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Project WORDS – Multimedia Presentation




Intro Video sa una. (Mubo lang) Background Music sa intro video


Learning how to read lays the groundwork for effective

understanding. It helps us to sharpen our mind just like how
Video sa mga bata nga nag read sa library. Daun kadtong busy
sila nag gama og activities during classes. exercise helps keep our body healthy. Since reading plays a
vital role in exercising our minds, it is only pivotal that learning
how to read enables us to develop our critical thinking and
comprehension skills while promoting healthy independent
reading habits.

Pictures (slideshow) sa mga teachers nga nagpabasa sa ilang With that, Miputak National High School highlights the
mga assigned learners.
implementation of a School-based Reading Program called Project
WORDS (We Optimize Reading Development and Strategic
interventions) a community which involves the partnership of
teachers, parents, guardians and other stakeholders in intensifying
Project WORDS – Multimedia Presentation

love for reading and strategic intervention that can help motivate their
reading skills. This is a great opportunity to improve the reading
ability and comprehension level of our learners specifically the
struggling readers. This will not only help them become good readers
but also increase their reading appreciation and realization that
reading helps develop our ability to comprehend and analyze.


Table sa Data results sa GST from grade 7-10 (Eng and Fil) Based on the Phil IRI GST results in English and Filipino for S.Y.
2022-2023, it is revealed that out of the 20 item questions, 659
students from grade 7 to 10 garnered a raw score ranging from 0-7,
113 garnered a raw score ranging from 8-13 and 10 students
garnered a raw score that is equal to or greater than 14.


It can be implied that 81.3% of the school’s population got a raw

Pie graph sa data results sa GST from grade 7-10 (Eng and Fil)
score ranging from 0-7, 13.9% got a raw score ranging from 8-13
and only 1.2% got a raw score of equal to or greater than 14.
This signifies that more than half of the school’s population need
to undergo further testing and reading remediation.
Short video atong ga talk kunuhay mi ni ate Minchin ag sa lac Hence, it is now the objective of Project WORDS with Phil-IRI
session nato.
systematic study to help the students build up their capacity in
reading and eventually develop their comprehension skills so that
they will be able to understand the lessons that are being set for
Project WORDS – Multimedia Presentation

them by the department for their level of education.

SCENE 6 This program is composed of five (5) parts
Powerpoint presentation sa Project WORDS
Stage 1. Brigada Pagbasa
Stage 2. READ-Me with its subparts: RELS (Read, Empower, Lead &
Serve), PAIR (Parent-Teacher-Stakeholder Interactive Reading),
Stage 3. Reading Ready Na!,
Stage 4.Ready…Set…Win!, and stage 5. I-ReG (I read and I Get).
These stages highlight the facets of partnership among teachers,
parents, guardians, and other stakeholders for the reading
development of learners.
Activities na daun Jede

The preparation stage started on August 4, 2022, which included the

meeting of reading coordinators for the planning and implementation
A. Preparation stage (Pictures ni during sap ag print sa mga of the program followed by a meeting with the school principal for the
reading materials)
said project implementation and orientation of teachers about the
project to strengthen cooperation with stakeholders as partners in
areas pertaining to education quality. The reading coordinators, with
the help of the language teachers, prepared and printed the reading
materials and tools needed for the project.
Moreover, the reading coordinators prepared a letter of invitation to
Pictures nako nga naghatag og mga letters of invitation sa mga
the stakeholders for them to be part of the school’s Brigada Pagbasa
Program and the forthcoming School Reading Program of Miputak
Project WORDS – Multimedia Presentation

NHS by volunteering to help support learners, specifically the

struggling readers, to develop their reading and comprehension skills
and at the same time promote healthy independent reading habits.
The school principal Dexter A. Elumba, together with the school
reading coordinators, presented the School Reading Program Project
Pictures namo during sa brgy session sa miputak. Ag pag
WORDS in line with the Brigada Pagbasa to the Barangay and SK
introduce namo sa Project WORDS.
Council during their regular session resulting to the adaptation of the
said project to Barangay Miputak, Dipolog City as per Resolution No.
91 series of 2022.

