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04/10/2021, 11:51 DSA Unit Test- I AY2021-22

DSA Unit Test- I AY2021-22

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Himanshu Marathe

Which of the following points is/are not true about Linked List data
structure when it is compared with array?

(1 Point)

a) Arrays have better cache locality that can make them better in terms of performance

b) It is easy to insert and delete elements in Linked List… 1/14
04/10/2021, 11:51 DSA Unit Test- I AY2021-22

c) Random access is not allowed in a typical implementation of Linked Lists

d) Access of elements in linked list takes less time than compared to arrays

´Consider the linear array AAA [5:50]

 Suppose Base (AAA) =300 and w=4 word per memory cell for AAA. Find the
address of AAA [15] *
(1 Point)





Choose correct output for the following sequence of operations.

push(5), push(8), pop, push(2), push(5), pop, pop, pop, push(1), pop *
(1 Point)

a)8 5 2 5 1

b)8 5 5 2 1

c)8 2 5 5 1

d)8 1 2 5 5… 2/14
04/10/2021, 11:51 DSA Unit Test- I AY2021-22

Suppose a circular queue of capacity (n – 1) elements is implemented with an

array of n elements. Assume that the insertion and deletion operation are
carried out using REAR and FRONT as array index variables, respectively.
Initially, REAR = FRONT = 0. The conditions to detect queue full and queue
empty are______________. *
(1 Point)

a)Full: (REAR+1) mod n == FRONT, empty: REAR == FRONT

b)Full: (REAR+1) mod n == FRONT, empty: (FRONT+1) mod n == REAR

c)Full: REAR == FRONT, empty: (REAR+1) mod n == FRONT

d)Full: (FRONT+1) mod n == REAR, empty: REAR == FRONT

Merge sort uses which of the following technique to implement sorting?

(1 Point)

a) backtracking

b) greedy algorithm

c) divide and conquer

d) dynamic programming

What is the functionality of the following piece of code?

(1 Point)… 3/14
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a) Find and delete a given element in the list

b) Find and return the given element in the list

c) Find and return the position of the given element in the list

d) Find and insert a new element in the list

Which of the following is not a disadvantage to the usage of array? *

(1 Point)

a) Fixed size

b) There are chances of wastage of memory space if elements inserted in an array are
lesser than the allocated size

c) Insertion based on position

d) Accessing elements at specified positions


Internal sorting algorithm is the__________ *

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Algorithm that uses tape or disk during the sort

Algorithm that uses main memory during the sort

Algorithm that involves swapping

Algorithm that are considered ‘in place’


The given array is arr = {1,2,3,4,5}. (bubble sort is implemented with a flag
variable)The number of iterations in selection sort and bubble sort respectively

answer choices *
(1 Point)

5 and 4

1 and 4

0 and 4

4 and 1


Choose the correct option for the following statements.

1. the worst-case time complexity of merge sort is O( n log n) and Quick Sort is

2.the worst-case time complexity of merge sort is O(n^2) and Quick Sort is O(
n log n)

3.the worst-case time complexity of Quicksort is O(n^2) and it is stable

4.the best-case complexity of quick and merge sort is O( n log n) *

(1 Point)

a)1 and 3 is correct

b)2 and 3 is correct

c)1 and 4 is correct… 5/14
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d)3 and 4 is correct


Given an array arr = {45,77,89,90,94,99,100} and key = 100; What are the mid
values(corresponding array elements) generated in the first and second

(1 Point)

a) 90 and 99

b) 90 and 100

c) 89 and 94

d) 94 and 99


Choose the appropriate code that does binary search using recursion. *
(1 Point)

a) 1.return recursive(arr,mid+1,high,key); 2.return recursive(arr,low,mid-1,key);… 6/14
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b) 1. return recursive(arr,mid-1,high,key); 2. return recursive(arr,low,mid+1,key);

c) 1. return recursive(arr,mid,high,key); 2. return recursive(arr,low,mid-1,key);

d) 1.return recursive(arr,mid,high-1,key); 2. return recursive(arr,low,mid-1,key);


Apply Quick sort on a given sequence 7 11 14 6 9 4 3 12. What is the sequence

after first phase, pivot is first element? *
(1 Point)

