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No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCO-04


(NI Term-End Examination

June, 2011


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal

1. (a) Explain the nature and importance of

business environment. 10,10
(b) Discuss the concept of environmental
scanning and the approaches adopted for
the purpose.

2. State the regulatory policy measures prevalent till 8,12

mid-80's in India, and outline the changes made
through reformist policy package of July 1991.

3. Explain the recent measures adopted by SEBI for

strengthening investors' interest and confidence
in the stock market, and specify the amendments
in SEBI Act in 2002 in this regard. 12,8

MCO-04 1 P.T.O.
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4. Discuss the concept of corporate governance and

state the various measures adopted in India to
ensure good corporate governance. 5,15

5. What were the objectives laid down in the

Industrial Policy Resolution of 1956 for the public
sector ? How far have they been achieved ? 6,14

6. Make a critical assessment of the impact of 20

economic reforms keeping in view the long term
objectives of economic development.

7. (a) " There has been a paradigm shift in the

FDI Policy in India" Comment. 10,10
(b) Describe the various ways of transferring
technology from one country to another.

8. How does socio-cultural environment affect

business decision -making ? Give a brief account
of the nature of social culture environment
prevailing in India. 8,12

9. Write explanatory notes on any two of the

following : 10,10
(a) Provisions relating to anti - competition
agreements under the competition
Act, 2002
(b) Role of Exim Bank
(c) Rationale for Economic Planning
(d) Social Audit

MCO-04 2
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uNt4 i-ilicniru gib

t1,11ci TR*.
'‘'ff, 2011

31}.-04 : triTtor
7777z7 : 3 ET4 3TATT-
07 : 100

: 4 rtrw W-777 sal)* 3 Frfff

1. (a) oticmlq triTkvi Ted 1 i-wca oqitsql

(b) Tp:1-q7M -lafdtittoTf'TI fa W-4,
wif-A-R I

2. 14v-T-80 317-iT7 ci 1111-Ich .91t T3 8,12

1991 13q11-dt "4-7 'gRT
f a. TIC ogIt40.41 W771

3. milt 14 -74 3Titgr

- 1--4F4Fr
(-Ricrd 12,8
(SEBI) girl aicr9TR TIC dtivil
oe.mseil 7P-ir 7:1 aftfazrgr
200211 -17 3",•U --1•NR•

MCO-04 3 P.T.O.
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4. cb1(4ike. kimilc1-1 (corporate governance) 3174T MT 5,15

f I 1TR7 14 74m
IT d "M-1
3117-1 cnt; dc3R 7IT--<1:11 WA7 I

5. 1956 t 31PTW d 4 kiiciArleb fc.t 6,14

WIT ZiTT 1 & TR ? rchti WWITT 7P1T?

6. 33rfifw-f-a-*-Fr 7-04f t 717744 aTifft 20

71*T14 Tiitrq

7. (a) " iT1Tff 7F.t..371. ilrd 1:Tm7f trft-a-4-9.

ft71• 717:11t1" W--A71 10,10

(b) .) tqT7417:1-1
raft auk --1-r-47

8.-111-11 ■
71ch-ilt-cp -9-F-74r act) f9717F 8,12
TriTri-a-u oho! t? 9.1R7 rifiTf
trft---4vr -5r-t-fu Tif rf r7 I

9. r1+-ircifigd 14 74 ft—4' ")-1:17

fura7 I 10,10

(a) 1;TfdTETtli 3l-Rif-5414, 2002 t afaTfutl-T-7fdTEM

(b) fi4ff--3171M (EXIM) ;a.) TI
(c) 311fft 1;14ml i 3trm---
(d) altiuT I

MCO-04 4
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No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCO -04 I

C Term-End Examination
O December, 2011


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry eqqal

1. Explain briefly the major components of external 20

environment and their impact on business.

2. (a) Explain, with justification, the relaxation of

government controls over foreign direct
investment, and analyse the trend in FDI
flows in India. 10,10
(b) Enumerate the distinguishing features of
producer companies.

3. Discuss the significance of money market in a

modern economy and explain the principal
constituents of money market and their
functioning in India. 6,14

4. Distinguish between restrictive trade practice and

monopolistic trade practice, and state the
circumstances under which certain restrictive
trade practices are justified in public interests. 8,12

MCO-04 1 P.T.O.

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5. (a) Enumerate the trade policy reforms initiated

by the Government in 1991-92. 10,10
(b) Critically evaluate the growth of small scale
industries after 1991.

6. "With increasing liberalisation, planning in India 20

has undergone significant changes." In the light
of this statement analyse the main features of
economic planning in India.

7. Explain the concept of social responsibility of

business, and discuss the nature of its obligations
(a) employees
(b) shareholders, and
(c) public at large

8. (a) Explain the functions and coverage of WTO

as distinguished from GATT. 10,10
(b) Discuss the salient features of foreign
collaboration policy.

9. Write explanatory notes on any two of the

following : 10,10
(a) Need for Investors Protection
(b) Objectives and applicability of SICA
(c) Trends in National Income and its growth
(d) Regulation of foreign trade in India

MCO-04 2
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TT.4-. 34.-041

curukiti k-iirichlTii


Rtiqt, 2011

RR/t3il-04 : (=gat.' q TTRAvr

37fw-dr/ :

3)F : chi rirW M.Y1W7rW T I Frg 3181 . 37.T FFITV eI

1. gm EMT *TliFf 7-6-4 ow:Nig * '513TT-1 20
TOEF 14 odikstu I

2. (a) fqtt 51NaT f9.-4r kwr)Rt- f9.4 -crr Trt

*T1 04, Trro, 041(941 W-A-R %TIM g
TF:t.31TC V-4ff rakr)qui '414R I 10,10
(b) dC4Icct) 1;4f:14i -1--rr-6Eui "ffiT Z-Agi
ft-F-A I

3. aittifiW 334-a1-41,21T 14ail efoiit * 4-wcci ft4-47

Wlf-4R cWT qt 04011( 3117§1 '464 74 37' chief
TrurrF1 co-IRV-11 -1.* 6,14

4. Clcit 041411 .&:[Tatf 04I4R

3i-dr 2Tr tri-tfreird4i f f-*-f-4R
Mrticit 0414R WiWRIV. argrfff tiic i11 ah

fo 31"c10 B-67411 t I 8,12

MCO-04 3 P.T.O.

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5. (a) 1991-92 4 titahIt gRI RIA ir7 .61141(

1 rl ds11111. 14. ob
(b) 1991 a
oeiltsqi Vi77 I

6. " ,c dqlrichkul TIT2T 4TR7 4 zh-A9T 4 -17- 1:0 20

t 1 ,, 71..wp_ri t „oi. 31T11.w

71-179-r 1 -71-Erupt .41-A-R I

7. cqcitliq drItgirqcot 3-1•441711TT c4i(v41

(a) ch
(b) qttITN, 74
(c) Nfa. dlkqtrqca •
~iT f W.-A7

8. (a) (GATT) A. f4 f fqva. ogiLik (WTO)

aWT aft.T-*-R 0.q cgisql 1.I 10,10
(b) fq-kt A71-1-rr -ard fq*tr-drat

9. 1 1--irorell 4 A ft-q7 TiciT rclkC)ilunciien re..-1


(a) fikiTW TiTkiuT 3-1T4F1WFT

(b) ,t)Aui AdffilW afgr-941R (SICA) 3074
74 ovii
(c) Titzr 3-Tm. -0101 '2TE T{:rwr fa-wrA
(d) 4L1117 4 fate

MCO-04 4
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No. of Printed Pages : 7 MCO-04

ii, Term-End Examination
June, 2012

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1. Discuss the components of External Environment. 20

How do they influence the Business in its
working ? Give suitable examples.

2. (a) Discuss the Long Term Goals of Economic 10

Planning in India.
(b) Critically examine the Tenth five year plan 10
with special reference to its objectives,
development strategies and constraints.

3. Critically evaluate the policy measures adopted 12, 8

by the Government to encourage inflow of foreign
capital. Also indicate the hurdles that foreign
investors are still facing.

4. (a) 'Socially responsible organizations are 10

usually the most successful organizations'.
Elaborate on the statement.
(b) Explain briefly the various approaches to 10
social accounting and reporting.

MCO-04 1 P.T.O.
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5. Explain the framework of Indian financial system.
State the major recommendations of the
Narasimham ComMittee on financial sector
reform. What steps have been taken by the
Government to improve the working of the
financial sector ? 5,10,5

6. Discuss why investor's protection has become a 20

matter of serious concern in recent times and
outline the major provisions of the companies
(Amendment) Act, 2000 aimed at enhancing the
quality of corporate governance in India.

7. State the regulatory policy measures prevalent

before July 1991. Outline the changing role of
government in regulating the market economy in
the post - liberalization era. 10,10

8. State SEBI Guidelines in respect of :

(a) Pricing of securities at the time of making a 7

public issue.

(b) Promoters' contribution in a public issue of 7


(c) Documents to be submitted along with the 6

offer document by the lead manager.

MCO-04 2
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9. (a) Attempt any two of the following : 5, 5
(i) Special EconoM'ic Zones (SEZs)
(ii) Trade Related Intellectual Property
Rights (TRIPs)
(iii) Consumerism
(b) Distinguish between any two of the 5, 5
following :
(i) Strikes and lockouts
(ii) Speculative Transactions and
Investment Transactions
(iii) Repo and Reverse Repo rates

MCO-04 3 P.T.O.
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[ -04

FU l\rti I CI ch Ti Zrrat
ti 1 ICI liftVT

17, 2012
T/777 :3 W2 31fi1Th7q 3-T.T : 100
7: rIta 45+-f w--gYi 3 i two/ el
1. -4ff-# -cif74-7 P4RT5r .4 20
oqcwiq N-11-01 1*
-71 Mchlt 39-Tif4-ff ?
id oeAltsql •Wr"-A1

2. (a) 1-11Tatzf 3-TrWzh--9-r

(b) TfTt 41(14 a z11-4-ti r r1, 10
TuTtrU .d211 31-41)" .4.T kiof w-f1(1101-110-111 tc\i-1
F.R(. qui
3. f-dt711. 7-4gi Ttqqi Wchlt .gRT 12, 8
31-9--iq RifiF?r -11 3717ff'Wf 31-1-*--ffff
•Tlf—A7 I 37 31—dtff T -Tff fq-9-wr 314-
chl -114-1-1177.11T7111t1

4. (a) " 37Rqlti 7#2,1-K- -i14-11-61c1q1 3Tra 10

-1(-h(*1 I" r a; r fcRaol

MCO-04 5 P.T.O.
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(b) ‘-•g1 2.TT 34-9-9-r1 10

falW 1->1

5. 91T{Th fqtz1 -9171 w9.44r

TT-r-Tifff rrr t
r,d ,h1WI cbi fqth--zr chi4-ato-i

wa-,R -gm 3Tcr-iR TR fqflwr

- r

6. Fa -4-f--47 ficro--- --1=rzr 1

1F-1,;i14)) *1- Ww 20

1-45.1tT HiHof , iqrt ► '41-r-{

qulc1711 IfZfry (4r4-N--9- ) 3-1-NfizrR, 2000
Trpq-0 *Oft -4-F-wR

7.•1---01- , 1991 tf 'TO t -NH* lei rdchf 6CH d

'Wrr-47 I 3q111->tul err alAR 342t-ara-T-241-

1414-11 -14 -R.1-)R a,1 -q-c-o—d'r lif-Tr-*-r chi 1ft


8. f14--irrirod #4tT Tha'r (SEBI) -Rt chi

arc r

(a) tzRI. f9Ti14 Wrzt 3ifffiftt chf 7

Tffq f9N-i-TuT

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(b) 3frffirrdt f9-41 ter - ►9 7

(c) -9-4tTT gRi sR:urq- fr-47t-t1124. 6


9. (a) r-p--trokAd 4 -4 i c TfRit-d- rduirulqi 5, 5

fffftf7 :

(i) FI aTTKT (SEZs)

(ii) , qur 3T- NT*-TT (TRIPs)

9q1411 4,sitft CfrcW


(b) -14-lisofigd 4 4 ft.T7)--4 : 5, 5

(i) 5c11(1 12,TT

(ii) ?fir 2Tr f9-4T

(iii) sti mrci •

MCO-04 7
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No. of Printed Pages : 7 MCO-04


Term-End Examination
December, 2012


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal


1. "Economic conditions, economic policies and 20

systems are important external factors that
constitute the economic environment of a
business." Explain this statement and give Indian
illustrations to show interaction between economic
and non-economic environment.

