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University of the East

Caloocan Campus



A Research paper presented to

The Basic Education Department
University of the East
Caloocan City


Joanne Francesca C. Ignacio

Jazzy Joyz C. Jandumon
Hannah Sherine M. Juan
Joshua Rhei J. Liao
Menchie P. Marquez
Ma. Frances Clare A. Pilongo
Jaycie Mae M. Quepic
Aimee Gabrielle M. Robleado
Rheyanne Marie A. Saranilla

Mrs. Bricilda B. Guevarra, LPT

Practical Research Professor
March 2022

This research thesis paper entitled THE EFFECTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA







of the requirements in Practical Research 2 is hereby recommended for oral



Practical Research 2 Professor


The researchers dedicate this research project to the Almighty God, for giving us

the strength and inspiration to persevere and endure in the entire process of this study.

The researchers also dedicate this dissertation to their family and loved ones for

continuously supporting them financially and emotionally and encouraging them

throughout the process.

The researchers would also like to dedicate this study also to their friends and

other classmates for encouraging the researchers to continue to do their best despite hard


Lastly, the students would especially like to dedicate this research to Mrs. Bricilda

B. Guevarra and other members of the faculty for their continuous help and support in the

overall completion of the research project.


The researchers would like to thank God Almighty, for giving them the

inspiration to persist throughout the entire process of the research.

The researchers would also like to express their deepest gratitude to the

following persons for playing an important in the completion of this research:

The members’ parents, for their unconditional love and financial support; and

Mrs. Bricilda B. Guevarra, the students’ Practical Research professor, for initiating the

project in order for them to conduct this research as well as for guiding them in

accomplishing the different chapters of this research.

The Researchers


Social media marketing is one of the best opportunities to connect directly with

the audience. People use social media to communicate with companies and expect

companies to engage with them and respond to their remarks fast. A well-developed

social media marketing strategy could be an opportunity to foster a unique, notable, or

even hilarious brand voice. With social media being prevalent amongst the younger

generation, businesses have refocused their organizational structure specifically on

marketing. Customers should be segmented into groups based on their preferences, to

group people together based on their interests. One of the factors that can help businesses

increase sales is customer satisfaction because satisfaction leads to customer loyalty.

Customer satisfaction is a crucial part of helping a business earn more sales and loyal

customers. The importance of customer satisfaction is that you keep customers coming

back as customer satisfaction has been proven to help improve the overall performance of


This study aims to determine the effects of social media marketing on the level of

service satisfaction of Grade 12 ABM students of University of the East - Caloocan

during the school year 2021-2022. It discusses the kinds of social media marketing

platforms that ABM students are active on nowadays. This study will no longer discuss

other issues regarding the student customers' level of service satisfaction on social media

marketing outside the campus.

The researchers used the experimental research design that is most appropriate for

this research study. An online survey questionnaire is administered to a selected sample

from a specific population and from that the 60 Grade 12 ABM Students of the

University of the East-Caloocan who answered the online survey questionnaire claimed

that the three most effective social media platforms for marketing are “Facebook”,

“TikTok”, and “Instagram.” Concerning that, the most effective type of social media

marketing is video advertisements as this is the most preferred type of advertisement for

most Grade 12 ABM students because it promotes and markets the products clearly to the

consumer. Based on the findings, the result for the level of service satisfaction in terms of

delivery falls under the satisfied with an average mean of 3.18. While the level of service

satisfaction in terms of quality falls under the very satisfied with an average mean of

3.78. Lastly, the level of service satisfaction in terms of customer service falls under the

very satisfied with an average mean of 3.62.

Table of Contents

Title Page……………………………………………………………...….... i
Approval Sheet…………………………………………………….…….. ii
Dedication…………………………………………………………….…. iii
Acknowledgement……..……………………………………………..….. iv
Table of Contents…………………………………………………………vi
List of Tables…………………………………………………………... vi
List of Figures…………………………………………...………………. vi

Chapter 1 - The Problem and its Background

1.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………….… 1
1.2 Background of the Study………………………………………………..... 2
1.3 Statement of the Problem……………………………………...……….… 3
1.4 Hypothesis of the Study…………………………………………….….… 4
1.5 Scope and Delimitations…………………………………………...…….. 4
1.6 Significance of the Study…………………………………………...…….. 5
Chapter 2 - Review of Related Literature
2.1 Foreign Literature……………………………………………….………... 7
2.2 Local Literature……………………………………………………...…… 11
2.3 Foreign Studies…………………………………………………………... 14

2.4 Local Studies…………………………………………………………… 23
2.5 Theoretical Framework………………………………………...……… 24
2.6 Conceptual Framework…………………………………………...…… 25
Chapter 3 - Research Methodology
3.1 Research Locale……………………………………………………..…. 27
3.2 Data and their Sources………………………………………………..… 27
3.3 Research Design………………………………………………….…….. 28
3.4 Population and Sample……………………………………………..….. 28
3.5 Research Instruments…………………………………………………... 29
3.6 Data Gathering Procedure………………………………………...…….. 30
3.7 Data Analysis……………………………………………………..…….. 30
Chapter 4 - Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data
Table 2: Distribution of Student Respondents……………………………… 33
Table 3: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Most Effective Social
Media Platform When it Comes to Advertising or Marketing the Product………… 34
Table 4: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Most Effective and
Preferred Type of Social Media Marketing of the Student-Respondents When it Comes to
Marketing the Product………………………………………………………. 36
Table 5: Customers’ Level of Service Satisfaction in Terms to Delivery…… 38
Table 6: Customers’ Level of Service Satisfaction in Terms of Quality……. 40
Table 7: Customer’s Level of Satisfaction In Terms of Customer Service..42
Hypothesis Testing……………..……………………………………… 44
Chapter 5 - Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 Summary of Findings…………………………………………………… 46
5.2 Conclusions……………………………………………………………… 49

5.3 Recommendations……………………………………………………….. 51

Bibliography…………………………………………………………… 54
Appendices…………………………...………………………………… 60
Curriculum Vitae………………………………………………………. 68

List of Tables and Figures

Table 1: Four Point Likert Scale…………….……………………………………….. 32
Table 2: Distribution of Student Respondents……………………………………….. 33
Table 3: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Most Effective Social Media
Platform When it Comes to Advertising or Marketing the Product…………. 34
Table 4: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Most Effective and Preferred
Type of Social Media Marketing of the Student-Respondents When it Comes to
Marketing the Product……………………………………………………….. 36
Table 5: Customers’ Level of Service Satisfaction in Terms to Delivery……………. 38
Table 6: Customers’ Level of Service Satisfaction in Terms of Quality……………... 40
Table 7: Customer’s Level of Satisfaction In Terms of Customer Service…….. 42
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………. 26
Figure 2: Hypothesis testing…………………………………………………………….44

Chapter 1

This chapter presents the introduction of the research study and its problem as

well as the significance and limitations.

1.1 Introduction

Online shopping is the easy solution for busy life in today’s world. Consumers

shop online to save time, and for available varieties of products and services. According

to O'Reilly, 2021. In today's internet environment, social media, which refers to the

sharing of information, experiences, and viewpoints through community-oriented

websites, is becoming increasingly important. Individuals' geographical barriers are

dissolving thanks to social media, and new online communities are forming and

increasing. Blogs, forums, message boards, photo and video sharing sites, user-generated

sites, wikis, and podcasts are all forms of social media. Each of these platforms helps

users communicate about topics they care about and links them with like-minded people

all across the world.

According to the Deloitte report, 29% of social media users are more likely to

make a purchase on the same day of using social media. A strong online marketing

strategy will help you boost your business and according to Smart Insights, the most

effective strategy in 2018 was social media marketing.

1.2 Background of the Study

The word marketing used to be jargon confined to the business world. Marketing

has become one of the most dominant factors in the business industry. Many businesses

approach social media as another channel for self-promotion. Social Media has

completely changed the face of customer service and the way consumers interact with a

brand. Social media was born from innovational technological changes and has now been

recognized as essential communication platforms not only for different online users but

also between companies and customers. More and more companies have begun to realize

the influential power of social media and are now utilizing it in various fields such as

customer relationship management and product innovation. However, applying social

media to a real business environment still presents a challenge for most companies as it is

a new communication platform without a long history.

Social media marketing is one of the best opportunities to connect directly with

the audience. People use social media to communicate with companies and expect

companies to engage with them and respond to their remarks fast. A well-developed

social media marketing strategy could be an opportunity to foster a unique, notable, or

even hilarious brand voice.

With social media being prevalent amongst the younger generation, businesses

have refocused their organizational structure specifically on marketing. Customers should

be segmented into groups based on their preferences, to group people together based on

their interests. One of the factors that can help businesses increase sales is customer

satisfaction because satisfaction leads to customer loyalty.

Customer satisfaction is a crucial part of helping a business earn more sales and

loyal customers. The importance of customer satisfaction is that you keep customers

coming back as customer satisfaction has been proven to help improve the overall

performance of organizations.

Moreover, detailed effects of companies’ social media marketing activities on

customers' level of service satisfaction have not been thoroughly explored. To our

knowledge, few academic studies, mostly empirical ones, explore these issues. This study

aims to know the effects of social media marketing on the level of satisfaction of Grade

12 ABM students of the University of the East - Caloocan in terms of delivery, quality,

and customer service that has a significant influence on the preferences of customers.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the effects of social media marketing on the level of

service satisfaction of Grade 12 ABM students of University of the East - Caloocan

during the school year 2021-2022.

It seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the most effective types of social media marketing?

2. What are the social media marketing that has a big influence on the preferences of


3. What is the level of service satisfaction of customers in terms of:

a. Delivery

b. Quality

c. Customer service

1.4 Hypothesis of the study

H0 : Social media marketing will not improve the level of service satisfaction of

Grade 12 ABM students.

