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Thank you for signing up to be part of the Undivided Heart Prayer Training!

Since our training time will be brief, we need you to become as familiar as you can with the basic
process through reading the manual and list of assumptions and responding to the reflective
exercises below.

This way we can make the most of the few hours we have during the training, which will be spent
primarily in actual prayer sessions, and discussing what happens during those.

Undivided Heart Prayer, Pre-Training Assignment

A. BASIC INFORMATION: Please send answers to these questions before 10 June.

1. Name

2. home country

3. Describe your previous experiences with inner healing, listening, deliverance prayer

4. What do you hope to get out of this training time?

6. Yes/no (delete the untrue one) - I have read the UHP Training Manual, and Assumptions article,
and can describe the basic UHP process.


1. God is with us always, wanting to reveal His love. Consider the fact that God is present, ready to
reveal His love to us, even before we have come to faith in Christ.

a) Give an example of this in Scripture.

b) Give an example of this in your own life.

2. We are born under a curse into a cursed world, and have been vulnerable in various ways to the
world, the flesh, and the devil. We have cooperated knowingly or unknowingly with these three, and
this keeps us from being fully grounded in God's love. Consider how people choose to cooperate
with forces opposing God.

a) Give an example of this in Scripture.

b) Give an example of this in your own life.

3. Over a period of several days, please meditate on one of the following Scripture passages.

a) As you read the verses, notice which words or phrases or images strike your heart.

b) Tell God about this, and write down what God shows you in response.

Psalm 139

Mark 8:27-30

Ephesians 1:3-14

John 11:1-44

Psalm 23

4. God is at work in our lives to destroy what holds us back from being rooted in His love. With our
cooperation, He will expose whatever is blocking His love, and root us deeper and deeper into
Himself, making us fruitful.

Consider this fact that God loves to reveal to us things which block us from experiencing His love,
trusting and obeying Him.

a) Give an example of this in Scripture.

b) Describe a time when God has done this work of revelation in your own life.

5. Consider an area of your life in need of God’s touch, transformation or wisdom currently (For
example: an attitude, habit, relationship, other concern)

a) Describe this concern briefly.

b) Go through the process as diagrammed on the bookmark.

c) Write down what God shows you. (You don’t have to feel “finished” in addressing this, just
practice listening and interacting with God.)
6. Any questions or comments?

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