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Software Application in

Business & Tech

Lecture 01: Introduction to Computer
Application in Business & Tech
 Software refers to a program that
supports and makes it possible for
computer hardware to function
properly. Software is created with a
specific use or implementation in mind,
Department of Computer
and may be used in any environment Science 9
that follows an established Semester
organizations set of instructions. Lecturer Yasir A. Mohamed
 An application is a collection of pre-written computer
programs that are often used for standard operations in order
to reduce the need for multiple users to duplicate the same
tasks or programs. An application package's actual usage might
range from being general for PC programs to being designed
for end user systems.
 A set of applications, sometimes on the same storage
medium, are included in an application package as a rar file in
order to complete the many steps needed to achieve the
application's objectives.
 The nature of the software application is mostly determined
by the sort of business activities or transaction and the
information included in it.

 The following are some of the software assessment factors

that should be taken into account when an organization
decides to purchase an application package:-
software evaluation criteria application
package include the following

 Functionality - When estimating software providers, one

should first take note of the most important functionalities
and make sure that there is a suitable feature set to match the
needs particular to the business.

 The vendor may be well-known for the software, but it does

not promise that it includes all of the features required to
operate an organization.
software evaluation criteria application
package include the following

 Technology - The platform and database that one is operating,

as well as the skills of the organization's IT staff must be
compatible with the technology that the software provider
uses to operate their product.
 In order to minimize integration challenges, it is necessary to
make sure that the technology being used fits the other
systems in the company's operations.
software evaluation criteria application
package include the following
 The company will make a yearly maintenance payment to the
software producer in order for them to keep developing,
enhancing, and improving the application software for the
 The business will be paying annual maintenance, so that the
seller will continue to develop, enhance, and improve the
software evaluation criteria application
package include the following
 Understandability deals with the purpose's accessibility, and
all design and user documentation must be expressed in a
way that makes it simple for anyone to understand.
 The user backdrop must be addressed since, for example, if
a software product is designed to be used by software
engineers, it is not necessary for it to be understandable by
the organization's IT staff.
software evaluation criteria application
package include the following
 Completeness - This concern is about having all necessary
components, each of which is completely developed. This
means that if the code calls a function from a third-party
library, the software package must include a reference to
that library, transmit all necessary input data and variables,
and provide all necessary input data itself.
software evaluation criteria application
package include the following
 Summary: In basic terms, this means reducing duplicate
data or processing. When memory becomes limited, this is
critical, and reducing the number of lines of code is typically
seen as good advice. It may be made better by adopting a
single subroutine or function that performs a specific
functionality for the repeated functionality. It additionally
remains true for writings.
software evaluation criteria application
package include the following
 Portability – is the ability to run well and easily on multiple
computer configurations.

 It can mean both the different hardware such as running on

a PC as well as a smart phone and between different
operating systems such as running on both Mac OS X and
software evaluation criteria application
package include the following
 Maintainability – this is software maintenance life cycle and
its to facilitate updates to satisfy new requirements.

 Therefore the software product that is maintainable should

be well documented, should not be complex, and should
have replacement capacity for memory, storage and
standard processor matching and other resources.
software evaluation criteria application
package include the following
 Usability – this is the accessibility and practicality of use.
 It is affected by such things as the human computer
 The component of the software that has most impact on this
is the user interface (UI), which for best usability
software evaluation criteria application
package include the following
 Reliability: is the reliable capacity of the program to be
projected to properly carry out its desired functions. This
indicates there is a temporal component, since a reliable
item is likely to function properly throughout time.

 Environmental factors are also taken consideration because

the product must function well in all environments.
software evaluation criteria application
package include the following
 Security – is the ability to protect data against unauthorized
access and to withstand malicious or accidental
interference with its operations.
 Moreover the presence of fitting security mechanisms such
as authentication, access control and encryption, the
software that has more security also entails flexibility to face
of malicious, intelligent and adaptive attackers.
 The computer software can be divided into two broad
categories namely the systems software and the applications
 Generally, the Application packages includes the programs for
accounting, financial planning and control, managerial
planning and control, communications, word processing and
utility programs among others.
 Consider the chart below that summarizes the various
categories of computer software.
Chart below that summarizes the various
categories of computer software.
 The systems software is mainly concerned with those
programs which make a computer a usable machine or tool
in terms of various computing needs.

 An in depth study is directed to the application packages that

are mainly classified as the general purpose programs and
the specific application programs
 Its primary duty is to control activities in a computer
installation. It has to perform among other duties;
 schedule and load jobs
 control hardware resources
 protect computer resources and software from
improper use
 passing control from one job to another when the
resources are needed or because of priority
 the control and notification of errors
 supplying log events etc.