1.5 Scope and Delimitations

This study focuses on how the levels of service satisfaction of Grade 12 ABM

students in University of the East - Caloocan are being affected by social media

marketing. It discusses the kinds of social media marketing platforms that ABM students

are being active on nowadays. This research project aims to find out what changes their

level of service satisfaction whenever they browse social media sites on the internet.

Researchers would like to know how Grade 12 ABM students affect their service

satisfaction on delivery, quality, and customers’ service while being exposed on social

media marketing platforms. This study also covers how Grade 12 ABM students think

about their experience with the social media marketing platforms.

There are delimitations that is why the study was narrowed in scope. This study

covers how social media marketing affects the student-customers’ level of service

satisfaction. The surveys will only be conducted at Grade 12 ABM students in the

University of the East - Caloocan during the school year 2021-2022. Their experiences

would vary compared to other institutions, for their involvement in social media

marketing. This study does not cover other ABM students outside the University of the

East, Caloocan Campus. The respondents of the study are limited only to the Grade 12

ABM students of the University of the East - Caloocan. This study will no longer discuss

other issues regarding the student-customers’ level of service satisfaction on social media

marketing outside the campus. Due to limited time frame to conduct the study, our target

respondents of 135 students to be surveyed will be limited only to 60 students.

1.6 Significance of the Study

This study aims to determine the levels of service satisfaction of ABM students of

University of the East - Caloocan under the influence of social media marketing and

provide knowledge of the topic for the following beneficiaries:

Business Owners. This study will benefit business owners to create marketing

strategies that can help them gain more customers. As the customers get influenced by

social media, they can use this research as a guide to help them improve their products

for greater profit.

Consumers. They can benefit in a way of gaining awareness on how social media

can be influential and they can use this study to their advantage to help them choose the

best product in the market with the use of social media.

Students. The respondents of this study will gain knowledge through the research

regarding how big of impact marketing is and how influential social media can get to

consumers of online shopping.

Future Researchers. This study can serve as a guide to future researchers with

related topics and the findings of this study can be a useful reference for their research.

This can also help them enhance their findings in the future and broaden their knowledge

about this type of topics.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the thorough and

in-depth search done by the researchers. This will also present the theoretical and

conceptual framework to fully understand the research. Furthermore, the information in

this chapter assists in familiarizing elements that are relevant and related to the current


2.1 Foreign Literature

“Customer's satisfaction has undoubtedly been one of the main strategic

considerations of different businesses in the last few decades. Nowadays customers are

the most essential part for the existence of every firm in the world of business and it

seems quite obvious that firms can no longer be indifferent to their customers’

expectations and demands” (Hill, 2006). Customers are now the most important

component of any business’ success in the business world, and it becomes self-evident

that companies can no longer ignore their customers' expectations and needs, since their

expectations are what a product is for. “Customer satisfaction is considered as the

standard for performance and progress in every trading system. Furthermore, measuring

customer satisfaction encourages all staff in a system to customer satisfaction”

(Baradaran Kazemzadeh, 2005). It is important to know if the customers are satisfied

with the products or services a business is giving, since customers are needed to be

respected and provide their needs, one of the most fundamental concerns in the

evaluation concept that many businesses seek. Their satisfaction will lead us to recognize

if the outcome of a product can give them satisfaction.

“Congruence of user need satisfaction in social media marketing can be achieved

by aligning the marketing content, process and goal with users’ needs of using social

media” (Kietzmann, Hermskens, McCarthy and Silvestre, 2011). As stated by Kietzmann,

Hermskens, McCarthy and Silvestre, a user's consistency in a product can be reached

through social media marketing by matching the marketing content, process and the

purpose with users’ goals for digital marketing. As noted by Gallup (2014), “To develop

their marketing strategy and design appropriate advertising appeals, it is critical that

marketers identify and understand the needs and motivations behind social media usage.

This enables marketers to communicate with their target audiences a personal,

meaningful level via social media. Unfortunately, the researchers still do not have a clear

understanding of users’ expectations and needs for social media services. Marketers must

discover and understand the demands and objectives behind the usage of social media in

order to establish their marketing strategy and design appropriate advertising appeals.

This allows the marketers to engage a relationship with their target audience on a more

personal and relevant level through social media. Although getting all this information,

they do not have a good understanding on what people want and need from social media


“Social media engagement is used interchangeably with terms like, engagement,

brand engagement and online engagement etc. in the marketing literature. Customers

engage in many kinds of behaviors on social media such as browsing, interacting,

information sharing and seeking what empowers them about products and services offers

that subsequently affects their level of brand knowledge/awareness” (Schultz and Peltier,

2013). Since social media is a new type of marketing, people tend to do a lot of browsing,

interacting, sharing information online and finding products that caught their attention

and business services may influence their brand skill. According to Dessart et al. (2015),

“customer’s engagement is of pragmatic relevance, but empirically it is still at a

developing stage. The growing use of social media by young customers and their

consistent interactions with the product and service brands raises an important question -

what factors motivate them to get engaged on social media.” These motivate the young

customers to engage on social media because of the frequent interaction and the product

and business services a brand is providing. This encourages the customers to look

forward to what the businesses can offer more for them, as well as if it will increase their

satisfaction and trust towards that brand.

Social media marketing gives a great impact to any business since contents online

tend to spread to audience quickly, gaining recognition from everyone that help them sell

their product faster. “The viral spread via customer views and shares plus the earned

media opportunities that spread views and shares are what make a difference in driving

visibility to reach mass audience” (Quesenberry, 2020). The strategy is the most effective

method for business to our circumstance since during this pandemic, people are spending

most of their time online creating an opportunity for business owners to create content

about their business and letting it spread through peoples shares and view. This method

also affects consumer’s purchasing behaviors where they get swayed by people’s

influence in social media contents. “In ‘I want to buy’ moments, consumers are ready to

buy but may not know exactly what, how or from whom. These moments are about more

than promotions and sales messages” (Quesenberry, 2020). Social media marketing is

more than just promotion of the business owners but the review also of the buyers where

they post contents regarding to a specific product about their affordability and quality.

Social media marketing is not easy as it seems since not all business owners have

great influence through online, but steps can develop to have effective way of promoting

one’s business to other people in a quick phase, one of the steps are knowing the audience

where they consider ages, gender, and interest and start to match their preference for their

strategy becomes effective. Next is “setting social media engagement by encouraging

customers to engage with the business on any social media platform” (Bandyopadhyay,

2016) it is where business owners pick the most efficient platform for their business type.

Since not all business owners have experience with social media, steps are more effective

to make their strategy more successful where they have guide of what they should


Social media marketing can be one of the most contributed to business’ success

without spending too much since most of them utilized budget-friendly method with

more efficiency for the product they sell. “You can grow as a page on social media

networks by simply being consistent and posting interesting and relatable content for

your audience. Once your social media marketing is strategized effectively, this would

help you increase the traffic on your profiles on these forums, which will eventually lead

them to your websites” (Henderson, 2020). For business owner, their main goal for using

social media marketing is to use social media platform where people spend their time

more to spread their business to gain recognition to the mass. This can also be an

opportunity to small business to grow and thrive since this method is the most least

expensive way to promote.

2.2 Local Literature

According to Te, Baltazar-Marte & Abrina (2018), social media marketing makes

specific social networking websites and relevant applications in promoting a company's

products and services. They stated that one of the most popular mediums of social media

marketing is Facebook. Marketers take advantage of the site's popularity among millions

of users who share ideas, photos, blogs, videos, and even advertisements every day. They

also added that companies create their own Facebook profile pages to post links to their

websites and other promotional pages. They even gave different social media sites like

Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn similar to enable people to connect and express and

share content.

According to Cabotaje & Alampay (2013), the Philippines has two cases

documented and assed to examine online citizen engagement. And this is. First, they look

at how people participate in promoting tourism in the Philippines with the help of social

media. The second case includes the use of social media for disaster response. These two

cases and evaluating the aspects mentioned above assumed that social media would be

seen as a necessary part of e-governance, particularly on engaging citizens to engage in

local, national governance.

Social media influencers are individual creators with large followings who

produce unique content for various online platforms and monetize that content at least in

part through marketing partnerships with brands and advertisers. The brand sponsorship

of media content production achieved through social media influence is emerging as a

significant but ethically murky driver of the advertising industry's evolving global

investment in producing content for electronic media. (Shtern, Hill & Chan 2019)

analyses of the practices involved in social media influence are increasingly

consequential and generative to normative understandings of the emerging social media

entertainment industry (Craig & Cunningham, 2019) and social media platforms'

monetization strategies (Gillespie, 2010).

All activities related to customer service are part of marketing. Customer-related

activities, includes face-to-face interaction, phone calls, and emails, or part of marketing.

Marketers utilize considerable resources to build positive relationships with their

customers and the public. Marketers determine the type of customers they want to attract,

the brand image they wish to project to the public, and how they can communicate the

benefits of their products to potential customers.

The primary importance of consumer buying behavior lies in knowing how

consumers behave, what preferences they need, demands, wants, necessities, and

lifestyles. For marketers, it is essential so they can comprehend the consumer's desires. It

helps to know what kind of product the consumer wants and increases the marketer's

revenue, segmentation, targeting, and forecasting. To make it released on the market, it is

necessary to determine what type of goods the customers want. With the help of

technology these days, marketers use social media as advertising and even a medium for

selling their services and products.

According to the Facebook Company, Facebook ads work because they are

relevant and accessible to create and measure their business. It can also build a long-term

relationship with its consumers to provide for their needs to improve their trust and their

benefits. Facebook advertising will increase their consumer attribution. It is the one

where several times they see your brand. Which the more they interact with the business,

the more they will convert.

2.3 Foreign Studies

Social media covers a broad range of digital forums with an immense prevalence.

