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Guide keywords: Walkthrough, need help with quest, how to do quest, confused on what to do, earn
money, stuck, what to do, main quest, side quest, too difficult, too hard, impossible, a guide written
by yours truly

A (Unofficial) Guide To LonaRPG

If anyone has better methods/guides or any quests/jobs I missed please tell me, I'll try to update it
every other day.

Recommend to read the 'general tips' under the 'miscellaneous' section near the bottom if you are

If you are struggling with the game: here's a new game+ save file where you play as a cute Moot to
boot (version should not matter). There are supplies, food, and money in the bank to get you started
(location of the bank is in 'general tips' below if you don't know where it is).

Here is an unofficial translation for 0.3.8 (note that translation is edited MTL and most likely

Disclaimer: This guide was written using version without any patches. It is now being
updated to As such, information on this guide can be outdated.

Ratings: Horrendous (1/10), Awful (2/10), Bad (3/10), Poor (4/10), Debatable (5/10), Meh (6/10),
Decent (7/10), Good (8/10), Great (9/10), Fantastic (10/10)

Quest guide

One-Time (Story-Line, Mostly):

[SPOILER="N1. Rat Quest/Tutorial (Reward: 2 Large Copper Coins)"]

- Quest Location:

| > Sewers (you start in it)

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| > None

- Rating:

| > Great Quest, seriously do it to get an easy boost (9/10)

- Guide:

| > Move East then South to the middle of the bridge, the rats will have most likely aggroed and start
funneling into the bridge. If not, get closer to them and then run back to the bridge. Spam the normal
attack button (default 'A') on the bridge until all the rats are dead. Note that only brown rats attack, the
gray rats can be ignored. Gather the loot when all the aggroed enemies are dead by standing on top
of it and pressing 'Enter'/'Z', loot despawns quickly so be quick.

| > At this point you likely have low on stamina so rest (default button 'Q') until you have regained
stamina back to 70+ (resting consumes 10 food for 20 stamina & HP, you have a default maximum of
100 food and 'Dry Meal' regenerates 16 food).

| > Cross the bridge to the East, then cross the bridge to the South, then the bridge to the West (repeat
previous tactic to kill rats if necessary).

| > At the edge of the map to the West you will see a chest that contains a pitchfork and floating
papers below it (Feira's Diary, you will *find* her later on). To collect just walk to the chest and press
'Enter'/'Z', gathering the paper is the same as gathering loot and you can read it in the menu
(Menu>Notes>Unread Letters>Feira's Diary>1771.12.17).

Route to chest:

Chest location.png

| > Equip the pitchfork as it is a better weapon (Menu>Equip>Pitchfork>press 'Enter').

| > Make your way to the island to the East of where you initially started, it has red moss on the
Eastern walls (the infestation, Lona will react to it with dialog). On this island, go East then continue
South until you find the missing person (This is the aforementioned Feira, I think).

| > At this point you have 2 options, hand in the quest (you need 8 rat tails, if you have insufficient rat
tails look in the tips section), or try to get that shiny sword. Skip the following 2 options if you don't
want the sword but if you do want the sword there are 2 methods:

| > [Optional 1] I Am Speed (Easier):

| > Make a save before this, simply sprint (hold shift) to the sword, grab it, sprint away. To make it
even easier, go in naked so the enemies have some hand to gland combat with themselves instead
of trying to ganking you.

| > [Optional 2] Veni Vidi Vici (Learn more about tactics):

| > Make a save before this: throw a rock, default key 'space', by holding the'throw' key, then select
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a tile a maximum of 2 tiles from the enemy you are baiting, and release the key to throw the rock.
Do this a few more times until he is sufficiently far away from the other goblins, 1-2 extra throws is
usually enough. Get him to see you so he runs towards you and then attack the goblin with your
pitchfork while backing up, so the other enemies don't see the fight and join. If the enemy is
dodging too much, try cornering him. Running out of energy in combat (red stamina) is a practical
death sentence, load your save if this happens.

| > Rest after the fight to get your stamina back up. Then repeat the baiting method until all the
enemies are dead or are sufficiently reduced in number and you feel like doing the 'I am speed'
tactic instead, collect your hard earned sword either way.

| > If you lack the sufficient amount of rat tails, 8, to finish the quest then look around more to see
if you missed a rat. If there are no more rats, you can pass a day/night cycle by sleeping (press
the 'Shift' and rest key at the same time) to cause the map to refresh and spawn in rats. Or you
can just leave but you will miss out on the 2 large copper coins.

| > When you have the 8 rat tails and discovered the missing adventurer, then you can leave the
sewer by going to the place you started and pressing enter/Z on the door, then make your way to
the inn (The large red building with a chimney to the bottom left of the town square, move on the
roads as it is safer), in the Inn talk to the receptionist (dude with a black suit) to your West.


| > You can always skip this quest by just leaving through the door, the game will treat it as if you
have already found the girl but you will not get any rewards (unless you gather rat tails before
leaving but at that point you are better off doing the whole quest).

| > If you are low on food, you can buy a 'Buring Keg Room Key' from Boss Mama for 550p which
allows you to sleep in the Inn without being kicked out and replenishes all your food, you can buy
3 keys and a fish/ beer for 1 large copper coin. The room you sleep in is to the West, up the stairs,
enter the room next to the stairs, and pressing enter/Z on the bed. It's recommended to sleep
during the night cycle so you wake up in the day, but you do you.

| > Sprinting during combat (the 2 swords clashing icon below your food) costs stamina but
sprinting outside of combat costs nothing extra. However, sprinting in the world map costs more
stamina in return for less time lost (not worth it in my opinion).

| > There is a note in the toilet of the inn (Western most toilet) from the Dev Team regarding Sex
Battles and Prostitution (Will also be in the Job Guide below).

| > Attacking random non-hostile people (civilians, guards, etc) is a surefire way to lower your
morality and cause people to become hostile on sight, so don't do that unless you want an extra

| > Set the keybindings for your skills, particularly 'Basic Needs', to make the game more enjoyable.
This is done entering the 'Skills' tab in the menu, selecting the skill you want to add, then pressing
the key you want it bound to ('A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'Q' , 'W', 'E', 'R', & 'Space')

| > Invest 3 points into Scoutcraft as that unlocks sneaking and makes the main quests much

| > IMPORTANT! Taking the 'Nymphomaniac' trait locks out the 'Mana Knowledge' and 'Weapons
Expert' trait, both of which are great for combat. The Nymph path is significantly harder
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so be warned.


[SPOILER="N2. Missing Convoy (Reward: 1 Large Copper Coin, +1700 XP, +1 Morality)"]

- Quest Location:

| > Mercenary Guild in Noer


| > None

- Rating:

| > Meh quest with 2 or less Scoutcraft (6/10)

| > Decent quest with 3 or more Scoutcraft (7/10)

- Guide:

| > Leave Noer through the Eastern gate, follow the dirt road along the river (do not cross the bridge in front of
the gate), cross the second bridge to the East of the road (made out of wood), then make your way to the

| > There are 2 methods to do this quest, the first one is the intended method that needs a minimum of 3
Scoutcraft (to unlock sneaking) and the second one is more tricky and will require multiple tries and good
saves. If you have a companion with you, tell them to wait at the entrance so they don't screw everything up
(press enter/Z on while facing them and selecting the 'wait' command). Recommended to wait for night and to
unequip your lantern, goblin war bands spawn in this area so wait near the bridge. You can 'scout' the area by
making a save then sprinting through the area if you want.

| > [Method 1] Sneaking Tutorial (Intended, minimum of 3 scoutcraft):

| > Entering: Start sneaking ('ctrl' key) when you leave the dirt path and enter the grassy area.
Start behind the tree next to the first archer outpost. Wait until the goblin with a lantern 'talks' to the archer and
then leaves (you should be able to light his lantern to the South-East). Throw a rock to the East of the archer
(either 1 tile or 2 tiles away, your choice) then follow the Western wall, go to the East to avoid the sleeping
goblin, follow the cliff to your South, then wait 1 tile to the North of the creepy tree while next to the cliff wall (to
your West). Wait for the goblin paroling that area to start and finish jacking himself off. Sneak to the place
where he didddle himself and wait for him to move. As soon as he starts moving from his Western-facing
position, you can sneak along the cliff to the West (there is a campfire with a human spit-roast) but be careful
of the second goblin patrolling that area. Then you just head East until you find the survivors (you cannot save
them so don't bother)
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| > Leaving: You can either go back the way you came from, or use the exit to the East. it's
possible to just sprint to either exit without sneaking, just be careful not to get blocked by goblins.
Getting spotted has no consequences if you manage to leave before the timer finishes (if the timer
ends, goblins will spawn to block the exits). Leaving through the Eastern path is easier; go East, go
through the tunnel to the South, run/sneak past the archer to the East, follow the dirt path to

| > [Method 2] Sprinting Tutorial (Alternative, much harder):

| > Entering: Make sure to have sufficient stamina as you will be sprinting during combat. go
South and follow the wall East. Stop to the North-West tile of the tree (Save here for convenience
sake). Wait until the goblin with the light talks to the archer then leaves, then throws a rock to the
tile directly to the east of the archer. WALK South, until the archer spots you, at that point sprint
mode is started. You sprint using the cliff to your West as a guide, follow the direction of that cliff
(from the tree: South, East, South, West) and sprint to the place dialogue triggers (close enough to
the survivors).

| > Leaving: Sprint to the East DO NOT BACKTRACK as that entrance has 2 choke points you can
get trapped in. If you still have half or more of the timer, you can make it to the Eastern path, restart if you don't
(or try anyway, your call). Sprint East following the Southern cliff, you should
see another archer 'tower' (pass to it's North as the Southern route is blocked by a tree) then go to
it's east and follow the dirt road. IF THE TIMER RUNS OUT but you are already on the dirt path, sprint towards
the exit even if a goblin is blocking it. Chances are that the goblin will move due to
dumb AI and you can escape.

| > Make your way back to the Noer and hand in the quest.


| > Chances are that a goblin war band will be chasing you as soon as you exit the map, to evade
them go directly to the West so you get the road map to just sprint away (the alternative is the
'Pine Forest' which is much harder to escape from due to it's map layout).

| > There is slight variation in each outpost in terms of the patrol times of goblins but not their
routes (probably due to buggy AI) so adjust accordingly.


[SPOILER="N3. Rescue The Man's Partner (Reward: 5 Small Copper Coins, 2 Large Copper Coins, & 2 Free
Companions )"]

- Quest Location:

| > Inn in Noer, Gray Rat

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| > One-time quest 'Missing Convoy' to be completed

| > Day or night cycle to pass after completing previously mentioned quest

- Rating:

| > Best possible reward is 5 small copper coins, 2 larger copper coins, and 1 gold coin

| > Great quest with 2 or less scoutcraft (9/10)

| > Fantastic quest with 3 or more scoutcraft (10/10)

- Guide:

Note: As of, explosion traps do not trigger the countdown anymore so just disable all the traps
I guess

| > Talk to the gigantic man (Grey Rat) sitting on the Western-most table in the Inn in Noer. He will give
you the quest and a forward payment of 5 copper coins and 2 large copper coins. Note: the characters
in this quest have 1 life so they are gone forever if they die, if one dies the other will leave forever (I

| > Leave the Inn, go to West until you reach the coast and enter the kidnapper's warehouse.
The point of this quest is to act as a tutorial for traps (the killing kind) so be aware that the warehouse
is filled to the brim with them. Make a save here as certain traps are explosive (means you are going
the wrong way) and alert everyone to your presence, forcing you to restart or fail the mission and get
captured (your choice).

| > The first part of this only has traps so it doesn't matter if you have sneak or not. The door has a trap
right in front of it, unless you have a lot of survival like the game says, do not bother dismantling the
trap and just throw a stone on it (default key 'Space'). Open the door and realize there is another trap
behind the door, throw a rock on that as well. Go North until you are next to the first box (should be
gray) and head East. 2 steps forward, you will see a trap in front of you so throw a rock on it as well.
Directly North-East of that trap is another trap you need to disable. Head through the gap and move
North. There are 3 traps in a diagonal (South-West to North-East) that you need to disable, starting with
the one directly to your East. Move through where the traps were and stop when you are 2 tiles North
of the leather skin, there is a trap hidden by the leather, disable it. There is a gap between the crates to
your East with a trap in the gap, disable the trap and go through it. Disable the trap directly North and
the 2 traps DIRECTLY EAST to the trap you just disabled. The fourth trap, hidden by the crates to the
South East, is an explosive one so do not trigger it. Move East and disable the trap between the crates
leading to the bandits.

| > Here the guide splits into the 2 methods: Sneaky Peaky Like and Leggin' it.

| > [Method 1] Sneaky Peaky Like (intended)

Entering: Enter sneak mode before entering the gap ( bandits can see 3 tiles to their sides), follow the
wall until you reach the last room, there is a trap behind the door, disable it, enter the room, whack the
bandit from the back ONCE (sneak or not doesn't matter as the bandit is 'occupied').
Talk to the orange haired girl (Cecily Eaglemore). You can then participate in the gank or wait for them
to do it themselves (depends if you wanna spend stamina).
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Leaving: Just back track, you can safely sprint all the way back and exit or you can tell the 2
companions to wait (press enter/Z while facing them and select wait) if you want to do it stealthily.

| > [Method 2] Leggin' it (harder, more damage, higher failure chance, but potentially more loot)