6 4 3 7 11 9 14 12

6 3 4 7 9 14 11 12

7 6 14 11 9 4 3 12

7 6 4 3 9 14 11 12


If front==rear ,then the queue is? *

(1 Point)


b)one elemet




What is the time complexity of inserting at the end in dynamic arrays? *

(1 Point)… 7/14
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a) O(1)

b) O(n)

c) O(logn)

d) Either O(1) or O(n)


One difference between a queue and a stack is:

(1 Point)

a)Queues require dynamic memory, but stacks do not

b)Stacks require dynamic memory, but queues do not.

c)Queues use two ends of the structure; stacks use only one.

d)Stacks use two ends of the structure, queues use only one.


A queue of characters currently contained A,B,C,D. What would be the contents

of queue after the following operation DELETE, ADD W, ADD X, DELETE, ADD Y.

(1 Point)




d)A,B,C,D,W… 8/14
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What is the running time of an insertion sort algorithm if the input is pre-

(1 Point)

a) O(N2)

b) O(N log N)

c) O(N)

d) O(M log N)


Consider the following statements:

(i) First-in-first out types of computations are efficiently supported by STACKS.

(ii) Implementing LISTS on linked lists is more efficient than implementing LISTS
on an array for almost all the basic LIST operations.

(iii) Implementing QUEUES on a circular array is more efficient than

implementing QUEUES on a linear array with two indices.

(iv) Last-in-first-out type of computations are efficiently supported by QUEUES.

(1 Point)

(a) (ii) and (iii) are true

(b) (i) and (ii) are true

(c) (iii) and (iv) are true

(d) (ii) and (iv) are true… 9/14
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Let the following circular queue can accommodate maximum six elements with
the following data

front = 2 rear = 4

queue = L, M, N, ___, ___

What will happen after 'ADD O, P' and 'DEL' operation takes place?

(1 Point)

a)front = 3 rear = 0, queue = M, N, O, P

b)front = 3 rear = 6, queue = L, M, N, O, P

c)front = 4 rear = 4, queue = L, M, N, O, P

d)front = 2 rear = 0, queue = M, N, O, P


What is the error in the following code fragment?

float average [20];

average[20] = 13.25; *
(1 Point)

A cast is required

data not initialized

A two-dimensional array is required

Array Out-of-bounds error… 10/14
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"Linked lists are not suitable to for the implementation of?"

(1 Point)

a) Insertion sort

b) Merge sort

c) Polynomial manipulation

d) Binary search


Which of the following sorting algorithm is not stable?

(1 Point)

a)Bubble Sort

b)Insertion Sort

c)Merge Sort

d)Quick Sort


In a circular queue, how do you increment the rear end of the queue?

(1 Point)


b)(rear+1) % Number of Item… 11/14
04/10/2021, 11:51 DSA Unit Test- I AY2021-22

c)(rear % Number of Item)+1

(rear+1) % Number of Item-1


Apply Quick sort on a given sequence 7 11 14 6 9 4 3 12. What is the sequence

after first phase, pivot is first element?

(1 Point)

a) 6 4 3 7 11 9 14 12

b) 6 3 4 7 9 14 11 12

c) 7 6 14 11 9 4 3 12

d) 7 6 4 3 9 14 11 12


In linked list implementation of a queue, a new element be inserted _____and


(1 Point)

a)at the tail of the link list, at the head of link list,

b)at the head of link list, at the centre position in the link list

c)at the head of link list, at the tail of the link list

d)at any position, at the head of link list,… 12/14
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You are given pointers to first and last nodes of a singly linked list, which
of the following operations are dependent on the length of the linked list?
(1 Point)

a) Delete the first element

b) Insert a new element as a first element

c) Delete the last element of the list

d) Add a new element at the end of the list


What is the time complexity to count the number of elements in the linked list?

(1 Point)

a) O(1)

b) O(n)

c) O(logn)

d) O(n^2)


Which of the following sorting algorithms can be used to sort a random

linked list with minimum time complexity?

(1 Point)

a) Insertion Sort… 13/14
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b) Quick Sort

c) Bubble Sort

d) Merge Sort


Consider the situation where no other data structure like arrays, linked list is
available to you. How many stacks are needed to implement a queue.

(1 Point)


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