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Intramammary preparations for veterinary use EUROPEAN PHARMACOPOEIA 5.

Uniformity of mass of delivered doses from multidose Gastro-resistant granules

containers (2.9.27). Granules supplied in multidose
containers comply with the test. DEFINITION
Gastro-resistant granules are delayed-release granules that
STORAGE are intended to resist the gastric fluid and to release the
If the preparation contains volatile ingredients or the active substance(s) in the intestinal fluid. These properties
contents have to be protected, store in an airtight container. are achieved by covering the granules with a gastro-resistant
material (enteric-coated granules) or by other suitable means.
Effervescent granules PRODUCTION
DEFINITION A suitable test is carried out to demonstrate the appropriate
release of the active substance(s).
Effervescent granules are uncoated granules generally
containing acid substances and carbonates or hydrogen TESTS
carbonates which react rapidly in the presence of water to
release carbon dioxide. They are intended to be dissolved or Dissolution. Carry out a suitable test to demonstrate the
dispersed in water before administration. appropriate release of the active substance(s), for example
the test described in Dissolution test for solid dosage forms
TESTS (2.9.3).
Disintegration. Place one dose of the effervescent granules
in a beaker containing 200 ml of water R at 15-25 °C ; 01/2005:0945
numerous bubbles of gas are evolved. When the evolution
of gas around the individual grains ceases, the granules INTRAMAMMARY PREPARATIONS
have disintegrated, being either dissolved or dispersed in
the water. Repeat the operation on 5 other doses. The FOR VETERINARY USE
preparation complies with the test if each of the 6 doses used
disintegrates within 5 min. Praeparationes intramammariae
STORAGE ad usum veterinarium
In an airtight container. DEFINITION
Intramammary preparations for veterinary use are sterile
Coated granules preparations intended for introduction into the mammary
gland via the teat canal. There are two main categories :
DEFINITION those intended for administration to lactating animals, and
Coated granules are usually multidose preparations and those intended for administration to animals at the end of
consist of granules coated with one or more layers of lactation or to non-lactating animals for the treatment or
mixtures of various excipients. prevention of infection.
Intramammary preparations for veterinary use are solutions,
PRODUCTION emulsions or suspensions or semi-solid preparations
The substances used as coatings are usually applied as a containing one or more active substances in a suitable
solution or suspension in conditions in which evaporation vehicle. They may contain excipients such as stabilising,
of the vehicle occurs. emulsifying, suspending and thickening agents. Suspensions
may show a sediment which is readily dispersed on shaking.
TESTS Emulsions may show evidence of phase separation but are
Dissolution. A suitable test may be carried out to readily redispersed on shaking.
demonstrate the appropriate release of the active Unless otherwise justified and authorised, intramammary
substance(s), for example one of the tests described in preparations for veterinary use are supplied in containers for
Dissolution test for solid dosage forms (2.9.3). use on one occasion only for introduction in a single teat
canal of an animal.
Modified-release granules If supplied in multidose containers, aqueous preparations
contain a suitable antimicrobial preservative at a suitable
DEFINITION concentration, except where the preparation itself has
Modified-release granules are coated or uncoated granules adequate antimicrobial properties. Precautions for
which contain special excipients or which are prepared by administration and for storage between administrations
special procedures, or both, designed to modify the rate, the must be taken.
place or the time at which the active substance or substances Where applicable, containers for intramammary preparations
are released. for veterinary use comply with the requirements of Materials
Modified-release granules include prolonged-release granules used for the manufacture of containers (3.1 and subsections)
and delayed-release granules. and Containers (3.2 and subsections).
A suitable test is carried out to demonstrate the appropriate During the development of a intramammary preparation
release of the active substance(s). for veterinary use, the formulation for which contains an
antimicrobial preservative, the effectiveness of the chosen
TESTS preservative shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of
Dissolution. Carry out a suitable test to demonstrate the the competent authority. A suitable test method together
appropriate release of the active substance(s), for example with criteria for judging the preservative properties of
the test described in Dissolution test for solid dosage forms the formulation are provided in the text on Efficacy of
(2.9.3). antimicrobial preservation (5.1.3).

