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One of Myanmar Traditional Festival

In our country,Myanmar,there are many festivals.Every month has at least

one festival each.They are seasonal and religious.Among them,Thingyan festival
is one of the Myanmar Traditional Festivals in Myanmar.It is the most enjoyable
festival for the young and also a time to do good things for the old.Thingyan
festival is the end of the old year and the beginning of the new year. During the
festival people douse one another with water. The use of water means cleaning
away the dirt and the evil of the old year to be cool and fresh like water for the
new year.
It is also regarded the Myanmar new year.According to Buddhist calendar,
it falls on 12th or 13th,April.Before the new year,on 16, April,people celebrate
water festivals.On the first day ,the elder prepare Ah-tar-ohs which is the pots
containing nine kinds of plants.It is said to be a good luck pot for the coming year.
It is called A-Kyo-Nae,the welcoming day.The next day is the opening day.It is
held at pandas by singing Thingyan songs and dancing.On this day ,most of the
children start to splash water on passser-bys.On third day,the young’s join in.The
men and women start dousing water on each other and going about in open
cars,by motorcycle and also on foot.The youths sing, dance and shout
slogans.Contests for these items are held a lot of pandas at night.During the
festivals,Padauk flowers can be seen in ladies’ hair.It is seasonal flower.It blooms
only during Thingyan Festival.It is also offered to Buddhas.Although the water
festivals is said to be a youth’s festival,most elders also join together with their
grandsons and grand daughters.During it,people do good things,especially the
elders perform meritorious deeds at monasteries,keeping Sabbath and alms-
offering ceremonies.The youngsters help the elderly bathe,wash their hair and cut
their nails.During the festival,people clean the Buddha images,pagodas,religious
buildings, and their own houses.Foodstuff ,Thingyan snacks,such as Mont-lone-
yea -bae,Mont-let-sauna and coconut rice are offered to others and setting animals
Everybody takes part in the Thingyan festival joyfully.The whole country
is alive with fun and activities.People get the greatest fun for the longest period
in a year.If there were only one festival in a year in Myanmar,I would like it to be
the water festival.

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