Entering: make a save as the bandit can end up blocking you. Run (DO NOT SPRINT, you will
aggro all the guards a corner yourself) along the wall until you reach the last room. If you have
quick fingers you can disable the trap before interacting with the door but it matters little. Upon
interacting with the door, line of sight is broken so aggro disappears (close the door behind you for
extra safety) and you can freely whack the bandit ONCE from behind. Talk to the orange haired
girl (Cecily Eaglemore). It's not recommended to participate in the gank as you need all your

Leaving: Let 'Grey Rat' go first through the door and stand in the doorway to block Cecily (do not
stand directly behind Gray Rat as spears can still hit you). it will take a while, but Gray Rat has a
lot of HP and damage reduction so he will eventually kill the bandits in the room above. Should
Gray rat leave the corridor call him back using the 'Rally Trumpet' skill (you need to assign a key
bind) so he doesn't get ganked (he does not perform well against multiple enemies due to how
slow he is at turning and iffy AI makes him change target constantly). If you want to speed
everything up, call Gray Rat back into the room so Cecily can start DPS-ing, note that this puts you and her in danger.
After you can finally leave the room (usually 0-4 enemies left alive) go North, trigger the bombs
using a stone and leave.

| > Go back to the Inn and talk to Cecily, you will then be given a gold coin by her and can now
recruit her and Gray Rat by talking to Cecily (you need the 'Weak' stat to be below 100, which is
practically all the time).


| > Bandits do not trigger their own traps nor get damaged by them, unless it is an explosive trap.

| > Waiting too long by choosing the 'Now's not a good time...', 'Check your fingernails...', then
'Check out the stains on the ceiling...' leads to Cecily to be raped and the memory being Stored by
the fortune teller (you can reload a save and still keep the memory). However, you will only receive
2 large copper coins as opposed to 1 gold coin if you let her be raped.

| > The 'Leggin' it' method leads to potentially the best rewards (if you can collect the items on
time) as bandits drop the following items: food, spear, & copper coins (maybe more things, tell me
if you know)

| > If you wish to kill the bandits in the 'Sneaky Peaky Like' method, bait the bandits to the explosive
traps North of them (next to the door) and, once they are close enough, trigger the trap by throwing
a rock on it . (the explosion will kill the bandits nearby). The countdown will only begin if there are
0 bandits (bandit in the room with Cecily is counted) or you are spotted; you can abuse this by
placing your own mines at the door where you just killed the bandits and the door you entered
from before rescuing Cecily. This means that when the count-down starts and ends after rescuing
Cecily, the bandits will spawn next to your mines and blow themselves up (recommended to have
Cecily and Gray Rat set to 'stay' to prevent friendly fire).
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| > Cecily is a great DPS but is easily killed, Gray rat sucks at DPS but is practically immortal
and stuns enemies a lot. Getting Cecily killed leads to Gray Rat becoming enraged where he moves
faster, does more offensive attacks, and becomes hostile to everyone (including Lona).

| > DO NOT GET EITHER CHARACTER KILLED, they are great for grinding and other quests
and 1 dying leads to both being unavailable forever.


[SPOILER="N4. North Pass Whistle Tower (Reward: 2 Large Copper Coins)"]

- Quest Location:

| > Mercenary Guild in Noer (Inn)


| > One-time quest 'Missing Convoy' to be completed

- Rating:

| > Debatable quest if alone (5/10)

| > Meh quest with regular companion(s) (6/10)

| > Good quest with Cecily & Gray Rat (7/10)

- Guide:

| > Recommended to hire companion(s) for the quest: Cecily & Gray Rat, Jobless Adventurer, Mercenary
Archer & Mercenary Warrior, Orc Killer, etc.

| > Leave Noer from the Northern gate and follow the dirt road and take the road North at the
intersection, alternatively you can cut through the farm and rejoin the road going North but there
is a higher risk of bad events. To the West of the road you will see a tower, the 'North Pass Sentry
Tower', go to that tile and enter it (press enter/Z)

| > You can spawn in 1 of 3 locations: the pantry (West), the armory (Middle), or the storeroom
(east). Remember where you spawned because that's where the exit will be. there is a corridor
below the rooms with goblins and a brazier (light source) below each door, you can light it by
interacting with it (press enter/z). TRAPS CAN SPAWN HERE, be careful as the darkness and
walls easily hide them.

| > There are 3 rooms below the corridor: corpse room (West), barracks (Middle), and bedroom
(east). Animal corpses can spawn in the corpse room, which you can collect meat from by standing
on top of it and pressing enter/z (if you have 'Cannibal' trait you can also harvest the human
corpses). There is a nest entrance (a grate) directly South of the door to one of the 3 rooms, you
can interact with the grate to enter the nest.
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| > Clear out each room of goblins on this floor: Companions can (usually) handle it themselves but if you are
alone you should use the doorways as a choke point. Proceed into the nest through the grate in the nest
entrance room after all goblins on this floor are dead.

| > There are 3 spawn locations in the nest: bone room (West), corpse room (South), and tunnel (East).
Remember where you spawned because that's where you leave from. The goblins are located in the center of
this floor, clear them out: companions can do this easily, if alone use the tunnel of your entrance as a choke
point. There is a chest to the South-East of the fireplace with randomized loot.

| > After clearing the tower of goblins, exit the tower to the world map and follow the road North to the 'Society
of Saints Monastery' (Wooden building with gray roof surrounded by tents) and enter the church. Once inside,
head North and talk to the priest, fat dude dressed as an off-brand KKK member. You can buy 'Bread' (260p),
'Dry Meal' (390p), and/or 'Holy Water' (2000p) from the priest. DO NOT talk 'About the Saints', more about this
under the 'Saintly Prostitution' job guide.
Leave and return back to Noer to turn in the quest.


> You can help your companion by cornering the enemy with them and taking aggro, hitting the
| enemy, when your companion is losing or getting stun-locked.

| > You can interact with impregnated corpses (covered in semen) or kill impregnated prisoners (covered in
semen) to cause an explosion that releases baby goblins, who you can then kill Goblin Slayer style.

| > Killing prisoners has no repercussions and they don't fight back, you can use them as exp pinatas under
the guise of 'ending their suffering' (although it may start a countdown timer for more goblins to show up, the
timer is really slow so it can be ignored).

| > Leaving and re-entering the tower re-spawns everything in it.


[SPOILER="N5. Cemetery Negative Energy (Reward: 4 Large Copper Coins & 1 Free Companion) "]

- Quest Location:

| > Mercenary Guild in Noer (Inn)


| > One-time quest 'North Pass Whistle Tower' to be completed

| > Repeatable quest 'Undead In Cemetery' to have been completed at least once

- Rating:

| > Good quest (8/10)

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- Guide:

| > Go to the cemetery, a white-gray stone building with 6 tombstones below it, to the North-West of
the Inn in Noer. It's in the semi-walled section. Note: combat is optional in this quest and can be done
without any fighting.

| > Talk to the grave keeper to the East of the wooden shack. After some dialogue, walk north to the
entrance of the catacomb and enter the catacomb. Walking East reveals a blockade manned by
skeletons, do not go down this route. Instead, go all the way South. Pick up the note in the South-
Western corner of the room before you follow the corridor leading East.

| > Go East until the path ends, there is a set of traps blocking the corridor along the way (where the
corridor first widens a bit). You will reach another turn, be aware that this area if filled with traps (A line
of traps, North to South, blocking the way in and a large group of traps blocking the corridor going
North). There is another note you need to pick-up at the South-Eastern corner of the room, head North
after this.

| > When reaching the Northern-most room, you will see a big stone sculpture that represents the
nameless saint. Pick up the note to the direct East of this statue. Afterwords, walk to the stairs to the
East. You will get hit with a trap and be knocked out and lose everything (you can pick it back up later).

| > After escaping your confines, go West and pick up the note. You need to wait a while in this room
as the person to the East will move after a while, feel free to explore the room you are in.

> Once the person moves, go to the room to the East and pick up the note next to the Eastern
| wall. Once again, wait for the person to move.

| > After a while, the person will move again and go to sleep. Move to the room to the East then the
room North. There is another note you need to pick up to the directly West of the large bone pile. To
the North of the note is a chest with all your stuff in it, take your stuff back.

| > Read all the notes you have picked up if you haven't already, go to the room that the person (who
we now know is called 'Cocona') in the room she is sleeping in (South then East). After the dialogue,
run to the room to the North (the one with the bone pile) and make your way to the rope ladder on the
Northen wall. Interact with the ladder to escape the catacomb. Once out, interact with the hole (you
need to be outside of combat) and then exit the grave yard by going North-East.

| > Make your way to the Inn and talk to the Mercenary Guild staff (for the quest rewards) and Boss
Mama (to get Cocona a new home). Boss Mama will give you a 'Buring Keg Room Key'. Leave the Inn
and re-enter it. Go up the first stairs to the West and enter the Western most room to talk to Cocona.
Now you can recruit Cocona as a companion.


| > After 2 day/night cycles, Boss Mama has a task for Lona regarding Cocona. Talk to Boss Mama to
get the task then talk to Cocona (who is in her room). Boss Mama will give you 3 good soups and
replenish all your hunger as a reward.

| > After another 2 day/night cycles, Boss Mama has another task regarding Cocona. Once again, talk
to Boss Mama and then Cocona (who is still in her room). Cocona will try to run away, all you need to
do is interact with her. Boss Mama will reward you with a 'Buring Keg Room Key' and
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Cocona will now wear maid clothes and work as a cleaner in the Inn when it is night. This is also one
of the re-playable scenes.

| > Failure to get all 6 notes means you will not get the message about talking to Cocona and thus
be unable to recruit her. Although you can pick them up after being captured by using the stairs to
the North of where Cocona is sleeping and picking the notes in the catacomb, the dialogue still does
not trigger so you have to restart.

| > 'Good' NPC's (civilians, guards, etc) will be hostile to Cocona if you haven't done the second
mini-quest for her that gives her the maid clothes on account of looking like a necromancer.

| > Cocona will automatically summon skeletons in battle but you can manually summon them by
interacting with Cocona as a companion, selecting other, and choosing 'Summon Warrior' or
'Summon Archer'.

| > 'Good' NPC's (civilians, guards, etc) will be hostile to these skeletons regardless of Cocona
being in a maid outfit and try to kill them. The skeletons will not actively attack them but will fight
back (Cocona will not fight the 'Good' NPC's but will heal the skeleton). You might be able to exploit
this to farm drops or create a distraction to rob the bank.

> Having the exhibitionist trait is nice for this quest (but not needed at all) as the captured
| segment has you naked and will make your character's mood drop enough to become 'depressed'.


[SPOILER="N6. Missing Daughter (Reward: 1 Gold Coin, +6 Morality)"]

- Quest Location:

| > Mercenary Guild in Noer (Inn)


| > One-time quest 'North Pass Whistle Tower' to be completed

- Rating:

| > Horrendous quest (1/10)

| > Bad quest with 5+ blue potions and 7+ red potions (2/10)

| > Poor quest with 5+ blue potions, 7+ red potions, and Weapons Expert/Mana
Knowledge/Succubus trait (4/10)

| > Debatable quest with 5+ blue potions, 7+ red potions, Weapons Expert/Mana
Knowledge/Succubus trait, and Cecily & Gray Rat (5/10)

- Guide:
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| > Before or just after receiving the quest from the adventurers guild, buy blue potions (5-10), red
potions (7-15), and a lantern (quest location is dark) if you are missing them. Note: if you are going
the 'Succubus' route, buy more blue potions (10-20) and fewer red potions (3-5). You can buy
these potions from 'Elise's Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic' (red building with chimney through
the roof on the North-East of the square) and/or create the potions by foraging in the forest (see
'Gathering' in 'Job Guide ' for more info). Don't forget to hire Cecily and Gray Rat, if that is not
possible to hire your preferred companion.

| > Exit Noer using the Eastern gate, go North at the first intersection, continue North at the second
intersection, then North again at the third intersection, then go East at the fourth intersection
(across the wooden bridge), and then head into the cave in the mountains to the North-East.

| > REMEMBER WHERE YOU WENT IN THE CAVE, the cave is a set of maps with several
randomized paths, there is only 1 static path: the rope ladder leading into a hole (into Goblin nest)
in the central room that is covered in infestation, bones, and has a few puddles of water. However,
you only need to remember how to get out. Watch out for traps, there are quite a few and can kill
companions due to how often you need to fight.

| > Once you have located the path into the Goblin nest (aside from the static entrance, there is
also one randomized entrance), make a save right before or right after entering. Staying in combat
for too long leads to a countdown timer that complicates things. Still, the guide will split into 2 parts
where you prevent the timer (Harder to pull of, less fighting) or allow the timer to count down
(Easier to do, but more fighting).

| > [Method 1] Spotted? Time to restart (More difficult short-term, easier long-term)

| > This method relies on staying in combat as little a time as possible to stop the count-down timer
from starting and requires companion management and baiting enemies.

