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1. Shela: hi mela, what did you do last night?

Mela: ……………….
a. I am watching drama series on VIU last night
b. I watch drama series on VIU last night
c. I watched drama series on VIU last night
d. I watches drama series on VIU last night
2. Arrange the jumbled words below into good sentences of simple past tense
1. Ignored 2. last day 3. She 4. my call
a. 2-1-3-4
b. 4-1-2-1
c. 3-1-2-4
d. 3-1-4-2
3. x: heiii how jesica cat?
Y : ... Jessica been ... for her cat for a week?
a. Have, looked
b. Has, looked
c. Have, looking
d. Has, looking
4. Tina : Have you already ... the homework?
Rio : no, not yet
a. finish
b. finishes
c. finished
d. finishing
5. For several years, the president had been warning lawmakers and other Americans
about the political forces in Japan, Germany, and Italy. Leaders in those countries
supported nationalist movements and had already invaded or taken control of other
areas. By 1941, more than 30 countries were involved in the conflict. Many
Americans had wanted the U.S. to remain neutral. They regretted becoming
involved in World War I. For years, they had taken steps to prevent another major
international conflict. Lawmakers had even banned the U.S. government from selling
or giving weapons to warring countries. But FDR believed World War II was different.
He believed that Germany was the clear aggressor and needed to be stopped. So, in
the 1930s, FDR received permission from Congress to provide weapons to the
countries opposing Germany. After Germany took control of France, FDR received
permission to give direct military aid to Britain. In addition, FDR began preparing the
U.S. military for war. On December 7, 1941, Japanese forces bombed American ships
at the U.S. Navy base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. More than 2,400 Americans died at
Pearl Harbor, and more than 1,700 were wounded. The day after Pearl Harbor was
attacked, Congress quickly approved FDR’s request to declare war against Japan.
Three days later, Germany and Italy declared war on the United States. American
lawmakers responded in kind. The U.S., which had remained neutral for many years,
was now completely involved in World War II. When did Congress give direct
military aid to Britain ?
a. After Germany invaded France.
b. After Japanese forces attacked Pearl Harbor.
c. After Germany declared war on the U.S.
d. After Great Britain was occupied by Germany.
e. After Italy declared war on the U.S.
6. World War II in the Pacific ended after the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. The
empire of Japan surrendered to the Allies abroad USS Missouri in 1945. It inspired
the East Indies (Indonesian) nationalist to proclaim independence, which the
Japanese had promised. Soon, the leaders of the Indonesian nationalist movement
insisted that Soekarno, a son of a school-teacher and theosophist, and Hatta, a
Suatra economist, proclaim Indonesian independence on the August 17th, 1945.
There were also appointed president and vice-president of the new nation. After the
Japanese fled from the East Indies, the Dutch came back to recover the territory.
They realized that the East Indies was very important for the Dutch economy. Armed
with Japanese weapons, the nationalist declared war on the Dutch. However, with
their modern weapons, The Dutch were able to make significant headway in
Sumatra and Java. The Dutch aggression came under much criticism from the United
Nations. They proposed a negotiation between the Dutch and the Indonesian
nationalist movement and both sides agreed to negotiate. Eventually, a conference
of 120 delegates was held in The Hague (Dutch: Den Haag) in 1949. The Indonesian
nationalist delegates were led by Mohammad Hatta. After ten weeks of meetings,
both sides reached an agreement by which the Dutch recognized the sovereignty of
the United States of Indonesia, with Queen Juliana as the titular head of IndonesianDutch
union. The main idea of the third paragraph is ..
a. The Dutch recognized the sovereignty of the United States of Indonesia.
b. The United Nations proposed negotiations between the Dutch and the
Indonesian nationalist movement.
c. A conference of 120 delegates was held in The Hague (Dutch : Den Haag) in
d. The Dutch realized that indonesia was less important for the Dutch economy.
e. The Dutch returned to Indonesia to reoccupy the territory.
7. World War II in the Pacific ended after the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. The
empire of Japan surrendered to the Allies abroad USS Missouri in 1945. It inspired
the East Indies (Indonesian) nationalist to proclaim independence, which the
Japanese had promised. Soon, the leaders of the Indonesian nationalist movement
insisted that Soekarno, a son of a school-teacher and theosophist, and Hatta, a
Suatra economist, proclaim Indonesian independence on the August 17th, 1945.
