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re) RETRY Only 3% of people have all 6 of these soft skills that'll 10x your income: 3.8k 792 ' 74 Gr ery) 1) Social adaptability Successful people feel comfortable: « Around different types of people - In a wide range of social settings If you’re an extrovert, you’re likely great at this. 'SiU mad al em ale) elm ce] malt ce =a ee re) ens To become socially adaptable: « Spend time with social extroverts » Be okay with saying something “stupid” - Attend a wide range of social poke aoa ee Extroversion is like a muscle. Some are born with it, others must siecle 2) eh) 2) Social perception Your ability to “read the room” Use it to: » Gauge mood during negotiations - Navigate professional boundaries » Choose trustworthy team members A must have skill for any entrepreneur. r LRT) J 3) Nonverbal communication Body language says more about you than you think. - Straighten your neck « Drop your shoulders + Hold eye contact + SMILE You'll attract 10x more opportunity when you project confidence like aon r @) ter J 4) Active listening Don’t listen to respond, listen to understand. + Give them your full attention » Ask questions if you don’t understand + Nod occasionally, smile, keep open posture Make people feel heard. They’ll appreciate it more than you know. Gr ey 5) Impression management Successful people know how to create a positive reaction in others. Think of this as cultivating a professional reputation... @) ary) Those with high impression Ilaria LCL » Know when to use flattery » Gain respect by giving respect » Keep their cool during emotional conversations This is huge for building a valuable network. a Liam @ eyes eU EINE UIs) The most important social skill you need. Entrepreneurs use persuasion to: « Close sales - Create engaging content « Get people excited about their ideas So how do you become more Olse10Ee Ike @) ary) Quick tips for persuasive speech: PeDlolammole-\:1 » Speak with authority + Lead the conversation + Understand your audience « Present practical solutions Persuasion = successful fatsrsenar-1uela @) ary) Only 3% of people have all 6 of these soft skills that'll 10x your income: 1) Social adaptability 2) Social perception 3) Nonverbal communication 4) Active listening 5) Impression management 6) Persuasiveness Ce Thanks for reading! If you found this helpful, follow me for more content on starting and scaling a business.

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