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Name: Mark:

UNIT 2 Test Level 2

Smart Contact Lenses

1 1
04 You are going to hear a talk about a kind of future technology. Listen to Part 1 and choose the
correct answers. (4 x 1 = 4 points)
1 The contact lens camera … .
a has recently been developed
b can be used to improve vision
c is an idea taken from science fiction
d is not the only use for smart contact lenses
2 The contact lens camera must distinguish between types of blinks … .
a because it reacts only to natural blinks
b so that it will not take videos all the time
c in order to focus automatically
d to supply itself with electric power
3 AR is not as common as it could be because … .
a it requires inconvenient equipment
b the technology is not yet available
c it is used mainly by architects
d phones can be used to do the same things
4 Regarding privacy concerns, the speaker … .
a does not yet know exactly what the problems will be
b does not see a solution
c believes new laws can help
d feels other technologies are just as problematic

2 1
05 Listen to Part 2 of the talk and complete the sentences. (6 x 1 = 6 points)
1 Contact lenses will monitor blood sugar by .................................................................................. .
2 Diabetes patients will benefit because .................................................................................. .
3 Researchers are optimistic about the smart lenses because .................................................................................. .
4 When someone wearing zoom lenses blinks, .................................................................................. .
5 The radiation used by thermal glasses comes from .................................................................................. .
6 Night vision technology is being reduced by .................................................................................. .

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