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K V Sanil Mon
Bangalore Karnataka.

Results-driven Marke ng Manager with a proven communica on, business analysis, and sales track
record. Skilled in managing teams, analyzing market trends, and developing strategic
recommenda ons. Fluent in English, Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, and Hindi. Experience in
the manufacturing and service industry for hydraulic components. Seeking opportuni es to leverage
my skills and exper se to drive growth and achieve organiza onal objec ves.


Sales Manager Pan India - AMIEDC Automa on Technologies Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, India ( From Jan
2023 to ll date)

Managing key accounts such as Toyota Kirloskar and Bosch, and overseeing major companies on a
pan-India basis.
- Build and maintain strong rela onships with key accounts, serving as their primary point of contact.
- Develop strategic account plans to maximize business opportuni es and achieve sales targets.
- Collaborate with internal teams to ensure seamless delivery of products and services to key
- Provide excep onal customer service, addressing any issues or concerns promptly and effec vely.
- Coordinate with cross-func onal teams to develop and implement customized solu ons for key
- Travel to various loca ons as needed to meet with key account representa ves and strengthen
rela onships.
- Con nuously evaluate and improve the account management process to enhance overall customer
sa sfac on and drive business growth.

Marke ng Manager - Hydraulics India Services Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, India (Nov 2021 — Jan 2023)

- Developed and implemented marke ng strategies to drive sales and market share.
- Prepared analy cal reports to iden fy market trends and provided recommenda ons.
- Collaborated with cross-func onal teams to achieve organiza onal goals.
- Established and managed vendor rela onships with major steel plants and ports.
- Led and supervised a team for marke ng review and sales strategy planning.
- Par cipated in tenders such as SAIL, GEM, and E-PROC.

Sales Execu ve - Heatcon Sensors Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, India (Sep 2020 — Oct 2021)

- Par cipated in tenders, including SAIL, GEM, E-PROC, and OFB.

- Analyzed data to support various projects across the organiza on.
- Prepared reports to iden fy trends and provided strategic recommenda ons.
- Coordinated with different departments to ensure successful outcomes.
- Managed client rela onships in the automo ve sector, including Honda and TVS.
Produc on Supervisor - Gulf Extrusions LLC, Dubai (Jun 2016 — Nov 2019)

- Developed and executed produc on plans for op mal output.

- Assigned tasks and responsibili es to operators for daily opera ons.
- Monitored and managed produc on output by upda ng the database.
- Provided regular produc on reports to the plant head.
- Ensured adherence to quality and safety standards.

CNC Programming - Protekz Tool & Die Makers Pvt Ltd, Bangalore (Feb 2015 — Jun 2015)

- Programmed and operated CNC machines, specifically VMC.

- Conducted inspec on of work and followed plan sheets.
- Performed tool se ng for precise manufacturing.

Sales Execu ve - Vidhaatri Technologies Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, India (Jun 2014 - May 2015)

- Lead genera on: Ac vely seeking and iden fying poten al leads and prospects.
- Follow-up: Maintaining regular communica on with leads and prospects to nurture rela onships
and explore business opportuni es.
- Order conversion: Conver ng leads into customers by effec vely presen ng the company's
products and services and addressing customer requirements.
- Payment follow-up: Ensuring mely payment collec on from customers and resolving any payment-
related issues.
- A er-sales service follow-up: Providing post-sales support and ensuring customer sa sfac on by
addressing any concerns or queries.
- Key customer visits: Engaging with key customers such as Flipkart, Amazon, TVS, TKAP, and others
to build strong rela onships, understand their needs, and explore business expansion opportuni es.


Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, MNTI, Bangalore (Mar 2008 — Jan 2010)

High School Diploma (SSLC), Mother Theresa High School, Bangalore (Mar 2003 — Mar 2004)


ISEL Germany, Feb 2018

- For the excep onal contribu on and excellent work done in op mizing process parameters and
successfully comple ng complex aluminium profile orders for ISEL GERMANY."


- Fire and Safety Levels 1&2, Conquer

- HABC Level 2 Interna onal Award in Emergency First Aid at Work, Highfield

- Received awards for comple ng complex projects (ISEL Germany).
- Cer fied in fire safety and fire warden training.
- Achieved HABC Level 2 Interna onal Award in Emergency First Aid at Work.
- Experienced with ISO 9001-2008 standards and quality tools.


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