2. Discuss the institutional framework that has been 20

evolved for the promotion and growth of small
sector in India. What are the major constraints
that are still being faced by the small scale sector?

3. (a) Explain any two of the following : 5,5

(i) Indian Patents Act, 1970, an
(ii) Convertibility of rupee on capital
(iii) Administered prices.

MCO-04 1 P.T.O.
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(b) Distinguish between any two of the 5,5

following :
(i) Import substitution and Export
(ii) Balance of Trade and Balance of
(iii) Monopolistic and Restrictive Trade

4. What do you mean by privatization ? Why is it

considered necessary today ?Explain the possible
areas of privatization and point out the problems
associated with privatization in India. 5, 5, 10

5. "The scope and coverage of labour legislation are 20

very wide and overlapping." Discuss this
statement by giving an overview of labour
legislation in India.

6. What is 'economic policy'? What are its different

forms? Explain various objectives of fiscal policy.
Why is co-ordination between monetary and fiscal
policies necessary ? 5, 5, 10

7. Discuss the main deficiencies of Indian Money 20

Market, and state the reformist measures
introduced by Reserve Bank of India to strengthen
the Indian Money Market.

MCO-04 2
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8. (a) State the provisions of the Competition Act 10

2002 with respect to regulation of
monopolies in India.
(b) What are the rights conferred upon 10
Consumers under the Consumer Protection
Act, 1986 ? Who can file a complaint under
the Act ? Explain.

9. Why is foreign capital so important for India's

economic development ? Point out important
Policy changes announced by the Government to
attract foreign capital since July, 1991. 10, 10

MCO-04 3 P.T.O.
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Kgr aft. - 04
cilrulqt1 IrIct;iii•k ZITIN
t1:410 1T 1T
71.1t311.-04 : leTkIT
: 3 iu 37fFIWUTT afT : 100

: e 4 e wet Try-q r 37'w oil,/ ei

1. " al-0k tf-d--zri 20

ezfiql cnRcr, t F\311 oe4w-fiq "TR-471-wr
t 1" dq (4)1 °Luse-1i "WIF--7 air 31-6'24-
- aTifft Tr-07-r -4 31--4-Pfwzrr Tek 4.1R-t-zr

2. ITRff 14 c1 3errff f-dWM 4a4-ff 20

Ti- Wmra Gi-4 TF f44-49T1f-
F\711 3N1. (1-71 cf).11 45 (1

3. (a) -14-1 i (5d -4 rn1 0L11(9q1 .W1-* : 5,5

(i)zl.4jE3-tfrizili, 1970 fa ,11,4(1-1,4,-1
(ii) -c0-17m (I 7:17 goi

MCO-04 5 P.T.O.
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(b) F-P-ircirod T4 014 5, 5

(i) 3TR1TU T2ITT:r7 f9-4a14-44-9.

(ii) all4lt *Er tti
(iii) -d2Tr -5rea4.91- 044141k 31241

4. r-onchul qzrr t? 3Tr--4-*-F

t? Timed cqm►i
.U94T ITTTd rizfichtui 4.1Fera WITErTat
W---4R I 5, 5, 10

5. ("Ir;IgH 4q -R-4 -faRrRwrchl- fa-Rra .u21-r 311-d

- rcrl 20
ti" wr-cd 54 -41;1q4-1*14nickilq.)-1 -Trrq

6. 3Trfik cr qzrr t? 74* -N-fir -Fcr wrr t?

thita, q t- raiim*-Tff (4,1 ciltsql fatzi
(lAchltilq t-W w-i-etq qqi 3Tr-q-vq--*--dr
5, 5, 10

7. I cim► t 4-49..WW-A7,2,1-111-R4-4 20
liLf .WFTIA Mfr fq-
011'1R TSS-q -TT A-4 44) gRI
TTF-q-r- W-

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8. (a) 141.7 if 7-*-rfwrftw *-24-r3 fq-ftql:r9. ot.;

9ffiTcf4i 3TfiftzrIT, 2002*. mIcfNiqf
A7 I 10, 10
(b) 31:11.11qM Tf7Vv1 3-TW-97114, 1986

ztri4-1--th-r4 1q1.-( f-*.7 N alfq--*-R *EJIT t ?

3Tfirrizfrf 3.1— rfff 09'

9. - hq 3Trf2 fd-WR:f
1.17-dT fq-ke
1:1- 1114 Aid( t? cil 1991 -4 f-d-- 7ff ch)
31-rwrrif-ff a.)(4 webR IZlEKtiff f*7 7 -11-6---cgri
ro+Ici 4Racf-i1' 10, 10

MCO-04 7
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No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCO-04

Term-End Examination
June, 2013

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weigh tage : 70%
Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1. Explain briefly the critical elements of 20

socio-cultural environment of business and their
impact on business decision making.

2. Explain the salient features of companies 20

(Amendment) Bill, 2003.

3. Distinguish between money market and capital

market ; and discuss the importance of stock
exchanges for (i) companies (ii) investors and
(iii) society. 6+14

4. (a) Explain the concept of political

environment of business and its critical
elements. 10+10
(b) State the main provisions of the Take Over
Code as modified by SEBI in 1997.

MCO-04 1 P.T.O.
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5. Why is Indian economy regarded as an

underdeveloped economy ? Analyse its basic
characteristics. 4+16

6. "Fiscal policy has multi-dimensional role". In the 20

light of this statement explain the objectives of
fiscal policy in India and state as to how far these
have been accomplished ?

7. Describe the various export promotion measures 20

initiated by the Govt. of India and state as to how
far these have facilitated the foreign trade.

8. Explain the concept of 'unfair trade practice' with

examples, and state the powers of MRTP
commission for the control of such practices. 8+12

9. Write explanatory notes on any two of the

following : 10 +10
(a) Approaches to social accounting
(b) Consumer protection councils
(c) Financial Sector Reforms
(d) Foreign Direct Investment Policy

MCO-04 2
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4:41 uhro-1 -11 i--11c1c1;1-ck •31-4114

t-IA id TItaIT
'f, 2013

7rA.311.-04 : ot4c1flIti liffk7

3rTfaT :3 bit/2 31NWT17 3TW : 100

y . chi :70%

: Ch i rft Sl.Yri WY4- 77 Ti9 ft T17** 3.i Nql1 el

1. ogok-Ilq t k-I1 4-11 s-Tia,- -IR-cprocr.) tift—d7r -k .1-)1 20

ciRsil -tr—A"fair -1 4-1-11 rob cii.miLiq, f9Trfzr9-
U -5 -.-T-dr t I

2. tilt ( 4q114- ) fad, 2003tr NicreTT9'1 eqRsir 20

wlf-A7 1

3. tr 011:71R TIT 1 1 94 -W177; .ff 2rf (i) 011 1-1F-1 44)

cilAlt 1
(ii) r-idict.).1 i( (no w-ii,Tt t Fri .-e.14) .,i-H -4,-,-ii t
•• i .4f--4 1 6+14

4. (a) celakiltf * tm -iliich -cifT-47r -wl. 4011Q-411'ff2ITZUk

-tut e4ch (-Ica). ceti(sql •WIF—A7 I 10+10

(b) (,,s41 (SEBI) giti 199714 -47fifirdf-*-7-117 a-Tfr

.4-- * -43LaT m1crq0 --rc- z7-1- -u --1-r-A-R
-- I

MCO-04 3 P.T.O.
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5. ITRARLI 3301- 4"-{:211 cf-4 T 614.11R-Ici 34q-o,-1-d-T-211

-H-II sin t? 3TRIR1 fdtEiaT4 chi rciLlu►

6. " •t1‘31.11)1414 11RI (111 d1 t I" -PR. 20


ciwAi ac-1► fa, If4

doh chk1-11 t?

7. ITRd Htchlt T{T -1*-7 11 rcIFIT?T f9-zfd 44'49' 3T041 20

T quh A7 (4-)
Ttriz -4-f--

cich -(Tr t?

8. `3-1-P4ff ogli-iIk 311471' 4chc4-1 -11 ct)1-

6-711)' TIFtd

-67=f1LW1 TT A 7'fq
-1-f7'V 8+12

9. tgd -4 A f FcW;t1I-J110-Ich rdu-lrullf


(a) c11 -NW!

(b) TiMuf T-Ifttsf I

(c) Wrzr TT I
(d) 4T 41fd I
MO. ctR.T f-4-

MCO-04 4
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No. of Printed Pages : 4 I MCO-04

LC) Term-End Examination
December, 2013
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 70%
Note : Attempt any five questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

1. What do you understand by 'Business

Environment' ? Discuss the salient features of
some and the importance of understanding it. 4, 8, 8

2. Give five arguments to justify the business

enterprises assuming social responsibilities, and
enumerate corporate social responsibility efforts
made in India by some prominent companies. 10, 10

3. "The scope and coverage of labour legislation are 20

very wide and overlapping". Elucidate the
statement with a brief review of labour legislation
in India.

4. State the SEBI guidelines in respect of 8, 2, 10

(a) promoter's share holding
(b) new financial instruments, and
(c) terms of the public issue.

5. Discuss the salient features of the New Industrial 12, 8

Policy as enunciated by the Govt. of India in 1991,
and make a critical appraisal there of.

MCO-04 1 P.T.O.
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6. Describe the institutional framework that has been 20

evolved for the promotion of small scale sector in

7. Do you feel that foreign direct investment is

necessary for developing countries like India ?
Give your arguments and also state the limitations
of FDI. 10, 10

8. Distinguish between : 7, 7, 6
(a) Economic Growth and Economic
(b) Fundamental rights and Directive Principles
of state policy
(c) Speculative transaction and investment

9. Write explanatory notes on any two of the

following : 10, 10
(a) Technology Transfer
(b) Globalisation of Indian economy
(c) Requisites of Good Corporate Governance
(d) Measures adopted to improve India's
Balance of Payments.

