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The phenomenon of land degradation and soil erosion occurs in different parts of pakistan. Land
degradation is induced by human and natural activities. Soil erosion is a major escalating problem
effecting agriculture and water resource development in the different regions of pakistan .This paper
focuses on the human induced land degradation and soil erosion as they can be prevented. This
includes deforestation, overgrazing, bush burning, mining activities among others. It was found out that
this phenomenon has serious negative effects which include soil erosion, desertification and drought,
loss of agricultural land, low agricultural production etc. These still occur in different parts of the country
as in balochistan The current solutions have not being effective in solving these environmental Rapid increase in urban development accompanied with loss of vegetation cover is critical
in causing high risk of soil erosion in the pakistan . This article therefore has recommended some
creative solutions and best practices in order to reduce the problems and to prevent its future
occurrence to preserve the land for the present and future generations.

The term land degradation describes a process, when land is destroyed; its character is changed
for the worse damage is done. This sounds serious, as it is never more than when it refers to the earth.
Land degradation is a human induced or natural process which negatively affects the land to function
effectively within an ecosystem, by accepting storing and recycling water, energy and nutrient.Land
degradation is the temporary or permanent lowering of the productive capacity of land. It thus covers
the various forms of soil degradation, adverse human impacts on water resources, deforestation,
and lowering the productive capacity of range lands . Land degradation is a complex process,
involving one or more of several agents: erosion, and actual removal by water and wind and chemical,
physical and/or biological changes. Land degradation refers to the partial or total loss of productivity
from both soil and vegetation. It is the result of any process which leads to a reduction in
the quantitative and/or qualitative productive capacity of the soil. The processes of land
degradation include water erosion, wind erosion, chemical and physical degradation .states that
“Land degradation is almost a global phenomenon; there exist no region in the world that is not
experiencing one form of form of land degradation the other”. It is a particular problem in parts of
pakistan where most of the degradation is caused by accelerated soil erosion which is a serious
problem in the humid tropics. Land degradation occurs in different parts of pakistan , a country with
contrasting environments..Soil erosion implies loss or removal of surface soil material through the action
of moving water, wind or ice. The extent of the area affected by water and wind erosin is given in About
13.05 million hectares of area is affected by water erosion and about 6.17 million hectares is affected by
water erosion. Soil erosion is taking place at an alarming rate and is mainly due to deforestation in the
north. Water erosion is prominent on steep slopes such as the Potohar track and surrounding areas, an
area extensively used for cultivation. The highest recorded rate of erosion is estimated to be 150-165
tonnes/hectare/year. The Indus River carried the fifth largest load of sediment (4.49t/h) in the world in
1990. According to some estimates the Indus is adding 500,000 tonnes of sediment to the Tarbela
Reservoir every day, reducing the life of the dam by 22% and the capacity of reservoir by 16%. This
article is intended to examine the phenomenon of land degradation in different regions of pakistan.The
article will first examine the causes of land degradation and soil erosion in pakistan And then review
the effect and known solutions so as to provide an avenue to make measured and meaningful
comments and critique of current solutions

Research Methodology
.The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of soil erosion and land degradation on Pakistan and
land degradation using a data-driven method. The essential information sources utilized in this study are
freely accessible datasets and data from legitimate sources on the web.Soil erosion and land
degradation data, such as temperature records, soil patterns , and extreme weather events, are
analyzed using quantitative analysis. Long-term climate changes and trends that could have an impact
on soil and land degradation can be found through this analysis.A comprehensive review of the existing
literature, which includes reports, research articles, and publications from reputable organizations and
institutions, yields qualitative insights. The study area's climate change impacts, adaptation strategies,
and future projections are all covered in depth in this review of the relevant literature .The results of the
quantitative analysis and literature review are combined to give a complete picture of how soil erosion
is affecting Pakistan's other resources and agriculture now and in the future.Recognizing the limitations
of the study's reliance on publicly available data and existing literature, including data completeness,
reliability, and potential biases, is essential. The exploration basically assesses the quality and pertinence
of the gathered data to guarantee the legitimacy of the review's decisions.Using readily available data
and existing knowledge, the study's goal is to provide a concise and focused assessment of the effects of
climate change on Pakistan's soils and land resources. The results of the study add to our understanding
of the topic and can help us make decisions about how to manage water and agriculture in a sustainable
way in the face of soil erosion and land degradation.


