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- New Vocabulary:
*DNA (n.): a scientific test that shows the characteristics which passed on from parents to
*detective (n.): someone whose job is to find out information about something and solve
crimes like an officer.
*detective (adj.): used in crimes & its investigation, in which a detective tries to solve a crime.
*blank (adj.): not written or printed on (empty).
*clue (n.): a piece of information that helps you to find out something which is obvious.
*immigrate (v.): to travel and live in a country that is not yours.
* looks (n.): the way a person appears to others people or features.
* unique (adj.): being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else.(different × common)
* relatives (n.): family members.
* genealogy (n.): the study of the history of the past and present members of the family.
* generation (n.): all the people about the same age within a society or a particular family.
* inherit (v.): to get something from your ancestors. It can be genes or fortune.
* genes (n.): parts of a cell passed from parents to children that determine how they look.
* ancestor (n.): a member of your family who lived a long time ago before you were born like
your grandparents.
* wonder (v.): to think about something in a very surprised way.
* mystery (n): anything that is kept secret or remains unexplained or unknown.
* twins (n): two children who are born to the same mother at the same time.
* identical (adj. ): exactly the same.
* take after (ph. v.): to look like somebody. Ex. "The baby takes after its mother."
* look like (ph. v.): to have a similar appearance. (The appearance of a person or thing is
similar to the appearance of another person or thing)
*pass down (ph. v.): transfer to – give
* find out (ph. v.): to discover or learn.
* look for (ph. v.): to try to find.
# Choose the correct answer: -
1- Tim has his grandfather’s ---------. He has the same red hair and green eyes
a) generation b) traditions c) genes d) behavior
2- Jack ---------his grandparents’ house when they passed away.
a) inherited b) engaged c) raised d) built
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3- We haven’t been able to ---------anything about Grandma and Grandpa .
a) find out b) pass down c) relative d) divorce
4- The two brothers were wearing ---------outfits.
a) clue b) gens c) identical d) fraternal
5- The computer had a new third ---------processor.
a) gene b) immigrate c) generation d) genealogy
6- ---------is the study of the history of past and present members of the family.
a) generation b) genealogy c) generate d) generated
7- Pharaohs are the Egyptians' ---------.
a) descendants b) ancestors c) grandchildren d) relatives
8. Traditions passed down through ---------
a) decades b) patients c) governments d) generations
9- The baby takes---------its mother.
a) after b) to c) for d) in
10- All her close ---------came to her wedding.
a) gene b) generation c) relatives d) genealogy
11- To know about your past, you can ask your relatives questions about your ---------.
a) inherit b) ancestors c) relatives d) marriage
12- ---------tests showed he was innocent.
a) AND b) NDA c) DNA d) DAN
13- I …………. if she`ll recognize me after so many years.
a) wonder b) inherit c) look d) resemble
14-The ---------of her death was never solved.
a) relatives b) heritage c) gene d) mystery
15- This ---------work may mean you can avoid the cause in the future.
a) blank b) normal c) detection d) detective
16- Lucy ---------her aunt.
a) look like b) looks like c) passed down d) transfer to
17- I have never seen anything like Maha’s diamond engagement ring. It`s ---------
a) usual b) common c) familiar d) unique
18- He never tells lies. He is ---------.
a) liar b) honest c) arrogant d) untidy
19- Scientists think twins are great because being a twin is ---------opportunity.
a) gens b) detective c) unique d) sister
20- Scientists learned that personality depends on ---------and environment.
a) air b) sea c) genes d) personality

