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MAY 2021 P/ID 36509/PENJ

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

PART A — (10 × 2 = 20 marks)

Answer the following in about 50 words each.

1. What is a ‘paraclete’?

2. What is a ‘Sphinx’?

3. Write a note on Polynesian culture.

4. Who were ancestral murderers?

5. What are the two animals that Appana buys?

6. Why does Lakunle want to marry Sidi?

7. What was Nehru’s wife’s name?

8. Where were the switched babies born?

9. What is ‘Ogbanji’?

10. Who is Kilwinning?

PART B — (5 × 6 = 30 marks)

Answer the following in about 250 words each.

After choosing with (a) or (b)

11. (a) Discuss any instance of grammatical ‘Indian-

ness’ in ‘Goodbye Party’.

(b) What is the political stand taken by Scott?

12. (a) How does the cobra ordeal save Rani?

(b) Describe the character of Gribble.

13. (a) Bring out the importance of history in

stressing one’s identity.

(b) Bring out the symbolism of burial ground
represented in The Dance of Shiva.

14. (a) What is meant by ‘declaring a state of

emergency’? Explain.

(b) Mention the fate of Judd and Angus.

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15. (a) Gilead wants Marthas not Marys. Why?

(b) How is Kerewin’s first contact with her past

PART C — (5 × 10 = 50 marks)

Answer in about 500 words each,

after choosing either (a) or (b)

16. (a) Describe Mr. Biswas as the hero of the novel.

(b) Critically analyse ‘The Handmaid Tale’ as a
Oystopian novel.

17. (a) “Caste system is not merely a division of

labour. It is also a division of labourers”.
(b) Elucidate Achebe’s arguments on the
functions of writer in a society.

18. (a) Elucidate the existence of differences in the

story of Rudali.
(b) Write a note on the use of song, dance, mime
in ‘The Lion and the Jewel’.

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19. (a) ‘The House and Land is a clear reflection of
the material carving of the Maori tribe’.

(b) Rubadiri is one of the Pioneers of African
poetry. Elucidate.

20. (a) Elucidate some of the dominant themes in

post coloneal poetry.

(b) Critically analyze ‘Gitanjali’ as Bhakti


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