There were also appointed president and vice-president of the new nation. After the
Japanese fled from the East Indies, the Dutch came back to recover the territory.
They realized that the East Indies was very important for the Dutch economy. Armed
with Japanese weapons, the nationalist declared war on the Dutch. However, with
their modern weapons, The Dutch were able to make significant headway in
Sumatra and Java. The Dutch aggression came under much criticism from the United
Nations. They proposed a negotiation between the Dutch and the Indonesian
nationalist movement and both sides agreed to negotiate. Eventually, a conference
of 120 delegates was held in The Hague (Dutch: Den Haag) in 1949. The Indonesian
nationalist delegates were led by Mohammad Hatta. After ten weeks of meetings,
both sides reached an agreement by which the Dutch recognized the sovereignty of
the United States of Indonesia, with Queen Juliana as the titular head of IndonesianDutch
union. From the passage, we can infer that ….
a. The Indonesian nationalists were inspired to proclaim independence
when the Empire of Japan surrendered to the Allies.
b. The Indonesian nationalists insisted on proclaiming independence as the
Japanese had promised.
c. Queen Juliana was the one who proclaimed independence.
d. Independence was proclaimed as the Dutch had promised.
e. Independence was proclaimed by Mohammad Hatta.
8. One morning, I was on my bike going to school. When I reached the T-junction, I was
very shocked to see that the old wooden bridge had fallen down. Just a couple of
days before the same bridge had stood proudly over the small sturdy road. After
school, I used to stop over on the T-Junction and walk to the bridge. I spent some
time enjoying the cold wind that mildly blew on my face. I usually saw an old woman
feeding the birds under the big bars of the bridge. Then, i was worried, "What if she
was asleep when the bridge fell down ?” I felt a strong desire to find her. I got off my
bike and rushed to the broken bridge. I crawled among the wooden bars. I focused
my eyes and my ears in order to find the old woman. After some minutes, I heard a
faint cooing noise somewhere in the darkness, When I got closer, I knew it was the
sound of the birds that the old woman usually fed. They looked swollen and their
eyes betrayed a look of death. "You poor things, look at you!" I exclaimed. It drove
me to reach the spot as soon as possible. I had to be very careful because the
wooden piles could bury me. Then, I was shocked. In the small hole, I saw the old
woman was lying still, dead. She was surrounded by the birds. Then I fell onto my
knees beside her, trying to hold the tears back. The sorrowful cries of the birds did
not make it any easier. I buried my face in my hands and cried. What is the purpose
of the text ?
a. To describe the bridge.
b. To entertain the reader.
c. To explain how the bridge fell down.
d. To persuade the reader to help the old woman.
e. To tell the reader about the fall of the bridge.
9. One morning, I was on my bike going to school. When I reached the T-junction, I was
very shocked to see that the old wooden bridge had fallen down. Just a couple of
days before the same bridge had stood proudly over the small sturdy road. After
school, I used to stop over on the T-Junction and walk to the bridge. I spent some
time enjoying the cold wind that mildly blew on my face. I usually saw an old woman
feeding the birds under the big bars of the bridge. Then, i was worried, "What if she
was asleep when the bridge fell down ?” I felt a strong desire to find her. I got off my
bike and rushed to the broken bridge. I crawled among the wooden bars. I focused
my eyes and my ears in order to find the old woman. After some minutes, I heard a
faint cooing noise somewhere in the darkness, When I got closer, I knew it was the
sound of the birds that the old woman usually fed. They looked swollen and their
eyes betrayed a look of death. "You poor things, look at you!" I exclaimed. It drove
me to reach the spot as soon as possible. I had to be very careful because the
wooden piles could bury me. Then, I was shocked. In the small hole, I saw the old
woman was lying still, dead. She was surrounded by the birds. Then I fell onto my
knees beside her, trying to hold the tears back. The sorrowful cries of the birds did
not make it any easier. I buried my face in my hands and cried. What is the story
about ?
a. An old bridge fell down.
b. An old woman was abandoned.
c. Beautiful birds flew around an old bridge.
d. An old woman was buried in the ruins a bridge.
e. No one took care of the birds, except the woman.
