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COMBO CAP TOC 2022: LAy géc nhanh chéng, ty tin danh diém 9 Tiéng Anh chi v6i 2h ty hoeingay PRO 3MPLUS 2022: Nam chac diém 9+, chinh phyc diém 10 Tiéng Anh DE THI HQC Ki 1 LOP 12 NAM HQC 2021-2022 Bai thi: NGOAI NGO; Mon thi: TIENG ANI SO GIAO DUC & DAO TAO BAC GIANG Thoi gian lam bai: 60 phi; 50 edu trée nghiém C6 Vii Thj Mai Phuong Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 1: At first, John said he hadn't broken the vase, but later he accepted it. A. denied ‘8. admitted C. protected D. discussed Hung din gi =a A. denied: phi nhan B, admitted: thira nhan C. protected: bio vé D. discussed: thio lugn accept (v): chip nhan = admit ‘Tam dich: Ban dau, John néi la anh khéng lam v6 binh hoa, nhung sau d6 anh ta lai thita nhdn vige dé. — Chon dap an B Question 2: When you are in a restaurant, you can raise your hand slightly to show that you need a ce A. menu B. bill D. food Huéng din giai A. menu (n): thyte don B. bill (n): héa don C- help (n): sur gitip 4 D. food (n): thire an assistance (n): su tro git = help ‘Tam dich: Khi ban dang 6 nha hang, ban c6 thé gio nhe tay dé thé hién ban can tro gitip. — Chon dap an C Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following question: Question 3: In many cultures, old people are often by their children, A. looked for (B. looked after C. looked up D. looked into Huéng dan giai Kién thire cum dOng tir: - look for somebody/something: tim ai/eai gi - look up something: tra ctu cdi gi - look into something: diéu tra cai gi - look after somebody/something: cham sée ai/cai gi am di uw nén van héa, ngudi gid thuéng duge con céi ctia minh cham séc. — Chon dap an B Theo déi Page : Hee Tiéng Anh cling c6 VG Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling cé. COMBO CAP TOC 2022: LAy géc nhanh chéng, ty tin dan diém 9 Tiéng Anh chi v6i 2h ty hoeingay PRO 3MPLUS 2022: Nam chac diém 9+, chinh phyc diém 10 Tiéng Anh Question 4: it was cold; she didn't put on her coat A. Despite ‘5. Although C. Because of D. in spite of Huéng din Lin tir/Trang tir: ~ despitefin spite of + N/N-phrase/V-ing: mac dil, mic cho - because of + N/N-phrase/V-ing: vi - although + clause: mae di Phia sau ché can dién la m6t ménh dé, nén ta ding Although. ‘Tam dich: Mae di trdi lanh, 6 dy vin khéng mic do khode. — Chon dap an B Question 5: The school year in Vietnam is into two terms. A. grouped B. added C. divided D. prepared Huéng dan giai C4u trite: divide something into something: chia cdi gi ra cai gi ‘Tam dich: Nam hge & Viét Nam duge chia lam hai hge ky. — Chon dap an C Question 6: Due to the impact of Covid 19 pandemic, many schools full advantage of the Internet. A. have ake ‘D. make Huéng dan giai Cu trite: take advantage of something: tan dung cai gi ‘Tam djeh: Vi anh hudng cia dai dich Covid-19, nhiéu trudng phai tan dung trigt dé Internet, — Chon dip an B Question 7: at the party, all her classmates had left. A. After she arrives B, When she has arrived C. Before she has arrived ‘D. By the time she arrived Huéng din Hoa hop thi: $ + had + V3/V-ed + when/by the time/before’. a : Trude khi c6 ay dén bita tiée, tt ca ban cing Iép cia 6 da r¢ — Chon dap an D +S+V2/V-ed di, Question 8: If [had known her, I friend with her. ‘(Wout nave made B. would make C. will make D. could make Hudéng dan gi Cau diéu ki Loai 3: diéu kién trai nguge vai qua khit If + [qua khir hoan thanh], S + would/could/... + have + V3/V-ed ‘Tam dich: Néu tdi biét c6 ay, thi t6i da két ban vai c6 ay rdi. — Chon dap an A Question 9: The talks were meant to break down between the two groups A. fences B. gates C. walls /D. barriers. Huéng dan giai CAu trite: break/tear down barriers: pha bé rio can ‘Tam djeh: Cuge trd chuyén nay nhim muc dich pha bo réo can gitta hai nhom. — Chon dap an D Theo déi Page : Hee Tiéng Anh cing c6 VG Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON méi ngay cling c6. COMBO CAP TOC 2022: LAy géc nhanh chéng, ty tin danh diém 9 Tiéng Anh chi v6i 2h ty hoeingay PRO 3MPLUS 2022: Nam chac diém 9+, chinh phyc diém 10 Tiéng Anh Question 10: She has lived in London for 20 years so she knows the city like the back of her A. head B. leg (Cc hand D. face Huéng din CAu trite: know something like the back of your han biét cai gi rd nhu long ban tay ‘Tam dich: Cé Ay da sdng & London 20 nam nén 6 dy biét thanh phé nay r6 nhu long ban tay. — Chon dap an C Question 11: They their grandparents since they came to Hanoi. B. visited C. were visiting D. had visited Hwéng dan gi Chia thi: “since” — dau higu nhan biét thi hién tai hodn thanh Ta cé: HTHT since QKD hoa Since QKD, HTHT. ‘Tam dich: Ho da khéng di thm éng ba ké tir khi ho dén Ha NGi — Chon dap an A Question 12: Vitamin C by the human body. It gets into blood stream quickly. A. absorbs easily _B. is easily absorbing C. absorbing easily Huéng din Cau bj dong: Cau mang nghia bi dong é thi hign tai don, Céng thite: am/is/are + V3/V-ed ‘Tam dich: Vitamin C cé thé dé ding duge co thé con ngudi hap thy. No nhanh chéng di vao dong mau. — Chon dap an D Question 13: Most Vietnamese return home for Tet because it is most important festival in Viet Nam. Aa 'B. the Coan D. no article Huéng dan giai Kxién thive mgo tir: Truéc tinh tir so sanh nhdt > ding mao ti “the” ‘Tam dich: Da sé nhig ngudi Viét déu quay vé nha vao dip T (6 1a ngay 1 quan trong nhat 6 Viét Nam. — Chon dap an B Question 14: He invited her to the cinema the weekend before. A. went B. gone C. going ‘D. to go Huéng dan Céu trite: invite somebody to do something: moi ai lam gi ‘Tam dich: Anh ay da moi cé6 ay dén rap phim vao cudi tuan trade. — Chon dap dn D Question 15: A program to call on citizens and businesses to support students lack the resources to study online has been launched by the