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// ==UserScript==

// @name - Free Roll (no captcha) - Rewards - 1000% - Multiply

- Lottery - Human Simulation
// @description OLD PROJECT. Not mantained. 1. Timed Free Roll 2. Top-down config
3. Rewards RP 4. Bonus 1000% 5. Multiply game 6. Lottery tickets 7. Human
Simulation 8. Slower in the night 9. Status console - made by dany-veneno in 2018
for private use, published in 2020.
// @author dany-veneno
// @icon
// @match*
// @grant none
// @create 2018-05-28
// @lastmodified 2020-05-25
// @version 1.7
// @namespace
// @require
// @license NTP
// @supportURL
// @home-url
// @home-url2
// @homepageURL
// @copyright 2018-2020, dany-veneno

// @note 2020-05-25-V.1.7 Added logging && changed timings && verifying

all good && faster on RPActive
// ==/UserScript==

// CONFIG //
// >>>>>>>>>>>>>> //

var MULTIPLY = false; //decide if play Multiply games or not ***It's a doubling
technique. Play at your risk *** ***When true, it's played randomly***
var MAX_ROLLS_AT_MULTIPLY = 1000; //how many rolls in multiply.
var REWARDS = true; //decide if auto buy rewards, or not, incrementally. ***When
true, it will activate RP promotions***
var LOTTERY = false; //decide if auto buy lottery tickets, or not. ***When true, It
will randomly buy lottery tickets, # between 4000 and 7000***
var LOGGING = 5; //0 is no messages, 5 is debug
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<< //

// System Variables //
// >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> //
var css_reset='font-weight: reset; color:reset';
var css_bold='font-weight:bold;';
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< //

(function() {
'use strict';

var points = {};

var count_min = 15;
var rand = 0;
var totJack = getCookie("totJack");
var t;

//Buy lottery ticket random

if( Boolean(LOTTERY)){
if(parseInt($('#balance').text().split(".")[1])>rand) {
$('lottery_link hide_menu').click();
setTimeout(function(){ $
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log("Buy "+ parseInt($
('#balance').text().split(".")[1]) + " lottery tickets");
setTimeout(function(){ $

// Reward function call the roll function, that call the multiply function.
var reward = {}; = function() {
reward.points = parseInt($('.user_reward_points').text().replace(',',""));
reward.bonustime = {};
if ($("#bonus_container_free_points").length != 0) {
reward.bonustime.text = $('#bonus_span_free_points').text();
reward.bonustime.hour = parseInt(reward.bonustime.text.split(":")[0]);
reward.bonustime.min = parseInt(reward.bonustime.text.split(":")[1]);
reward.bonustime.sec = parseInt(reward.bonustime.text.split(":")[2]);
reward.bonustime.current = reward.bonustime.hour * 3600 +
reward.bonustime.min * 60 + reward.bonustime.sec;
} else reward.bonustime.current = 0;

if (LOGGING > 0) console.log("Bonus Time: "+reward.bonustime.current+" --

Reward Points: "+reward.points);
if (reward.bonustime.current !== 0) {
if (LOGGING > 3) console.log("Promo RP is active");
setTimeout(function(){ freeRoll(); }, 300);
} else {
if (Boolean(REWARDS) && t[0]<10) {
if (reward.points < 12) {
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log("No enough points to buy bonus.
Less then 12. Waiting for points in next rolls");
else if (reward.points < 120) {
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log("waiting for points 60");
{ RedeemRPProduct('free_points_1')},random(2000,4000));
else if (reward.points < 600) {
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log("waiting for points 120");
{ RedeemRPProduct('free_points_10')},random(2000,4000));
else if (reward.points < 1200) {
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log("waiting for points 600");
{ RedeemRPProduct('free_points_50')},random(2000,4000));
else {
{ RedeemRPProduct('free_points_100')},random(2000,4000));
if ($('#bonus_span_fp_bonus').length === 0)
if (reward.points >= 4600)
{ RedeemRPProduct('fp_bonus_1000')},random(5000,7000));
//Back to the main page
setTimeout(function(){ $
('.free_play_link').not('.hide_menu').click(); }, random(8000,10000));
} else {
//getting colors
var c1 = 'red'; var c2 = 'red'
var _rewards = true;
var _min = 10;
if (Boolean(REWARDS) == Boolean(_rewards)) c1 = 'green';
if (t[0] < _min ) c2 = 'green';
if (LOGGING > 3) console.log('Not buying RPBonuses: Setting
Variable is: '+'%c'+Boolean(REWARDS)+' '+' %c('+Boolean(_rewards)+') '+'%c and
missing minutes are: '+'%c '+t[0]+''+' %c(<'+_min+')', 'color:'+c1, 'color:reset;
font-weight:bold', 'font-weight: reset', 'color:'+c2, 'color:reset; font-
// Call the freeRoll
setTimeout(function(){ freeRoll(); }, 6100);