MCO-04 2
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fq-AlziT, 2013

71.4•34.-04 : ce-rakitt4 11fttrr

TITT21 :3 FIT4 37f L/ aT'w : loo

: 70%

712- : re-a 501,1 ql qat W91 3fW tI

1. cgcmiq trft--471' 3Trcrwr qzrr t? Tff-4-

Fcv)ticii4 -ff2Tr Tprej-4 --471 4, 8, 8

2. 0q1cMliich gRI k-114-11Rich 311kqlrqco1 cnl 3-TT9T4

ITRu Tu 114-1 cio-1 -N .
giti fi Tr7 kiI1-11F1en thitqlricel 371-R:ff
fry 10, 10

3. " 31f-d--0:rrt 20
t ITR-61-zr 3Fr 4fkixTr wilur Trrq
21-ff cgitseir

4. (a) 4cfti-4 8, 2, 10
(b) ;d1-ff fa-44 MLN, c12 T
(c) fffrf-ffff 441 qicil pia t (Sail)

MCO-04 3 P.T.O.
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5. 1991 14 1 gRI 011 IT1 1411 3frOTW 12, 8

-11 f ci f F.Rlacit311 «41(Ni -41—AR, MR 31-14)1
- - -R I

6. %.11T-ff 14 7q 3-tht i4qtta- * .1-1R TR #1:9-TroTw 20


7. SIT 3Trcr -{4-gp-Mcb itrt-ff achMk1(1

fqt,ff 5I ctRi fa—d7 (FDI) 3TNT4 t? 3v:A A NRIff
-ff2.11 10, 10

8. 3-1T : 7, 7, 6
(a) 31T{ It Mil 3TrfziT fawru
(b) 34f4-*--RMTT (W-4 friZiff
(c) MU -ft-4w (;.-R-1

9. -1 4-1r r(gc-1 14 fwt ITT olkCitlullci-lch ku-I1J111

10, 10
(a) ch-11(1
(b) 91-Rd-izr 340---
4P-TE kci ef.)Uf

(c) 3T ii
mit4 timIK1-1 311c4 1ch ciccf
(d) ITR7 liTraff Ala kiL. 3T1-.MR 1TR

MCO-04 4
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No. of Printed Pages : 6 MCO-04

Term-End Examination
June, 2014
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 70%
Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1. (a) What do you understand by business 10

environment ? Explain its importance for
the business.
(b) Give a brief account of the quantitative and 10
qualitative aspects of demographic
environment in India and state their
relevance to business decision-making.

2. (a) Give five arguments to justify business 10

enterprises assuming social responsibilities,
and enumerate corporate social
responsibility efforts made in India.
(b) Why were legislative enactments found 10
necessary for environmental protection ?
State the important provisions of the
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.

3. (a) "Companies (Amendment) Act, 2000 10

introduced a large number of changes in the
Companies Act, 1956". Elaborate on the

MCO-04 1 P.T.O.
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(b) Explain briefly the main provisions of 10

Industries (Development and Regulation)
Act, 1951.

4. (a) What are the provisions of the Factories Act 10

regarding working hours for adult
workers ?
(b) What is the main purpose underlying the 10
Minimum Wages Act, 1948 ? What is the
role of the Advisory Boards in that
Context ?

5. (a) What do you mean by money market ? 10

Explain its importance for a modern
(b) What are the various measures introduced 10
during recent years to strengthen the Indian
money market ?

6. (a) "SEBI has been entrusted with the main 10

responsibility to adopt suitable measures for
protecting the interest of investors in
securities and promoting the development
and regulation of stock market". Discuss.
(b) What are the conditions required to be 10
fulfilled by (i) a listed company and (ii) an
unlisted company to be eligible to make a
public issue of shares as per SEBI
Guidelines ?

7. (a) Explain briefly the concept of corporate 10

governance, and enumerate its broad
(b) Discuss the meaning and rationale of 10
technology transfer.

MCO-04 2
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8. (a) Distinguish between : 5, 5

(i) Economic Growth and Economic
(ii) Financial Savings and Physical
(b) Discuss the rationale for Economic 10

9. (a) Describe the institutional frame work that 10

has been evolved for the promotion and
growth of crnall scale industries in India.
(b) What are the measures adopted to Improve 10
India's Balance of Payments.

MCO-04 3
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WircrT7:1 rich 1 zurft

-1:4 trftaTT
79', 2014
74.4.311.-04 : ovk-0 -CfNTT
Trig-q :3 ,u? loo
O- chi : 70%

: ch rft vra• Friti7 Tra-)•• ‘3.? ti4 4111

1. (a) 0611cR-11 qc1-) -ErM7-r

3TrEr mfr oqicmii 10
T=It -4T-6- cqRsql
(b)911-m 14Rs.,-4,*C1 -cfr-T-d-T chi 4-11=110-Ich 3t - - 10
quIR-Hch -9-6-qaff tr -ff9-TT ciicRilk
f9Trizr fhi4,lrnclI .-rft-'17

2. (a) 0q1cRil 4ich 3-fu 37Rq141 Ala 10

TR-T ,47-ci tW--47-ff24-r 1179'4 *4-y
gRi f-*7 --114-11F,3-10h t -51704. tr
T- §r
(b) -f•7 faqi-t 3-1f* m1t 10
3T1-4. 1chcil trir? yqicikui 0-1-10-031-fkfTEFT
1986 4c-qauf chi -45rEA7,1

3. (a) "1:1-t 314

H, 2000 .gru ttrt 10
334 -1
-9-zR 19564 HRcici-IfT-R4R"i
~ti T 11 0.61Rsi .tlf-71

MCO-04 P.T.O.
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(b) T&TT (1cichR4 'ff211' roir-N4-il)31f4F9714, 1951 t 10

law{ v-aq-rt 1,1 7- 7g ttf- A7

4. (a) cM-c, si c 7 f t t -4-4N -4 10

*--4z-ft 3tqf97p4 wfq-F ?

(b) 3-11-4f971, 1948 t *qz1T -litql" 3t-Ef 10

? a1TffT t ?

5. (a) 11t 74 3111M off

TT 011, T-ec1-4 i) 3-11Vit 10
3-12fi&Td-T-24ft. Fri T=1-t
‘ -4c1" 06ifts.qi ttr--- I
(b) t 117d174 11- 1 111 TP7 10
Fel i& fdf 3clrzr 3179-7

6. (a) `74-ql.(SEBI) ch -,4f-d9ifdt 1,1 10

Tur t7-43 tzi-T *AR t fat-m A
-c-Rqirqc-ci 'cT wit t' I fq---d-q-9- ttfA71
(b)t fq7TT f 3-TT:ITT (i) 10
3R (ii) L&ch tErt -4-ru *zr-{
f9741.ff rr1i, ft-9. 70 cbl tol iT

7. (a) cbILITt-E. -404 14 oe-Iltsql 10

-4)1F,R, -43 7f 7k7t chi
(b) cichl 3i2.1 1101 3-11fqT21 tT fade 10
t9,-f 71

MCO-04 5 P.T.O.
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8. (a) F-14-1ror(Aci 3fd-{ T-61-47 : 5, 5

(i) TN-F-4 3& 3-Tri21i ?at
(ii) fq--474 TTd t-
(b) I r F-1431 3-frf chi tl-fq7 i 10

9. (a) 9-TR7 c 3qtrff t 1. frq*

—--r-R t rri 10
rcicbRld f-*-7 -4-T-24-Fra chi -antiT I
(b) `111-Tff t T1-61i tTI TITT rc.N 311
1917 4R 10

MCO-04 6
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No. of Printed Pages : 6 MCO-04

Term-End Examination
December, 2014
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 70%
Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1. (a) Discuss the important changes taking place 8

in Indian business environment.
(b) Explain the concept and process of 12
Environmental Scanning.

2. (a) "Protecting consumer interest is the primary 8

responsibility of management". Do you
agree with the statement ? Elucidate.
(b) Explain the concept of social accounting 12
and the various approaches adopted for
social accounting and reporting.

3. (a) State the provisions of the Competition Act,

2002 with respect to :
(i) checking of abuse of dominant 5
(ii) regulation of combinations 5
(b) Describe the composition and functions of 10
Competition Commission of India.

MCO-04 1 P.T.O.
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4. (a) What are the provisions of Industrial 10

Disputes Act, 1947, regarding :
(i) strikes and lock outs,
(ii) lay off and retrenchment.
(b) What is meant by workers participation in 10
management ? Discuss the schemes of
workers participation so far introduced in

5. (a) Define stock exchange and describe its key 10

(b) What do you mean by speculation ? Do you 10
consider it necessary for the success of stock
exchange operations ? Give your views.

6. (a) State the SEBI Guidelines with respect to 10

promoter's contribution in a public issue of
securities by :
(i) a listed company, and
(ii) unlisted company
(b) State the measures adopted by SEBI at 10
strengthening investor's interest and
confidence in the stock market.

7. (a) Describe briefly the evolution of the concept 10

of corporate governance and outline the
various measures adopted in India to ensure
good corporate governance.
(b) What is globalisation ? Discuss the role and 10
functions of WTO in this regards.

8. (a) Discuss the main features of the New 10

Industrial Policy as enunciated by the
Government of India in 1991.
(b) What do you mean by monetary policy ? 10
State its main objectives.

MCO-04 2
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9. (a) Explain the salient features of the 10

government policy towards small scale
(b) What are the major constraints that are 10
being faced by small scale sector ? Discuss
ways and means to overcome such

MCO-04 3
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atrui\rti irict) TI•k 341 ET

flAiri trfivr

iqww, 2014

7.141-.311.-04 : Mfr
:3 37rETTUrf 3iT : 100

ate : Wit rift' SR-f W7f-

47/ ?TV VFY afw f144/1

1. (a) 4117-17 oqIcmiRichtlftkVil4t ci i4 8

(b) 4-
4110101 TWTT (3-1- 0)Th7) 3-17.41711 3 12
131fWziT .611(seir -tr-771

2. (a) '4 3711

1'14711 1*31PTITI- 8
t" I a-e4i 31rzt 5 TzTi ?
Fa toil 1
(b) 't-111-11 Act)171. chi 31-qq1TuT 1-f-77 12
3417 7It I 31-79-rTr rarim

3. (a) 14-i 7:1'4N T4 '51ffiTtNi 34N-r-9-zrg, 2002

4Uy :
fl0N-0 3-C-
(i) 31-N-q7rvi f-T-24-ru 77-4-rr en1 sli-u 5
(ii) 441,T1 ciH f 5
(b) 1.1Rtzf 3ffaTcrtTi 31- 71111 cI-1 1711. 10
auk -trA7 I

MCO-04 4 P.T.O.
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4. (a)3-1WITT fa--1T" 31M-F9711:1, 1947 : 10

(i) .ff2TT
(ii) 31T-217ft t=44A-a-r -irr-qTr*ia-t-4#N-a

(b) Mci*q.ff qf-43--*-1 4 '1.7474 TErr i t? 10

4 i-r-rr-A a,1 i f TdT f 3Tq cich
31797ft zh-- A-9T3 W-

5. (a) e.ich a,1 LirorrErr 2.rr 10

'wr T-1-f-
(b) mfr cii ? c 13iTq EifT7W=1-
47 10
Tfr-wzrr3ff qi1 .-14-)odi 31-r1FrT ?
3TIT4 fqq-IT --1-F77

