that are funded by various public
sources and (b) indirect subsidies that result from costs imposed on
the public (externalities) that are not part of market transactions be- 24/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

tween shippers and carriers. No authoritative study has estimated ei-

Funding and
ther Managing
direct the U.S.
or indirect Inlandacross
subsidies Waterways System:
the various What
freight Po… al-
though a previous Transportation Research Board study (TRB 1996) de-
veloped and pilot-tested a methodology for estimating freight external
costs. MyNAP members save TRB Special Report 315: Funding and Managing the U.S.
10% online. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Makers Need to
Assessing direct subsidies Know explores the role
is more straightforward amongand importance
the modes of the
Login or Register to federally funded inland waterways system, priorities
with whichsave!
water competes (rail, pipeline, and,
for future to a much
investment, lesser de-
its beneficiaries, and sources of
gree, trucking). Freight railroads are private entities that fund the vast
bulk of their operations
PDF and maintenance
In recent years, the inland spending fromhas
waterways system
their own funds. Limited federal funds transported six to seven
are available forpercent
grade of separa-
all domestic ton-
miles of cargo. The system is a small but important
tion projects (to separate traffic for safety
component andof mobility), a modest
the national freight system, fed-
eral loan guarantee program is available (principally
for bulk commodities. The forstudy
short lines),finds that,
and state governments occasionally in order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
provide public funding for such
resources, the most critical need for the inland
purposes as raising bridges or tunnels for double-stack
waterways trainsand
system is a sustainable orwell-executed
plan for maintaining
improve rail access to state ports. Although system reliability
public funding and
is minimal
performance. Reliability and performance will depend
in proportion to the $20 billion to $25 on billion railroads
placing higher priority have invested
on investments in in
operations and maintenance (O&M). Without a
capital stock annually since 2007,a railroad modal competitors point
funding strategy that prioritizes system preservation,
out that many railroad rights-of-waymaintenance
were initially giventoin
may continue bethe 19thwhich
century by the federal government and would result into
states further deterioration
encourage and in a less cost
effective and less reliable system.
development. Because pipelines are entirely private, the evaluation of
The committee
subsidies is easier than for rail. Although finds that more
long-distance reliance on a “user-
pays” funding strategy for the commercial navigation
competition is unlikely because of the much
system higher
is feasible, cost
would of truck
generate new revenues for
movements per ton-mile, there may maintenance, and would promote
be short segments in whicheconomic
and barge would compete. The trucking assessment of competitive
subsidies is most complex because trucksThe committee suggests that
use highways an asset
that aremanagement
program focused on economic efficiency, fully
with passengers. Although both freight and passenger
implemented operators
and linked to the budgetingpay
fuel taxes and other user would help prioritize maintenance spending and
ascertain the funding levels required for reliable
freight service.
View the TRB Special Report 315 webcast.
Association of American Railroads. Freight Railroad Expenditure on
View the press release.
Infrastructure and Equipment.
Rail-Investments-Power-America%27s-Economy.aspx. Accessed May
21, 2015. 25/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Po…
fees, there is continued debate about whether the largest and heaviest
trucks pay their share of the costs of building and maintaining high-
ways (GAO MyNAP
2012). Moreover,
members save after decades of relying
TRB Special Report 315:almost exclusively
Funding and Managing the U.S.
on federal and online.user fees to fundInland
10% state Waterwaysand
interstate System: What Policyhigh-
intercity Makers Need to
Know explores the role and importance of the
ways, in theLogin
to has usedfunded
federally generalinlandfunds to supple-
waterways system, priorities
save!revenues to the Highway
ment user fee Trust
for future Fund (HTF)
investment, for theand
its beneficiaries, fed-
sources of
eral share of highway capital spending (CBO 2014). (Improved fuel
economy and political Free PDFto Inraising
opposition fuelthe
recent years, taxes
inlandhave resulted
waterways systeminhas
transported six to seven percent of all domestic ton-
insufficient user fees into the HTF tomiles payoffor the federal share of high-
cargo. The system is a small but important
way capital improvements.) These general componentfund subsidies
of the to highway
national freight system, particularly
users, of course, apply to both trucks and passengers, and, as noted,finds that,
for bulk commodities. The study committee
in order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
truck–barge competition is fairly limited.resources, the most critical need for the inland
waterways system is a sustainable and well-executed
plan for maintaining
Indirect subsidies lack definitive estimates in the form system
external and
performance. Reliability and performance will depend
costs imposed on the public, but GAOon(2011)
placingprovides a high-level
higher priority on investmentscom-in
operations and
parison of external costs of freight shipments bymaintenance
water, rail,(O&M).
and Without a
funding strategy that prioritizes system preservation,
trucking. For air pollution in the form of particulates,
maintenance may continuefortoexample,
be deferred, which
GAO (2011) estimates that trucking external costs
would result aredeterioration
in further 6.7 times and higher
in a less cost
effective and less reliable system.
than those of rail and 10.2 times higher than those of water. While
such comparisons are useful for providing a sense
The committee findsof national
that scale,
more reliance on a “user-
pays” funding strategy for the commercial navigation
they are only meaningful to the extent that one mode can substitute
system is feasible, would generate new revenues for
for another in specific origin–destination (O-D)and
maintenance, markets. Moreover,
would promote economic
national comparisons mask the subcorridor impacts where locally
similar modal volume or intense activity by rail suggests
The committee or inland water
that an modes
asset management
produces greater impact or providesprogram
higherfocused on economic
benefits. As notedefficiency,
in fully
implemented and linked to the budgeting process,
Chapter 2, there are markets where truck andprioritize
would help rail compete
spending and
head and markets where rail and water compete, but trucking isforin-
ascertain the funding levels required reliable
freight service.
volved in at least one segment of all freight moves and often two, and
there are markets where the rail andView the TRB
water Specialcomplement
modes Report 315 webcast.each
other. Whereas trucks can serve almost all press
View the O-Drelease.
pairs because of the
ubiquity of roads and highways, and railroads reach many O-D pairs as
well, barge transportation is limited by the availability of and access to
navigable rivers and coasts. Thus, estimates of direct and indirect sub- 26/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

