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2D1 Investigate both group and individual management practices during the strategic transformation of the



Internal organizational processes are what we mean when we talk about organizational change.

When a significant component of an organization inside a corporation undergoes transformation, this is an

example of organizational change. Culture, underlying technologies or infrastructure, and internal processes are
all aspects of an organization that fall under this category.

In 1951, Kurt Lewin developed a concept that he called the Unfreeze, Transformation, and Refreeze model. It is
an essential framework for the transformation of organizations.

The stage that comes before change is called unfreeze; during this stage, the status quo is no longer maintained.
After determining whether or not a change is required, organizations develop messages that explain why
previous methods will not be successful. The customs and standards of the past are becoming less prominent.
Workers usually lack clarity regarding the repercussions that will result from upcoming changes. This lack of
knowledge may induce fear of transition, which in turn may contribute to feelings of dissatisfaction.


During the Change stage, companies begin engaging in new activities, and the level of uncertainty experienced
by employees reduces. Employees are better able to comprehend their change responsibilities when
communication and training are provided. As the members of an organization gain a better knowledge of the
new vision, the organization's members will eventually support the new strategies. When employees are aware
of the benefits of a change, they are more willing to embrace the change. Change could be detrimental to the
well-being of certain individuals, particularly those who derive satisfaction from maintaining the status quo,
while it could take others some time to comprehend the positive aspects of the new situation. Maintaining the
status quo will only make the situation worse.


After the transfer, the frozen food is refrozen. After that, organizations will deliberate on whether or not to
implement the modification. People who have been affected are willing to try fresh approaches. Changes in
behavior are monitored and rewarded with reinforcement. A number of different incentive strategies are utilized
in order to encourage desired actions. Performance assessments, opportunities for progress, and cash awards are
all determined by the degree to which a person is effective in meeting their aims and achieving their
achievements. An organization is able to determine how successful its efforts have been and formulate strategies
to sustain the positive change it has brought about.

The majority of people believe that Lewin's model is a management-driven, top-down paradigm. In his article
"Managing Organizational Change," Michael W. Durant makes the argument that the strategy ignores bottom-
up change from staff members who are not in management positions. Some people believe that leading change
involves a strategy that goes beyond a sequential, mechanical, and strictly regulated collection of events. The
approach that is generally used by businesses is one that is mechanical. Because the majority of organizational
change initiatives are unsuccessful, businesses may wish to develop change models that more effectively
facilitate communication between managers and employees. Employees will be able to engage in the transition
as a result of this.

3.1. An inquiry into the methods that businesses employ in order to entice, grow, and develop individuals as
well as teams through training and development.

The key differences and disparities between development and training

The information presented and goals served by training and development are distinct. Steinmetz (1969)
distinguishes them.
"Development" refers to a process that takes place over an extended period of time during which individuals in
managerial roles acquire conceptual and theoretical knowledge for general application. On the other hand,
"training" refers to a process that takes place over a relatively brief period of time during which non-managerial
personnel acquire technical knowledge and skills for a particular purpose.

Learning is frequently analogized to the process of importing new abilities and actions. Specificity is the state of
having complete command of a subject matter or ability taught in a class, such as programming, machine
operations, or tennis.

Following the completion of the program, both performance and behavior will be assessed. They are distinct
from conceptual or intellectual ones due to this distinction.

The process of growth is becoming increasingly holistic, and the goal now is to improve overall personality
development. Examples of program material include intellectual or theoretical inputs, strategic thinking, or a
concentration on behavioral components such as leadership, managing teams, groups, and other similar

There are four key distinctions between training and development.


1. Training helps increase a person's abilities and knowledge, which in turn improves their performance on the

2. Training teaches people technical skills that are relevant to their jobs.

3. Training imparts specific job-related skills to employees who are not in management positions. This means
that it is only temporary.

4. When it comes to training, make sure you don't undervalue the job of the trainer or supervisor. Typically, the
boss is the one who instructs his employees.

