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Half-yearly Examination (2019-2020)

Form Three General English
Date of Examination: 2nd January, 2020 Time allowed: 1 hour 15 mins

(I) Vocabulary: Fill in each blank with a word from the vocabulary list of Elect Unit 3 to complete the
sentences. You may need to change the word forms of the words on the vocabulary list to
accomplish the task.12%

1. He is _________ about photography. He enjoys taking photos of nature and is interested in reading
magazines and books about it.

2. Being a _________ _________ , I have to greet and communicate with customers, help passengers
find their seats, always conduct safety check before flight and prepare and serve drinks and food to

3. One of the qualities of a good _________ is a high attention to detail. Without this quality,
important facts and figures may become inaccurate and errorneous. He or she should get all the
numbers correct. Otherwise, his or her boss may end up paying more in taxes than he or she
bargains on or worse, he or she may be audited or penalized.

4. Jonathan is a _________ leader. He can make decisions quickly and confidently.

5. Interviewer: Are you _______-_____________?

Interviewee: Yes, I am. I know how to set a goal for myself and achieve it.

6. In order to survive the competition a company should be ________, not reactive. It should take
action by causing change and not only react to change when it happens.

7. Please use general _________ to send me to sleep before taking out the bullet from my arm. I
don’t want to feel the great pain during the operation.

8. We took legal action to _________ the stolen cash two days ago. We hope to get it back within this

9. I have enclosed my CV for your _________. I hope you will consider my application and I look
forward to the opportunity to attend an interview.

10. The in-screen sensor was an ________ design at that time because there had not been such a sensor
in other mobile phones before.
11. I know I will become a target of _________ written attacks on the Internet if I tell the truth, but I
will still speak it out. My conscience will bother me if I don’t do so.

12. The government must find a way to restore order and end the ________. Too many people have
been killed and hurt in the campaign.

(II) To-infinitives, bare infinitives, gerunds & tenses: Fill in each blank to complete the story with
the correct form of the verb in brackets, including to- infinitives, gerunds, bare infinitives, etc., ( with the
pronoun or adverb, if any ). 26%

One day a rich man (1)________(buy) a horse at the market. On his way home, he saw a farmer
(2)_______(take) a rest under a tree with his horse. The rich man wanted to take a break, too, so he
stopped (3)_______(tie) his horse to the same tree.

The farmer warned the rich man (4)______(not, tie) his horse to the same tree. ‘My horse has a very
bad temper,’ he said. ‘It’ll kill yours.’

But the rich man disliked (5)_______(listen) to others. He refused (6)______(do) what the farmer had
told him. ‘I’ll tie my horse wherever I like,’ he said.

‘You’ll regret (7)_______(do) this,’ the farmer sighed.

The two men were both tired from walking, and soon they fell asleep. A few moments later they
(8)______(wake) up to a terrible noise. The rich man could not (9)_______(help) (10)_______(scream)
when he realised what was happening: the horses were fighting!

The tried (11)_______(separate) the horses, but before they succeeded, the rich man’s horse
(12)________( already, be) killed. The rich man was very angry. ‘Look at what your horse
(13)_______(do)!’ he started to shout at the farmer. ‘I won’t allow you to go free unless you pay for
my horse.’

The rich man went on (14)_______(drag) the farmer to a judge. He accused the farmer of
(15)_______(kill) his horse.

‘Is this true?’ the judge asked. The farmer did not say a word. The judge kept (16)_______(repeat)
the same question, but the farmer remained silent. At last the judge stopped (17)_______(ask). ‘It’s
no use (18)_______(question) him,’ he said to the rich man. ‘He seems to be either dumb or deaf.’

‘No, no,’ the rich man said. ‘He can speak all right.’
‘How do you know?’ asked the judge.
‘We spoke to each other before (19)_______(come) here.’
‘You did? What did he say to you then?’ the judge asked.

‘He told me (20)_______(not, tie) my horse to the tree where he (21)_______(tie) his. He said his
horse (22)_______(kill) mine.’