Examples include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and many others. Marketers

use these sites to connect brands, their products, and customers for purposes of increasing

sales or even driving website traffic. According to Greenwood, Perrin, and Duggan

(2016), the number of daily active users of social media was 3.5 billion by 2015,

translating to nearly 45 percent of the world's population. Facebook is the largest social

media site with a market share of 68 percent (Greenwood, Perrin, & Duggan, 2016).

Demographically, the largest group of social media users include millennials (at 90.4

percent), generation X (at 77.5 percent), and then the baby boomers (at 48.02 percent)

(Greenwood, Perrin, & Duggan, 2016). The report further indicates that at least 73

percent of marketers believe social media marketing is beneficial for their businesses,

with more than 54 percent of customers using social platforms to reach products and


The effect of social media on consumer's behavior includes a wide spectrum of

activities ranging from informing, sharing ideas and attitudes to acquire awareness and

understanding, and visualize post-purchase behavior without purchasing (Tatar and

Erdoğmuş, 2016). This leads businesses to be more interactive in marketing

communications and to find innovative applications to make products and brands more

affordable through online marketing efforts via social media communication channels.

These practices, which express social media marketing activities, include actions that

encourage consumers to choose products and brands and that target marketing messages

to other consumers online.

A cross-cultural study by Hudson, Huang, Roth & Madden (2016) sought to

assess how social media interactions influence customer-brand relationship quality. The

findings of their research demonstrated that social media marketing impacts the quality of

relationships that people form with brands in online interactive settings. In this case,

social media offers a channel for the interaction and engagement of people with their

favorite brands and the formation of better connections with them. On the other hand,

those who do not interact with their favorite products and services through social

networking sites do not form any link with them. In this study, Hudson, Huang, Roth &

Madden (2016) demonstrated the significance of social media marketing in influencing

customer behavior by forming quality brand relationships.

Social media marketing offers the best opportunity for businesses to facilitate

brand loyalty and impact perceptions of their target audience. Maryanne Kyule (2017)

alludes that, on average, customers spend at least three hours a day on social media.

Successful brands take advantage of the popularity of social media to make their presence

useful to customers and also reward their loyalty.

According to Kyule (2017), the most known brands dominating the sector focus

on imprinting their products and services on the minds of customers for several years.

Brands that have more loyal customers have active social media profiles that they use in

interacting with their current and potential customers. Over the past years, the primary

goal of marketers has been to develop and maintain loyal customers, and social media

marketing has offered them the chance to do so. Social media has been a useful and

effective tool in building brand recognition and businesses (Kyule, 2017). Organizations

have used the platform to teach the audience about the value of their products and

services and to increase their market reach and share. Hence, social media marketing

techniques have proven to be effective in reaching out to several segments in society and

developing brand loyalty.

Social media can be described as an online application program, platform, or mass

media tool that is able to facilitate communication, collaboration, or sharing information

among users in general and direct sales, customer gain, and customer retaining for a

business (Bilgin, 2018). Social media marketing is one of the marketing strategies used

by successful businesses in order to be part of the online consumers network (Elaydi,

2018). In addition, Karman (2017) revealed that digital word of mouth drives social

media marketing into the fast-growing marketing phenomenon.

Social media is an efficient marketing technique that has played a significant role

in improving brand awareness and dramatically impacting customer loyalty as well as

satisfaction. Businesses have further accomplished this by using social platforms to gain

insights into various markets. A defining feature of social sites is that customers spend

more time in the realm that sees an increasing rate of information sharing and

communication within such sites (Misbah & Asma, 2018). The implication of this to a

typical business is that it needs to interact and be exposed more to these platforms

through engaging marketing content.

The primary motive marketers engage in social media is to gain a perspective on

customer activities. Prasath and Yoganathen's (2018) empirical study notes that people

log in to social media sites for three main reasons; entertainment, information, and social

elements. The research categorizes customer motivation into two categories, rational and

emotional. Rational motives are where customers participate in online communities to

share knowledge and advocate for certain beliefs, ideas, products, brands, concepts, and

others. Emotional reasons focus on the ability of a customer to self-express and connect

with other users on the internet. Customers use the internet, mostly social media, to

achieve their motivations, as pointed out above, which could be linked to reviews,

friends, or even businesses that support their decision-making mechanisms.

Social media marketing is the practice where marketers use social media

technologies, platforms, and software to connect with people and deliver their products

and services to stakeholders. Through a systematic review, Kapoor et al. (2018)

established that several marketers have adopted social media marketing for various

purposes. For instance, the private sector uses social media as a means of communicating

the existence of its products and services and as a promotion and selling tool (Jacobson,

Gruzd & Hernández-García, 2019). On the contrary, the public sector uses social media

to share information with potential customers and engage them with the firm (Gruzd et

al., 2018). Hence, social media has been beneficial to marketers in enabling them to

promote and sell their products to customers.

Marketers use social media for various purposes. The first one is collecting data

about customers’ opinions as a way to learn their knowledge, insights, and patterns. At

the end of opinion mining, the marketers can attain specific set goals and gain a

competitive advantage in the market (Jacobson, Gruzd & Hernández-García, 2019). The

second role is advertising towards targeted customers, which has helped marketers in

communicating, and offering personalized messages and solutions to clients. According

to Cochrane (2018), personalized offers generate significant levels of return on

investment (ROI) and can boost sales beyond ten percent. Thus, social media marketing

is beneficial to marketers in collecting opinion data and targeted or personalized


The role of social media in marketing is to serve as a means companies use to

reveal the brand identity and inform customers about products and services. Chivandi,

Samuel, and Muchie (2019) think of social media as a vehicle of marketing. As the

researchers further illustrate, social media is unique compared to the conventional modes

of marketing in many ways. For example, it gives character to a brand identity that

ensures companies engage in marketing activities that make connections with the lifestyle

and expectations of the customers online who may think of an organization as genuine to

buyers. In this way, it is more than a tool for informing customers about brands, products,

and services.

Social media innovations have made it possible for brands to establish lasting

intimate relationships with their customers. YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram have

mainly been at the forefront in allowing vloggers and bloggers to share tips, secrets, and

reviews of their favorite brands to global audiences (Chivandi, Samuel, & Muchie, 2019).

YouTube acts as a platform for content providers to target specific markets with their

products and services. Marketers use influential figures on the platform to gain insights,

attract and retain more customers, and improve sales.

According to Zheltov E., & Shkoda M. (2019), marketing is one of the varieties of

the enterprise, whose main task is to study and meet the needs of consumers. It connects

the consumer with the manufacturer and makes it possible to create the necessary volume

of sales of goods and services to obtain the maximum possible profit.

According to Uzir M.U.H. et al., (2021), the rapid growth of online purchasing in

recent years has emphasized the accompanying role of home delivery service provided by

delivery personnel in ensuring customer satisfaction. On-time delivery, better service,

generating positive customer perceived value, and trust towards service providers are

influential factors that contribute to customer satisfaction.

Advertising on social media is widely practiced nowadays by both shoppers and

marketers’ side. Nowadays, people search for a particular brand on social media before

purchasing. According to the study entitled, "The Influence of Social Media Marketing

on Apparel Brands' Customers' Satisfaction: The Mediation of Perceived Value," the

marketing activities on social media significantly influence the customers' response

towards a specific brand in terms of loyalty, purchase intention, price premium

willingness, and customers' satisfaction. This study investigated the impact of social

media marketing activities on apparel brands' perceived value and Chinese customers'

satisfaction. Yongzhong, Y., Khan, Z., & Yu, Z. (2020) concluded that marketing

activities on social media highly influence Chinese customers' satisfaction. It is noted that

word-of-mouth (WoM), trendiness, and entertainment activities play a vital role in

positively affecting Chinese satisfaction towards a particular apparel brand compared to

interaction and customization.

In another study entitled, "Openness to Experience - A Moderator between Social

Commerce Success Factors and Customer Satisfaction Relationship: Facebook Brand

Page Platform," states that the marketing strategies via social media need to consider the

quality of information to satisfy customer needs and attract them to buy the products or

services. Moreover, the selection of the social media platform for social commerce

should emphasize the system's quality. It is important because customers will look at the

operation of the application itself whether it works properly to facilitate their shopping

online, especially on Facebook. Malik, Hairuddin, & Shuib (2018) concluded that system

quality affects satisfaction. Therefore, it could be simplified that Facebook applications

could increase social commerce user satisfaction through their high-level IQ and SysQ

even if they are low in openness to experience (OE) personality. Also, some innovations

from time to time by the Facebook application must be made to let people connect and

become a business platform.

According to a conducted online survey on 502 social media users of a study

entitled, "Understanding the Effect of Social Media Marketing Activities: The Mediation

of Social Identification, Perceived Value, and Satisfaction," the analytical results

indicates that social media marketing activities indirectly affect satisfaction through

social identification and perceived value. On the other hand, social identification and

perceived value directly affect satisfaction, influencing continuance intention,

participation intention, and purchase intention (Chen, SC. & Lin, CP., 2018).

According to another survey, most food outlets said they were highly satisfied

with their marketing coverage via social media channels and would continue using the

channel in the future. While 20% said, they were satisfied and need to improve their

usage in the future. Moreover, 8% said they felt it did not give them the required results.

None of the surveyed samples were dissatisfied with social media marketing (Deepika, R.

& Srinivasan, J., 2018).

The study entitled "The Role of Social Media Marketing Activities on Customer

Satisfaction" concludes that social media marketing activities greatly enhance customer

satisfaction. In particular, social media response time can have a substantial positive or

negative impact on consumer satisfaction; hence, businesses should strive to improve

their social media response time. In other words, despite the customers' goals, fast or

quick social media reaction time to customers' issues, complaints, or queries plays a vital

role in enhancing customer satisfaction. In addition to that, the customer satisfaction level

is also influenced by the language used in social media responses. It can impact customer

satisfaction in either a positive or negative way. The study findings revealed that using

good or excellent language when responding to customers' questions or orders will

positively enhance customer satisfaction. However, poor response language used in social

media platforms will negatively impact customer satisfaction levels. Moreover, regular

posting on social media platforms plays a significant role in enhancing customer

satisfaction. Regular posting will also help the customers keep up with the latest

products, brands, or services, and any discounts will ultimately improve customer

satisfaction (Danho, N., Tomeh, W., & Danho, D.,2020).