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Vocabulary “1”
- New Vocabulary:
*honest (adj.): - someone who never tells lies and say the truth.
*reliable (adj.): -someone or something that can be trusted, depended and believed.
*sociable (adj.): -willing to talk and engaged in activities with other people.
*in-laws (n.): the parents of your husband or wife and other members of their family.
*adopt (v.): to take a child to your family and treat them as your own.
*elderly (adj.): old or ageing
*scruffy (adj.): untidy
*middle-aged (adj.): a person, whose age, is between 40 to 60.
*easy-going (adj.): relaxed and tolerant in attitude or manner.
*interested in (adj.): showing curiosity or concern about something or someone.
*engaged (adj.): having formally agreed to be married.
*divorced (adj.): no longer married because the marriage has been legally dissolved.
*married (adj.): having a husband or a wife
*grandparents (n.): father and mother of your parents.
*niece (n.): your brother’s or sister’s daughter.
*nephew (n.): your brother or sister’s son.
*step-mother: your father’s wife if he marries again.
*height: the measurement from base to top.
*slim (adj.): thin and well-shaped
*beard (n.): a growth of hair on the chin and lower cheeks of a man’s face.
*blonde (adj.): fair or pale yellow
*jealous (adj.): unhappy because you want something that someone else has.
*generous (adj.): often giving people money or presents.
*intelligence (n.): the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
*lazy (adj.): unwilling to work or use energy.
# Choose the correct answer :-
1- Marry is so ---------. Her hair looks like she never combs it.
a) honest b) scruffy c) arrogant d) mystery
2- This engagement ring has been ---------in the family for four generations.
a) passed away b) brought up c) passed down d) passed out
3- The new neighbours seem very ---------, don’t you think?
a) scruffy b) sociable c) object d) brings up
4- Adam and Charlotte are ---------they plan to marry in April.
a) divorced b) married c) engaged d) elderly
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5- Our traditions were passed ---------to us by our ancestors.
a) away b) down c) up d) off
6- Andrew and Mandy ---------after three years of marriage.
a) engaged b) married c) divorced d)adopted
7- Amr has always been very ---------He was 180 m when he was 12 years old.
a) short b) fat c) tall d) height
8- My mother is a very ---------person. She gives money to people in need.
a) nervous b) jealous c) generous d) step -mother
9- Your brother or sister’s daughter is your ---------.
a) niece b) mother c) aunt d) nephew
10- Kate and Tom ---------a baby girl who was an orphan.
a) adopted b) resembled c) got d) had
11- Many ---------people have fascinating stories to tell about their past.
a) reasonable b) close c) elderly d) reliable
12- Does a DNA test give you ---------information?
a) reliable b) resemble c) arrogant d) fond
13- My ---------granny lived with us as she’s too old to look after herself.
a) scruffy b) elderly c) young d) reliable
14- My dad is not that old, he’s ---------.
a) young b) middle-aged c) unique d) elderly
15) Your brother or sister’s son is your ---------.
a) cousin b) niece c) nephew d) uncle
16- My sister has a lot of fights with her---------, she never likes her!
a-) father b) fiancé c) mother-in law d) friend
17- My uncle is very nervous. He needs to do more exercises to help him ---------.
a) slim b) scruffy c) relax d) easy-going
18- He is ---------and shows up for work every day.
a) happiness b) reliable c) scruffy d) slim
19- ---------two people who were born at the same time from one mother.
a) Brothers b) Sisters c) Orphan d) Twins
20- Ahmed ---------his mother .He has the same blue eyes
a) sociable b) looks like c) honest d) pass down
21-The elephants are ---------animals because they are very sociable and family are
important to them.
a) sociable b) fat c) interesting d) heavy
22-My cousin is very ---------but she eats a lot. It’s very strange.
a) overweight b) weight c) tall d) slim
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Vocabulary “2”
- Collocations:
*get married- divorced- engaged *pay a visit – a compliment
*keep a diary – a secret *have a family – a sympathy
*fall in love - to pieces
# Choose the correct answer:
1. Ahmed fell ---------, after he knew his bad marks.
a) asleep b) to pieces c) in love d) ill
2. I am going to ---------a visit to my aunt next month.
a) give b) have c) fall d) pay
3. The moment I met my wife, we ---------in love.
a) kept b) paid c) fell d) had
4. The meal was so delicious that my mother ---------the chef a compliment.
a) gave b) paid c) kept d) got
5. My sister ---------a diary, but she won't let me read it.
a) has b) keeps c) pays d) gets
6. I want to get married and ---------a family.
a) pay b) get c) have d) find
7. Kareem and Yara wanted to ---------married as soon as possible.
a) pay b) get c) have d) fall
8. Adam and Laila ---------divorced two weeks ago.
a) paid b) got c) had d) fallen
9. I fall in love again. Can you ---------a secret?
a) keep b) get c) have d) pay
10. Have some ---------Ahmed. Your brother has just got divorced.
a) compliment b) sympathy c) secret d) fun
11. How long have you been married? I ‘m not married anymore. We got ---------last year.
a) married b) divorced c) moved d) overweight
12. My mum has beautiful eyes, so people always ---------her compliments.
a) say b) make c) pay d) have
13. My brother is ---------married in the summer.
a) getting b) keeping c) get d) keep
14. Can you ---------a secret? I’m in love.
a) have b) has c) keep d) fun
15. My sister ---------engaged two days ago.
a) get b) gets c) got d) has
16. Ahmed’s met a marvelous girl and they ‘ve ---------in love.
a) got b) fallen c) paid d) keep
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Present simple & Present continuous

