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BS OHSAS 18001:2007 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ASSESSMENT SERIES Occupational health and safety management systems — Requirements raising standards worldwide™ British Standards BS OHSAS 1800 007 National foreword Publishing information ‘Thie British Standard w {mplomencation of ORSAS 18001-1007, shich ouporsedos OFSAS 18001-1000 ‘BS OHSAS 19001 will be maintained in ine with any changee to ‘OHSAS 18001, subject to the approval of BSI Technical Committee ESIit, Occupational health and safety management, which ealated the UR comments fn the second Working Draft of OHSA® 13001 and put forward ite prefered A list of organizations represented on this committe can be obtained on Contractual and legal considerations In the UK, and Europe generally, shere are various legal requirements for cecupstional health aad sxfey chat spply othe potentially harmafal ffets of ‘work etiiten nnd which extend beyond the werkplace to thore aflacted by ‘Workglace acvaties (see Note fo 3.12 on the defmtion of occupational health and safety) Tess essential for the organization 9 cake the matters addressed Up these lngal requisements inte scccunt in sotabiching,mplementing sad ‘maintaining its OFGS managoment opstom and m particular whew Hdenrifine hazards, aasessing risks and determining controls see 43.1 ‘and 4.3.2) This standard ought cherefore 2 be read in conjunction with [35 8800 and #86 05." which give good practi guidance on coupling with ‘suce lore requizements inthe UE. "Thie publication des act purport to include al he mecezeaty provisions of = contract. Users axe seeponnible forte correct application Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from Tegal obligations, Publishing and copyright information, “The St copyright noice displayed m ths doctaent indicates when the ocaaoent wae Ie ioe es2007 ISBN 0780 580 59103 5 Publication history Pas pbahed uly 2007 Amendments issued sineo publication ‘Amd. no. Date Tent affected BS OHSAS 18001 sontents Ackmowledgement if Foreword + Introduction.» 1 Scope 1 2 Reference publications 3 Termsanddefnitions 2 4 OHSS management system reauirements 5 Annexes ‘Annex A (informative) Correspondence between OHSAS 18001:2007, TSO 14001:2004 and 180 9001:2000 15 Annex B (informative) Correspondence between OHSAS 18001, (OHSAS 18002, and the ILO-OSH:2001 Guidelines on occupational safety and health management systems 18 Bitiography 22 List of figures Figure 1 ~ OH&S management system model for this OHSAS Standard vf List of tables ‘Table A. Correspondence benreen OHSAS 18001:2007, TSO 14001:2004 and 180 9001:2000 5 ‘Table B11 ~ Correspondence becween the clauses of the OHSAS documents and the clauses ofthe ILO-OSH Guidelines 20 Summary of pages ‘This document comprises a fromt cover, an inside front cover ‘pagesi to vil, pages 1 to 22, an inside back cover and aback cover eso0or + i [BS OHSAS 18001:2007 Acknowledgement ‘hs enon f OMS 10003 has Ben Seeaped wth he tance the ‘elosmg coperanne crema American Ina Hygiene Associaton (IA) Association of Brits Certification Bodies (ABCB) ‘Bh Standard Instunen (BS) Cen eer! de ecru (CP), (Geren de sapere) ‘coven secraararon see (CA Det Norse Verte BNC) Ds cerencanen AS FE the manufacters orgausation eum and sore EsscUs0 Hoag Kong unity Aarnice Agency EQS) Inspects Coregcanon ‘stun of Oceupaoual Safety and Beata OSE) Instn Aogentinn de Normalan Cortiacon (RAM) mst Colombuno de Normas TecrcasyCezeacen CONTEC) Inuit de Narmas Tenican de Conta Rica (NTECO) Insntre Mereano de Nernaizacon7 Certain (MNO) Isso Uruguae de Sormas Tea (CAT) Japan tsa are an Heat ssoctaon OSHA “ayanese Stands Asoeaton 2) ‘Korea Ges Set Corporation (150 CeaesteBxason) opis Roaster Quay Asowance (LEOA) Manages! Stem Cation Lime ‘anon! Stnctes Suter of Wen (NA) atonal Unser of Sxenpore (US) ‘Nederlands Normanton (NEN) Now Gat Nanagenent nse (QM {SARS Commerc (PQ) Ee Serviced Nomasation Innere Narre (SNA) 0 Ute geome SHIM QA! temananat Stata ston oft I) Star Ne enn (32) ‘sucotdo arona Cerucaton Sersce (C5) See Industry aso (Sif) ‘Stand sscctaton of Zastabve (S82) ‘We would avo mt to recogaze to snetubie contribution made by ose mans ‘S35 16001, and who sumed consents ox contdsraion. Tis sped ws eat m anprorng te stander. and och appre 2 ao: rogustory auton respoatie heat na sates Great Bram. tng te eal eat ana suey obzntons wae the ns of Eg BS OHSAS 18001:204 Foreword ‘This Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) Standard andthe accompanying OHSAS 18002, Guidelines fo the