Marketers are increasingly aware that marketing content should focus on

commercial-oriented components in this digital age while also emphasizing

social-oriented aspects or interactions between sellers and buyers (Wibowo et al., 2020).

As long as the marketing content meets the standards outlined in the social media

marketing activity (SMMA) and customer experience (CX), using social media as a

medium for marketing is a great option. According to the 413 online questionnaire

surveys, the results show that SMMA and CX significantly influence customer

relationship quality, which also positively impacts customer behavioral outcomes.

Therefore, marketers have to think critically and creatively to establish great marketing

content that meets the personal preference of the target customer as it impacts the quality

of the relationship between customer and enterprise. Moreover, managing a good

customer–enterprise relationship is a necessary strategy to achieve the marketing

objective. Furthermore, three behavioral outcomes (purchase intention, loyalty intention,

and participation intention) would go positively with relationship quality, which was

previously structured by appropriate marketing content.

2.4 Local Studies

The three policy scenarios with interrelated social media marketing strategies that

have been examined are minimal effort, moving visuals, and collaborative strategies. The

minimal effort scenario increases counting metrics, comments, and Web traffic, while the

moving visuals scenario yields increases in reach, counting metrics, comments, and Web

traffic. Then finally, the collaborative strategies scenario enhances indicators on

awareness, the share of voice, counting metrics, comments, and lead. (Yamagishi, K., &

Ocampo L., 2021).

Social media platforms are a powerful medium to advertise products and used

recently for promoting places. This study aimed to assess the effects of social media in

tourism industry of Batangas province which shows that Facebook, Twitter, YouTube,

Blogs, and Websites are the most popular and most frequently used social media

platforms by individuals that can be used to disseminate the information faster especially

for the tourism establishments with lower cost but while using social media platforms

there are main problems that you will encounter like your customers’ opinions, thoughts

and expressions are not well presented that leads to bad impressions and unfair criticism

so you will need an action plan to address this issue. (Buted, R., & Gillespie, N., 2014).

In the Philippines, social media plays a big role in our lives. The people using

social media platforms are growing bigger every day. It can be used for creating and

sharing of information, ideas, career interests, and other forms of expression via virtual

communities and networks. Social media helps connect a user's profile to another

individual or group that can be used for promoting products through social media

platforms. Also, because social media has a big influence on our lives, like our personal

perspectives, that's why most people are encouraged to buy products that they have seen

on the internet. (Bascal, K., 2019).

Due to this pandemic, the Philippines still remains on top of the list when it comes

to social media. Filipinos have a recorded average of 10 hours and 56 minutes of internet

use per day (4 hours and 15 minutes of which are spent on social media). That’s four

hours more than the global average of 6 hours and 54 minutes. These stats suggest that

there are more sales opportunities for Filipino businesses, especially those that leverage

the digital marketing landscape in the Philippines. (Statista Research Department., 2021).

2.5 Theoretical Framework

Based on the related topics of this research, The Means-Ends Theory would be the

theoretical basis of this study.

The study of Borgardt (2020) provides a critical and systematic investigation of

the Mean-End Chain theory and contributes additional knowledge regarding the theory.

The Means-end Theory is based on the understanding of motivations that influenced

customers’ decision-making and behavior. The theory also includes the idea of

self-relevant values, when consumers experience a product, they care more about

self-relevant value where their satisfaction is more valued than the objective to feel more

appreciate the product purchased.

According to the study of Borgardt (2020), the researchers hypothesized the

connection of the customers’ relationship to product attributes (1) where the feature of

the product that attracts the customers, consequences (2) where it gives buyers

advantages from experiencing the product, and individual values (3) what the consumers

wants to achieve a certain state of satisfaction (Chin-Feng, Hsien-Tang, and Chen-Su,

2016). Consumers can use the three rubrics to grasp the important variables and their

personal importance while making decisions.

This theory will be a vital part for this study as this will be used as a basis and

guide for the questionnaires and surveys, we will conduct for the data gathering. This will

serve an important role for better understanding customers for better performance to

satisfy the majority of them.

2.6 Conceptual Framework

The graphical representation represents how the different platforms of social

media helps a business increase its customers and how various factors can affect the

customers’ service satisfaction when it comes to online shopping.


Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study. The independent variables

are social media marketing: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok. These

types of social media can help a business increase its buyer since it promotes a product or

a brand. Social media can help companies to promote their products by just posting and

sharing them publicly. On the contrary, the dependent variable is the customer's level of

service satisfaction, such as Delivery, Quality, and Customer service. It focuses on

customers' feedbacks or satisfaction with the outcomes.

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the setting of the study, research design, the respondents,
sampling procedures, the research instruments, data gathering procedure, and data

3.1 Research Locale

This study was conducted at the University of the East in Caloocan Campus. This
place was selected since the respondents chosen are students of the university. This study
was conducted in Academic Year 2021-2022.

3.2 Data and their Sources

In this study, the data that came from the respondents have two types. The first

one would be the "Exposure of the respondents into Social Media Marketing," the

respondents are knowledgeable and have experience in using social media marketing. and

the second type would be the "Unexposed respondents into Social Media Marketing."

These are the respondents that never used any social media marketing. Researchers will

collect the data from the Grade 12 ABM students of the University of the East-Caloocan

using a survey.

3.3 Research Design

The researchers believe that the experimental research design is most appropriate

for this research. It is defined as a scientific quantitative approach to test hypotheses and

theories using control variables and is suitable for research whose goal is to examine

cause-effect relationships. Most importantly, experimental research is completed in a

controlled environment in which the researchers manipulate the variable to come to a

conclusion or finding, where one or more independent variables are manipulated and

applied to one or more dependent variables to measure their effect on the latter. The

effect of the independent variables on the dependent variables is usually observed and

recorded over some time, to aid researchers in drawing a reasonable conclusion regarding

the relationship between these 2 variable types.

An online survey questionnaire is administered to a selected sample from a

specific population. The online survey involved the administration of a questionnaire that

sought to obtain data on the sensory evaluation regarding the effects of social media

marketing on the level of service satisfaction of Grade 12 ABM students of University of

the East - Caloocan.

3.4 Population and Sample

The respondents of the study are the Grade 12 ABM students of the University of

the East - Caloocan, who have their active involvement in browsing social media sites

during the academic year 2021-2022. Based on the total number currently enrolled in the

University of the East - Caloocan of Grade 12 ABM students, there would be a

population of 204 students. Through the Slovin’s formula, the researchers were able to
lessen the number of respondents to be surveyed. The Slovin’s formula (n = 2 ) with

the population (N) of 204 students and a margin of error (e) of 5% was utilized to

determine the number of samples. As a result, the number of samples to be surveyed is

135 students. The researchers applied a sampling technique called Simple Random

Sampling to remain unbiased in the selection of samples from the population. It is a

sampling method where each element of the population has an equal chance to be

included in the sample.

3.5 Research Instruments

The researchers used online survey or online questionnaire to determine their

level of service satisfaction with online shopping purchases based on how social media

marketing promotes a product. Online survey is the most appropriate method to our

circumstances during this pandemic and to gather data faster with the researchers’ peers

with other students while completing the target number of respondents. The

questionnaires contain two main parts: Part 1 would be personal information about

respondents such as name, gender, sex, age and Part 2 contains the questions related to

their research such as their preferences, what social media that influence them the most,

and questions that are answerable with yes or no.

3.6 Data Gathering Procedure

This study investigates the curricula of a large number of students at ABM

University of the East - Caloocan, as we distinguish on how satisfied they are about

social media marketing. An online survey or online questionnaire, a systematic data

collection, will be used for data analysis.

1. Researchers will conduct an online survey about how social media marketing

helps a business promote a product.

2. The respondents will be contacted by the researchers through Messenger

application or emailing them through their UE accounts, the respondents gave their

responses in Google Forms that was used to create the survey-questionnaire.

3. The data will be clarified, which means that the significance of what is in the data

will be stated.

4. Lastly, theorization, it is the analysis of data that you begin to contribute to our

main source of information. The data was carefully and accurately analyzed by the


3.7 Data Analysis

The Descriptive Analysis helps describe, show or summarize data points in a

constructive way such that patterns might emerge that fulfill every condition of the data.

It involves the use of frequency, percentage, mean, median, mode, and standard


Frequency - a count of the number of times a particular score or value is found in

the data set.

Percentage - used to express a set of scores or values as a percentage of the

whole. The formula for the Percentage is 𝑁

Mean - is a measure of central tendency that is also called "The Average" that

refers to the average score of as given set of values. In this case, the average

score of the participant's votes in the scale of the effects of the social media

marketing on the level of service satisfaction by the reviews of the students of

Grade 12 ABM when they are buying a product and how does the social media

satisfy them by the advertisement products. The formula for the Mean is 𝑥‾ = 𝑛

Median - the numerical midpoint of the scores or values in a list or in the

distribution of scores (smallest to largest order). The formula for the Median is

( )

Mode - the score or value that occurs most often.

Standard Deviation - 𝑠 = 𝑁−1

The assessment of the respondent from the online questionnaire were rated based on a

Four (4) Point Likert Scale.

