Motilal - Adani - Lawyer

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B.Com. L.L.M., G.D.C. & A. Office:Room No-1,
Advocate Supreme Court Shinde Building, Asha Nagar,
Pestom Sagar Road No-3,
Opp. Krushal Towers,
Chembur (w), Mumbai 400 089
Tel: (M): 93216 94578

Email :

To, Date: 12-05-2023

The Officer
New Connection General Unit Dept.
Adani Electricity Mumbai Ltd.
Tilak Nagar, Chembur
Mumbai – 400 089

Sub: Removal of Meter No. SM10296806/ Account No. 153377609

Dear Officer,
This is as per the instruction from my clients and Owners/LandLords
of Shinde Building viz. (1) Mr. Sharad Nana Shinde (2) Mr. Mangesh
Sharad Shinde (3) Mrs Varsha Zaware and (4) Myself, Adv. Jocelyn
Shinde having address Shinde Building, Plot No. 19/20, Asha Nagar,
Pestom Sagar Road No. 3, Opposite Krushal Towers, Chembur,
Mumbai- 400089.

This is to inform you that,

1) The property bearing CTS 597 & 597/1-8 known as Plot No-19/20
Shinde Building, Asha Nagar, Pestom Sagar Road No-3, Chembur,
Mumbai – 89, is a Private Property & a parcel of Land completely
owned by the Shinde families.
B.Com. L.L.M., G.D.C. & A. Office:Room No-1,
Advocate Supreme Court Shinde Building, Asha Nagar,
Pestom Sagar Road No-3,
Opp. Krushal Towers,
Chembur (w), Mumbai 400 089
Tel: (M): 93216 94578

Email :

2) Motilal Kanojia with his family members are an UNLAWFUL,

CRIMINAL TRESPASSERS in our property of the Shinde Building.

3) A legal Eviction notice was sent out to Motilal Kanojia by my

colleague Lawyer Mr. Vinod Naik dated 31-10-2022 to evacuate the
place and the same documents were submitted to the DCP/ACP and
the Sr Police Inspector (Tilak nagar).

4) My client states that you carried out the work of installing a new
meter or a connection in the private premises of the Shinde Building
without obtaining any NOC or the Consent Letter from the owners of
Shinde Building. The entire plot is owned by the owners of Shinde
Building and carrying out any work in the premises leads to criminal
trespassers in the property.

5) Furthermost, the new connection was given out for commercial

purpose of use without the knowledge of the owners. This is to bring
to your notice that Shinde Building is a residential building and not a
commercial complex.

6) My client further states that No Letter in whatsoever form, or NO

NOC or NO Consent Letter was given to Motilal Kanojia to carry out
any business or to install or repair or to carry out any work in the
premises of Shinde Building.
B.Com. L.L.M., G.D.C. & A. Office:Room No-1,
Advocate Supreme Court Shinde Building, Asha Nagar,
Pestom Sagar Road No-3,
Opp. Krushal Towers,
Chembur (w), Mumbai 400 089
Tel: (M): 93216 94578

Email :

7) It is verbally communicated to Motilal Kanojia to vacate the room

failing which my client will not bear any expenses related to the loss or
any damage caused to the meter in use or electricity bill.

8) My client ask of you to kindly remove the meter from our premises
within 42 hours of time or else we shall initiate appropriate legal
proceedings against Adani Electricity Mumbai Ltd, its officers and
employees, agents, and all those who are involved, in the court of law
filing Civil, Criminal & Consumer suits entirely at your costs and

For Shinde & Co.

Jocelyn Shinde Sharad Shinde Mangesh Shinde Varsha Zaware

Advocate/Owner Owner Owner Owner

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