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Freedom of press:

“The security of all is in a free press”

A quote said by Thomas Jefferson

Freedom Of Press is legally defined as the right to share information, thoughts and opinions

without restraint or censorship from any authority or power.

They say that the “Pen is mightier than the sword” The Print media not only provides access
to information but also influences opinions, changes the course of events, thereby creating
history. Today the press is audio visual and much more impactful, we not only get to read
about events but also are able to see them

People in today’s world, rely on it to form opinions and create their own view of world
problems and events.
This is crucial because it paves the way for improvement and progress, by learning from

Freedom for the press is crucial for democracy and equality.

But how powerful and influential is the press? Can we really believe everything stated by the

We the DP 1 students are conducting the assembly on “Freedom of press”

with the upcoming events to come we hope to find an answer to these questions

Hope you enjoy the assembly!

“This is crucial because it promotes an informed citizenry by providing access to

information to everyone. Also being critical is not antagonization- it actually paves
the way for improvement and progress, by learning from mistakes,” Soriano said.
“Press freedom is needed for democracy, as it is one of its pillars.

Legal Definition of freedom of the press

: the right to publish and disseminate information, thoughts, and opinions
without restraint or censorship as guaranteed under the First Amendment to
the U.S. Constitution

The way the press addresses its information sets an impact on the way citizens perceive it.
(doubtful of this sentence)

People rely on these opinions to create their own view of the whole event, and share that
through any social media platforms.

With social networking at our finger tips anybody can easily access into your private lives or
even record it for their own benefits.
We the DP 1 students are conducting the assembly on “freedom of press”

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