Number Differences:
1. The total growth of an employee in order to improve their performance on their current obligations and to
better prepare them for higher-order responsibilities in the future is referred to as development.

2. It places a strong emphasis on intellectual, technological, and human qualities.

3. It helps managers become more equipped to deal with difficult responsibilities. This means that it will take a
long time.

4. It's all about making progress in your own life. In order to advance professionally, the executive needs to be
able to motivate themselves. Career-focused.

The advantages of training and development
Training and development programs are absolutely necessary for the success of a worldwide organization. These
programs provide participants with the opportunity to expand their skill sets while simultaneously enhancing
employee productivity and the culture of the organization.

They can also reduce personnel turnover, which is beneficial to a company's bottom line, as stated by the 2020
Work Institute. According to the results of the survey, the yearly cost of voluntary employee turnover to U.S.
firms is $630 billion.

It is more probable that an employee will remain with their current employer if they are provided with
opportunity to learn, grow, and improve in their position. According to Bob Nelson, author of the book 1,001
Ways to Engage Employees, one of the most important factors in employee engagement is ongoing education
and training.

enhancing the performance of an individual at work by providing them with mentoring, training, coaching, and
opportunities for leadership. Personnel who have just been promoted or hired receive new information or skills
as part of their training. These processes are planned and carried out by specialists in the human resources field.
You can become qualified to manage the training and development programs of a company by earning a
bachelor's degree in human resource management.

Training helps increase employees' overall performance.

The performance of staff is improved via programs of training and development. Ninety percent of employees
questioned stated their job performance had improved as a result of participating in training and development
programs, as stated in a report published in 2019 in The International Journal of Business and Management
Employees of the company have access to possibilities for in-person and online training as well as progression
in their careers. Companies have the option of providing in-house training, training provided by third parties, or
off-site activities. The following is a list of opportunities for employees' continued education and professional



Instruction for Staff

Programs that act as mentors


Investing in the education and growth of one's workforce can increase performance in a number of different
New tasks preparation

Training and development programs are designed to get employees ready for more responsibility, whether that
comes through switching jobs or cross-training in different areas. Employees can learn current skills as well as
future talents via the use of training and development programs. Some examples of these abilities are leadership
and software knowledge. Apprenticeships enable individuals to begin their careers in lower-level roles and
progress to more responsible responsibilities as they gain experience.

Recent developments in industry and technology

Training and development programs can assist staff members in staying current with ethical, safety, and quality
criteria that may be applicable to their place of employment. They are able to educate staff on the dangers posed
by cybercriminals while also educating them on new ways of thinking and functioning, utilizing up-to-date
technology and procedures. When employees use innovative tools and strategies to better the day-to-day jobs
they perform, it is to the benefit of their employers.

Adjustment of the distant workstation

According to research conducted by Brandon Hall Group, the implementation of COVID-19's safety precautions
resulted in 80 percent of employees working remotely. Companies and their workers have had a difficult time
discovering and putting into practice new tools and resources due to the fact that the majority of employees
historically worked on-site. The vast majority of the crew has previous experience working at the location. The
shift can be made more manageable with proper training and development on the new procedures.
Instruction for new employees

Training is provided to newly hired staff as part of the process of onboarding them. It is beneficial to assess their
level of training knowledge on a periodic basis. It is much simpler for employees to assimilate new information
when they have a clear understanding of their place in the company and the organization. These enhancements
open up new doors for educational opportunities in the DEI. Employees are required to undergo anti-harassment
and legal compliance training on a yearly basis by many companies.

The outcomes of the performance review

Employees have the potential to improve both their strengths and their deficiencies via the use of training and
development programs. These evaluations typically reveal areas of a person's knowledge or talents that should
be improved, and training and development programs could be helpful in this endeavor. Employees can benefit
from training and development programs by gaining a better understanding of the areas in which they require
further information and assistance.