| > Entering: This method requires you to use the rope ladder entrance as the other entrance
directly leads to combat. As soon as you enter, tell your companion(s) to stay where they are as to
not aggro enemies. There are 2 rooms of note: To the South of where you entered is a tunnel
leading to the captives room where the person you need to rescue is located, there should only be
1 goblin in that room. To the East of where you entered is a room that contains a chest to the
Eastern wall, only go here if you want the chest (randomized content). To get the chest stealthily,
you need to aggro one enemy at a time (use rocks or sneak so only 1 enemy can see you) and
bring them next to your companions so they can assist (watch out for orcs with blood stained
clothing and a clever, they deal massive damage). Once you have reached the girl you need to
rescue (blonde hair), interact with her and a scene will play (re-playable). Do not bother rescuing
the other girls as they cause issues when you escape (they start despawning, cannot talk to girl after escaping, etc).

| > [Method 2] Spotted? Time to kill everyone (Less difficult short-term, harder long-term)

| > This method relies on being able to kill all the enemies that will spawn in addition to those
already on the map, requiring much more stamina then method 1 but is less intensive as you can
do combat however you want.

| > Entering: Enter the goblin layer through any entrance and just start fighting, kill the goblins
inside the room (watch out for the ogre wearing clothes and equipping a butcher's knife, high
damage and can easily kill companions) but DO NOT talk to the girl you need to rescue in the
Southern room where captives are held. Wait until the timer counts down and clear out the room
again. Then you leave the room and clear the newly spawned goblins (note that traps also respawn)
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that are in the rooms leading to the cave entrance. Once everything is cleared, go back to the goblin lair and
talk to the blonde girl in the captivity room. You will get a CG (you can replay it) and she will follow you, do not
rescue the other girls as it can bug the game (despawning, cannot talk to girl after escaping, etc).

| > Leaving: As the path should have been cleared of goblins and traps in both methods, exiting the cave uses
the same method. Go back to the tunnel to the West of the captivity room but do not head North as the AI will
make a diagonal line to your character and follow that line (meaning that the girl will head North if you are
North-East and get stuck or entering the goblin nest, leading to combat for method 1). Once she is near you
head North slowly until she is around halfway through the tunnel, at that point she should be able to path to
you without issue. Wait until she is within a 3x3 square below the ladder and exit the lair. Make your way back
to the entrance of the cave, be aware that the pathfinding of the girl is bad so don't go too far away from her.

| > Once at the entrance of the cave, talk to the girl you rescued. She should start walking instead of crawling
and you can now leave the caves. Make your way back to Noer and, once inside, enter one of the tiles to talk
to the girl you saved. After this, go back to the Inn to hand in the quest.


| > You can pick up the lantern in the tunnel to the West of the captivity room by facing it and interacting with it.

| > The person/people you are rescuing needs to be within a 3x3 square of an entrance to follow you, but in
effect is a 7x7 square if the ladder was in the middle of that square.

| > Companions block the person you are rescuing and visa versa. So if there is combat tell the rescuee to
stay (interact with her until she confirms she is waiting). Alternatively, if the area is secure you can tell your
companions to wait so they don't block the (bad) pathfinding of the rescuee.

| > The map acts like one big map, so telling your companion/rescue to wait means they will wait where they
were told to wait even if you 'leave' the room.

| > There is no 'quest failed' if the girl dies, you just need to exit and re-enter the cave (note that it also re-
pawns the enemies, traps, and chest). This also means you can't 'skip' the quest by killing the girl and failing
on purpose, although this might change in later updates.


[SPOILER="N7. Orc Research (Reward: 6 Large Copper Coins & 5000 XP)"]

- Quest Location:

| > Elise's Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic

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| > Think you need to complete 'Missing Daughter' quest, not 100% sure. Can also be time based
from when you first meat Elise.

- Rating:

| > Good quest (8/10)

- Guide:

| > Once you have accepted the quest, exit Noer from the Northern gate and follow the road
North. Go past the North Pass Whistle Tower and then East of the Society of Saints Monastery to
the large trees in the rain forest. Enter this tile, go south, then talk to Elise. Elise will offer 'water', accept it (you
will not be raped, don't worry) and once asked to pee, do so. In the case you refuse
any of the requests, Elise will tell you to "GO TO HELL! JUST FUCKING DIE!" and become hostile
to you (you can just leave and re-enter to change your choices).

| > After some lore about the goblins and orc-kind, a goblin group will appear and you must
kidnap the baby by interacting with it (need to be outside of combat). You can do it stealthy or kill
the goblins, either way is simple enough to not require explanation. Once done, make your way back
to Noer and enter any tile to talk to Elise to hand over the baby and finish the quest.


| > Elise is a perma-death character. Meaning that if he dies, he is gone from that play through.
His clinic will become abandoned and you can no longer buy operations, so try not to get him killed.

| >Elise is a fire mage that deals good DPS but acts as an artillery class so is quite fragile. Due to
fire magic having AOE attacks, Elise tends to friendly fire and causes companions to aggro on him. Ace
such, I do not recommended additional companions for this quest.

| > You cannot enter the clinic while having the 'stolen' baby, probably to prevent you from selling
the baby and messing up the quest.


[SPOILER="N8. Milo's Invite (Reward: 5 Large Copper Coins & +5 Morality)"]

!IMPORTANT! As of 0.3.8 you can spare Adam's life if you have 15 wisdom, will verify this later

[SPOILER="What leaving him alive will do"]

Judging from the game files, Adam is actually helping Cecily and Gray Rat defeat a major slave.
trading ring. Killing him helps Milo, a ruler who enforces peace through might, while leaving him
alive helps Cecily, a naive idealist who wants to help the people. You choose which is better.


- Quest Location:
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| > Mercenary Guild in Noer


| > Complete all quests (one-time and repeatable) in Adventurers guild in Noer once? (One-Time quests 1-6 &
Repeatable 1-4)

- Rating:

| > Good quest (8/10)

- Guide:

| > When the quest is made available, the mercenary guild's receptionist in the Noer Inn will get a green
exclamation mark above his head. Talk to him to receive the quest, 'Milo's Invite', and a Slope Temporary
Visa. Clean yourself and make sure it is day time BEFORE heading to the Rudesin slopes.

| > Once ready, enter the Rudesin Slopes North of the square then go directly East to 'The Golden Bar
Club' (large building with a purple roof). Once inside, head North to the end of the building. Talk to the person
with blue eyes on the large couch. Talk to him again and accept the quest he gives. Leave the Rudesin slopes
and then leave Noer through the North gate.

| > Follow the road North then East, continue East at the first intersection. Below the road 2 tiles before the
next intersection is a grey-destroyed building, enter that building. Once inside, head East and a small cut
scene will play. You have to kill the person with the sword and board combo.
When you aggro him, you get some dialogue options but they will all lead to combat.

| > Using the doorway as a choke point is helpful to defeat them, sprinting away and de-aggroing them will
cause them to return to the house so you can rest. When you kill Adam, he will drop his head that you need to
pick up for the quest. Return to the 'Golden Bar Club' and talk to Milo to finish the quest. If he is not there, exit
the bar and wait 1 day/night cycle then re-enter.


| > When you accept the quest to kill Adam, Gray Rat disappears from the Inn and Cecily states that they are
"very busy these days" and is thus unable to be recruited. You can recruit them again when you have finished
the quest.

| > You can bait the people in the house one-by-one using rocks to make the fight easier.

| > After completing the quest, Cecily will give a follow up quest and is unable to be recruited until that quest is


[SPOILER="N9. Rescue Refugees (Reward: 3 Gold Coins)"]

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- Quest Location:

| > Inn in Noer, Cecily


| > Complete the one-time quest 'Milo's Invite'

| > 5 days to pass after initially talking to Cecily

- Rating:

| > You can get much more money than the advertised reward for siding with Milo. You get 10 gold
coins initially and 5 more upon completion of the quest, giving you a total of 15 gold coins.

| > Great quest if siding with Cecily (9/10)

| > Fantastic quest if siding with Milo (10/10)

- Guide:

| > After completing the one-time quest 'Milo's Invite', talk to Cecily in the Noer Inn and she will tell
you that she is planning something and needs you to come back in 5 days.

| > There are 2 ways to do this quest: siding with Cecily and siding with Milo.

| > [Option 1] Siding with Cecily

| > Wait for 5 days and talk to Cecily, select the first option to tell her you are ready and the quest
will begin.

| > [Option 2] Siding with Milo

| > Note that if you choose to spare Adam's life, you will not receive the letter and be forced to side
with Cecily.

| > Wait 1 day/night cycle after initially talking to Cecily and the mercenary guild receptionist will
have another letter for you, "Milo's Invite 2". Go to Milo in the The Golden Bar Club (he only appears
during the day) and talk to him. Select the second option, then the second option again, then the
second option once more (you also get a reward of 10 gold coins for doing so).

| > Wait for 5 days after initially talking to Cecily and talk to her again after that time, select the first
option to tell her you are ready and the quest will begin.
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| > After accepting the quest from Cecily, recruit Cecily and Gray Rat as your companions. Exit Noer
through the North gate, follow the road, go North at the first intersection, continue North, at the second
intersection continue North, after a while you will see an encampment on the road, enter the
encampment by selecting the second option.

| > Head East then North. After the dialog, you have two choices: Stealth (Option 1, the choice on the
top) and Loud (Option 2, the choice on the bottom)

| > Section 1 [Option 1] Discretion is the better part of valor (Requires a minimum of 3 scoutcraft)

| > Note that the people have a line of sight to the tiles on their sides, eg a person facing North can
'see' 1 tile to his West and East.

| > Go into sneaking mode ('ctrl') and head North until you hit the wall. Take one step to the East then
throw a rock 2 tiles East of the guard (Moving to the East is unnecessary if you have the 'Improve
Throw' trait). When the guard is distracted, follow the Western wall to the bushes and wait for the
second patrolling guard to arrive.

| > Follow the second guard once he starts walking to the East. Stay close behind until you reach a
relatively open area to the south, go South (you only have 2-3 seconds from when the guard stops
moving) behind the pine tree until you reach the Southern wall.

| > Wait until you see the second Bandit with a dog start moving to the East, follow behind them
East (be careful about the dog because it goes back and forward) Keep going East until you reach
the wall, wait to the South East of the tree against the wall

| > Wait until the third Bandit stops then starts moving North. Go North. Stop if the fourth guard is
looking West or South. When he isn't looking in those directions, move up and throw a rock to his
direct South-East. Move North then East past him (don't get with 1 tile of his sides).

| > Head South then East to the exit.

| > Section 1 [Option 2] Destruction is the better part of valor (Blue and red potions recommended)

| > Just move through the linear path while killing all enemies in sight. The only thing you need to be
careful of is friendly fire, Cecily has low HP and can be killed easily. If Cecily is difficult to keep alive,
tell her to stay where she is before moving through the path (Do note that the 2 mercenaries follow
Cecily so you won't have their help if you do this).

| > There are a total of 11 bandits and 3 dogs that need to be defeated: 3 bandits and 1 dog spawn at
the exit when the timer starts and an additional 3 bandits and 1 dog spawn just east to the open area
when the timer ends.

| > Go to the exit and enter the next zone, in this area you will no longer have the 2 mercenaries
following you. Follow the linear path and, upon reaching a camp, dialog will play where you need to
choose between stealth and non-stealth again. The choice you can take in this section is not affected
by the choice you made in the previous section.
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| > Section 2 [Option 1] They'll never know what hit 'em (Requires a minimum of 3 scoutcraft)

| > Choose the first option and enter stealth mode. Head south until you reach the tent. Get ready to
throw a rock to the West of the guard West of the fire below. Wait until the guard patrolling on the road
stops and starts moving East. Once the guard on the road those that, throw the rock.

| > Quickly sneak behind the person to the East of the fire and hit him once to knock him out.
Walk (sneaking is not necessary for this part) to the guard on the road from behind and knock him out as
well. If you are fast enough, you can knock out the third guard you baited earlier; if not, you can kill him
through combat without issue.

| > Once the three guards are incapacitated, sneak again and knock out the guard next to the carriages
by hitting him from behind. You can then run back to get Cecily and Gray Rat to follow you and you can
kill the guards one by one or until the next section starts (don't know what precisely triggers it, perhaps
interacting with the carriages after everyone is dead/incapacitated ?).
Note that they only stay incapacitated for ~1 minute.

| > Section 2 [Option 2] The last thing they will see is death

> Once again, this does not need much explanation, just head South and kill the 4 enemies
| guarding the slave transport. Cecily and Gray Rat should easily be able to handle this themselves.

| > Once all enemies are killed, head to any of the slave carriages and interact with it.

| > A scene will play after this section and what occurs depends on who you sided with.

| > [Siding With Cecily]

| > This occurs if you didn't talk about Cecily to Milo or refused to disclose information.

| > Total reward for this path is 3 gold coins.

| > [Siding With Milo]

| > This occurs if you talked about Cecily to Milo and disclosed information. Choosing the first option leads
to Milo rewarding Lona with more money and the second option is Lona becoming angry at Milo for lying
to her, causing Milo to order Lona's execution (Lona gets shot and dies).

| > Total reward for this path is 15 gold coins.


