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Library Feedback August 2011

Your Feedback
I enjoy coming to this library as I am always treated nicely and there is a great selection of CDs (I love music) and books here. Very Friendly Lily (5 1/2) would like to say she loves the library.

Our Response
Thank you, it is always great to hear from our satisfied customers and we are pleased that you like the selection of CDs and books at the library. Thank you Lily, it is wonderful to hear from our younger customers. We also have story times at the Frankston Library on Thursdays at 10.30 am and at Carrum Downss library on Fridays at 10.30 am each week for 25 year olds. Thank you for your feedback, please ask a staff member for a pen that works if this happens again and thank you for your lovely comments regarding the library staff. Thank you for your feedback, my sincere apologies for the inconvenience we may have caused you. We will speak to all the staff to ensure items are checked and correct information is given to all our customers. Once again our apologies.

Please fix the queue system it is horrible and your pens never work. The desk staff are excellent. I called this morning around 11.30 am and spoke to a woman upstairs re DVD. She was transferred downstairs and apparently, the woman was told that the DVD was on the reservation shelf. I was told to come in and collect this from item from the reserve shelf. It was not here and I was given incorrect information. It was a waste of my time coming here today. Maybe retraining for this staff member could be considered. I phoned the library to ask re availability of a specific book. Library officer reported that it was not available. Soon after, I noted that the book was available @ Carrum Downs and in large print at Frankston. I asked the library officer to please put the large print book at Frankston for me. The library officer took my details and reported it would be put aside. On my arrival 15 minutes later, the reservation had not been facilitated. I overheard the library officer report to her colleague I forgot This library is always a pleasant place to visit and the staff make it so. Thanks They were nice and helpful Staff are great, helpful, polite, patient and efficient Customer phoned to say what friendly staff she had dealt with today by phone; she said we should be very proud of them. I love the library and I think it is a wonderful tool and resource. I am in year 7 and my sister is in year 9, we both visit the library frequently for school resources, different workshops and borrow entertaining books. Thank you and keep the good work up. I like the books, Staff always great help, Good job I am only an occasional user in this Frankston branch, but it always strikes me how very much this library is so well used that its almost loved to death at times. The staff here are exceptionally helpful and work extremely hard, so its a GOLD STAR. Thanks very very much. Please do not cut staff as being a pensioner, we receive a lot of help from the staff, also you need more DVDs, selection is poor. Theres a guy that falls asleep in the teen area. He puts paper over his face and then holds it with his sunglasses. rd He is creepy so please do something about it. Its the 3 time Ive seen him here.

Thank you, my sincere apologies for the inconvenience we may have caused you. We will look into this matter and speak with the staff member to ensure this does not happen again. Please ask to speak with the duty manager if occurs in the future.

Thank you to everyone for sharing your experiences of the library. Thank you for your praise in recognition of our library service and staff. We strive to provide a warm and welcoming atmosphere for our customers and it is always great to hear from our satisfied customers. We look forward to your next visit.

Thank you for your feedback, we have not cut any of the staffing and can ensure you that the help available will continue as always. I shall also pass your request regarding more DVDs to our collections department. We are aware of the situation and will take action whenever it is brought to our attention. We appreciate your feedback, which we continue to encourage you to do so that staff can be of assistance.

Library Feedback August 2011

Your Feedback
Leave a pen at feedback so I can write feedback. Is it possible to wait in the foyer 15 minutes before opening time. People come by public transport and walk here. Its cold outside/rain etc. If not, why not?

Our Response
We do leave pens but unfortunately they are often borrowed for another purpose and not returned. Once the foyer door is open then the public can access the library, which means we have to watch for people entering prior to opening hours. The coffee cart also requires set up time. As the library has set opening hours (which will be reviewed soon) then it is recommended to coordinate arrival time to occur after the library opens. It is certainly a great idea and one that we will consider for future plans at the library. Thanks for the suggestion! We are sorry to hear about your negative experience. Mobile phone use can be hard to monitor, but please let staff know if you experience the problem again. We also offer complimentary earplugs to patrons should you wish for a silent environment. Thank you for your suggestion. Thank you for your suggestion.

