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Date Founded: February 01, 1971 Fiesta: May 02-03 (Sta. Cruz)

Boundary: Canawa on the north,
Tambongan on the
southeast, Biabas and
Bayong , Guindulman
on the South, and
Inaghuban, Pilar on the

Land area: Containing 844.6043

hectares based on
Barangay Boundary & Index Map

Characteristics: categorized as rural area which

subdivided into seven (7) puroks
namely: purok 1 on the east, purok 2
on the proper barangay where the
barangay hall and covered court
located, purok 3 (Perocho Side) on
the southwest, purok 4 (Sitio New
Loon) on the west, purok 5 (Sitio
Cabungan) on the northwest, purok
6 (lower Sitio Tanabog) on the
southeast, and purok 7 (upper Sitio Tanabog) on the south.

Location: Cadapdapan is one of the twenty-one barangays in the municipality of Candijay,

in the province of Bohol. It is situated at geographical coordinates approximately
9.8256, 124.4244, in the Visayas Island, province of Bohol. Elevation at
these coordinates is estimated at 200.4 meters or 657.5 feet above mean sea
level. Located at the eastern part of Bohol approximately 15 kilometers west of
Topography: land classifies as upland which characterized as hilly.

Soil Type: refer to Agriculture’s Office

Climate: From November to April, the northeast monsoon (amihan) prevails. Except for a
rare shower, this is the mildest time of the year. Daytime temperatures average
28 °C (82 °F), cooling at night to around 25 °C (77 °F). The summer season from
May to July brings higher temperatures and very humid days. From August to
October is the southwest monsoon (habagat). The weather during this season is
not very predictable, with weeks of calm weather alternating with rainy days. It
can rain any day of the year, but a higher chance of heavy showers occurs from
November to January.

Economy: Cadapdapan has annual Barangay income of ₱ 2,971,189.57 (2020 estimate). The people
engage in farming as source of livelihood. Rice, corn, banana, mango, cassava, taro (paw),
coconut & other root crops and vegetables. Livestock raising also as other source of
livelihood like raising hogs, goats, chicken, cows, carabaos and others. Rice and coconuts
are the principal products of the said barangay.

Land Use: for approval.

Getting There: In going to Cadapdapan, people usually take habal-habal, jeepney, bus, v-hire as means
of transportation.
People: Inhabited by 1,512 population in the year 2019. Majority of this people are Eskaya Tribe.
The language spoken are Bisaya and Cebuano. The principal language spoken is Bisaya.
Tourism Potentials: It is classified as basically endowed with tourism potentials namely: Cadapdapan Can-
umantad Falls, Rice Terraces, Pondol Spring and Big-ot Cave; “ANNEX”.
Commercial/Industrial Activities existent in the Barangay: One (1) bakery, three (3) rice mills, one (1)
construction services.
Livelihood Projects: Pig dispersal of women aid by the municipal supported by the barangay under GAD,
goat & duck dispersal for farmers from Department of Agriculture, Carabao and Pig
dispersal for Indigenous People and Sari-sari stores for 4P’s (SLP).
Financial institutions existent in the Barangay: NONE

Major Problems: Road Concreting and Economic Problems

Peace and Other Condition: It is generally peaceful with its friendly people. It is also slightly affected by the
problems of drug addiction way back in previous years, illegal gambling and few
occurrences as crimes.



Total Population 1,537 812 725
Senior Citizens
Person With Disability
Age Structure:
0-11 mos. 9 7 2
1-4 years old 67 40 27
5-6 years old 111 57 56
7-14 years old 156 84 72
15-49 years old 843 464 379
50-64 years old 231 117 114
65 years and over 107 51 56
As for Calendar year 2021, the population of Cadapdapan is 1,537. The barangay has a young
population of 22.32% young-age dependency or 343 young dependents (0-14 years old) and 6.96%
old-age dependency or 107 old dependents (65 years old and over).

Population Distribution:

Among the seven (7) Puroks of Cadapdapan, the largest in terms of population size is Purok 3 with
a population of 323, second is Purok 2, with 269 people and third, Purok 5 with 234 residents as shown in
the table below.

Population and Household Distribution Barangay Cadapdapan, CY 2020

Data from Barangay Health Department

1 59 47 124 105 229
2 79 57 141 128 269
3 80 62 163 160 323
4 50 38 113 105 218
5 56 49 123 111 234
6 20 18 45 40 85
7 47 40 103 76 179
382 312 812 725 1,537

Birth Rate and Death Rate:

As of 2021, the crude birth rate was __/100 population and the crude death rate was __/100

Majority of the leading causes of morbidity remains to be communicable diseases such as:
Acute upper respiratory, bronchitis, dermatitis, intestinal parasitism, diarrheal diseases, pneumonia
and pulmonary tuberculosis.

Social and Cultural References

A. Health Resources

There is one Barangay Health Center with Public Health Midwife, Barangay Nutritional Scholar and
ten (10) Barangay Health Workers.

B. Education
Formal education is being served in school. There is one (1) public elementary school and three (3)
day care centers situated in Purok 2 (barangay proper), Purok 5 (Cabungan) and Purok 7 (Upper Tanabog).