6. (a) diftt .W01,311;Ict) f91114 14 4w4c-ka 71-'rrr-rff 10

t 40f :
(i) 1c Tp144 tcr, 3T t
(ii) 31--
14-4 tcit Trif-4T
-- -A7
(b) 71z1T cilgIR Fridicnsi rr d 3 fa-va-Fr io
t-ff 9-r4 4 gRi 3-1-9-971-77rTA -r -u

7. (a) *fcftE timilol a,1 31-a9R-orr Tf4K:r 10

4 auil irrTa-
qmItl 31797 Tr7 Faiim Ti-rt

(b) c';141.1,)1 *Ai Zrc t? TI:94 -f-q-q-a 10

oli-iR 44161 (WTO) 9p=rwr

MCO-04 5 P.T.O.
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8. (a) 1991 4 ITR-ff wchR gitf ArogIrqo 10

fir- -11 rd rn1 r rqq),Icoli 7
(b) -iIrcr aiTcrtl t? 71-kif 10
7k74 -I

9. (a) 75 Tdrrfft ArcrTRtR.--iircr f ff3 10

c4atil t1fA7 I
(b) ri 3t:1)7T ii-1 11-004 TPTFTTA 1 tiI4-1-11 cIt 10
? TrTRzrr3ff 7 c t raNvi 7crrt

MCO-04 6
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No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCO-04

Is-) Term-End Examination
0 June, 2015

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage : 70%
Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1. Describe emerging scenario of business 20

environment in India and its implications for the

2. (a) Explain the concept of social accounting

and the various approaches adopted there
and for its reporting. 10+10
(b) What were the regulatory measures for
industry and trade in India prevalent till the
mid - 80s' ? Explain briefly.

3. Enumerate the major changes introduced in the 20

Companies Act, 1956 during 1999 - 2001.

4. What do you mean by money market ? Explain

the main constituents of Indian money market. 4+16

MCO-04 1 P.T.O.
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5. (a) Why is Indian economy regarded as an

under developed economy ? State its basic
characteristics. 10+10
(b) Explain the long term goals adopted for
economic planning in India.

6. Describe the concept of corporate governance, and

outline the measures adopted in India to ensure
good corporate governance. 8+12

7. Discuss the ownership measures, organisational 20

measures and operational measures as the three
forms the process of privatisation of public
enterprises can take. Explain them in brief.

8. What are the principal objectives of EXIM Policy

2002 - 07 ? Explain its main provisions relating
to exports and imports. 6+14

9. Write explanatory notes on any two of the

following : 10+10
(a) Need for Investors' Protection
(b) Case for Social Responsibilities of Business
(c) Problems and Issues of GATS
(d) Functions of WTO

MCO-04 2
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clIruNti 11 tiltich Tit WIN'

1:ffk TRIAR
‘9', 2015
71:1.111.311.-04 : wrdfirrf 4 t *I

qHq :3 i(i 37-fvw-d7 34- : 100

37(/ wr : 70%
: WY rift' 3777 Wf-47 / R4 s►.r-t . * 34-7:1711V ft,
1. %TR-a. 4 ogicmilict) trft4vi*zi-R-4 TINFI 2TT oticitilq 20
* im *kict,1 fq.4kirail A co-iitstif'Wlf-

2. (a) tiviiNch carat A iicw-iir -ffeiT *ti4 "Strat<ff *

ici. aTIT9rt Trt fafm far rzil «a RN! WIF-A-R I
(b) -qui 80 WW `4TRff 4 -51- 4i—dff dal( -R4 oe4141( *
arltillict) 41F111c1 ZWZr 4;Err 4? fq 4 ptiitsell
Af-A-R1 10+10

3. 1999 - 2001* q tirf cbqi 3ifttizFr, 1956 4 .4) TR 20

f-441Wqrtqcf-11 if A* AFL I

4. 1pT milt 14 W cm-ief t? ITTItzT TT Gm( *13U4

TtEreei eti ItSel f Ar-
A7 I 4+16

MCO-04 3 P.T.O.
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5. (a) 1.1744 372141:211 r Rich apt-rq-Ru

TFTiT t? 33MT1T10 f4trfMA cif
3"U - 1-r-
A7 I 10+10
(b) ITR7 anfek apriRTT7
Rsq --11-A7

6. *P:ftZ 4-c4 io (YARN' -ff9-tr

wrcAz 31Trdtiff cht; rt-R 311:197 t
fariT 34141 8+12

7. d '4 1
44 Id-110-1 ch 314P:ff 7qT ti,1ic-I11c4-14) 341 11 20
371-Wrr1 * ITT * tff
IzTF:11* TEr fa-d-q9. W- A7

8. f9767-3Therg (EXIM) -Iircf 2002 - 07* 41(9e4 3tFT ^EfT

t ? f9-zrk 3-Trzo 4,4Riff -fird * 311p TIT4tTlt

9. -41 -14 fch41 t irolqctfulltlich tzwtuhii

fffra7 : 10+10
(a) t471W TETWIT 3-11-471WM
(b) oticHiq * kill-UR/t drItgliticcf *
(c) GATS
(d) WTO* chief

MCO-04 4
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No. of Printed Pages : 4 I MCO -04

Term-End Examination
December, 2015
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 70%
Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1. Discuss the concept of environmental scanning

and its characteristics. Also describe the process
of environmental scanning. 8, 12

2. (a) "There are several elements of political

environment which may be regarded as its
critical elements in Relation to business."
Discuss these elements in the Indian context.
(b) "The role of stock exchanges in India need
not be over emphasized". Comment. 10, 10

3. Describe the important amendments proposed 20

under the Companies Amendment Bill 2003 and
the additions proposed there to by Irani Panel.

4. (a) Describe the traditional method of trading 12, 8

on stock exchanges, and explain how has
online trading improved the system of
purchase and sale of securities and the
settlement of transactions.

MCO-04 1 P.T.O.
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(b) Why had it become necessary for

Government of India to initiate capital
market reforms and regulatory measures in
the recent past ? Discuss.

5. "In India, the monetary policy framework

significantly changed during 1990s." Elaborate
on this statement and evaluate the monetary
policy followed by Reserve Bank of India during
nineties. 8, 12

6. What is Balance of Payment ? What are various

types of accounts on BOP ? Discuss the measures
adopted to improve India's Balance of
Payments. 5, 5, 10

7. Outline the major requirements under clause 49

of listing agreement under SEBI regulations in
respect of Board of Directors, Audit Committee
and subsidiary companies. 8, 8, 4

8. State the basic principles incorporated in GATT

for the realisation of its objectives, and explain
the functions and coverage of WTO as
distinguished from GATT. 8, 12

9. Write explanatory notes on any two of the

following : 10, 10
(a) Provisions of Companies (Amendment) Act,
(b) Consumer Movement in India
(c) Foreign Collaboration Policy
(d) Workers Participation in Management

MCO-04 2
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TT. .311.-04

ctifiJiwti tliichilu aft


isql 1,zsi, 2015

71:11t311.-04 : c i ci iii 4 'k

RTR7T : 3 Q" - 34- : 100

3bei : 70%

: 1,4'1* iFr317- 31W MITT g

1. 4R4tz1 TwTq-qta. I WWW*-1 -F-471-1Td-raff

Tom -5rFwzri
au 8, 12

(a) "tint-iircichlTF04* : 31t -Mtcqcikiltf

Tt4g 4 afu IT*71t1"
ITF-d-44 *Tfq4 4 7 ciccil fa-4-4a. --1.rui7 I
(b) tech i 4-1 -cf 3Tii,TW
3T1q71-*7T t 1" -14-1101-a-fr 10, 10

3. relrf 2003 ' 3-1"717 1:1 1174 20

T2TT rct, '1I-f gRI Ak-cillact
LiRci*tt (additions) I

4. (a) -R--4Tr-47 c411LIR fa-fIT auk 12, 8

Rtr TiTv. c411HR
gfairrdt 9nei
- farr 72.11
f91:1* rcbq BchIt NA! t ?

MCO-04 3 P.T.O.
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(b) f citi •14 ITRff Wchlt t

TTRI .2TT r-lq1 4-Ict) 79711 T w4-31. c4).
3T-47:rw tr Trzrr? fa—d-97 --11--A7

5. "1990 t -1T -grftw -1:ropf (co-i

1" TzTff otiitsq 2.rf i t
4th' ITRtzf ft-A-4 44) gRi aTcr-irt Trft-*-
*--r--A-R I
- 8, 12

6. 9iTMtiAla err f t? 9gruTa. Ala 41-1 Rifim

w4,R*(gi'd old f? Ala71-54 cht;
3791-4 774 -TT f-44-4-i .-1-F7R I 5, 5, 10

7. (SEBI) rar-itii-iitatd1fd k--4* - {111 (Listing) 741:*

NITT 49 t atifff f9tUT ci)4, altkruT "ff21 -1
.1v.ot> ciolr-tq'l 4.irtrff latv:r 31-r-lv1rwaT3ii ITT 3c
1-N7 I
-- 8, 8, 4

8. 3T 3-0Z4 -511frii rc-R tlz (GATT)

#r-4-fq d iii f r fa cip-w
4iic5-1(WTO)t 3-TN citesqr l 8, 12

9. Pp-IR-1{6i 11 14 rch41 -ETT quI10-Ich fzwfuiir

fir : 10, 10
(a) 4q4) alf%Ifizig, 2000 't -51rdtiri
(b) `1.1r 37*-17fT
(c) fa--art Tr- TT -11rd
(d) -5r4tT N.W Trpi-rr-Trar

MCO-04 4
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No. of Printed Pages : 4 I MCO -04


Term-End Examination
June, 2016

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage : 70%
Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1. Critically evaluate the policy measures adopted

by the Government to encourage inflow of foreign
capital. Also indicate the hurdles that foreign
investors are still facing. 12+8

2. Distinguish between any two of the following : 10+10

(a) Strikes and lockouts
(b) Speculative Transactions and Investment
(c) Repo and Reverse Repo rates

3. State the regulatory policy measures prevalent

before July 1991. Outline the changing role of
government in regulating the market economy in
the post - liberalised era. 8+12

4. (a) Explain money market and capital market.

(b) Discuss the importance of stock exchanges
for (i) companies (ii) investors, and
(iii) society. 8+12

MCO-04 1 P.T.O.
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5. Explain any two of the following : 10+10

(a) Special Economic Zones (SEZs).
(b) Convertibility of rupee on capital account.
(c) Administered prices.