> You can get an additional 10 gold coins while siding with Cecily by selling her out to Milo
| AFTER the quest is completed (version 0.3.8)
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| > You can still side with Cecily even if you talk to Milo; provided that you refuse to give him any

| > Siding with Milo unlocks a CG.

| > As of writing this (, there is no punishment for going the 'loud' path so that path is
recommended as you get more items from killing the enemies.

| > You do not actually need to read 'Milo's Invite 2' to talk to Milo about Cecily's plan.

| > If you decide to spare Adam's life in the 'Milo's Invite' quest, Adam appears as the mercenary
helping Cecily. If you killed Adam, generic mercenaries will appear and comment on Adam's sudden


[SPOILER="P1. Overlord M405 Cannon (Reward: 4000 XP)"]

- Quest Location:

| > East Seven Sentry Point (Eastern Outpost)


| > None

- Rating:

| > Decent quest due to being fun (7/10)

- Guide:

| > Leave Noer using the Eastern gate and continue East and cross the 2 Stone bridges and
continue on the Road East. You will reach a stone tower between mountains with tents behind it, this is the
'East Seven Sentry Point' (which I call "Eastern Outpost").

| > Enter the East Seven Sentry Point and head East. A solider will talk to you, enter the door
He is guarding and going up the stairs on the West. Once on the roof, talk to the 'Artillery Officer' to
the North and select 'Offer help' (You can say 'Nevermind' without consequence). You then have to
interact with the artillery piece with a computer on it (the cannon in the middle).

| > The artillery piece plays like an AC130 from Call of Duty by firing explosive rounds that causes
damage to the aimed tile and the tiles around it (causes damage in a 3x3 area) while having a delay
to reach the targeted location (~2 seconds, depends on distance) and a short reload (~3 seconds).
The artillery is deadly to everyone so watch your aim. There are a total of 3 waves, each wave larger
than the previous. To succeed you need to have at least 1 surviving soldier on the front line (the
solider guarding the entrance counts).

| > Once finished, press 'X' to exit the cannon and talk to the artillery officer. You will receive
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4000 exp as a reward and after a short skit you will be tasked with repairing the cannon. This quest
is covered in the 'Repairing Overlord M405 Cannon' quest guide.


| > Failing this quest leads to the outpost being overrun and destroyed, locking out the special
prostitution in this area (See 'Sentry Prostitution' job guide) and the 'repair' quest which has a CG

| > If you want to assist a friendly fighting an enemy, aim behind the enemy to prevent friendly
fire. Although friendly fire is not penalized so you can 'sacrifice' your allies if they are surrounded
and about to die.

| > The barricades are good funnels but will be destroyed if you shoot them with the artillery so
avoid shooting the barricades if possible.

| > On the first floor of the tower, there is also a letter on the table to the East containing
Lore and you can talk to the Soldier there if you want to prostitute yourself, more info in the
'Sentry Prostitution' job guide.


[SPOILER="P2. Repairing Overlord M405 Cannon (Reward: 8000 XP & a Mini-game)"]

- Quest Location:

| > East Seven Sentry Point (Eastern Outpost)


| > Finished 'Overlord M405 Cannon' Quest

- Rating:

| > Debatable west (6/10)

| > Decent if done with 'Mine Monster Cleanup' quest (7/10)

| > Good quest if done with 'Mine Monster Cleanup' quest and have the 'Dark Cauldron' and/or 'Omnivore'
trait (8/10)

- Guide:

| > Make your way to Noer and enter the 'Central Noer Market' at night. Walk to the North-West corner of the
map, between the buildings and talk to the person standing on the carpet (blond
hair, googles, blue eyes, etc). Talk to him about 'Gunpowder Supplier?'. Before leaving for the mines
make sure to hire adventurer(s) to help, I recommend the 'Jobless Adventurer' due to being well
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suited to fighting the infestation and has a lantern.

| > Leave Noer through the Eastern gate and make your way East on the road past the 2 stone
bridges. Go North at the intersection after the 2nd bridge and enter the 'Crystal Mine'. Once inside, make your
way South-West and enter the cave system, Your companion should be able to easily
deal with the enemies there, you can assist them by standing next to them to prevent enemies
from 'jumping' to that tile and causing your ally to miss.

| > Blue crystals will appear on the walls at random locations, note that Lisa (the engineer) has to
be nearby to reveal it. You can collect these crystals nodes by interacting the node and picking up
the drops, one node will have 3 crystals inside.

| > After you collect 10 crystals, an ambush will occur shortly after and a scene will play for Lisa.
You then need to find either 1 bug repellent (can be bought from Elise's Obstetrics and Gynecology
Clinic for 1000p) or 5 repellent Herbs (found in the wild or bought from the herb merchants for
300p a piece, found in the Central Noer Market). Once you have the required item(s), head back to
the mine and enter the room to the South-West and talk to Lisa.

| > After Lisa is cured, head back to the East Seven Sentry Point to your East and talk to the
Atillery Officer on top of the Tower about 'Repair Cannon'. The reward talked about is for Lisa, not
you, as you will only receive 8000 XP and the ability to play the mini-game anytime you want.


| > You can also speed up the quest by bringing 1 bug repellent or 5 repellent Herbs before
leaving for the mine.

| > You keep the extra high quality minerals which you can sell.

| > The mini-game of killing deep-ones with the artillery piece is repeatable once this quest is
completed, just talk to the artillery officer and select 'Artillery'. Note that using the artillery
system doesn't seem to give any exp so has no purpose other then fun.

| > Doing this quest together with the 'Mine Monster Cleanup' quest gives more rewards for
practically the same amount of work, doing so is highly recommended.


[SPOILER="P3. Escort Travelers (Reward: 1 Large Copper Coin & +2 Morality)"]

- Quest Location:

| > Camping site on the road between Pirates Bane (Eastern Fortress) and East Seven Sentry
Point (Eastern Outpost)


| > None
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- Rating:

| > Good Quest (8/10)

- Guide:

| > Enter the 'Unknown Camp' and walk East. An event will occur and you need to defeat 2 deep-ones (watch
your stamina, their attacks mostly deal stamina damage). Once the enemies are killed, return to the traveler
and talk to him. Accept the quest and leave the area.

| > Continue to follow the road North-East until you see a fortress (Pirates Bane). Go to the tile
to fortress is located in and enter, it's the same as entering Noer but with a different guard model.
Once inside, talk to the traveler to finish the quest.


| > This quest is best done when traveling from Noer to Pirates Bane.

| > If you have the 'Cannibal' trait, you can butcher the corpses in the 'Unknown Camp' for meat.

| > If you don't have the ID paper, you can buy a new one in Noer from the bandit at the harbor
backstreet, sneak in if you have a high enough scoutcraft, or bluff your way in if you have high
Enough Wisdom.

| > You can fast travel between Pirates Bane and Noer by talking to the stable master (person
next to horses in Pirates Bane and person manning the kiosk on the map next to the Eastern exit in
Noer) and selecting the third option while having 2000p.


[SPOILER="P4. The Evil in the Mass Grave (Reward: 2 Large Copper Coins, +1500 XP, & +1

- Quest Location:

| > Mercenary Guild in Pirates Bane (Eastern Fortress) (Inn)


| > None

- Rating:

| > Decent quest (7/10)

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- Guide:

| > After accepting the quest, leave Pirates Bane and head East to the pond next to the road
Surrounded by forest, make sure it is night time. Enter the 'Mass Grave', follow the path (talk to the
Gravekeeper if you want), kill all skeletons and make sure the area is clear BEFORE talking to the
hooded figure.

| > Make sure you have a good amount of stamina (rest if you need to) and talk to the hooded
figure. This will start a battle with a count-down timer, you have to survive until the timer ends. The
best way to do this is to run around in circles along the map edges, using the carts to block enemies
and break line of sight. The hooded figure will always know where you are and has 2 attacks:
spawn/strengthen skeleton (looks like a red fire), and drain energy (most dangerous spell, does
massive stamina damage, and looks like a green fire).

| > After the countdown timer ends, the hooded figure and the summoned skeletons will despawn.
Make your way back to Pirates Bane Inn and hand in the quest to the receptionist.


| > It is practically impossible to beat the hooded figure for 2 reasons: before talking to him he
will attack with his scythe if provoked that does 100+ damage a hit and in the count-down section he
will summon too many skeletons to fight properly (the skeletons easily trap you if you fight, causing
you to get hit by his drain energy spell, causing you to get ganked by the skeletons). You cannot win, run
around instead.

| > A companion is NOT recommended as they will either aggro on the hooded figure and get
themselves killed or block your path in the count-down section which can cause you to get trapped.

> Treat this quest as a "learning to kite and run away" rather than a "fight against all odds", it
| will make it much easier.

| > Bringing Cocona as a companion will trigger special dialogue from the hooded figure


[SPOILER="P5. Message from North Point (Reward: 1 Large Copper Coin, +1000 XP, +1 Morality)"]

- Quest Location:

| > Mercenary Guild in Pirates Bane (Eastern Fortress) (Inn)


| > None

- Rating:

| > Good quest (8/10)

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- Guide:

| > After accepting the quest, leave the fort and follow the road North. Just past the swamps is a bunch of
barricades on the road, this is the Northern Outpost. Enter this tile.

| > Interact with the body once you are out of combat either through killing the goblins or sneaking past the
goblins. A short scene will play where you are told to run away. You can do so and leave for Pirates Bane to
hand in the quest.


| > The Necromancer and his summoned skeletons who appear after interacting with the body is not actually
hostile to you and will nor attack unless provoked. This means that you can freely stay in the outpost while the
Necromancer kills the goblins and vagrants for you, allowing you to pick up any dropped loot.

| > Completing this quest will cause the Necromancer to show up in the Pirates Bane Inn. He is currently a
WIP ( and does nothing other than cause people to aggro on him, where he proceeds to curb stomp
them. If he doesn't show up, you might have to complete 'The Evil in the Mass Grave' quest as well.


[SPOILER="P6. Wetland Camp Assistance (Reward: +4000 XP)"]

- Quest Location:

| > Outpost East of Pirates Bane


| > None

- Rating:

| > Poor quest (4/10)

- Guide:

| > From Pirates Bane, follow the road East. You will reach an area with 2 guard towers and a camp in the
ruins (Wetland Camp), enter the camp. Once inside, head North and a guard will talk to you; at the end of this
dialog, a timer will appear where in 5 additional deep-ones spawn from the waters to attack.

| > Defeat the total of 8 deep-ones. It is best to stay with the guards so the deep-ones aggro on
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them. Once the deep-ones are defeated, talk to the guard with the red bandanna and spear to
complete the quest.


| > This quest is best done together with the 'Gouge Out the Eyes!' repeatable quest.

| > If the guard with the red bandanna and spear dies, the outpost will be overrun with deep-ones
upon re-entry regardless of the other 2 guards surviving.


[SPOILER="P7. Rescue the Maid (Reward: 3 Large Copper Coins, +1250 XP, & +6 Morality)"]

- Quest Location:

| > Outpost to the East of Pirates Bane


| > Complete 'Wetland Camp Assistance' quest

- Rating:

| > Awful quest (2/10)

| > Poor quest with 'Lantern' equipped (4/10)

| > Debatable quest with 'Lantern' equipped and 10+ blue potions (5/10)

- Guide:

| > Once you have completed the 'Wetland Camp Assistance' quest, talk to the guard with the
red bandanna and spear again and select the second option. Accept the quest by selecting the
second option again. Leave to the camp by going South. If you do not have the necessary supplies, head
West to Pirates Bane to buy a Lantern and ticket back to Noer to buy blue potions from the
clinic. You could also buy or forage White Dragon Weed (restores 10 stamina) in Pirates Bane if you
want to take a big risk or, if you have the 'Dark Pot' ability, to craft blue potions (2 White Dragon
Weeds per Blue Potion).

| > Follow the road going to the East and eventually North. Once you see the cave in the middle
of the swamp surrounded by mountains, travel through the pine forest to reach it (avoid as many
swamp tiles as possible, the swamps are difficult to escape and there is a deep-one war-band
spawn point nearby). Enter the cave and head North.
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| > [Puzzle 1] There will be an engraving on the wall with 4 tablets containing symbols to the East
and West of it. The possible symbols are: Dick, Womb, Jumping Person, and Running Person.
These symbols are the key to entering the deep-one lair.

| > The 4 corresponding tablets that need to be changed to match the symbols in the engraving are
found on the walls to the North-East, North-West, South-East, and South-West of the room.
Interact with these tablets to change the image. Once you match the symbols on the wall with the
symbols on the engraving, a water vortex will open. Interact with this vortex.

| > Once inside the deep-one lair, head North. there will be a statue with 4 more engravings around
it and a chest with randomized loot. There is another puzzle in this lair, identical to the one before,
that needs to be completed to escape. Do this puzzle BEFORE rescuing the person to make it easier.

| > [Puzzle 2] Once you memorize (or write down) the required symbols; Starting from the middle of
the altar, head south until you reach the large stalagmite (rock sticking out of the floor).
Head West into the cave. Note: there are deep-ones in the waters and they will ambush during this

| > Follow the Northern wall in the cave until you see a glow to the North, this is the tablet that
corresponds to the top-left engraving. Change the tablet to the correct symbol.

| > Head South until you see another glow, this tablet corresponds to the bottom-left engraving.
Change the tablet to the correct symbol.

| > Follow the Southern wall until you see another glow, this tablet corresponds to the bottom-right
engraving. Change the tablet to the correct symbol.

| > Follow the Southern wall until you see another glow, this tablet corresponds to the top-right
engraving. Change the tablet to the correct symbol.

| > Once the water vortex opens, head West to the area where prisoners are held. Talk to the girl
with amber hair. Escort her to the water vortex (needs to be within a 3x3 square next to the exit to
follow you, that means waiting for her). Staying within 3 tiles of her will help with path finding because
being further away makes her more prone to going in the wrong direction.

| > Head South towards the exit, once close enough to the exit a green arrow will appear above the
girl. Talk to her when this happens. Leave the cave and return to the Wetland Camp by following the
road South. DO NOT cut through the swamps, it takes longer, consumes more stamina, and is more

| > Once inside Wetland Camp, talk to the guard with the red bandanna and spear. This will finish
the escort mission and you will be given +5 morality and a letter. This letter needs to be delivered to
the Mercenary Guild's receptionist in Pirates Bane to the West to receive the final reward of 3 Large
Copper Coins, +1250 XP, & +1 Morality.


| > Deep-ones lurk in bodies of water and can be identified by a dark-blue circle moving in the
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water, similar to fish but bigger.

| > Kill deep-ones that spot you as fast as possible as they will start a count-down timer after a
while, this includes the babies.

| > A more cost-efficient method is to frequently rest between engagements so you do not need
to consume as many blue potions, but this requires you to bring a lot of food.

| > You can interact with the big fish piles (there is usually 2-3 in the prisoner area) to collect a
total of 5 fish without any stamina cost.

| > If the countdown begins halfway through the second puzzle (you already matched the top and
bottom left symbols), there should still be enough time to escape and there are no additional deep-ones
spawning in the entrance room.

| > Being captured by deep ones to the East of Pirates Bane leads you to being a captive here, you need to
complete puzzle 2 to be able to escape.