causes of land degradation

1.Deforestation: Deforestation is the clearing of forest for a variety of purposes like farming, fuel
wood, lumbering, mining, residential etc. without immediate replanting of the trees. This deliberate
removal of forest is one of the most long-continued and most significant of the ways in which land is
degraded in pakistan. The rapid growth in population in the country has led to farmers encroaching on
forested areas and even forest reserves, clearing the forest and converting the areas into farmlands.
The cutting of forests trees for fuel wood has resulted in the deforestation of many areas. This is so
because a large percentage of the people especially in rural areas depend on wood as a source of
domestic fuel. In the northeren part of pakistan lumbering leads to indiscriminate destruction of the
rainforest.Deforestation causes land degradation. This is so because forest protects the underlying
soil from the direct effect of rainfall, runoff is generally reduced, tree roots bind the soil, and the litter
layer protects the ground from rain splash. In this way, with the removal of forest, the rate of soil
loss increases and mass movement increases in magnitude and frequency. The rate of soil erosion
whether by water or wind increases greatly when the ground is left Therefore, the removal of trees and
other vegetation has contributed greatly to land degradation in pakistan..

2.Overgrazing: In pakistan there is the traditional method of tree range grazing of livestock
which has led to uncontrolled grazing and browsing of natural vegetation. This is informed by the
general inadequacy of feed and water supply, coupled with inadequate funds to cattle owners to rear
animals in a confined area. The livestock especially goats are very destructive to the vegetation
cover especially grassland areas that provide cover the land. The overgrazing of lands causes land
degradation. Excessive trampling when conditions are dry reduces the size of the soil aggregates and
plant litter to a point where they are subjected to wind deflation processes. Trampling, by
pudding the soil surface, accelerates soil deterioration and soil erosion as infiltration capacity is
reduced. Thus overgrazing especially in the northern areas where livestock farming is practiced
causes land degradation. This is by allowing farm animals to eat all the vegetation cover until the
soil is exposed and the plants cannot regenerate themselves quickly.

3.Bush Burning: The regular burning of rangelands by pastoralists to generate pasture for their
livestock is a common practice in northern pakistan. The fires as well as farming and hunting related
bush burning also result in controlled loss of vegetation. The result is increased soil erosion and
decline in soil fertility . This has contributed to land degradation in the north. Thus, with bush
burning, serious erosion can occur if heavy downpour occurs and if the ashes are blown away, loss of
nutrients results.

4.Excavation and construction activities:Excavation of laterite, sand, kaolin, gravel, clay etc.
for building purposes are common in many parts of pakistan. Most of the materials excavated will
never be replaced leaving the areas with hollows and even gullies. This has led to the creation of
‘badlands’ in some areas and in other areas these hollows created are filled with rain water creating
artificial ponds thus causing the degradation of the land.For construction purposes, the land and its
vegetal cover are tampered with. The land is dug, the soil removed, hollow or trenches created. This
has serious consequences on the land as it renders it unfit for any productive use. the changes in
the landscape happen to be a very important effect of construction on the physical environment.
This can be confirmed by construction activities like site clearance, quarry and disposal of
construction waste and debris, which degrade the land. Also poor drainage pattern of construction sites
results to erosion and land wear along the highways

5.Mining Activities: The mining of some minerals in the country has caused land
degradation in those areas where mining activities are being carried out. In the mining of minerals such
as limestone and iron ore, open cast method of mining is used. This destroys the top layer of the
soil and the soil profile. This method also generates material debris called overburden which is filled on
the land that reduces the quality of the land

6.Poor Land Management and Neglect: The poor land management in pakistan manifests
itself in the imappropriate farming methods for the type of land/soil which causes land degradation.
Many farmers in the country have little knowledge on the type of land on which they farm. The farming
that is too intensive, degrade the land. This is so because forcing the land to produce food crops year
after year without letting to ‘rest’ to build up nutrients again, using chemical fertilizers or none rather
than natural fertilizers such as animal dung or organic matter impoverish the soil causing land

7.Land pollution: land pollutionoccurs through the addition of specific pollutants and through
alteration in such a way as to render the land unsuitable for its best zoned use. Under the conditions
of uncontrolled use, land becomes hazards or nuisance to the adjacent pollution. Land pollutants
comprise of refuse dumps, scattered waste materials, demolition rubble, unstable striped soil,
exposed eroded soil and rocks from mining operations. Others include junked materials, waste oil,
soil cutting caused by quarrying operations metal scraps etc.

