Sample Documents

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Sample Documents

Find out what your documents can look like by viewing the below design
samples. A sample PDF can give you a clearer picture of what you can
create. More PDF examples can be found in the Prince samples
repository and on the CSS For Publishing web site.


Dictionaries often use a multi-column layout to save space, with running

headers indicating keyword entries on that page. Notice how letters are
rotated and shown on tabs on the side of right pages. The fonts used in this
sample PDF are Satyr and Faunus, made by Monokrom. has
a scanned copy of the printed edition of this Old Icelandic dictionary from



Prince is often used to generate PDF invoices from HTML pages. Customers
first see the invoice on their screen, and then receive a printable PDF version
for their records. Here you will find two examples of invoices, one colorful,
the other more conservative.



Sidenotes are often placed in the outside margin of textbooks, alternating

between the left and right side. Figures and tables float to the top and
bottom of pages in this sample PDF file, and wide content extends into



Our friends at Drylab write beautiful newsletters, and we have converted one
of their designs to HTML and CSS. By using these formats, the newsletter
can easily be published online and converted to PDF.


Scientific Journal 


The USENIX conference Proceedings has a two-column layout with figures

floating to the top and bottom. In the HTML source of this sample document,
references are inline but appear at the end by way of JavaScript.


Blue-sky printing 

This sample uses a variety of fancy techniques for effect: JavaScript, multi-
column layout, rotated text, CSS3 transforms, and page bleeds.

Reconstructed Essay 


Thomas Malthus published his essay on Principles of Population in 1798. At

the time, the descending "s" was in fashion and this reconstruction uses
the prince-text-replace property to recreate the original printed book
( has a scanned copy). Also, the document uses ligatures and the
Table of Contents is generated with a script.


Product Catalogues 

Product catalogues should be available online and in print. Typically, images

and text about the products are stored in a database and pulled into web
pages for online viewing, and into PDF files for printing. This example shows
how HTML can be the basis for both web pages and for the catalogue.
Although the HTML code is slightly different, the underlying data is the

Website HTML Print HTML PDF


The web sometimes feels like a collection of brochures. If so, it should be

possible to make paper-based brochures from the web. Here is an example.


The magic of Prince 

This document was an early demonstrator of many features we now take for
granted in CSS. The 13k source document showcases multicolumn layout,
SVG, rounded borders, hyphenation, and automatic counters. Also, some
page-specific features are used: page floats, footnotes, and PDF bookmarks.
And math!


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