[SPOILER="D1. Pickpocket quest (Reward: 1 Large Copper Coin & +1000 XP)"]

- Quest Location:

| >Doom Fort Inn


| > None

- Rating:

| > Poor quest with 0-5 scoutcraft (4/10)

| > Meh quest with 6+ scoutcraft (6/10)

- Guide:

| > Enter Doom Fort Inn, head North, and enter the Eastern most room. Talk to the person in
armor and select the second option. After that, Leave the Inn and enter the barracks through the
gate East of you (Select second option then second option again).

| > Head South then East to the Sergeant (man with a cowboy hat and in his underwear). booth
to the direct East of the Sergeant

| > Throw a rock 2 tiles West of the Sargent and follow behind him, repeat this until you reach
the wall. Note that he sometimes teleports back to his spot if he loses 'interest' so standing behind
him is important to prevent him from backtracking to the previous rock.
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| > Make a save then attempt to pickpocket him (you need to assign a key to this (Menu > Skills > Steal, at the
bottom of the list). Sneaking is not required to pickpocket him. How many attempts this will take depends on
your sneak skill and RNG.

| > Once you get 'success', a key-card looking item will drop to the ground, pick that item up and return to the
quest giver in Doom Fort Inn.


| > Success rate for stealing depends on your scoutcraft skill and how many NPCs detect you
(NPCs who see you but are not the one(s) being pick pocketed will still reduce success chance)

| > Talking to the Sargent and selecting the second option has a reference to a movie and gives you +1500
XP (selecting the first option gets you punched).

| > Upon completing the quest, the quest giver states that he has another job for you in 2 days.


[SPOILER="D2. Eastern Checkpoint Assistance (Reward: 2 Halberds, +1 Morality)"]

- Quest Location:

| > Eastern Checkpoint (East of Doom Fort)


| > None

- Rating:

| > Meh quest due to weight of reward (6/10)

- Guide:

| > Starting from Doom Fort, follow the road South then go East at the intersection. You will reach a barricade
on the road with the ocean to its North and mountains to its South, enter this tile.

| > Head East inside the tile and talk to the crusader looking person. He will tell you that they are being
overwhelmed and need reinforcements. Head back to Doom Fort.

| > Enter Doom Fort, go through the second gates to the East, then North to the Barracks. Talk to the person
directly North of the barracks behind the table with books. You must then go back to the Eastern checkpoint.
Once you enter the Eastern checkpoint, talk to the crusader looking person again. He will assign you with the
task of loading the cannons.

| > Load the cannons by entering the shack and picking up ammunition directly East (you can
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only carry one pile at a time), heading back outside, and loading the cannon by interacting with it.
Do this to both cannons and after a while, a cut scene will play where 2 additional 'super' enemies will show

| > [Method 1] Give a good pounding (Weapon Expert / Mana Knowledge trait)

| > Start off with ranged (throwing knives do little damage so use a bow) or magic to target the super
abominations as there is little risk of friendly fire at the start. Note that these enemies have 'grabbing' tentacles
that pull you next to them so maintain a large distance. Once they get close to the guards, run East so they de-
aggro on you and aggro on the guards instead.

| > Once they aggro on the guards, join the ganking of the abominations with a melee weapon (avoid ranged
attacks as friendly fire will spell trouble for you) and spam the attack button. Because there are 3-4 people
attacking at the same time, the super abomination jumps from target to target and is thus rendered ineffective.
Once the super abomination you are ganking is at low health and starts showing the 'scared' affect (3 blue
water drops) it will stop attacking and try to run. It is then safe to focus on the other abomination as the guards
will finish it off.

| > [Method 2] Receive a good pounding (Succubus trait)

| > Rush one of the super abominations that spawn and hit it once to try and stun it (not strictly necessary, but
helps). Then use your sex attack on it. While you are busy killing this super abomination, the guards will handle
the other one. It is necessary to be as far away from the guards as possible so they do not interrupt your sex
attack by dealing damage to the super abomination.

| > Once the super abomination is juiced to death, participate in the ganking of the other super abomination
with a melee weapon (sex attacks are ineffective because it will get constantly interrupted).

| > Once the 2 super abominations are dead, a small cut scene will play and you will receive your reward.


| > The abomination enemies continuously re-spawn the first time you enter this area so helping them fight
does nothing.

> Halberds weigh 36 each (total of 72) so have carrying capacity before doing this quest, this
| reward is the equivalent of 2 large copper coins.

| > The Eastern Outpost will have a constant attack of respawning enemies before and after the quest's

| > (as of If all guards are defeated, you can leave and re-enter the map to 'restart' the mission, this
will most likely change.

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[SPOILER="D3. Love Letter (Reward: 1 Big Copper Coin, 1 Small Copper Coin, & +2000 XP)"]

- Quest Location:

| > Doom Fort Barracks


| > None

- Rating:

| > Bad quest with 'Tough' personality (3/10)

| > Poor quest with another personality (4/10)

- Guide:

| > Note that it has to be night for the guards to spawn in the barracks. Starting from initially entering
Doom Fort: head through the gate to the East, go North into the barracks, go East to the sleeping
area, find the soldier with a green arrow above his head ( if he is not there, wait until the next night as
the guards sleeping are changed), and talk to him. Select the second option after the quest description
is presented to accept the quest.

| > Go to Noer, recommend using the Town Relay (fast travel system) by talking to the station
employee (outside the Inn to the East). In Noer, starting from the Eastern gate: head West until the
road turns North, head South through the buildings, turn 1 tile West then East after you reach the
coast, and enter the tile with the red house (same building model as the Clinic ).

| > After the small interaction, you need to head back to Doom Fort using your preferred method.
Talk to the guard again, if he is not there go to the next night as the people sleeping are on a 'rotation'.
You have the option to lie or give him the letter.

| > [Option 1] Telling John the Truth

| > Giving him the letter will cause him to become berserk upon learning that his uncle cucked him,
causing him to become hostile to everyone. You will then receive an XP reward of +2000 XP after the
dialogue ends.

| > Run away as attacking him will still be counted as assaulting a guard, giving you a moral malice.

| > [Option 2] Lie to John ('Tough' personality is unable to choose this option)

> Doing this will end the quest more peacefully as John just becomes very sad instead of
| becoming berserk and rewards you with +4000 XP.
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| > You could just accept his quest but never complete it as he gives you the monetary reward as a down

| > Using the recommended tip of utilizing the Town Relay will essentially remove all monetary rewards from
this quest as it costs 2000p to use (roughly 1 big copper coin and 1 small copper coin).
Using the Relay twice will result in a net loss of 1 big copper coin and 1 small copper coin but saves a lot of


[SPOILER="666. Rabbit of Caerbannog (Reward: Chest with Randomized Loot & +5000 XP)"]

- Quest Location:

| > Cave in the mountains to the North


| > None

- Rating:

| > Decent quest (7/10)

- Guide:

| > There are 3 ways to do the quest: Divine Intervention, Oh God Oh Fuck, and Do It Like The
Charlie's Did

| > [Method 1] Divine Intervention (easier)

| > Exit Noer through the North gate and follow the road North. Once you reach the refugee camp area, enter
the 'Society of Saints Monastery' (the church) and buy 'Holy Water' from the Priest to the North. leave the

| > Now continue following the road and go East at the intersection above the church. Continue East until the
next intersection where you go North. You will see a mine in the mountains (the big door), enter this mine.
Inside the Mine, talk to the person next to the tent and select the third option.

| > Go East into the cave and get near the rabbit. When the rabbit aggros on you, run back West and try to get
the rabbit to step on the tile with the holy water. Once this happens, the rabbit will
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slip on the holy water, bump his head, then explode. A chest will drop but the people there will not
let you take it because they believe that they did all the work and deserve the loot.

| > [Method 2] Oh God, Oh Fuck (harder)

| > This method requires the 'Weapons Expert' trait as you need a longbow.

| > Exit Noer through the East gate and follow the road North. Keep going North until you see a
mine in the mountains (the big door), enter this mine. Go East and stand behind the crawling man.
Face the rabbit and use your 'Control' weapon ability ('Snipering' with your Longbow). You can use
it a maximum of three times before the rabbit closes the distance. If the rabbit hits you, you are
fucked because it shows no mercy, hence the name of this method.

| > Run back to the mercenaries and run around them until the rabbit aggros on them instead.
Just stand right next to the exit and hope they take the fight to the East so the rabbit doesn't aggro
back on you once it kills everyone, you can also hide using stealth if you can. Once the rabbit
returns to it's lair (or the NPCs somehow managed to kill the rabbit), repeat the strategy used
before to finish it off, it takes ~4 hits in total to kill the rabbit. If the NPCs are, somehow, still alive
they will claim that they deserve the loot and will not allow you to take it.

| > [Method 3] Do It Like Charlie's Did (You can get blown up to kingdom come)

| > This method requires 2-3 frag mines and 9+ frag bombs that can be bought from Lisa in the
market at night.

| > Exit Noer through the East gate and follow the road North. Keep going North until you see a
mine in the mountains (the big door), enter this mine. Once inside, go East until the rabbit and get
close enough for it to aggro on you. Run West so the rabbit kills the person crawling, once he is
dead, set a frag mine horizontal to the rabbit (select it in your inventory and press 'space', make
sure to sprint while pressing a directional key when exiting the menu or you will blow yourself up)
and place 5-6 frag bombs around it (select it in inventory and press space).

| > Set another trap behind you for the NPCs for when they try to steal your loot by pacing 1 frag
next to a person (they move towards the cave) and place 1-3 frag bombs next to each person or
by placing a similar trap to the one above but near the entrance of the cave.

| > Killing the rabbit and NPCs in 1 go is a bit RNG dependent as the blast can knock people
backwards or forwards and that determine show many more explosives will hit them. To remove
some RNG, set another trap or use even more frag bombs. When ready, get the rabbit to aggro
you and run past your trap(s) and let the bunny go boom. The NPCs should follow suit shortly thereafter.
If the rabbit didn't die, set another trap: same goes for the NPCs.

| > Kill the NPCs. They surround the chest if you interact with the chest once and become hostile
to you if you interact with the chest a second time (this also makes stealth nearly impossible). The
danger is that the map is narrow so baiting them one by one using rocks is recommended or using
an aoe attack when they are grouped together after interacting with the chest once (you can use a
bomb which can be bought from the Noer market at night from Lisa to the North-West).

| > Get your reward from the chest, the chest content is randomized and you have to exit and re-
enter the map BEFORE killing the rabbit to re-roll the contents.
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| > "Run Away!" -King Arthur

| > For method 1 when you already laid down the holy water, an easier way to kill the NPCs is to
get them to aggro on you by attacking them and then luring them to the rabbit, where the rabbit
will rip them apart.

| > After this quest is done, the mine will become infested with goblins once you leave the mine
and re-enter.



[SPOILER="1. Collect White Dragon Grass (Reward: 2 Small Copper Coins)"]

- Quest Location:

| > Mercenary Guild in Noer (Inn)


| > None

- Rating:

| > Bad quest (3/10)

- Guide:

| > Exit Noer from the Eastern gate, cross the bridge to the East, enter the rain forests below
(next to the water).

| > Look for 'White Dragon Weed' which look like tall grass/hay/rice and stand on top of it and
press enter /z. At the beginning, when you have no wisdom, you only get 1 White Dragon Weed per
map so you have to exit and re-enter.

| > After getting five White Dragon Weeds, go back to Noer and enter 'Elise Obstetrics and
Gynecologist', the building on the top right of the large square road area (small red building with a
chimney). It is only open during the day (press 'ctrl' to skip time without stamina cost in the world
map if you need to wait). When inside, go directly North and talk to the person behind the counter.