//Save distance from last 8888 on cookie to check when to play Jackpot
$('#previous_roll').on('DOMSubtreeModified', function(){
var rolled = $('#previous_roll').html();
if (rolled > 0 && rolled <= 10000 && rolled != 8888){
//console.log('new value '+ rolled);
setCookie("totJack", totJack, "365");
setCookie("prevNum", rolled, "365");
} else if (rolled == 8888) {
setCookie("totJack", 0, "365");
setCookie("prevNum", rolled, "365");
if (LOGGING > 0) console.log("************** 8888 Jackpot!

// Close the reveals mode


//Show elapsed time every 10 min.

var t=missingTime();
var date = new Date();
var dateTimeFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en', { year: 'numeric',
month: 'short', day: '2-digit', hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', hour12: 'false'
var [{ value: month },,{ value: day },,{ value: year },,{ value: hour },,
{ value: minute }] = dateTimeFormat .formatToParts(date );
var ca='red'; var cb='red'; var cc='red'; var css='font-weight: bold;
var c1='purple'; var c2='olive';
var c3='brown'; var c4='teal';
if (LOGGING > 0) console.log(">>>>>>>>>>%c Time: "+hour+":"+minute+""+"%c
Status:", css_bold, css_bold+'color:'+c1);
//Rewards and multiply infos and colors
if (Boolean(REWARDS)) ca = 'green'; if (Boolean(MULTIPLY)) cb='green'; if
(Boolean(LOTTERY)) cc='green';
var cssa='font-weight: bold; color:'+ca;
var cssb='font-weight: bold; color:'+cb;
var cssc='font-weight: bold; color:'+cc;
if (LOGGING > 0) console.log(">>>>>>>>>> Buying Rewards:
"+"%c"+Boolean(REWARDS)+""+"%c; Playing Multiply: "+"%c"+Boolean(MULTIPLY)+""+"%c;
Buying Lottery: "+"%c"+Boolean(LOTTERY), cssa, css_reset,cssb, css_reset, cssc);
// End rewards and multiply

//console.log(">>>>>>>>>> Elapsed time from last page reload:"+" %c" +

count_min + " minutes.",css_bold+'color:'+c1);
if (LOGGING > 0) console.log(">>>>>>>>>> Missing "+"%c"+t[0]+" min "+t[1]+"
sec"+"%c for next roll",css_bold+"color:"+c1,css_reset);

// Free Roll btc Winnings via script

var tot_btc_winning_rolling = getCookie('tot_btc_winning_rolling');
if (LOGGING > 0) console.log(">>>>>>>>>> BTC won with script:
"+"%c"+tot_btc_winning_rolling, css_bold+'color:'+c4);
if (LOGGING > 0) console.log(">>>>>>>>>> Rolls from last 8888:
"+"%c"+totJack, css_bold+'color:'+c2);

count_min = count_min + 10;

}, 600000);

// The reward function call the others functions, cause the order is: buy
bonus, free roll, play multiply, reload page, etc.

// Give info about jackpot

$('#multiplier_fifth_digit').on('click', function(){
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log("Count since last 8888: "+totJack);


function missingTime () {
var min = 0; var sec = 0; var str = "";

str = $('title').text().split(" ")[0];

if (str.length <= 7 && str.length >= 3) {
min = str.split(':')[0]; if (min.length > 0) min = min.replace('m','');
else min = 0;
sec = str.split(':')[1]; if (sec.length > 0) sec = sec.replace('s','');
else sec = 0;
return [min,sec];
function random(min,max){
return min + (max - min) * Math.random();
function closePopupInterval (target) {
if (':visible')) {
console.log("Close the popup");
}, random (3000,6000));
function getCookie(cname) {
var name = cname + "=";
var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie);
var ca = decodedCookie.split(';');
for(var i = 0; i <ca.length; i++) {
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') {
c = c.substring(1);
if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) {
return c.substring(name.length, c.length);
return "";
function setCookie(cname, cvalue, exdays) {
var d = new Date();
d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays*24*60*60*1000));
var expires = "expires="+ d.toUTCString();
document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + ";" + expires + ";path=/";

function freeRoll() {
var d = new Date();
var rand=0;
var r=0;
var tot_btc_winning_rolling = getCookie('tot_btc_winning_rolling');
if (! (tot_btc_winning_rolling > 0)) tot_btc_winning_rolling=0;