At this moment, the farmer started to speak. ‘You (23)______(just, hear) the truth,’ he said. ‘I
warned him not to let his horse (24)_______(stand) near mine, but he decided (25)_______(not, listen).’
Then he went on (26)_______(tell) the judge the whole story. ‘I’m sorry about his horse,’ he said, ‘but
what happened was his fault.’

The judge agreed. He allowed the farmer to go free.

(III) Cloze Passage: 5% (0.5%@)

Fill in each blank with ONE word to complete the information sheet.

2019 Hong Kong local elections

The 2019 Hong Kong District Council elections were held on 24 November 2019 for all 18 District
Councils of Hong Kong, the sixth such election being held since the 1997 handover. 452 seats from all
directly elected constituencies were contested out of the 479 seats in total. Nearly three million (1)______,
equivalent to 71 per cent of registered voters, which was a record turnout in the electoral history of Hong
Kong. The election was widely (2)______ as a de facto referendum on the 2019 Hong Kong protests.

The pro-democracy camp achieved its biggest landslide (3)______ in the history of Hong Kong, gaining
control of 17 of the 18 District Councils and tripling their seats from around 124 to about 388. The
pro-democrats was also able to capture 117 District Council subsector seats in the 1,200-member Election
Committee, (4)______ is responsible for electing the Chief (5)_______ of Hong Kong. Pro-Beijing
parties and independents won only 62 seats, a (6)______ of more than 242 seats.

All pro-Beijing parties suffered major setbacks, including the flagship pro-Beijing party Democratic
Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong (DAB), which received its largest (7)______ in
history, losing nearly a hundred seats. Executive Councillor Regina Ip's New People's Party (8)______ to
obtain a single seat, and was completely removed from all District Councils as a result.

A dozen of prominent pro-Beijing heavyweights lost their campaigns for re-election, including Junius Ho,
a controversial key anti-protest figure (9)______ had expressed support for the triads behind the 21 July
Yuen Long mob attack. In contrast, many pro-democracy candidates who actively (10)______ in the
protests were elected, including convenor of the Civil Human Rights Front (CHRF) Jimmy Sham.

(Note: referendum= a general vote by the electorate on a single political question which has been
referred to them for a direct decision)
(IV) Rewriting Sentences: Rewrite the following sentences by following the instructions in brackets.
Keep the original meanings as far as possible. 12% (2%@)
1. The match was cancelled because of the bad weather. (replace ‘cancelled’ with a phrasal verb)

2. Someone disclosed the information. (Add a question tag to the statement)

3. Everything has gone back to normal. (Add a question tag to the statement)

4. I didn’t tell her the truth. She didn’t forgive me. ( Write a conditional sentence to show your regret
about the facts. Begin the new sentence with ‘If I’ )

5. I suggest you set up an independent investigation committee as early as possible. (Begin the new
sentence to give advice with ‘If I’ )

6. Why not replace the inaccurate clock with a new one? (Rewrite with ‘worth’)

(V) Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences and write the
letter in the blank provided. 2%
1. The construction of this building is a waste of resources. _______ it will pollute the surrounding area.
A. In the meantime, B. meanwhile, C. Besides, D. Moreover

2. Jim’s hard work finally paid _______ when he ended ______ being promoted to manager.
A. well, by B. off, up C. monthly, for D. highly, with

(VI) Reading comprehension: Attempt Part A & Part B. 43%

Part A: Read the following text and answer the questions that follow. (29%)

1. According to paragraph 1, what is an impulse buyer? [1%]

2. Use one word to complete each blank. [2%]

The percentage of purchases made by teenagers and young adults that are _______ ________ is
_________ than forty percent.

3. According to paragraph 2, why do people make impulse purchases? (Answer in ONE COMPLETE
4. What does the writer compare an impulse purchase to in paragraph 2? [1%]

5. Based on paragraph 2, why do the effects of impulse buying not last long? [1%]

6. According to paragraph 2, how does our mood change when we buy on impulse? (Fill in each blank
with ONE word.) [4%]

We go into a shop feeling (A) _______.