Scale Limits Verbal Description

1 1.00 - 1.74 Very Unsatisfied

2 1.75 - 2.74 Unsatisfied

3 2.75 - 3.74 Satisfied

4 3.75 - 4.00 Very Satisfied

Z-Test - will be used to determine whether there are any statistically significant

differences between the means of the social media marketing on the level of service

satisfaction of Grade 12 ABM students of University of the East - Caloocan. The formula

for the Z-Test is 𝑧 = σ

Chapter 4


This chapter discusses the analysis and interpretation of data gathered from the
questionnaire the researchers provided which was designed to assess the effect of social
media marketing on the level of service of Grade 12 ABM students of University of the
East - Caloocan.

Table 2



Senior High School Caloocan Campus

Population Number of Forms Retrieved

ABM 12-1 41 23

ABM 12-2 41 15

ABM 12-3 38 9

ABM 12-4 39 3

ABM 12-5 38 7

ABM 12-6 26 3

Total 223 60

Table 2 comprises the population of ABM students in University of the East –

Caloocan that has 6 sections with a total population of 223 students yet due to time

constraints, the pandemic and informed consent; there are only 60 surveys retrieved. The

section with the highest contribution is section 12-1 while the section with the least

contribution are section 12-4 and 12-6.

Problem Number 1 What are the most effective types of social media marketing?

Table 3



Facebook Instagram Twitter Youtube Tiktok

1.) Which 58 40 14 26 42
do you think (96.6%) (66.7%) (23.3%) (43.3%) (70%)
are your top
3 most
social media
when it
comes to
marketing a

Table 3 exhibits the frequency and percentage distribution of the most effective

social media platforms when it comes to advertising or marketing a product.

As shown in the table above, fifty-eight (58) or ninety-eight point six (96.6)

percent of ABM students claimed that Facebook is the most effective social media

platform when it comes to advertising. Forty (40) or sixty-six point seven (66.7) percent

of respondents preferred Instagram for advertising or marketing a product. There are

fourteen (14) or twenty-three point three (23.3) percent of respondents who chose Twitter

as the most effective type of social media marketing. While there are forty- two (42) or

seventy (70) percent of ABM students think that Facebook is the most effective social

media marketing.

According to the study of Papa Demba YORA (2022), The usage of Facebook as

a marketing tool is becoming more frequent.

These platforms are used for more than simply communication; they also help

advertise the business online. In many ways, Facebook appears to have "taken over the

world" in less than a decade. Social media has a tremendous impact on consumers at all

stages of the consumer-to-business relationship, whether gathering critical information or

using the media to express their discontent with purchased items or services.

Problem Number 2 What are the social media marketing that has a big influence on the

preferences of customers?

Table 4



Photo Ads Video Ads Stories Ads

1.) For you, what is 11 44 5

your preferred and (18%) (73%) (8%)
most effective type
of social media

Table 4 exhibits the frequency and percentage distribution of the most effective

and preferred type of social media marketing.

As shown in the table above, eleven (11) or eighteen (18) percent of ABM

students preferred photo advertisements when promoting a product or service. There are

five (5) or eight (8) percent of respondents who prefer story advertisements when

promoting a product or service. While there are forty-four (44) or seventy-three (73)

percent of respondents who prefer and think that video advertisement is the most

effective type of social media marketing when it comes to promoting and choosing a

product or service.

Problem Number 3 What is the level of service satisfaction of customers in terms of :

A. Delivery

B. Quality

C. Customer Service

Table 5



Indicators Mean Rating Standard Deviation Interpretation

1.) I feel positive 3.8 0.3786 Very Satisfied

when my order
arrived earlier than
the estimated
delivery period

2.) I feel impatient 3.3 0.2380 Very Satisfied

when my purchases
took too long to

3.) I don't pay 1.95 0.2321 Unsatisfied

attention to the
packaging of the
product during

4.) I prefer 2.95 0.2476 Satisfied

purchasing a
product that is
shipped from
domestic than
overseas since the
delivery period is

5.) I'm satisfied 3.9 0.4359 Very Satisfied

when my order is
delivered in a

AVERAGE 3.18 0.7879 Satisfied


1.00 - 1.74 Very Unsatisfied

1.75 - 2.49 Unsatisfied

2.50 - 3.24 Satisfied

3.25 - 4.99 Very Satisfied

As shown on the table of the customer's level of service satisfaction in terms of

delivery, question no. 1 obtained a mean rating of 3.8 which is “very satisfied” and a

0.3786 standard deviation. It can be observed that respondents are very satisfied and

positive when their order arrives earlier than the delivery period. For question no. 2, is

that it obtained a mean rating of 3.3 which is “very satisfied” and a 0.2380 standard

deviation. It can be observed that respondents feel very impatient when their order takes

too long to arrive. For question no. 3, is that it obtained a mean rating of 1.95 which is

“unsatisfied” and a 0.2321 standard deviation. It can be observed that respondents are

unsatisfied as they pay attention to the packaging of the product during shipping.

Question no. 4 obtained a mean rating of 2.95 which is “satisfied” and a 0.2476 standard

deviation. It can be observed that respondents are satisfied with purchasing a product that

is shipped from domestic rather than overseas since the delivery period is shorter. For

question no.5, is that it obtained a mean rating of 3.9 which is “very satisfied” and a

0.4359 standard deviation. It can be observed that respondents are very satisfied when

their order is delivered in a presentable condition.

Table 6



Indicators Mean Rating Standard Deviation Interpretation

1.) I feel happy 3.9 0.4359 Very Satisfied

when the product
exactly meets or
exceeds my

2.) I feel 3.63 0.3076 Very Satisfied

disappointed when
the product is not
exactly the same
from what I’ve seen
in the social media
marketing sites.

3.) I feel satisfied 3.9 0.4238 Very Satisfied

when the product
has no damage and
seems durable.

4.) I feel I made the 3.8 0.3786 Very Satisfied

right choice when
the product serves
its purpose and is
reasonable for its

5.) I don’t consider 3.65 0.2121 Very Satisfied

the price when the
product has a good

AVERAGE 3.78 0.1309 Very Satisfied

1.00 - 1.74 Very Unsatisfied

1.75 - 2.49 Unsatisfied

2.50 - 3.24 Satisfied

3.25 - 4.99 Very Satisfied

As shown on the table of the customer's level of service satisfaction in terms of

quality, question no. 1 obtained a mean rating of 3.9 which is “very satisfied” and a

0.4359 standard deviation. It can be observed that respondents are very satisfied and

happy when the product exactly meets or exceeds their expectations. For question no. 2,

is that it obtained a mean rating of 3.63 which is “very satisfied” and a 0.3076 standard

deviation. It can be observed that respondents feel very disappointed when the product is

not the same as what they have seen on social media marketing sites. For question no. 3,

is that it obtained a mean rating of 3.9 which is “very satisfied” and a 0.4238 standard

deviation. It can be observed that respondents are very satisfied when the product has no

damage and seems durable. For question no. 4, is that it obtained a mean rating of 3.8

which is “very satisfied” and a 0.3786 standard deviation. It can be observed that

respondents are very satisfied and confident when the product serves its purpose and is

reasonable for its price. For question no.5, is that it obtained a mean rating of 3.65 which

is “very satisfied” and a 0.2121 standard deviation. It can be observed that respondents

don't consider the price when the product has a good quality.

Table 7



Indicators Mean Rating Standard Deviation Interpretation

1.) I prefer having a

speed service when it 3.48 0.2448 Very Satisfied
comes to online

2.) It is easy to buy

when the seller is 3.66 0.3203 Very Satisfied
straightforward and
kind to the customer

3.) A responsive seller

should be operative 3.68 0.3239 Very Satisfied
when buying products
from them

4.) Whenever I am
satisfied with the 3.48 0.2644 Very Satisfied
service of a brand, it
can make me to
purchase frequently

5.) I usually like the

service when they treat 3.8 0.3786 Very Satisfied
the customer with

AVERAGE 3.62 0.1386 Very Satisfied

1.00 - 1.74 Very Unsatisfied

1.75 - 2.49 Unsatisfied

2.50 - 3.24 Satisfied

3.25 - 4.99 Very Satisfied

As shown on the table of the customer's level of service satisfaction in terms of

customer service, question no. 1 obtained a mean rating of 3.48 which is “very satisfied”

and a 0.2448 standard deviation. It can be observed that respondents are very satisfied

with having a speedy service when it comes to online shopping. For question no. 2, is that

it obtained a mean rating of 3.66 which is “very satisfied” and a 0.3203 standard

deviation. It can be observed that respondents are very satisfied that it is easy to buy

when the seller is straightforward and kind to the customer. For question no. 3, is that it

obtained a mean rating of 3.68 which is “very satisfied” and a 0.3239 standard deviation.

It can be observed that respondents are very satisfied that a responsive seller should be

operative when buying products from them. For question no. 4, is that it obtained a mean

rating of 3.48 which is “very satisfied” and a 0.2644 standard deviation. It can be

observed that respondents are very satisfied that whenever they are satisfied with the

service of a brand, it can lead them to purchase frequently. For question no.5, is that it

obtained a mean rating of 3.8 which is “very satisfied” and a 0.3786 standard deviation.

It can be observed that respondents are very satisfied with the service when they treat the

customer with respect.


1. 𝐻 : μ > µ0

2. 𝐻 : μ < µ0

µ is average score 𝑥 is sample mean

σ is standard deviation α is level of significance

n is population

Given: Formula:

µ = 52
σ=4 𝑧 = σ
n = 60
𝑥 = 51

α = 0.05

If the Z-test is one tailed and α is 0.05 therefore ±1.65 for the rejection area

Figure 2: Hypothesis testing

51− 52
𝑧 = 4 = -1.92
Reject 𝐻 since -1.92 < 1.65, therefore social media marketing will improve the level of
service satisfaction of Grade 12 ABM students.