if ($('#free_play_form_button').is(':visible') && ! $
('#play_without_captchas_button').is(':visible')) {
var h = d.getHours();
if (h <= 6) rand=random(900000,3600000); //from midnight to 6am
else {
if (r <= 10) rand=random(9000,3600000); // xx%, long wait, more
than hour
else if (r <= 30) rand=random(6000,1800000); // long but not longest
else if (r <= 71) rand=random(3000,1200000); // xx% cases medium
else rand=random(500,60000); // xx% cases fast roll
if (reward.bonustime.current !== 0) { //If promo is active, roll faster
if (r <= 10) rand=random(3000,360000); //one time on ten it will
be slower
else rand=random(500,60000); //then faster
//if (! Boolean(REWARDS) ) rand=rand+random(5000,900000); // human behave
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log('++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Will roll in
'+rand/1000/60+' minutes;');
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log('hour:'+h+'; r:'+r);
setTimeout(function(){ $
//Duplicate the visibility chek to avoid error when humans roll and
don't refresh.
if ($('#free_play_form_button').is(':visible') && ! $
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log('+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
var win_btc = $('#winnings').text();
var win_lottery = $('#fp_lottery_tickets_won').text();
var win_rp = $('#fp_reward_points_won').text();
if (win_btc > 0) {
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log('Got '+win_btc+' btc,
'+win_lottery+' tickets and '+win_rp+' RP!');
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log(">> DEBUG:
"+tot_btc_winning_rolling+" -- "+win_btc+" --
tot_btc_winning_rolling =
parseFloat(parseFloat(tot_btc_winning_rolling) + parseFloat(win_btc)).toFixed(8);
if (LOGGING > 4) console.log(">> DEBUG:
tot_btc_winning_rolling, 365);
} else {
if (LOGGING > 1) console.log(''+'%cSome error retrieving
Roll Winnings. Winning was: '+win_btc, 'color: red');
}, 6999);
else {
if (LOGGING > 3) console.log('Already Rolled..');
setTimeout(function(){ location.reload(); }, 3000);
var rand1=rand+random(900000,1800000);
if (rand < 500) {
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log('Reload page after roll in
'+rand1/1000/60+' minutes!');
setTimeout(function(){ location.reload(); }, rand1);
} else if (rand > 900 && Boolean(MULTIPLY)) {
if (LOGGING > 0) console.log('Will multiply in '+rand1/1000/60+'
setTimeout(function(){ multiply(); }, rand1);
} else {
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log('No action after roll. Rand was '+rand);
} else {
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log("No roll");

// Multiply, called after the free roll, sometimes.

function multiply() {
var balance = parseInt($('#balance').text().split(".")[1]);
var bonustime_current;
if ($("#bonus_account_table").length != 0) {
var bonustime_balance = $('#bonus_account_balance').text().split(" ")[0];
var bonustime_wager_remaining = $('#bonus_account_wager').text().split(" ")
bonustime_current = 1;
} else
bonustime_current = 0;
var max_lose = 0; var i=0; var j=0;
if ( bonustime_current == 1) {
// Autobet at "double"
setTimeout(function(){ $('#auto_bet_on').click(); }, random(2000,2200));
setTimeout(function(){ $('#autobet_base_bet').val('0.00000001'); },
//13 rolls loosing in a row, 1 every 4096 games. Every script exec game you
win ~500 sat, playing ~500 games.
setTimeout(function(){ $('#autobet_max_bet').val('0.00004096'); },
setTimeout(function(){ $('#autobet_roll_count').val(MAX_ROLLS_AT_MULTIPLY);
}, random(3500,7000));
setTimeout(function(){ $('#autobet_bet_hi').prop('checked', true); $
('#autobet_bet_alternate').prop('checked', false); }, random(3500,7000));
setTimeout(function(){ $('#show_double_your_btc_auto_bet_on_lose').click();
}, random(7500,9000));
setTimeout(function(){ $('#autobet_lose_increase_bet').prop('checked',
true); $('#autobet_lose_return_to_base').prop('checked', false); },
setTimeout(function(){ $('#autobet_max_bet_stop').prop('checked', true); $
('#autobet_max_bet_reset').prop('checked', false); }, random(9100,11000));
setTimeout(function(){ $('#autobet_lose_increase_bet_percent').val('100');
}, random(9100,11000));
setTimeout(function(){ $('#autobet_dnr').prop('checked', true); },
setTimeout(function(){ $('#start_autobet').click(); },
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log('bonus balance: '+bonustime_balance+'; wager
remaining: '+bonustime_wager_remaining);
if (LOGGING > 2) console.log('total balance: '+balance);
setTimeout(function(){ $('.free_play_link').not('.hide_menu').click(); },

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