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| > Watch out for boars, they are dangerous and can easily stun lock you although killing them
give a lot of meat.

| > Gathering any material (other than wood) costs 3 stamina.

| > You can also get apples (from trees with red apples), grapes (from vines on map walls with
purple grapes), blue berries (from grass with blue berries), and tomatoes (from vines on map walls
with red tomatoes) for the same cost.

| > Higher wisdom stat increases the amount of herbs that spawn on the map, buying glasses
from the magic merchant above the dock during the day is an easy way to do this (2-3 per map
instead of 1).

| > Having the sickle equipped while gathering reduces the cost from 3 stamina to 1 stamina,
important if you don't want to burn through your food.

| > There is a book containing the recipes for medicine on the Western most side of the counter in
the clinic


[SPOILER="2. Mine Monster Cleanup (Reward: 1 Large Copper Coin)"]

- Quest Location:

| > Mercenary Guild in Noer (Inn)


| > None

- Rating:

| > Meh quest without those traits (6/10)

| > Decent quest with 'dark cauldron' or 'omnivores' trait (7/10)

| > Good quest with 'dark cauldron' and 'omnivores' trait (8/10)

- Guide:

| > Hire the 'Jobless Adventurer' (the one with a whip) for a bowl of brother (you can buy meat soup
from boss mama for 250p), do NOT get other adventurers as they are not suited and WILL get hit by
the Jobless Adventurer, causing a free for all. A lantern is highly recommended so you can see.

| > Exit Noer from the Eastern gate, cross the 2 bridges to the East, enter the mine (door
surrounded by mountains).

| > Talk to the 'pit manager' in the room to the left, then go South, and then west all the way to
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the wall. At this point you will have to navigate the mess that is the infested mine (I'll try to find a way
to map it).

| > The adventurer will wreak havoc in his path and you just need to pick up the meat (you can easily
get 40-80 'mutant flesh'). If the adventurer runs out of energy (starts crawling) run away to an already
cleared area and rest there. Do this until the mine is cleared (PC will tell you).

| > Talk to the pit manager again, then return to the inn to hand in the quest.


| > There are 4 things you need to be careful of bats (move quickly and AI has a hard time hitting it
as it 'jumps' across the character, stand behind the jobless adventurer to stop the bat from jumping),
egg sacs (looks like a ball of pulsating meat, releases several enemies upon damage or being too
close), floaters (floating balls of meat that explode upon death, dealing big damage and leaving a
pool of deadly flesh), and jobless adventurer (his whip is an AOE attack and getting hit causes a stun/
slow-down effect which can get you swarmed).

| > Monster meat can be made into smoked mystery meat using dark cauldron which can be sold for
~98p a piece as opposed to the 19p a piece for monster meat. Recipe is an even number of monster
meat and 1 log, every 2 pieces of monster meat gives 1 smoked mystery meat.

> Alternatively, you can eat the monster meat with little penalty if you have the omnivores trait
| or eat the smoked mystery meat if you have both traits and have practically endless food.


[SPOILER="3. Undead In Cemetery (Reward: 7 Small Copper Coins)"]

- Quest Location:

| > Mercenary Guild in Noer (Inn)


| > None

- Rating:

| > Decent quest (7/10)

- Guide:

| > Hire the 'Jobless Adventurer' (the one with a whip) for a bowl of brother (you can buy meat soup
from boss mama for 250p) or any free adventurers you have unlocked.

| > Go to the grave yard (West of the Northern gate, in the walled off district) and walk around
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the grave yard (day or night, doesn't matter), the Jobless Adventurer will aggro on any skeletons and
kick their asses. Just be careful of bone piles on the ground as those are 'hiding' skeletons and will
turn into a skeleton then attack you if you step on them. Kill 20 skeletons this way, Lona will have
dialogue to state this.

| > Talk to the 'Gravekeeper', guard next to the entrance of the graveyard, and then make your
way back to the Inn to submit the quest.


| > If there are armored skeletons or skeletons with shields, it would be better to aggro those
enemies and kite as the jobless adventurer struggles with them and can lose a lot of stamina
fighting them alone.

| > Don't do this quest over and over again, it is boring and does not give you much exp on
account of you practically doing nothing.

| > Skeletons mostly drop rag clothing which cannot be sold (but do give Lona a rouge look) but
they do have a very small chance to drop weapons.


[SPOILER="4. Squatters In The Sewers (Reward: 1 Large Copper Coin & +1 Morality)"]

- Quest Location:

| > Mercenary Guild in Noer (Inn)


| > Although it states 'One-Time' it does reappear:

| > 13 day/night cycles to pass from finishing tutorial or last completion of this quest.

- Rating:

| > Poor quest (4/10)

| > Meh quest with Weapons Expert/Mana Knowledge/Succubus trait (6/10)

| > Decent quest with Cecily & Gray Rat (7/10)

- Guide:

| > After accepting the quest and hiring companion(s) you want West. The , exit the Inn and head North-
entrance to the sewer is the same to where you left the tutorial quest, the thank you directly
South-East of the Northern gate.
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| > Once inside, your goal is to kill all homeless people in the sewer. Without the trait or
recommended companion, it will be difficult because of the amount of enemies and their HP: take a
lot of food and/or blue potions to have enough stamina to kill all of them (everyone spawns once
you leave the sewer and re-enter). If you have Cecily and Gray Rat, they can handle everything
themselves so you just need to walk around.

| > Note that the child and mother are not in the criminal faction unlike the other homeless but
still need to be killed to complete the quest. The duty falls on you to execute the mother and child
who wants to protect her.

| > Once you are done with the quest, head back to the Inn and hand in the quest.


| > The homeless are in the 'criminal' faction so companions not hostile to that faction will only
attack them if you attack first. Hence, Cecily & Gray Rat is the best choice; the dog companion can
be made hostile to this faction as well so it is also a good choice.

> As the homeless only do 1 damage to basically everyone, their biggest danger is their fast
| attacks which can stun you and cause me to lose a lot of stamina.

> The homeless have a tendency to run away, cornering them with your companions makes
| them significantly easier to kill.


[SPOILER="5. Gouge out the Eyes! (Reward: 5 Small Copper Coins, 1 Large Copper Coin, +1500 XP, & +1

- Quest Location:

| > Mercenary Guild in Pirates Bane Inn (Eastern Fortress)


| > None

- Rating:

| > Decent quest (7/10)

- Guide:

| > Once you have accepted the quest, leave Pirates Bane and follow the road West. Go off the
road and continue west through the swamp. Then make your way to the Plainfields West of the
swamp. The 2 Southern-most Plainfield tiles (just North of the Pine Forest) is close enough to a
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Deep-One war band spawning point to get them to spawn.

| > Wait on this tile by pressing the 'ctrl' key and enter the encounter. Once inside the encounter, kill the Deep-
Ones while collecting the eyeball drops (similar to the tutorial quest).

| > Head back to Pirates Bane through the same way you came (avoid going South so you don't get attacked
by Deep-Ones in a swamp tile) and hand in the quest.


| > You can bring along the 'Addict Mercenary' (spear man below the 1st bedroom in Pirates bane Inn) if you
need assistance with killing the deep ones.

| > Alternatively, you can hunt for deep-ones in the swamp or by entering the deep one caves but the former
method takes much longer and the latter method is much more dangerous.

| > Deep-Ones are focused on doing stamina damage, meaning that getting attacked by more than 1 Deep-
One at the same time can easily lead to a stun-lock and subsequent defeat. Make sure to have enough room
to retreat and potions/herbs to restore stamina.

| > Crawling Deep-Ones are difficult to kill and highly dangerous due to the fact that they jump a lot, they are
most easily countered by spears and open areas or having a companion aggro them instead.


[SPOILER="6. Escort To Town Of Noer (Reward: 1 Small Copper Coins & +5 Morality)"]

- Quest Location:

| > Random event that occurs on the world map away from Noer, seems to occur more frequently in refuge
camps (tents around outposts).


| > None

- Rating:

| > Debatable quest (5/10)

- Guide:

| > Once you have accepted the quest, you have a 5 day limit (I think) to make it to Noer, the refugee (only 1
spawns) will act like a companion and is able to be killed by enemies, failing the quest. Once you are in Noer,
enter a map and talk to the person you are escorting and this will complete the quest.
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| > You can pay 2000p to the stable master in Pirates Bane to go to Noer instantly and hand in
the quest if you are nearby.

> You should only take this quest if you have low morality or are planning to go back to Noer
| Within 5 days, there are no repercussions to denying the quest other then feeling bad for them.


Job Guide [TBD]

[SPOILER="1. Waitress"]

- Job Location:

| > Noer Inn, Boss Mama


| > Boss Mama is alive

- Rating:

| > Bad quest (3/10)

- Guide:

| > Talk to Boss Mama (big woman on the bar counter), select jobs>waiter>confirm.

| > As soon as the job starts, go to the customer with a red arrow above them. You only need to
be in a tile next to the customer and facing and facing him, there is no need to interact with them.
Go back to the counter in front of Boss Mama to pick up the next order. Repeat this until the job is
done, you need to do a total of 10 orders. Customers include all people on the first floor, so if you
cannot find the customer move to the Eastern side of the room (that area is dark and makes difficult
to see the dark red arrow).

| > Time is money in this quest and how much time you take affects the outcome: Boss Mama
pays the full amount of 2 small copper coins and ~100p (10 orders with more then half of the time
remaining), Boss Mama gets angry and pays you 1 small copper coin (10 orders with less then half
the time remaining), Boss Mama beats you up and kicks you out without payment (less than 10
orders and time runs out).

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| > Sprinting while serving the drink prevents patrons from being able to grab you and remove clothing/ bother
you. You can walk for most of the quest and sprint when you are about to serve the customer to prevent
groping and potential loss of equipment. Although being groped does increase the rewards, the gain is
negligible and can be ignored.

| > To reliably get the maximum reward requires continuous sprinting which averages at a 40-50 stamina. A
reward of ~460p does not allow you to get that stamina back in food, making it quite a bad job.

| > Working while lacking clothes (either by working naked or having your clothes removed by customers)
causes patrons to annoy Lona and can cause them to aggro on Lona and start attempting to rape her.

| > Being disturbed within Boss Mama's view causes Boss Mama to aggro on the molester, this will usually
cause a bar fight and make completing the quest near impossible. However, you can abuse this by removing
all equipment (better to leave pants OR shirt on to prevent too much aggro) to get NPC's to aggro on you in
front of Boss Mama and pick off the loot (re-equip all your equipment before this so no new enemies aggro on
Lona); this is best done early on as you are basically guaranteed to get kicked out by Boss Mama for failing
the quest. This tactic is the reason the quest is a 3/10 and not a 2/10.

| > A more difficult method to the above is doing the tactic above on your 9th customer by only removing your
clothing before serving the 9th customer. This is more RNG dependent but has much more rewards as you
can stay inside as the brawl progresses. The RNG comes from the 10th customer as you cannot serve
customers who are fighting so the 10th customer has to be uninvolved in the brawl. The game does switch
customers if they are fighting but this takes a while and can even switch to someone already fighting so time
can run out quickly.

| > This method is also the most reliable way to get Boss Mama killed (her husband will take over and reduce
the price of all soups to 10p but remove the waitress and dancer job) if you so desire. Do note that Boss Mama
does play a role in the story, namely the 'Cemetery Negative Energy' quest, and I am note sure if her husband
replaces her in that regard so be aware that you could lose out on some (small) quests or lore if you choose
to kill Boss Mama.


[SPOILER="2. Dancer"]

- Job Location:

| > Noer Inn, Boss Mama


| > Boss Mama is alive

- Rating:

| > Meh job (6/10)

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| > Decent job with 'exhibitionist' trait (7/10)

- Guide:

| > Unequip the following gear: 'Head' (unless you have a pony tail), 'Top', 'M-Arm', 'S-Arm', and

| > Talk to Boss Mama (big woman on the bar counter), select jobs>dancer>confirm.

| > On the stage, run/sprint (depends on how much stamina you want to spend) to the tiles with a dotted
green outline. After a while, the audience will throw coins at the stage which you can collect by walking
over it. The coins stay for ~8 seconds before disappearing and each coin is worth 200p.

| > Taking too long to go from dance square to dance square or having a low 'sexy' stat causes the
audience to boo and throw stuff at you. Stepping on a tile with a thrown object will stun you for
approximately a 1/3 of the timer, so waiting for the object to disappear is better. Find the balance
between picking up coins and dancing.

| > How long you dance depends on how much the audience 'likes' you, doing a good job means longer
dancing which means more money, However, this causes the audience to get excited and attempt to
gang-rape Lona (For a guesstimate earning 3000p or more triggers this) while Boss Mama dances so
she won't defend you. Try to have 10-20 stamina at the end of the job or a 'blue potion'/'white dragon
grass' to replenish stamina to run away from the 'excited' crowd (escaping to your room or leaving the
Inn will reset aggro) .

| > At some point, the dance squares will disappear and this signals the end of the job, you must now
wait for the timer to end. While waiting, re-equip your clothes and weapons to decrease your weak stat
so people don't try to attack you.

| > Payout for this quest is 1 small copper coin for every 600p earned (eg getting 3800p gives you 6
small copper coins) not sure how the left-over P is calculated but you normally get below 200p left.


> On average, you earn 4-6 small coins (720p-1080p with 0 Wisdom) for practically all your
| stamina, making the gains minimal.

> Decline the requests of 'masturbation' (think there was another one but can't remember)
| because it consumes way too much stamina.

| > How well the audience reacts and pays you also depends on your 'sexy' stat.

| > Having the 'exhibitionist' trait makes you gain mood rather than lose mood during dancing.

| > If a dance square is directly in front of a person, said person has a chance to disturb Lona when you
enter the dance square.