Ministry of Education and Training. A. where B. whose C. who D. which Huéng din giai Dai tir quan Ta ding dai tir quan hé ‘who’ dé thay cho danh tir chi ngudi ‘students’ va 6 vi tri chit ngit trong ménh dé quan hé. ‘Tam djeh: Chuemg trinh kéu goi céc edng dan va céc doanh nghiép hd tr nhiing hoc sinh thiéu thén nguon luc dé hoc tap true tuyén da duge BG Gido duc va Dao tao thy hién. = Chon dap an C Theo déi Page : Hee Tiéng Anh cing c6 VG Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. COMBO CAP TOC 2022: LAy géc nhanh chéng, ty tin danh diém 9 Tiéng Anh chi v6i 2h ty hoeingay PRO 3MPLUS 2022: Nam chac diém 9+, chinh phyc diém 10 Tiéng Anh Question 16: In many cultures, the father is responsible the family finances. A. for Bat D. with Huéng din CAu trite: be responsible for something: chju trach nhigm cho cai gi Tam dich: 6 nl n-van héa, ngudi cha chju trich nhigm cho tai chinh cia gia dinh — Chon dap an A Question 17: A lot of people used to send cards to their friends at Christmas. ‘A. beautifies B. beautify ©. beautiful D. beauty Hwéng dan gi Kién thire tir vung: - beautify (v): Iam dep - beauty (n): vé dep - beautiful (adj): xinh dep Ché tréng dimg truée danh tir edn tinh tir Tam dich: Rat nhiéu ngudi da ting giti ning tim thiép xinh xin dén ban bé minh vao dip Giang Sinh. —> Chon dap an C Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 18: It's not polite to ask Americans questions about their age, marriage or income. A. helpful B. nice C.kind Huéng din A. helpful (adj): hitu ich B. nice (adj): t6t C. kind (adj): tir té D. rude (adj): thé 16 polite (adj): lich sy >< rude ‘Tam djch: Vige hoi ngudi My nhiing cau vé tudi tae, hén nhan hod thu nh§p la —> Chon dap an D Question 19: Both universities speak highly of the programme of student exchange and hope to corporate more in the fut bat lich sy. A express disapproval of 8B, find favor with C. resolve a conflict over D. voiee opinions on Huéng din giai A. bay t6 sy kh6ng tn thanh B. tim sy ting ho C. giai quyét mau thuan bay t6 y kién speak highly of something: dinh gid cao ai/eai gi >< express disapproval of something Ca hai trudng dai hoc déu danh gia cao chong trinh trao d6i sinh vién va hy vong s® hop tae nhigu hon trong tuong lai. — Chon dap an A Theo déi Page : Hee Tiéng Anh cing c6 VG Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling cé. COMBO CAP TOC 2022: LAy gée nhanh chéng, ty tin dan diém 9 Tiéng Anh chi v6i 2h ty hoeingay PRO 3MPLUS 2022: Nam chac diém 9+, chinh phyc diém 10 Tiéng Anh Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the following exchanges. Question 20: Minh is interested in Lan's new hair style. Minh: “What an attractive hair style you have got, A. You can say that again. 3. Thank you for your compliment. C. You are telling a lie. D. [don't like your sayings. Huéng dan A. Ban néi dang. B. Cam on 10i khen cua ban, C. Ban dang néi déi D. Téi khdng thich nhiing loi ban néi ‘Tam dich: Minh hing thi v6i kiéu toc méi cia Lan, : “Ban c6 kigu toc thu hut thét day, Lan!” ~ Lan: “Cam on li khen ciia ban.” — Chon dap an B Question 21: Jenny and Susan are talking about university education, Jenny: “I think having a university degree is the only way to succeed in life.” Susan: . There are successful people without a degree.” ‘A. Never mind B. That's life ©. Idon't quite agree D. That's all right Huéng dan gi: A. Ding lo B. Cue séng ma C. Minh khéng déng y lim D. Diéu dé hoan toan ding ‘Tam dich: Jenny va Susan dang noi chuyén vé giéo duc dai hoc. ‘Minh nghi vigc cé bing dai hoc la cdch duy nhat dé thanh céng trong cugc séng.” ‘Minh khéng dong y lim. Cé nhiing nguoi thanh céng ma khéng can bing cap.” — Chon dap an C Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Question 22: In a hospital, everything have to be very clean. Aa B. everything C. have to D. clean Huéng dn giai Jenn: Susan: Chia dng tir: Everything + V (sé it) Sita: have to — has to ‘Tam dich: Trong bénh vign, moi thir phai rat sach sé. — Chon dap an C Question 23: In order to do a profit, the new leisure centre needs at least 2000 visitors a month. A. doa profit B. the C. at least D.a month Huéng dan gi C4u trite: make a profit: tao ra li nhudn Sita: do a profit > make a profit ‘Tam djeh: Dé thu duge Igi nhugn, trung tim giai tri moi cn it nhdt 2000 khich m6t thing. — Chon dip an A Theo déi Page : Hee Tiéng Anh cing c6 VG Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON méi ngay cling ¢6. COMBO CAP TOC 2022: LAy géc nhanh chéng, ty tin danh diém 9 Tiéng Anh chi véi 2h ty hoeingay PRO 3MPLUS 2022: Nam chac diém 9+, chinh phyc diém 10 Tiéng Anh Question 24: Many women prefer to use to enhance her beauty and make them look younger. A. prefer B. cosmesties Cher D. and Hung dan giai Danh tir s6 nhiéu (women) — tinh tir so hitu s6 nhieu si ‘Tam dich: Nhiéu phy ni thich str dung my pham dé tang cudng vé dep va khién ho trong tré hon. = Chon dap an C her — their Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C. or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 25 t0 29. In many modern countries, people think of a family as a mother, a father and their children. But this is not the only kind of the family group. In some parts of the world, a family group has many other members. This kind of large family is called an "extended family" or a "joint family. The joint family includes all living relatives on either the mother's or the father’s side of the family. It is made up of grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, and cousins. They live together in a large house or in huts built close together. Early people probably lived in joint families. They had to be part ofa large group in order to survive. The members of the group helped each other hunt. They worked together to protect themselves