mlomontation of OHSAS 18001, have been developed in response to customer demand fora recognize occupational heath aad safety smmagement system standard against which their management systems fam be assessed and cerfed. (OHSAS 18001 has been developed to be compatible sith the 10 9001:2000 (Quality) and [80 14001:2004 (Environmental) smanagement ssstams standards, in order to factate the integration of| ‘quality envircrmental and occupatcnal health and safery management systems by organizations, should they wish to do so ‘This OSAS Standard will be reviewed or amended when considered spproptiate, Reviews wil be conducted when new editions of either 10 9001 or 150 14001 are publised, to ensure continsing compat. ‘This OHSAS Standard will be withdraien on publication of ts contents ia, or 35, an International Standard, ‘This OHSAS Standard has heen drafted in aecardance with the rules given in the ISOTEC Directives, Part 2 ‘This second edition cancels and replaces the firs edition (OHSAS 18001:1999), which has been technically revised ‘The principal changes with respect tothe previous edition areas tlle + Theiimpostance of “health hae now been given grester emphasis ‘+ OBSAS 18001 now refers o itself asa standard nota specification, or document, asin the earlier edition. Tis reflects the increasing adoption of OHSAS 18001 asthe basis for national standards on ooenpational ealth and safety masagenient systems. + The-Plan-Do-Check-Aet” model diagram is only given in the Introduction, in ts entirety, and not also as sectional diagrams at the start of each major clause + Reference pablicatons in Clause 2 have een limited to parely international documents + New definitions have been added, and existing definitions revised. ‘Significant improzement in aljgmment with 50 14001:2004 ‘vroughout the standard, and improved compat with 180 9001:2000 ‘The term “tolerable risk" has been replaced bythe term, ‘nccepfale risk (are 3.1), ‘+ The term “accident” is now included in che term “incident” (see 3.8. +The definition ofthe tema “hazard” no longer refers to “damage to property or damage tothe workplace envionment” (see 3.6). BS OHSAS 18001:2007 Tis nov considered that such “damage” is no direct related to ‘cccupaticnal health and safety managesnent, which i the purpose of| this OHSAS Standard, and that itis inclnded inthe field of asset management. Instead, the Fisk of such “damage” having a effect on ‘cccupational health and safety shouldbe identified through the ‘exgarization’s rik assessment process, and be centrlled through the application of appropriate risk controls. + Sub-lauses 4.3.3 and 4.3.4 have been merged, in tie wit 180 14001-2004, + Ancwrequirement has been introduced for the consideration of the hierarchy of controls as part of OH&S planning (sce 4.3.1) + Management of change is now more explitly addressed (seed 3.1 and 4.46). + Anew clause on the “Evaluation of compliance” (see 4.5.2) has ‘been introdace + New requirements have Deen introdueed for participation and ‘consultation (see 44.3.2) + New requirements hace been intodnced for the investigation af incidents (see ‘This publication does noe purport to incindeall necessary provisions of a contract, Users are responsible fr its correct application. Compliance with this Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations. BS OHSAS 18001:2007 Introduction Organizations of all kinds are increasingly concerned with achieving nd demonerrating sound oceupadienal health and safe (OH&S) performance by controlling their OHS risks, consistent wih thelr (OH&S patiey and objectives. Ther do so inthe contest of increasingly stringent legislation, the development of economic policies and other ‘measures that fester good OHS practices, and increased concem expressed by interested parties about OHSS issues [Nay organizations have undertaken OHS “reviews or audits to assess their OH&S performance. On ther own, however, these “reviews” and “aus may not be sufficient to provide an organization ‘with dhe assurance thats performance not only meets, but wll continue to meet, its legal and policy requirements, Tobe effective, they reed t be eondncted within a structured management system thats inegrated within the organization ‘The OHSAS Standards covering OHSS management are intended to prove organizations with the elements of sn effective OH&S ‘anageruent system that can be integrated with other management ‘requirements and ely organizations achieve OHSS and economic objectives. These standards, ike other Intemational Standards, are not ingended tobe used