Employee development programs help strengthen "soft skills," which are necessary in order to adapt to changes
in the workplace and in society. Training employees in "soft skills," such as resiliency, emotional intelligence,
and agility, can have a positive impact on both employee productivity and workplace camaraderie.
Productivity among employees generally rises after receiving training.

Productivity among employees can also be increased through training and development. Productivity among
employees can be increased through various training and development initiatives. The following criteria are
proposed by HR Technologist as suitable for assessing the effectiveness of staff development and training

Evaluation of job results for the purpose of making improvements is what performance measurement implies.

Assessments of the training should be carried out both before and after it has taken place. During these
evaluations, employees should be asked what they anticipate receiving from the company's training and
development programs and whether or not the business has exceeded their expectations.

The level of employees' interest in a subject can be determined through data mining by analyzing information
such as the amount of time they spend on a course or the rate at which they drop out of it.

Employers can test their employees' knowledge and level of involvement through polls and other assessment
Productivity among staff members is one way to gauge the success of a program. Participant productivity can be
increased in a variety of ways through the use of various training and development programs.

Task Improvement

Employees are better able to perform tasks independently or as part of teams thanks to the training and
development programs that their company offers. These programs improve employees' grasp of both the
processes and the goals of the company. Because they won't have to rely on trial and error as much, employees
who have a lot of experience will be able to do jobs in a shorter amount of time.


Employers have the ability to hone down on the specific knowledge and abilities they require from their
workforce when they provide opportunities for training and professional development. Training and
development programs help employees learn new skills as well as update those they already possess, which in
turn increases productivity.

Advancing the practice of ongoing refinement

Training and development programs help people improve their abilities, which is important given the rapid pace
at which technology is advancing. These strategies lessen the need for oversight while also encouraging
innovation and risk-taking in order to enhance procedures.

Those who have taken part in training and development programs, be they supervisors or staff members, will
have a greater sense of confidence in their own knowledge and capabilities. Building one's self-confidence can
increase both excitement and accountability in the workplace.

The Definition of Expectations

Employees are better able to understand their employer's expectations thanks to training and development
programs. This tactic results in the establishment of a culture with an emphasis on performance, in which
employees define their objectives with reference to the principles of the firm.

Employee engagement

When employees believe that their company has their backs, they put in longer hours and produce better results.
It is the responsibility of employers to assist their employees throughout their careers by offering chances for
training and development.

Training helps to lower employee turnover rates.

Because replacing employees is expensive for businesses, retaining current staff is a priority. Employee turnover
can be reduced by proper training and development.

According to the Work Institute, training is the factor that accounts for the greatest rate of growth in voluntary
turnover. Since 2013, there has been an increase of 117 percent. According to research conducted by the startup
company Instructure in the field of educational technology in 2019, it was discovered that seventy percent of
workers in the United States are at least somewhat likely to leave their current job in favor of one that invests in
training and development. This data comes from a poll completed in 2018. Employee turnover can be reduced in
multiple ways through the use of training and development programs.

Creating and fostering job opportunities

Employee engagement, work happiness, career progress, and promotion possibilities can all be improved by the
provision of regular opportunities for training and development. According to research conducted by the Work
Institute, twenty percent of employees who left their jobs in 2019 did so because they were unable to make
sufficient advancement in their careers. This was the primary reason why workers left their jobs.

According to Epay Systems, a human resource and labor management provider, providing these opportunities
can save businesses anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000 annually.

Increasing one's sense of self-worth while avoiding complacency

Opportunities are essential to the process of retaining workers. SHRM recommends that companies provide
training for managers so that employees always feel appreciated, remain engaged, and remain interested in their

Employees who have mastered their original responsibilities are less likely to experience burnout if they
participate in training and development programs. Giving employees the opportunity to further their careers can
invigorate and revitalize an organization.