Chapter 5


This chapter includes the summary of findings that the researchers have analyzed,

conclusions, and recommendations that will help in the effects of social media marketing

on the level of service satisfaction of Grade 12 ABM students of University of the


The findings of the study were presented in three parts according to the problems

of the study. Part one shows the most effective social media platforms when it comes to

advertising or marketing a product. While the second part describes the most effective and

preferred type of social media marketing when it comes to advertising or marketing the

product. The last part tests the level of service satisfaction of customers in terms of

delivery, quality, and customer service.

5.1 Summary of Findings

Problem Number 1

What are the most effective types of social media marketing?

The Grade 12 ABM Students of the University of the East-Caloocan claimed that

the three most effective social media platforms for marketing are “Facebook”, “TikTok”,

and “Instagram.”

Problem Number 2

What are the social media marketing that has a big influence on the preferences of


Most of the Grade 12 ABM students of the University of the East preferred the

most effective type of social media marketing is video advertisements. While some of

them voted and think that photo advertisements are more effective when promoting and

looking for a product. Only a few of the students preferred seeing products or services

promoted by story advertisements on different social media platforms.

Problem Number 3

What is the level of service satisfaction of customers in terms of :

A. Delivery

B. Quality

C. Customer Service

Based on the customer's level of service satisfaction in terms of delivery, first, the

Grade 12 ABM students are very satisfied and positive when their order arrives earlier

than the delivery period. Second, they feel very impatient when their order takes too long

to arrive. Third, they are unsatisfied as they pay attention to the packaging of the product

during shipping. Fourth, they are satisfied with purchasing a product that is shipped from

domestic rather than overseas since the delivery period is shorter. Lastly, they are very

satisfied when their order is delivered in a presentable condition.

Based on the customer's level of service satisfaction in terms of quality, first, the

Grade 12 ABM students are very satisfied and happy when the product exactly meets or

exceeds their expectations. Second, they feel very disappointed when the product is not

the same as what they have seen on social media marketing sites. Third, they are very

satisfied when the product has no damage and seems durable. Fourth, they are very

satisfied and confident when the product serves its purpose and is reasonable for its price.

Lastly, most of the Grade 12 ABM students who answered the survey questionnaire in

this research study are very satisfied that they don't consider the price when the product

has a good quality.

Based on the customer's level of service satisfaction in terms of customer service,

first, the Grade 12 ABM students are very satisfied that it is easy to buy when the seller is

straightforward and kind to the customer. Second, they are very satisfied that it is easy to

buy when the seller is straightforward and kind to the customer. Third, they are very

satisfied that a responsive seller should be operative when buying products from them.

Fourth, they are very satisfied that whenever they are satisfied with the service of a

brand, it can lead them to purchase frequently. Lastly, they are very satisfied with the

service when they treat the customer with respect.

5.2 Conclusions

Based on the research survey distributed for the Grade 12 ABM Students of the

University of the East-Caloocan. The most effective social media platform for marketing

products are “Facebook,” “TikTok,” and “Instagram.” These are the most practical and

helpful tools for online sellers when advertising the product. It is the platform that many

people use in their daily lives and the platform that help them to boost their product sales.

Based on the findings, the result for the most effective type of social media

marketing is a video advertisement. This is the most preferred type of advertisement for

most Grade 12 ABM students of the University of the East - Caloocan because it

promotes and markets the products clearly to the consumer. It can also increase the

sellers’ engagement on their digital and social channels and educate your consumers and


Based on the findings, the result for the level of service satisfaction in terms of

delivery of the Grade 12 ABM students of University of the East - Caloocan falls under

the satisfied with an average mean of 3.18. Therefore, it proves that it has a big impact on

the level of service satisfaction in terms of delivery of the Grade 12 ABM students of

University of the East - Caloocan when their order arrived earlier than the estimated

delivery period and is delivered in a presentable condition as they pay attention also to

the packaging of the product during shipping, and they more prefer purchasing a product

that is shipped from domestic than overseas since the delivery period is shorter.

Additionally, if their purchases took too long to arrive they feel impatient, thus, it also

affects the level of service satisfaction in terms of delivery of the Grade 12 ABM students

of University of the East - Caloocan.

Based on the findings, the result for the level of service satisfaction in terms of

quality of the Grade 12 ABM students of University of the East - Caloocan falls under the

very satisfied with an average mean of 3.78. Therefore, it proves that it has a big impact

on the level of service satisfaction in terms of quality of the Grade 12 ABM students of

University of the East - Caloocan when the product meets or exceeds their expectations

such as it has no damage, it serves its purpose and is reasonable for its price.

Additionally, if the delivered product was not exactly the same as what the customers

have seen on the social media marketing sites it also affects the level of service

satisfaction in terms of quality of the Grade 12 ABM students of University of the East -


Based on the findings, the result for the level of service satisfaction in terms of

customer service of the Grade 12 ABM students of University of the East - Caloocan falls

under the very satisfied with an average mean of 3.62. Therefore, it proves that it has a

big impact on the level of service satisfaction in terms of customer service of the Grade

12 ABM students of University of the East - Caloocan to have a speedy service when it

comes to online shopping and when the seller is straightforward, kind, and treat the

customer with respect, and operative when buying products from them. Additionally, it

also affects the level of service satisfaction in terms of customer service of the Grade 12

ABM students of University of the East - Caloocan whenever they are satisfied with the

service of a brand, it can lead them to purchase frequently.

Based on the result of the hypothesis testing, the hypotheses the researchers’

proposed stated “Social media marketing will not improve the level of service satisfaction

of Grade 12 ABM students” are rejected because of how high both the average score and

the mean of the respondents are high ;this indicates that social media marketing do have

an effect to the level of service satisfaction of the said students.

5.3 Recommendations

In the light of the significant findings and conclusions of the study, the following

recommendations are hereby offered:

1. Online businesses should use the three most effective social media platforms such as

Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram to market their products and services.

Facebook is the most popular social network. Facebook’s tools cater to the business

that wants to form an authentic relationship with its audience. It allows marketers to

create and distribute quality content that’s helpful for users. And it allows sales and

customer services reps to connect with consumers interested in a brand.

Tiktok is one of the most popular social media channels. TikTok ads are another great

way to market your business on this platform. One of the benefits of TikTok ads is you

don’t have to spend a lot of time building an audience. You set up an ad campaign, and

you’ll be able to reach your target audience, often within 24 hours.

Instagram is a successful social media marketing tool because of its large, growing

user base. Marketing on this platform is absolutely worth it, and not only does this give

your brand an additional channel to use when interacting with your audience, but many

have also found success with direct purchases through the platform.

2. Video advertisements should be the top choice for the social media marketing of online

businesses as it has the biggest influence on the preferences of customers.

In 2020, 92% of marketers say that video is an important part of their marketing

strategy. As well as being entertaining, videos can form an important part of a consumer’s

decision-making process. However, in order to get a customer to convert after watching

a video, marketers need to ensure that they are meeting customers' expectations.

3. Delivery of the product to be offered is one of the factors that affect the customers’

level of satisfaction.

To increase the customers’ level of service satisfaction in terms of delivery, the

researcher advises that the delivery of the product should arrive earlier than the expected

time, and the order should be delivered in presentable condition without any damage and

delivered the item within a short period.

4. The product to be offered should be made with quality as it is one of the factors that

affect the customers’ level of service satisfaction.

To increase the customers’ level of service satisfaction in terms of quality, the

researchers suggest that the product should meet the expectation of the customers by

giving them the exact product they saw on the social media, the product must have no

damage and is durable, the product must serve its purpose, and its price must be


5. The service of a brand is one of the factors that affect the customers’ level of


To increase the customers’ level of service satisfaction in terms of customer service,

the researchers advise that the sellers should perform excellent customer service and

always treat their customers with respect, and the sellers should have speedy and

operative service when it comes to online shopping.


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Atulkar, S. (2020). "Brand trust and brand loyalty in mall shoppers". Marketing

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Difference for Small Businesses, Vol. 19(Iss. 1).

Bascal, K. J. D. (2019). Social Media as an Interactive Platform. Academia.




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Buted, D. R., & Gillespie, N. S. (2014, June). Effects of Social Media in the Tourism

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Chen, S., & Lin, C. (2019, March). Understanding the effect of social media marketing

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Chen, Y. (2016). The Impact of Marketing Strategies and Satisfaction on Student Loyalty:

A Structural Equation Model Approach.

Danho, N., Tomeh, W., & Danho, D. (2020, May 18). The Role of Social Media

Marketing Activities on Customer Satisfaction.

Deepika, R., & Srinivasan, J. (2018).

Hanaysha, J. (2017). Impact of Social Media Marketing, Price Promotion, and Corporate

Social Responsibility on Customer Satisfaction.

Henderson, G. (2020, July 2). The Importance Of Social Media Marketing. Retrieved March 11, 2022, from

Liang, H., Li, W., & Chen, H. (2016, January). Impact of Social Media on Customer

Satisfaction: A Perspective of Social Capital.


Maecker, O., Barrot, C., & Becker, J. (2016, February 10). The effect of social media

interactions on customer relationship management.


Malik, A. M. A., Hairuddin, H., & Shuib, N. (2018). Openness to Experience - A

Moderator between Social Commerce Success Factors and Customer Satisfaction

Relationship: Facebook Brand Page Platform.


Mehrabi, A., Islami, H., & Aghajani, M. (2014, August). The Effect of Social Media

Marketing on Customers’ Brand Loyalty .

Nam,, L. G., & Dân, H. T. (2018).


Nguyen, D. T., Pham, V. T., Tran, D. M., & Pham, D. B. T. (2020, 30 August). The

Impact of Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Switching Cost on

Customer Loyalty. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business,, 7(8),


Papa Demba YORA, P. D. (2022, March 24). The Rise of Facebook Marketing in Chinese

Companies. Zenodo.

