CH 12 MCQ Vetting

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Chapter: 12-ATOMS

Section-A- MCQ (Multiple Choice Question)

Sl.No Question:
Which One of the following model of atom is stable model of atom
1 (a) Thomson Model of Atom
(b) Rutherford Model of Atom
(c) Bohr’s Model of Atom
(d) None of the above

In Geiger-Marsden experiment total energy of Alpha particle would be

2 (a) Zero
(b) Positive

(c) Negative

(d) Could be negative or Positive

What is true for the relation between angle of scattering and impact parameter of alpha particle in
3 Rutherford scattering experiment
(a) Angle of Scattering is independent of impact parameter
(b) If impact parameter is large ,angle of scattering will also be large
(c) If impact parameter is small ,angle of scattering will be large
(d) For head on collisions impact parameter will be maximum and angle of scattering will be minimum

According to Rutherford’s Atomic model total energy of electron in a hydrogen atom is

4 (a) -



(d) -

Q 5- According to which model of atom energy of electron in an orbit is discrete

5 (a) Thomson Model of atom
(b) Bohr’s Model of atom
(c)Rutherford Model
(d) None of the above

In Rutherford model of atom

6 (a) Electron lose energy continuously by emitting continuous spectrum of em waves
(b) Electron do not lose energy but emit discrete spectrum of em waves
(c) Electrons do not lose energy and hence emit no radiation spectra (d) none of above

Taking the Bohr radius as a0 = 53pm, the radius of Li++ ion in its ground state, on the basis of Bohr’s
7 model, will be about
(a) 53 pm
(b) 27 pm
(c) 18 pm

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(d) 13 pm
The simple Bohr model cannot be directly applied to calculate the
8 energy levels of an atom with many electrons. This is because
(a) of the electrons not being subject to a central force.
(b) of the electrons colliding with each other
(c) of screening effects
(d) the force between the nucleus and an electron will no longer
be given by Coulomb’s law.
According to Bohr’s atomic model total energy of electron revolving in nth orbit is-
9 (a) Directly Proportional to n2 and inversely proportional Z2
(b) inversely proportional to
(c) directly proportional to ‘n’, inversely proportional to Z
(d) Independent of Z and n

The shortest wavelength present in the Balmer series of spectral lines is-
10 (a) 8204
(b) 3646
(c) 5204
(d) 2204

The radius of the innermost electron orbit of a hydrogen atom is 5.3×10–11 m. What is the radii in First
11 Excited state
(a) 10.6 x 10-11 m
(b) 2.12 x 10-10 m
(c) 2.65 x 10-11 m
(d) 1.33 x 10-10 m

The total energy of an electron in the second excited state of the hydrogen atom is about –1.51 eV.
12 What are the kinetic energy(K) and potential energy(U) of the electron in this state?
(a) K = - 1.51 eV, U =- 3.02 eV
(b) K = 1.51 eV, U = -3.02 eV
(c) K = 1.51 eV, U = 3.02eV
(d) Cannot Calculate

The Bohr model for the spectra of a H-atom

13 (a) will not be applicable to hydrogen in the molecular from.
(b) will not be applicable as it is for a He-atom.
(c) is valid only at room temperature.
(d) predicts continuous as well as discrete spectral lines.
The figure shows energy level diagram of hydrogen atom
14 Find out the transition which results in the emission of a photon of
wavelength 496 nm .
(a) n=4 to n=3
(b) n=3 to n=2
(c) n=4 to n=2
(d) n=2 to n=1
Bohr model of hydrogen atom cannot predict
15 (a) Discrete energy level
(b) Origin of Balmer series
(c) Stability of atom
(d) Fine structure of hydrogen spectra

16 If 13.6 eV energy is required to ionise the hydrogen atom, then energy required to remove an electron

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from n = 2 is
(a) 10.2 eV
(b) 0 eV
(c) 3.4 eV
(d) 6.8 eV.
17 In Bohr’s model, the atomic radius of the first orbit is rQ. Then, the radius of the third orbit is
(a) r0/9
(b) r0
(c) 9r0
(d) 3r0
18 The K.E. of the electron in an orbit of radius r in hydrogen atom is proportional to

19 The longest wavelength in Balmer series of hydrogen spectrum will be

(a) 6557 Å
(b) 1216 Å
(c) 4800 Å
(d) 5600 Å
20 In terms of Rydberg constant R, the wave number of the first Balmer line is
(a) R
(b) 3R
(c) 5R/36
(d) 8R/9
21 The energy of hydrogen atom in the nth orbit is En, then the energy in the nth orbit of single ionised
helium atom is

