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MCA sem I

Software Engineering

Sums for COCOMO

Q.1 Consider the software to be developed for an organization. The size of software
is 100KLOC. Consider product attributes as:

i. Required software reliability is HIGH, RELY = 1.15

ii. Database size is nominal, DATA=1.00

Computer attributes as:

i. Execution time constraint is nominal, TIME = 1.00

Project attributes as:

ii. Use of software tool is HIGH, TOOL = 0.91

iii. Required development schedule is HIGH, SCHED = 1.04

Calculate overall cost and schedule estimates. Also calculate phasewise efforts and
development time.

Q.2 Suppose a system for office automation is to be developed. It is clear from

requirements, there will be five modules of size 0.5 KLOC, 1.5 KLOC, 2.0 KLOC, 1.0
KLOC, 2.0 KLOC respectively. Complexity and reliability requirements are high
(CPLX = 1.15, RELY=1.15). Programmer capability and experience are low (PCAP =
1.17, LEXP = 1.07). All the factors are of nominal rating. Use COCOMO to
determine overall cost and schedule estimates.

Q.3 Suppose that a project was estimated to 600 KLOC. Calculate the effort and
development time for each of the three modes.
Q.4 Software project of application generator category with estimated size of 100
KLOC has to be developed. The scale factor (B) has high precedentness (2.48), high
development flexibility(2.03), other factors are nominal (2.83, 2.19, 3.12). The cost
drivers are high reliability(1.30), medium database size (1.0), high personal
capability (0.83), high analysts capability (0.83). The other cost drivers are
nominal. Calculate the effort in PM for the development of project.

Q.5 Software project of application generator category with estimated size of 250
KLOC has to be developed. The scale factor (B) has very high precedentness
(1.24), very high development flexibility(1.01),high process maturity (3.12), other
factors are nominal (4.24, 3.29). The cost drivers are use of software tools is very
high (FCIL=0.87), very high reliability(RCPX= 1.74), The other cost drivers are
nominal. Calculate the effort in PM for the development of project.

Q.6 Consider the database application project with following features:

i. The application has 5 screens with 2 views with 9 tables.

ii. The application has 3 reports of 2 sections with 9 tables.

ii. The application has 5 3GL components.

There is 20% reuse of object points.

The developers’ experience and capability is HIGH in similar environment. Calculate

the object point count, NOP, effort to develop such project. (PROD=25)

Q. 7 Consider the ERP project with following features:

i. The application has 25 screens with 5 views with 5 tables.

ii. The application has 10 reports of 3 sections with 5 tables.

ii. The application has 3 3GL components.

There is 15% reuse of object points.

The developers’ experience and capability is NOMINAL in similar environment.
Calculate the object point count, NOP, effort to develop such project. (PROD=13)

Q.8 Consider a new project with estimated 150 KLOC has to be developed. The
project manager has choices of two approaches. 1st approach is modern
programming practices will be high, (MODP = 0.91), use of software tools will be
high (TOOL =0.91), product complexity is high (CPLX=1.15) but database size can
be nominal (DATA = 1.00)

2nd approach is modern programming practices is low, (MODP = 1.10), use of

software tools will be very low (TOOL =1.24), product complexity is low
(CPLX=0.85) but it increases execution time (TIME=1.11) and turnaround time
(TURN= 1.07) . Justify project manager to follow which approach and why?

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