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Software Development Methodologies :

Well-managed projects are successful projects. The management or development team must select the
software development technique that will be most effective for the project at hand if they are to manage
the project effectively. Every methodology differs in its strengths and shortcomings as well as the
motivations for its creation.

1) Agile development methodology :

When implementing new features, teams employ the agile development technique to reduce risk
(such as errors, budget overruns, and changing needs). Teams create software in iterations that
include tiny increments of new functionality according to all agile development methodologies. The
agile development methodology comes in a variety of forms, such as scrum, crystal, extreme
programming (XP), and feature-driven development (FDD).

2) DevOps deployment methodology :

Along with being a development process, DevOps also consists of a collection of procedures that
help to maintain an organisational culture. The main focus of DevOps deployment is organisational
transformation, which improves communication between the divisions in charge of various stages of
the development life cycle, including development, quality assurance, and operations.

3) Waterfall development method :

The waterfall technique is frequently regarded as the oldest approach to software development. The
requirements, design, implementation, verification, and maintenance phases of the waterfall
technique each focus on a different objective. Before moving on to the following phase, each phase
must be finished completely. In most cases, there is no procedure for going back and changing the
project or direction.

4) Rapid application development :

Rapid application development (RAD) is a condensed development process that produces a high-
quality system with low investment costs. “This RAD process allows our developers to quickly adjust
to shifting requirements in a fast-paced and constantly changing market.” The ability to quickly
adjust is what allows such a low investment cost.

The rapid application development method contains four phases: requirements planning, user
design, construction, and cutover. The user design and construction phases repeat until the user
confirms that the product meets all requirements.
Operational Methodologies :
Operational approaches might simply refer to the way a tool or technique is used. Operational
methodology, on the other hand, is a particular approach to researching the human mind in
psychology. It could be used to describe how particular systems are run in business or industrial

 Lean aims to minimise waste and increase customer value. It attempts to improve quality, save
costs, streamline operations, and increase customer happiness. Just-in-time manufacturing,
ongoing development, and visual management are among the guiding ideas.
 Six Sigma is a data-driven technique with the goal of reducing errors and process variability. In
order to locate and get rid of mistake and inefficiency causes, it makes use of statistical analysis
and problem-solving approaches. A high degree of quality is to be attained by minimising
process variances and keeping them within allowable bounds.
 Agile was first used in the software development industry, but it has now been adapted for use
in many operational situations. Agile places a strong emphasis on adaptability, teamwork, and
iterative development. It is segmenting activities or projects into smaller, more manageable
pieces while providing frequent feedback and adjusting to shifting requirements.
 Theory of Constraints (TOC) is an approach that locates and controls the most limiting elements
(constraints) in a system to enhance overall performance. It entails locating bottlenecks and
implementing tactics to increase throughput, decrease lead time, and boost overall system
 Kaizen: The Japanese word "kaizen" denotes "continuous improvement." It entails making
gradual, minor adjustments to procedures, goods, or services. Kaizen places a focus on getting all
staff members involved in identifying issues and providing solutions.

System Methodologies :

System methods, sometimes referred to as system approaches or systems thinking, are conceptual
frameworks that put an emphasis on comprehending and managing complex systems as a whole as
opposed to as a collection of discrete parts. These techniques take into account the fact that systems
are made up of interrelated parts that interact and function within a wider environment. System
methods offer concepts and techniques for evaluating, creating, and enhancing systems across a
range of industries. Here are a few typical system methods.

 Systems Thinking: Understanding the connections, linkages, and feedback loops inside a
system is the focus of this foundational strategy. Instead than concentrating on individual
components, it entails taking into account the system as a whole and appreciating its
complexity and dynamic behaviour. Finding the root causes of issues and creating
comprehensive solutions are made easier by systems thinking.
 System Dynamics: System dynamics is a framework for understanding and analysing the
behaviour of complex systems over time using computer modelling and simulation. It
concentrates on locating delays, feedback loops, and nonlinear connections within a system.
To understand the effects of various situations and policies on system behaviour,
experimentation is made possible using system dynamics models.
 The Viable System Model (VSM) is an approach that concentrates on developing and
examining the composition and operation of organisations as viable systems. It offers a
framework for comprehending how various organisational subsystems are integrated and
coordinated to accomplish the organization's overarching objectives. For an organisation to
be successful, it is important to establish the functional needs, communication pathways,
and decision-making procedures.
 Design Thinking: This user-centered strategy entails comprehending user demands, coming
up with original ideas, prototyping solutions, and iteratively honing them. To tackle
complicated issues and spur innovation, it places a focus on empathy, teamwork, and
experimentation. A wide range of systems, including organisations, social issues, and goods
and services, can benefit from the use of design thinking.
 Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS): Systems made up of autonomous agents that
communicate with one another and their surroundings are referred to as complex adaptive
systems. Understanding the emergent behaviour and self-organization inside these systems
is a key component of CAS approaches. They frequently use ideas from computational
simulations, agent-based modelling, and network theory to examine the dynamics and
adaptability of complex systems.

Version Control :

Software tools in the field of version control systems assist in tracking changes made to files by
keeping track of changes made to the source code.
A version control system is a type of software that assists the development team in effectively
managing and tracking any changes made to the source code, as well as the details of who made
what changes and when. Every contributor who made a change has their own branch, and the
changes aren't merged into the original source code until all of them have been examined. As soon
as the modifications are given the all-clear, they are merged into the main source code. In addition
to keeping source code organised, it increases efficiency by streamlining the development process.