from dangerous animals and other enemies. In China, people lived in joint families. When a son married, he and his wife lived at his parents’ home. Unmarried daughters remained at home until they married. Chinese children felt very loyal to their parents. Younger members of the joint families always took care of the old ones. In India and Africa, some people still live in joint families. The members of a joint family share their earnings and property. If one member of the group becomes ill or has bad luck, the others help the person. As in the past, the members of the joint family offer each other help and protection, Question 25: What is the main idea of the passage? A. all types of family B, families in China D. families found in India and Africa Huéng dan giai Y chinh cita doan vin nay Ia gi? A. Tat cd kiéu gia dinh B. Gia dinh 6 Trung Quée C. Gia dinh mé rong D. Gia dinh & An Bd va chau Phi ‘Tom (it: Doan van cung cap théng tin xoay quanh gia dinh mé rong. Nguoi viét da néu lén khai niém ve gia dinh mo réng, dae diem va chite nang cua kiéu gia dinh nay. Ngoai ra, bai viet ciing dé cap dén vi du vé gia dinh m6 réng tai mét sé noi trén thé gidi nhu Trung Quéc, An D6 va chau Phi. — Doan van viét vé gia dinh mé rong — Chon dap an C Question 26: The word "They" in paragraph 2 refers to : A. huts ‘B. early people. C. modern countries D. large houses Hung din gi Tir “They” trong doan 2 dé cap dén A. nhimg tap Iu B. nhing ngudi théi xwa C. nhiing quéc gia hign dai D. nhig ng6i nha rong kon Theo déi Page : Hee Tiéng Anh cing c6 VG Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. COMBO CAP TOC 2022: LAy géc nhanh chéng, ty tin danh diém 9 Tiéng Anh chi véi 2h ty hoeingay PRO 3MPLUS 2022: Nam chac diém 9, chinh phyc diém 10 Tiéng Anh ‘Thong tin: Early people probably lived in joint families. They had to be part of a large group in order to survive. (Nhiing ngwoi thoi xua c6 thé séng trong gia dinh mé rdng. Ho phai tre thanh mét phan cia mét nhom ton dé tin tai.) —+ Chon dap an B Question 27: The phrase “is made up of” in paragraph 2 could be best replaced by “A. includes: B. lives C. forms D. creates Huéng din giai Cum “is made up of” trong doan 2 ¢6 thé duge thay thé boi tir A. bao gdm B. sinh song C. hinh thanh D. tao dung be made up of something: durgc c4u thanh boi cai gi, bao gim cai gi = include — Chon dap an A Question 28: According to the passage, people who live in joint families often A. don't share their good or bad luck B. hate remaining at home until they married D. feel very indifferent to their parents Hung din giai Theo doan van, nhiing ngudi séng trong gia dinh mé rng thuong A. khong chia sé sy may main hode van xui B. ghét 6 nha cho dén khi két hon. C. cham s6c nhaw D. cam thay tha 0 véi ba me Thong tin: + If one member of the group becomes ill or has bad luck, the others help the person, (Néu mot thinh vién gia dinh dm hode gap chuyén khong may, nhiig ngudi kha s@ gidp 43.) Asai + Unmarried daughters remained at home until they married. (Nhiing dita con gai chua ldy chéng cing sng 6 nha cho dén khi két hon.) = Bsai + Chinese children felt very loyal to their parents. (Con cai 6 Trung Quéc rit hiéu thdo véi ba me.) = Dsai + Younger members of the joint families always took care of the old ones, (Nhiing thanh vién nho tudi trong gia dink mé rong ludn chim séc cho nhiing ngudi lén.) — C ding — Chon dap an C Question 29: Which of the following is NOT TRUE? A. A joint family is a large family. B, Chinese children always took care of their parents. C. The members of the joint family used to be very helpful and protective. Theo déi Page : Hee Tiéng Anh cing c6 VG Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. COMBO CAP TOC 2022: LAy géc nhanh chéng, ty tin danh diém 9 Tiéng Anh chi véi 2h ty hocingay PRO 3MPLUS 2022: Nam chac diém 9+, chinh phyc diém 10 Tiéng Anh Huéng din giai Dieu nao sau day khong ding? A. Gia dinh mé rong 1a mot dai gia dinh, B. Con cai 6 Trung Quéc luén chim séc ba mg minh. . Cae thanh vign trong gia dinh mé rng thudng gitip dé va bao vé nhau. D. Ngay nay gia dinh mé réng khéng c6n pho bien. Thong tin: + This kind of large family is called an “extended family” or a “joint family”. (Kiéu gia dinh lon nay duge goi la “gia dinh mo rong”) — A ding + Chinese children felt very loyal to their parents. Younger members of the joint families always took care of the old ones. (Con cai & Trung Quéc rat hiéu thao véi ba me. Nhing thanh vién nho tudi trong gia dinh mé rong luén cham séc cho nhing ngudi 1én.) = B ding + As in the past, the members of the joint famil = C ding 86 ngudi van séng trong nhiing gia dinh mé rng.) = D sai — Chon dap an D offer each other help and protection. (Giéng nhu trong qua Khir, cdc thanh vién cua gia dinh mé rong cling gidp 43 va bao v¢ lin nhau.) + In China, people lived in joint families. [...] In India and Africa, some people still live in joint families. (G Trung Quéc, moi ngudi déu séng trong gia dinh mé réng. [...] G An Dé va chau Phi, mot DICH BAI: In many modern countries, people think of a family as a mother, a father and their children. But this is not the only kind of the family group. In some parts of the world, a family group has many other members. This kind of large family is called an “extended family" or a "joint family. The joint family includes all living relatives on either the mother's or the father's side of the family. It is made up of grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, and cousins. They live together in a large house or in huts built close together. Early people probably lived in joint families. They had to be part of a large group in order to survive. The members of the group helped each other hunt. They worked together to protect themselves from dangerous animals