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Alangalang, Visayas State University

Brgy. Binongtoan, Alangalang, Leyte
Tel. No. (053) 331-9015916
College of Environmental & Agricultural Technology Email:
Alangalang, Leyte Website:

Name: Jerwin G. Diaz BSED IIA May 21, 2022

Subject: PrEd 200- The Teaching Internship

(Reflection Paper)

I am always aiming for our country to provide equal rights, proper treatment, balance job loads,
and enough benefits amongst our workers in the field of employment. That they should not be easily
judge according to their culture, belief, and traditions, or even when we speak of disabilities. I have this
advocacy for I know how it feels to be judge by your incapability of being part of LGBTQ who’s sometimes
or most of the times are being subjected to prejudice, and I am hoping that this advocacy may reach to
the governing body of our society and to provide immediate actions on the aforementioned issues.
Teaching is not about what you can give physically buts it’s more of what you can give morally,
mentally, and psychologically that should be emphasize every time there is someone to apply for job. Our
struggle for speaking and body coordination is not guarantee for our incapability to do our job excellently;
we should look for a “passion”, that for me is the epitome of all profession, we succeed because we
exhale effort, we improve because of intense feeling towards what we are doing. Teacher may sometimes
humiliate as low paying job and so on, but we should always look for a reason to hold on and provide
reasons to prove them wrong, no one can lift you up more of yourself, struggle is normal but giving up is
not a good attitude towards it. Winning is only for those who knows how to fight, and defeat comes to
those who don’t. Our job is to mold innocent minds and not to be always pleasing in front of our students,
we we’re not fashion models, and we are passion models. Sowing good seed in the minds of our students
will guarantee good harvest, inspiring them is like taking good care of our plants to grow and bear sweet
fruits whose sometimes refer to us by a bright future for our students.
It has been my dream to eradicate discrimination in the field of employment. Discrimination
violates the rights of some individual to show their skill in their field of expertise who’s sometimes being
neglected due to their physical attributes and disability which should not be happening, as we uphold
equality. And besides we are not after of one’s attributes, but we are after its contributions to our company
and that should be emphasize that qualification should evolve on the skills of an applicant and not by its
personal backgrounds because it is meaningless if we compare it to their positive points.

Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies
for sustainable communities and environment.

Alangalang, Visayas State University

Brgy. Binongtoan, Alangalang, Leyte
Tel. No. (053) 331-9015916
College of Environmental & Agricultural Technology Email:
Alangalang, Leyte Website:

“Every Child is Special”

(Reflection Paper)

Every child thinks about what to do when they grow up, and every child changes their mind about
a hundred times. I admit that I changed my mind frequently until I started high school. I wanted to be
everything from a journalist to a well-known designer, but in high school I decided that one day I would
be a teacher. I wanted to be a teacher because I think that our nation is lacking in teachers that want to
teach. We have an abundance of teachers that teach because it is their job, not their passion. I want to
teach, guide, and most of all I want to make a difference. I was so inspired of the movie by how the
teacher is passionate of his job, he thinks for ways on how to cater the needs of a child with special needs
that even his parents never understand the condition of their child. It brought me to tears when I realized
that it’s not the salary, it’s not the uniform, and its not the name LPT after your name that makes you a
teacher but it’s the impact you bring to your students life that determine their future.

I truly believe that education is the key to success. Success comes in different stages. Before a
child can be successful outside of school, they must first be successful in school. Children need to learn
to have confidence in their abilities and their work. They also need to learn to have confidence in
themselves. They need to understand that they are special, ante that they are wonderful for just being
themselves. As a teacher, I hope to influence children not only in their core curriculum but also in their
ability to solve problems. In my classroom, I don’t necessarily want the students to memorize facts, but
I want them to learn and retain the information on how to find the answers. They need to know the type
of information they can go to the dictionary for help, encyclopedias, thesaurus, and the Internet.

My classroom will be very hands on. Children learn things better when they experience them
firsthand. They learn how volcanoes erupt the same way they learn that the stove is hot. That said, not
everything can be taught in this manner. Many things in my future classroom will be taught through the
exploration of books. Children need to be taught that learning is fun, or they won’t want to learn. We all
know that if someone doesn’t want to do something they won’t do it. I hope to be able to deal with all
discipline problems by myself using the office as a last resort. I don’t want my students to fear me, but I
want them to use me as an inspiration and learn from me like I was an older brother to them. The more
fun the learning the more engaging the classroom will be. And when you have a fun classroom, interest
from the students will no longer be a problem otherwise it will be a classroom where learning has no limit.

Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies
for sustainable communities and environment.

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