22 The transition of electron from n = 4, 5, 6, ………. to n = 3 corresponds to

(a) Lyman series
(b) Balmer series
(c) Paschen series
(d) Brackettseries
23 In terms of Rydberg constant R, the shortest wavelength in Balmer series of hydrogen atom spectrum
will have wavelength

24 In the Geiger-Marsden scattering experiment, is case of head-on collision the impact parameter should
(a) maximum
(b) minimum
(c) infinite
(d) zero
25 The first spectral series was discovered by
(a) Balmer
(b) Lyman
(c) Paschen
(d) Pfund

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26 The Bohr model of atoms
(a) assumes that the angular momentum of elec-trons is quantized.
(b) uses Einstein’s photoelectric equation.
(c) predicts continuous emission spectra for at-oms.
(d) predicts the same emission spectra for all types of atoms.
27 The diagram shows the energy levels for an electron in a certain atom. Which transition shown
represents the emission of a photon with the most energy?

(a) I
(b) II
(c) III
(d) IV
28 In a hydrogen atom, the radius of nth Bohr orbit is rn. The graph between log(rn/r1) and log n will be

29 The hydrogen atom can give spectral lines in the Lyman, Balmer and Paschen series. Which of the
following statement is correct?
(a) Lyman series is in the infrared region.
(b) Balmer series is in the visible region.
(c) Paschen series is in the visible region.
(d) Balmer series is in the ultraviolet region.
30 Which of the relation is correct between time period and number of orbits while an electron is resolving
in an orbit?

31 The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is -13.6Ev. The kinetic energy of the electron in this state is
(A) 27.2eV

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(B) 13.6eV
(C) 6.8eV
(D) 3.4Ev
32 In Bohr’s model of hydrogen atom, the radius of the first electron orbit is 0.53 A0.
What will be the radius of the third orbit?
(A) 4.77 A0
(B) 47.7 A0
(C) 9 A0
(D) 0.09 A0
33 The ratio of minimum to maximum wavelength in Balmer series is
(A) 5: 9
(B) 5: 36
(C) 1: 4
(D) 3: 4
34 In Bohr’s Model of Hydrogen atom, which of the following is quantized?
(A) Linear velocity of the electron
(B) Angular velocity of the electron
(C) Linear momentum of the electron
(D) Angular momentum of the electron
35 The number of waves contained in unit length of the medium is called___.
(A) Elastic wave
(B) Wave pulse
(C) Wave number
(D) Electromagnetic wave
36 According to Bohr’s theory, relation between principal Quantum number n and radius of orbit r is
(A) r α n
(B) r α 1/n
(C) r α n2
(D) r α 1/ n2
37 The ground state energy of Hydrogen atom is -13.6eV. What is the potential energy of the electron in this
(A) 0eV
(B) -27.2eV
(C) 1eV
(D) 2eV
38 What is the ratio of Bohr magneton to the Nuclear-magneton?

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(A) 1
(B) (mp )2/ (me )2
(C) me / mp
(D) mp / me
39 Minimum energy required to take out the only electron from the ground state of He+ ion is
(A) 13.6 eV
(B) 54.4 eV
(C) 27.2 eV
(D) 6.8 eV
40 Which of the following transitions in Hydrogen atoms emits photon of highest frequency?
(A) n = 1 to n=2
(B) n = 2 to n=6
(C) n = 6 to n=2
(D) n = 2 to n=1
41 What is the angle of scattering for zero impact parameter?
(A) Zero
(B) 180 degrees
(C) 90 degrees
(D) 45 degrees
42 In Hydrogen atom, the orbital speed of electron is –
(A) directly proportional to n
(B) directly proportional to n2
(C) inversely proportional to n
(D) inversely proportional to n2
43 In Paschen series, if n2 = 4,5,6,…and n1=3, we get a spectral series in the ________region.
(A) Infrared
(B) UV
(C) Visible
(D) Microwave
44 Fine structure constant, α = (2πke2)/ ch
(A) Has dimension of Time inverse
(B) Has dimension of length inverse
(C) Has dimension of length
(D) Has no dimension
45 For distance of closest approach and the estimation of size of nucleus involves
(A) Conservation of charge

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(B) Conservation of angular momentum
(C) Conservation of energy
(D) Conservation of Linear momentum
46 If the kinetic energy of the alpha particle incident on gold foil is doubled then the distance of closest
approach becomes
A. doubled
B. halved
C. unchanged
D. four times

47 In alpha particle scattering experiment, the large angle of scattering is possible only due to
A. electrons
B. photon
C. nucleus
D. orbits

