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Volume: 9
Pages: 475-481
Document ID: 2023PEMJ764
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8002185
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-3-6
Psych Educ, 2023, 9: 475-481, Document ID:2023 PEMJ764, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8002185, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Distance Learning Readiness of High School Science Teachers in San Agustin, Isabela
During the Outbreak of Covid-19 Pandemic
Faith B. Agbayani*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
Science subject encounter a difficult transition of changing face-to-face classes into distance learning
during the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic due to the inability to perform laboratory experiments
and absence of physical interactions. This study employed a descriptive-quantitative study to
determine the level of readiness of high school science teachers on distance learning environment.
The researcher conducted a survey in the form of questionnaire among the respondents to evaluate
their level of preparedness for distance education in terms of technical skills, experience with distance
learning, time management and pedagogical skills. Statistical analysis such as frequency count was
used to obtain the profile of the participants. Meanwhile, the use of mean was employed to identify
the level of readiness of science teachers. Findings reveals that most of the high school science
teachers in the municipality of San Agustin, Isabela were females and below 30 years old of age.
Majority of the respondents are bachelor degree holder with 0-10 teaching experience and attended
less than 10 distance learning-seminars. Furthermore, the result shows that science teachers have a
high level of distance learning readiness on teaching science concepts.

Keywords: science, distance learning, pandemic, readiness

Introduction despite the availability of learning resources for

distance education, the teacher who is the main
facilitator of the teaching-learning process must be
The landscape of education is constantly changing to equipped with the knowledge and skills on technical,
make learning relevant and accessible for all course design, course communication, and time
regardless of the situation and the problem that our management to teach the lessons effectively in a
society encounters. Since the year 1990s, distance distance learning set-up (Martin et al., 2019).
education has been implemented with the advancement Furthermore, research suggests that teachers who are
of information, communication, and technology new to distance learning felt inadequate preparedness
(Arinto, 2013). It has been also used by various
to teach and needed training in terms of technical,
universities and institutions offering distance
pedagogical and time management strategies to make
education courses. Recently, distance education
the distance learning successful and meaningful
tremendously become popular and conventional during
(Downing & Dyment, 2013).
the on-set of the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the
disruptions caused by the novel corona virus disease, it
This study was of interest since education is
resulted to an abrupt change of transforming
significantly evolving and education is at risk when
traditional learning into distance learning to
unforeseen events such as the COVID-19 pandemic
continuously provide learning opportunities among
disrupts the teaching-learning instructions. Meanwhile,
one of the rural areas in the province of Isabela is the
The Department of Education in the Philippines municipality of San Agustin where cellular network is
developed the Basic Education Learning Continuity unavailable in most areas and internet connectivity is
Plan (BE-LCP) to ensure the continuity of learning limited which results in lack of communication
among students while schools are temporary closed between the teacher and student. Consequently, when
and physical contact is strictly prohibited. The public teachers as the one who maneuver the learning process
and private schools come up with various distance lacks the required teaching competencies and
learning modalities such as modular learning, online resources to teach in distance learning it will greatly
learning and recorded-based learning which enabled affect the academic performance of the students. Thus,
the teachers to carry out teaching-learning process this research study aimed to identify the level of
amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. However, teaching distance learning preparedness of high school science
instruction and learning activities that can be teachers on a distance learning instruction in terms of
implemented in a distance learning set-up is limited technical skills, experience with distance learning,
compared to the traditional face-to-face classes. Also, time management, and pedagogical skills.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 9: 475-481, Document ID:2023 PEMJ764, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8002185, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Research Questions (2018), teachers should possess the required skills to