SCENE 8 A. Implementation Stage

B.1. Group Screening Test during Enrollment
B.1. Pictures nato during sa enrollment ag nag conduct ta og
gst sa mga bata nga nagpa enroll. To help the teachers in identifying the reading abilities
of Miputak NHS learners, some of the language teachers
facilitated the conduct of the Phil IRI (The Philippine Informal
Reading Inventory) Group Screening Test to some learners
during the enrolment for S.Y. 2022-2023.
B.2. Launching of Project WORDS
To formally implement the school reading program, Miputak
B.2. Pictures atong pag launch sa Project WORDS. Ag ga emcee
NHS in collaboration with LGU-Brgy Miputak and SK Federation
ka sa 2nd day.
participated by parents, guardians, and other stakeholders
officially launched Project WORDS. The said launching was held
on August 18-19, 2022 at Barangay Miputak Conference Hall,
Project WORDS – Multimedia Presentation

Dipolog City.

SCENE 9 B.3. Reading Camp 2022

To strengthen the advocacy for reading in the context
Pictures and videos sa reading camp 2022
of partnership and to campaign for Brigada Pagbasa Program,
Miputak National High School organized a Reading Camp with
the theme “Let’s read better, and work on this together.”
(Pagbutihin ang pagbasa, at gawin nating sama-sama” on
September 29, 2022 at the school’s forecourt.
The said event is one of the reading activities to help
support learners, especially the struggling readers, to develop
their reading and comprehension skills at the same time promote
healthy independent reading habits.
The said activity is an initial step of a total
collaborative commitment among teachers, students, parents,
and other stakeholders of the School Reading Program Project
WORDS. The activity comprised of reading games that students
per team should accomplish.
Other than this, some teachers of Sinaman Integrated
School came to witness the said event as part of the benchmark
to provide them with the different approaches and processes on
the conduct of a reading program which could be utilized in their
school. This could help intensify learners’ love for reading and
somehow enhance teaching styles through strategic
Project WORDS – Multimedia Presentation

interventions. Four (4) district supervisors also came to observe

and monitor the said event.

SCENE 10 B.4. LAC Session

The School Learning Action Cell session highlighted
Videos nga imong na capture during sa LAC session.
the summary, content and guidelines of the reading program to
orient teachers on the processes of conducting oral reading
tests. Moreover, capacity-building for parents was also
conducted during the first PTA Meeting to orient them on the
processes of conducting reading activities which enables them
to gain knowledge on the teaching of beginning reading and to
disseminate the process.

SCENE 11 B.5. Conduct of Individual Oral Reading Test using the Phil
IRI Graded Passages in English and Filipino.
Since more than half of the school’s population got a raw score
ranging from 0-7 and based on the standard of Phil IRI, they
Powerpoint pa ag sa lac session explaining the graded
passages starting point. must be given a passage that is 3 grade levels below their
current level.
And since the GST used for this project for all learners of
Miputak National High School contains grade 7 set of leveled
passages as it is only the highest set of leveled passages based
on the Phil IRI Manual, the starting point of graded passage to
Project WORDS – Multimedia Presentation

be used in the oral reading test is grade 4.

Since Miputak NHS is committed to strengthen the unity and
Videos ni nga nag conduct og pretest tong mga teachers nga
cooperation among the teachers, parents and stakeholders in
nay assigned learners. Ag wala nimo videohi sa Kelsey ba
hahaha. promoting reading by making every learner a reader, all teachers pf
the school worked hand in hand to conduct the individual oral reading
test to the struggling readers.
SCENE 13 Project WORDS will surely benefit not just the school community
but also the community that our school envisions to shape. Here
in Miputak National High School, together with the teachers,
students, parents, and other stakeholders, let us create a
stronger, more promising future for the coming generation.

VO (JANA) Para sa bata, para sa bayan.

VO (JADE) Tindogmiputak!

Kani nga last part ag video sa mga students nga niingon og

tindogmiputak. hahahaha
SCENE 14 Background music
Pictures sa faculty and staff sa Miputak NHS.

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