> There is a special clothing set 'Dancer Clothes' which can be bought from the The Golden Bar
| Club or the 'Shekels' Merchant.

| > If you don't care about Lona being gang-raped, buy a 'Buring Keg Room Key' before starting from
Boss Mama so you aren't kicked out with -100 stamina after fainting.
Machine Translated by Google


[SPOILER="3. Gathering [Under Construction]"]

- Job Location:

| > Practically anywhere on the world map, more specific areas in the 'Tips' section


| > None

- Rating:

| > Meh job (6/10)

| > Good job with 'sickle' and 'glasses' equipped (8/10)

| > Great job with 'Dark Pot' trait and 'sickle' + 'glasses' equipped (9/10)

- Guide:

| > Exit Noer using the Eastern gate for easier access to the following map types: Rain Forest, Plainfields, and

| > Exit Noer using the Northern gate for easier access to the following map types: Pine Forest,
corrupt land

| > Enter desired map type and search for gather-able materials, herbs are worth the most money and food is
useful to extend amount of time able to be spent there (1 'raw' food replenishes the food bar by 5 points).

| > Once you have gathered all the desired plants in one map, exit the map and re-enter (you do not need to
change tile) to get a new map.

| > If you have the 'Dark Pot' ability, you can make 'Dry Meal' out of food plants to increase food gain or sell for
more money (recipe is even number of any plant-food, you can mix and match, and 1 wooden club: for every
2 foodstuff you get 1 dry meal). Alternatively, you can make 'vegetable soup' by removing the wooden club but
these sell for next to nothing. In addition, you can also make medicine from the herbs, recipes will be in the
tips section for their unique herbs.

| > If you decide to hunt the local fauna, you can make 'smoked meat' (recipe is even number of any meat, you
can mix and match, and 1 wooden club: for every 2 foodstuff you get 1 smoked meat) or meat soup if you
remove the wooden club. Note that mixing 'undesirable' meat (meat with a red warning on it: human meat,
monster meat, etc) will cause all the end-product to be 'smoke mystery meat' which is worth much less.
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| > Once you have gathered enough, return to Noer and sell your plants to the bank (East of the
Inn) as they offer the best price for coins or directly to a merchant you want to buy from.


> You can gather wood (wooden clubs) from basically any tree in a map by facing it and
| interacting with it. Harvesting wood has a high stamina cost (-15 stamina).

| > Gathering any material (other than wood) costs 3 stamina.

| > Higher wisdom stat increases the amount of herbs that spawn on the map, buying glasses
(2000p) from the magic merchant above the dock during the day is an easy way to do this (2-3 herbs
per map instead of 1).

| > Having a sickle (200p) equipped while gathering reduces the cost from 3 stamina to 1
stamina, important if you don't want to burn through your food. This can also be bought from
'Central Noer Market' (the market above the dock) during the day from the weapons merchant or
you can go to the blacksmith West of the Inn, which is also only open during the day.

> You can interact with rocks (small, white ones on the ground) to get insects to spawn, which
| you can gather. Not really useful as the stamina cost is quite high for a very bad food source.

| >Rain Forest (9/10):

| > Entering this tile costs 6 stamina and 20 time

| > Food: Apples (trees with red apples), Grapes (vines on map walls with purple grapes), Blue
Berries (grass with blue berries), and Tomatoes (vines on map walls with red tomatoes).

| > Herb(s): White Dragon Weed (tall grass/hay/rice)

| > Unique Recipe(s): Blue Potion (2 White Dragon Weeds)

| > Watch out for boars, they are dangerous and can easily stun lock you although killing them
give a lot of meat. They are normally not aggressive if you are fully equipped (low 'weakness' stat)
but some seem to attack no matter what.

| > Pine Forest (6/10):

| > Entering this tile costs 6 stamina and 20 time

| > Food: Nuts (dark trees with light leaves that contain sandy/beige pear-shaped nuts), mushrooms
(yellow-orange mushrooms)
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| > Herb(s): Tung Flower (white flowers with yellow center)

| > Unique Recipe(s): Birth Control Pill (2 Tung Flowers)

| > This area regularly has goblin ambushes due to most pine forests being close to goblin nests, the
narrow and winding nature of the maps can make it difficult to escape: try to memories the map.

| > Watch out for wolves they attack fast and can rip you apart quickly. Some are not aggressive if
you are fully equipped (low 'weakness' stat) but most attack on sight.

| > There are also skeletons hidden in the ground from time-to-time so be wary of bone piles.

| > Plainfield (5/10):

| > Entering this tile costs 3 stamina and 15 time

| > Food: Carrots (single bright green plant on ground), Onions (tall and dark green bush), and
Potatoes (large and wide green bush)

| > Herb(s): None

| > Unique Recipe(s): None

| > This map has rabbits on the map which can be killed to gain a little bit of meat (1-5).

| > A very open map makes this an ideal place for hostile encounters due to how easy it is to escape.
Note that defeating enemies that are standing at the map border can cause items to drop at the map
border, these items cannot be picked up anymore.

| > Mountains (5/10):

| > Entering this tile costs 12 stamina and 30 time

| > Food: Carrots (single bright green plant on ground), Onions (tall and dark green bush), and
Potatoes (large and wide green bush)

| > Herb(s): Dragon Root (small & dark green bush with red flowers)

| > Unique Recipe(s): Red Potion (4 Dragon Roots)

| > This map is very narrow and has many choke-points and few exits, making any 'attack' events
very dangerous on this map: memorizing the map layout is highly recommended.

| > Watch out for wolves they attack fast and can rip you apart quickly.

| > Swamp (1/10) [TBD]:

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| > Entering this tile costs 6 stamina and 21 time

| > Food: Tomatoes (vines on map walls with red tomatoes), mushrooms (yellow-orange mushrooms),
fish (dark-blue fish moving in water tiles or bubbles in the water that appear and disappear), Blue Berries
(grass with blue berries )

| > Herb(s): -

| > Unique Recipe(s): -

| > You can walk on the water tiles that has a dark-brown bottom but this is hard to see, especially at night.

> The narrow winding paths, which are sometimes obscured by the water, and the lack of exit
| points makes this a very dangerous map as you can easily get cornered and defeated.

| > Corrupted Land (7*/10) [TBD]:

| > *This area is extremely high risk and high reward so the 8/10 is not to be taken as an easy way to earn

| > There are 3 corrupted land tiles: Badlands (Easiest to traverse, no plants), corrupted forests (Winding paths
that lead to dead ends, many mutated mushrooms), and corrupted mountains (hardest to traverse, avoid at all

| > Entering this tile costs

| > Food: Mutant Flesh

| > Herb(s): Mutated Mushrooms

| > Unique Recipe(s):

| > Filled to the brim with enemies and traps that spawn more enemies, they are specialized in stun/movement
blocking you then draining your stamina. Recommended to have blue potions and a melee weapon.


[SPOILER="4. General Prostitution [TBD]"]

- Job Location:

| > Anywhere with non-hostile NPCs

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| > Has the 'Prostitute' trait

- Rating:

| > Meh job (6/10)

- Guide:





[SPOILER="5. Backstreet Hooker [TBD]"]

- Job Location:

| > Harbor back street


| > Has the 'Prostitute' trait

- Rating:


- Guide:




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[SPOILER="6. Milk Maid Prostitution [TBD]"]

- Job Location:

| > The Golden Bar Club in Rudesin Slope


| > Has the 'Prostitute' trait

- Rating:

| > Bad job (3/10)

- Guide:





[SPOILER="7. Saintly Prostitution [TBD]"]

- Job Location:

| > Society of Saints Monastery (Northern Church)


| > Has the 'Prostitute' trait

| > Asked the priest 'About the saints', said 'I believe', Stripped, (after scene) left and re-entered,
asked priest about 'More saintly favors' (you get the 'Saint Believer' title after this)

- Rating:

| > Decent job (7/10)

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- Guide:



> You can only buy 'Bread', 'Dry meal', and 'Holy Water' here but your trade points do not
| disappear if you change rooms

| > Getting past the guard who's guarding the North-Western most door in the Western wing lets
you access the sex dungeon, nothing to do there though.


[SPOILER="8. Sentry Prostitution [TBD]"]

- Job Location:

| > East Seven Sentry Point (Eastern Outpost)



- Rating:


- Guide:





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Press 'F10' to enter console and insert these lines (replace 9999 with the value you desire)

[SPOILER="Replenish HP"]



[SPOILER="Replenish Stamina"]



[SPOILER="Replenish Food"]



[SPOILER="Replenish Mood"]



[SPOILER="Heal Injury"]

$ >z

This command heals 1 wound at a time but can be inputted multiple times by pressing space bar multiple
times, ignore the 'invalid input' sound as it still works.


[SPOILER="Add P (Bartering Points)"]


Machine Translated by Google

[SPOILER="Add Trait Points"]



[SPOILER="Set Exp (Level)"]

$, false)

WARNING: This changes your exp to that value, not increase by that amount


[SPOILER="Add/Remove Traits"]

Add Trait: $

Remove Trait: $

[SPOILER="Trait Number"]

Nymphomaniac = 115

Tough = 116

shy = 117

Prostitute = 131

Exhibitionist = 129

Blood Lust = 125

Alchemy = 136

Weapon Expert = 135

Hunter Training = 130

Mana Knowledge = 134

Improve Throw = 137

Machine Translated by Google

Omnivores = 132

Succubus = 138

Cum Eater = 133

Cannibal = 127

Hitchhiker = 140

Masochist = 126

Bloody Mess = 128

Whore of Babylon = 139



[SPOILER="Give Item"]

$game_party.gain_item(ItemID, 9999)

Using ' >z' at the end is highly recommended so changing item ID is easier as it executes the command
without exiting the console.


Format: "Item_Name: ItemID"

Note that quest items and traits have been removed from this list.

[SPOILER="Normal Food"]

$game_party.gain_item(ItemID, 9999)

Raw Food:

| > Apple $data_items[1]

| > Bread: $data_items[2]

| > Mushroom: $data_items[4]

Machine Translated by Google

| > Grapes: $data_items[6]

| > Orange: $data_items[7]

| > Nuts: $data_items[8]

| > Onion: $data_items[9]

| >Pepper: $data_items[10]

| > Blue Berry: $data_items[11]

| > Raw Fish: $data_items[12]

| > Carrot: $data_items[13]

| > Tomato: $data_items[15]

| > Cherry: $data_items[16]

| > Milk: $data_items[17]

| > Potato: $data_items[18]

| > Raw Meat: $data_items[46]

Processed Food:

| > Cheese: $data_items[3]

| > Sausage: $data_items[5]

| > Smoked Meat: $data_items[19]

| > Dry Food: $data_items[20]

| > Fruit Wine: $data_items[33]

| > Meat Soup: $data_items[42]

| > Vegetable Soup: $data_items[47]

| > Good Soup: $data_items[49]

| > Beer: $data_items[56]

| > Bottled Beer: $data_items[57]

| > Golden Milk: $data_items[140]


[SPOILER="'Trash' Food"]
Machine Translated by Google

$game_party.gain_item(ItemID, 9999)


| > Rat: $data_items[14]

| > Insect: $data_items[48]


| > Unknown Semen: $data_items[34]

| > Human Semen: $data_items[35]

| > Orcish Semen: $data_items[36]

| > Abomination Semen: $data_items[37]

| > Fishkind Semen: $data_items[38]

| > Troll Cum: $data_items[39]


| >Poo: $data_items[40]

| > Vomit: $data_items[41]

| > Bottled Pee*: $data_items[58]

Desirable Meat:

| > Mutant Flesh: $data_items[43]

| > Humanoid Flesh: $data_items[45]

| > Humanoid Brain: $data_items[134]

| > Human Flesh: $data_items[136]

| > Human Meat Soup: $data_items[137]

| > Human Good Soup: $data_items[138]

| > Smoked Human Meat: $data_items[139]

| > Mystery Meat Soup: $data_items[141]

| > Mystery Good Soup: $data_items[142]

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| > Smoked Mystery Meat (Human): $data_items[143]



$game_party.gain_item(ItemID, 9999)

Processed Medicine:

| > Red Potion: $data_items[21]

| > Blue Potion: $data_items[22]

| > Contraceptive Pills: $data_items[23]

| > Joy Water: $data_items[24]

| > Witch Juice: $data_items[25]

Raw Medicine:

| > Dragon Root: $data_items[26]

| > White Dragon Grass: $data_items[27]

| > Tung Flower: $data_items[28]

| > Parasitic Flower: $data_items[29]

| > Repellent Herb: $data_items[30]

| > Bug Repellent: $data_items[31]

| > Troll Cum: $data_items[39]

| > Mutated Mushroom: $data_items[44]



$game_party.gain_item(ItemID, 9999)

| > Small Copper Coin: $data_items[50]

| > Large Copper Coin: $data_items[51]

| > Gold Coin: $data_items[52]

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$game_party.gain_item(ItemID, 9999)

| > Orc Baby: $data_items[68]

| > Goblin Baby: $data_items[69]

| > Fishkind Baby: $data_items[70]

| > Abomination Baby: $data_items[71]

| > Human Baby: $data_items[72]

| > Moot Baby: $data_items[73]

| > Troll Baby*: $data_items[74]

| > Troll Child*: $data_items[75]

| > Orc Child: $data_items[76]

| > Ogre Child: $data_items[77]