The provision of training as a prized benefit for employees

Employees who have the opportunity for professional growth and advancement report feeling more appreciated
and a greater sense of belonging to the team. The following advantages accrue to companies who provide their
employees with opportunities for ongoing education and professional development as perks:

luring the best available talent

Maintaining year-round employment for seasonal workers

Establishing a tradition of giving and receiving compliments in the workplace

Consistency in the use of methods and procedures

It is more likely that an employee will remain in their position if there is clear communication regarding the
processes and procedures at work. Employees are ensured that they have the resources necessary to adhere to
corporate policies and procedures through the use of training and development programs.

The culture of an organization can be improved through training.

The culture of an organization can be improved through training and development activities. Training and
development opportunities are key cornerstones of business culture, according to Chris Dyer, who authored
"The Power of Company Culture" in 2018. This book was published in 2018. These are the following:

Communication regarding all aspects of an organization, such as its workforce and its finances, is an example of

Accepting challenges while simultaneously expanding one's organization's skills is an essential part of being
Data are gathered, analyzed, and assessed through the process of measurement.

Recognizing and appreciating the work that others have made

Promoting a company's unique features

fostering listening that is both attentive and helpful

Mistakes – Encouraging employees to gain knowledge from their errors

According to Dyer, the executives of a company ought to be forthright about the significance of training and
development to both the organization and its workforce in order to maintain a healthy culture. Training and
development programs have the potential to improve a number of aspects of a company's culture.

Reduced requirement for ongoing close monitoring

Employees can become more skilled in their own employment and conversant with the skills required for other
jobs through the use of training and development programs. The requirement for close oversight has been
reduced as a result of advancements in task management and collaborative practices.

Keeping the best employees on board

A company can demonstrate its dedication to the professional development of its employees by providing a
training and development program for those employees. This program should take into account the unique
qualities and priorities of each employee. An organization that fosters innovation and places an emphasis on
individual development will be successful in recruiting top talent.

Improving the Mood of the Workforce

When an employee is able to master a routine or regular duty, they experience a sense of success. Training that
is geared toward success can have a positive effect on an employee's sense of self-worth and morale.

Future development roadmap

Employees who participate in training and development activities are better able to enhance their careers and
acquire new skills. Employees are better able to design their own path to success when the training they receive
addresses their present or future needs.
Recognizing workers

An effective training and development program should acknowledge and compliment the employees' previous
academic accomplishments. According to the "2020 Workplace Report" published by LinkedIn Learning,
employees have a higher level of motivation to train when management acknowledges their efforts. Positive
responses came from 44% of employees under the age of 22 in response to supervisors' acknowledgment.

Gaining an understanding of the culture of the firm

Training and development programs are one way for an organization to demonstrate its commitment to diversity
and inclusion in the workplace. Employees can be assisted in the promotion of company goals through the use
of these programs. Initiatives for the learning and development of employees should make the fundamental
ideals of the company and how it advances those principles crystal clear.


Training and development programs that take a holistic approach acknowledge the value of variety and give
participants the opportunity to shape their education to reflect their own experiences and interests. Individuals
should be encouraged to learn about and gain an understanding of the cultures and values of their teammates in
order to foster improved teamwork.
Improving a company's standing in the marketplace

Increased employee loyalty is a direct result of participation in staff training and development initiatives. They
also have a greater chance of performing well, which is beneficial to an organization's reputation with customers
and other stakeholders.

Training benefits

Training increases both the quantity and quality of available personnel. The employees' knowledge and abilities
will grow as a result of this.
It results in cost and time savings for the business. Example Salespeople who have received training have a
greater chance of achieving and even surpassing their targets.

Training makes it possible for an organization to advance employees who are highly qualified and talented to
higher-level employment.

Training helps employees become more productive in their work.

Reduces the necessary level of worker supervision.

Employee morale can be improved by increasing job satisfaction.


Offers executives information on the most recent developments and practices in their industry.