6. What do you mean by 'privatisation ? Why is it

considered necessary today ? Explain the possible
areas of privatisation and point out the problems
associated with privatisation in India. 5+5+10

7. Explain the frame work of Indian financial

system. What financial sector refotins have been
undertaken by the Government to improve the
working of the financial sector ? 5+15

8. What is 'business environment' ? Explain the

major elements which constitute the environment
of business. Why is it important for a manager to
study and scan this environment ? 5+5+10

9. Why were economic reforms necessary and what

reforms have been introduced ? Make a critical
assessment of the impact of economic reforms
keeping in view the long term objectives of
economic development. 10+10

MCO-04 2
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ciliiii‘rti timahlTvt ZITIfET

, 2016
A.41.-04 : cticmiti 14Rdql

Fr/27:3 E/2" 31ftwd77 34" : 100

To' : 70%

tr: ft) Tifw 314'-/ 3-dT figq . / MR' WIT *- 34- FITITT

1. fit') *1444-ff * fltohR girl

aim ITR few ilitria 34141 alr*-79'
-"T3 R
fad 1:1(!)klchl chtll 4511 t 12+8

2. Pi4--,ring" -414 ch•6 t (1).-q 4-F4R

- : 10+10
(a) 'MU ims0
(b) W41
(c) wiTr 3rfu

3. 1991A 1-f)*rq -1 411Hcb cilc137474 "WI IN

W7R I 3cItichtul * ts11:711t 311W-1W
RIF-11 1-1-1 =l +Rct,R w<wd1 I:F*1
Wit4R I
- 8+12

MCO-04 3 P.T.O.
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4. (a) 111 VAR MIT 04iitc-411 *If-47I 8+12

(b) Pikict))..cr4 til-11\51*Rit turn L;cRi . ■-TI •

* 1-Irci rc1111 •Trf-A7 I

5.(i+-iroitgcf rctrit ce-iits,A1V-F7R : 10+10

(a) fq7111' 341f* (SEZs)
(b) bra tg ► TIT

6. `F.1 ,311chtui'AwTNTit? 74 34R. c6(I l 34TTFT

1:1F1 ► t? f9-**Tut*TilTrt 4-A*-1- 04.11(se4i*If-4R
dv-T1 '117ff 14 F-MictAu ► 7zirilzra air t~

V-F—A- I 5+5+10

7. 17-44 fq917 -srurrol- 4-ii V- «4 lesql Vf-A-R fq8.17

4-1* *P:17iF-i litT7 * k-Rc ► A 4;E1T
737 t? 5+15

8. 044qt-i ► q 1:1174W 377 r 1T Tm-zi ?

rif-{kvr TilYr will V ot ► isq ► V-N.R -5r4w
FMS -cif04% 3WITR 7-4 d(-icto Ts-Tr rciqcs)aui creilcm
t? 5+5+10

9. 3TrfftlitiRlfw aravErw-dr *azrTTIR 3TEFR

TR ? 3Trfik fa-emu* * of -g4
3TrrEk. Tri-RY * VTR 31-r-oThERTI-Tw 41,ict)-r

MCO-04 4
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No. of Printed Pages : 4 I MCO-004 I

Lc) Term-End Examination
co December, 2016

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage : 70%
Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1. Explain various objectives of Fiscal Policy. Why

is co-ordination between monetary and fiscal
policies necessary ? 8+12

2. Discuss the institutional framework that has been

evolved for the promotion and growth of small
sector in India. What are the major constraints
that are still being faced by the small scale
sector ? 12+8

3. Distinguish between any two of the following :

(a) Import substitution and Export promotion.
(b) Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments.
(c) Monopolistic and Restrictive Trade
Practices. 10+10

4. Explain briefly the critical elements of 20

environment of business and their impact on
business decision making.

MCO-004 1 P.T.O.
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5. (a) 'Socially responsible organizations are

usually the most successful organizations'.
Elaborate on the statement. 10+10
(b) Explain briefly the various approaches to
social accounting and reporting.

6. Attempt any two of the following : 10+10

(a) Special Economic Zones (SEZs).
(b) Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights
(c) Consumer Protection Act, 1986.

7. State SEBI Guidelines in respect of any two of the

following : 10+10
(a) Pricing of securities at the time of making a
public issue.
(b) Promoters' contribution in a public issue of
(c) Documents to be submitted along with the
offer document by the lead manager.

8. Discuss the main deficiencies of Indian Money

Market. Also state the various measures
introduced by Reserve Bank of India to strengthen
the Indian Money Market. 10+10

9. Why is foreign capital important for India's

economic development ? Point out important
policy changes announced by the Government to
attract foreign capital since July, 1991. 10+10

MCO-004 2
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aufzii ,iti 4 t-ilocilliu zErriv

Tr-Oa trilvr
fowl; 2016

TI.1:11.3t-004 : ociatiiti 4 t qi

71 :3 E/2- 3.7f4W-dri 37W : 100

yF W. : 70%

*a- : z).67 ritw. Slql . *- 3UT -r-giqi 779/7. 30,-/ 't 3 WITV

1. ilk *1-4114 z-Ot 0441(541 -4-f-A-R 1 71

1 (1,44)1414 tfaA 14 11114 -*-1 7El't aTtwErwm I
t? 8+12

2. liTt7 if zulTil* fq-*-Tt:f 'R' 11449* rciztiffal

7tt:eIrriff vt-. Tr fa-499 W- A7 1 Vrff-lt Tsq AT44
t . .-T tii+-1-11 .kiiiti "'r al* tft cbtlitriTC

3. Pv--irortsici 4 A. cre t 4 al---{ --d.r-47 : 10+10

(a) aTP:rru vid-Tr9a. 2.Tr f9zriff -tlq.iti
(b) 044141( -tlif MITITMT9'717
(c) 7-*-rftr*IFTW 79-if qicicitft rrErrT air-ffTur

MCO-004 3 P.T.O.
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4. ce4citliq i tri-T-d7r t ! ✓d.' ocal cen(stil am 20

Tff c4iicmirqct) f9,47F -91*ar
- 5Kri-au c=tA -tt?
5. (a) "ki4-11\71* 4c1 dritqlen *2.11 -11 1-11.-q(V.11
-1 1-11C1 *94 611 t 1" «fgRrrT *1-r--A7
(b) Act) W41•511-dt<9' r1 34771 Ill

faf fafTl ogitc$41 --11--A-RI 10+10

6. 14-i (go 14 rch4 TtraTt7 :

(a) 1.11 ,1 atii* (SEZs). 10+10
(b) cqt-fit Tt4q1. Af-Zt alftl-*7 (TRIPs).
(c) 31:13-NT TiMuT 31 r.1, 1986.
7. r-mrcirtgo t ich4I t TitatT 4 (.141 (SERI) t
: 10+10
(a) *zit Fri441 ArcriPt
itc-44 fffq171
(b) mrOrdt 916-Trat1 *1-
-F trg
(c) 3TrAull- -5r4w t Trra 71:1-r rci).

8. qq1 MIAlt ai -11.004

qq1 Frm fT7-4 44)
TV (*A of rcb
TR fariTq- 7Errt*r 3 r4 F i 10+10

9. `1 17ft alTr* fqtR4 t aal*-T

3f f 1:1-6-170 TIT91 t? MI 1991'4 f"A't
3lTWF1517 cbt flkohR TTT tri5iff 14-6-170
clild y rta -rf-A'R I 10+10

MCO-004 4
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No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCO-04

Term-End Examination
O June, 2017

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage : 70%
Note : (i) Attempt any five questions.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.

1. Discuss the major components of external 20

environment and their impact on business.

2. (a) Enumerate the distinguishing features of 8, 12

producer companies.
(b) Describe the major changes made in the
regulatory policies of Government of India
that constituted the package of economic
reforms in 1991.

3. Explain briefly the legislative measures (Acts) 20

adopted in India to bring harmony and
cooperative relationship between employees and
employers and resolving individual conflicts and

4. Describe the recent measures adopted by SEBI 12, 8

for strengthening investors' interest and
confidence in the stock market, and specify the
amendments in SEBI Act, 2002 in this regard.

MCO-04 1 P.T.O.
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5. Distinguish between the new Industrial Policy of 12, 8

1991 and the old policy of 1956, and outline the
grounds on which the new policy had been

State the long-term goals adopted for 12, 8

economic planning in India.
Outline the various measures adopted in
India to ensure good corporate governance.

7. (a) Describe various methods of making capital

issues. 10, 10
(b) Enumerate the trade reforms initiated by
Govt. of India in 1991-92.

8. (a) Distinguish between entrepreneurship role 8, 12

and promotional role of Government.
(b) Explain the rationale and mechanism of
technology transfer.

9. Write short notes on any two of the following : 10, 10

(a) Application and Coverage of SICA, 1985
(b) Export Promotion Measures
(c) Trends in National Income and Grants,
(d) Agreement on Trade Related Investment
Measures (TRIMS)

MCO-04 2
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ui t 1I1cbu11t dt4114

i-17411 TINTT

'‘9, 2017
: 0e4c1H1t4 ITRAT
7737 :3 'Eft 3#iwff7 aiw : 100
: 70%
: (i) 4- 2.‘ 4 rita 51q1 71-r.-47 /
(ii) mq-i7 3f4- foo l ei

1. •4ffft tr -47r -k - r fa-elf -ff2tr 20


2. (a) 3041qch ticit4 r -T -t7 8, 12

(b) Wchlt r-
-1q1 4-1011 "91- at -4 fa, 177
39. auk 1991 -k 311f
TTtiTrf roar I

3. 1.T1{7 "4 3797 Try z9 44rr--iw 3trf41 (3TRTF-9zrit) t 20

744'4 14 oi KcY-4 F*4 r-v-Hair' ch41 irtql 14
ThTtcLut a 1:171 1ff7:1"4.4 3-0:M a,k4 ro2,Tr aferfrrw
TruAt fq-a-rq't f9-q-eri f`a,q1 TRIT I

4. 1q( X11 TI1t T1 F-1q1c11)* * fcil 3TR-Iir-qrqru TivrTf 12, 8

a.)4* ro (SEBI) giti t 14 31797 TT7 71:74
og1t.c.tif 2,Tr SFr TfTlf 3-TrqrazR, 2002
f- 7 7#449't

MCO-04 3 P.T.O.
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5. 1956 --1 -a-Ut -Drci 1991 ch -91 ci 4 12, 8

3td7 4ic1,. 21T 33 374r4 f79-k
3-Titq91# I

6. (a) 11177 14 31.15-1 71'f-49T 3-19F1-777 .14cn1c.11-1 12, 8

*74 7I
(b) anik'ii cb(4
311R faRT5r -71-rt

7. (a) L
1-- fa-4-q9 31-79-rt ,114 7ro'rra rat
raukI 10, 10

(b) 1991 - 92 -4 ITTerzi gRI f1

0,4141( Tit

8. (a) WalR TITE*1 72TT 41qT 91-r11-*7 -4 8, 12

31 -dT •q-d-1-4-7 I
(b) • cich-11m1 7211 WrIT9-1'
I -1-r--A7 I

9. 1 4-i ci (go -4 tf -rWt 4R-1-71 Fe.u-iruNt ffffa7 : 10, 10

(a) t 4,-1 1 3-terr- tErfl 3-15-471H (SICA) 1985 ct-1
7211 6.-11.11 777
(b) f9-Efr7 ti a d41'-{
s r
(c) uttz c7 TT 31--1---rt Tr-I-F-9-$
(d) oii91t f9-d7f 37714 TR 71:171dT (TRIMS)

MCO-04 4
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No. of Printed Pages : 4 I MCO-004 I

00 Term-End Examination
December, 2017

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage 70%
Note : (i) Attempt any five questions.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.

1. (a) Enumerate the characteristics of

consumerism, and the development of
consumer movement in India. 10,10
(b) Define the term 'social systems' and outline
its main elements.