We buy something on impulse and feel (B)_____ than before.

We eventually experience a feeling of (C) ______.

We end up feeling (D)______ than before.

7. What does ‘This observation’ (line 15) refer to? [1%]

8. When are we less likely to buy on impulse? [2%]

9. The purpose of paragraph 4 is to... (Choose the best answer and write the letter in the blank
A. explain the sales strategies used in supermarkets.
B. introduce what type of signs stores use.
C. provide a reason why people are more likely to shop online
D. show how effective marketing strategies are.

10. What does ‘These marketing tactics’ (line 28) refer to? [1%]

11. According to paragraph 4, why do we feel the need to buy things that are on sale? (Answer in ONE

12. What is the writer’s attitude towards impulse buying? (Choose the best answer and write the letter in
the blank provided.) [1%]
A.critical B.excited C.neutral D. uninterested

13. Do you think you are an impulse shopper? Why or why not? [2%]

14. Summarise the blog post using words from the above text. Fill in each blank with one word only.
You should make sure your answers are grammatically correct. [8%]

Impulse buying happens when you buy a product without (A)_______ carefully about it. The
reason we do this is because buying ourselves something new improves our (B)_______.
Furthermore, it is hard to (C)______ buying products when they are on (D)______. Impulse
buying, however, is a bad (E)_______ because it results in you buying clothes you don’t need or
can’t (F)_____. In order to be a better (G)______, we should try to reduce the amount of
(H)______ we produce by buying fewer products.
Part B: Read the following text and answer the questions that follow. [4%]

When asked to imagine their careers, most kids picture something they can relate to: drivers,
salespersons, athletes, teachers, programmers, etc.. Others dream about following extraordinary
career paths and becoming astronauts, explorers or inventors. Indeed, there is a whole world of
possibilities, though some seem more desirable than others. Find out about three such career
5 options preferred by a group of local Secondary 3 students, and decide why they are cool jobs to
these young people.

Not all sushi is created equal. A good piece of sushi may be little more
than fish stacked on a vinegared rice lump, but a great one can only be
created with talent, hard work and years of training. Master sushi chefs are
10 thus rare. Being one is highly respected, which is cool. Female sushi
chefs are even rarer due to the age-old belief that women’s warmer hands
lead to lower quality sushi. More women are training, though, and are
showing they can make the cut just like their macho peers.

There are some jobs you may not even realize someone is doing.
15 Unsung heroes are cool, and a sound designer is one of them. They
work behind the scenes in films and other fields that require sound
effects to create audio illusions. With their magic touch, they turn the
sound of frying bacon into that of rain, or the sound of a running car
engine into a lion’s roar.

20 What’s cooler than working closely with mega pop stars 24/7, and
gaining free and unrestricted entry to their shows or concerts? That is
the work of a celebrity bodyguard. It is exhausting work, and at times
extremely dangerous. (Think about the relentless paparazzi, crazy
fans, and musicians with big egos and violent temper tantrums.)

1. Find a three-word phrase in the sushi chef profile that means ‘be successful’. [1%]

2. The writer says that female sushi chefs ‘are even rarer’ (line 11). Based on the information in the
paragraph, complete the following sentence using ONE word to fill in each blank. [5%]

Female sushi chefs not only need to have (A)______ and (B)______ ______ ______, but they also
have to prove that their supposedly (C)______ _______ make (D)_______ difference to the
(E)_______ of their sushi.
3. ‘Unsung heroes’ (line16) are people who.... [1%]
A. avoid the spotlight to stay cool.
B. are extremely famous and powerful.
C. do not have much talent but like to brag.
D. receive little attention for their good work.