8.Poverty Poverty and environmental degradation in general forms a vicious cycle. Poverty leads
to production, consumption and living styles that degrade the land and depletes its resourcespeople
in the country are poor who depend heavily on the land to make a living. Due to poverty the overuse of

Causes of soil erosion

Rainfall and Flooding
Higher intensity of rainstorms is the main cause of soil erosion. Four types of soil erosion are caused by

 Rill erosion
 Gully erosion
 Sheet erosion
 Splash erosion

The raindrops disperse the soil, which is then washed away into the nearby streams and rivers. Regions
with very heavy and frequent rainfall face a large amount of soil loss. The flowing water during floods
also erodes a lot of soil by creating potholes, rock-cut basins, etc.


The farming practices are the major cause of soil erosion. The agricultural activities disturb the ground.
The trees are cleared and the land is ploughed to sow new seeds. Since most of the crops are grown
during the spring season, the land lies fallow during winters. Most of the soil is eroded during
winters.also, the tyres of tractors make grooves on the land, making a natural pathway for water. Fine
soil particles are eroded by wind.

The grazing animals feed on the grasses and remove the vegetation from the land. Their hooves churn
up the soil. They also pull out plants by their roots. This loosens the soil and makes it more prone to

Logging and Mining

A large number of trees are cut down to carry out the logging process. Trees hold the soil firmly. The
canopy of the trees protects the soil from heavy rainfall. The leaf litter that protects the soil from
erosion, is also lost during logging.Mining activities also disturb the land and leave the soil more prone
to erosion.

The construction of roads and buildings exposes the soil to erosion. The forests and grasslands are
cleared for construction purposes, which exposes the soil making it vulnerable to erosion.

Rivers and Streams

The flowing rivers and streams carry away the soil particles leading to a V-shaped erosion activity.

Heavy Winds

During dry weather or in the semi-arid regions, the minute soil particles are carried away by the wind to
faraway lands. This degrades the soil and results in desertification.


Impact of land degradation

Land degradation is one of the worse environmental problems facing many people worldwide. This is so
because when land is degraded, people, plants and animals suffer. The main effects of land degradation
in pakistan are

Soil Erosion: This is one of the serious effects of land degradation in pakistan. Soil erosion occurs
due to deforestation, overgrazing and even mining activities. The clearing of forest vegetation in the
forest region exposes the soil to heavy rainfall causing sheet erosion. In the north vegetation clearance
has exposed the soil to wind erosion where the soil particles were lifted and blown away by the
wind. Soil erosion is thus an environmental problem that exists in all parts of pakistan. Many
scholars regard soil erosion as the number one ecological problem in pakistan as it occurs everywhere
in the country.In pakistan, the most destructive type of soil erosion is gully erosion. Serious cases of
gully erosion have been reported in the very densely populated areas of the northern and eastern parts
where over-cultivation and overgrazing have exposed and impoverished the soil. The worst affected
areas are the steep slopes of the eastern scarp lands of pakistan the Jos Plateau and parts of
planes areas Soil erosion is a serious environmental hazard which has undesirable consequences. Soil
erosion leads to soil infertility and the weakening of the soil structure owing to depletion of plants and
loss of the top soil layer. This leads to severe economic loss arising from reduced yields and waste of
resources. Thus, the degradation of land by erosion has serious consequences for food
scarcity in pakistan. Many subsistence farmers in areas of degraded land can be only watch in
dismay as their soil grows less each year to feed their families

Desertification: Land is the most important single factor of agricultural production. The clearing of
marginal lands for agricultural crop production, over-exploitation of forests, overgrazing and bush fires
work together to cause desertification.The net result is increased loss of forests, wind erosion and
desert encroachment. Desertification has been defined by the 1992 United Nations Conference on
Environment and Development (UNCED) as “Land degradation in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid
areas resulting from various activities”.Desertification is a common ecological problem of eighth
pakistan which affects areas above latitude 12oN.Desertification is both socio-economic and
environmental issue that threatens the existence and survival of many farming communities.