606 See the information section on general monographs (cover pages)

EUROPEAN PHARMACOPOEIA 5.0 Liquid preparations for cutaneous application

Intramammary preparations for veterinary use are prepared PRODUCTION

using materials and methods designed to ensure sterility and For continuous release, the intraruminal device is designed
to avoid the introduction of contaminants and the growth to release the active substance(s) at a defined rate over a
of micro-organisms ; recommendations on this aspect are defined period of time. This may be achieved by erosion,
provided in the text on Methods of preparation of sterile corrosion, diffusion, osmotic pressure or any other suitable
products (5.1.1). chemical, physical or physico-chemical means.
In the manufacture of intramammary preparations for For pulsatile-release, the intraruminal device is designed to
veterinary use containing dispersed particles, measures are release a specific quantity of active substance(s) at one or
taken to ensure a suitable and controlled particle size with several defined intermediate times. This may be achieved by
regard to the intended use. corrosion by ruminal fluids of the metallic elements of the
intraruminal device which leads to sequential release of the
TESTS constituent units which are usually in the form of tablets.
Deliverable mass or volume. Squeeze out as much as In the manufacture of intraruminal devices, means are taken
possible of the contents of ten containers according to the to ensure an appropriate release of the active substance(s).
instructions on the label. The mean mass or volume does In the manufacture, packaging, storage and distribution of
not differ by more than 10 per cent from the nominal mass intraruminal devices, suitable means are taken to ensure
or volume. their microbial quality ; recommendations on this aspect
Sterility (2.6.1). Intramammary preparations for veterinary are provided in the text on Microbiological quality of
use comply with the test for sterility ; use the technique of pharmaceutical preparations (5.1.4).
membrane filtration or, in justified cases, direct inoculation
of the culture media. Squeeze out the contents of ten TESTS
containers and mix thoroughly. For each medium, use 0.5 g Uniformity of content (2.9.6). Unless otherwise justified and
to 1 g (or 0.5 ml to 1 ml as appropriate) taken from the authorised, constituent tablet units of intraruminal devices
mixed sample. in which the active substances are present at levels less than
2 mg or less than 2 per cent of the total mass comply with
STORAGE test A for uniformity of content of single-dose preparations.
Store in a sterile, airtight, tamper-proof container. If the preparation contains more than one active substance,
the requirement applies only to those substances which
LABELLING correspond to the above conditions.
The label states : Uniformity of mass (2.9.5). Unless otherwise justified and
— the name of the active substance(s) and the mass or authorised, the constituent tablet units of intraruminal
number of International Units of the active substance(s) devices comply with the test for uniformity of mass. If the
that may be delivered from the container using normal test for uniformity of content is prescribed for all active
technique, substances, the test for uniformity of mass is not required.
— whether the preparation is intended for use in a lactating
animal or a non-lactating animal, LABELLING
The label states :
— in the case of multidose containers, the name of any
added antimicrobial preservative. — for continuous-release devices, the dose released per unit
— for pulsatile-release devices, the dose released at
specified times.
Praeparationes intraruminales CUTANEOUS APPLICATION
The requirements of this monograph do not apply to
preparations (sometimes known as boluses), such as Praeparationes liquidae ad usum dermicum
large conventional tablets, capsules or moulded dosage
forms which give immediate or prolonged release of the Where justified and authorised, the requirements of this
active substance(s). Such preparations comply with the monograph do not apply to preparations intended for
relevant parts of the monographs on Capsules (0016) or systemic and veterinary use.
Tablets (0478).
DEFINITION Liquid preparations for cutaneous application are
Intraruminal devices are solid preparations each containing preparations of a variety of viscosities intended for local
one or more active substances. They are intended for oral or transdermal delivery of active ingredients. They are
administration to ruminant animals and are designed to be solutions, emulsions or suspensions which may contain one
retained in the rumen to deliver the active substance(s) in a or more active substances in a suitable vehicle. They may
continuous or pulsatile manner. The period of release of the contain suitable antimicrobial preservatives, antioxidants
active substance(s) may vary from days to weeks according and other excipients such as stabilisers, emulsifiers and
to the nature of the formulation and/or the delivery device. thickeners.
Intraruminal devices may be administered using a balling Emulsions may show evidence of phase separation but
gun. Some intraruminal devices are intended to float on the are readily redispersed on shaking. Suspensions may
surface of the ruminal fluid while others are intended to show a sediment which is readily dispersed on shaking to
remain on the floor of the rumen or reticulum. Each device give a suspension which is sufficiently stable to enable a
has a density appropriate for its intended purpose. homogeneous preparation to be delivered.

General Notices (1) apply to all monographs and other texts 607

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