4. Based on the information in the above text, explain in your own words why the three jobs might be
considered cool by Secondary 3 students. (Fill in each blank with ONE word.) [4%]

A. sushi chef: It is ________ ________ ________ one.

B. sound designer: They are unsung heroes , doing ________ work that people may not realize they
are doing.
C. celebrity bodyguard: They can ________ ________ ________ mega pop stars such as 24/7 and
can access their shows and concerts for ________.

5. Read the following comments and identify which job mentioned in the text is being described.
Write the name of the job in each blank. [3%]

I have to get creative to generate special

noises and audio effects for broadcast. A._______________________

It’s not an easy job. I once got hit with an

electric guitar by a singer during a concert.
B. _____________________

People used to say girls couldn’t do this

job—but not anymore!

-End of Paper-

Half-yearly Examination (2019-2020)
Form Three General English Mark: ________
Answer Sheet
Date of Examination: _____ January, 2020 Time allowed: 1 hour 15 mins.
Name:___________________ Class(Class no.):_____( ) Group: HWY HCK TNY WCY (Please circle)
(I) Vocabulary: 12%
1.____________________2._________ _________3.___________________4.___________________



(II) Tenses and verb forms: 26%










(III) Cloze Passage: 5% (0.5%@)

1.___________________2. ___________________3. ___________________4. __________________

5. __________________6. ___________________7. ___________________8. __________________

9. ___________________10. __________________

(IV) Rewriting Sentences: 12% (2%@)





6. __________________________________________________________________________________

(V) Multiple Choice: 2%

1. _______2.________

(VI) Reading comprehension: 43%

Part A:(29%)

1. _________________________________________________________________________________


2. The percentage of purchases made by teenagers and young adults that are _________ _________

is __________ than forty percent. [2%]

3. _____________________________________________________________________________[2%]

4. _____________________________________________________________________________[1%]

5. _________________________________________________________________________________


6. A._________________ B. _________________ C. _________________D. _________________[4%]

7. ______________________________________________________________________________[1%]

8. A.___________________________________________________________________________[1%]

B. __________________________________________________________________________[1%]

9. ______[1%]

10. _____________________________________________________________________________[1%]
11. _____________________________________________________________________________[2%]

12. ______[1%]

13. _________________________________________________________________________________


14. A._________________ B. _________________ C. _________________D. _________________

E._________________ F. _________________ G. ________________H. _________________[8%]

Part B: (14%)

1. ____________________________________________________________________________[1%]

2. A._________________ B. __________ __________ __________ C. __________ ___________

D. _________________E. _________________ [5%]

3. _______ [1%]

4. Based on the information in the above text, explain in your own words why the three jobs might be
considered cool by Secondary 3 students. (Fill in each blank with ONE word.)
A. sushi chef: It is ________ ________ ________ one. [1%]

B. sound designer: They are unsung heroes , doing ________ work that people may not realize they

are doing. [1%]

C. celebrity bodyguard: They can ________ ________ ________ mega pop stars such as 24/7 and

can access their shows and concerts for ________. [2%]

5. A.________________________ B. ________________________C. _______________________[3%]

-End of Answer Sheet-

Half-yearly Examination (2019-2020)
Form Three General English
Answer Sheet
Date of Examination: _____ January, 2020 Time allowed: 1 hour 15 mins.
Name:____________________ Class(Class no.):_____( ) Mark:_____________
(I) Vocabulary: 12%
enthusiastic flight attendant
1.____________________2.________ accountant decisive
self-motivated proactive anaesthetic /anesthetic retrieve
reference innovative vicious bloodshed

(II) Tenses and verb forms: 26%

bought taking to tie
not to tie listening to do
doing woke help
screaming to separate had already been
has done to drag killing
repeating asking questioning
coming not to tie had tied
would kill have just heard stand
not to listen telling

(III) Cloze Passage: 5% (0.5%@)