2. "Inor der to ensure balanced economic 20

development and that the business is run on sound
lines, the role of government has assumed four
dimensions". State these roles and discuss the
implications of each

3. Explain briefly the major provisions of companies 20

(Second Amendment) Act, 2002 and the
amendments proposed in Amendment Bill 2003
in respect of dividends.

Describe the duties and powers of

Competition Commission of India. 10,10
What are the rights of conkumers under the
Consumers Protection Act ? Explain.

MCO-004 1 P.T.O.
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5. State the characteristics of stock exchanges and

their implications for investors, corporate sector
and the society. 5,5,5,5

6. (a) Explain the main constraints of Indian

money market. 10,10
(b) Enumerate the major problems being faced
by small sector units in India.

7. Explain the concept of globalisation as a national

policy, and state the steps taken by Government
of India towards globalisation. Also analyse its
implications for a developing country. 4,8,8

8. (a) State the deficiencies of Indian Money

Market. 10,10
(b) Describe the salient features of policy related
to foreign collaboration.

9. Write short notes on any two of the following : 10,10

(a) Social Audit
(b) Anticompetition agreements under the
Competition Act
(c) Need for Investors Protection
(d) Environmental Scanning

MCO-004 2
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1 71.111.311.-004

cliNi.rti *riloch)rik wrrET


IIta'lt, 2017

TrA.311.-004 : cqatuti PVT

‘44.1q : 3 Z72- 3iftwd7T 34- :
17c 1 : 700%
*2- : (i) ch)i ui 501 .7T-
(ii) MR' 31 Tivive,

1. (a) 3ETINUE4g fatrwaraff %TRU 3744-4T

aTtF-i*fw-R:r ceil(sql V1-4 l I 10,10
(b) NulliC1 44V mrftiTrErr qlr.R
ts,04 -"F 3- 131WIN71

2. " f 311W tWg'ffETT c c11l1 W• 3T- 4 c- 20

\Am( 1119#97 anti tg wct)K 3117114
4,1 7I" iifTrwrz#AFT 3
aTrwzr wlf--R

3. -4.4 (fir 4qiltIff) aftf-9-44, 2002*Tgf31Tdt1T91 20

'1* TI#q 4 celltSql .417R 32.4 ciV-1-11 (#4.4tri)14474W,
2003 t 3f —r mciircia IpT# 3 - gf

4. (a) `1117U * at-LitTi aTAIT * W-4611 74 affimti

"wr w3iff wlf-A7l 10,10
(b) 7cr4frwrr Ttmut 31ff-4414 alwfa zcritmurail
aftrwr{ qzrr t? cciitcy4r

MCO-004 3 P.T.O.
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5. *dig, toed'Al fatwaff unt q1.4. , ?Pig

(441:iti1) 4.3 ( 1-1C(4)
34ff W1f-A7

6. (a) 'RTC& TT GUAR ITN WelTai .51TUIT

4F-4R I 10,10
(b) 'To* 4 (..1 grutiIH 11 cool
3rriu .mwrTail er 3c 4r-411

7. 1 ti% 4 t w:r 4 lqalcbtui tichoiii

'W1NR 'ff2T1 titchit VKI Aqiilchtui * c.R
3•61(4 11R31111g Wq14 -ANIZ I krW cichitLiqi
'kW * foq. vt:r (3val) wr .411- 1..m)qui
I 4,8,8

8. (a) ITRUITI 1 (11:311( ch 149- -4r--4R I 10,10

(b) .M711 TrOFf 1:1Aitiff •iirci WI icitic11411

- 41-4

9. f-I+-ifrlftgci 4 f R TAR! ki-gruitilfafuR :

1R1VTJT) 10,10
(a) +111-1I Act) afkkiT
(b) aftTrizm atTiff if{—cif
(c) Tt{k-114 aimtichdi
(d) 4 ( kl 4 1:FrOff

MCO-004 4
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No. of Printed Pages : 4 I MCO-004 I

\.0 Term-End Examination
June, 2018


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage : 70%
Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1. (a) Explain any two of the following concepts : 5,5

(i) Special Economic Zones (SEZs)
(ii) Trade Related Intellectual Property
Rights (TRIPs)
(iii) Corporate Governance
(b) Distinguish between any two of the 5,5
following :
(i) Strikes and Lockouts.
(ii) Import substitution and Export
(iii) Balance of Trade and Balance of

2. (a) Discuss Monetary Policy and its objectives. 10

(b) Explain the highlights of Fiscal Policy 10
announced by Government of India.

3. Explain the nature of regulatory framework 20

governing business in India.

MCO-004 1 P.T.O.
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4. (a) Why is Foreign capital so important for 10

India's economic development ? Point out
important policy changes announced by the
Government to attract Foreign capital since
July, 1991.
(b) Distinguish between FDI and FIIs and 10
which one will you prefer and why ?

5. Define stock exchange and describe its key

functions. Explain its importance for :
(a) the investors, (b) the corporate sector, and
(c) the society at large. 6,6,8

'Socially responsible organisations are 10

usually the most successful organisations'.
Explain the dimensions of Social 10
Responsibilities of Business.

7. What do you mean by Privatisation ? Why is it

considered necessary today ? Explain the possible
areas of privatisation and point out the problems
associated with privatisation in India. 4,4,12

8. Explain the Framework of Indian Financial

System. State the major recommendations of the
Narasimham committee on Financial Sector
reforms. 10,10

9. What is 'business environment' ? Explain the

major elements which constitute the environment
of business. Why is it important for a manager to
study and scan this environment ? 5,5,10

MCO-004 2
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1 7R:4:J1.311.-004

aif uu\rti triloct) zErrixT

‘9', 2018

Tiltat-004 : 4t

tore/ : 3 37NTUTI3 : 100

35e/ : 70

: (i) a 377
(ii) 7Ts# m•r -/T 37.W frrITV g/
1. (a) -P-i tsici fl et)C4411,111 +I ch I aii 451T 5,5
Tr-4R :
(i) 1c1i)ti 311f* (SEZs)
44q1 31fer*-7 (TRIPs)
315TWR:19. (Corporate Governance)
(b) 414 t 3td7 WT-47 : 5,5
c-11(4 -atn

M clkx11 11-1 7eTT 1#47

co-11 111t 717 Tra-ri*

2. (a) TilkW tru w4) *4* Tr I 10

(b) ITRtEr wet)1( t‘lich-ltilti 10
fa*Er-dratt --1 W--A7

3. W7 oeicmiq on0 Vt t 20
mcp celitv41 TrmR
MCO-004 3 P.T.O.
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4. (a) * alifft rqcbiti f4191- 4,411 qq1 10

*air t? Mi 1991 * fa-Oh. ti;i1
4114)1 TT4* wchi( Tr-g-- Tuf
(b) 7-M4-1 (FDI) MTT *Mall 10
(Fits) .4q -1-1--AR, mu -4-ffqR A-
31Fq rchii -51Telfrr* -dr ?

5. IzTw icteti•Ti r cr-TR MTT TR * Itsq chiql

aiT 'quiff .-IfqR I (a) (b) 11 1 11-1-114-1q, "ffni
(c) t11 n4 * RIR '1:1* 1-11 6,6,8

6. (a) " 1:frir4 3Ifff afff 10

ITEM t 1" W-4Ri
(b) oficRug 3TPTP:11 10

7. PiAlcbvit* 3111T AzIT curiti t ? alTAVR 331-4FW

azif *IT Wrdf t? riAlqAul * -RATfrd Ot WM' iliTKff
chtui14-4ftTff Rzrra f zgt W-4R I 4,4,12

8. 'Mitzi Nati muiml 40411(t4)

fgr1 q 0-1 iitukl TR -Rfivv-t Tri-grfa.
zrEt .41-4R1 10,10

9. MICR-WI tirtdki' aZTT ciics4 t? cqqt114 tiRdqr

fr7§7f .wlf-4R I +'4=K ki
q alurciff 1 IT9T iim t? 5,5,10

MCO-004 4
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No. of Printed Pages : 4 I MCO-004

v.) Term-End Examination
December, 2018
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 70%
Note : (i) Attempt any five questions.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.

1. (a) Explain any two of the following : 5,5

(i) Industrial sickness.
(iii) Environment Protection Act, 1986.
(b) Distinguish between any two of the 5,5
following :
(i) Primary Capital market and
Secondary Capital market
(ii) Repo and Reverse Repo
(iii) Privatisation and Disinvestment

2. What is Business Environment ? Enumerate the 5, 15

important changes taking place in Indian business
environment, and state the impact of emerging
rural markets on business in India.

3. State the requisites of good corporate governance, 8, 12

and explain as to why accountability is regarded
as the key to success in corporate governance.

MCO-004 1 P.T.O.
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4. (a) Explain the nature and significance of 10

Political Environment.
(b) Discuss in brief the critical elements of 10
Political Environment.

5. (a) What are Restrictive Trade Practices ? 10

Discuss briefly the types of RTPs.
(b) Discuss the duties and functions of 10
Competition Commission of India.

6. Define small scale sector. Discuss the institutional

framework that has been evolved for the
promotion and growth of small scale sector in
India. What are the major constraints that are
still being faced by the small scale sector ? 5, 10, 5

7. Discuss the Trade Policy Reforms initiated by 20

Government of India since 1991-92.

8. Explain the concept of Globalisation. Discuss the 5, 15

role of WTO in promoting Globalisation.

9. State SEBI Guidelines in respect of :

(a) Pricing of securities at the time of making a 6
public issue.
(b) Promoters' contribution in a public issue of 7
(c) Documents to be submitted along with the 7
offer document by the lead manager.

MCO-004 2
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sr:41141 ,N• tiltichITK gift


fq11-41", 2018
"Rtrataft.-004 : et4citiiti trirdw
TriTTI : 3 31fETWT4 31W : 100
W : 70%

712- : (i ) 9.ft qty. w, rt if

(ii) 772#317-5T 3.T.W ffHll

1. (a) F-P-Irorod -1 ,4-)c-,4113-ff 14 t ftt owse-41 5,5

(i) 4-ferr ulcif

(iii) LigioRuf 33f 14, 1986
(b) P-I+ Foroci - 14trftt t : 5,5
(i) 2.TT fg-d-171--trAl *gilt
(ii) 72.if
(iii) PiA1Gmul -ff2TT
2. 4 0611cRiirich trftk7C .arecr-4 t? otfcmirict) 5,15
tlfckW 14t Qr 7211 iTga
cqi ,-Hk -ER 3111-1d
Af-A7 I

Wciika titllM i 3Trd-Fr-*---ffr33 8,12

7211 TcliZ f 1 4,i10-1 kf-hddl
r(1 sActleiql.a (accountability) -44T- Tuf t?
MCO-004 3 P.T.O.
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4. (a) tii-i1 1 i ritkvt mcp R-4 * 4 10

otii(541 WW1 1
(b) ich 711171 * +-oh 144q 4 10
fq-4-4q I

5. (a) siicicitftall4it 31TW{tIli (RTPs) dic-44 t? 10

7:rk FariT #41:14 «41(Ni
(b) ITR-ff TrfRireit ITT c i cnitit T 10

6. M ZdTE trftiTrEir I 117-d n zaTil

fa--*-R4 ld RichRicr l141:2/Fra Gir -TT
zfft Azrr Itati -{41:rr
aTt n TalT 4-q 4114-111 tff T t?
5, 10, 5

7. 1991-92 '14 iThcazi obi( gill raK 7TR 20

c4n(.sii lI

8. kia.)-11 -4«alt«ar 1F7 I .1ga1chtuf 5, 15

f-47-4 cilqk (411.61 (wro) fa-4-4ff

9. 1-14-iFortgd TI.-4.4 (SEBI) i rqqn -M711

(a) tiiciAr-fcb (1 1-11 Tfrffiftzlir i jc 6

(b) kflciAr-ich friiiu 4 -ga-4-4air trrqF 7
(c) aTrAt 1;14*T*" giti sitciia ckaidA 7
Al4 Girl cald.i (documents)

MCO-004 4
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No. of Printed Pages : 8

Term-End Examination
June, 2019
Maximum Marks : 100
Time : 3 Hours
(Weightage : 70%)

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions

carry equal marks.

