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 Introduction:

Testing is the major quality control measure used during software development. It
is a basic function to detect errors in the software. During the requirement analysis and design
the output of the document that is usually textual and non-executable after the coding phase
the computer programs are available that can be executed for testing purpose. This implies
that testing not only has to uncover errors introduce during the previous phase. The goal of
testing is to uncover requirement, design and coding errors in the program.
Testing determines whether the system appears to be working according to the
specifications. It is the phase where we try to break the system and we test the system with
real case scenarios at a point.

 Levels of Testing:
 Unit Testing:

The unit testing of the source code has to be done for every individual unit of module
that was developing part of the system and some errors were found for every turn and
rectified. This form of testing was use to check for the behavior signified the working of the
system in different environment as an independent functional unit.

 Integration Testing:
From the individual parts to the cohesion of each part to make the system as a whole,
there is need to test the working between the assembled modules of the system. The modules
are integrated to make up the entire system. The testing process is concerned with finding
errors that result from unanticipated interaction between the sub-system and system
component. It is also concerned with validating the system meets its functional and non-
functional requirement.

 System Testing:

The requirement specification document that is the entire system is to be tested to see
whether it meets the requirement or not.

Test Reports:

 Test Unit: Customer component

 Customer registration:

Serial Condition Test Data Expected Output Remarks

No. To be Tested

1. If any field in Value of Alert the user to enter SUCCESSFUL

the form is form fields. all the fields and then
empty. proceed.

2. If first name, custfname, Alert the user to enter SUCCESSFUL

last name custllname only Characters and
contains other return to same page.
than Character
3. If user tries to Dob Alert the user to enter SUCCESSFUL
enter date correct date.
greater than the
current date.

4. If the username username Alert the user to enter SUCCESSFUL

Already Exist. other Username.
5. If the the Email email Alert the user to enter SUCCESSFUL
Id is not in the proper Email ID
specified format

6 If password and c_password Alert the user to enter SUCCESSFUL

confirm correct password
password does
not match

7. If Submit Value of Validate all the SUCCESSFUL

Button is form fields entries.
clicked. Execute the INSERT

Display the message
“Customer record
inserted successfully”.

 Customer login:

Serial Condition Test Data Expected Remarks

No. to be tested output

1. If Email ID is not Email ID Please enter SUCCESSFUL

entered. your email ID.

2. If password is not Password Please enter SUCCESSFUL

entered. your password.

 Customer update profile:

Serial Condition Test Data Expected Remarks

No. to be tested output

1. If customer name is not Full Name Please enter SUCCESSFUL

entered. your name.

2. If customer name Full Name Enter only SUCCESSFUL

contains other than alphabets.

3. If date is not entered. dob Please enter SUCCESSFUL


4. If Email ID is not Email ID Please enter SUCCESSFUL

entered. Email ID.

 Customer change password:


Serial Condition Test Data Expected Remarks

No. to be tested output

1. If old password is not Old Password Please enter SUCCESSFUL

entered. your old

2. If new password is not New Password Please enter SUCCESSFUL

entered. new password.

3. If password is less than Password Password SUCCESSFUL

6 characters. should be
atleast 6

4. If confirm password is Confirm Please confirm SUCCESSFUL

not entered. Password your password.

5. If password and confirm Password and Password and SUCCESSFUL

password does not Confirm confirm
match. Password password are
not matching.

6. If all fields are entered. All mandatory Customer SUCCESSFUL

fields. password

 Customer forgot password:

Serial Condition Test Data Expected Remarks

No. to be tested output

1. If Email ID is not Email ID Please enter SUCCESSFUL

entered. your email ID.

2. If Email ID is invalid. Email ID Please enter SUCCESSFUL


valid email ID.

3 If Email ID is valid. Email ID Login SUCCESSFUL

credentials sent
by mail.

 Test Unit: Admin component

 Admin login:

Serial Condition Test Data Expected Remarks

No. to be tested output

1. If login ID is not Login ID Please enter SUCCESSFUL

entered. your login ID.

2. If password is not Password Please enter the SUCCESSFUL

entered. password.

3. If login ID and password Password Invalid login SUCCESSFUL

are not valid. credentials.

 Admin update profile:

Serial No. Condition Test Data Expected Output Remarks

To be Tested
1 If any field in the Value of Alert the user to SUCCESSFUL
form is empty form fields. enter all the fields
and then proceed.
2 If Admin name Name Admin name SUCCESSFUL
is not entered. should not be
3 If login id less login_id Login ID must be SUCCESSFUL
than 6 characters more than 6

4 If password less a_password Password length SUCCESSFUL

than 8 characters should be more
than 8 characters
5 If password and a_password Password not SUCCESSFUL
confirm matching
password doesn’t
6 If the Email is Email_id Kindly enter valid SUCCESSFUL
not matching the email ID
original Format.

7 If contact no Contact_no Enter 10 digit SUCCESSFUL

field contains contact number
less than 10

 Test Unit: Shop Owner component

 Shop Owner login:

Serial Condition Test Data Expected Remarks

No. to be tested output

1. If login ID is not Login ID Please enter SUCCESSFUL

entered. your login ID.