# See Grammar Reference “ Student’s book ” p. 161

# Choose the correct answer:

1.They (learn – are learning – learns – learning) on a new lesson today.
2. My neighbor (always shout – is always shouting – always shouts – is shouting always) at
his children. This is very noisy.
3. The boy (doesn’t smile – isn’t smiling – smiles – is smiling) in the picture. He looks sad.
4. What time (does the match start – is the match starting – the match start – match start)?
5- Driving in busy cities (make – makes – are making – making) people feel tired.
6. School exams (are starting – starts – starting – start) in May.
7. The TV program (is starting – starts – starting – started) at 10 pm.
8. Teachers (work – works – are working – working) in schools.
9. The actor (waves – is waving – waves – waved) to his fans in this picture.
10. (Do you study – Are you studying – Were you studying – Did you study) math now?
11. The Earth (gets – getting – is getting – are getting) warmer and warmer these days.
12. (Do you visit – Are you visiting – You visit – You visiting) your granny at weekends?
13. (Do you visit – Are you visiting – You visit – You visiting) your granny this weekend?
14. We (eats – eat – are eating – eating) seafood twice a week
15. My sister (is forever annoying – is forever annoy – forever annoys) me.
16. The baby (doesn’t sometimes drink – sometimes doesn’t drink- doesn’t drink sometimes
– sometimes drink) all milk.
17. The auction (begins – began – is beginning – begun) at 7 o`clock.

# Rewrite the following sentences:-

1. I go to the club every day. (tomorrow)
2. I usually study math at 7. (at the moment)
3. I visit my relatives on Fridays. (Friday)

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4. I watch an action film on TV. (now)
5. He usually reads a novel in the afternoon. (now)
6. The actor doesn’t act at present. (acting)
7. They wake up late. (not)
8. He has a new programme. (What)
9. We are playing football on Friday. (Fridays)
10. She has dinner with her family. (not)
11. My friend comes late again. (always)
12. The population of the world increases very fast. (is)
13. She has a simple drawing about her family tree. (doesn’t)
14. Ahmed is active all the time. (not)
15. Sandy does her work daily. (ask)
16. My teacher’s routine is to revise for us before starting. (always)
17. The rotation of the earth is a scientific fact. (The earth)
18. My father drives to work every day. (doesn’t)
19. She doesn’t often talk to stranger. (never)
20. Teenagers become more and more independent these days. (becoming)
21. My neighbours---------------------------------- (always-make) a lot of noise. (making)

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Countable & Uncountable Nouns

# See Grammar Reference “ Student’s book ” p. 162

# Choose the correct answer: -

1. How (much – many – old - often) money do you need for your new car?
2. I sent my pen-friend a (few – little – much - many) letters last year.
3. Mazen doesn’t have (some – any – many – few) money to travel around the world.
4. How (many – much – a lot of - some) pencils do you have in your pencil case?
5. Dana has (lots of – any – many – a few) homework tonight.
6. Is there (a few – much – many - few) milk in the class?
7. We don’t have (many – some – much – a little) farmers in our cities.
8. Hanan has (a few – a little – many - any) money only to buy a sandwich.
9. Can I have an extra (carton – bar – slice - cup) of pizza, please?
10. Mum cuts John’s (the hair – hair – hairs – the hairs) very well.
11-Physics (is – are- some- many) my brother’s favourite subject at school.
12-There's very (little – a few – many – any) communication between them.
13- I want (some – any – many – much) apples.
14- How (much – many – is – any) spaghetti do you want?
15- I’m going to the shops. Should I get (some – a – an – much) loaf of bread?
16- She turns to her parents for a (number of - piece of – packet of – a ) advice.
17- His feet (am – is – are) big.
18- Would you like (a- some- an- much) fruit, Nada?