48 In alpha particle scattering experiment, most of the alpha particles pass straight through the foil because
A. alpha particles have very high penetration power
B. alpha particles do not react with any elementary particles present in atom
C. speed of alpha particles are very high
D. most of the space within the atom is empty

49 For head-on collision of alpha particle with nucleus, the impact parameter is
A. zero
B. infinite
C. 10-10 m
D. 1 m

50 The total energy of the electron is negative. This implies the fact that the electron is bound to the
A. atom
B. nucleus
C. proton
D. neutron

51 For small impact parameter, the alpha particles are scattered through large angle means that the
electrostatic force between nucleus and the alpha particle is
A. large and attractive
B. large and repulsive
C. small and attractive

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D. no force of attraction and repulsion

52 According to Rutherford’s Model of an atom, the centripetal force required to revolution of an electron
around a nucleus is provided by the electrostatic force of attraction between the electron and
A. photons
B. meson
C. nucleus
D. quark

53 Rutherford’s Model of an atom could not explain the

A. central core of an atom called nucleus
B. space within the atoms
C. stability of an atom
D. charge on a nucleus

54 The Bohr’s Model of an atom

A. assumes that the angular momentum of electrons is quantized
B. uses de Broglie’s hypothesis
C. says that the orbit of an electron is elliptical
D. predicts the wave nature of an electron

55 How much energy is required to excite an electron in H-atom from ground state to first exited state
A. 0 eV
B. 13.6 eV
C. – 13.6 eV
D. – 10.2 eV

56 In Bohr’s Model, the atomic radius of the first orbit is r0. Then, the radius of the third orbit is
A. r0/4
B. r0
C. 9r0
D. 3r0

57 The energy of the hydrogen atom in the nth orbit is En, then the energy of the nth orbit of single ionised
helium atom is
A. En/2
B. 2 En
C. 4 En
D. En/4

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58 What is the moment of momentum for an electron in the second orbit of a Hydrogen atom ?
A. 2πh
B. π h
C. h / π
D. 2 h / π

59 In terms of Rydberg constant R, the wave number of the first Balmer line is
A. 2R
B. R
C. 5R/36
D. 8R/9

60 According to Bohr’s model of an atom, which of the following physical quantity is quantized
A. linear momentum of electron
B. kinetic energy of electron
C. linear velocity of electron
D. angular momentum of electron

61 In case of hydrogen atom, the radius of the electron in its nth orbit is proportional to
(i) l/n (ii) l/n2 (iii) n (iv) n2
62 For hydrogen atom when the electron jumps from higher energy level n = 5, 6, 7,... etc. to the energy
level n = 4, a set of spectral lines are obtained. These are called
(i) Balmer Series (ii) Bracket Series (iii) Paschen Series (iv) Lyman Series
63 For hydrogen atom when the electron jumps from higher energy level n = 5, 6, 7,... etc. to the energy
level n = 4, a set of spectral lines are obtained. These are called
(i) Balmer Series (ii) Bracket Series (iii) Paschen Series (iv) Lyman Series
64 Rutherford’s atomic model was unstable because
(i) nuclei will break down
(ii) electrons do not remain in orbit
(iii) orbiting electrons radiate energy
(iv) electrons are repelled by the nucleus

65 The first spectral series was discovered by

(i) Balmer
(ii) Lyman
(iii) Paschen
(iv) Pfund

66 The minimum energy required to free electron from the ground state of the Hydrogen atom is
(i) -13.6 eV
(ii) 13.6 eV
(iv) 3.4 eV
67 The energy required to excite an electron in hydrogen atom to its first excited state is
(i) -13.6 eV
(ii) 13.6 eV
(iv) 3.4 eV

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68 As the excitation of hydrogen atom increases the value of minimum energy required to free the electron
from the excited atom
(i) decreases.
(ii) Increases
(iii) Remains same
(iv) Becomes zero
69 The line with the longest wavelength, 656.3 nm in the red is called
(i) Hα
(ii) Hβ
(iii) Hϒ
(iv) None of the above
70 As the wavelength decreases, the spectral lines appear …………….. together and are …………… in
(i) Farther,stronger
(ii) Closer,stronger
(iii) Farther,weaker
(iv) closer,weaker
71 The perpendicular distance of the initial velocity vector of the α-particle from the centre of the nucleus
is called
(i) impact parameter,
(ii) distance of closest approach
(iii) Radius of nucleus
(iv) Radius of Atom