to create non tar wade barriers or o increase oF clumge an organization's legal obligations ‘This OHSAS Standard specifies requirements for an OHSS management system to enable an crgmizaton to develop and implement a pliey ad objectives whieh take into account legal requirements and information bout OHS risks. tis intended to apply to all pes and sizes of tnganizations and to accommodate diverse geographical, cxtvural and socal conditions. The basis of che approach is shown in Figure 1. The success ofthe system depends on commitment from al levels an ‘unetions ofthe organization, and especially rom top management. A system of this ind enables an organization to develop an OHS policy, establish objectives and processes to achiave the policy commitments tale action as weeded to unprove is performance and demonstrate the conformity ofthe system to the reqnizements ofthis OHSAS Standard. “The overall im ofthis OHSAS Standard isto support and premote good (OH&S practices, in balance with socio-economic needs, Ie should be ‘noted that many of the requirements can be addressed concurrent oF revisited at anytime. ‘The second eciton ofthis OHSAS Standard is focused on clarification ofthe firs edition, and has taken due consideration ofthe provisions of TSO 9001, 18014001, ILO-OSH, and ener OHS management ystems seandards ot publications to enhance the compatiiity of these sanvlards for the benefit of the user community epaa7 + v BS OHSAS 19001:2007 eps a007 Figure 1 ‘Theres an important distinction between this OHSAS Standard, which deseribes the requirements for an organization's OH&S management system and ean he used for cemficarienregsation andlor self declaration of an organization's OHAS management system, anda non-certifable guideline intended to provide generic assistance to an ‘nganzarion for establishing, inplementing cr improving an OH&S ruanagement system. OHS management encompasses full ange of issues, including those with strategic and competitive implications. Demonstration of successful implementation ofthis OHSAS Standard can be nsed by an organicaion co assure interested paris that an sppropriate OHSS management system isin place. ‘Those organizations requiring more general guidance on abroad range of OHS management spstem issnes are refered to OHSAS 18002. Any reference to other Intemational Standards is for information only. (OH&S management system model for this OHSAS Standard NOTE This OHSAS Standard t Bast om the methotolony kmoson a8 Pee Cheat Ast (PDA) PDA san be bray denied a fle results accordance with te organisation's OHS policy. + Do: implement the process + Check: monitor and meaaure procesce against OHSS pati objeeises, egal and ether requirements and Poet the resis + et take actions to continually improve OHSS performance Mang organisations manage their operations via the application of a elem efprecesece and their anictactoms, hich san be refered toa the sprocees approach 150 2001 promotes the wee ofthe proces appreach ‘Sings FDGA ean be applied all preesses, the nwo mthadeloaice are considered tobe compatible, BS OHSAS 19001:200 ‘This OHSAS Seandard contains requirements that can be objectively audited: however t does not establish absolute requirements for OH&S Derformance beyond the coxnutments, i the OHSS polio, ro comply ‘with applicable legal requirements and with ather requirements £9 ‘which the organization subscribes (othe prevention of injury and ‘neath ato continual improvement. Thus, te organizations carrying our similar operatins bur having different OH&S performance an both conform to is requirements, ‘This OFS Standard does not include requirements specific to other rianagement systems, such as those for quality, environmental, secur, official managersent, though its elements can be aligned. or inegrated with those of other management epsteme. Tris possible for an organization to adapt its existing management system(s) in order to establish an OHSS management system tat conforms to the ‘requirements ofthis OHSAS Standard. I is pointed out, however, that ‘the application of various elements of the management system might disfer depending on the intended purpose and the interested parties involved. ‘The evel of detail and complesity f the OH&S management system, the cexent of documentation and the resorices devoted tot depend on a ‘umber of fvtors, such as die scope of the system. the size of a onganization and the mature ofits actives, products and services, and ‘he arganizasonal ener. This may be the case in particular fer mall sad medium sized enterprises