Loss of Arable land: Many arable lands have disappeared or rendered worthless due to land
degradation. The excavation of the land to procure building materials renders such land uncultivable
as trenches and hollows are created. The changes in landscape occurring due to construction
activities makes the land unfit for any productive use such as farming or livestock rearing. The net result
of the loss of arable land is the decrease in farm lands that produces food to feed the population,
hunger and starvation can set in

Low Agricultural Production: The poor land management practices in the country have led to
low agricultural production. The use of inappropriate method of farming result to low yield of
farm crops, as the right method has not been used. The intensive cultivation of farmlands also
affects the productivity of such farmlands as the productivity decreases steadily. The yield
of crops also reduces when the land is degraded through increased salinity of soils. The neglect of
the soil means the soil is not protected which leads to low fertility and hence low agricultural

Poor Land Quality: The population of large tracts of land areas in the urban centres has led to
the poor quality of such lands. Lands that are covered with waste products, scrap metal, plastics
and packing and building rubble makes the land to be unsuitable for the best use such land should
be put to. The quality of such land is low due to the fact that land pollutants have occupied and
damaged such lands.

Reduced Income and Increasing Poverty: Due to land degradation especially of farmlands,
harvest becomes less reliable. As food production declines, food prices usually increase because
of the shortage in food producing areas. Livestock suffer and therefore one of the main sources of
cash is weakened. Seasonal labour migration increases to make up for the deficit. Land
degradation leads to land shortage, small farms, low production per head and increasing
landlessness. A consequence of land shortage is poverty.
Impects of Soil Erosion
The major effects of soil erosion include:

Loss of Arable Land

Soil erosion removes the top fertile layer of the soil. This layer is rich in the essential nutrients required
by the plants and the soil. The degraded soil does not support crop production and leads to low crop

Clogging of Waterways

The agricultural soil contains pesticides, insecticides, fertilizers, and several other chemicals. This
pollutes the water bodies where the soil flows.The sediments accumulate in the water and raise the
water levels resulting in flooding.

Air Pollution

The dust particles merge in the air, resulting in air pollution. Some of the toxic substances such as
pesticides and petroleum can be extremely hazardous when inhaled. The dust plumes from the arid and
semi-arid regions cause widespread pollution when the winds move.

Soil erosion is a major factor for desertification. It transforms the habitable regions into deserts.
Deforestation and destructive use of land worsens the situation. This also leads to loss of biodiversity,
degradation of the soil, and alteration in the ecosystem.

Destruction of Infrastructure

The accumulation of soil sediments in dams and along the banks can reduce their efficiency. Thus, it
affects infrastructural projects such as dams, embankments, and drainage.



Land degradation preventions

human induced land degradation are preventable, thus the following solutions are proffered in order to
reduce the problems of land degradation in pakistan.

Soil Conservation: This is the scientific method by which damaged soil is brought back to use which
the existing good soil is preserved from destruction. In order to reduce the problem of land
degradation, soil conservation measures should be adopted.important aspect of it is to control soil
erosion. There is the urgent need to adopt the mechanical measures which are restricted to arable
land such as terrace, ridges contour ploughing and also, the biological measures such as mixed
farming, strip cropping, cultivation methods early planting, fertilizer application etc.

Afforestation: This is the planting of trees in cleared areas in order to convert such bare exposed
areas into forested land. The planting of trees and shrubs establish the soil, thereby reducing the
rate of run-off and infiltration, hence controlling soil erosion. The forest vegetation provides a
double-caution device and degradation. Afforestation is regarded as the most effective measure
against desertification.

Land Reclamation: The land that has been degraded should be reclaimed. The Federal
Government must step in to reclaim such worthless and derelict land. This is so because it is an
expensive venture. The Federal Government should compel construction companies to adopt
environmentally friendly techniques in their activities.