teach effectively in a distance learning instruction.
This study aimed to determine the distance learning This can be achieved by providing trainings for
readiness of high school science teachers on a distance teachers to enhance their teaching approaches and
education in terms of technical skills, experience with strategies that are applicable for remote learning. For
distance learning, time management, and pedagogical distance education to be successful, the teacher must
skills. Specifically, this research study aimed to develop organized lesson plans in distance learning
answer the following questions: instruction (Mercado, 2008). The teaching approaches
1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of the as well as the learning activities should be appropriate
following: on a distance community wherein it is suitable with the
1.1 Age; available resources and learning environment of the
1.2 Sex; student.
1.3 Educational attainment;
1.4 Years of Teaching Experience; and In the study of Alea, et al. (2020), it shows that only
1.5 Distance Education Seminars Attended. 40% of teachers claimed that their institution is ready
2. What is the level of distance learning readiness of for distance learning in terms of capacity building, and
high school science teachers in terms of technical only 37% agreed that their institution provides
skills, experience with distance learning, time supplementary materials for distance learning. This
management, and pedagogical skills? indicates that institutions as well as the teachers are
not fully prepared for distance education. Meanwhile,
in the journal of Doghonadze et al. (2020), findings
Literature Review revealed that many teachers responded that they are
not ready for distance education but eventually adopt
Distance Learning amidst COVID-19 Pandemic to it in a certain period of time. Teachers must develop
methods and strategies appropriate for distance
The Department of Education in the Philippines learning environment to efficiently impart their
developed the Basic Education Learning Continuity lessons.
Plan (BE-LCP) to provide teaching-learning
interventions amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. With Gay (2016), found out that 90.6% were prepared in
the release of DepEd Order no. 12, s. 2020, public terms of technological skills but only 72.6% were
schools embraced distance learning as the main prepared pedagogically. The teachers must innovate
learning modality to ensure that learning continue new ways of teaching approaches to make their lessons
despite the arising problems caused by the 2019 novel relevant in the current situation of education. In fact, in
coronavirus disease. the paper of Alea et al. (2020), result indicates that
faculty members must generate new teaching and
School institutions utilized the three (3) types of learning strategies in order to succeed in distance
modalities for distance learning which includes learning education. In addition, Doghonadze et al.
modular learning, online learning, and recorded based- (2020) stresses the need to improve distance learning
learning. However, the modular learning is the usual competencies of teachers in terms of technical and
and widely used learning instruction for it is accessible pedagogical skills.
and convenient for most of the students especially
those who are residing in rural areas wherein the Nevertheless, the study of Ventayen et al. (2019)
internet connectivity is unfavorable (Llego, 2020). revealed that senior high school teachers have positive
Modular learning is a learner-centered, self-paced response on distance education. Teachers believed that
learning instruction by which the student is the one in open and distance education is a great chance for them
control of his own learning and progress. The student to improve themselves especially in generating
will study and learn the lesson by himself with the methods, strategies, and instructional tools for teaching
minimal guidance from the teacher. Moreover, as well as technological skills which are crucial for
teachers’ consultation is asynchronous wherein the distance learning education. Despite of the limited
time for the teacher to respond is unpredictable. preparation of teachers for distance education
including technical skills, time management,
Teachers’ Preparedness for Distance Learning pedagogical skills and teacher’s experience, teachers
stated that they are capable to adopt with the new trend
The fundamental task of a teacher is to deliver quality in education (Ventayen, 2018). Furthermore, in the
education among students. According to Fatsamari paper written by Martin et al. (2019), faculty

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Psych Educ, 2023, 9: 475-481, Document ID:2023 PEMJ764, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8002185, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

perception of their skills and attitudes toward distance teaching-learning instruction in science on a distance
learning are fundamental factors to succeed in distance learning environment. Even though there are already
learning. studies that evaluated the readiness of teachers on
distance learning, the researcher decided to come up
Science Education on Distance Learning with this study due to the fact that there are no studies
Environment on teacher’s readiness on distance learning that
focuses only among science teachers. Moreover, the
One of the goals of science education is to train researcher will assess the level of preparedness of
students to develop scientific literacy. A scientifically- science teachers in a rural municipality where cellular
literate individual is capable to think logically and and internet connectivity is very limited. Furthermore,
make scientifically-based decisions by applying their determining the pedagogical skills of science teachers
scientific skills and attitudes (Lederman & Lederman, which includes the alternative strategies and activities
2011). The development of scientific skills and in exchange of standard laboratory tasks were included
attitudes usually occurs in a teaching-learning on the survey questionnaire.
instruction in science. Hence, the science teacher
should effectively and efficiently implement the
curriculum to achieve the desired learning
competencies. One of the vital aspects of learning
science concepts is by engaging the learners on hands- This research study employed a descriptive-
on and authentic learning experiences. Laboratory quantitative research design for it obtained numerical
activities enable the students apply and enhance their data about the profile of the respondents and distance
scientific skills and attitudes by performing learning readiness among high school science teachers
experiments and formulating conclusions. However, in San Agustin, Isabela. This study also employed
with the abrupt change in education set-up, it survey research approach for it made use of a survey
significantly affects the teaching-learning process in questionnaire to collect the data needed in the study.
science. Due to school’s closure, physical classroom These questionnaires were answered by the high
and science laboratory facilities are inaccessible which school science teachers and the data gathered were
also deprived the teacher and the student the computed and analyzed using statistical procedures
opportunity to interact physically. This result to and served as a basis to identify the level of distance
limited learning opportunities and lack of authentic learning preparedness of high school science teachers
and meaningful activities in science. in the municipality of San Agustin, Isabela.