It would be great if the library could run a regular board games event e.g. scrabble, checkers, monopoly so members of the community can meet other players. Can all mobile phone use please be banned in the Library? It is very distracting, and quite frankly rude, the way some people speak with no consideration of others. Libraries are quiet places and a lot of people come here for peace (myself included) Get PC games I think that the library should have a Nintendo Wii game and a Nintendo DS game, so we can borrow and take them home Cody Simpsons album comes out in September. Please make sure you get it. For the Wii, can you please get The legend of Spyro dawn of the dragon? or any Spyro game please! I would like to borrow Graham Greene novels. Out of print Or are they not considered worthwhile? Great presentation & display of books, DVDs & tapes from Sweden. Read 2 books & it was fantastic. Thank you so much. This library is a great place and generally has great service but the computers at the moment are terrible with Firefox not working; Explorer so slow and not loading pages that it in making doing anything on them almost impossible. Please when are the issues with the computers going to be fixed as this has been going on for quite a while and its begins to annoy people. In my case it is making it hard to do the work for my course in Max what should take an hour is taking more that 2 sometimes three because half the time is wasted waiting for pages to load or having to reload them meaning that your time is up before you have done what you set out to do. Upgrade the computers!!! Mozilla Firefox does not work and hasnt for a long time! It is pitiful that every other library/public PC works better than these at Frankston which is one of the busiest facilities People livelihoods are at stake!! Get the IT people in!!! Are the computers ever going to get fixed! The computers are too slow. It is annoying and frustrating to do basic tasks, it takes much too long Update the computers, they are slower than any other public PCs Ive ever used and dont upload Fix the Internet please The new internet keeps dropping out takes longer and my 20 minutes was wasted PC J only reads my one USB stick (my main saving device) but does not read my second USB (my backup saving

Please see our Information Librarians to request this album. We will consider your request when we buy Wii games next time. We do have Graham Greene books in our collection. Please see our Information Librarians to locate them. Thank you for your appreciation.

I am sorry you feel the computers are not currently up to standard. The computers are due to be updated we will place a notification on our web site and in the computer area once the upgrade has been completed.

Library Feedback August 2011

Your Feedback
device). I cannot decide which PC I want when reserving one (I believe it is done automatically) but PC J seems to be more problematic that others in this regard The ever presence of that virus in recent times remains nerve wrecking and like a pain in an awkward place will not go away. Please relieve my stress in that regard I have now run out of space/paper The computers are a joke. Get someone who knows something about computers, will take this up with Council even the Mayor if I have you. After the 2 our limit has been reached on the computers would it be possible to continue if there are several computers available and the hour is late (e.g. 8 PM) so it is unlikely that others would require them. P.S. Thanks for discretionary use on the Visitors computers You were rung and informed a patron would be late by phone but you still gave a disabled persons the computer reservation away Never have I been told that a reservation on a computer would expire if 15 minutes late please inform patrons that reservations expire after 15 minutes

Our Response

Program disk attached to magazines Is there any legal/licensing agreement/restriction preventing these from being lent to patrons? If not is there any reason why these cant be lent to patrons in the same way as CDs and DVDs currently are?

The public computers are in demand and we allow 15 minutes for our patrons to be late for their bookings but then make them available for use by patrons who are waiting in the library. Unfortunately, if you are late for a session although we do our best to book a new time another computer is not always available. The Public Computers conditions of use is provided when patrons join the library and is displayed in the public computer area, is available on our website and is presented when you first log into the computers for you to agree to. Disks are left in the magazines when they are made available for loan. Unfortunately, the disks are removed by patrons and not returned. We are unable to add them to the library collections as a separate item at this stage.

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