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Queen Elizabeth's coronation was the

first coronation to be televised in full

and broadcast live.
Prince Philip chaired the Coronation Commission and was
extremely involved in the planning of the day's events. Here,
Elizabeth and Philip posed for a portrait at Buckingham
She wore a gown designed by Norman Hartnell. Embroidered with
emblems of Commonwealth countries on her gown, which included
"the Tudor rose of England, the Scots thistle, the Welsh leek and the
shamrock of Ireland complemented by the wattle of Australia, the
maple leaf of Canada, the New Zealand fern, South Africa’s protea, a
pearly lotus flower for India, a second opalescent lotus flower for
Ceylon and Pakistan’s wheat, cotton and jute."
Queen Elizabeth II arrived at Westminster Abbey wearing her
coronation robes. With her are her Maids of Honour and the
Duke of Edinburgh (far right).
Elizabeth seated in the Coronation Chair, also known as St
Edward's Chair or King Edward's Chair. King Edward I
commissioned the wooden chair in 1296, and subsequent
British monarchs have sat on it during their coronation.
The streets of London were packed to catch a glimpse of the
During the procession to and from Westminster, she
rode in a gold carriage called the Gold State Coach.
Four year old Prince Charles looked bored throughout the
event. Here he is with his aunt, Princess Margaret and his
grandmother, Elizabeth the Queen Mother.
The Queen with her Mistress of the Robes, Mary Cavendish,
the Duchess of Devonshire, and the six Maids of Honor. after
her coronation.
Queen followed the precedent of Queen Victoria in selecting
maids instead of pages to carry her velvet train throughout
the Coronation ceremony. The maids were Lady Moyra
Hamilton, Lady Anne Coke, Lady Rosemary Spencer-
Churchill, Lady Mary Baillie-Hamilton, Lady Jane Heathcote-
Drummond-Willoughby, and Lady Jane Vane-Tempest-
Elizabeth posed for a portrait with her husband Prince Philip,
her mother Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, and her sister
Princess Margaret in Buckingham Palace's throne room after
the ceremony.
Queen Elizabeth (center) with other royals, decked out in
their finest outfits. The two children in the center are Prince
Charles and Princess Anne.
Do you remember much about the Queen's coronation?

Where were you? Who were you with?

Were you able to watch it on television?

What did you think?

Did you celebrate along? How?

Are you looking forward to watching the coronation of King Charles?

What do you think it will be like/what will he do differently?

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