 An operating system is a set of combination programs that

are used to manage resources and control the operation of
the hardware components of the computer system.
 Generally, the resources include the various installed
application programs and the devices that are directly
connected to computer system.

Study as 5 marked class Essay on the functions of Operating

 An application package is an executable set of coding
instructions that performs a specific task along with
 Each application is developed to provide a computer
solution in a preforming specific job task.
 The Application packages can be classified into the following:
 Specialized application packages
 General application packages
 communication application software
 The specialist application packages are also known as end –
user packages as they are used to provide solutions to their
specific area of application. They are not changeable once
app developed like file uploading APEX Method, and they
 Transaction processing packages – for control and
monitoring of transactions
 Management information packages – such as project
planning, bill of material, etc
 Linear programming – for simulation, modeling and
decision making theory
 These are reusable general purpose applications that enable
the user to process data as per according to ones wish or
 These are applications which are used to perform general
tasks in an organization such as word processing, database
management and spreadsheet applications, desktop
 With the advancement of technology especially the
telecommunication via computer networks, communication
application packages have been developed to provide a
platform for such communication.

 The telecommunication packages include the electronic

mail, view data, electronic notice boards, teleconferencing
and the electronic journal among others.
 Handling of capacious work – Tasks that are capacious can
easily be handled by these applications with a lot of accuracy
 Accuracy – Data that has to be validated must always meet
the validation criteria. This enforces permanent correctness
of data being processed.
 Faster Computations – a solution to a complex problem can
be developed and implemented by an application package.
There will be no need to spend time thinking of how the
problem will be solved.
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Software Application in
Business & Tech
 Word processing, spreadsheets,
database administration, and
certain email services are all
included in integrated packages,
which are inexpensive software
Department of Computer
products. Claris (an Apple
Science 9
product), Microsoft runs, and
Windows runs. Lecturer Yasir A. Mohamed
Claris run
 In order to automate operations, Claris Connect offers a low-code
 You may transfer data between your apps and systems to do
business activities more quickly, simply, and accurately because
FileMaker 2023 has been optimized for Claris Connect.
 A cross-platform relational database program called FileMaker is
produced by Claris International, an Apple Inc. company.
 Users may change a database by dragging additional data into
designs, or forms to the integration of a database engine with a
graphical user interface (GUI) and safety features.
The Claris run diagram
 Microsoft Office is an example of a software suite since it
combines a number of products, such as mail, spreadsheets,
and presentations.
 Other software packages are accessible. Here are some
examples. Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Illustrator,
Premiere Pro, InDesign, and other programs are part of the
Adobe Creative Cloud package.
 Word processors, spreadsheet programs, graphics software,
and database management systems (DBMS) are common
examples of productivity software.
Examples of productivity software
 In addition to cost, the other advantage of an integrated
package is that it interact one basic type of user interface.
 The command structure and the menu system of all its
components are the same to the paid software applications.
 A drawback of the integrated system suites is that they do not
contain many of the options of a full-blown productivity tool.
 full-blown productivity tool are software designed to simplify
tasks, restructure workflow and often include features that
allow you to access documents quickly,
 The major software retailers offer suites that are full-blown
productivity tools as unit for a greatly reduced price in
comparison to purchasing each of the components separately,
e.g. MS office, lotus smart suite, Novell perfect office.

 The word processor, database, spreadsheet presentation tool,

and email tool are also sometimes referred to as "suites."

 Word Processing is a term used to describe the use of

hardware and Software to create, edit, view, format, store,
retrieve and print documents.
 Besides enabling the user to create, edit and print text
material, this class of applications also is integrated with
support programs or features allowing the user to:-
 Checking on spellings and grammar
 Searching and replacing of the text strings (find or options)
 Displaying and printing of documents
Replacing of the text strings
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Step 4
Features allowing the user to

 Saving, recovering and deleting documents

 Building of short-cuts
 Creating table of contents, footnotes and endnotes
 Entering and format of text, graphics and images
 Importing and exporting of text, graphics and images
 Comparing of words, phrases
 Generation of new documents and pages in documents
 Preparation and mail sending of documents among others
Features allowing the user to