sidies are meaningful in specific subcorridors for specific

Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Po…

MyNAP members save TRB Special Report 315: Funding and Managing the U.S.
10% online. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Makers Need to
Know explores the role and importance of the
Congress determine when federal
Login or Register to spending is justified for new construc-
federally funded inland waterways system, priorities
tion and major rehabilitation projects for
based on theits1983
investment, Economic
beneficiaries, and of
and sources
Environmental Principles and Guidelines for Water and Related Land
Resources Implementation Studies (known
Free PDF as the
In recent Principles
years, and system has
the inland waterways
transported six to seven percent of all domestic ton-
Guidelines).22 The Principles and Guidelines prioritize the national net eco-
miles of cargo. The system is a small but important
nomic development benefit defined in terms of commercial
component navigation
of the national freight and
system, particularly
for bulk commodities. The study committee finds that,
operationalized as savings in shippers’ intransportation costs.
order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
resources, the most critical need for the inland
According to the most recent and wide-ranging
waterways system attempt to catalogue
is a sustainable and
and well-executed
plan for maintaining system reliability and
estimate the benefits of the inland waterways system, benefits beyond
performance. Reliability and performance will depend
commercial navigation may include hydropower
on placing highergeneration, recreation,
priority on investments in
flood damage avoidance, municipal water operations
supply, andirrigation,
maintenance (O&M).
higher Without
prop- a
funding strategy that prioritizes system preservation,
erty values for property owners, sewage assimilation,
maintenance mosquito
may continue control,
to be deferred, which
would result in further deterioration
lower consumer costs because the availability of barge shipping may result and in a less cost
effective and less reliable system.
in more competitive railroad pricing (referred to as water-compelled
The committee
rates), and environmental benefits associated withfinds that more
lower fuelreliance on a “user-
emissions of
pays” funding strategy for the commercial navigation
barge compared with other modes (Bray et al.
system 2011). would
is feasible, The available
generate newevidence
revenues for
on nonnavigation benefits that may result maintenance,
locallyand is would promote economic
incomplete and incon-
clusive. Bray et al.’s list includes many possible local benefits and national
The committee
benefits. Some of the benefits may be viewed suggests thatfrom
as transfers an asset
part of
program focused on economic efficiency, fully
the economy to another. For example, implemented
in cases where and linkedlower
to therail ratesprocess,
budgeting may
exist because of barge competition, thewouldresulting savings
help prioritize in transportation
maintenance spending and
ascertain the funding levels required for reliable
costs are classified by USACE as a transfer to shippers (and a loss to rail
freight service.
lines), not a net national economic benefit. (See Box 3-2 for further discus-
View the TRB Special Report 315 webcast.
sion of the available research on the issue of water-compelled rates.)
View the press release.

22 The Principles and Guidelines are available at
Id=269&Option=Principles%20and%20Guidelines (accessed June 3, 2015).
The Principles and Guidelines remain in effect. They were issued by the 27/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

federal Water Resources Council, a body that no longer exists. In the

Waterand Managing
Resources the U.S. Inland
Development Waterways
Act of 2007, Congress System: What Po…
instructed the
Secretary of the Army to develop a new set of Principles and Guidelines
for USACE. However, these guidelines have long been under review and
are viewed asMyNAP
membersThe save new guidance, if implemented,
TRB Special Report would the U.S.
315: Funding and Managing
have no effect10%
ononline. Inland Waterways
how the national economic System: What
development Policy Makers
benefit Need to
is cal-
Know explores the role and importance of the
Login or Register
culated for commercial to
navigation. federally funded inland waterways system, priorities
save! for future investment, its beneficiaries, and sources of
23 Shipper savings are measured as thefunding.
difference in costs between mov-
Download Free
ing a volume of a commodity PDFan origin
from In recent to a destination
years, the inland waterwaysby using
system has the
waterway for all or part of the movement transported six to seven
and moving thepercent
same of all domestic ton-
miles of cargo. The system is a small but important
ity without using the waterway. Shipper savingsofmay
component also be
the national realized
freight if the
system, particularly
for bulk commodities.
alternative results in a reduction in scheduled or unscheduledThe study committee
lock un-finds that,
in order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
availability for moving the commodity resources,
by usingthethe mostwaterway
critical need for
for theallinland
part of the movement. Estimation of the waterways system
benefits ofisreducing
a sustainableunscheduled
and well-executed
plan for maintaining system reliability and
unavailability requires prediction of theperformance.
probability of the
Reliability andfacility
performancebeing will depend
unable to pass traffic, and the estimate is a function of a condition assess-
on placing higher priority on investments in
operations and maintenance (O&M). Without a
ment for the facility. USACE has well-developed procedures for making
funding strategy that prioritizes system preservation,
such benefit and cost calculations (Engineer Regulation
maintenance may continue 1105-2-100).
to be deferred, which
would result in further deterioration and in a less cost
effective and less reliable system.

The committee finds that more reliance on a “user-

pays” funding strategy for the commercial navigation
system is feasible, would generate new revenues for
BOX 3-2 maintenance, and would promote economic
The Issue of Water-Compelled Rates The committee suggests that an asset management
program focused on economic efficiency, fully
Analysts have built models to demonstrate howandwater-compelled
implemented linked to the budgetingrates
should play out in theory (Anderson and help prioritize
2008). maintenance spending and
Some theory
ascertain the funding levels required for reliable
and empirical evidence indicate that freight
rail rates
service.are lower the closer the
water alternative is to the shipper (McMullen 1991; MacDonald 1987;
View the TRB Special Report 315 webcast.
Burton and Wilson 2006; Harbor 2009; Burton 1993; Burton 1995).
However, McMullen (1991) and BurtonView the press
(1993) findrelease.
that intramodal com-
petition (presence of a second railroad) may also help explain the con-
strained rail rates. Furthermore, Burton and Wilson (2006) find that
for situations in which a segment of the rail network competes with
barge and then connects to a rail monopoly segment, the rail rates on
the segment with barge competition may be lower, but the rail rates 28/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