C. Recreational facilities
1. Basketball Court
2. Covered Court

D. Post-Harvest facilities
1. Solar Dryer at Purok 3

E. Religions:
1. Roman Catholic (RC)
2. Iglesia Filipina Independiente (IFI)
3. Seventh Day Adventist (SDA)
4. Assembly of God (AG)

F. Existing Barangay Organizations:

Cadapdapan Farmers Association headed by Renato Arot

Senior Citizen Association headed by Mr. Basilio Datahan
Cadapdapan Women Association (CWA) headed by Mrs. Jennifer C. Buten
Person With Disability Association headed by Mrs. Julieta B. Diao
Cadapdapan Irrigators System Association (CISA)
Samahang Nayon (SN) headed by Mr. Evaristo Singco
Parents Teachers Association (PTA) headed by Mr. Ronie E. Pabon
Indigenous People for projects (IP) headed by Mrs. Jocelyn L. Painandos
Eskaya Tribe headed by Chieftain Decena Nida P. Salingay

G. Waterworks

Much of the potable water supply comes from source (bugwak/tubod) of Purok 4-Cabungan, which
caters from Purok 1, 2 and 3, reservoir located beside the barangay hall manned by the municipal. Another
reservoir with the same source for Purok 5 donated by Coca Cola Foundation under Cabungan Waterworks
manned by the barangay. Separate reservoir for Purok 4, 6 and 7 operated by Tanabog Farmers Association
which its source of water come from the boundary of Sitio Upper Tanabog and Biabas, Guindulman. Water
supply is no longer the major problem of the residents for the barangay which has done everything to provide
potable and adequate water supply. On the other hand, when the reservoir made for neighboring barangays
such as Tambongan, Abihilan down to some parts of Candijay, few parts of the barangay (lower Big-ot, Purok
1) affected on their farming due to water deficiency. Since the reservoir implemented by the municipal level,
the runoff of water where they rely on disappeared. They can do planting rice during rainy seasons only. Also,
the collection of water for the reservoir based on scheduling, when the level of water goes down to level 1,
barangay constituents will be experiencing “water-off” until the tank filled with water. Just like the quote
says, “disaster to one but a blessing to all”.

It has constructed dams also for the irrigated canals used for the rice terraces. Its water source is mainly
from the blue and cool water of Pundol Spring, Purok-4 down to Bansalan Dam and then to CISA Dam of said
barangay. Each dam has its own source (bugwak/tubod) that makes abundant collection of water supply.
From where the runoff is diverted into two usages, like the Bansalan Dam one for the irrigation of the Rice
Terraces manned by Samahang Nayon while the remaining one is allowed to flow down to CISA Dam which
also diverted into two usages, irrigation of the Rice Terraces manned by Cadapdapan Irrigated System
Association covered by barangays of Cadapdapan and Tambongan of Candijay and Barangay Bayong of
Guindulman while the remaining one is allowed to flow for the Can-umantad falls.

Security and Defense

A. Police Protection

The Candijay police has only one (1) Community Precinct with a total strength of ___ policemen. It has
one (1) Police Sa Barangay assigned in the barangay and thirteen (13) Barangay Tanods manned by the
Barangay Peace and Order Committee supervised by the Punong Barangay which strengthened the campaigns
against illegal-drugs through Barangay Anti-Drug Committee.

B. Fire Protection

Candijay has only one (1) Fire Department. It is not only responsible for the prevention of all destructive
fires and for the enforcement of the Fire Code of the Philippines. It also conducts seminars, lecture, fire drills
to the people of barangay, particularly the students in school. The department planning to conducts barangay
competition on fire drills every year to develop their skills in firefighting techniques.

C. Risk Prevention
D. Power Supply

Bohol Electric Company (BOHECO) II supplies the power needs of Cadapdapan through Barangay Power
Association (BAPA). Power service is distributed to the following types of consumers: residential, commercial,
and few industrial purposes.

H. Telecommunications

The existing telecommunication network of Cadapdapan is being served by few Talk N Text and SMART,
also Globe and Touch Mobile. All of the telecommunications companies that are offering cellular services,
tablets, pocket wife, laptop are also operating some in the barangay due to limited cell site wherein most part
has very poor signal. The Candijay Municipal Post Office serve as the postal system. The Walkie Talkie also
(radio) used by the Barangay Officials, Chief Tanod and the workers in Can-umantad Falls.

I. Incumbent Barangay Officials (2018-2023)

Hon. Efren O. Castanares . . . . . . . . . . . . .Punong Barangay,Presiding Officer
Hon. Julie C. Lagang. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brangay Kagawad P1, Appro/ Tourism/Ways & Means/BAC/IP Com.
Hon. Segundo N. Buten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barangay Kagawad P4, Agri& Livelihood/Sen Cit. Com
Hon. Teresita B. Pizaña. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Barangay Kagawad P2, Health/Women/ Envi.
Hon. Ramon A. Hinampas Jr . . . . . . . . . ..Barangay Kagawad P5, Sports/Transpo Com.
Hon. Ruben P. Rodriguez . . . . . . . . . . . ...Barangay Kagawad P3, BPOC/Coop & Human Rights Com.
Hon. Sixto C. Perocho Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Barangay Kagawad P6, Educ./Laws&Rules Com.
Hon. Royden G. Stagen Jr . . . . . . . . . . . . Barangay Kagawad P7, Infra/PWD Com.
Hon. Grace Cupal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SK Chairperson
Mr. William B. Palma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Barangay Treasurer
Mrs. Katherine R. Singco. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Barangay Secretary
Mrs. Jennifer C. Buten. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Barangay Administrative Aide
Mrs. Elsa R. Stagen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Barangay Day Care Worker

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