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Frankenstein - Victor is the

Villain not Victim

1368 Words
I believe Frankenstein is a villain in this book. I believe he promotes the idea of

evil which is symbolised through creating the creature. He is described as “a

creature causing havoc”. The creature is an unwanted person. He has no

belonging in this world. He was created, and because of this, he is an outcast

because of Victor Frankenstein. The creature is the victim. He is lonely and

rejected. Frankenstein is the cause of this. I believe it is wrong to play god. No

man should try and create human beings. He has created a being that is driven

to the extremes of loneliness in life. This is destroying innocent lives. As a

romantic, archetype and gothic novel, Victor is responsible for the monsters

actions because Victor abandons his creation meaning the creature is dejected

and ends up hideous and fiendish. It is unfair to create someone into this world

and then just abandon it and not teach it how to survive. The quote from the

creature “Why did you make such a hideous creature like me just to leave me in

disgust” demonstrates how much agony the creature is in. He is neglected

because of his creator. The monster says “The hateful day when I received life!

I accurse my creator. Why did you form a monster so hideous that even you

turned from me in disgust?” Victor is wholly at fault for his actions, image and

evil. When Victor flees the creature, he becomes lonely and unhappy. He

rejects his own works. If he stayed and taught him the creature would at least

have a chance of happiness. When the monster flees to the cottagers he learns

about human nature. He quotes “I continued for the remainder of the day in my

hovel in a state of utter and stupid despair.

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