Bs OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational health and safety management systems -— Requirements Scope Ts Oceana sth and Sey Assan Sree (OF5A5) Stmnsaréspertes eqiemers for ay oespeonl hea 08 a (Gres) mnagement seem to sts ongon cone (HRS trond prove te O89 perme it doc tse spose OHS prensa nein nor oer edad Spesendon re cesin ofamanagemen ae Ts SAS Stndanis sph om organza ht ihe 2) sab an OHS management sate o emi or mine Sats to personal and oer inset pares wh cou be ‘Showedtn OMES hens nemcied wh ete ) plete staan and contimaly inrove an OFS agement ee ©) nae ie ot onfnmiy witht tated ORS poi €)emonsre confer ith i OS Standen 1 making x lf deemination and ef decartion, cr 2) seeking conimaton ofits confomance by pares having an ineest nthe engin soc a cstomes or 9) seckingconiaton fs decaien by x at ester the amma 4). sexing conten negation os OHSS management ‘ose by an ese organo {the reuiemens in thi O1S4S Shard ae ntended to be Sncomported no any OHMS management ptem. The extent the sapien il depend om ste ators asthe CHGS poe othe Channon te esas teri an eomplesy of sr onertons Tis O1SAS Standards intended to adess oceapational health and Safe, andisnot tended adress oer hah en snfey res such tmleye welling rogrammes ro fey, pope Saiage or enone act Reference publications (ther publication that provide information or guidance are tein the bblography rfsadeabe tat the latent edons of och palestine be cone, Specialy, reference shouldbe made: CuSAS 18002, Occupational heath and safety management Stems Guidelines forthe implementation of OHSAS 1S001 lncematinal Labour Organizaton:2001, Guldeines on Occupational Health ana Safety Management Systoms (OSHMS) exstoo0r + 1 3a 33 St 36 Terms and definitions Forthe purpotes ofthis decsment, the following terms and definitions av. acceptable risk Tak tht las been reduced toa level that can be tolerated bythe ‘organization having regard tots legl obligations and its own OH&S policy (3.15) audit systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining “audit evidence” and evaluating it objectivety ta determine the exrene to which ‘audit eriteria" are fulfilled [180 9000:2005, 8.9.11 NOTE 1 Independent does nct neocscarly mean extemal tothe ‘organisation. n many onsen, partculany tn smaen organisations lndependence can be demonstrated by the fredom Sram responsibility or the actedy being audited NOTE 2 For further guidance on “audit evidence” and “audit criteria fee 180 20021 continual improvement recurring process of enluncing the OH&S management system (3.13) inorder to achieve improvement in overall (OWES performance (3.15) consistent with the organization's (3.17) OWES policy (8.16) NOTE 1 The process need not take plac in a areas of acivty imadeanenusy, NOTES Adapted from 150 140012008 3.2. corrective action action to eliminate the cause ofa detected nomeonfermity (3.11) or ‘other undesiable simation NOTE 1 There cam be more than one cee fora nonconformity NOTE? Corvectce action is taken fo prevent vesurrence whereat Dreventive action (2118) i fain to prevent occurrence [150 £000:2005, 8.6.51 document information and its supporting medium NOTE The medéwn can be rarer, magnetic, electronic cr optical ‘computer die, photograph or master sample, oF a combination thereat. {180 14001:2004, 8.41 hazard source, suation, or act with a potential for harm in terms of human injury Gell health (3.8), oF a combination ofthese hazard identification process of recognising that « huzard (3.6) exists and defining ts characteristics 38 39 342 BS OHSAS 18001:2007 iM health ‘densifiable, averse physical or mental condition arising from and/or made worse by a work activity andice work-related situation incident ‘work-related event(s) in which an injury or ill ealth (3.8) (regardless of severity) or fatality cecured, or could have cecurted NOTE 1. An accident ix an incident whic has given rice fa injury, ill heath a fealty, NOTE 2 An incident where no injury, it health or fatality ceours may li be refered toe mearomects “heart, ese cal or angers NOTE 5 Am emergency situation eve 4.4.7) isa par cular type af Interested party ‘person or group, inside or ouside the workplace (3.23), conoemed ‘with or affected by the OH&S performance (3.15) of an organization (3.17) nonconformity nowfulflment of a requirement [SO 9000:2003, 8.6.2: ISO 14003, 3.15), NOTE A nonconformity can be any deviation from: + relevant work stands practices, prose + Ona management system (3.15) requirements. oceupational health and safety (OR&S) coneitions and factors that