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Joshua Calixto, Justin Paul Timosa, Nheil Dominic Ato 06/05/2023

CC12- G Javelin validation

 How did you do your javelin validation?

In order to construct the Javelin Validation Board, We took a methodical approach. We began by outlining the main
presumptions and theories pertinent to my undertaking. I then created a visual board that succinctly outlined these
presumptions and ideas, enabling me to monitor and confirm them as time passed. I updated the board as necessary using
digital tools or sticky notes to organize it.

 Why is doing Javelin Validation Board important to your system?

The Javelin Validation Board is important to our system since it enables us to methodically verify our hypotheses and lower
the risk attached to our solution. It enables us to get feedback from actual users, make data-driven decisions, and refine our
approach based on verified learning. With this strategy, we can be sure that the system we are creating will adequately meet
the demands and problems of our intended customers.

 How did you conduct data gathering for javelin validation board?

We conduct user interviews, to collect information for the Javelin Validation Board. In order to understand the experiences,
difficulties, and preferences of our target users—students, residents, and tourists—we engaged with them. We used this
information to inform our validation tests and learn more about the viability of our approach.

 What are the Pivots?

Problem Pivot: Based on user feedback and validation, we discover that the main traffic problem faced by your target audience
is not related to congestion during peak hours, but rather a lack of reliable public transportation options. our pivot our solution
to focus on improving public transportation accessibility and reliability.
Solution Pivot: During validation, we find that the user interface of our mobile application is confusing and overwhelming for
users. As a solution pivot, you decide to redesign the app with a simplified and intuitive interface that makes it easier for users
to navigate and access the desired features.
Customer Segment Pivot: Through validation, we realize that our solution is resonating particularly well with delivery drivers
who face unique traffic challenges. As a customer segment pivot, we shift our target audience to specifically cater to the needs
of delivery drivers, providing them with specialized features and tools to optimize their routes and reduce delivery time.
Revenue Model Pivot: After validating our initial revenue model, we find that users are hesitant to pay for a subscription-based
service. As a revenue model pivot, you decide to explore alternative monetization strategies such as partnering with local
businesses and offering targeted advertising within the app.

 What are the persevere?

Optimal Timing Suggestions: The feature that suggests the best departure time based on historical traffic data has been well-
received and highly valued by users. It has proven to be effective in helping users avoid peak congestion hours and arrive at
their destinations on time. This aspect should be maintained and further developed.
Parking Space Availability Tracker: The ability to find parking spots with ease and save time has been positively received by
users. The feature provides real-time information on available parking spaces, helping users navigate crowded areas and
minimize the frustration of searching for parking. This aspect should be continued and enhanced to provide even more accurate
and up-to-date information.
User-Friendly Navigation App: The user-friendly navigation app has been successful in helping users navigate Baguio with
confidence and convenience. The app's features, such as voice-guided directions, offline maps, and integrated points of interest
(POI) information, have received positive feedback. This aspect should be maintained and improved to offer an even better
user experience and ensure accurate and reliable navigation.
 What is BMC important to your system?

The Business Model Canvas (BMC) is essential to our system as it provides a comprehensive framework to articulate and
validate our business model. It helps us identify key elements such as customer segments, value propositions, revenue streams,
channels, and cost structure. The BMC enables us to evaluate the viability and profitability of our system, assess potential
risks, and make informed decisions to ensure long-term sustainability.
Customer Segments: Identifying the specific groups of customers we are targeting, such as students, residents, and tourists.
Value Propositions: Clearly defining the unique value our system offers to address traffic problems, such as optimized routes,
real-time updates, and improved commuting experiences.
Revenue Streams: Identifying the potential sources of revenue, such as advertising, subscriptions, or partnerships.
Channels: Determining the channels through which we will deliver our solution, such as mobile apps, websites, or integration
with existing navigation platforms.
Cost Structure: Assessing the costs associated with developing, maintaining, and scaling our system, including technology
infrastructure, personnel, marketing, and operational expenses.

 What are the IMPORTANT elements of your BMC?

Customer Segments: Identifying the specific groups of customers we are targeting, such as students, residents, and tourists.
Value Propositions: Clearly defining the unique value our system offers to address traffic problems, such as optimized routes,
real-time updates, and improved commuting experiences.
Revenue Streams: Identifying the potential sources of revenue, such as advertising, subscriptions, or partnerships.
Channels: Determining the channels through which we will deliver our solution, such as mobile apps, websites, or integration
with existing navigation platforms.
Cost Structure: Assessing the costs associated with developing, maintaining, and scaling our system, including technology
infrastructure, personnel, marketing, and operational expenses.

 How did you conduct data gathering for BMC?

To gather data for the BMC, we conducted market research, engaged with potential customers and stakeholders through
interviews and surveys, studied industry reports, and analyzed existing data sources. We sought insights into customer needs,
preferences, and

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