Science is a difficult discipline to teach and learn for it Participants

requires specialized equipment or complex models
(Downing & Holtz, 2011). However, with the distance The researcher employed a purposive sampling
education set-up, it hinders the learners to perform method and select all high school science teachers in
experiments which provides meaningful learning the municipality of San Agustin, Isabela. It is a rural
experiences. This will affect the development of municipality located in the province of Isabela, Region
scientific skills and attitudes of the students. As an 2, Philippines. A total of (14) science teachers both
alternative activity for laboratory experiments in from private and public high schools in the
distance education, science teachers utilized municipality participate in this study.
technological features like virtual field trips, online
experiments, and learning objects applicable in a Instruments of the Study
distance learning set-up (Downing et al., 2008). In
addition, home-based activities were utilized to Distance Learning Readiness Questionnaire. The
complement the traditional way of teaching wherein distance learning readiness survey questionnaire is a
virtual meetings become their provisional learning researcher-made questionnaire adapted from Texas
environment while physical interactions are strictly A&M University Texarkana. The survey questionnaire
prohibited (Alea et al., 2020). However, the students was modified to broaden the scope of the survey by
encounter challenges to perform home-based activities including all distance learning modalities such as
in science due to inadequate resources and the modular, online, and recorded-based learning. In
difficulty to carry out the task (Sanchez et. al., 2021). addition, pedagogical skills category was incorporated
in the questionnaire based on the criterion for
Thus, this study was of interest to assess the distance assessment of pedagogy from Northern Michican
learning readiness of science teachers to implement University. In summary, the questionnaire identified

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Psych Educ, 2023, 9: 475-481, Document ID:2023 PEMJ764, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8002185, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

the demographic profile of the respondents, and
determined the distance learning readiness of high
school science teachers in terms of technical skills, Table 1. Profile of the High School Science Teachers
experience with distance learning, time management,
and pedagogical skills. The questionnaire underwent
pilot testing and undertook inter-item reliability test
which results in Cronbach’s alpha value of 0.78
wherein all items of the questionnaire were retained.


The researcher asked permission from the school

principal of all high school institutions in San Agustin,
Isabela. It includes Dabubu High School, Dorganda
High School, San Agustin National High School, and
Northeastern Integrated School of San Agustin. Once
the request to conduct the study was approved by their
school heads, the researcher distributes the survey
questionnaires to the science teachers of selected high
schools. The respondents were asked to complete the
survey within a week from the time of issuance. The
questionnaires were collected and the data were
analyzed using statistical analysis. Frequency count
was used to determine the profile of the respondents
and mean was used to identify the level of distance
learning preparedness of high school science teachers.
The result served as the primary basis to determine the
distance learning readiness of high school science
teachers in San Agustin, Isabela.

Ethical Considerations
Table 1 shows the demographic profile of high school
The researcher declares that there is no personal science teachers in San Agustin, Isabela. Most of the
conflict of interest in conducting this research activity. teachers (42%) aged 21-30 years old. Moreover,
To protect the rights of the respondents, the researcher majority of the teachers are females (64.3%),
asked for their permission to participate in the study bachelor’s degree holder (71.4%), with 0-10 teaching
through the use of a consent form. Furthermore, the experience (50%), and attended 0-10 distance
identities of the respondents were anonymized and learning-related trainings and seminars (92.9%).
only the researcher was able to retrieve the data.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 9: 475-481, Document ID:2023 PEMJ764, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8002185, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 2. Level of Distance Learning Readiness of

