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Integrated Approach in Management of Major Biodiversity Corridors in the Philippines


Orientation and Consultation Workshop on the Selection of SLM

Exemplar Sites for the Implementation of the BD Corridor Project
Mindorinne Oriental Beach Resort
May 9, 2023
Presentation Outline

Overview of the BD Corridor Project

• Introduction
• Objectives
• Components
The Mindoro Biodiversity Corridor Project
• Coverage
• Status
• Outputs
• SLM, SFM, and BDFEs
What is a
biodiversity corridor?
What is a biodiversity corridor?

A biodiversity corridor is an area of suitable habitat that provides

functional linkages that allows movement of different species from one
patch to another
✓ Conserve habitat for species
movement and maintenance of
viable populations

✓ Promote and enhance local

community welfare through the
conservation and use of natural

✓ Conserve and enhance ecosystem

The BD Corridor Project
The BD Corridor Project is a development
cooperation between the Government of
the Philippines and the UNDP, funded through a
grant from the GEF, with DENR as the lead
executing agency.

The Project is managed through a. National

Implementation Modality (NIM) arrangement.
Under a NIM, the DENR has full responsibility for
the management of the project in compliance
with the Project Document (ProDoc) signed by
DENR, National Economic and Development
Authority (NEDA) and UNDP.
The BD Corridor Project
FUND SOURCE Global Environment Facility (GEF)
AMOUNT GEF US$12,260,241
(Grant & Co-financing) Co-financing US$62,701,007
TOTAL US$74,961,248
DURATION 6 years (JULY 2021 – JUNE 2027)
EXECUTING AGENCY/ Department of Environment and Natural Resources
UNDP Implementing Partner (DENR as Lead and BMB as Focal Bureau)
SECTOR Biodiversity
REGIONS MIMAROPA Region - Mindoro Biodiversity Corridor
Regions 11 & CARAGA - Eastern Mindanao Biodiversity Corridor
STATUS Implementation Stage
The BD Corridor Project
To operationalize integrated management of biodiversity corridors to generate multiple benefits including:

Effective conservation of Reduce deforestation and Enhance biodiversity-friendly

globally significant degradation of landscapes livelihood
The BD Corridor Project
Project Components
Component 1 Component 2 Component 3 Component 4

Effective coordination and Application of integrated Community-based Knowledge management,

governance framework network design and sustainable use and gender mainstreaming,
for integrated ecosystem management of bd management systems in learning, monitoring, and
management (IEM) in the corridors to ensure the two pilot biodiversity evaluation
biodiversity corridor continued stability and corridors system
system sustainability of their
biological, ecosystem
services and socio-
economic conservation
The BD Corridor Project
Project Sites
Mindoro Biodiversity Corridor Eastern Mindanao Biodiversity Corridor
The Mindoro Biodiversity Corridor
The Mindoro Biodiversity Corridor
Cluster: 6 Provinces: 2
Municipalities: 24 Land Area: 666,497 has

Oriental Mindoro Occidental Mindoro

1) Baco 1) Abra de Ilog
2) Bansud 2) Calintaan
3) Bongabong 3) Magsaysay
4) Bulalacao 4) Mamburao (Capital)
5) City of Calapan (Capital) 5) Paluan
6) Gloria 6) Rizal
7) Mansalay 7) Sablayan
8) Naujan 8) San Jose
9) Pinamalayan 9) Santa Cruz
10) Pola
11) Puerto Galera
12) Roxas
13) San Teodoro
14) Socorro
15) Victoria
The Mindoro Biodiversity Corridor
The Mindoro Biodiversity Corridor
Municipalities with high rate of degradation
MBC Outputs
IEM Framework (High Conservation Value ✓ Indicator species range and coordinates
Areas or HCVA) ✓ Thematic layers (environmental, social,
✓ 24 FLUPs, 26 CLUPs, other plans
Component 2: Corridor Alliance Advisory ✓ Consultations with NGAs, LGUs, CSOs
Application of Committee (CAAC) ✓ Legal instrument
integrated ✓ Issues and concerns
PA Management ✓ 2 PAMPs (MCWS & MIBNP)
design and ✓ Capacity building plans
management ✓ Monitoring tools
of biodiversity Other Effective Area-Based
corridors Conservation Measures (OECM) ✓ Ancestral domains
✓ Indigenous Peoples’ and Community
Conserved Areas and Territories (ICCAs)
Capacity building
✓ Training Needs Assessments (TNAs)
✓ Initial HCVA Workshop
✓ Detection training
MBC Outputs