and other enemies. In China, people lived in joint fami son married, he and his wife lived at his parents! home. Unmarried daughters remained at home jes. When a GO nhiéu quéc gia hign dai, moi nguéi nghi gém cé ngudi me, ngudi cha va con cdi cua minh. Nhung day khéng phai kiéu gia dinh duy nhat. 6 m6t so noi, m6t nhém gia dinh con cé6 nhiéu thanh vign khde. Kiéu gia dinh lon nay duge goi la “gia dinh ma rong”. Gia dinh mé réng gém tat ca céc ngudi ho hang bén ngoai hoe bén ndi cua gia dinh, N6 duge edu thanh tir éng ba, cha me, anh chi em, chi bac, c6 di, va anh chj em hg. Ho song cting nhau trong mot ng@i nha r6ng én hod trong nhimg tap léu sat nhau. Nhimg ngudi thdi xua cé thé séng trong gia dinh mé rOng. Ho phai tro thinh mgt phan cia nhém Ién dé tan tai. Ho lam vige ciing nhau dé bao vé bin than khoi nhimg con thi dit va cae ké thit khic. G Trung Quéc, moi ngudi déu sng trong gia dinh mé rong. Khi m6t ngudi con trai ly vg, anh va vo minh séng 6 nha ba me anh. Nhimg dita con gai Theo di Page : Hee Tiéng Anh cing c6 VG Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. COMBO CAP TOC 2022: LAy géc nhanh chéng, ty tin dan diém 9 Tiéng Anh chi v6i 2h ty hoeingay PRO 3MPLUS 2022: Nam chac diém 9, chinh phyc diém 10 Tiéng Anh until they married. Chinese children felt very loyal to their parents. Younger members of the joint families always took care of the old ones. In India and Africa, some people still live in joint families. The members of a joint family share their earnings and property. If one member of the group becomes ill or has bad luck, the others help the person. As in the past, the members of the joint family offer each other help and protection. chua lay chong ciing séng 6 nha cho dén khi ket hén. Con cai & Trung Quéc rat hiéu thao véi ba mg. Nhiing thinh vién nho tuéi trong gia dinh mo rong luén chim sée cho nhing ngudi lén. G An D6 va chau Phi ngudi van sng trong, nhimg gia dinh mo rng. Cée thanh vién cua gia dinh chia sé thu nh§p va tai san, Néu mét thanh vién gia dinh ém hoge gip chuygn khéng may, nhing ngudi khéc sé gidp dd. Giéng nhu trong qua khi, cde thanh vién ciia gia dinh mé rong cing gitip dé va bao vé lin nhau, Choose letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following Question 30: "Lam going away tomorrow, mom.", the son said. ‘A, The son said that he was going away the next day, mom, C. The son asked his mom if he was going away tomorrow. D. The son said his mom he was going away the next day. A. Sai ngit php . Sai ngit phip D. Sai ngit phap (say to sb) going away —» was going away — Chon dap an B Huéng dan “Con sé di vao ngay mai, thura mg.”, ngudi con trai néi, B. Ngudi con trai néi véi me ring anh dy sé di vao ngay hom sau. Cafu gin tigp: Dong ti tuéng thudt 6 thi qué khi (told), ménh d& duge tudng thuft phai lai thi: am Thay doi trang tir chi théi gian, noi chén khi chuyén sang cau gian tig : tomorrow —> the next day A. My brother studied French for three years ago. 'B, My brother has studied French for three years. C. My brother studies French for three years. D. My brother hasn't studied French for three years. Question 31: My brother started studying French three years ago. A. Sai ngit phap B. Anh toi da hoc tiéng Phap duge ba nam roi. C. Sai ngit phép — Chon dap an B Huéng dan giai Anh t6i di bit dau hoc tiéng Php vao ba nim trude D. Anh tdi da khong hoc tiéng Phap durge ba nam réi. CAu trie: $ + started + V-ing + (time) ago = S + have/has + V3/V-ed + for (time) Theo déi Page : Hee Tiéng Anh cing c6 VG Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling ¢6. COMBO CAP TOC 2022: LAy géc nhanh chéng, ty tin danh diém 9 Tiéng Anh chi v6i 2h ty hoeIngay PRO 3MPLUS 2022: Nam chac diém 9+, chinh phyc diém 10 Tiéng Anh Question 32: They have built a new hospital near the airport. /\. Anew hospital has been built near the airport. B. A new hospital near the airport had been built. C. A new hospital have been built near the airport, D. Near the airport a new hospital has been built them. Huéng dan giai Ho da xay dymg mét bénh vign méi canh san bay. A. Mot bénh vign méi da durge xay dung canh sin bay. B. Sai ngit phap C. Sai ngit php D. Sai ngit phap Cau bi dong: Cau mang nghia bj dong 6 thi hign tai hoan thanh. Cong thite: haverhas + been + V3/V-ed — Chon dap an A Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. Question 33: Susan didn’t apply for the summer job in the cafe, She now regrets it. A. Susan wishes that she applied for the summer job in the cafe. B, Susan feels regret because she applied for the summer job in the cafe. C. If only Susan didn't apply for the summer job in the cafe. ‘D, Susan wishes that she had applied for the summer job in the cafe. Hwéng dn giai Susan da khéng img tuyén céng viée muta hé tai quan cafe. Bay gid cé ay héi han. A. Susan uée minh tg tuyén céng vige mila hé tai quan cafe. > sai vi cau géc 6 qua khit, khi dua vé cau diéu ude, phai lii vé thi qua khir hoan thanh B. Susan cam thay hdi han vi c6 da img tuyén céng viée moa hé tai quan cafe. C. Gia ma Susan khong tmg tuyén c6ng vige miia hé tai quan cafe. D. Susan uéc minh da tg tuyén céng viée mia he tai quan cafe. — Chon dap an D Question 34: Vietnam exports a lot of rice. It is grown mainly in the south of the country. A, Vietnam exports 2 lot of rice which is grown mainly in the south of the country. B. Vietnam exports a lot of rice, that is mainly grown in the south of the country. C. Vietnam, which is grown mainly in the south of the country, exports a lot of rice D. Vietnam exports a lot of rice which grown mainly in the south of the country. Hwéng din giai ‘Viét Nam xuat khau rat nhieu gao. No duge trong chu yéu 6 khu vue phia nam cia dat nude. A. Viét Nam xuat khdu rat nhiéu gao dugc tréng chu yéu 6 khu vue phia nam cita