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To Regional Police Officer,

Dera Ghazi Khan Region

Dera Ghazi Khan.
Through Proper Channel


Respected Sir,
With utmost respects and regards at my disposal, I beg to set forth my genuine
and bona fide prayer for favorable and sympathetic consideration at your benevolent hands, for
which all the aggrieved persons look towards your honor.
2. Before formulating my submission, I beg to submit that since I have joined this department;
discharged my official obligatory duties in true spirit and up to the entire satisfaction of my
seniors. My appreciable performance has always been encouraged by my colleagues as well as
senior officers.
3. By virtue of his order No. 312/PA dated 03.03.2022, the District Police Officer, Rajanpur
awarded me the punishment of “DISCHARGE FROM SERVICE” on the following allegations:
“He while undergoing 6th probationer T/SI class course at police college, Sihala has failed to perform
his obligatory duty in proper manner. As per contents of letter No.Trg/13560/PC, Dated 16.11.2021,
received from the office of commandant, Police college, Sihala, Punjab that he submitted an
applicantion stating therein that he went to District Rajanpur in connection with recording evidence.
While returning, he met with an accident and his right arm was injured and he was unable to perform
his physical training and also requested that he may be repatriated to his parent District so that he
may get complete medical treatment/rest, Upon which, he was referred to Medical Officer of PC
Sihala for opinion who reported that “ he does not seem interested in training as injury is minor”.
Hence, he was withdrawn from the said course and repatriated to his parent District. All above
circumstances clearly depict that he adoped tactics to avoid from training which is not acceptable in
the eye of law/rules which shows gross misconduct and ineffciency. This act is high objectionable
which calls for strict departmental action ”.

4. Sir, the abovementioned punishment was awarded to me on the charge that I failed to
comply with the prevailing law/rules in connection with training. In this regard, it is submitted
that the punishment awarded to me is against the prevailing law/rules, as the punishing
authority awarded punishment without applying judicious mind as per law/rules. Hence,
punishment awarded to me is against the law/rules on the following grounds:
a) Sir, on 15.12.2020, my accident was happened. During accident, my both arms got fractured.
On 15.08.2021, 6th probationer class course was started in Sihala Training College. In the said
course, I was also sent for basic probationer class course. During training, I was sent to Rajanpur
for getting record evidence. On 27.10.2021, I met an accident on the way. In this regard, a DD
Entry No. 7 dated 27.10.2021, was made in the roznamcha of PS Umerkot and went THQ
Hospital Rojhan for treatment (Copy Enclosed). In the accident, my right arm got fracture.
b) Sir, when I went back to Sihala College for training, I felt extreme dificulty and pain during
training. In this regard, I submitted an application that I am feeling pain and facing dificulty
during physical training. On this, I was sent to medical officer appointed in the college. The
medical officer asked me verbally, “What is the problem”. I told him that my right arm is
fractured, therefore, he is unable to do physical training. On this, the medical officer got raged
and did not bother to check me up thoroughly. He further said that it was his tactics to avoid
training. Later on, he opined that he had minor injury and deliberatly making lame excuses. On
his opinion, on 16.11.2021, I was repatriated vide No.Trg/13560/PC.
c) Sir, on repatriation, a show case notice No.706/PA dated 01.12 2021 was issued to me by the
District Police Officer Rajanpur. In this regard, I submitted a detailed reply that I had not left
training college deliberatly rather there were inevitable cercumstances, as I met an accident
and as a result of accident, my right arm got fractured. On this, an inquiry was entrusted to the
DSP HQrs Rajanpur and a letter No.1674 dated 24.01.2022 was written to medical
superintendent Rajanpur for constituting a medical board to examine his case and submit
report in this regard.
d) Sir, a medical board was constituted and medical examiation was made. After examination,
the medical board gave opinion that he is fit for light duty for a month vide
No.600/DHQ(H)Rajanpur dated 12.02.2022(Copy Enclosed). In the light of this opinion,the
inquiry officer concluded his report that there was a medical reason for not undergoing training
and recommended for Lenient View.

e) Sir, 01.03.2022, an orderly room was conducted,in which I appeared and produced all the
relavent docoments. But, the punishing authority awarded me a major punishment without
cosidering the conclusion of inquary report and opinion of medical board. All this clearly shows
that the punishing authority awarded me punishment against the rules/law and without
applying judicious mind. From the exaplanations given above, it can essily be assessed that I
have no fault. I am innocent.
5. Keeping in view the above facts; convincing explanation and professional commitment
towards compliance of official duties, It is my humble appeal u/s 14 of Punjab Police E&D Rules
1975, with the prayer that this humble appeal may kindly be accepted and impugned order No.
312/PA dated 03.03.2022, passed by the District Police Officer, Rajanpur of “DISCHARGE FROM
SERVICE” may very kindly be set aside.


Yours obedient servant,

Ex T/SI Sikandar Bashir

District Rajanpur

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