Types of Version Control Systems :

Local Version Control Systems :

It is one of the simplest forms and has a database that kept all the changes to files under revision
control. RCS is one of the most common VCS tools.

Centralized Version Control Systems :

You commit

They update

Distributed Version Control Systems :

You commit

You push

They pull

They update

Container :

The act of putting your programme and all of its dependencies into a single package, or "container,"
is known as containerization. A package like this may thus be used almost anywhere, whether it's a
laptop used by a developer, a virtual machine in the cloud, or an on-premises server.
Containerization enables you to create an application that is really portable and adaptable by
abstracting the infrastructure.

The purpose of a container is to compile all of the necessary libraries, tools, and other components
into a single "executable package" (a container). Once everything is included in a container, you can
execute these containers without caring about the libraries. Containers separate software from the
cloud environment and guarantee that it functions consistently despite any potential environmental

Your code runs in a confined environment known as a container. This indicates that a container has
no access to your data or operating system. It operates in the environment that Docker Desktop
gives you access to. Because of this, a container typically comes equipped with everything your code
requires to function, even down to a basic operating system.

DevOps capabilities :

Structure for the cloud

Learn how to manage cloud infrastructure efficiently to increase agility, availability, and cost

maintainable code

Maintain dependencies and make it simple for developers to locate, reuse, and modify code.

Continuous supply

Make software deployment a dependable, low-risk procedure that may be used whenever

Permanent integration

Learn how to avoid frequent errors, monitor your progress, and enhance your continuous
integration efforts.

ongoing testing

By creating dependable automated test suites and carrying out various types of testing
throughout the software delivery lifecycle, you may raise the quality of your product.

Version control

A guide to implementing the right version control practices for reproducibility and traceability.

customer opinions

By receiving consumer input and applying it into product and feature design, you may improve
organisational outcomes.

systems for monitoring data to guide business decisions

Enhance monitoring across middleware, application tiers, and infrastructure platforms to provide
developers quick feedback.
communication of failure in advance

To spot important issues and take proactive action before they become problems, set proactive failure

expediting the approval of changes

Peer review should take the place of time-consuming change-approval procedures if you want to benefit
from a more dependable, compliant release process without slowing down.

Terraform :

HashiCorp created the open-source infrastructure as code (IaC) technology known as Terraform. You may
use a straightforward and understandable configuration language to declaratively define and provide
infrastructure resources. You can manage and automate the development, modification, and deletion of
infrastructure resources across a range of cloud service providers and on-premises settings using

 Terraform treats infrastructure as code, enabling you to specify your infrastructure resources and
their configurations using code files. This is known as infrastructure as code (IaC). Benefits like
version control, collaboration, and repeatability are provided by this strategy.
 Declarative Syntax: To specify the desired state of your infrastructure, Terraform employs a
declarative configuration language called HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) or JSON. The
activities needed to reach the desired state are determined by Terraform based on the
resources, their attributes, dependencies, and relationships that you define.
 Resource Providers: A broad variety of cloud service providers, including Amazon Web Services
(AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and many more, are supported by
Terraform. Terraform may be used to manage a specific set of resource types for each provider.
 Plan and implement: plan and implement. Terraform analyses your configuration during the plan
phase, compares it to the existing state, and creates an execution plan that specifies the
adjustments needed to reach the intended state. During the apply step, Terraform implements
the plan, changes the state file, and supplies or adjusts the infrastructure resources as necessary.
 Resource dependency management is done automatically by Terraform. Based on their
interdependencies, it calculates the best order to generate or alter resources and makes sure
that they are supplied or modified in the right order.
 Collaboration and Reusability: Team members can work together on Terraform settings because
they can be shared and version-controlled. A set of resources and their configurations may be
encapsulated in reusable and shareable components using Terraform, which also enables
module-based design.

Different Tools :

Deployment tools:
Jenkins: An open-source server for automation that enables the build, test, and deployment
processes to be automated. It connects with a variety of technologies and platforms and offers
continuous integration and delivery procedures.

Ansible : is a configuration management and application deployment solution that automates

infrastructure provisioning and deployment by using YAML-based playbooks.

Kubernetes :An open-source container orchestration technology called Kubernetes streamlines the
installation, expansion, and administration of containerized applications. It offers capabilities for
scalability, self-healing, load balancing, and container deployment.

Tools for Version Control:

Git: A distributed version control system (DVCS) that monitors source code modifications as they
happen. Collaboration, branch management, and merging of code changes are all made possible. Git
repositories are frequently hosted on GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket.

SVN : A centralised version control system that keeps track of changes to files and directories is
called Subversion (SVN). Developers may work on their local copy while keeping changes updated in
the main repository.

Test tools:

Selenium is a well-known open-source framework for web application testing. It allows for the
automation of browser interactions and the execution of functional tests on many platforms and

JUnit is a popular testing framework for Java programmes. It allows test execution and reporting and
offers annotations and assertions for creating unit tests.

Postman : An API testing and development platform called Postman. Developers may use a graphical
interface to construct, test, and document APIs.

Tools for containerization:

An open-source platform called Docker makes it easier to create, deploy, and manage containers.
You may bundle apps and their dependencies into containers with Docker so they can operate
reliably in various contexts.

Kubernetes: Although it was previously stated as a deployment tool, Kubernetes also functions as a
platform for container orchestration. It automates the installation, expansion, and administration of
containerized applications over a network of computers.

An entirely controlled container orchestration service is offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS)
under the name Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS). It makes Docker container deployment and
administration on AWS simpler.

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