on the monopoly segment are often higher than comparable rail-only

Funding and Managing
monopoly segmentsthefor
same Waterways
commodities. System:
Thus, the What Po… likely
receives no net benefit in these cases. The evidence also indicates that
shippers of bulk commodities need to be relatively close to navigable
rivers to benefit
MyNAPfrom water-compelled
members save rates.Report
TRB Special Harbor (2009)
315: Funding andfound
Managing the U.S.
that the further a shipment originates
10% online. Inland Waterways
from waterSystem: What Policy Makers
competition, the Need to
Know explores the role and importance of the
higher the Login or Register
rail rate. to
Corn shippers located
federally100 miles
funded inlandfrom a barge
waterways system, priorities
loading point pay 18.5 percent higherforrail future investment,
rates its beneficiaries,
than those located and50
sources of
miles from water. Soybean shippers located 100 miles from water pay
rail rates 13.4 percent Freethan
higher PDF shipments
In recent years, the inland waterways
originating 50 miles system has
transported six to seven percent of all domestic ton-
from a barge loading point. When shippers require
miles of cargo. movement
The system of their
is a small but important
commodities to the river by truck orcomponent
short-line railroad,
of the theysystem,
national freight mustparticularly
for bulk commodities. The study committee finds that,
balance the cost of these movementsinand transfers with the benefit of
order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
an all-rail movement. resources, the most critical need for the inland
waterways system is a sustainable and well-executed
According to economic principles, theplan for maintaining
most efficient system
wayreliability and
to allocate
performance. Reliability and performance will depend
resources would be for the price of the modehigher
on placing to be set according
priority on investmentstoin its
marginal cost and for the market to operations
decide the andshares
maintenance (O&M). Without
of freight to bea
funding strategy that prioritizes system preservation,
carried by each mode (see Chapter 5 maintenance
for further maydiscussion).
continue to be However,
deferred, which
shippers of bulk commodities contend would
thatresult in furtherbarge
without deterioration and in a less cost
effective and less reliable system.
tion there is insufficient competition for transportation of their com-
modities to ensure efficient resourceThe committee finds
allocation. that more reliance
Specifically, many on coal
a “user-
pays” funding strategy for the commercial navigation
and agricultural shippers and receivers
systemassert thatwould
is feasible, theygenerate
are “captive”
new revenues for
to a single railroad that can exercisemaintenance,
market power in the
and would setting
promote of
rates and that a water alternative is needed to protect them from mo-
nopoly rates. Congress has been sensitive to this
The committee suggests that an asset management
program focused on economic efficiency, fully
implemented and linked to the budgeting process,
would help prioritize maintenance spending and
ascertain the funding levels required for reliable
freight service.

View the TRB Special Report 315 webcast.

argument. After deregulating the railroads in 1980, Congress directed
View the press release.
the Interstate Commerce Commission [and later the Surface
Transportation Board (STB)] to balance the interests of railroads and
shippers in cases with insufficient competition. The technical and pol-
icy issues concerning the performance of STB are complex. A study in 29/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

parallel with this one is under way to examine STB’s performance and
Funding and Managing
suggest reforms tothe U.S. Inland
address Waterways
shipper concerns. System: What Po…

A possible national
MyNAP benefit
in Special
the inland
Report 315:waterways is the en-
Funding and Managing the U.S.
vironmental 10% online. that barge mayInland
advantage haveWaterways
over other System:modes:
What Policy Makers Need to
Know explores the role and importance of the
lower fuel usage or Register
ton-mile to than other transportation
federally modessystem,
funded inland waterways may result
in lower air emissions. Whether barge for orfuture
rail is the more
investment, energy-efficient
its beneficiaries, and sources of
mode (measured as fuel use per ton-mile) depends in large part on the wa-
ter route, since theDownload
increased Free PDF of
circuity someyears,
In recent rivers offsets
the inland the reduced
waterways system has
transported six to seven percent of all domestic ton-
energy required to move products by water (see Appendix G for details of
miles of cargo. The system is a small but important
the committee’s assessment of the availablecomponent research and its
of the national examination
freight system, particularly
for bulk commodities. The study committee finds that,
of data for selected major corridors). A comprehensive analysis at the sub-
in order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
corridor level would be needed to obtain a better
resources, understanding
the most of inland
critical need for the the
waterways system is a sustainable
magnitude of the benefit. Challenges of such an analysis would be (a) the and well-executed
plan for maintaining system reliability and
difficulty of modeling the potential forperformance.
commodities to shift
Reliability modes and
and performance (b)
will depend
accounting for the comparative reliance on placing
on truck higher priority on investments
movements to andinfrom
operations and maintenance (O&M). Without a
the water and rail modes. Both rail andfunding
can depend on system
that prioritizes truckspreservation,
move commodities from the origin to the maintenance
rail ormay watercontinue to be deferred,
terminal which
and from
would result in further deterioration and in a less cost
the rail or water line-haul movement to the ultimate
effective destination.
and less reliable system. Since
trucking involves much greater energy and emissions per ton-mile than
The committee finds that more reliance on a “user-
either water or rail (GAO 2011), the distances of commodity
pays” funding strategy for the movement by
commercial navigation
truck to the true origin and destination affects
system the net
is feasible, wouldenergy
generate and emis- for
new revenues
maintenance, and would promote economic
sion benefits of movement by either mode. efficiency.

A full assessment of environmental benefit wouldsuggests

The committee also need toasset
that an account for
program focused on economic efficiency, fully
the environmental damages associatedimplemented
with maintaining waterways for
and linked to the budgeting process,
navigation. The mitigation of environmental
would helpcosts is considered
prioritize in bene-
maintenance spending and
ascertain the funding
fit–cost analyses for construction and major rehabilitation levels required for reliable
freight service.

View the TRB Special Report 315 webcast.

View the press release.

projects for which it is classified as an aquatic ecosystem benefit, under-
stood as restoration of some of the preproject conditions with regard to
pattern and timing of river flows that may result from changes in a
facility.24 30/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