Ensures that there are always sufficient managers who are both competent and experienced in the company.
Development of the business over the long term.

Creates a management team that is up to the challenge of tackling the challenges faced by the organization.

Makes ensuring that employees are getting the most out of their managerial and leadership talents.

Methodologies of Instruction

The training programs available for business come in a variety of formats, each of which has its own schedule
and manner of delivery. This variation is significant since the training process is contingent on the field in which
your firm operates, the duties of its employees, and the resources it has available.

Different processes are followed by larger organizations compared to those of smaller ones. Each and every
organization places a high importance on the ongoing education of its employees.
The instruction can be found below. Training is selected by HR based on requirements.



Education in the professional and legal fields

Instruction in technologies and techniques

Soft Skills

Warning and caution instruction

Training managers


Training usually involves working together as a group, regardless of the industry. Participants in team training
are taught the advantages of working together, which in turn helps to cultivate positive working relationships.

Methodologies of Instruction


A more experienced employee, who may be a supervisor or instructor, trains or counsels a less experienced
employee as part of this technique. The worker with greater experience could be able to teach.

The amount that the person with less experience can teach the worker with more experience is directly
proportional to how the less experienced worker is instructed by the worker with more expertise.

The majority of instruction is focused on crafts, trades, and technological professions. There is a qualified or
semi-skilled staff member available to provide guidance to workers with less expertise.


1. In order for workers to acquire the necessary skills, they are put in real-life working environments and given
real-life working situations. The workers will feel more driven as a result, and they will complete their tasks

2. This training is both more affordable and more efficient than others.

3. Because supervisors have a financial stake in the success of the training program, it is their responsibility to
monitor its progress and verify that it is being carried out appropriately.
4. This kind of direction does not have any unfavorable effects on the production.

5. While learning the work, the trainee is subjected to the most laws and regulations than anyone else.

6. Because of this tactic, acquiring specialized information can be done in a shorter amount of time, and a
person can become more skilled more quickly.


1. The majority of training is both unplanned and unorganized.

2. It is possible that the person in charge of monitoring the training will not be prepared to offer their free time at
certain times, which will result in the training not being carried out correctly.

3. There are times when there is a lack of availability for professional instructors.
4. During training, if something goes wrong, it's possible that the pupil will lose their motivation.

II. Training that occurs apart from the workplace:

When implementing this technique, the student is required to give up their current job and focus entirely on their
training instead.

The individual is not now involved in any of the production activities that are being carried out by the company.
Training of this kind is typically provided by the company itself or is put on by specialized institutes under their

Large corporations typically supply their employees with this type of training, and they also typically have more
departments and institutions than smaller ones that do not provide it. This training will cover the following

1. Classroom lectures:

In this approach, one person is responsible for briefing the others on all of the details of the program.
Knowledge, in addition to facts and particulars, can be easily and effectively transmitted through the medium of
a lecture.
The presentation is bolstered by the use of audio and video, and in order to get the most out of it, multiple
people are trained at the same time. The attendees will find the presentation more intriguing as a result of these
two elements.

2. Method of the Conference:

Attendees of a conference or other meeting are given instruction. Guests at the conference take in information
according to a predetermined agenda.

It provides an explanation of the fundamental facts, ideas, and principles. Later on, all of the trainees share their
knowledge with one another in order to arrive at a solution as quickly as possible because having many
perspectives is helpful.

3. Team seminar:

Participants in a training session are each given papers to complete on the topics covered during the session.
After that, each of the papers is read in turn, and then everyone who is present, whether they are trainees or
other people, debates the topics.

When all of the different points of view have been presented, the chairman will consider each one before
coming to a conclusion.
It's possible that the trainees were given the topic's material as well as the necessary information in order to get
them ready for the conversation.

4. instructions that have been pre-programmed.

The instructors may use a teaching machine, a textbook, or printed notes to convey information to the trainees.