Land Management Practices: There should be the use of good land management practices
through the adoption of appropriate method of farming to improve crop yield of farm crops. The use of
mixed farming, strip cropping, suitable cultivation methods, use of fertilizers etc are recommended.

Clearing of land pollutants: All land pollutants should be cleared off the land in order to
enhance the quality of such lands. The waste products can be recycled and used, while other such as
metal scraps should be collected and be sold back to firms which could re-use the scrap iron rather
than abandon them at the mercy of environmental elements

Control of Overgrazing: Overgrazing should be controlled by only allowing livestock grazing based
on the carrying capacity of the land to reduce degradation. In addition, grazing reserves and cattle
routes should be clearly demarcated and general grazing practices improved.

Discouraging Bush Burning: The burning of bushes and forest areas should be discouraged
in view of its negative effects on the land. The use of burning should be brought to its minimal level.
This will reduce greatly the loss of vegetation that provided cover and protection against degradation..

Poverty Alleviation: The government’s poverty alleviation efforts should be given emphasis to the
rural areas to reduce the level of poverty. Government should introduce various programmes to take
people off the land to reduce dependence on land. The farming practices in the rural areas should
emphasize long-term sustainability.

Soil Erosion Prevention

Soil erosion is a serious environmental issue. Steps should be taken to curb this problem. Following are
some of the methods of soil erosion prevention:

1. Plant trees on barren lands to limit erosion of soil.

2. Add mulch and rocks to prevent the plants and grass underneath to prevent soil erosion.
3. Mulch matting can be used to reduce erosion on slopes. Bi
4. Put a series of fibre logs to prevent any water or soil from washing away.
5. A wall at the base of the slope can help in preventing the soil from eroding.
6. Every household should have a proper drainage system so that water flows down into proper
water collecting systems.


The effects of land degradation such as soil erosion, desertification, loss of arable land etc. still affect
different areas in the country. This goes to show that the solutions to the problem of land degradation
have not being effective in solving this environmental problem in the country. This is due to the
following reasons:

 Many farmers in the country have not fully adopted the soil conservation measures that were
expected to control soil erosion and reduce land degradation for erosion control to be effective,
the mechanical and biological measures must be used together. “the best erosion control is the
complementary of both biological and mechanical control measures”. The mechanical measures
are expensive as such many farmers cannot afford to use them.
 Governments in the federation are finding it difficult to continuously finance afforestation
programmes.In the past, some of these programmes are financed by international donor
agencies. Afforestation are dwindling, this coupled with the fact that deforestation is occurring
at a much more rapid rate than afforestation.
 The clearing of land pollutants have become difficult as it require large machines to be
carried out. There is also no technology to recycle waste products that pollute the
land.Currently, grazing has not being able to be controlled as the system of free grazing is still
practiced in the north, where animals roam freely grazing on any available posture.
 Many farmers in the country still use burning in clearing bushes and forest areas. They are yet
to perceive the disadvantage of burning in causing loss of vegetation which cover and protect
the land against degradation.
 Environmental education programmes/activities have not being intensive and are yet to
penetrate all the nooks and crannies of the federation. There is inadequate funds allocated in
promoting sustainable agricultural technologies and support in land management is low.


The results of this investigation indicates that Pakistan is severely affected from land deg-radation and
Zone A is highly prone as compared to the other zones. The cause is the rapid urbanization and
construction due to the CPEC leading the area towards deforestation.In Zone D and E, the increase in the
frequency of climatic extremes in the form of floods and droughts are deteriorating the land. The
degradation process is also accelerated due to the mining activities in these zones. These zones are
already hyper-arid in nature, and the poor land management practices are leading the land towards
irreparable damage. This study has provided a clear picture of the extent of land degradation in
Pakistan. This study will help policy-makers develop strategies that help to mitigate the detrimental
effects of barren land and will help in the rehabilitation of the degraded land areas by applying proper
agricultural management practices and by training the local communities and farmers. The selected AHP
procedure was also very efficient and is a cost-effective process that can deal with many criteria at a
time for the identification of degraded land areas.

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