$game_party.gain_item(ItemID, 9999)


| > ore: $data_items[53]

| > Rock: $data_items[54]

| > Holy Water: $data_items[135]


| > ID Paper: $data_items[104]

| > Fake ID Paper: $data_items[105]

| > Slope Temporary Visa: $data_items[113]

Inn Keys:
Machine Translated by Google

| > Buring Keg Room Key (Noer): $data_items[106]

| Bane Room Key (Pirates Bane): $data_items[114]

| > Doom Inn Room Key (Doom Fortress): $data_items[116]



$game_party.gain_item(ItemID, 9999)


| > Timed Frag Bomb: $data_items[181]

| > Frag Bomb: $data_items[182]

| > Frag Mine: $data_items[183]


| > Timed Shock Bomb: $data_items[184]

| > Shock Bomb: $data_items[185]

| > Shock Mine: $data_items[186]



$game_party.gain_item(ItemID, 9999)


| > Short Sword: $data_weapons[1]

| > Wooden Club: $data_weapons[2]

| > Wooden Spear: $data_weapons[3]

| > Restraint Pole: $data_weapons[5]

| > Sickle: $data_weapons[10]

| > Pickaxe: $data_weapons[11]

| > Pitchfork: $data_weapons[12]

Machine Translated by Google

Weapon Expert:

| > Longbow: $data_weapons[4]

| > Halberd: $data_weapons[6]

| > Whip: $data_weapons[7]

| >Metal Spear: $data_weapons[9]

| > Know: $data_weapons[15]

Manna Knowledge:

| > Filthy Staff: $data_weapons[8]

| > Fire Wand: $data_weapons[13]

| > Water Staff: $data_weapons[14]


| > Metal Harness: $data_weapons[20]

| > Full Metal Harness: $data_weapons[21]



$game_party.gain_item(ItemID, 9999)


| > Dagger: $data_armors[37]

| > Wooden Shield: $data_armors[39]

| > Lantern: $data_armors[40]

| > Bone Shield: $data_armors[41]

Weapon Expert:

| > Throwing Knives: $data_armors[38]

| > Metal Shield: $data_armors[43]

Machine Translated by Google

Manna Knowledge:

| > Abomination Totem: $data_armors[42]

| > Fire Spell Book: $data_armors[44]

| > Water Spell Book: $data_armors[45]



$game_party.gain_item(ItemID, 9999)


| > Red Cape: $data_armors[2]

| >Civilian Top: $data_armors[7]

| > Civilian Pants: $data_armors[15]

| > Leather Bag: $data_armors[18]

| > Glasses: $data_armors[33]


| > Dirty Shawl: $data_armors[3]

| > Dirty Rags: $data_armors[8]

| > Dirty Underwear: $data_armors[14]

| > Torn Apron: $data_armors[19]


| > Golden Harness: $data_armors[9]

| > Golden Pants: $data_armors[13]

| > Golden Headdress: $data_armors[32]

Machine Translated by Google

| > Metal Collar: $data_armors[21]

| > Chained Collar: $data_armors[22]


| > Double Braid: $data_armors[28]

| > Ponytail: $data_armors[29]


| > Light Iron Armor*: $data_armors[11]

| > Sunglasses(Dev Item): $data_armors[34]


*Items that are currently not used in-game




You can also directly modify the game files in "LonaRPG\Data\Scripts\Editables", there's a short tutorial here
on how to access the files and how to edit them. Look around for files you want to edit, most things related to
Lona is in the "Game_Actor_***" files. Ask if you need help.

Here is an example for editing pregnancy length and here is an example of editing trait requirements.


Misc [TBD]

[SPOILER="Titles [TBD]"]

(No Idea what they do, if you know a few or how to unlock them, tell me)

| > Commoner (Default)

| > Mercenaries (Complete Enough Quests?)

| > Hooker (Prostitute yourself a lot?)

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| > Saint Believer (Finish the mini-quest line in the church, see 'Saintly Prostitution' job)

| > Sex Slave (Wearing special collar with hand restraints, being a brothel slave, captured by church,
captured by bandits)

| > Goblin Sex Slave? (Captured by Goblins)

| > Deep One Sex Slave? (Captured by Deep Ones)

| > Abomination Cum-dump (Captured by Infestation)

| > ??? (Captured by Guards)

| > Public Toilet (Captured by homeless people, might also be having sex with enough people)


[SPOILER="Named Characters"]

| > Lona Falldin [Player Character]

| > Meryme (Boss Mama) [Owner of Inn in Noer, Shopkeeper (Inn)]

| > Cecily Eaglemore [Noer Inn, Companion, Noble]

| > Vineet Bhave (Gray Rat) [Noer Inn, Companion, Guardian of Cecily Eaglemore (possible lover?)]

| > Marnie [Noer Tripartite Exchange, Banker]

| > Lisa [Central Noer Market at Night, Shopkeeper (Explosives)]

| > Milo Von Rudesind [The Golden Bar Club, Gangster?]

| > David Born (Dragonborn) [Northern Bandit Camp, Bandit Leader]



Name (Allegiance | Requirement | Length) [Location]

| > Orc Killer (Sybaris | 1 good soup | 3.5 days) [Noer Inn 2nd floor]

| > Cecily + Gray Rat (Sybaris | Complete 'Rescue The Man's Partner', Weakness below 100 | 5 days) [Noer
Inn 1st floor]

| > Jobless Adventurer (Neutral |1 meat soup | 2.5 days) [Noer Inn 1st floor]

| > Cocona (Neutral | Complete 'Cemetery Negative Energy', N/A | 5 days) [Noer Inn 1st floor]

| > Kitty (Neutral | 1 fish | It's fine (infinite?)) [Noer Inn 2nd floor]
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| > Elven Archer (Neutral | 600p | 3 days) [Doom Fort Inn]

| > Guide (Neutral | 600p | 3 Days) [Doom Fort Inn]

| > Addict Mercenary (Neutral | 1 White Dragon Weed | 3 dats) [Pirates Bane Inn]

| > Dog (Animal | 1 meat soup | None (infinite?)) [Noer Inn 2nd floor]

| > Mercenary Archer (Criminal | 2 beers | 2 days) [Noer Inn 1st floor]

| > Mercenary Warrior (Criminal | 2 beers | 2 days) [Noer Inn 1st floor]


[SPOILER="Special 'Defeat' Areas [TBD]"]

| > Prison (get incapacitated by guards, low morality needed)

| > Sex dungeon (get incapacitated in the church dungeon) NOT WORKING (

| > Prostitute slave (become a prostitute for 'Shekels' Merchant)

| > Goblin Nest (get incapacitated by goblins)

| > Mines (incapacitated by bandits)

| > Bandit Camp (incapacitated by bandits North of the Northern church)

| > Deep One spawning pool (incapacitated by deep ones)

| > Seed Bed (incapacitated by infestation)


[SPOILER="General Tips"]

| > The 4 character personalities effect what class ('Weapons Expert', 'Mana Knowledge', or 'Succubus') you
can play: Default ('Weapons Expert' and 'Mana Knowledge'), Tough ('Weapons Expert'), Timid ('Mana
Knowledge'), and 'Nymphomaniac' ('Succubus'). NOTE: you can only pick 1 of the classes and picking a class
locks out the character personalities that does not fir (eg picking 'Weapons Expert' locks out 'Timid' and

| > The 'Nymphomaniac' trait is the worst trait for offense (consumes a lot of stamina to kill 1 enemy and some
enemies cannot be juiced) but is the best for your mood as your class, 'Succubus', improves your mood
significantly when attacking with your ability 'juicing'. Also the cheapest class on account of not needing any
special equipment (having less equipment is actually better as it increases your sexy stat)

| > The 'Weapons Expert' trait is the best offensive trait with many weapons available for use, having this trait
allows Lona to have ranged weapons. However, you often lose mood due to taking a lot of hits so the
'masochist' trait is highly recommended.

| > The 'Mana Knowledge' trait is mostly a supporting class that has great offensive abilities but
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requires quick micro and protection. It is also the most expensive class due to magic items costing a
large amount of TP (you can buy magic goods from the mage in the 'Central Noer Market' just behind
the 'Port of Noer').

> IMPORTANT! As of this is no longer true. If Boss Mama dies, the prices of all the
| soups decrease to 10p BUT you can no longer work in the Inn (Boss Mama is actually quite nice).

> BANK (Noer Tripartite Exchange): here you can store as much as you want of anything
| without it disappearing and is South-East of the square, big red building with no chimney.

| > You can only have multiple companions if they are of the same faction, if you try to hire someone
from another faction you will lose the companion you previously hired (think there is also a limit of 2

| > The 'Kitty' companion has a special interaction, 'Purr', on maps that can be used once per map (just
exit and re-enter) which increases your mood.

| > The alternative to sleeping for restoring stamina is to consume blue potions (bought from clinic or
crafted, 2 White Dragon Weeds in Dark Pot) or White Dragon Weeds (Found in Rain Forest, looks like
tall grass/rice, or bought from herb merchant , found in the market of every settlement).

| > Having a 'Weakness' stat of 200+ and sexy of 100+ causes NPCs with weapons to become hostile
and try to rape Lona, although Drunk NPCs found in Inns attempt this if Lona has 100+ Weak and 75+
Sexy; it seems that each NPC-type has their own threshold, do note that people being hostile to Lona
encourages others to become hostile as well (most easily observed with wolves).

| > Pressing 'ctrl' in the world map skips time without consuming stamina.

| > Exiting and re-entering the map replenishes your companion's stamina.

| > Sleeping restores 20 stamina for the cost of 10 satiety and can only be done outside of combat.
To sleep through a day/night cycle, press the 'sprint' button (shift) and the sleep button at the same
time; do this in a secluded area with no NPCs so you don't get raped or killed (eg in alley ways instead
of the middle of the street, away from animals in the corner of the map for forests, etc)

| > Mordet compiled a list of exp required to level up and additional info up to level 60 (Version
if you want to see specific values required to level.

| > You can fast travel to the Pirates Bane (Eastern Fortress) and Doom Fortress (Northern Fortress)
by purchasing a ticket for 2000p from the stable master 1 tile West to the Eastern gate in Noer. Select
the second option to sell stuff, third option to buy a ticket. The first choice for destination is Pirates Bane
and the second is Doom Fortress, you can cancel the purchase by pressing the 'Esc' key.

| > You can buy a 'Slope Temporary Visa' for 10000p from 'gang member' in the harbor backstreet
(South-West of the sewer, enter, go West, talk to the person to the North of the table) to access Rudesin
Slope, where you can enter the The Golden Bar Club. Alternatively, you need a high enough scoutcraft
or wisdom to enter without a permit.
Machine Translated by Google


Contributors to the Guide



| > 'Rabbit of Caerbannog' quest: another method to complete the quest (method 2: oh god, oh fuck; not the

| > Tip : Hold sprint+sleep button to sleep through a day/night cycle.

| > Tip: 200 weakness is the critical value for where most NPCs become hostile, additional info about this as

| > Tip: Exp required to level up and related info for

| > Doom Fortress Prostitution: Wrote a guide to maximize money earned in this job

| > Cheat: Cheat for adding levels (Obsolete by "set exp" cheat)




| > 'East Checkpoint' quest: Guide on how to do it

| > 'Milo's Invite' quest: 15 wisdom is required to spare Adam's life and additional info & correction




| > Cheats: Provided most cheat codes back in page 43 of the thread




| > 'Rabbit of Caerbannog' quest : Need holy water, put it on the ground, lure the rabbit, rabbit explodes, get
exp and chest as reward. However, NPCs become hostile if you try to open the chest.

| > Titles: How to get Mercenary (quests) and Hooker (prostitution) titles, although unsure.


Machine Translated by Google


| > Cheats: Provided cheat code for getting items and a few item IDs

| > Cheats: More item IDs




| > Cheats: Provided cheat for adding and removing traits along with a list of trait numbers




| > 'Collect White Dragon Grass' quest and Gatherer job : Increasing wisdom, easily done with the glasses,
means more herbs show up and equipping a sickle reduces stamina cost from 3 to 1 for gathering.

| > Tip: Leaving and re-entering the map replenishes companion's stamina




| > 'Cemetery Negative Energy' quest: Name of quest and needing to complete 'Undead In
Cemetery' at least once to unlock

| > Correction: You only need 3 scoutcraft to be able to sneak, not 5.

| > Title: Public toilet title and how to get it.




| > Cheat: Set exp cheat




| > Dancer job: Having 'exhibitionist' trait significantly reduces mood penalties and taking a longer time to
go to a 'dance square' increases dissatisfaction of audience (they start throwing stuff at you)
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| > Cheat: Cheat for healing wounds and how to not need to re-input it constantly




| > 'Rescue Refugee' quest: You can sell sell Cecily out to Milo after the quest to get 10 additional gold coins




| > Tip for 'Rescue The Man's Partner' quest: Using the bandit's own explosives to kill them does not trigger
the timer (only if everyone is dead) so you can abuse that to kill them in the 'Sneaky Peaky Like' method. Can
also set mines and trigger the countdown to cause the newly spawned bandits to explode.




| > 'Undead In Cemetery' quest : Skeletons have a very small chance to drop a weapon

| > Titles: Sex Slave Title and how to get it (wearing special collar with hand restraints or being a brothel slave).




| > 'Evil in the Mass Grave' quest : Verification that bringing Cocona does trigger additional dialogue




| > Correction : You need 2 Tung Flowers to make birth control pills, not 1.

Machine Translated by Google



| > Everything else.


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