The information has been broken down into its component parts, given a fresh interpretation, and organized in
the most efficient manner. The trainer may pose questions or challenges to the student at various points
throughout the training, and the trainee is then expected to respond.

III. Apprenticeships:

This tactic is utilized most frequently in business contexts and has an operating life of between four and five
After completing the training, the individual is equipped with all of the knowledge required to successfully carry
out their duty. They educate themselves intellectually and practically by attending seminars and performing
company duties.

When it comes to staff training, this is a tried-and-true approach that is generally followed.


1. During the course of this training, participants will be given a stipend, which is another word for money.

2. Trainees learn valuable, marketable skills.

3. Employers have the ability to maintain a skilled workforce while acquiring workers at a lower cost.

4. This results in lower costs associated with labor and production.

5. The faithfulness of the staff is ensured.


1. Training takes a significant amount of time, and trainees require continuous supervision; given the size of the
company, this may be difficult to provide.

2. This solution is not capable of meeting the rigorous demands.

3. It's possible that the individual or worker who is undergoing this training won't be allowed for employment if
they are unable to complete it after a significant amount of time, which could lead to labor issues.

4. This method is harmful to the environment.

IV. Training in the Vestibule or the Training Center:

A vestibule is an area that can be found between an exterior door and the interior of a structure. "Vestibule
school" is overseen by the company's Personnel Department, and it is where employees go to learn about
specific equipment in a classroom setting. This form of instruction is referred to as vestibule-type training.
The classroom setting is used for theoretical learning, and it also includes activities that imitate real-world


1. The trainer is a one-of-a-kind individual who possesses specialized knowledge regarding training.

2. Trainees are able to concentrate on their professional development because they are not required to work
during their training.

3. Individual attention can be given to each student because the instructor or trainer is not responsible for
completing any tasks.

4. The individual will soon find out.

1. It is possible that the individual will not be able to adapt to specific machines on the job due to the fact that
they are trained in a simulated version of their actual working environment.

2. Because duplicate equipment is required, it is expensive, and as a result, small businesses are unable to afford
to train their staff.

3. When there is no need for staff at the company, the vestibule may remain unoccupied for extended periods of
time. When there is a lull in the employment cycle.

4. The division of labor could potentially lead to conflicts inside the company.

Training through an Internship:

Training gained through internships can be quite beneficial. An internship is very similar to working, with the
exception that it is not paid and it is not for a permanent organization. Participants will leave the training with an
understanding of how to effectively manage their time and strike a balance between the theoretical and practical
aspects of the topic.
This strategy can only be implemented for specialized work and achievable goals; it cannot be used for lazing
around and learning. The duration is typically determined by those who are currently present. Some people want
to keep the contract for two months while others want to keep it for six months. The schedule is not set in stone;
rather, it is adaptable.

VI. Beginner training:

People who have less experience can get up to speed with the help of this course. Those who do not have the
appropriate level of formal education can receive instruction through this way. The completion of this training
will guarantee employment, which is preferable to the alternative of being unemployed.

After completion of the training, either the company themselves or the agents themselves find them a position.
They have the option of participating in educational activities such as workshops, seminars, and guest lectures.

VII. The TI:

Training institutions provide students with occupational training as well as various types of schooling to mold
their personalities.

Training institutes are typically where prospective employees end up after being recruited by an employer. They
impart specialized abilities to their students.
To improve students' intellectual capacity as well as their emotional and mental fortitude, the training institutes
offer a variety of classes to help students improve their soft skills, personality development, and IQ levels,
among other things. There are several institutes all over the world that provide employee training that is

VIII. Role-Playing:

This is an effective method for training staff members. It is a form in which a person assumes a character from
real life within a fictionalized setting.

In order to develop a gripping scenario, the actor completely submerges himself in his character. Improving
one's interpersonal and attitudinal improvisational skills can be accomplished through this type of role-playing.

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