dit nude. 2 trong ménh dé quan hé co dau phay C. Vigt Nam, duge tréng chit yéu 6 khu vue phia nam cua dat nuéc, xuat khau rat nhieu gao, D. Sai ngit php, thiéu d6ng tir is truéc ‘grown’. — Chon dap an A Theo déi Page : Hee Tiéng Anh cing c6 VG Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. COMBO CAP TOC 2022: LAy gée nhanh chéng, ty tin danh diém 9 Tiéng Anh chi véi 2h ty hoeingay PRO 3MPLUS 2022: Nam chac diém 9, chinh phyc diém 10 Tiéng Anh Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 35 to 41. People think children should play sports. Sports are fun, and children stay healthy playing with others. However, playing sports can have negative effects on children. It may produce feelings of poor self- esteem or aggressive behavior in some children, According to research on kids and sports, 40,000,000 kids play sports in the US. Of these, 18,000,000 say they have been yelled at or called names while playing sports. This leaves many children with a bad impression of sports. They think sports are just too aggressive Many researchers believe adults, especially parents and coaches, are the main cause of too much aggression in children’s sports. They believe children copy aggressive adult behavior. This behavior is then further reinforced through both positive and negative feedback. Parents and coaches are powerful teachers because children usually look up to them. Often these adults behave aggressively themselves, sending children the message that winning is everything. At children’s sporting events, parents may yell insults at other players or cheer when their child behaves aggressively. As well, children may be taught that hurting other players is acceptable or are pushed to continue playing even when they are injured. In addition, the media makes violence seem exciting. Children watch adult sports games and see violent behavior replayed over and over on television. As a society, we really need to face up to this problem and do something about it. Parents and coaches should act as better examples for children. They also need to teach children better values. They should teach children to enjoy themselves whether they win or not, It's not necessary to knock yourself out to enjoys sports. Winning isn't everything. In addition, children shouldn't be allowed to continue to play when they are injured. Sending a child with an injury into a game gives the child the message that health isn't as important as winning. If we make some basic changes, children might learn to enjoy sports again. (Adapted from Reading Challenge 2 by Casep Malarcher and Andrea Jansen) Question 35: Which of the following could be the main idea of passage? A. Playing sports is not always beneficial to children's health. B. The negative impacts sports bring children outweigh their positive effects. ©. Playing sports may make children more violent. D. Children should be discouraged to play sports when they are too young, Huéng din giai Dau lay A. Chai thé thao khng phai lie nao ciing cé Igi cho site khée tré em. B. Tc d6ng tiéu cue ma thé thao mang dén cho tré em Ién hon nhiing anh hung tich cute. C. Vige choi thé thao cé thé khién tré em bao lye hon. D. Tré em khéng nén duge khuyén khich choi thé thao khi chang cén qu nh. Tom tat: Doan vin viét vé tinh hai mat ciia thé thao: mie dit ching ta thudmg nghi choi thé thao hoan ton c6 Igi nhung sv that khéng phai nhu vay. Viée choi thé thao cé thé khién tré em tro nén hung hang va c6 nhiing hanh vi bgo lye eding nhur ty lam tén thuong minh. Tat ca nhing hinh vi ndy phan én 1a do anh hudng tir ngudi lon, Do d6, ngudi lén c@ thé lam guong tt va day tré nhiing thong digp gid tr] khi thé thao dé tré em thay thich thu va tim thdy niém vui khi choi thé thao. — Doan vin noi vé sy that ring viée choi thé thao cé thé khién té em bao lye hon — Chon dap an C h ciia doan vin? hoi Theo déi Page : Hee Tiéng Anh cing c6 VG Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling cé. COMBO CAP TOC 2022: LAy gée nhanh chéng, ty tin danh diém 9 Tiéng Anh chi véi 2h ty hoeingay PRO 3MPLUS 2022: Nam chac diém 9, chinh phyc diém 10 Tiéng Anh Question 36: According to many researchers, which mainly causes much aggression in children’s sports? A. players 8. adults: C. teachers D. kids Huéng din Theo nhiéu nha nghién citu, ai li ngudi chu yéu gay ra sy bao lye nhiéu hon 6 thé thao tré em? A. nhiing ngwi B. nhing ngudi lon C. nhiing gido vién D. nhiing tré em ‘Thong tin: Many researchers believe adults, especially parents and coaches, are the main cause of too much aggression in children's sports. (Nhiéu nha nghién citu tin rang nguéri én, nhat 14 ba me va huan luyén vién, chinh la nguyén nhan chinh dan dén sw hung hang 6 thé thao tré em.) — Chon dap dn B Question 37: How many children playing sports in the US said they had some negative experience when playing sports? A. About ten percent of the children. (UUWeSsIthan| half ofthe ehildrent C. More than half of the children. D. All of the children, Hung din gi Bao nhiéu tré em choi thé thao 6 My néi ring ching c6 mét sé trai nghiém tiéu cue khi choi thé thao? A. Khoang 10% tré em, B. it hon mt nia s6 tré em. C. Nhiéu hon mét nira sé tré em. D. Tat ca tré em. ‘Thong tin: According to research on kids and sports, 40,000,000 kids play sports in the US. Of these, 18,000,000 say they have been yelled at or called names while playing sports. (Theo bai nghién ciru vé tré em va thé thao, c6 40,000,000 tré em choi thé thao 6 My. 18,000,000 trong 86 dé n6i rang ching bi hét vao mit hodc bi goi tén khi dang choi thé thao.) — Chon dap an B Question 38: The word “This” in paragraph | refers to A. millions of kids playing sports in the US B. playing sports C. aggressive behavior Huong dan hoi Tir “This” trong doan | dé cp dén A. hang trigu