(WRONG: seen / treated)
1.___________________2. viewed /regarded
.___________________3. victory
.___________________4. which
Executive loss defeat / failure failed
5. .__________________6. .___________________7. .___________________8. .__________________
who/ that participated setback???? loss????
9. .___________________10. .__________________
(minor mistake: -1%@)
(IV) Rewriting Sentences: 12% (2%@)
The match was called off because of the bad weather.
Someone disclosed the information, didn’t they? ( missing comma and or question mark: -1%)

Everything has gone back to normal, hasn’t it? ( missing comma and or question mark: -1%)
-2% p.1
If I had told her the truth, she would have forgiven me.
-1% -1%
If I were you, I would set up an independent investigation committee as early as possible.
-1% -1%
It is worth replacing the inaccurate clock with a new one.
6. __________________________________________________________________________________
(V) Multiple Choice: 2%
1. _______2.________
(VI) Reading comprehension: 43%
Part A:(29%)
1.someone who buys things without really thinking about whether they need them or can afford them


2. The percentage of purchases made by teenagers and young adults that are _________ buys
__________ than forty percent. [2%]

3. They make impulse purchases to cheer themselves up. (Content: 1% Gm: 1%)

4. a_____________________________________________________________________________[1%]
surprise present

5. Sooner or later, we will realise that we bought something again that we don’t really need or can’t afford.


unhappy/sad/down/ B. _________________
6. A._________________ happier regret
C. _________________D. worse
bad /depressed /stressed
The writer’s realizing that she/ he makes impulse purchases when shopping out of boredom
7. ______________________________________________________________________________[1%]
The writer realizing …..
when we plan in advance what we want to buy
8. A.___________________________________________________________________________[1%]

when we buy things online


9. ______[1%]

the(sale) signs stores put up in their window displays and around their products
10. _____________________________________________________________________________[1%]
It is because it’s hard for people to avoid the temptation of a good deal./ It is because we don’t
11. _____________________________________________________________________________[2%]
want to miss out on a bargain OR any sensible answer. (Content: 1% Gm: 1%)
12. ______[1%]

(Content:1% Gm:1%)
13. _____________________________________________________________________________[2%]
accept any relevant explanations
14. A._________________ mood
B. _________________ avoid
C. _________________D. sale

E._________________ afford
F. _________________ consumer
G. ________________H. waste

Part B: (14%)

make the cut

1. ____________________________________________________________________________[1%]

2. A._________________ years of training
B. __________ warmer hands___________
__________ __________ C. __________

D. _________________E. quality
_________________ [5%]

3. _______ [1%]

4. Based on the information in the above text, explain in your own words why the three jobs might be
considered cool by Secondary 3 students. (Fill in each blank with ONE word.)
difficult ________
D. sushi chef: It is ________ to be/ become
________ one. [1%]
E. sound designer: They are unsung heroes , doing important
________ work that people may not realize they
are doing. [1%]
F. celebrity bodyguard: They can work closely________
________ with ________ mega pop stars such as 24/7 and
can access their shows and concerts for ________. [2%]

sound designer
5. A.________________________ B. celebrity bodyguard
________________________C. sushi chef

-End of Answer Sheet-

LKKC Form 3 Half-yearly Examination (2019-20)English Revision Guidelines
(I) GE
1. Vocabulary: 12% (fromElect Unit 3 vocabulary list )
2. To-infinitives, bare infinitives, gerunds & tenses: 26%
3. Cloze Passage:5%
4. Rewriting sentences: 12%
5. Multiple Choice: 2%
6. Reading Comprehension: 43%
Scope for revision:
Grammar & Usage
Units 1-2,6-12,15-16 & 21-22
Elect Units 3
worksheets & notes about
a. infinitive & gerund
b. adjective to infinitive
c. noun/ pronoun + to infinitive
d. Expression + ing
e. be used to + v-ing
f. suggest
g. adding information
h. phrasal verb
i. tenses
j. question tag
k. talking about amounts
l. asking for & giving advice

(II) & (III) Writing & Listening

a. writing a letter to give advice
b. writing a one-sided argumentative essay
c. descriptive writing
d. writing an application letter
e. letter formats: block style / indented style

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