72 In alpha-particle trajectory , an α-particle close to the nucleus has…………… impact parameter.

(i) large
(ii) small
(iii) infinite
(iv) 0

73 Which of the following series in spectrum of hydrogen atom lies in visible region of the electromagnetic
(i) Lyman series
(ii) Paschen series
(iii) Balmer series
(iv) Brackett series:
74 What is the maximum number of spectral lines emitted by a hydrogen atom when it is in the third
excited state?
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 2
(d) 5
75 The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is -13.6 eV.
What is the kinetic energy of an electron in the 2nd excited state?
(a) -2. 8 eV
(b) -1 51 eV
(c) -1. 4 eV
(d) -4 53 eV
76 The transition of electron from n = 4, 5, 6, ………. to n = 3 corresponds to
(a) Lyman series
(b) Balmer series
(c) Paschen series
(d) Bracket series

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77 Which of the following spectral series falls within the visible range of electromagnetic radiation?
(a) Lyman series
(b) Balmer series
(c) Paschen series
(d) Pfund series
78 The figure shows energy level diagram of hydrogen atom
Find out the transition which results in the emission of a photon of
wavelength 496 nm .
(a) n=4 to n=3
(b) n=3 to n=2
(c) n=4 to n=2
(d) n=2 to n=1
79 The hydrogen atom can give spectral lines in the Lyman, Balmer and Paschen series. Which of the
following statement is correct?
(a) Lyman series is in the infrared region.
(b) Balmer series is in the visible region.
(c) Paschen series is in the visible region.
(d) Balmer series is in the ultraviolet region.
80 What is the ratio of radii of the orbits corresponding to first excited state and ground state in a hydrogen
(a) 2:1
(b) 4:1
(c) 1:1
(d) 1:2
81 What is the perpendicular distance of the velocity vector of the α-particle from the centre of the
(a) Distance of closest approach
(b) Impact parameter
(c) Bohr's radius
(d) Radius of an atom
82 At distance of closest approach, what is the kinetic energy of a-particle?
(a) -13. 6 eV
(b) 0 eV
(c) 13.6eV
(d) -6. 8eV
83 The longest wavelength in Balmer series of hydrogen spectrum will be
(a) 6557 Å
(b) 1216 Å
(c) 4800 Å
(d) 5600 Å
84 On moving up in the energy states of a H-like atom, the energy difference between two consecutive
energy states
(a) decreases.
(b) increases.
(c) first decreases then increases.
(d) first increases then decreases.
85 The radius of innermost electron orbit of a hydrogen atom is 5.310-11m. What is the radius of orbit in
second excited state?
(a) 5.1 × 10‒5 m
(b) 1.44 × 10‒5 m
(c) 3.1 × 10‒8 m
(d) 4.77 × 10‒10 m

86 If 13.6 eV energy is required to ionize the hydrogen atom, then energy required to remove an electron
from n = 2 is
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(a) 10.2 eV
(b) 0 eV
(c) 3.4 eV
(d) 6.8 eV.
87 Find the ratio of energies of photons produced due to transition of an electron of hydrogen atom from its
highest permitted energy level to the first permitted level.
(a) 3:4
(b) 4:3
(c) 3:1
(d) 4:1
88 The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is -13.6 eV. What is the kinetic of electron in this state?
(a) 13.6 eV
(b) 6.8 eV
(c) 27.2eV
(d) 54.4 eV


1 C
2 C
3 C
4 A
5 B
6 A
7 C
8 C
9 A
10 B
11 B
12 B
13 A
14 B
15 D
16 C
17 C
18 B
19 A
20 C
21 C
22 C
23 B
24 A
25 A
26 A
27 C
28 A
29 B
30 C
Page 12
31 (B) 13.6eV
32 (A) 4.77 A0
33 (A) 5: 9
34 (D)Angular momentum of the
35 (C)Wave number
36 (C)r α n2
37 (B) -27.2Ev
38 (D) mp / me
39 (B)54.4 Ev
40 (D)n = 2 to n=1
41 (B)180 degrees
42 (C)inversely proportional to n
43 (A)Infrared
44 (D) Has no dimension
45 (C)Conservation of energy
46 B
47 C
48 D
49 A
50 B
51 B
52 C
53 C
54 A
55 B
56 C
57 C
58 C
59 C
60 D
61 A
62 B
63 C
64 B
65 A
66 B
67 C
68 A
69 A
70 D
71 A
72 B
73 C
74 a)

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75 b)
76 c)
77 b)
78 c)
79 b)
80 b)
81 b)
82 b)
83 a)
84 a)
85 d)
86 c)
87 c)
88 a)




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