Congestion reduction is another possible environmental benefit of barge,

Funding andthat
and one Managing
USACEthemayU.S. Inland
include in Waterways
benefit–costSystem: analysis,What but itPo… is difficult
to assess. A reduction in congestion may be realized if the availability of
barge results in traffic shifts from an alternative mode to the waterways.
The initial assumption of thesave
MyNAP members investmentTRBanalysis
Special Report typically
315: Fundingis and
that the al-
Managing the U.S.
ternative modes—rail, Inland Waterways System:
10% online.highway, and pipeline—have What Policy
sufficient Makers to
capacity Need to
Know explores the role and importance of the
Login or
continue to move Register
traffic to
at current rates without
federally fundedthe waterway
inland improve-
waterways system, priorities
ment and that congestion reduction could for future
notinvestment, its beneficiaries,
be a benefit. For that andas-
sources of
sumption to be modified, USACE’s analysis would need to show congestion
on some other mode, Download Free PDFhowIn the
demonstrate recentshift
inland waterwayswould systemre-has
transported six to seven percent of all domestic ton-
duce that congestion, and then evaluate the
miles of beneficial
cargo. The system effects of but
is a small conges-
tion reduction. Environmental Protection Agency
component models
of the mightsystem,
national freight thenparticularly
for bulk commodities. The study committee finds that,
used to estimate the impact of such a change in highway traffic on emis-
in order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
sions. Models are available for predicting the impact
resources, the most of such
critical needtraffic diver-
for the inland
waterways system is a sustainable and well-executed
sions on safety. However, all of these estimates depend on the accurate
plan for maintaining system reliability and
prediction of traffic diversion, which requires
performance. realistic
and performance of howwill depend
on placing higher priority
much modal shift will take place even if costs change substantially. To on investments in
operations and maintenance (O&M). Without a
monetize the impact of the investmentfunding on congestion reduction
strategy that prioritizes system requires
assigning a dollar value to time (for congestion may continue
savings),to betodeferred,
would result in further deterioration and in a less cost
accidents (including a value for lives saved),
effectiveand to reliable
and less emission system.reduction ef-
fects on human health and ecosystems. If such effects can be identified,
The committee finds that more reliance on a “user-
ranges of dollar values may be used forpays” estimates, but there
funding strategy may be con-
for the commercial navigation
siderable disagreement as to the monetary size of these impacts.
system is feasible, would generate new revenues for
maintenance, and would promote economic
In addition to possible reductions in emissions and congestion, oil spill
and safety advantages may result fromTheshipping
committeeby bargethat
suggests (Frittelli
an asset management
program focused on economic efficiency, fully
implemented and linked to the budgeting process,
________________ would help prioritize maintenance spending and
ascertain the funding levels required for reliable
24 If the restoration was an outcome offreight
a project
service. investment, USACE’s
procedures would allow that benefit toView
be the
claimed andReport
TRB Special made
315part of the
project cost justification, even though such river restoration benefits are
View the press release.
not monetized. However, the more common claim is that inland waterway
project investments for commercial navigation are detrimental to the
aquatic ecosystem. When that is the case, the alternative must include ac-
tions to mitigate the unavoidable adverse impacts on the aquatic environ-
ment, and the costs of those actions are part of project cost. For facilities 31/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

no longer operated for commercial navigation, restoration of preproject

Funding and Managing
conditions would bethe U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Po…
a priority.

MyNAP members save TRB Special Report 315: Funding and Managing the U.S.
Inland Waterways System: What Policy Makers Need to
2014; Frittelli10% online.
et al. 2014; GAO 2011). TheKnow
policy question for deciding on the
explores the role and importance of the
Login or Register to
federal role in funding the system is not whether
federally fundedenvironmental
inland waterways system, benefits
save! for future investment, its beneficiaries, and sources of
exist from moving freight by barge, but whether the size of the benefits
warrants current levels of federal investment required to obtain them. On
this question the evidence PDF Inbecause
uncertain recent years, the inland waterways system has
a definitive study has not
transported six to seven percent of all domestic ton-
been done. As noted above, a Transportation Research
miles of cargo. Board
The system committee
is a small but important
concluded that development of reliablecomponent
estimates of the
ofnational freight system,
the marginal costsparticularly
for bulk commodities. The study committee finds that,
shipments by truck, rail, and barge would be topossible
in order and recommended
ensure efficient use of limited navigationa
study to allow generalizations that could resources,
inform the decisions
most critical need
about for the
waterways system is a sustainable and well-executed
of federal support for surface freight transportation
plan for maintaining(TRB
federal agencies have declined to fund performance.
the data collection
Reliability andand analysis
performance willthat
on placing higher priority on investments in
would be required to develop completeoperations
and policy-relevant
and maintenance conclusions.
(O&M). Without a
funding strategy that prioritizes system preservation,
maintenance may INcontinue
to be deferred,
would result in further deterioration and in a less cost
effective and less reliable system.

In view of the constraints on federal funds and the

The committee importance
finds of O&M
that more reliance in
on a “user-
the inland navigation budget, Congresspays”
andfunding strategy for the commercial navigation
the executive office will need
system is feasible, would generate new revenues for
to decide how to pay for the system and how to prioritize
maintenance, inland
and would promote water-
ways expenditures versus other federalefficiency.
expenditures. Economic principles
for charging system users and the practicalities
The committeeofsuggests
implementing charges
that an asset management
for the benefits received are importantprogram focused on economic
considerations efficiency, fully
in an analysis of
implemented and linked to the budgeting process,
how to fund the system. would help prioritize maintenance spending and
ascertain the funding levels required for reliable
freight service. impose either marginal
According to economic principles, if beneficiaries
costs or opportunity costs, user charges will
View improve
the TRB economic
Special Report efficiency
315 webcast.
(Chapter 5 describes the economic rationale for user charges in more de-
View the press release.
tail). A next step would be to determine whether efficient or practical ways
exist to charge groups of users who impose significant costs for the costs
associated with their use of the system. The various beneficiaries can be
grouped into four classes: commercial navigation, flood control and hy-
dropower, ancillary, and environmental. 32/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

Commercial Navigation Beneficiaries

Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Po…
This group is a direct beneficiary and imposes marginal costs to obtain
these benefits. Chapter 5 presents options for charging users for commer-
cial navigation and criteria for deciding among the options. User
MyNAP members save TRB Special Report 315: Funding and Managing the U.S.
10% online. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Makers Need to
Know explores the role and importance of the
Login or Register to federally funded inland waterways system, priorities
save! for future investment, its beneficiaries, and sources of
charges for the system have been proposedfunding.since the 1940s, which the