 This is a numeric data analysis tool that allows the creation of

a computerized record.
 It has Rows and Columns which Accountants use for keeping
records for financial transactions and for preparing financial
 The spreadsheet application is very popular as regards
management of measureable data. It has features that
enable users to enter formula as well as data to put on
various solutions to problems.
Some of the common features supported, among others,
 Cells, rows, columns and range of cells
 Cell contents with facilities for labels, values, formulae, dates,
 Relative and absolute cell addresses for identifying data
 Spreadsheet commands and graphics for manipulation of
 Arithmetical functions e.g. Max, Min, Count, Sum, Mean, etc

 The application has a management ability of using graphs to

present the information that facilitates management
 The specific features of these applications include the
financial formula such as investment estimation rate, interest
payment per period etc.
 Tasks such as budgeting, costing, references, estimates, final
accounts, Management accounts etc can be performed with
using accounting software application.
The importance of accounting
These factors contribute to accounting software's significance:

 Performance speed: Data entry into the computer may be

done faster than manual processing because to its prepared
software interfaces, built-in database of customer and
supplier information, and stock records.
 Automatic document production refers to the fast and
accurate creation of invoices, credit notes, purchase orders,
statement printing, and payroll records.
The importance of accounting applications
 Current information update– the accounting records are
automatically updated and so account balances will always be
up to date.
 Availability of information – the data is directly available and
can be made available to different users in different locations
at the same time.
 Management information – reports can be produced which
will help management monitor and control the business, e.g.
the aged borrowers analysis will show which customer
account are be lated, trial balance, trading and profit and loss
account and balance sheet.
The importance of accounting
 Effectiveness and productivity: refer to making better use of
time and resources. Revenue should also increase as a result
of improved debt recovery and inventory management.
 Motivation of the staff: The system will require personnel
receive training in order to apply new abilities, which may
inspire them more.
 As a result of managers being on top of their user accounts,
motivations to the staff reduces frustration levels.
The importance of accounting
 Cost savings: Because records are organized, current, and
correct, computerized accounting programs save staff time
spent on accounts and audit expenses.
 Currency conversion Computerized accounting software
makes it possible for businesses to trade in several currencies
since it minimizes the issues created on by changes in
exchange rates.
 With the Personal Digital Assistance (PDA) package, a person
may use a tiny, personalized computer to store and access
personal data as well as to plan and manage their calendars,
contracts, money, and critical item balances.
 The system does a good job of organizing user-created files. A
global list, a calendar, a notepad, a date list, a phone log, a
task list, an agenda, a financial log, index cards, and a list of
dates are among its features. It works similarly to a personal
 The presentation programs make use of software that creates
a sequence of slides with both text and graphics.
 Particularly when compared to the presentation of the same
information in a series of rows and columns, these
applications are better at making the point.
 You may use text charts, organizational charts, graphs, and
other pictures in your presentation.
 This makes it possible to create, modify, view, save, retrieve,
and print designs, drawings, photographs, graphs, and
anything else that can be generated using a computer
 The common features supported include, among others:

 Drawing of various presentation designs

 Paint drawing of diagrams and pictures
 Presentation of graphs of numerical data
 Drag and drop of the objects in presentation manipulation
 Import and export of various of objects together with the
screen capture
 Desktop publishing is the use of a computer to produce high-
quality documents containing text and graphics formatted
for a single-page publication.
 For example, desktop publishing is used to create printed
material, such as book covers, brochures, catalogs, flyers,
magazines, and posters.
 The DTP enables users to generate documents with unique
formats and a wide range of font choices.
 The Multimedia systems are based on the technology of
combining text, graphics, images, video and sound in a
 Thus different multimedia systems are designed with the
ability to present information in many forms such as data,
text, images, live or taped video and live or taped audio.
 The Multimedia also permit the user to merge these
presentation types into a collection or a file of screens that
users can access in any order they choose. They are useful in
marketing and entertainment.
1. Elaborate on the various integrated packages of software
that business firms frequently utilize, such as productivity
2. Describe Claris Work?
3. Outline the other important aspect of an integrated
package, outside price?
4. Examine what a -full-blown productivity tool means?
5. Summarize of characteristics Word processing software?
Any questions?

You can find me at:
Software Application in
Business & Tech
Lecture 03: Business-related
software applications
 In modern business accounting
transactions are processed
through computers.
 Usage of computers and
Information Technology (IT) Department of Computer
enables a business to quickly, Science
accurately and timely access the Semester 9

information that helps in Lecturer Yasir A. Mohamed

Intro to Business Software Applications
 This increases profitability and improves the competitive edge or
 The computer systems in Figure 1.1 operate using data that is
processed by hardware under the user's control. The Computerised
Accounting System (CAS) has the following components:
 Procedure : A logical sequence of actions to perform a task.
 Data : The raw fact (as input) for any business application.
 People : Users.
 Hardware : Computer, associated peripherals, and their network.
 Software : System software and Application software.

