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Saudi Arabia

Ministry OF Higher

Najran University

Collage of Languages

Anessay of relationship
between languages and
)Language and Culture(


Suja Hadi




Merriam Yousef


Relationship Between Language and Culture

In fact, the language is affected by the culture and the nature of the people of each region, so
that throygh the time peoples and cultures overlap with each other, and therefore the language
.has a strong relationships with culture and affects it

Language and cultures interact to influence each other. It should be noted that language
develops from a culture where people living in the same society create words that will
perfectly understand each other. Cultures develop languages related to their actions and
habits, and we see this from the fact that there are words that are present in one language
and not found in another culture. For example, in East Asian countries there is an emphasis
in their language on self-respect, so there are words for self-respect in their language that
are not found in other languages. Different cultures have different customs, and language
.can be used to show an expected code of conduct

Our thinking is also affected by language, for example, there are someAfrican
peoples who call colors shapes, and some of them call colors either bright or dark. It
is not only in this , in Japanese culture there is no direct way to refuse the request or
service that anyone requests, instead of saying no directly They say why not, maybe.
.In other cultures, telling them no may be direct

Language is the only way to communicate by expressing the words that the
individual knows. This is intended to transmit information. It is also a verbal
expression of the individual's culture, and language is the basis method that helps
the individual to distinguish between the cultural orientations of the individual in
society. We can also, by language, differentiate between a Chinese citizen and a
British citizen, for example. The main functions of language in general are for
.information purposes and to establish relationships

Every culture views language use differently. While Europeans consider it a useful
communication tool, Asians will use their language to express their feelings and
establish relationships, and it is through these linguistic differences that different
cultures place on the use of their language that the link between the two study
variables is shown

People of the same culture speak the same language because while they
communicate through different activities, so they have to develop ways that will
increase cohesion and understanding in the society. Human language evolved as a
survival instinct. It enables people to communicate to take notice of hazards,
conveying various messages to describe the situation at hand. When people from
different cultures live together, they are likely to have a mixed culture as they can
borrow from the languages of both cultures to get a totally different language. For
example, during slavery, the Africans who were brought to America as slaves had
other languages, but when they interacted to form a new culture, they created a
new language and a new culture where they could all interact. It is also clear that
mixing cultures can lead to code switching. Code-switching is when a person tries to
change their dialect to fit in with a particular culture. This is usually common with
immigrants trying to appear to be natives of a particular country. It is usually
practiced to increase the chances of being treated as citizens. However, it is possible
that even with code swapping, one cannot look like a native, and this .would create a
completely different language

Cultural mixing also facilitates communication as people can change their language
to suit other cultures. Close accommodation can be where people from a particular
culture change the way they communicate to ensure they are understood by others
from different cultures. Communication can also be differentiated as people from
one culture use a language that people from another culture, who are in their
company, do not understand. This shows that people can either communicate with
.other cultures or exclude people from other cultures

Communication can also be differentiated as people from one culture use a

language that people from another culture, who are in their company, do not
understand. This shows that people can either .communicate with other cultures or
exclude people from other cultures Communication between people from different
cultural backgrounds indicates that there is a high probability that the message will be
misunderstood and distorted. This difference in languages leads to challenges in
interpretation, manners speech acts, and interaction management. Mostly, these
differences in languages lead to difficulties in understanding. This is due to the
difference in perception regarding general principles and values. Language is the basi
for the formation of thinking and, therefore, the basic element that shapes how people
perceive the world. The way people communicate is largely due to their cultures of
origin. Language increases the rate of nationalism in individuals which enhances
their self-centeredness in the culture. Therefore, they stay away from any means
of .communication that contradicts their thinking and beliefs
Language further fuels the differences in cultures, because it displays openly and also
increases the nationalism of people. This is considered a major obstacle to
communication and integration between different cultures, and it may lead to the
emergence of other problems such as fanaticism, terrorism, and discrimination among
.people in the same society

In conclusion, culture is the basis for language, and therefore we may

notice that there are some words that express feelings and things in a particular
Language reach and not found in another. Through the time, languages evolve, and
this development is a result of mixing and merging cultures with each other.
.Therefore, we see the linguistic development today at its peak in any language


Discourse Analysis (2015): 598,for Hall and Chad Nilep ”
The Relationship Between Language & Culture and The Implications “ -
.for Language Teaching for Leveridge, Aubrey

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