shipping industry has Free PDFopposed.
consistently In recentSupporters
years, the inlandofwaterways
user charges
system has
have included OMB, the Government Accountability Office, and domestic ton-
transported six to seven percent of all
miles of cargo. The system is a small but important
Presidential administrations of both parties
componentsince Roosevelt,
of the both
national freight before
system, particularly
and after implementation of the first fuel tax approved by Congress infinds that,
for bulk commodities. The study committee
in order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
1978 (see Box 3-3 for a brief history of proposals
resources, thefor
need for the inland
waterways system is a sustainable and well-executed
plan the
An increase in charges for shippers using for maintaining
waterways system reliability
raises and
performance. Reliability and performance will depend
about a resulting shift of cargo from water to rail
on placing higherand highway,
priority perhaps
on investments in
accompanied by negative effects on highway
operations congestion,
and maintenance noise,
(O&M). air quality,
Without a
funding strategy that prioritizes system preservation,
safety, and wear and tear on highways.maintenance
Analysis of the possible mode shift
may continue to be deferred, which
from temporary closure of a waterwaywouldindicates,
result in in thedeterioration
further case examined, and in a less cost
effective and less reliable system.
that, of the tonnage that would shift, most would move to rail and little to
truck (Kruse et al. 2012). Moreover, after
Thethe start finds
committee of thethatdiesel fuel on
more reliance tax,
a “user-
pays” funding strategy for the commercial navigation
several studies of the potential impact of the barge diesel fuel tax on barge
system is feasible, would generate new revenues for
freight were conducted in the 1980s. The consensus
maintenance, conclusion
and would of these
promote economic
studies was that any diversion of bargeefficiency.
freight to rail would be minimal.
For example, Babcock and German (1983) found that
The committee a 100
suggests thatpercent cost re-
an asset management
covery user fee would divert only 4 to 5program
percentfocused on economic
of barge efficiency,
tonnage to fully
implemented and linked to the budgeting process,
roads. However, as noted in the discussion
would ofhelpthe potential
prioritize for mode
maintenance spending shift
ascertain the funding levels
in Box 2-1, the shift from one mode to another is highly dependent on required for reliable
freight service.
commodity, distance, subcorridor infrastructure, cost, and other variables,
View the
which makes generalizations difficult. The TRB Special
policy Reportthat
question 315 webcast.
arises in
deciding the federal role is whether theView
emission, safety, highway conges-
the press release.
tion, and infrastructure costs are greater than the costs of preventing

Flood Control and Hydropower Beneficiaries 33/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

Bray et al. (2011) include flood control and hydropower as beneficiaries of

inland and ManagingFor
navigation. theprojects
U.S. Inland
that Waterways System: What
support commercial Po… as well
as other purposes such as flood control, the cost of serving that purpose is
allocated as described in Table 3-1. The beneficiaries of some purposes
(e.g., hydropower)
MyNAP pay directlysave
members for theirTRB
allocated cost,
Special Report 315:and some
Funding purposes
and Managing the U.S.
are paid for via
10%general Inland Waterways
online. revenues (e.g., flood control). System:
As aWhat Policy commer-
result, Makers Need to
Know explores the role and importance of the
cial navigation or Registerthe
is allocated to costs attributable
federally fundedtoinland
purpose, andpriorities
system, the
other purposes are allocated for future investment, its beneficiaries, and sources of

Download Free PDF In recent years, the inland waterways system has
transported six to seven percent of all domestic ton-
miles of cargo. The system is a small but important
component of the national freight system, particularly
BOX 3-3 for bulk commodities. The study committee finds that,
in order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
resources, the most critical need for the inland
Brief History of Proposals for User Charges
waterways for
systemtheis aCommercial Inland
sustainable and well-executed
Waterways Systema plan for maintaining system reliability and
performance. Reliability and performance will depend
on placing higher priority on investments in
The Constitution (Article 1, Section 8)operations
gives Congress
and maintenancepower to Without
(O&M). regu- a
late commerce, including navigationfunding strategy that waterways.
and navigable prioritizes system preservation,
maintenance may continue to be deferred, which
10 of the first article protects the freedom of commerce
would result throughout
in further deterioration and in a less cost
the country by prohibiting the layingeffective
of “any andduty of tonnage”
less reliable system. to carry
out that intent. Furthermore, Congress instituted
The committee findsathat
free waterway
more reliance onpol-
a “user-
icy for the new Northwest Territory pays”
in the Northwest
funding strategy forOrdinance
the commercialofnavigation
system is feasible, would generate new revenues for
1787. It declared that navigable waters leading into the Mississippi and
maintenance, and would promote economic
Saint Lawrence and those of any other states that may be admitted
into the Confederation “shall be common highways and forever free . .
The committee suggests that an asset management
. without any tax, impost, or duty therefore.” Lateronlegislative
program focused acts from
economic efficiency, fully
implemented and linked to the budgeting process,
1790 to 1803 extended these exemptions to the territory south of the
would help prioritize maintenance spending and
Ohio River and declared that navigable rivers
ascertain the were
fundingpublic highways.
levels required for reliable
freight service.
During this period, Congress limited initial federal financial invest-
View the TRB Special Report 315 webcast.
ments in the inland waterways system to snagging and clearing oper-
View the
ations. These were modest actions taken topress use during
the colonial period because of the importance of inland waterways to
the early geographical and economic expansion of the nation. States
undertook the expensive construction of canals, locks, and dams and
made other improvements for navigation. States often charged ton-
nage duties and tolls for waterways use but were still unable to fi- 34/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

nance large navigation expenditures. Private enterprise also had diffi-

Funding andinManaging
culty recoveringthe
theU.S. Inland
costs Waterways
of water System:
transport What Po…
investments, espe-
cially after railroads emerged as competition.

By the 1940s, a transportation system had emerged that included both

MyNAP members save TRB Special Report 315: Funding and Managing the U.S.
water and rail carriers. The federal policy of subsidizing
Inland Waterways System: What commercial
Policy Makers Need to
10% online.
navigation Login
beganorto be questioned Know explores the role
(U.S. Office of the Federal and importance of the
Register to federally funded inland waterways system, priorities
Coordinator of Transportation 1939, for
save! 125). Highway
future investment, transport alsoand
its beneficiaries, wassources of
emerging, but not yet for long-haul movements. The Franklin
Roosevelt administration
Downloadof 1940
Free PDFwasInthe first
recent years,totheconsider seriously
inland waterways system has
transported six to seven percent
the idea that modifying the policy of free inland water transportation of all domestic ton-
miles of cargo. The system is a small but important
to recover the costs of providing for component
navigation of thewas allowable
national and fea-
freight system, particularly
sible. Since the Roosevelt administration,
for bulkuser
commodities. The study committee finds that,
in order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
resources, the most critical need for the inland
waterways system is a sustainable and well-executed
plan for maintaining system reliability and
a Box 3-3 draws from Ashton et al. (1976) and Shabman
performance. (1976).
Reliability and performance will depend
on placing higher priority on investments in
operations and maintenance (O&M). Without a
funding strategy that prioritizes system preservation,
maintenance may continue to be deferred, which
would result in further deterioration and in a less cost
effective and less reliable system.