tré em choi thé thao 6 My B. viée choi thé thao C. hanh vi hung hang gc bj hét vio mat hoje bi goi tén khi dang choi thé thao ‘Théng tin: Of these, 18,000,000 say they have been yelled at or called names while playing sports. This leaves many children with a bad impression of sports. (18,000,000 trong sé dé néi rang chung bj hét vao mat hode bj goi tén khi dang choi thé thao. Diéu nay khign tré em ¢@ an tugng x4u vé cae mon thé thao.) — Chon dap an D Theo déi Page : Hee Tiéng Anh cing c6 VG Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. COMBO CAP TOC 2022: LAy géc nhanh chéng, ty tin danh diém 9 Tiéng Anh chi véi 2h ty hoeingay PRO 3MPLUS 2022: Nam chac diém 9+, chinh phyc diém 10 Tiéng Anh Question 39: The word “reinforced” in the second paragraph could be best repl A. reduced B. dropped C. prevented ‘D. strengthened. Huéng din giai Tir “reinforced” trong doan 2 c6 thé duge thay thé boi tir A. kim gim B. giam C. ngin chan D. tng cutmg reinforce (v): cing ¢6 = strengthen — Chon dap an D Question 40: According to paragraph 2, the following are the reasons of children’s aggression, EXCEPT, A. parents and coaches are too aggressive to win B. violent manners are repeated many times on television C. children shout at their opponents as playing D. children are likely trained that it's appropriate to commit a foul against an opponent Huéng din giai Theo doan 2, nhimg diéu sau day la nguyén nhan gay ra sy hung hang cua tré em, ngoai trir A. ba me va hudn luyén vién qua hung hang dé giinh duge chién thing B. nhiing hanh vi bao lye lap lai nhiéu Lin trén truyén hinh C. tré em hét vao d6i thi khi dang choi D. tré em thudng duoc hun luyén ring viée pham 16i vi déi thu 1a chp nhn duoc Thong tin: + Ofien these adults behave aggressively themselves, sending children the message that winning is everything. (Thung thi nhimg ngudi Ién ty minh hanh xir hung hing, giti gm théng digp dén tré em ring chién thing 1a tit ca.) — A ding + In addition, the media makes violence seem exciting. Children watch adult sports games and see violent behavior replayed over and over on television. (Thém vao dé, truyén théng khién bao lye dudng nhu thit vj hon, Tré em xem cée tran thé thao ngudsi In va thay nhiing hanb vi bao lye nhiéu lin trén truyén hinh.) — B ding + As well, children may be taught that hurting other players is acceptable or are pushed to continue playing even when they are injured, (Nhu thé, tré em c6 thé duge day ring kim ngudi choi khac bi thuong cé thé duge chap nh§n hoa duge khuyén khich tiép tuc choi cho dén khi ching bj thong.) — Dding + At children’s sporting events, parents may yell insults at other players or cheer when their child behaves aggressively. (Tai nhimg sy kign thé thao ca tré em, ba me c6 thé la mang cae ngudi choi khde hoje ¢6 vii con minh khi ching cu xir thd bao.) — Csai — Chon dap an C Theo déi Page : Hee Tiéng Anh cing c6 VG Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling cé. COMBO CAP TOC 2022: LAy gée nhanh chéng, ty tin danh diém 9 Tiéng Anh chi véi 2h ty hoeingay PRO 3MPLUS 2022: Nam chac diém 9+, chinh phyc diém 10 Tiéng Anh Question 41: What does the author suggest in the last paragraph? A. Aggressive behay s very necessary in playing sports. B. Children can't avoid hurting or yelling at other players when playing sports. D. Being injured in sports is not acceptable. Tac gid dé xuat viée gi trong doan cudi A. Nhiing hanh vi hung hing 1a rat can ‘Thong ti themselves whether they win or not. (Ho cing can day tré em nhiing gi hay khong.) — Chon dap an C trj tt hon. Ho nén day tré em tn huéng ban than dit chting cé thi Huéng dan giai it khi choi thé thao. B. Tré em khéng thé trinh vige lam bi thuong hodc hét vio mit ngudi choi khéc khi choi thé thao. C. Vige tin thudng ban thin nén 1a mye dich chinh cua tré em khi choi thé thao. D. Viéc bi thuong trong thé thao la khéng thé chap nhin. They also need to teach children better values. They should teach children to enjoy DICH BAI: People think children should play sports. Sports are fun, and children stay healthy while playing with others. However, playing sports can have negative effects on children. It may produce feelings of poor self-esteem or aggressive behavior in some children. According to research on kids and sports, 40,000,000 kids play sports in the US. Of these, 18,000,000 say they have been yelled at or called names while playing sports. This leaves many children with a bad impression of sports. They think sports are just too aggressive. Many believe adults, especially parents and coaches, are the main cause of too much aggression in children’s sports. They believe children copy aggressive adult behavior. This behavior is then further reinforced through both positive and negative feedback. Parents and coaches are powerfull teachers because children usually look up to them. Often these adults behave aggressively themselves, sending children the message that winning is everything. At children's sporting events, parents may yell insults at other players or cheer when their child behaves aggressively. As well, children may be taught that hurting other players is acceptable or are pushed to continue playing even when they are injured. In researchers Moi nguéi nghi tré em nén choi thé thao. Thé thao thi: vi, va tré em sé khoe manh khi choi thé thao véi nhing ngudi khéc. Tuy nhién, vige choi thé thao cé thé anh huéng tigu cue dén tré em. N6 c6 thé 1am san sinh nhiing cm giée kém ty tin hoe cde hanh vi hung hing 6 tré. Theo bai nghién ctu vé tré em va thé thao, e6 40,000,000 tré em choi thé thao & MY. 18,000,000 trong sé dé ndi ring chiing bj hét vao mat hode bi goi tén khi dang choi thé thao, Diéu nay khién tré em cé an tuong xau ve cde mén thé thao, Ching nghi thé thao qua tan bao. Nhiéu