# Rewrite the following sentences:

1. There are a few apples in the basket. (aren’t)
2. I need 100 L.E to buy some books. (How much)
3. There are 30 classes in the school. (How many)

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4. Dina has a lot of homework today. (not)
5. There are a few teachers in the school. (not)
6. There’s some honey in the jar. (any)
7. We need informations for the research. (Correct)
8. There are three bottles of oil. (How much)
9. There is one bag of sugar. (How many)
10. Don’t eat a whole (loaf – glass – cup) of bread. It is too much for you. (choose)
11. Sara has lots of homework tonight. (any)
12. We don’t have a few doctors in our family. (correct)
13. There is a little sugar in the jar. (isn’t)

General Exercises
- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Doctor: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?
Client : It’s my ankle. I fell while I was playing football yesterday.
Doctor: You have almost broken a bone. You need an x-ray.
Client: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?
Doctor: At Al – Demerdash Hospital. You are an employee. I think.
Client: Yes, ---------------------------------------------. Could you give me a certificate, doctor?
Doctor: I’ll write you one. You will have a long sick leave.
Client: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?
Doctor: About three months.

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- Comprehension:
The Edinburgh Festival
If you are ever in Scotland in September, you should pay a visit to the Edinburgh Festival.
It is a huge celebration of culture, where you can see comedy shows, musical performances,
plays and much more.
The first Edinburgh Festival took place in 1947. It was seen as a way to re-unite Europe
through culture, after World War 2. The festival was so successful that it attracted more
performers than there was room for. After nearly 60 years, the festival is still going strong and
growing bigger every year. The festival is a place where new talent is discovered, as the
principle is that anyone can apply to perform there. Last year's festival featured 27000
performances in 240 different venues.
There were so many performers that it would take you 5 years, 11months and
16 days to watch all of them back to back! With over 1.35 million tickets sold last year,
it is certainly the place to be. For more information about this year's festival, go to

1- Answer the following questions

1. What can you see at the Edinburgh Festival?
2. What is the main principle of the festival?
2- Critical Thinking:
*What do you think of festivals? Do you like them? Why? Why not?
3- Choose the correct answer:
1. The festival is held in ---------.
a) winter b) autumn c) spring d) summer
2. The first Edinburgh Festival was ---------.
a) very successful b) a complete failure
c) not that successful d) very boring
3. What does the underlined word "principle" mean?
a) business b) owner c) basic rule d) piece of writing

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Writing “1”
*Write an email to your friend telling him about your point of view of
the importance of the family ties in our lives.

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Reading: AnO il For Life

- New Vocabulary:
*region (n.): a large area of land or a part of a country.
*Mediterranean (adj.): relating to the Mediterranean Sea or the countries around it.
*religious ceremonies (n.): occasions related to religion.
*liquid (n.): a substance, such as water, that is not solid or a gas and that can be poured
*diet (n.): a way of eating in which you only eat certain food in order to lose weight.
*civilization (n.): the history and culture of a nation.
*evidence (n.): one or more reasons for believing that something is or is not true.
*crush (v.): to press something very hard and break it.
*harvest (n. & v. ): to pick and collect crops.
*approximately (adv.): close to a number, but not exactly that number.
*process(n. ): a series of steps to do in order to make something.
*separate (v.): to keep apart or divide.
*tradition (n.): a belief, principle, or way of acting that people in a particular society or group
have continued to follow for a long time.
*fresh (adj.): recently picked, made, or cooked not preserved or changed by time.
*produce (v.): to make something or bring something into existence.
*share (v.): to tell someone else about your thoughts, feelings, ideas, etc.
*partly (adv.): to some degree, but not completely.
*improve (v.): to get better.
*well-balanced (adj.): a well-balanced group of food together provide a good range of the
things you need to stay healthy.
*athlete (n.): a person who is very good at sports or physical exercise, especially one who
competes in organized events.