Perumal, P., & Yoganathen, A. (2018). Influence of Social Media Marketing on

Consumer Buying Decision Making Process. ResearchGate. Retrieved Jan 9,

2021, from



Quesenberry, K. A. (2020). Social Media Strategy (Third edition ed.). Rowman &


Ramanathan, U., Subramanian, N., & Parrott, G. (2017, January 3). Role of social media

in retail network operations and marketing to enhance customer satisfaction,



Sitorus, T., & Yustisia, M. (2018). The Influence of Service Quality and Customer Trust

toward Customer Loyalty: The Role of Customer Satisfaction, 12(3).

Statista Research Department. (2021, September 16). Social media in the Philippines.



Wibowo, A., Chen, S., & Ma, Y. (2020, Dec 28). Customer Behavior as an Outcome of

Social Media Marketing: The Role of Social Media Marketing Activity and

Customer Experience. MDPI.

Yamagishi, K., & Ocampo, L. (2021, March 12). The impact of social media marketing

strategies on promoting sustainability of tourism with fuzzy cognitive mapping: a

case of Kalanggaman Island (Philippines).

Yongzhong, Y., Khan, Z., & Yu, Z. (2020, Dec. 6). The influence of social media

marketing on apparel brands’ customers’ satisfaction . The Asian Academy of

Management Journal.


Appendices 1

This study investigates the curricula of a large number of students at ABM

University of the East - Caloocan, as we distinguish on how satisfied they are about

social media marketing. An online survey or online questionnaire, a systematic data

collection, will be used for data analysis that consist of 2 important parts where the first

part distinguishes what is effective social media marketing and has the big impact based

on their preferences. Where the second part measures the respondent’s level of service

satisfaction in terms of: Delivery, quality, and customer service. This study discovered

that not only the student’s level of satisfaction is affected but also how the business can

improve themselves based on the customers’ preferences.

Appendices 2


Part I: Social Media Marketing

Read and answer the following question carefully.

1. Are you using social media platform?


1.1 (Answer this if your answer in question no.1 is No) If not, are you interested
in using any of the social media platforms in the future



1.2. (Answer this if your answer in Question no.1 is Yes) If yes, was social media
marketing has a big influence on your preferences and decisions before buying a
specific product?

2. Which of the following social media platforms do you currently have an account
3. Among the choices below, which do you think are your Top 3 most effective
social media platforms when it comes to advertising or marketing a product?
4. For you, what is your preferred and most effective type of social media
Photo Ads
Video Ads
Stories Ads

Part II: Customers' Level of Satisfaction

Read and choose the appropriate answer for the questions below.

A. Delivery

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

1.) I feel 1 2 3 4
positive when
my order
arrived earlier
than the
delivery period

2.) I feel 1 2 3 4
impatient when
my purchases
took too long
to arrive

3.) I don't pay 1 2 3 4

attention to the
packaging of
the product
during shipping

4.) I prefer 1 2 3 4
purchasing a
product that is
shipped from
domestic than
overseas since
the delivery
period is

5.) I'm satisfied 1 2 3 4

when my order
is delivered in
a presentable

B. Quality

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

1.) I feel happy 1 2 3 4
when the
product exactly
meets or
exceeds my

2.) I feel 1 2 3 4
when the
product is not
exactly the
same from
what I’ve seen
in the social

3.) I feel 1 2 3 4
satisfied when
the product has
no damage and
seems durable.

4.) I feel I 1 2 3 4
made the right
choice when
the product
serves its
purpose and is
reasonable for
its price.

5.) I don’t 1 2 3 4
consider the
price when the
product has a
good quality.

C. Customer Service

Indicators (1) (2) (3) (4)

Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

1.) I prefer having 1 2 3 4

a speed service
when it comes to
online shopping

2.) It is easy to 1 2 3 4
buy when the
seller is
and kind to the

3.) A responsive 1 2 3 4
seller should be
operative when
buying products
from them

4.) Whenever I am 1 2 3 4
satisfied with the
service of a brand,
it can make me to

5.) I usually like 1 2 3 4

the service when
they treat the
customer with


Respondents Total score

1 40

2 53

3 53

4 55

5 52

6 53

7 45

8 47

9 53

10 52

11 56

12 50

13 46

14 52

15 57

16 49

17 49

18 54

19 47

20 42

21 54

22 53

23 55

24 45

25 48

26 55

27 54

28 50

29 53

30 44

31 54

32 47

33 47

34 54

35 53

36 55

37 49

38 52

39 51

40 54

41 53

42 55

43 53

44 50

45 53

46 52

47 55

48 54

49 55

50 54

51 48

52 54

53 52

54 53

55 56

56 54

57 45

58 52

59 57

60 60


Joanne Francesca C. Ignacio

20# Floredeliz st. Maripas subd. Paliwas, Obando
09164387477 |

Senior High School University of the East - Caloocan
(2020-PRESENT) Samson Rd., Caloocan City
Recognition Academic Excellence Awardee
(2020 - present)

Junior High School Colegio De San Pascual Baylon

(2016-2020) Pag-Asa, Obando Bulacan

Grade School Colegio De San Pascual Baylon

(2010-2016) Pag-Asa, Obando Bulacan
Recognition/s Academic Excellence Awardee

(2018 - 2019) MATHSCIAP President
Colegio De San Pascual Baylon
Pag-Asa, Obando Bulacan

(2015 - 2020) Book Lovers Club Club Member

Colegio De San Pascual Baylon
Pag-Asa, Obando Bulacan

Age 17
Birthday May 15, 2004
Religion Catholic
Mother’s Name Kristine Joy C. Ignacio
Occupation Housewife
Father’s Name Jonathan R. Ignacio
Occupation None


● Computer literate
● Have the ability to work well under pressure
● Good in decision making
● Attentive to details

Jazzy Joyz C. Jandumon
2430 D1 Sandem Homes M De Los Reyes St. Gen T De
Leon St., Valenzuela City
09999531248 |

Senior High School University of the East - Caloocan
(2020-PRESENT) Samson Rd., Caloocan City
Recognition Academic Excellence Awardee
(2021 - 2022)

Junior High School New Prodon Academy of

Valenzuela City
(2016-2020) 2428 M De Los Reyes St. Gen T.
De Leon St. Valenzuela City
Recognition/s Loyalty Award (2016-2020)

Grade School New Prodon Academy of

Valenzuela City
(2007-2016) 2428 M De Los Reyes St. Gen T.
De Leon St. Valenzuela City
Recognition/s Loyalty Award

(2020 - 2021) Music Warriors’ Club Club Member
University of the East - Caloocan
109 Samson Rd., Caloocan City

(2021 - 2022) Tourism Management Club Member

University of the East - Caloocan
109 Samson Rd., Caloocan City

Age 18
Birthday October 20, 2003
Religion Roman Catholic
Mother’s Name Girlie Cunanan Jandumon
Occupation Housewife
Father’s Name Nommer P. Jandumon
Occupation District Supervisor


● Communication skills
● Computer fundamental skill
● Time management

Hannah Sherine M. Juan
399 Labanos St. Tumana, Sta. Maria, Bulacan
09190954640 |

Senior High School University of the East - Caloocan
(2020-PRESENT) Samson Rd., Caloocan City
Recognition Academic Excellence Awardee
(2020 - present)

Junior High School St. Paul College of Bocaue

(2016-2020) Bocaue, Bulacan
Recognition/s Perfect Attendance

Grade School Smarties Academy of

Sta. Maria Bulacan
(2010-2016) Sta. Maria, Bulacan
Recognition/s Academic Excellence Awardee

(2016 - 2017) Paulinian Prism Club Member
St. Paul College of Bocaue
Bocaue, Bulacan

(2017 - 2018) Sadiwa Club Club Member

St. Paul College of Bocaue
Bocaue, Bulacan

(2018 - 2020) Food Masters Club Club Member

St. Paul College of Bocaue
Bocaue, Bulacan

(2020 - present) Music Warriors’ Club Club Member
University of the East - Caloocan
109 Samson Rd., Caloocan City

Age 17
Birthday August 29, 2004
Religion Roman Catholic
Mother’s Name Analiza M. Juan
Occupation Housewife
Father’s Name Zernan R. Juan
Occupation Employee


● Capable to pass a task on time and with quality
● Computer literate and knowledgeable in Microsoft Office
● Friendly and cooperative to work with others
● Capable of accomplishing her duties and responsibilities

Joshua Rhei J. Liao
39 Zamboanga Street Brgy. Nayong Kanluran Quezon
09498245847 |

Senior High School University of the East - Caloocan
(2020-PRESENT) Samson Rd., Caloocan City
Recognition Academic Excellence Awardee
(2021 - 2022)

Junior High School St. Claire School Basic Education

(2016-2020) 26 Masbate, Quezon City
Recognition/s Perfect Attendance (2016-2020)
Academic Excellence (2017-2020)
Best Cadet of the Year (2019-2020)
3rd Place Quiz Bee (2019-2020)

Grade School St. Claire School Basic Education

(2013-2016) 26 Masbate, Quezon City
Recognition/s Perfect Attendance

(2013 - 2016) Mathinik President
St. Claire School Basic Education
26 Masbate, Quezon City

(2016 - 2017) Basketball Club Vice-Captain

St. Claire School Basic Education
26 Masbate, Quezon City

(2017 - 2020) History Club President
St. Claire School Basic Education
26 Masbate, Quezon City

(2019 - 2020) Citizenship Advancement Training

S2 Intelligence
St. Claire School Basic Education
26 Masbate, Quezon City

Age 18
Birthday December 11, 2003
Religion Roman Catholic
Mother’s Name Regina J. Liao
Occupation Housewife
Father’s Name Joel Z. Liao
Occupation Employee at Basic Corps


● Time management
● Active listening
● Computer skills

Menchie P. Marquez
#13 Eulogia Drive Brgy. Apolonio Samson, Quezon City
09423392092 |