nha nghién citu tin ring nguéi Ién, nhat 14 ba me va hun luyén vién, chinh la nguyén nhan chinh din dén su hung hing 6 thé thao tré em. Ho nghi ring tré em sao chép hanh vi hung hing & ngudi én, Hanh vi nay sau d6 cén duge cing 66 thém théng qua ca phan hdi tich cye lin tiéu cye. Ba me va cdc huan luyén vién 1 nhimg ngudi thay gido quyén luc vi tré em thuéng ton trong ho. Thuong thi nhimg ngudi én ty minh hanh xir hung hang, giri gim théng digp dén tré em ring chién thang la tat cd, Tai nhimg sy kign thé thao cua tré em, ba me c6 thé la mang nhiing nguéi choi khac hoe c6 vii con minh khi ching cu xir thé bao. Nhu thé, tré em c6 thé duge day rang lam nguéi choi khae bj throng ¢6 thé duge chap nhan hoae duge Theo déi Page : Hee Tiéng Anh cing c6 VG Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling ¢6. COMBO CAP TOC 2022: LAy géc nhanh chéng, ty tin danh diém 9 Tiéng Anh chi véi 2h ty hoeingay PRO 3MPLUS 2022: Nam chac diém 9, chinh phyc diém 10 Tiéng Anh addition, the media makes violence seem exciting, Children watch adult sports games and see violent behavior replayed over and over on television As a society, we really need to face up to this problem and do something about it. Parents and coaches should act as better examples for children. They also need to teach children better values. They should teach children to enjoy themselves whether they win or not. It's not necessary to knock yourself out to enjoys sports. Winning isn't everything. In addition, children shouldn't be allowed to continue to play when they are injured. Sending a child with an injury into a game gives the child the message that health isn't as important as winning. If we make some basic changes, children might lear to enjoy sports again, khuyén khich tiép tuc choi cho dén khi ching bi throng. Thém vao dé, truyén théng khién bao lyre duong nhu tha vi hon. Tré em xem cdc tran thé thao ngudi lén va thay nhing hanh vi bao lye ti dign nhigu [an trén truyén hinh, La mét x4 hi, chung ta that sy can ddi dign vai vin dé nay va lim diéu gi d6, Ba me va cae hudn luyén vién nén hanh xir nhu mét tim guong tét cho tré em. Ho cing can day tré em nhitng gid tri tot hon, Ho nén day tré em tin hudng ban thin di ching cé thing hay khéng. Viée né lure qua site dé choi thé thao la diéu khéng can thiét, Chién thing khéng phai Ia tat ca, Thém vao do, tré em khéng nén duge cho phép tiép tye choi khi ching bj thuong. Dé mét dita tré bi thuong tham gia tran ddu mang dén thong digp cho tré em ring sire khoe khéng quan trong bing chién thing. Néu ching ta thye hign mt sé thay ddi co bin, tré em cé thé hoc dich tin huong thé thao Lin nia, Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or plirase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 42 to 46. SHARING VIDEOS ON THE WEB When people are looking for a great way to (42) themselves of boredom, videos found on the Internet are often the perfect solution, Such websites as YouTube, Dailymotion, and Vimeo have become so popular that they are known to get millions of visits each day. YouTube is known for allowing people to create their own videos and share them with the world. It is through YouTube (43) enormous amounts of interest in certain videos can be created. So (44) people watch them that the interest generated from person to person is almost exponential. Another site that similar to YouTube is called Vimeo. Although it (45) to YouTube, Vimeo has more of a concentration on longer videos. (46) as a direct competitor the concept is the same in which the service allows users to share their videos with a very wide audience on the Internet. Question 42: A. prevent B. take stop Huéng dan giai A. prevent (v): ngan chan B. take (v): lay C. stop (v): ngimg D. relieve (v): gidi ta, gidm bét — relieve somebody of something: gidi téa ai khoi cai gi ‘Tam djch: When people are looking for a great way to relieve themselves of boredom, videos found on the Internet are often the perfect solution. (Khi moi nguéi tim kié sur t& nhat, nhiing video trén Internet thudng la giai php hoan hao.) ban than khoi —+ Chon dap an D m6t cach tuyét voi dé gidi toa Theo déi Page : Hee Tiéng Anh cing c6 VG Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. COMBO CAP TOC 2022: LAy gée nhanh chéng, ty tin danh diém 9 Tiéng Anh chi v6i 2h ty hoeingay PRO 3MPLUS 2022: Nam chac diém 9+, chinh phyc diém 10 Tiéng Anh Question 43: A. whom B. who (C. which D. why Huéng din giai Dai tir quan hé: Ta ding dai tir quan hé ‘which’ thay cho danh tir chi vat “YouTube” ‘Tam dich: It is through YouTube which enormous amounts of (Théng qua YouTube ngudi ta c6 thé tao ra lugng 1én su quan tam dén nhiing video nhat dinh.) — Chon dap an C nterest in certain videos can be created. Question 44: lmany B. little D. much A. many +N (s6 nhieu): nhieu B. little + N (khong dém durge): rat it, hau nhu khéng C. less +N (khong dém durge): it hon D. much + N (khéng dém duge): nhiéu ‘Tam djeh: So many people watch them that the interest generated from person to person is almost exponential. (Qua nhiéu ngudi xem ching dén ndi sy quan tim duge san sinh tir nguéi nay qua ngudi khéc gin nhu theo cip sé nhin.) — Chon dap an A Question 45: A. play B. does C acts D. behaves Huéng dan gi: A. play (v): choi B. does: lam C. acts: hinh dng D. behaves: hinh xir CAu trie: act as somebody/something: thyc hign vai tro gi ‘Tam dich: Although it acts as a direct competitor to YouTube, Vimeo has more of a concentration on longer videos. (Mac da né 1a mét déi thit canh tranh truc tiép voi YouTube, nhung Vimeo tap trung nhiéu on vao cic video dai.) — Chon dap an C Question 46: A. So 5. However C. Although D. As Huéng din A. So: vithé B. However: tuy nhién C. Although: mc di D. As: vi ‘Tam dich: However, the concept is the same in which