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Question For Australian High Commission Interview

1. What is your full name and surname?

2. What is your date of Birth?
3. Place of Birth, please confirm city and country?
4. How many nationalities do you have?
5. What is your qualification?
6. What do you have studied so?
7. From where did you get your last qualification?
8. Why do you want to go Australia? ( For a more authentic answer, please refer to your
General Answers:
1. Quality of education
2. World recognized degree and programs in worldwide & Pakistan
3. Highly respected degrees in Pakistan and worldwide
4. Job prospects worldwide & Pakistan
5. Highly paid salaries in Pakistan
6. Weather condition
7. Affordability
9. Why did you Choose Australia for further education? Or (Why do you think that I
should go to Australia for further studies?)( For a more authentic answer, please refer
to your SOP)
General Answer:
 From various surveys and reports I have found that Australia is been a prime
destination for International students, especially for career oriented study from
Australia is very much famous all over the world.
 The education from Australia, do not just provide comprehensive knowledge
about the desired course to the student but also prepared to face the world and
problem solving techniques.

 Australian institutions are providing quality of education though their
education is expensive but one can not compromise on quality.
 Most of the multinational firms also prefer to high foreign qualified graduates
because of the high quality & standards which the universities are marinating
& improving due to the competition & growth of different educational

10. Where are you going in Australia? (at which place)

Answer by the student
11. What is your main purpose to go to Australia? (What is your planning
to go to Australia?)
I'm going to Australia just to study. Upon completion of my course I will surely
comeback to my home country Pakistan.
12. Who did you suggest/force to go to Australia?
Try to Answer this Question in your own words
General Answer:
During my earlier studies, I was not planned what to do but since I have completed my
studies and now I got eligibility to study any skilled course from Australia and planned to
become Professional after gaining some expertise experience by working in some good
organizations after completion of my education then I will start my professional career
later__on in this same profession. I have been seeking different Australian Education
Providers websites and also got some information about this course. In December, I had
got a chance to telephonic conversation with the official representative of this Institution
at Karachi and after successful interview I was given offer of a place for my proposed
13. How long will you stay in Australia?
Please Remember Your course start date & End date Printed on your offer letter & eCOE.

General Answer:
I will stay I Australia Until the completion of my studies upon completion of my studies
from Australia I will surely comeback to my home country Pakistan.
14. What do you know about your proposed country Australia? (like capital,
Population, weather, main cities, study environment for international students, Prime
Minister, living standard, working atmosphere, places etc.
You can find all the details about Australia on Google.
(Please check Australian Government web site and collect short answer please)

15. What is your course name?

Answer by the student ( Refer to the offer letter & eCOE)
16. Why did you choose this course?
(Please Refer to you SOP)
General Answer:
This course is specifically for those students who want to gain the detailed understanding
of the skills and knowledge use by managers. The programme will also develop my
practical skills, technical knowledge and management will also develop my practical
skills, technical knowledge and management techniques so that I will be prepared for a
career in the general areas related to my field.
13. How did your find about this course?
General Answer:
I have been seeking different Australian education Provider websites and also got some
information about this course, In December, I had got a chance to telephonic
conversation with the official representative of this institution and after successful
interview I was given offer of a place for my proposed course and then I finally decided
to study from this institute after being given a short comprehensive presentation by the
college delegate who was very kind to me and informed me about the facilities which I
will avail being the international student from the institute and guiding me the teaching
assessment and the good standard maintain by the institute.

14. Why are you applying for certificate or Diploma?

This is a foundation and intermediate level programme and will build my foundation and
better understandings to this course.

15. What is your visa sub class?

You must reply according to these specifications:
Student Visa Subclass 500
16. What are the benefits of this course?
( Please Refer to your Sop)
 The course will provide me with a balance of theory, advanced practical skills.
 It will help me in going through with the experiences to enable them to provide a
sound knowledge and analytical ability.
 It wills facilities me with the international and professional development.
 It will also provide me with the opportunity of future employment at a senior level.
 This course is a skill based discipline and after this degree I can move into wide range
of professional careers which shows a good level of transferable skills.
 This course will help me in providing career opportunities in my relevant field 7
 Upon successfully completion of my degree I will be able to deliver at my best, the
practical tactics and skills in commercial sectors to promote my self & my family as
 This course will also help me for my further studies plan as I wish to do higher
studies in relevant course after having few years of experience in my professional
17. What are the starting and ending dates of your course?

