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Urban Liveability morphology, but more importantly in the
scale and size of urban centers and the level
ENRIQUE ALISTE and range of services provided. This arguably
University of Chile, Chile results in various pathologies and different
forms of integration/disintegration in the
Urban liveability must be understood as an liveability of urban areas.
interdisciplinary logic and practice. Early Pacione (1990) carried out an extensive
discussions of the concept defined it by its review of the concept and its implications. He
constituent materials, the physical character- noted its international and interdisciplinary
istics like site conditions and infrastructure importance, and concluded, among other
that determine the way of life and well-being things, that the geographical challenge of
of the inhabitants of a city, whereas later the concept is the convergence of differing
conceptions sustain more complex notions of criteria.
cultural perspectives and how they determine Therefore, urban liveability can be under-
urban liveability. stood as a perceived notion of well-being and
Research attempting to measure quality of social cohesion among residents of an urban
life through data, including sociotechnical area. This is produced by the confluence
approaches, public health and biopolitical of the material conditions of architecture
focuses, the contributions from infrastructure and urban design, and access to goods and
development (from classic urbanization to services (broadly speaking social services,
more urban green spaces), greater ecosystem property and public infrastructure, health
services, and urban services, among oth- services, environmental and cultural ser-
ers, has helped to expand the spectrum of vices, among others) which support a healthy
approaches, frameworks, and analysis used and sustainable lifestyle, and give residents
to discuss liveability in general. this perceived notion of liveability (Pitman,
Various methodological proposals for the Daniels, and Ely 2015; Villanueva et al. 2015;
creation of benchmarks and indicators, and Norouzian-Maleki et al. 2015; Revell and
city rankings (normally done by consulting Anda 2014; de Haan et al. 2014; Badland et al.
companies), also highlight the concept of 2014; Teo 2014; Kraftl 2014; Sepe and Pitt
urban liveability as a factor of great impor- 2013; Newton 2012; Holden and Scerri 2012;
tance for real estate development. However, Vine, Buys, and Aird 2012; Ruth and Franklin
as real estate development has increased, 2014; Antognelli and Vizzari 2016).
it has also caused unexpected effects, such Recent work in this field includes the
as increased gentrification, gated commu- definition and measurement of variables
nities, and urban sprawl into the periphery which are used to define liveability by car-
(peri-urbanization) in cities around the tographic methods (Cheshmehzangi 2015),
world. the identification of sustainable conditions
Planners, investors, and decision-makers (Gough 2015), and the possibilities of pro-
have different interpretations of the con- moting walkable streets (Hooper et al. 2015;
cept of urban liveability, which creates a Andrews et al. 2012), all studies which
series of transformations not only in urban use improved forms of assessment such

The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies. Edited by Anthony Orum.
© 2019 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2019 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9781118568446.eurs0376
10.1002/9781118568446.eurs0376, Downloaded from by Consorci De Serveis Universitaris De Catalunya, Wiley Online Library on [10/01/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

as indicators and integrated methods. The Development; Social Cohesion; Sprawl; Urban
increasing importance and value of open Design; Urban Morphology/Urban Form
public spaces shows the value placed on
environmental concepts and ecostemic ser-
vices in urban liveability (Villanueva et al.
2015; Badland et al. 2014), along with green Andrews, G., E. Hall, B. Evans, and R. Colls.
2012. “Moving Beyond Walkability: On the
infrastructure and the challenge of climate
Potential of Health Geography.” Social Science
change (Pitman, Daniels, and Ely 2015). & Medicine, 75: 1925–1932. DOI: 10.1016/
Badland et al. (2014) emphasize the social j.socscimed.2012.08.013.
determinants of public health, and also make Antognelli, S., and M. Vizzari. 2016. “Ecosystem
significant advances in identifying indica- and Urban Services for Landscape Liveabil-
tors of liveability, as well as the diversity ity: A Model for Quantification of Stake-
and complexity of the criteria surrounding holders’ Perceived Importance.” Land Use Pol-
icy, 50: 277–292. DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.
this concept. They identify 11 domains con-
tributing to the health and welfare of the Badland, H., C. Whitzman, M. Lowe, M. Dav-
population: crime and safety, educational ern, L. Aye, I. Butterworth, D. Hes, and B.
services, employment and income, social Giles-Corti. 2014. “Urban Liveability: Emerging
security and health services, housing, cul- Lessons from Australia for Exploring the Poten-
tural and recreational services, locally grown tial for Indicators to Measure the Social Deter-
food and other goods, natural environment, minants of Health.” Social Science & Medicine,
public open spaces, transportation, and local 111: 64–73.
Cheshmehzangi, A. 2015. “The Reinvention of
democratic participation and social cohesion.
Liveability in Public Places: Interaction Map-
This concept of liveability can undoubtedly ping Analysis of Central Nottingham’s Improved
contribute to a greater understanding of the Walkability.” Journal of Human Behavior in
meaning of well-being in urban areas, but it the Social Environment, 25(5): 426–440. DOI:
does replicate patterns of urban development 10.1080/10911359.2014.980594.
which rarely take into consideration cultural, de Haan, F. J., B. C. Ferguson, R. C. Adamowicz, P.
historical, political, and social differences Johnstone, R. R. Brown, and T. H. F. Wong. 2014.
“The Needs of Society: A New Understanding
around the world. As noted in Badland et al.
of Transitions, Sustainability and Liveability.”
(2014) most studies of urban liveability priv- Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 85:
ilege data gathered in countries whose gross 121–132. DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2013.09.005.
domestic product (GDP) is relatively high, Gough, M. Z. 2015. “Reconciling Livability and
principally in the Global North. In countries Sustainability: Conceptual and Practical Impli-
whose traditions, resources, and historical cations for Planning.” Journal of Planning Edu-
urban forms differ greatly from the Global cation and Research, 35(2): 145–160. DOI:
10.1177/ 0739456X15570320.
North (regions which are traditionally known
Holden, M., and A. Scerri. 2012. “More Than
as peripheral or disadvantaged) these types
This: Liveable Melbourne Meets Liveable Van-
of conceptual constructions can generate couver.” Cities, 31: 444–453. DOI: 10.1016/
processes in which the use of urban liveability j.cities.2012.07.013.
can become paradoxical, resulting in the cre- Hooper, P., M. Knuiman, F. Bull, E. Jones, and
ation of nonuseful or damaging benchmarks B. Giles-Corti. 2015. “Are We Developing
in different social and cultural contexts. Walkable Suburbs through Urban Planning Pol-
icy? Identifying the Mix of Design Require-
SEE ALSO: Gated Communities (CIDs); ments to Optimise Walking Outcomes from the
Gentrification; Peri-Urbanization; Real Estate ‘Liveable Neighbourhoods’ Planning Policy in
10.1002/9781118568446.eurs0376, Downloaded from by Consorci De Serveis Universitaris De Catalunya, Wiley Online Library on [10/01/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

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Kraftl, P. 2014. “Liveability and Urban Architec- All? Conceptual Limits and Practical Impli-
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