HighSchool Science Teachers

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Psych Educ, 2023, 9: 475-481, Document ID:2023 PEMJ764, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8002185, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article


This study aimed to identify the demographic profile

and determine the level of readiness of high school
science teachers in San Agustin, Isabela during the
outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. The result of this
study depicts that the teachers possess a “High Level
of Distance Learning Readiness”. Specifically, the
respondents have the highest level of readiness in
terms of technical skills. It indicates that the
respondents are provided with distance learning
resources such as laptops and internet. Also, it shows
that the teachers are capable to operate information
and communication technologies (ICT) to implement a
distance learning instruction. The result of this study is
contrary to the study of De Villa and Manalo (2020)
wherein the teacher participants reiterate in the
interview that using technologies is their main concern
since they have limited knowledge on using
technologies. However, teachers stated that they train
themselves on using different distance learning
platforms by exploring video tutorials from the
internet and through mentoring of their peers (De Villa
& Manalo, 2020). In fact, the Department of Education
admitted that only 40% of all public high school
teachers in the Philippines underwent trainings on
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
trainings and seminars (Bordey, 2020).

The findings of this study also reveal that science

teachers possess a high level of time management.
This result shows that teachers are capable in
managing their time, and they can respond or provide
feedback to their students on time. Time management
is one of the crucial factors that affect the efficiency of
teachers to accomplish their tasks in a given period of
time. Time management enable the teachers to
complete their tasks efficiently by setting routines and
schedule (De Villa & Manalo, 2020). In addition, the
result of this study also show that teachers are
equipped with pedagogical skills. This indicates that
Table 2 shows the average responses of high school they are capable to use variety of activities and
science teachers in the survey questionnaire. The strategies which are suitable in teaching science
questionnaire consists of teaching competencies for concepts on a distance learning setup. Interestingly,
distance learning which includes technical skills majority of the teachers agree that they implement
(4.49), experience with distance learning (3.62), time virtual and home-based experiments that students can
perform at home despite the limited resources
management (4.37), and pedagogical skills (4.34). The
available in their vicinity or community. In addition,
overall mean of the readiness of high school science
the teachers’ responses obtain the lowest mean score in
teachers is 4.21 which is classified as “High Level of
terms of experience with distance learning but still
Distance Learning Readiness” within the range of classified as high level of distance learning readiness.
3.5-4.4. This result shows that some of the science teachers
lack experience on distance learning course as a
student but they received trainings and webinars

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Psych Educ, 2023, 9: 475-481, Document ID:2023 PEMJ764, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8002185, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

through a distance learning setup. Nevertheless, laboratory specimens to enhance online science. The Professor's
Guide to Taming Technology: Leveraging Digital Media, Web 2.0,
despite the limited experience on distance education,
and More for Learning, 219.
the teachers agree that they are capable to use different
platforms for distance learning such as Google Meet, Fatmasari, R. (2018). Teaching practice in distance education
Zoom, and Video chat, among many others in teaching cont ext. In SHS Web of C on fe re nc e s . 42 (0 009 9 ).
their classes.
Gay, G. H. (2016). An assessment of online instructor e-learning
readiness before, during, and after course delivery. Journal of
Conclusion Co mputing in Higher E duc a t ion , 28(2), 199 -220.

Lederman, N. G., & Lederman, J. S. (2010). Exploring the landscape

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of s c i e n t i f i c l i t e r a c y . ( 1 s t ed.) Routledge.
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in which most of them are females. Majority of the
science teachers are holder of bachelor degree, with 0- Llego, M. (2020). DepEd’s Readiness for Distance Learning.
Retrieved from
10 years of teaching experience and attended not more https:
than 10 distance learning-related training and seminars.
In summary, the science teachers in the municipality Martin, F., Budhrani, K., & Wang, C. (2019). Examining Faculty
Perception of Their Readiness to Teach Online. Online Learning,
of San Agustin, Isabela obtain a “High Level of
23(3), 97-119.
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concepts on a distance learning environment in terms of Mercado, C. (2008). Readiness assessment tool for an e-learning
technical skills, experience with distance learning, environment implementation. Special Issue of the International
Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management, 16(11).
time management and pedagogical skills.

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