(Please refer to the offer letter issued by institution and see starting and ending dates and
then give proper answer)
18. How is your course Structure?
Course structure is vary from course to course. Student must visit college web site and
find the course structure accordingly)
19. How will your course be assessed during your studies?

Teaching on the course uses a variety of methods and formats, from small group tutorials,
case studies, seminars and workshops, including formal lectures and practical laboratory
sessions to industrial visits.
The course will be assessed through Coursework, practical tests, exams, group and individual
project work.

20. Tell me few contents of your course?

(Please refer to your SOP all the course contents or subjects are written in your Sop)
21. How many semesters will you take in your full course?
Course semester is vary form course to course, Student must visit college web site and
find the course duration with semesters accordingly)
SEMESTER contains for 6-months.
22. How many terms in your full course?
Student must visit college web site and find the course duration with semesters and terms
TERM contains for 3-months.
23. What are consequences (cost) of your course?
(Please refer to Offer letter issued by institution)

23. Why don’t you use any institution here in Pakistan in this cost
( Please Refer to your sop ready the paragraph reason not choose Pakistan or why not

 Though the course is being offered in Pakistan but our institutions are following the
old teaching syllabus and we are not provided with the advance learning facilities
being offered from Australia/UK.
 Our teachers are not highly qualified and they do not adopt the latest teaching
 There is an extreme lack of learning resources and our libraries are equipped with the
old books which are outdated and no more worth.

25. Is there any similar course available in Pakistan?

Though there are many institutions offering this course in Pakistan but unfortunately the
education of my country Pakistan Is not internationally recognized)I do believe that the
foreign qualification especially from Australia will add value to my present qualification and
I have been a brilliant student throughout and my proposed course will be very valuable for
me in coming years and upon successful completion I will be having a lot of opportunities in
my home country.
26. Is there any relevancy with this course in your previous experience/education?
This is a foundation and intermediate level programme and will build my foundation
And better understandings to this course.

27. Your course not relevant, how do you justify that?

Dear Student! Please refer to Question No.35.

28. What will you do after completion of this course?

After completion of this course, I will come to my homeland and will serve in any
national or multinational organization in Pakistan either government or private or
may I go abroad for my professional career.
29. Where will you stay?
Please Refer to your SOP

General Answer:
Regarding accommodation, first, I will stay in a hotel for few days till I will find a good
apartment which will be near to the campus for living after my arrival to Australia and where I
wouldn’t face any kind of problem related to traveling and other living facilities.

30. How much cost will you afford in a month for your living in Australia?
$2500-3500/month/- (Australian Dollar)

31. What is the living cost in a year normally in Australia?

$ 21,041/- (Australian Dollars)

32. Who did you suggest to choose this course?

Dear Student! (Please refer to Question No.22)

33. What will be your total expenses during this course?

Please refer Offer Letter including Oversea Health Cover, Material cost and yearly
living expenses. (You must calculate all of them with the consultation of your

34... What is your Institution name? (In which Institution are you going fro studies?)

Please refer Offer Letter issued by Institution.

35. How did you find about this college/Institution?

Please refer to Q-22
36. Why this college/Institution? Why not others?
( Please Refer to the SOP and read the paragraph why I choose this institute)
General Answer:
 Before choosing to study from this institute, I have made a thorough research on
internet for the college and the desired course and also applied in couple of other
colleges and universities like NMIT, Nova and CQ University which are also
offering similar courses.
But during my meeting with the college delegate and he interviewed me and finally
offered me a place to study this course which was exactly the right course I will get
more knowledge having all the important course contents.
36. What is the address of your proposed Institution?
Please refer Offer Letter issued by Institution.
37. What is the web site of this Institution?
Please refer Offer Letter issued by Institution.
38. Where is located this Institute?
Please refer Offer Letter issued by Institution.
39. In which campus are you going for your studies?
Please refer Offer Letter issued by Institution.
40. What will be your yearly tuition fee?
Please refer Offer Letter issued by Institution.
41. How much have you paid to Institution in AUS$?