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# Choose the correct answer:-
1- Some people think that nuclear war would mean the end of human ---------.
a) civilization b) cultivation c) nation d) reduction
2- Farmers used this machine to separate the ---------from the solids to produce olive oil.
a) liquid b) olive c) skin d) meat
3- There is a scientific ---------that olive oil is good for the health.
a) tradition b) service c) evidence d) thought
4- The couple had a---------for their marriage.
a) region b) athlete c) nation d) ceremony
5- Freddy is too fat to be a/an---------.
a) costume b) civilization c) athlete d) consumer
6- Meg doesn’t like to ---------her secrets with others.
a) show b) share c) say d) tell
7- Your coffee is cold - let me make you a ---------cup.
a) fresh b) artificial c) bored d) fun
8- The Arab---------is full of war!
a) area b) region c) home d) nation
9- I’ve tried many different methods of---------to lose weight but nothing worked.
a) costumes b) services c) diet d) courses
10- Fireworks have long been an American ---------on the Fourth of July.
a) belief b) tradition c) culture d) fresh
11- It's better to ---------the quality of our products.
a) inherit b) improve c) install d) risk
12- ---------20 million people use the internet in Egypt.
a) Suddenly b) Ultimate c) Approximately d) Early
13- The ---------of olive oil began in Mediterranean countries centuries ago.
a) indication b) civilization c) regulation d) production
14- Many farmers still ---------the cotton by hand.
a) harvest b) respect c) inspect d) invest
15- They decided to spread the building ---------over three years.
a) install b) process c) production d) indication
16- His arm was badly ---------in the car accident.
a) pressed b) improved c) crushed d) cured
17- Many olive growers ---------Their ancient tradition and still harvest olives by hands.
a) grow b) rub c) keep d) harvest
18- They ---------the liquid from the solids to produce olive oil .
a) maintain b) harvest c) separate d) attach
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Vocabulary “1”
- New Vocabulary:
*starving (adj.): extremely hungry
*starter (n.): food which we start with like salad or soup.
*dessert (n.): sweet food after the meal.
*peel (v.): to take off the skin of fruits.
*chew (v.): to crush food into smaller pieces so that it can be swallowed.
*bite (v. & n.): to cut off a small piece by your teeth.
*trendy (adj.): fashionable
*chop (v.): cut into small pieces
*fry (v.): cook food in hot fat or oil.
*boil (v.): to cook food in boiling water.
*stir (v.): to move the liquid with a spoon or a stick
*grill (v.): to cook food on the grill.
*tasty (adj.)= delicious X tasteless
*jug (n.): a container to hold liquids (juice – water)
*bowl (n.): it’s a round dish or container used to prepare and serve food (soup ).
*vitamin (n.): one of a group of natural substances in food that you need to be healthy.
*protein (n.): a substance found in food such as meat and milk that are necessary for the
body to grow and to be strong.
*cereal (n.): food grain.
*aubergine (n.): eggplant

# Choose the correct answer:

1- He tipped his breakfast ---------into a bowl and went to get the milk.
a) cereal b) meat c) chicken d) taste
2- Could you ---------up the carrots while I'm washing the lettuce?
a) burn b) bite c) chop d) crush
3- It's healthier to ---------meat and vegetables than to fry them.
a) grill b) crush c) burn d) chop
4- You should ---------well after adding sugar.
a) grill b) crush c) stir d) burn

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5- Wait for the water to ---------before you add the spaghetti.
a) boil b) turn c) dry d) cool
6- They drank the juice to the last drop. The ---------is empty.
a) bowl b) pot c) pan d) jug
7- It’s healthier to eat the apple without ---------It.
a) peeling b) hurting c) feeding d) tasting
8- Wearing high heels is so ---------this year.
a) trend b) trendy c) trendily d) traditional
9- She didn’t have any breakfast, so she was ---------at lunchtime.
a) thirsty b) tasty c) starving d) dry
10- Don't ---------with your mouth open. It's disgusting.
a) chop b) chew c) cut d) peel
11- Let's take some soup as a ---------.
a) beginning b) starter c) first d) dessert
12- Mike took--------- of my apple.
a) hurt b) bite c) tea d) dish
13- Kate--------- the potatoes until they were golden.
a) fried b) crush c) bite d) taste
14- After dinner, we had ice- cream for---------.
a) starter b) main dish c) dessert d) lunch
15- We filled--------- with popcorn before the movie.
a) knife b) fork c) ball d) bowl
16- Oranges are a good source of --------- C.
a) protein b) iron c) vitamin d) calcium
17- How much --------- does one egg contain?
a) sugar b) protein c) dessert d) bite
18- She makes really--------- dish with chicken and rice. We like it very much.
a) tasty b) awful c) dirty d) disgusting
19- --------- is a healthy and delicious purple vegetable.
a) mango b) tomato c) aubergine d) cucumber
20- The burger was absolutely---------. I want my money back, please!
a) tasty b) trendy c) tasteless d) delicious