charges as a funding source for the inland waterways

The committee finds thathave been pro-
more reliance on a “user-
pays” funding strategy for the commercial navigation
posed or supported by presidents of system
both parties. The President’s
is feasible, would generate new revenues for
Water Resources Policy Commissionmaintenance,
(1950, 202–203)and wouldunder President
promote economic
Truman was consistent with the position of the Roosevelt administra-
tion, illustrated as follows: The committee suggests that an asset management
program focused on economic efficiency, fully
Decisions as to user charges, or tollsimplemented
for waterand linked to theshould
commerce budgetingbeprocess,
would help prioritize maintenance spending and
worked out as part of the whole problem ofthe
ascertain reconciling
funding levelsand making
required for reliable
freight service.
workable a coordinated transportation system. But with rates from all
forms of transportation based on fullViewcosts, anSpecial
the TRB interconnected system
Report 315 webcast.
of modern waterways, coordinated with land transportation, should be
View the press release.
able to sustain itself with tolls based on full costs and yield returns on
the public investment, while contributing to most economic use of the
Nation’s resources.

In 1956, President Eisenhower submitted a report favoring some type

of user charges with regard to the cost of O&M (Senate Committee on 35/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

Commerce 1961, 32). In 1962, President Kennedy proposed user pay-

mentandforManaging thewaterways
the inland U.S. Inland Waterways
and suggestedSystem: a fuel taxWhat Po…per
of $0.02
gallon. President Johnson reiterated President Kennedy’s proposal in
his budget messages and recommended a fuel tax that would extend to
all domestic vessels
MyNAP with a save
members maximumTRB draft ofReport
Special 15 feet315:or less.andThe
Funding Managing the U.S.
10% online. also indicatedInland
Carter administration supportWaterways
for System:
some What
form Policy
of Makers
user Need to
Know explores the role and importance of the
charge. Login or Register to federally funded inland waterways system, priorities
save! for future investment, its beneficiaries, and sources of
In 1978 and 1986 Congress passed thefunding.
two pieces of legislation that be-
gan to transformDownload
funding Free
for the
PDFinland waterways
In recent andwaterways
years, the inland createdsystem the has
funding framework followed today. This transported six to seven
legislation percent of allthe
established domestic
fuel ton-
miles of cargo. The system is a small but important
tax on commercial barges, increasedcomponent
user cost-sharing
of the nationalrequirements,
freight system, particularly
and established the IWTF to fund construction with The
for bulk commodities. fuelstudy
taxes paid by
committee finds that,
in order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
the barge industry. The industry opposed the lockage fees to fund con-
resources, the most critical need for the inland
struction and maintenance proposedwaterwaysin the Inland
system is aWaterways
sustainable and Revenue
Act of 1978; this opposition led to theplan for maintaining
current fuel tax,system reliability
which and di-
is less
performance. Reliability and performance will depend
rectly tied to the usage of waterwaysonfacilities andpriority
placing higher paysonfor construc-
investments in
tion and not maintenance. operations and maintenance (O&M). Without a
funding strategy that prioritizes system preservation,
maintenance may continue to be deferred, which
A number of proposals have been made
wouldmore recently
result in by both and
further deterioration thein a less cost
Bush and Obama administrations to effective
change and
userless reliable recover
the system costs associated with commercial shipping
The committee (see reliance
finds that more Chapter on a5).
pays” funding strategy for the commercial navigation
system is feasible, would generate new revenues for
maintenance, and would promote economic

The committee suggests that an asset management

costs specific to their use. Hence, beneficiaries of nonnavigation
program focused purposes
on economic efficiency, fully
implemented and linked to the budgeting
are expected to pay their allocated share and are not an additional source process,
would help prioritize maintenance spending and
of funding for supporting the commercial navigation
ascertain the fundingpurpose within
levels required mul-
for reliable
tipurpose projects. If the navigation function were to cease for these mul-
freight service.
tipurpose projects because of minimal View
or nothe traffic,
TRB Specialthe other
Report project pur-
315 webcast.
poses would be allocated the costs of the project. If the whole project was
View the press release.
decommissioned, the federal government would be responsible for either
removing the project or paying to make sure it would not fail in a
weather-related or other event. In the case of hydropower, the beneficia-
ries already pay for the O&M costs associated with their use of the system
and a share of the capital costs. For the commercial navigation projects
that also provide hydropower, the hydropower beneficiaries pay 100 per- 36/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