10. A long time ago, lived a King with his three daughters. One day, the King wanted to
find out which of his daughters loved him the most. So, he called the three of them
and asked "How much do you love me, my dear?" The oldest said that she loved him
as much as she loved gold, while the second replied that she loved him as much as
she loved diamonds. The King was content to hear their answers. It came to the last
daughter's turn and she answered, "I love you as much as I love salt, Father!"
Hearing her answer, the King became angry and furious so he decided to banish her
to the forest. After the banishing, the princess met a young merchant living in the
neighboring kingdom. She told him her story and cried, "I love him so much and I'm
sure that one day he will realize the meaning of what i said!" Then, the man asked
her to stay in his mansion with his parents. As days went by, the two of them fell in
love with each other and decided to get married. One day, the King decided to go
hunting by himself and got lost in the forest. Then, he met the princess' husband.
Since the day was getting dark, the King gladly accepted the man's offer to stay at
his mansion. Once they arrived at the mansion, the princess recognized her father
and decided to prepare a big feast for him. Starving, the King began to eat the feast.
After a few mouthfuls, he frowned. "What is this? I can't even imagine that a human
would eat this!" said the King, disappointed. Immediately, the princess stepped into
the dining room. She said, "This is how much I love you, Father. The food is horrible
because there is no salt in it. Your world would be terrible without salt. That is how
much I love you, Father." The King recognized the princess, held her in his arms, and
apologized to her. He promised that he would never doubt the princess' love for him
and asked her to come back to the palace, but she replied, " I apologize, My King. I
have my beloved husband here and I want to stay here with him". The King
understood and promised her that he would visit her regularly. What is the best title
for the story ?
a. The Princess and the Salt.
b. The Princess and the King.
c. The King and His Three Daughters.
d. The King and the Three Princesses.
e. The King and His Youngest Daughter.
11. "There’s a calm surrender to the rush of day
When the heat of a rolling wind can be turned away
An enchanted moment, and it sees me through
It’s enough for this restless warrior just to be with you." What kind of figurative
language used in this stanza ?
a. Simile
b. Metaphor
c. Hyperbole
d. Alliteration
e. Personification
12. “Daisy Dukes
Bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin so hot
We’ll melt your popsicle“ That stanza a figurative of speech, that is ....
a. Simile
b. Metaphor
c. Hyperbole
d. Alliteration
e. Personification
13. Rain and tears all the same
But in the sun you’ve to play the game
When you cry in winter time
You can’t pretend, it’s nothing but the rain
How many times I’ve seen
Tears coming from your blue eyes
Rain and tears all the same
But in the sun you’ve got to play the game
Give an answer of love I need an answer of love
Rain and tears in the sun
But in your heart you feel the rain the waves
Rain and tears both for shown
For in my heart there’ll never be a sun
Rain and tears all the same
But in the sun you’ve play the game
A. will feel sure in his heart
B. will always feel sad
C. will have his heart be with bright life
D. will feel so faithless all the time
E. will get very tired all his life
14. HERE'S YOUR PERFECT by Jamie Miller I remember the day
Even wrote down the date, that I fell for you (mmhm)
And now it's crossed out in red
But I still can't forget if I wanted to
And it drives me insane
Think I'm hearing your name, everywhere I go
But it's all in my head
It's just all in my head But you won't see me break, call you up in three days
Or send you a bouquet, saying, "It's a mistake"
Drink my troubles away, one more glass of champagne
And you know I'm the first to say that I'm not perfect
And you're the first to say you want the best thing
But now I know a perfect way to let you go
Give my last hello, hope it's worth it
Here's your perfect My best was just fine
How I tried, how I tried to be great for you
I'm flawed by design and you love to remind me
No matter what I do But you won't see me break, call you up in three days
Or send you a bouquet, saying, "It's a mistake"
Drink my troubles away, one more glass of champagne
And you know I'm the first to say that I'm not perfect
And you're the first to say you want the best thing
But now I know a perfect way to let you go
Give my last hello, hope it's worth it
I'm the first to say that I'm not perfect
And you're the first to say you want the best thing (best thing, yeah)
But now I know a perfect way to let you go
Give my last hello, hope it's worth it Say yeah, yeah, yeah
But now I know a perfect way to let you go
Give my last hello, hope it's worth it
Here's your perfect What does the songwrite want ?
a. He wants to leave the girl.
b. He begged her lover to take her back.
c. He wants to marry her.
d. He wants to break up
e. He wants to make a reconciliation.

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