affect, or could affect, the health and safety ofemployees or oiler workers (including temporary workers and contractor personnel), visitors, or any other person inthe ‘workplace (3.28) NOTE Organications can be subject to legal requirements forthe health Gnd safety of persons beyond the immediate workplace. or who are exposed 19 the workplace activities gat OFS management system part of an organization's (3.17) management system used to develop nd implement its OH&S policy (3.16) and manage its OH&S risks (3.21) NOTE 1 A management syctom tase of intersiated elements sed t2 Seebiih poloy and cbjeoions nd to aohisue hase objects, NOTE 2 A management system inclues organizational structure, ‘Planning activities (including for example risk assessment and the Fling of ebjectie’), responses practices, provedures (219). Processes ana reson. NOTE 3 Adapted from 190 140012003, 3.8 ens + 9 BS OHSAS 180012001 4 35 3.8 3.9 aaa OH&S objective (OFS goal, in tenms of OH&S performance (8.15), chat an organization (9.17) sets itself to achieve NOTE 1 Objectives should be quantifies wherever Dr NOTE 2 4.5.3 xepuivee that OHES objectives 2 (OM188 poliey 2.10). OHSS performance ‘measurable results of an organization's (3.17) management of its OH&S risks (3.21) NOTE 1 OHS peufermance measurement metus measiring the ‘pectivenes ofthe organisation's entra NOTE? Inthe contest of OHSS management system (9-13) recalls amt also bemeaoivad against the organization’ (8-17) OMS potiey (3.16) OM&S objectives (3.14). amd other OFS performance requirements OH&S policy cveral intentions and diection of an organization (3.17) related tits ‘OHGS performance (3.15) ae formally expressed by top management NOME 1 The OMS plicy provides a ramawork for action and forthe Senna ONES objectives 3.1) NOTE 2 Adapted fom 150 14001:2008, 8.11 sable. organization company, corporation. frm enterprise, autuority or institution o part cx combination therecf whether incerporated or net, public ar pevate ‘har has is os unetions and adeinisertion NOTE For argamizatons with more than one operating unit axing operating watt may be defined asa organi [180 14001-2004, 3.15] proventive action action to eliminate the cause ofa potential nonconformlty (3.11) or ther undesirable potential situation NOTE 1 There can te mare than one cause fora potential noncanformit NOTE 2. Freventie action i taken t prevent aon ‘corrective action (3.1) taken to prevent recwence [uso 9000:2008, 8.6.4), sohereas procedure Specified way to carry ont an activity ora process [180 9000:2008, 8.4.5], record document (3.5) stating results achieved or providing evidence of activites performed [uso 14001:2008, 3.20] risk combination ofthe Hkeinood of an cecumence ofa hazardous event of exosure(s) and the severity of injury or Ml health (3.8) shat can be caused by the event or exposures) BS OHSAS 18001:20 risk assessment process of evaluating theisk(s) (3.21) arising from a hazard), taking into account the adequacy of any existing controls, and deciding ‘shether or not the ists) is acceptable 3.29 workplace ‘any physical location in which work related activities ane performed tuner the contol of the organization NOTE Wien giving consideration to what ecnatitutcs 2 workplace, the organization (3.17 should take into account the OES eects on thabeting avon tans Ce. ning tthe premises aa lent or customer, Pang on bots ov tng). wor orweorking at home 4 OH&S management system requirements 44 General requirements. “The organization shal establish, document, implement, mainain and continually zaprove an OHSS management system in accordance with ‘he requirements of this OHSAS Standard and determine how il ul ‘hese requirements “The organization shall define and document the scape of ts OHES, management system, 4.2 OH&S policy ‘Top management shall define so authorize the organization's OH&S policy an ensure that within the defined scope of its OHS imanagementepstem i a) is appropriate to the nature and seal ofthe organization's OH&S: sk D) includes a commitment to prevention of injury and it health and continwal improvement in OH&S management and OHS performance; ©) includes a commitment to at last comply with applicable legal reaqrements and with other requirements to which the organization subscribes that relate to its OHSS hazards: 4) provides the feamework for setting and reviewing OB&S objectives: ©) ts documented, implemented and maintained: is communicated to al persons working mer the contol of the organization with dhe intent hat they are made aware of their individual OH&S