1. (a) What do you understand by business

environment ? Discuss its importance for the
(b) Enumerate the important changes taking
place in Indian business environment and
state the impact of emerging rural markets
on business in India.
arguments to justify business
2. (a) Give five
enterprises assuming social responsibilities
and enumerate corporate social
responsibility efforts made in India. 10

(A-16) P. T. O.
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(b) Explain the concept of Social Accounting

and the various approaches adopted for
social accounting and reporting.

3. (a) Describe the composition and functions of

Competition Commission of India. 10
(b) What are the rights conferred upon the

consumers under the Consumer Protection

Act, 1986 ? Explain. What are the
complaints that can be filed before a
consumer forum ?

4. (a) State the objects of the. Industrial Disputes

Act, 1947 and the adjudication machinery
set up for settlement of industrial disputes
in India.
(b) What is meant by workers' participation in
management ? Discuss the schemes of
workers participation so far introduced in
5. (a) Distinguish between the following :
(i) Repo and Reverse Repo 5
(ii) Commercial Bill and Treasury Bill 5

Download More:-
[ 31

(b) Write short notes on any two of the

following :
(i) Call Money Market

(ii) Certificate of Deposits Market

(iii) Money Market Mutual Funds
(iv) Discount and Finance House of India
6. "SEBI has been entrusted with the main
responsibility to adopt suitable measures for
protecting the interest of investors in securities
and promoting the development and regulation
of stock market." Discuss.

7. (a) Distinguish between the following :

Economic Growth and Economic


(ii) Financial Savings and Physical


(b) Distinguish between the New Industrial

Policy of 1991 and the Industrial Policy of
(A-16) P. T. O.
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8. Discuss the services provided by the following

national level institutions for promotion and
development of small scale industries in
India :

(a) SIDO
(b) SISIs
9. (a) How do you justify that FDI is necessary
for Indian economy ? Give arguments. 10
(b) Has India's FDI policy been encouraging
for foreign investors ? Explain and briefly
discuss the policy. 10

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Rrr. at-04

alfzw,c4 t-tioch Tit 31:Tiftr (kni. *frt.)

Trita TrAwr
TT. It 311.-04 : ureffITE1 trftbr
TAM :3 WO' alf*T*7 77 31 :
lerdi : 70%

• via 3179Y UV{ clANI 74# mq4

: fcryl
3? wrim

(V) ot♦ citiv4 3117VT WIT clicg * ?

zar4171 fm §tict> Trtm wrgErt

(c) qrroftzr Wri—dfir4 tifIc)gt -4 104 a-0 feliR

Trfr091 dm-4d ehlrAtt a 1T Id
eticmig xr{ wina twilur G11,7114 311114 VT

4i1{1 10

ZW:11 "gR1 qfiell

2. (W) «make tich

zark 11 44tilid ffrg wtk

Tito letw

Tee tfallt 11R7 1--.14144 tR1 tv ♦ t Act)

1,3,kitt zark -t fag 1-*-Ek 71‘ zral
Alta garAto 10

(A 16) P. T. O.
Download More:-
[ 61
(w) TrrlIrrww *ur ffeTr Trrrrrfw-
*Err •cr4 Trr-d-4-cff * fe7 awirf Trf fafiT9
Nferell *r 17fff 10
3. (W) 3rf-TR.41 airtTr * Tifrimur
(Composition)'2.11 AlTfq WifTql

(V) 1:1I-w 1#4914 TrieTR, 1986
z-trillwrralT Azrr afv -*-R 3r -g9. f TrR
* ? wrrwir rgr trg wIR
z-174:11-4frr 1;51 -{rr 4-1-131 fTrwrz0
wzrzri Tr*---d1 ti
4. (V) ahrTrw fgarK aftfterq, 1947
v1r-4R .ffeTr Two atherrw
faAr4 * 94er TeTirxrd fqt*Trkqr
Ir41-at 4 4-dr471 10
(w) . Tr4trff 4 w4-qt
(Participation) 14 'WIT ? 1-710'
fwErrrwd w4-Irrk.4 -vr-TiTrfTr-dr
arm! wr-A-RI 10

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17 1
5. (w) ftiztrof-az 3T- K WariR
(i) t'i 2,TT lee* (reverse repo)
WIET (treasury)
(ii)ardTilfeTW f-4-e -ffzIT
ER Tfikm
(a) fiRfofgra 1:1
fet-xiftriziT fergek :
(i) ArATi

(ID WIT 17g1P3PN (Certificate of deposits)

WAR 91T th-Er4

(iv) %ITC& 00 70 f-4

* f ig41i fuR
6. "Ied‘fdzil -4
3mr4 *-47 4r4R *
B-crziw zErgri
fafizmq 1-4-4cm 7-4-4-d v.0 -4 -TN
f-ATkrftzit -441 (SEBI) 4 Tilt TA *1"
7. ( T ) *F4Prregd 3T7i
cir.5. atitw fdThig 5
(i) If
(in fatRi '5211 Aft A-4 (Savings) 5
aftIrTM air 1991 m4 97:11'
(ii) 1956
afrafTrw At -4 31.--K
(A•16) P. T. O.
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[8 MCO-04
8. IITM .1a z-titriY * madH•cr4 *CR c•N
filzrruftm TrxtzT Rrr * Til:P491 .grrr
wig cool 7:1-aralY fq-4-a-4r *-1-r-4R :
(w) B-dir fqVTIT 1#2.19 (SIDO) 7
(W) n 3V.4 (SISIs) 7
(IT) siftzr n dr.4141 Biro *V- (SIDBI)
9. (V) zig' 3171 -441e4 acr a n ti t
aletar4MT * *VI/ 31Mk-T
fT471 (FDI) airdFrW t ? w:frfn
(TS) WIT 111Tff f4t41/ AFRT (FDI) tfff
f4ke fATTVY * t ?
WW1 •"-If-Aizr #417 14' tt VT ct

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No. of Printed Pages : 8



Term-End Examination

December, 2019


Maximum Marks : 100

Time : 3 Hours

questions. All questions

. Note : Attempt any five

carry equal marks.

1. How does socio-cultural environment affect

business decision-making ? Discuss. Give a

brief sketch of the nature of socio-cultural

10, 10
environment prevailing in India.

112 (B-17) P. T. O.
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[2] MCO-04
2. Distinguish between any two of the
following : 10, 10

(a) Entrepreneurial and promotional roles of


(b) Direct and Indirect regulation of business

(c) Fundamental Rights and Directive


3. Explain the salient features of Companies

(Second Amendment) Act, 2002. Discuss the

important amendments proposed under

Companies Bill, 2003. 10, 10

4. "The scope and coverage of labour legislation

are very wide and overlapping." Elucidate the

statement with a brief overview of labour

legislation in India. Also state and explain

Download More:-

3I MCO-04

briefly the safety provisions in the Factories Act

for factory employees. 10, 10

5. What do you mean by listing of securities on a

stock exchange ? State its advantages from the

point of view of a company and an investor.

4, 8, 8

6. Explain the concept of corporate governance/

enumerate its broad objectives and outline the

various measures adopted in India to ensure

good corporate governance. Also state the

requisites of good corporate governance.

4, 4, 6, 6

7. "With increasing liberalization, planning in

India has undergone significant changes." In

the light of this statement, analyse the main

features of economic planning in India. 20

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[4] MC0-04

8. What do you mean by monetary policy ?

Explain its main objectives. What are the

techniques employed by Reserve Bank of

India to control the supply of money and

credit ? Discuss. 4, 8, 8

9. Why is foreign capital so important for India's

economic development ? Point out important

policy changes announced by the Government

to attract foreign capital since July, 1991. 5, 15

5 MC0-04
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al ulsra zErriv

TrItff trflAlT

Rti 444t, 2019

: ccieutilti Izitavr

: 3 rfDre aiftwffir 3W : 100

91F : ch TiffW 3177 4qt

--If- atw Frim

1. tfliiii,mcb-*iRctlich xif7-4vr Gqicitiikch Filift44

act chot t? oeiti9441 WW771* Ti

oelliCI ■31ch—tiltcfl 04) tirr-dvr uctlid 1.41

TITATRr faAur Iii 10, 10

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[6] MC0-04

2. tgo IT f*-47 * 317T *I' cii(sql

WIf4R : 10, 10

(a) Ntchlt 3141(111-11 4-1fr4f -ffzrr 14-4.ft


(b) ezelcmitr*T 3fM'k-T 'ff2T1 37;p:RT

(c) -4Few alftt*T{ r2u ri4kiictich fkr4R.

3. ch 1 41 (frdIZI tellttff)
airlifffElli, 2002 *1' TN(

ftErdTalY «aitwt 4.0-4-11 1#61-9.

2003 1:1 wtaifan f 411

z-- 1*tftRI 10, 10

4. 44 T1:1 crwri *1 4-17 "R4 ciciti cnit-ra f cT UeTT

alfdafich- tl" sAff 4)111 TrghtTr

* Tcf Tea' *T clkic chtuf""r1771

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71 MCO-04

TErtz wIfTR f* ‘Acteil .1)4zuritir * clekt

afeizirr * 3i7Tiff weir igkir v1 1R tl 10, 10

5. *Ti
z ',31 3rf-difni *11-41*-k-ur

err nrca4 t? cti km1 w2Tr ridkicni* ifte*-)Trr


ictl- op-if *T ZMEf VIN71 4, 8, 8

6. 'W.frat tiveti tienztfrif err

**1 TOzli Vr 3-MU 4114R

- w2Tr aT

tivoq *74 * aTcrffrg

Trg Pqr31^1 d Llita TI *Mitz

tiara-r * aim-4w cica•

-Wrq71 4, 4, 6, 6

7. "GNa dclt chtuf IIR7 11 er \lit chi 4

4-4wpf tri7-4-4ff ti" ITT *EN * mchikr

ITTTff 4 aTrrefw Its4 f4RIEr-draTi

felkt.)qui W11-4RI 20
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18 / MCO-04

8. illtW 31PWT TM' V10:14 t? tise4

3 ELI *zur .utir tgi 3rf4

mt.) * 1-TR-44 ftAcf rft

altratt Tr* TErr t? wl§cfr *11-4R1

4, 8, 8

9. 1-17ff 3flf fawr4 * fakkrft

4-11-11 t? 1991 4 fq-kt

tt-1 31-1Wr* cht4 fF Wr41 TTI C11 -1

.1.) TR 4-f---Tof 41fmIa3ft-4-4-91

FI 5, 15

MCO-04 25,000
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No. of Printed Pages : 8 MCO-04


Term-End Examination

June, 2020


Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note :(i) Attempt any five questions.