cent of capital costs allocated to hydropower and any allocated costs for
Funding and Managing
operations. the U.S. Inland
If the navigation Waterways
function ceased forSystem: What Po…hy-
these waterways,
dropower beneficiaries would have to pay to maintain the dams to con-
tinue to receive this benefit.
MyNAP members save TRB Special Report 315: Funding and Managing the U.S.
Ancillary Beneficiaries Inland Waterways System: What Policy Makers Need to
10% online.
Know explores the role and importance of the
Login or Register to federally funded inland waterways
Groups that receive other benefits from projects authorized forsystem,
save! for future investment, its beneficiaries, and sources of
cial navigation are referred to as ancillary beneficiaries because they were
incidental to the purpose for which these waterways investments were
Download Free PDF In recent years, the inland waterways system has
made. Municipal water supply, slack water boating,
transported six to and
seven landside
percent of allrecre-
domestic ton-
ation are possible ancillary benefits recognized by USACE. A more com-
miles of cargo. The system is a small but important
component of the national freight system, particularly
prehensive assessment of these benefits and their levels could be under-
for bulk commodities. The study committee finds that,
taken, but even if the benefits proved to be large,
in order theefficient
to ensure marginal and oppor-
use of limited navigation
resources, the most critical need for the inland
tunity costs to navigation imposed by these users of the system are mini-
waterways system is a sustainable and well-executed
mal. Furthermore, a practical way of charging these users
plan for maintaining systemdoes not
reliability andexist,
because they cannot be excluded from performance.
receiving Reliability
the benefit and performance
of waterway will depend
on placing higher priority on investments in
projects maintained for commercial navigation
operations and if they do not
maintenance pay.Without
(O&M). This a
funding strategy
case refers to segments used for commercial that prioritizes
navigation; system preservation,
if maintenance
maintenance may continue to be deferred, which
for navigation ceased because of minimalwouldorresult
no incommercial navigation
further deterioration and in a less cost
effective and less reliable
traffic, the ancillary users would become the primary users and may besystem.
charged for their benefits. Chapter 5 provides
The committeefurther discussion
finds that more reliance ofonthis
a “user-
case. pays” funding strategy for the commercial navigation
system is feasible, would generate new revenues for
maintenance, and would promote economic
A possible exception is recreational boats that could be charged a fee for
the operation of locks on waterways used for commercial
The committee suggests that an asset management
program focused on economic efficiency, fully
implemented and linked to the budgeting process,
would help prioritize maintenance spending and
ascertain the funding levels required for reliable
navigation. Pools behind dams permit freight
fishing, and other water-
based recreation. Lockages are required for
View therecreational craft
TRB Special Report to pass be-
315 webcast.
tween pools. Recreational lockages impose marginal costs on the lock and
View the press release.
dam system. Lockage service can increase financial outlays for system op-
erations, increase wear on the lock itself, and cause traffic delays. USACE
has adopted a number of management measures to reduce commercial
navigation delay cost (for example, scheduling of limited times for recre-
ational boat passages), but financial costs are still incurred. USACE could
calculate the costs of providing recreational lockages across the system, 37/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

and if justified, Congress could choose to increase the inland waterways

Funding andbyManaging
budget theor
that amount U.S. Inland Waterways
authorize System:
USACE to base What Po…user fee
a recreational
on that cost. This user fee is discussed further in Chapter 5.

Environmental Beneficiaries
MyNAP members save TRB Special Report 315: Funding and Managing the U.S.
10% online. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Makers Need to
If environmental benefits are sufficiently
explores and broadly
the role distributed,
and importance of the
Login or Register to
taxpayers would be the beneficiary. As federally
explainedfunded inland waterways
earlier, system, priorities
save! for future investment, its beneficiaries, and sources of
benefits of inland navigation exist, butfunding.
the magnitude of the benefit is un-
certain. As a practical matter, the challenge of paying for the benefit in the
Download Free PDF In recent years, the inland waterways system has
context of federal budget constraints persists,
six to sevenback to ofa all
percent considera-
domestic ton-
tion of other funding options. miles of cargo. The system is a small but important
component of the national freight system, particularly
for bulk commodities. The study committee finds that,
Findings and Conclusions in order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
resources, the most critical need for the inland
The inland waterways system infrastructure
managed by USACE
is a sustainable and
and well-executed
funded from the USACE budget. Fundsplan for maintaining
available system reliability
for inland waterways and nav-
performance. Reliability and performance will depend
igation are in decline in constant dollars. As the
on placing system
higher priorityhas aged, mainte-
on investments in
nance has become a higher priority and operations and maintenance
now accounts (O&M).three-
for about Without a
funding strategy that prioritizes system preservation,
fourths of the administration’s inland navigation
maintenance may budget
to be deferred, which
would result in further deterioration and in a less cost
Federal general revenues cover most ofeffective and less
the cost of reliable system.waterways
the inland
system. Users pay a share of construction costs through
The committee a barge
finds that more fuel
reliance on tax,
a “user-
pays” funding strategy for
but none of the cost of O&M. System users recognize that they need tothe commercial navigation
system is feasible, would generate new revenues for
pay more. The 113th Congress and the shipping
and would supported a
promote economic
$0.09-per-gallon increase in the bargeefficiency.
fuel tax in 2014. However, under
federal legislation, fuel tax revenues can
The committee suggests that an asset management
program focused on economic efficiency, fully
implemented and linked to the budgeting process,
would help prioritize maintenance spending and
ascertain the funding levels required for reliable
freight service.
be used only to pay for construction; they cannot be used for O&M. While
the amount of funding required to sustain View the TRB Special
reliable Reportservice
freight 315 webcast.
is not
clear, it is evident that total revenues after the
View the increase
press release. in the fuel tax will
not be sufficient to maintain the system.25 Furthermore, increased capital
funding from users would compete with available federal funding for
O&M, since the federal government must both match the user contribu-
tion for capital improvements and pay all of the costs of O&M. 38/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

Because of historical precedent, the federal role in the management and

Funding andofManaging
funding the inlandthe U.S. Inland
waterways forWaterways
commercialSystem: navigation What Po…
is already
greater than for other freight modes. The total federal share of the cost of
the inland waterways system is estimated to be about 90 percent (TRB
2009). The federal
membersis roughly
save 25 percent
TRB Specialfor the
Report 315:highways
Funding and used bythe U.S.
motor carriers10%and 0 percent for pipelines
online. Inland Waterways
and nearly System:
for Policy Makers Need to
Know explores the role and importance of the
(both privateLogin or Register
industries to
for which the federal role isinland
federally funded primarily
waterwaysone of safety
system, priorities
and environmental regulation). Whereas for future
general its beneficiaries,
revenues cover and sources
all of
O&M expenses for the inland waterways, states pay 100 percent of the
O&M expenses, mostly Download
fees, Infor
recent years, thehighways
intercity inland waterwaysusedsystem has
by mo-
transported six to seven percent of all domestic ton-
tor carriers. O&M expenses for railroads milesand pipelines
of cargo. The system areis paid
a smallfor
but by the
private industries responsible for thesecomponent
modes. of the national freight system, particularly
for bulk commodities. The study committee finds that,
in order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
In a climate of constrained federal funds and with O&M becoming a
resources, the most critical need for the inland
greater part of the inland navigation budget,
pressing policy issue
is a sustainable is how
and well-executed
plan forof
to pay to preserve the system. Examination maintaining
whether system reliability and could
performance. Reliability and performance will depend
help pay for the system is rational and on
placingimprove economic
higher priority on investmentsefficiency.
Commercial navigation beneficiaries are operations
a viableandoption,
maintenance (O&M).
since Without a
funding strategy that prioritizes system preservation,
carriers impose significant marginal costs (Chapter
maintenance 5 discusses
may continue options
to be deferred, for
would result
these user charges and criteria for deciding amongin further deterioration and in a less cost
effective and less reliable system.
Flood control and hydropower beneficiaries are not
The committee findsoptions
that morefor additional
reliance on a “user-
funding for commercial navigation projects. The cost of flood controlnavigation
pays” funding strategy for the commercial for
system is feasible, would generate new revenues for
the few commercial navigation projects that provide
maintenance, a flood
and would control
promote bene-
fit is allocated for that purpose and paid via