Please tell him according to the Offer Letter and you must consult with your
42. Have you done any English Language course? PTE/IELTS
Answer by student.
43. Is there any friend or relatives being studies in Australia?
44. Answer by student.
44. What is your future plan after successfully completion of your studies? Or what will
You do after successfully completion of your studies?
( Please refer to your Sop and read the paragraph future prospects)
45. What is the next procedure to extent your visa after completion your studies, if you
want to stay further in Australia?
Get the letter of offer for your next desired course and arrange your funds form
home country. (You will follow the same procedure, going on)
46. Where are you working?
Answer by student.
47. What is your present job/occupation?
Answer by student.
48. Where is your company based?
Answer by student.
49. How many employees are working?
(Answer by student)
50. What is your work address?
(Answer by student)
51. What is your Work telephone number?
(Answer by student)
52. Is there any website of your company?
(Answer by student)
53. What is your job description?
(Answer by student)

54. How long have you been working for this company?
(Answer by student)
55. Who is sponsoring you for your studies?
(Answer by student)
56. Why is he sponsoring you for your studies?
(Answer by student)
57. How many people financially responsible to him/her?
(Answer by student)
58. Which bank is offering your study loan to your sponsor?
(Answer by student)
59. How much loan sanctioned to your sponsor?
(Answer by student)
60. How many brother and sisters do you have?
(Answer by student)
61. Where do you live now days? Or where are you accommodating now days?
(Answer by student)
62. Have you applied for Australia or for any other country before
Answer by student)
63. Your college is affiliated with whom?
My institute is affiliated with Australian Education Society (AES)
64. How many hours will you study in a week in Australia
I have been allowed to study 16-20 hours a week.
65. How many hours a week will you are allowed to work in Australia?
I have been allowed to work 18- 20 hours a week.
66. What facilities your college will be provided to you?
While studding from this college I can avail the facilities which college provide to all
international students that is using the newly constructed learning resources center. Library
with latest books and learning material, sports facilities, accommodation services, transport
and health services.
67-A What is the name of your educational Consultant ?

The name of my educational Consultant is Muhammad Shoaib ( Edward Pride
Education & Overseas Consultants)
67-B Does your consultant write your SOP and arrange your documents?
Dear Sir/Madam, I write my SOP myself. The consultant only guided me about how to write
a GTE/SOP in accordance with the requirements of the Australian Embassy, and all my
documents are 100% original.

67. Did you fill all your visa application forms by yourself?
No but my education consultant completed this form with my support which is true and best
of my knowledge and then I signed it.

68. How many visa application forms did you sign?

I filled and signed: (Application for Student Visa)
( Please refer to the following Table &your sop) all the visa conditions are clearly
mentioned at the end of your SOP.

8105 I cannot work more than 40 hours per fortnight* when my course is in session (other than work
which has been registered as a part of the course).
Note: No work limits apply during recognised periods of vacation offered by my education provider.
I cannot undertake work until you have commenced my course in Australia.
*A fortnight means any period of 14 days commencing on a Monday and ending at the end of the
second following Sunday.

8202 I must remain enrolled in a registered course (Note: A registered course is one that is on the
Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).
I  must maintain satisfactory attendance in my course and course progress for each study period as
required by my education provider.

8501 I must maintain adequate arrangements for health insurance during my stay in Australia.

Note: Under policy, this means that I must maintain Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).

8516 I must continue to satisfy the requirements for grant of my student visa. This means, for example,
that my main course of study must continue to be a course in the education sector that matches my
student visa, and that I must continue to have sufficient financial capacity to support my study and
stay in Australia.

8533 I must notify my education provider of my residential address in Australia within 7 days of arriving in
Australia. I must notify my education provider of any change in my residential address within 7 days
of the change. I  must notify my education provider of a change of education provider within 7 days
of receiving the electronic Confirmation of Enrolment certificate or evidence of enrolment.


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