(ii) All questions carry equal marks.

1. What is 'Economic Policy' ? What are its

different forms ? Explain various objectives of

fiscal policy. Why is co-ordination between

monetary and fiscal policies necessary ? 20

2. "The 'New Economic Policy' is a set of policies

and adniinistrative procedures, introduced

P. T. O.
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[2] MC0-04

since July 1991 to bring about changes in

economic direction of the country." In view of

this statement answer the following : 20

(a) Why were reforms necessary and what was

wrong with the earlier system ?

(b) What reforms have been introduced ?

(c) What remains to be done ?

3. Define stock exchange and describe its key

functions. Explain its importance for : 20

(a) The investors,

(b) The corporate sector, and

(c) The society at large.

4. Make a case for inviting foreign capital in

India. Critically evaluate the policy measures

adopted by the Government to encourage inflow

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131 MC0-04

of foreign capital. Also indicate the hurdles

foreign investors are facing. 20

5. How does socio-cultural environment affect

business decision-making ? Give a brief account

of the nature of social culture environment

prevailing in India. 20

6. Explain the concept of social responsibility of

business, and discuss the nature of its

obligations towards : 20

(a) Employers,

(b) Shareholders, and

(c) Public at large.

7. "The scope and coverage of labour legislation

are very wide' and overlapping." Discuss this

statement by giving an overview of labour

legislation in India. 20

P. T. O.
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[4] MC0-04

8. (a) State the provisions of the Competition

Act, 2002 with respect to regulation of

monopolies in India. 10

(b) What are the rights conferred upon

consumers under the Consumer Protection

Act, 1986 ? Who can file a complaint under

the Act ? Explain. 10

9. Distinguish between any two of the following :

10 + 10

(a) Import substitution and Export promotion

(b) Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments.

(c) Monopolistic and Restrictive Trade

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51 MCO-04

.qq. 311.-04

at utni *Imo) Tit dmifii (TT.*i* .)

tiAid tthaTt

‘9' , 2020

RI T. Tit ait.-04 : teitilt4

TRW : 3 tr4 alfiredIT :100

: (i) 4-47 t AYE rfft 5 uty

(ii) 131# 34q1 . E 3.* +14111

1. auft a A. Azit t? fafir wzr

wit t? km.ble414 *f ff

«civil al 11*W "atIT ti ■lichltatt ttzll -14

tiii-ag Ate airdFrW *? 'PM al 20

P. T. 0.
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[6] MCO-04

2. "7z11 -lira fel9 atlY -1 ,41

aqi r Ri tirct<4 t 1991 14

kvr aTrfir 1-4vrt -11 ti cvN

wiirctte. Trt T219. * for ~l
r-P TIV91 * 37( : 20

(W) ItTR awzrw •ER 3f( .10 Trorr

17,11 $71?

(g) air iitTR weiff cto TR ?

(Tr) wir Ichqf WRT *Er t?

3. 4 kigt cthslit t 0411iSql aft - ff4gr

airy wi• qui-1 al ii1-1ro (9 ITO * fry
4 .wt1 Wif-
411 : 20

(r) ridim1

• MO cbH41

(TO War tiiikTf

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7 MCO-04

4. ilftff =1 f4 t491 -*-{4 VT mentur

1f i 'Me t * dlKlsiam si cm

* TT feil7
d414 VT trtlictri 20

5. rm-tiit ,ra m 4 t Yr 0411til tich 191449.

#1:1 Tr ilTrVd cotit t? vITV

titicricti-tiitcp cm 4t kr 4 sitici VT Tifamr

tiAur VINT 20

6. l ogatite4 * tivitgich amtsi ticte V/ tich("411.

worn. 4414 weTr 20

(-.) ch tic


1-11411.4 what t 31th *ti mfirmit t sopfil

VT radbd

P. T. O.
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I83 MCO-04

7. "WIT fmuff wr 74 *km af-d faRF

atdam:11 -4. 1" t WIT aTrWiTTTI TralArr *
174 71 Teti wr fad-ti I 20

8. (w) 'Tr-td '4 -Rwirtrwrre TrirAT

straizruf WitallT, 2002 3114%1191
3S111 10

(V) atm gal *APT WitTeltirf, 1986 * awilu

di-pi arta f-<q aftr* R azrr
aftfmr4 arqria. 4f f3/41.hiqd 7-4 apt
tichctf «IIt1ir e-4g1 10

9. rim (id 4 1% izifkra rec41414

furuR : 10 + 10

(w)aTrzrm 3red.ceTrEN aza fmtfu tmfff

(1g) 04141k tEr ata Tram. tt1

(TO `cr-Wiftf*-TT >rTd Vi-C4FATU oqi41( 311WWT

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No. of Printed Pages : 6 MCO-004

Term-End Examination

February, 2021


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage : 70%)

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry

equal marks.

1. Why is foreign capital so important for India’s

economic development ? Point out important
policy changes announced by the Government to
attract foreign capital since July, 1991. Given
the choice between FDI and FIIs investments,
which one will you prefer ? Give reasons. 20

2. ‘‘Economic conditions, economic policies and

economic systems are important external factors
that constitute the economic environment of a
business.’’ Explain this briefly and give Indian
illustrations to show interaction between
economic and non-economic environment. 20
MCO-004 1 P.T.O.
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3. Define Small Scale Sector. Discuss the

institutional framework that has been evolved
for the promotion and growth of small scale
sector in India. What are the major constraints
that are still being faced by the small scale
sector ? 20

4. State the regulatory policy measures prevalent

till mid-80’s in India, and outline the changes
made through reformist policy package of
July 1991. 20

5. Discuss the concept of Corporate Governance

and state the various measures adopted in India
to ensure good corporate governance. 20

6. Discuss the significance of Money Market in a

modern economy and explain the principal
constituents of money market and their
functioning in India. 20

7. What do you mean by ‘privatization’ ? Why is it

considered necessary today ? Explain the
possible areas of privatization and point out the
problems associated with privatization in India. 20
MCO-004 2
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8. (a) Enumerate the main provisions of

The Competition Act, 2002.

(b) Explain briefly the various approaches to

Social Accounting and Reporting. 10+10=20

9. Explain any two of the following : 10+10=20

(a) The Environmental Protection Act, 1986

(b) Social Cost-Benefit Analysis

(c) Discount and Finance House of India

MCO-004 3 P.T.O.
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dm{UÁ` _| ñZmVH$moÎma Cnm{Y
gÌm§V narjm
\$adar, 2021 : ì`dgm` n[adoe

g_` : 3 KÊQ>o A{YH$V_ A§H$ : 100
(Hw$b H$m : 70%)
ZmoQ> : {H$Ýht nm±M àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE & g^r àíZm| Ho$ A§H$ g_mZ
h¢ &

1. ^maV Ho$ Am{W©H$ {dH$mg Ho$ {bE {dXoer ny±Or Š`m| BVZr
_hÎdnyU© _mZr OmVr h¡ ? OwbmB©, 1991 go boH$a A~ VH$
{dXoer ny±Or H$mo AmH¥$ï> H$aZo Ho$ {bE ^maV gaH$ma Ûmam
Am»`m{nV {H$E JE _hÎdnyU© Zr{VJV n[adV©Z B§{JV
H$s{OE & `h ^r ~VmBE {H$ `{X AmnH$mo {dXoer g§ñWmJV
{ZdoeH$m| (FIIs) VWm {dXoer àË`j {Zdoe (FDI) Ho$ M`Z
H$m {dH$ën àmßV hmo, Vmo Amn {H$go àmW{_H$Vm àXmZ
H$a|Jo & H$maU g{hV ~VmBE & 20

2. ‘‘Am{W©H$ pñW{V`m±, Am{W©H$ Zr{V`m± VWm Am{W©H$ àUm{b`m±

A{V _hÎdnyU© ~mø H$maH$ h¢ Omo ì`dgm` Ho$ Am{W©H$
dmVmdaU H$m g§KQ>Z H$aVr h¢ &’’ Bg H$WZ H$s g§jon _|
ì`m»`m H$s{OE VWm Am{W©H$ Ed§ AZm{W©H$ dmVmdaU Ho$
~rM AÝ`moÝ`{H«$`m (interaction) àX{e©V H$aZo hoVw
Amdí`H$ ^maVr` CXmhaU Xr{OE & 20
MCO-004 4
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3. bKw CÚmoJ joÌ H$s n[a^mfm Xr{OE & ^maV _| bKw CÚmoJ
joÌ Ho$ àdV©Z Ed§ d¥{Õ Ho$ {bE {dH${gV g§ñWmË_H$ g§aMZm
H$m {ddoMZ H$s{OE & do Š`m _w»` ~mYmE± (constraints)
h¢ {OZH$m A^r ^r bKw CÚmoJ joÌ H$mo gm_Zm H$aZm n‹S>Vm
h¡ ? 20

4. ^maV _| _Ü`-80’s VH$ àM{bV {d{Z`m_H$ Zr{VJV Cnm`m|

H$m CëboI H$s{OE, VWm OwbmB© 1991 Ho$ gwYmamË_H$
Zr{VJV n¡Ho$O Ho$ _mÜ`_ Ûmam {H$E JE n[adV©Zm| H$s
ê$naoIm àñVwV H$s{OE & 20

5. ‘{ZJ{_V g§MmbZ’ H$s g§H$ënZm H$s {ddoMZm H$s{OE VWm

^maV _| AÀN>o {ZJ{_V g§MmbZ hoVw CR>mE JE {d{^Þ
H$X_m| H$m CëboI H$s{OE & 20

6. AmYw{ZH$ AW©ì`dñWm _| _wÐm ~mµOma Ho$ _hÎd H$m {ddoMZ

H$s{OE VWm _wÐm ~mµOma Ho$ à_wI g§KQ>H$m| (constituents)
Ed§ ^maV _| CZH$s H$m`©àUmbr H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 20

7. ‘{ZOrH$aU’ go AmnH$m Š`m VmËn`© h¡ ? Bgo AmOH$b

Amdí`H$ Š`m| _mZm OmVm h¡ ? {ZOrH$aU Ho$ g§^m{dV joÌm|
H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE VWm ^maV _| {ZOrH$aU go g§~§{YV
g_ñ`mAm| H$m C„oI H$s{OE & 20

MCO-004 5 P.T.O.
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8. (H$) à{VñnYm© A{Y{Z`_, 2002 Ho$ _w»` àmdYmZm| H$m

CëboI H$s{OE &

(I) gm_m{OH$ boIm VWm à{VdoXZ H$s {d{^Þ {d{Y`m|

(CnmJ_m|) H$s g§jon _| ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 10+10=20

9. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$Ýht Xmo H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE : 10+10=20

(H$) n`m©daU g§ajU A{Y{Z`_, 1986

(I) gm_m{OH$ bmJV-bm^ {díbofU

(J) ^maVr` H$Q>m¡Vr (~Å>m) Ed§ {dÎm J¥h

MCO-004 6

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