Assistance in the formulation/ updating of ADSDPP and

Output 2.2. Site-specific integrated cluster Integration of IEM components (pre-planning;
conservation plans (CCPs) designed through documentation of IKSP, Customary Laws, and IPS;
stakeholder and community consensus and
assessments through HCVA, and zoning
decision-making for areas of critical high
biodiversity within the biodiversity

Support the integration of biodiversity concerns and proven

strategies in provincial development and physical framework
Capacity building for Regional Offices of planning and MLGU comprehensive land use planning.
agencies, Sector agencies and LGU staff
(including local sectoral consultative
councils) in tools and practices for LGUs’ CLUPs and PDPFP identified for updating and/or
biodiversity mainstreaming (into CLUP) formulation
Main Projects on Tamaraw Conservation
✓ Research on the Meta-population of Tamaraw in Mindoro Island
✓ Burning reduction plan in the core habitat in MIBNP
✓ Initial documentation of Tao-Buid practices
✓ Relocation of ranchers, baseline assessment of former ranching site

✓ Expansion of core habitat in MIBNP

✓ Restoration of the core habitat

✓ Dietary analysis of Tamaraw

✓ Camera trapping study (MCWS)

✓ Suitability map and habitat quality of Tamaraw → HCVs
✓ Camera trapping study (Aruyan-Malati)
✓ Permaculture-based system in MIBNP
✓ Alternative census/monitoring method
✓ Translocation and ex-situ conservation
✓ Law enforcement (SMART system)
Sustainable Land Management
Package for Mindoro

Output 3.2. Sustainable land management applied to

degraded agricultural lands through a suite of SLM
technologies/practices and incentives

Incentive mechanisms and

programming for wide-scale
adoption of SLM and biodiversity-
friendly agricultural systems
Sustainable Land Management
Package for Mindoro
Sustainable Forest Management
Package for Occidental Mindoro
• Provide technical support to better integrate
sustainable forest management and benefit sharing

• Support the implementation of the sustainable forest

management plan (with co-financing support from
government and private sector) under a collaborative
forest management platform, including incentive
mechanisms to encourage long-term participation and
improved benefits for local communities.
Sustainable Forest Management:
MBC Priority Areas
Province Municipality Barangay Forest Production Protection

Abra de Ilog Balao 60.70 1.77 58.93

Abra de Ilog Cabacao 56.32 0.28 56.04

Abra de Ilog
Lumangbayan 4.58 0.16 4.42
Occidental Mindoro
Abra de Ilog San Vicente 27.28 0.09 27.20

Abra de Ilog Udalo 0.54 0.54

ABRA DE ILOG 149.42 2.30 147.13

MBC Priority Areas
Province Municipality Barangay Forest Production Protection

Sablayan Malisbong 50.05 50.05

Sablayan Pag-asa 1669.74 106.53 1563.22

Occidental Mindoro

Sam Agustin 49.04 1.56 47.49

SABLAYAN 1,768.84 108.08 1,660.75

What are BDFEs?
Enterprises that involve the utilization of
resources leaning towards sustainability
and further enhancement of resources
in which the community will further
benefit from.

❑ Capacity building and linkages with service providers

for supporting 250 small start-up grants for product
development, branding and commercialization;
❑ Community grants for co-investment in biodiversity-
friendly micro-small-medium enterprises(MSMEs);
❑ Promoting community-based ecotourism ventures.
Categories of BDFEs
Sustainable Sustainable Sustainable
Forestry Fisheries Agriculture
● Inter-multi-cropping
● Sustainable harvesting ● Seaweed farming
● Growing of traditional/
of forest products ● Sea Cucumber farming
indigenous crops
● Establishment of ● Mudcrab culture
● Agroforestry
community-based ● Closed-cycle fish-rearing
● Production of organic
nurseries systems
● Planting of endemic, ● Sustainable aquaculture
indigenous and native
Categories of BDFEs
Manufacturing, Processing & Distribution

● Dried fish and food processing

● Agri-tourism
● Jams, vinegar and candies
● Community-based ecotourism and
● Coffee and tea
related services
● Agro-products to chips
● public-private-community partnership for
● Handicrafts
park development & management
● fruits and vegetables into juices and
● nature and landscape protection service
● Health and wellness
● clothing apparel using traditional
● Indigenous traditional services
Alain M. Maulion
Corridor Project Manager

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