 These five components act as the foundation for the

computerized system for accounting. This chapter explains
the idea and elements of CAS as well as its benefits and
 The topic of CAS software packages comes next. We will also
cover the idea of grouping accounts and the standards and
techniques to be used for CAS
 Computerised Accounting System refers to the processing of
accounting transaction through the use of hardware and
software in order to produce accounting records and reports.
CAS takes accounting

 transactions as inputs that are processed through Accounting

Software to generate the following reports:

 Day books/Journals
 Ledger- records
 Trial Balance
 Position Statement (Balance Sheet)
 Statement of Profit and Loss (Profit and Loss Account)
Basic flow of Accounting Transaction
Overview of Computerised Accounting System
 Data and Information Various elements (items) of accounting
transactions are essentially the data items, which are
processed through an accounting software to generate
different sets of information in the form of accounting reports
such as journals, ledger, etc.
 A data-item (data element) is the smallest named unit of data
in the information system. In accounting, a transaction
consists of four data elements, such as name of account,
accounting code, date of transaction and amount.
 We may observe (Figure 1.3) how data (days worked and rate
per day) is being (multiplied together) converted into
information (amount to pay). The information may be viewed
as data at one level; and when it is processed keeping in view
the requirements of decision maker, it becomes the
information at another level.
 The manual system of accounting is traditionally most popular
method of keeping records of financial transactions of an
 Financial statements are the end products of the accounting
process, which are prepared in accordance with Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The accounting cycle
means the processes involved in identifying, measuring and
communicating the information.
 The basic phases of the cycle are as follows:
• Business transactions are analysed.
• The transactions are recorded in the journal.
• Journal entries are posted to the ledger accounts.
• A trial balance is prepared from balances of accounts.
• Accounts are reviewed and the necessary adjustments made.
• Adjustments are posted in the ledger to prepare adjusted trial
• Adjusted trial balance is used to prepare the balance sheet
and profit and loss account.
• Financial Statements are prepared from the finally adjusted
ledger and balancing the accounts.
The above accounting cycle can be processed through the use
of computers.
There are two basic activities in using software of CAS –
One time activities and recurring activities.
 One time activities include creation of Organisation details,
accounting year, type of ledger (also called “creation of
master files” ), etc.
 Recurring activities include entry of transactions and
generation of reports. The transactions are recorded on the
basis of Cash Vouchers, Bank Vouchers, Purchase Vouchers,
Sales Vouchers, Journal Vouchers, etc. Reports include
generation of Day books, Ledgers, Trial Balance, Statement of
Profit and Loss, Position Statement and Cash Flow Statement.
 Every accounting software ensures data security, safety and
confidentiality. Therefore every, software provides the

• Password Security
• Data Audit
• Data Vault
Password Security

 Password Security: Password is a mechanism, which enables

a user to access a system including data.
 The system facilitates defining the user rights according to
organisation policy.
 Consequently, a person in an organisation may be given keys
access to a particular set of a data while he may be denied
access to another set of data
Data Audit

 Data Audit: This feature enables one to know as to who and

what changes have been made in the original data

 There fore helping and fixing the responsibility of the person

who has manipulated the data and also ensures data
integrity. Basically, this feature is similar to Audit Trail.
Data Vault

 Data Vault: Software provides additional security through

data encryption.
 Encryption essentially challenges the information as to make
its interpretation or to understand the data are extremely
difficult (almost impossible). Thus,
 Encryption confirms security of the data even if it lands in
wrong hands, because the receiver of data will not be able to
decode and understand it.

 Following are the advantages of Computerised Accounting

System (CAS):
1. Short time generation of reports and information in desired
2. Well-organized record keeping.
3. Confirms effective control over the system.
4. Automation in the processing of accounting data.
5. Confidentiality of data is maintained.

 Following are the limitation of CAS software:

1. Technology's accelerated becoming outdated requires

shorter-term investment.
2. Power outages might cause data loss or corruption.
3. Accidents involving data are common.
4. Reports that aren't specified or programmed cannot be
 We will use the QuickBooks software as an example to
calculate the business of an entity, such as registering a fresh
organization and registering the owner of the business's
information, as well as the residential property of the
company known as Fixed assets.
 Since we have discussed in this lesson the software used for
accounting and business. Additionally, we will record every
item that the company sells and determine if it was
purchased with cash, borrowed against, or both, as well as
the balance sheet that can be found in all of the company's
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