the service allows users to share their videos with a very wide audience on the Internet. (Tuy nhién, ¥ tudng thi tong ty nhur dich vu cho phép nhing ngudi ding chia sé video véi nhiéu khan thinh gia trén Internet.) — Chon dap an B Theo déi Page : Hee Tiéng Anh cing c6 VG Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. COMBO CAP TOC 2022: LAy géc nhanh chéng, ty tin danh diém 9 Tiéng Anh chi véi 2h ty hoeingay PRO 3MPLUS 2022: Nam chac diém 9+, chinh phyc diém 10 Tiéng Anh DICH BAI: When people are looking for a great way to relieve themselves of boredom, videos found on the Intemet are often the perfect solution. Such websites as YouTube, Dailymotion, and Vimeo have become so popular that they are known to get millions of visits each day. YouTube is known for allowing people to create their own videos and share them with the world. It is through YouTube which enormous amounts of interest in certain videos can be created. So many people watch them that the interest generated from person to person is almost expone Another site that is similar to YouTube is called Vimeo. Although it acts as a direct competitor to YouTube, Vimeo has more of a concentration on longer videos. However, the concept is the same in which the service allows users to share their videos with a very wide audience on the Internet. Question 47: A. romantic _B. contractual Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. C. attention Khi moi ngudi tim kiém mét cach tuyét vai dé gi toa ban thin khoi sy t& nhat, nhing video trén mang thudng a giai phdp hoan hao, Nhing trang web nhur YouTube, Dailymotion, va Vimeo da tro nén qua phé bién dén noi ching thu hat hang triéu lugt xem mdi ngay, YouTube duoc biét dén nhu noi cho phép moi ngudi tao video cia riéng minh va chia sé chang cho thé gidi. Thong qua YouTube ngu6i ta cé thé tao ra Iwgng Ién sy quan tam dén nhimg video nhat dinh, Qua nhiéu nguéi xem chung dén ndi su quan tim duge sin sinh tir ngudi nay qua ngudi khic gan nhu theo cép sé nhan. M6t trang khée tuong ty YouTube cé tén ki Vimeo. Mae dii né 1a mot déi thi canh tranh trye tiép véi YouTube, nhung Vimeo tap trung nhiéu hon vio cic video dai. Tuy nhién, ¥ tuong thi tuong ty nhu dich vy cho phép nhing ngudi ding chia sé video véi nhigu khén thinh gid trén Internet. i A. romantic /rau'mzen.tik/ (adj): King ma C. attention /s' (n): su chi ¥ D. engineer /,en.dg1'ntor/ (n): ky sir — Chon dap an D Huéng din gidi B. contractual /kan’traek.tfu.ol/ (adj): bang hop dong Dap An D cé trong dm roi vao Am tiét thir 3, cdc dap dn con lai trong 4m roi vio am tiét thir 2. B. relate Question 48: MStudent C. avoid D. forget A. student /‘stju:.dant/ (n): hoe sinh B. relate /m'lew (v): 1ién quan C. avoid /a' vard/ (v): tranh D. forget /fa'get/ (v): quén Dap an A cé trong Am roi vao Am tiét thit nhat, c: — Chon dap an A Huéng dan giai ¢ dp dn cén lai trong 4m roi vao 4m tiét ther 2. Theo déi Page : Hee Tiéng Anh cing c6 VG Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling c6. COMBO CAP TOC 2022: LAy géc nhanh chéng, ty tin danh diém 9 Tiéng Anh chi v6i 2h ty hoeingay PRO 3MPLUS 2022: Nam chac diém 9+, chinh phyc diém 10 Tiéng Anh Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 49: A. lake 8. many: C. face D. play Huéng din gidi A. lake /letk/ (n): ci hd B. many /‘men.i/ (deter): nhigu C. face /fers! (n): khudn mat D. play /plev (v): choi Dap an B c6 Am “a” phat am la /e/, cde dap an e6n lai phat am 1a fev. — Chon dap an B Question 50: MNGOnHGES —B. cooks C. stops D. addicts. Huéng dan A. confides /kan'fardz/: tiét 16, gii bay B. cooks /koks/: ndu nuéng. C. stops /stops/: dig D. addicts /’aed.akts/: ké nghign Dap an A c6 am “s” phat am la /2/, ce dip an com Iai phat &m 1a /s/. — Chon dap an A Theo déi Page : Hee Tiéng Anh cing c6 VG Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling cé. COMBO CAP TOC 2022: LAy géc nhanh chéng, ty tin danh diém 9 Tiéng Anh chi vé6i 2h ty hocingay PRO 3MPLUS 2022: Nam chac diém 9+, chinh phyc diém 10 Tiéng Anh BANG TU VUNG STT Tir vung Tir loai Phién am Nghia 1__| pandemic n__ /peen'dem.ik/ dai dich 2__| absorb v__| fab'za:b/ hap thy 3_| cosmetic n__| ikoz'metak/ my phim 4 [hut n__| fhav tap leu 5__| enemy n_|/ ké thi 6 | earnings n | /'s:anmz! eel dien kiém 7_| indifferent adj | /m'dif.arant/ theo 8 | export v | Ak’spo:t xudt kau 9 | self-esteem n__|/ selfu'stixm/ su ty tin 10 | agressive adj__| /o'gres.iv! hung hing, thé bao 11_| yell v__| jel! hét vao mat 12 _| coach n__| fkout{ hhudn luyén vién 13_| reinforce v | /rican'fas/ cing ¢6 14 | exponential adj | /,'nenfal/ econ 15 _| concept n__|konsept ¥ tun; BANG CAU TRUC STT Cau tric Nghia 1__| look for somebody/something tim ai/edi gi 2__| look up something tra ettu edi gi 3 | look into something diéu tra cai gi 4 | look after somebody/something cham séc ai/cai git 5 __| put on something mie cai gi © _| divide something into something chia cdi gi ra cdi gi 7__| take advantage of something tan dung cai gi 8 _| break/tear down barriers pha b6 rio can 9 _| know something like the back of your hand _| biét cai gi r6 nhwr long ban tay 10 _| call on/upon somebody to do something yéu cawkéu goi ai Lim gi 11_| speak highly of somebody/something anh gid cao ai/eai gi 12_| make a profit tgo ra Igi nhuan 13 | take care of somebody/something cham se cho ai/eai gi 14 _| look up to somebody ton trong ai 15 | face up to something déi dién v6i cdi gi 16 | knock yourself out nd lye hét sire dé kim tdt chuyén gi dd 17 __| relieve somebody of something giai t6a ai khoi cdi gi 18 _| act as somebody/something thye hign vai trd gi Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing c6 Va Mai Phuong. dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mi ngay cing cé.

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