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“The Greatest Generation”: A

Study of World War II Technology

806 Words
“The Greatest Generation”: A Study of World War II Technology To some,

World War II may seem like a great war that happened a long time ago, a war

where however great the innovations during the war were, they are much out of

date now, and so they have no impact on today’s world. But to another, who

understand the world and how it grows, realize that wherever a nation is, it is in

that position because of its history. This means that without all of the

improvements of technology during World War II, the world as we know it today

would be very much different on many levels. One of the levels which has a

great impact on today’s world would be the improvements of technology. But as

what was said before, almost anything new cannot be created without first

developing the old. Therefore, one must look back at the past to not only find

the origins of World War II, and its impact, but also to World War I, and not only

did it set the groundwork this massive growth of advancement, but without

these technologies, then those who won, may have lost, therefore altering

history. World War I, which from now on may be seen as WWI, may seem like

a dirty war full of death and hardship, which it was, but it also was a time of

great improvements in technology, technology, which eventually gave way to

the massive improvements during World War II, which may now be seen as

WWII. WWI saw innovations such as the tank, the flamethrower, poison gas,

and a little known thing known as an interrupter gear just to name a few. Tanks

were a great innovation that forever have changed the world we have today. At

the beginning, men were only in the trenches, and anytime anyone wanted to

gain any little amount of ground, they would get destroyed by a flurry of rifle

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