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How to preserve good health

Health is the most important thing in life. It can be neither bought nor sold. If a person
is well, he will be very happy and have no worry. Being students, we have to go to school and
learn our lessons. Others have to do their works, too. An unhealthy person not only causes
trouble to his family members but also wastes a lot of money. Therefore, all must try to keep
good health so that we can carry out our duties and tasks.

To be fit and healthy, we should eat fresh and nutritious food such as milk and egg, meat
and fish, fruits and vegetables. Food cooking needs to be fully done. Fruits must not be over
ripe. We should not overeat, too. We must drink clean boiled water and breathe fresh air. Taking
regular physical exercises such as jogging, walking and playing badminton is also needed. It
gives us a sound mind and a sound body. Then we should take a rest after hard work. If we
keep on working all the time without resting, our health will break down. Cleanliness is a must
to be healthy. We ourselves, our belongings, our house and the surroundings should also be
clean. If not, there will be lots of germs that attack us and cause diseases. Then we should
avoid bad habits__ smoking and drinking alcohol.

If we do the above needful things, we are sure to be healthy and happy. All people have
to struggle hard for success. To fulfill it, sound health is essential. With good health, we can
do whatever we want. It is also important to keep in mind that prevention is better than cure.
For such struggles, good health comes first. So, we should be very careful and about ourselves
to preserve good health.

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