2. If password is not Password Please enter the SUCCESSFUL

entered. password.

3. If login ID and password Password Invalid login SUCCESSFUL

are not valid. credentials.

 Shop Owner update profile:

Serial No. Condition Test Data Expected Remarks

To be Tested Output

1 If any field in Value of form Alert the user to SUCCESSFUL


the form is fields. enter all the

empty. fields and then

2 If company Compname Company Name SUCCESSFUL

name is not should not be
entered empty.
3 If address field Address Address should SUCCESSFUL
contains empty not be empty
4 If country country Select country SUCCESSFUL
contains empty
5 If state contains State Select State SUCCESSFUL
empty value
6 If contact no Contact_no Enter 10 digit SUCCESSFUL
field contains contact
less than 10 number
7 If password password Password SUCCESSFUL
contains less should be more
than 8 than 8
characters characters.
8 If confirm password Password not SUCCESSFUL
password matching
doesn’t match
with password
9 If image is not browse Select Image for SUCCESSFUL
selected the product.
10 If status is not status Select status SUCCESSFUL

 Shop Owner change password:

Serial Condition Test Data Expected Remarks

No. to be tested output

1. If old password is not Old Password Please enter SUCCESSFUL

entered. your old

2. If new password is not New Password Please enter SUCCESSFUL

entered. new password.

3. If password is less than Password Password SUCCESSFUL

6 characters. should be
atleast 6

4. If confirm password is Confirm Please confirm SUCCESSFUL

not entered. Password your password.

5. If password and confirm Password and Password and SUCCESSFUL

password does not Confirm confirm
match. Password password are
not matching.

 Shop Owner forgot password:

Serial Condition Test Data Expected Remarks

No. to be tested output

1. If Email ID is not Email ID Please enter SUCCESSFUL

entered. your email ID.

2. If Email ID is invalid. Email ID Please enter SUCCESSFUL

valid email ID.

3 If Email ID is valid. Email ID Login SUCCESSFUL

credentials sent
by mail.

 Test Unit: Product component

 Add Category:

Serial Condition Test Data Expected Remarks

No. to be tested output

1. If category name is not Category Name Please enter SUCCESSFUL

entered. category name.

2. If note is not entered. Note Please enter SUCCESSFUL



 Add subcategory;

Serial Condition Test Data Expected Remarks

No. to be tested output

1. If category is not Select Category Please select SUCCESSFUL

selected. category.

2. If subcategory name is Sub category Please enter SUCCESSFUL

not entered. Name category name.

3. If description is not Description Please enter SUCCESSFUL

entered. description.

 Add product:

Serial Condition Test Data Expected Remarks

No. to be tested output

1. If product name is not product name Please enter SUCCESSFUL

entered. product name.

2. If category is not Category Please select SUCCESSFUL

selected. category.

3. If subcategory is not Sub Category Please select SUCCESSFUL

selected. sub category.

4. If supplier is not supplier Please select SUCCESSFUL

selected. shop owner
from the list.

5. If quantity is not quantity Please select SUCCESSFUL

selected. quantity.

6. If price is not entered. price Price should not SUCCESSFUL


be blank

7. If discount amount is not discount Enter discount SUCCESSFUL

entered amount

8. If warranty not entered warranty Enter warranty SUCCESSFUL

9. If stock status is not stockstatus Please select SUCCESSFUL

selected. stock status.

10. If delivery day is not delivery Enter delivery SUCCESSFUL

entered days.

11. If product description is specification Please enter SUCCESSFUL

not entered. product

12. If image is not selected. image Please select SUCCESSFUL


13. If status is not selected. Status Please select SUCCESSFUL


 Test Unit: Billing component

 Shipping Details:

Serial No. Condition Test Data Expected Remarks

To be Tested Output

1 If any field in Value of form Alert the user to SUCCESSFUL

the form is fields. enter all the
empty. fields and then

2 If address field Address Alerts the user SUCCESSFUL

contains null to enter value by
value displaying
“Address should
not be null”
3 If address field Country Alerts the user SUCCESSFUL
contains null to enter value by
value displaying

“Select country”
4 If State field state Alerts the user SUCCESSFUL
contains null to enter value by
value displaying
“Select State”
5 If pincode Pincode Alerts the user SUCCESSFUL
contains only to enter only
numeric value numeric and 6
and value equal letter values
to 6
6 If contact Contactno Alerts the user SUCCESSFUL
number contains to enter only
only numeric numeric and less
value and value than 12 letter
less than or values
equal to 12

 Payment Details:

Serial No. Condition Test Data Expected Remarks

To be Tested Output

1 If card type Cardtype Select card type SUCCESSFUL

contains null
2 If card number Card number Enter 16 digit SUCCESSFUL
contains numeric value
numeric value
and 16 digits
3 If CVV number CVV number Enter 3 digit SUCCESSFUL
3 digit numeric numeric value
4 If expiry date Expirydate Enter correct SUCCESSFUL
contains year expiry date
more than
current year

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