The committee suggests that an asset management

________________ program focused on economic efficiency, fully
implemented and linked to the budgeting process,
25 It is possible, though not likely, that would
prioritize maintenance
will growspending
substan- and
ascertain the funding levels required for reliable
tially over time with significant increases for
freight inland navigation, but the
committee assumes a more modest budget consistent with observed
View the TRB Special Report 315 webcast.
trends and the policy goal of efficient use of resources with or without
budgetary constraints. View the press release.

general revenues. For the few commercial navigation projects that also
provide hydropower, hydropower beneficiaries already pay 100 percent of 39/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

new capital costs and any marginal costs for operations of benefits they
Funding andPractical
receive. Managing the U.S. Inland
mechanisms Waterways
or economic reasonsSystem: do not What Po…to exist
for charging ancillary beneficiaries of waterways projects used for com-
mercial navigation (municipal water supply, irrigation, higher property
values for property
MyNAP owners,
save assimilation, mosquito
TRB Special Report 315: Funding control,
and Managingandthe U.S.
recreation), with the possible exceptionInland
10% online. Waterways System:
of charging What Policy Makers
for recreational Need to
Know explores the role and importance of the
Login orbeneficiaries
lockages. Ancillary Register to may be charged
federally fundedforinland
waterways with mini-
waterways system, priorities
mal or no commercial navigation sinceforinfuturethisinvestment,
case they its beneficiaries,
would become and sources
the of
primary beneficiaries. (This case is discussed further in Chapter 5.)
Download Free PDF In recent years, the inland waterways system has
transported six to seven
Barge transportation may provide an environmental percentto
benefit ofthe
all domestic
miles of cargo. The system is a small but important
public that includes lower emissions, safety,
of theand congestion,
national freight system, butparticularly
whether the size of the benefit is in lineforwith the current
bulk commodities. levelcommittee
The study of federal finds that,
in order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
investment is uncertain. Further analysis of corridors would be needed to
resources, the most critical need for the inland
quantify the benefit. In the absence of waterways
definitive evidence
system concerning
is a sustainable the
and well-executed
plan forsuch
size of inland waterways benefits and until maintaining
reliability andavail-
performance. Reliability and performance will depend
able, Congress and the executive branch will have
on placing higherto use their
priority best judg-
on investments in
ment in determining the share the federal operations and maintenance
government should (O&M).
pay Without
and a
funding strategy that prioritizes system preservation,
how to prioritize these expenditures versus other
maintenance may federal
to be deferred, which
would result in further deterioration and in a less cost
Regardless of who pays for the system,effective
a processand less
is reliable
needed system.
for prioritizing
spending. The capital projects backlog Theis not a reliable
committee indicator
finds that of on
more reliance thea “user-
pays” funding strategy for
amount of funding required for the system. A modest amount of the back- the commercial navigation
system is feasible, would generate new revenues for
log is for navigation projects. A portionmaintenance,
of the navigation backlog
and would promote includes
major rehabilitation to maintain the system,
efficiency.but it does not include O&M.
Furthermore, the navigation backlog may includesuggests
The committee projects thatthat aremanagement
an asset a lower
priority for spending. Congress has long authorized
program focused onand appropriated
economic efficiency, fully
implemented and linked to the budgeting process,
USACE capital projects on a project-by-project basis. A benefit–cost
would help prioritize maintenance spending and
analysis prepared by USACE is the primary source
ascertain of technical
the funding informa-
levels required for reliable
freight service.
tion that Congress uses during the authorization process in deciding when
spending is justified for capital projects.
the TRBbenefit–cost
Special Report 315 analyses
webcast. have
been used for determining whether a project meets a minimum threshold
View the press release.
for funding, they have not been used to rank projects, and the result has

been far more projects being authorized than can be afforded within the
constraints of the budget. A method for prioritizing projects on the basis 40/44
7/18/23, 11:10 PM 3 Federal Role in the Inland Waterways System | Funding and Managing the U.S. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Maker…

of the service needs of the system would be more useful than an attempt
Funding and Managing
to estimate and seekthe U.S. Inland
funding for theWaterways System:
existing backlog. What Po…
(Chapter 4 discusses
an approach for prioritizing spending, with an emphasis on O&M.)

MyNAP members save TRB Special Report 315: Funding and Managing the U.S.
10% online. Inland Waterways System: What Policy Makers Need to
ABBREVIATIONS Know explores the role and importance of the
Login or Register to federally funded inland waterways system, priorities
CBO save!
Congressional Budget Office
for future investment, its beneficiaries, and sources of
CRS Congressional Research Service
GAO Government Accountability
Download Free PDF InOffice
recent years, the inland waterways system has
NRC National Research Council transported six to seven percent of all domestic ton-
miles of cargo. The system is a small but important
TRB Transportation Research Boardcomponent of the national freight system, particularly
for bulk commodities. The study committee finds that,
Anderson, S., and W. Wilson. 2008. Spatial Competition,
in order Pricing
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resources, the
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Regional Science, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 367–397.
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on placing1976.
Ashton, P., C. Cooper Ruska, and L. Shabman. higherApriority on investments in
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Analysis of Navigation User Charges. Journal of Water
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that prioritizes Planning
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and Management Division, Vol. 102.WR1, April, pp.may
maintenance 89–100.
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Research System:
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Washington, D.C.

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years, the inland waterways system has
transported six to seven percent
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Washington, D.C.
component of the national freight system, particularly
TransportationScoring.pdf. for bulk commodities. The study committee finds that,
in order to ensure efficient use of limited navigation
resources, the most critical need for the inland
Dager, C. A. 2013. Fuel Tax Report, 2011. waterways
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is a sustainable and well-executed
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performance. Reliability and performance will depend
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funding strategy that prioritizes system preservation,
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View the press release.
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of cargo. The2012.
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The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

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Copyright © 2023 National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. 44/44

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