Senior High School University of the East - Caloocan
(2020-PRESENT) Samson Rd., Caloocan City
Recognition Academic Excellence Awardee
(2020 - present)

Junior High School San Francisco High School

(2016-2020) Misamis St., Brgy. Santo Cristo,
Quezon City
Recognition/s With Honors

Grade School San Francisco High School

(2010-2016) Misamis St., Brgy. Santo Cristo,
Quezon City
Recognition/s With Honors

(2016 - 2020) Media Arts Club Club Member
San Francisco High School
Misamis St., Brgy. Santo Cristo,
Quezon City

(2020 - 2022) Music Warriors’ Club Club Member

University of the East - Caloocan
Samson Rd., Caloocan City

Age 17
Birthday May 16, 2004
Religion Catholic
Mother’s Name Cherry P. Marquez
Occupation Housewife
Father’s Name Alberto V. Marquez
Occupation Factory Worker


● Leadership experience
● Collaboration talent
● Accounting or bookkeeping
● Flexible and always open to learn

Maria Frances A. Clare Pilongo
11 Upper Northern Hills, Malhacan, Meycauyan
Bulacan City
09450784043 |

Senior High School University of the East - Caloocan
(2020 - PRESENT) Samson Rd., Caloocan City
Recognition Academic Award
(2021 - 2022)

Junior High School Franciscan Angel School of Pasig

(2016 - 2017) 414 Villa Rosario San Agustin St.
Palatiw, Pasig City
(2018 - 2020) University of the East - Caloocan
Samson Rd., Caloocan City
Recognition Radio Broadcasting
Academic Award
(2018 - 2019)

Grade School Arellano University –

Andres Bonifacio Campus
(2010-2016) Pag-asa St. Caniogan, Pasig City

(2020 - present) Photography Club Club Member
University of the East - Caloocan
109 Samson Rd., Caloocan City

(2019 - 2020) Calligraphy Club Club Member

University of the East - Caloocan
109 Samson Rd., Caloocan City

(2018 - 2019) Book Lover’s Club Club Member
University of the East - Caloocan
109 Samson Rd., Caloocan City

Age 18
Birthday August 31, 2003
Religion Catholic
Mother’s Name Jennifer A. Pilongo
Occupation Company Nurse
Father’s Name Enrico M. Pilongo
Occupation Professor


● Active listener when a person has a problem whether it’s personal or not.
● A Critical thinker when analyzing problems.
● Able to perform a such certain tasks given by the groupmates or teachers.
● Has an ability to manage the time schedule every week.

Jaycie Mae M. Quepic
Blk 5 Lot 3A Pearl St. Interville 1 Subd. Barangay 164
Caloocan City
09992237682 |

Senior High School University of the East - Caloocan
(2020-PRESENT) Samson Rd., Caloocan City
Recognition Academic Excellence Awardee
(2020 - present)

Junior High School Tandang Sora National High School

(2016-2020) 4 Don Jose St. Tandang Sora,
Quezon City
Recognition/s Academic Excellence Awardee

Grade School Placido del Mundo

Elementary School
(2014-2016) 1116 Quirino Hwy, Novaliches,
Quezon City
Recognition/s Academic Excellence Awardee

Blessed Sacrament Catholic School

(2010-2014) 1100 J.P. Ramoy, Novaliches,
Quezon City
Recognition/s Perfect Attendance

(2019 - 2020) SamaFil Club Club Member
Tandang Sora National High School
4 Don Jose St, Tandang Sora, Quezon

(2020 - present) Music Warriors’ Club Club Member

University of the East - Caloocan
109 Samson Rd., Caloocan City

Age 17
Birthday August 27, 2004
Religion Roman Catholic
Mother’s Name Reena Joyce M. Quepic
Occupation Baker/Online Food business
Father’s Name Jay-r C. Quepic
Occupation Sales Representative


● Capable to pass a task on time and with quality
● Organizational skill
● Fast learner and attention to details
● Team-oriented and dependable

Aimee Gabrielle M. Robleado

Blk 35 Lot 3 Phase 1 Advocacy St. Brgy. Loma De Gato

Heritage Homes Marilao, Bulacan 3019
09086437565 |

Senior High School University of the East - Caloocan
(2020-PRESENT) Samson Rd., Caloocan City

Junior High School St. Mary’s Academy Sto. Nino

(2016-2020) Sto. Nino Meycauyan, Bulacan
Recognition Active Member of Sports Club
(2016 - 2017)
Service Award
(2016 - 2017)
Deportment Award
(2017 - 2018)
Active Member of Home Tech
(2019 - 2020)
Best Supporting Actress
(2019 - 2020)

Grade School St. Mary’s Academy Sto. Nino

(2010-2016) Sto. Nino Meycauyan, Bulacan
Recongnition Best Book Borrower
(2015 - 2016)

(2016 - 2017) Sports Club Club President
St. Mary’s Academy Sto. Nino
Sto. Nino Meycauyan, Bulacan

(2017 - 2020) Home Tech Society Club Member
St. Mary’s Academy Sto. Nino
Sto. Nino Meycauyan, Bulacan

(2020 - 2022) Music Warriors’ Club Club Member

University of the East - Caloocan
Samson Rd., Caloocan City

Age: 18
Birthday October 14, 2003
Religion Catholic
Mother’s Name Oliva Robleado
Occupation Senior Accountant
Father’s Name Rolando Robleado
Occupation Business Man/ Trycicle Operator


● Ability to work and communicate well in a team environment
● Goal-oriented and ability to handle multiple tasks
● Knowledgeable of basic operating systems like Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and
Microsoft Excel
● Can perform e-mails, scan, photocopying, and print

Rheyanne Marie A. Saranilla
171 Salazar St., Parada, Valenzuela
09217449728 |

Senior High School University of the East - Caloocan
(2020-PRESENT) Samson Rd., Caloocan City
Recognition Academic Excellence Awardee
(2020 - present)

Junior High School Saint Mary's Angel College of

(2016-2020) Valenzuela
P. Gomez St., Fortune Village 7,
Parada, 1442 Valenzuela

Grade School Saint Mary's Angel College of

(2010-2016) Valenzuela
P. Gomez St., Fortune Village 7,
Parada, 1442 Valenzuela
Recognition/s Perfect Attendance

(2013 - 2014) Robotics Club Club Member
Saint Mary's Angel College of
P. Gomez St., Fortune Village 7,
Parada, 1442 Valenzuela

(2014 - 2016) Journalist Club Club Member

Saint Mary's Angel College of

P. Gomez St., Fortune Village 7,
Parada, 1442 Valenzuela

(2018 - 2020) Science Club Club Member

Saint Mary's Angel College of
P. Gomez St., Fortune Village 7,
Parada, 1442 Valenzuela

Age 17
Birthday August 05, 2004
Religion Catholic
Mother’s Name Marie Cris A. Saranilla
Occupation Employee
Father’s Name Reynaldo De Guzman Saranilla
Occupation OFW


● Leadership skills
● Fast learner and willingness to learn
● Dependable
● Management skills



105 Samson Road, Caloocan City

Informed Consent

Please read this consent document carefully before you decide to participate in this
study. The researcher will answer any questions before you sign this form.

Title of the Study: The Effects of Social Media Marketing on the Level of Service
Satisfaction of Grade 12 ABM Students of University of the East - Caloocan

Purpose of the Study:

This study aims to determine the effects of social media marketing on the level of
service satisfaction of Grade 12 ABM students of University of the East -
Caloocan during the school year 2021-2022. The respondents will be contacted by
the researchers through Messenger application or emailing them through their UE

The researchers will reach out to the respondents through Messenger applications
or email them through their UE accounts, the respondents will give their
responses through the Google Forms we’ve provided. We would give them
allotted time of one day to answer the google form, we would also ask the
participants for their name or email provided by the school and signature for their
consent pertaining they answer the survey volunteeringly.

Potential Benefits of Participating:

The respondents of this study will gain knowledge through this survey regarding
how big of an impact marketing is and how influential social media can get to
consumers of online shopping that can affect their satisfaction.


We assure that the respondent's identity will be kept confidential and we assure
that the data collected will also remain confidential and only be used for academic
purposes. When the study is complete and the data has been analyzed, every
information about the respondents will be deleted immediately

Voluntary participation:
Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There is no penalty for
not participating. You may also refuse to answer any of the questions we ask you.

Whom to contact if you have questions about the study:

● Ignacio:
● Jandumon:
● Juan:
● Liao:
● Marquez:
● Pilongo:
● Quepic:
● Robleado:
● Saranilla:

Whom to contact about your rights as a research participant in the study:

Dr. Lisa Steelman, IRB Chairperson
150 West University Bivd.
Melbourne. FL 32901
Email: Phone:

I have read the procedure described above. I voluntarily agree to participate in
the procedure and I have received a copy of this description.

Participant: ABM Students Date: April 2022

Researcher : ABM 12-1, Group 5: Ignacio, Jandumon, Juan, Liao, Marquez,
Pilongo, Quepic, Robleado, Saranilla Date: April 2022

Research Ethics Committee:



University of the East-Caloocan


December 6, 2021




Senior High School Coordinator



We, the researchers from ABM 12-1, are presently conducting a research entitled THE
EAST - CALOOCAN in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Practical Research 2 in
University of the East-Caloocan.

In the collection of our data, we would like to request permission to field

questionnaires and conduct our survey among Grade 12 ABM strand of University of the East -
Caloocan. This will enable us to gather data that will be needed for our research.

We are hoping for your kind consideration and approval.

Sincerely yours,

Joanne Francesca C.

Jazzy Joyz C. Jandumon

Hannah Sherine M. Juan

Joshua Rhei J. Liao

Menchie P. Marquez

Ma. Frances Clare A.


Jaycie Mae M. Quepic

Aimee Gabrielle M.

Rheyanne Marie A.


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