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THE ACADEMIC WORD LIST IN CONTEXT By Lawrence J. Zwier Series Director: Cheryl Boyd Zimmerman &) With Student CD-ROM qduorixo Inside Reading THE ACADEMIC WORD LIST IN CONTEXT By Lawrence J. Zwier Series Director: Cheryl Boyd Zimmerman OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD 198 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10016 USA Great Clarendon Street, Oxford or? 6° UK Oxford University Press isa department ofthe University of Oxford. Itfurthers the University’s objective of excellence in researc, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwidein Oxford New York Auckland CapeTown Dares alsam HongKong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi [New Delhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto ‘With offices in ‘Argentina Austria Brazil Chile Czech Republic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam oxronn and ox#ono #NoLIsi are registered trademarks of Oxford University Press. (© Oxford University Press 2009 Database right Oxford University Press (maker) Library of Congress Cataloging-in Publication Data ‘Bungmeier, Arline Inside reading 1: the academic word list in context / Arline Burgmeter pcm. ISBN 978-0-19-441612:2 (pbk w/ edrom) 1. English language—Tetbooks for foreign speakers. 2. Vocabulary. L Tite PE1128.8546 2007 42824—de22 2007023406 ‘No unauthorized photocopying. Allrights reserved, No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, sored ina retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without th prior permission in writing of Oxford University ress, ‘or as expresly permitted by law, orunder terms agreed withthe appropriate copyright clearance organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the ELT Rights Department, Oxford, University Press, at the address above. ‘You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer ‘Aay websites referred ton this publication are inthe public domain and their addresses are provided by Oxford Univesity Press for information only. (Oxford University Press disclaims any responsiblity forthe content Editorial Director: Sally Yagan Senior Managing Editor: Patrica O'Neil Editor: Dena Daniel Design Director: Robert Carangelo Design Manager: Marit lagsted Production Artist: Julie Armstrong, ‘Compositor: TSI Graphics Inc. Cover design: Stacy Merlin Production Manager: Shanta Persaud Production Controller: Eve Wong, ‘Student book pack ISBN: 978 019 441613 9 Student book ISBN: 978 0 194416030 Printed in Hong Kong 987654321 (Cover art Getty Images: William Shakespeare: IT Stock Freefjupiter Images: Bee ‘The publisher would ike to thank TSI Graphs or he ustations wedi his ook, ‘The publsher would ie to thank te owing or hr persion repradace _photogaple: Peter MeLaren/leaut Photos: 3 Alessandro Gandolfiupiter Images: 4: Shih Fukada/AP Images: 8; Mat Blaze: 9, Davi Spindel/Superstock: 16; ‘Time t Life PicturefGetty Images: 17; Lars Klove: 23: image100)SuperStock: 20; Ewing Gallowayjjupter Images: 44: Mary Evans Picture Library/Alamy: 44; The Print Collector/Alamy: 51; Wallace Kirkland{Time & Life Pictures/Getty mages 80; Dennis O'Clairflupter Images: 101; Carrie Osgood} AP Images: 121; Fye of SciencefPhoto Researchers, Inc: 128 "The pubcher woud keto thank he ellwing fr tet ermison to reproduce ‘copyrighted materia: pp. 3-4, “Opal Fever: Adventures in the Outback,” by Kathy Marks, The Independent, March 10,2002. Excerpted and adapted with permission. pp. 8-10, ~The Uply Underneath, by Amanda Geter, Philadelphia (ty Paper, September 7-13, 2006. Reprinted and adapted with permission. Bp. 16-17, Interview quote from Kai Ryssdal, interviewer, National Pubic Radio, “Marketplace” August 7,2006. pp. 28-24, "The Brand Underground.” by Rob Walker, The New York Times Megane, July 30, 2006.© 2006 by Rob Walker. Reprinted and adapted with permission, pp. 72-73, "How smart." by Randy Braun and Andreas Wiesenack, Pyhclogy Today. p. 60, Adapted fom National Geographic Xpeaitions, “Climographs: Temperature Precipitation, and the Human Condition” pp. 79-80, “They Starved So That Others Be Better Fe: Remembering Ancel Keys and the Minnesota Experiment.” by Leal M. Kalm and Richard D. Semba, The ournal Nutrition, American Society for Nutrition. Reprinted and adapted with permission. pp. 86-87, Adapted from US, Geologic Survey, “Pate Tectonics.” pp. 92-93, "Inthe land of

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