obligations; 48) is evallable to interested parties; and 1) is reviewed periodically to ensure that remains relevant and propriate to the organization. BS OHSAS 18001:20 43° Planning 4.3.1 Hazard identifieation, risk assessment and determining controls ‘ae organization shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) forthe ongoinghazardidentfiation, risk assessment, and Getermination of necessary controls ‘The procedure(s) for hazard identification and risk assessment shall ‘ake into accom: ) routine and non-routine activities 1b) activites of al persons having access tothe workplace (inchuding contractors and visitors); © Iman behaviour, capabilities and other human factors: ) idemttied hazards originating outside the workplace capable of adversely affeetng the health and satery of persons under the ‘contol ofthe organization within the workplace; ©) hazards created in the vicinity of the workplace by work-related Activities under the contol of the organization: NOTE 1. Seyay be mone appropriate or such hasards tobe astesed 1) infrastructure, equipment and materials at the werkplace, whether provided by the organization or others 2) changes or proposed changes in the organization, its activities, or serial 1) mficatons to the OHS management system, including temporary changes, and their impacts on operations, processes and activities; 4) any applicable legal obligations relating to risk assessment and Jmplementation of necessary controls (see also the NOTE to 3.12); 4) the design of work areas, processes installations, rmachinerylenuipment, operating procedures and work ‘organization, including heir adaptation to human eapabilies, ‘The organization's methodology for hazard identification and rise assessment shall a) be defined with respect tits scope, ature and timing to ensure it js proactive rather than reactive; and 1) provide forthe identification, prioritization and documentation of zisks, andthe application of controls as appropriate For the management of change the organization shall identify the (OFIGS hacards and OHS risks associated with changes in the ‘organization, the OH&S management system, o ts activites, prior 10 the introduction of such changes ‘The organization shall ensure thatthe resus ofthese assessments ane comsidered when determining contol. 6 + ensiaer aaa BS OHSAS 18001:20 \When determining contrls, or considering changes to existing controls, consideration shall be given o reducing the risks according co the following hierarchy @) elimination: substation: ©) engineering controls: 4) signagervarnings andlor administrative controls; ©) personal protective equipment “The organization shall document and Keep the results of identfieation ‘of hazards, rise assessments and determined controls up-to-date “The organization shall ensure thatthe OHS risks and determined contrals are taken into account when establishing implementing and maintaining its OH&S management system, NOTE 2 For Surther uae on has identification, vsk ase ‘and determaningeonsvots ce OASAS 18002. coment Legal and other requirements ‘The organization shall establish implement and maintain & procedures) for identifying and accessing the legal and other OH&S requirements Gat are applicable tot “The organization shall ensure that these applicable legal requirements ‘and other requirements to which the organization subscribes are taken into account in establishing, implementing and maintaining its OH&S management syste “The organization shall keep this information up-to-date, ‘The organization shall conumunicate relevant infornation on legal and other requirements to persoas working under the control of the organization, and other relevant interested parties Objectives and programme(s) ‘The organization shall establish, implement and maintain documented (OHS objectives, at relevant functions and levels win the organization. “The objectives shall be measurable, where practicable, and consistent ‘with the CHS policy, including the commitments tothe prevention of injury and il health, to compliance with applicable Tegal requirements and with other requizements to which the organization subscribes, ad ‘0 continual improvement When establishing and reviewing its objectives, an organization shall take into account the legal requirements and other requirements to ‘which the organization subscribes, and its OHSS risks. It shall also consider its technological options its financial, operational and business requirements, andthe views of relevat interested partes

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