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Vocabulary “2”

- Word Formation:

Verb Noun Adjective

colour colour colourful \ coloured
taste taste tasty \ tasteless
------------- tradition traditional
decide decision decisive
choose choice choosy
------------- custom/ customer customary
mix mix/ mixture mixable/ mixed \ mixing
trend trend trendy
brighten brightness bright
vary variety variable – various- varied

# Choose the correct answer:

1- She's very --------- about what she eats and drinks.
a) choice b) choose c) choosy d) chosen
2- It was Jane’s --------- to go jogging every morning before breakfast.
a) custom b) customer c) customary d) customize
3- The --------- of flour, water, and yeast is then left in a warm place for four hours.
a) mixable b) tradition c) mixture d) taste
4- I like almost every --------- of cheese.
a) variety b) vary c) variable d) various
5- The room was small and dark, without so much as a ray of light to --------- the gloom.
a) bright b) brightening c) brighten d) brightness

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6- After renting the apartment, they will decorate the walls in --------- paintings.
a) colourful b) decisive c) tasty d) trend
7- DNA test results were --------- in proving his innocence.
a) decided b) decisive c) decision d) decide
8- As a coffee lover, Mr. Wilson was a regular --------- in the café.
a) custom b) customize c) customer d) customary
9- Sama will --------- the chopped vegetables to make salad.
a) mix b) mixable c) mixed d) mixture
10- You can work hard or lose your dreams. It’s your ---------.
a) diet b) taste c) choice d) decide
11- You have to --------- whether to travel or to stay and continue your education.
a) decide b) choosy c) mix d) decision
12- Eating salt fish in the eastern is one of our ---------.
a) traditions b) traditional c) trendy d) trend
13- Using the internet in your research was a good ---------.
a) choose b) decision c) customer d) choosy
14- It’s--------- for the two teams to exchange shirts after the game.
a) choice b) bright c) traditional d) colourful
15- Could you adjust the --------- on the TV? It’s giving me a headache.
a) trendy b) brightness c) brighten d) trend
16- Adam finds his boss’s mood --------- from one day to the next.
a) variety b) various c) varies d) variable
17- I have problems seeing when the sun is---------.
a) brighten b) bright c) brightness d) colour
18- His sister was always up with the latest ---------.
a) trendy b) trends c) choose d) vary
19- I love the --------- of watermelon.
a) tasty b) trend c) decision d) taste
20- It is --------- to give people gifts on their birthday.
a) custom b) customer c) customary d) customize

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Past simple & Past continuous

# See Grammar Reference “ Student’s book ” p. 163

# Choose the correct answer:

1. It was raining heavily so I (took – take – taking – was took) my umbrella.
2. How much money (did – do – does - was) Shylock lend Bassanio?
3. Where did Emma (found – find – finds – finding) her watch?
4. Mum cut herself while she (cut – cutting – was cutting - cuts).
5. When I saw Mohamed, he (talked – was talking – is taking - talks) on the phone.
6. When (were you get – did you get – were you getting – you got) up yesterday?
7. As Andrew (crossed – cross – was crossing - cross) the street, a car hit him.
8. The monkey was climbing the tree when he (fall – fell – felt – was filling) down.
9. Susan (ate – eats – was eating - eat) her dinner when the light went off.
10. My mother was sleeping (when – while – after – until) I was taking a shower.
11. The mechanic (were fixing – was fixing – fixed – fixes) the car all day yesterday.
12. John (make – was making – made – were making) coffee a few minutes ago.
13. Dana (baked – was baking – bakes – were baking) a cake for us at 5 o’clock last night.
14. We (getting – get – were getting – was getting) ready to have dinner when the doorbell
15. Sue never (ate – was eating – eating – eat) fast food at school.
16. Maria (worked – works – were working – was working) all day yesterday.

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# Re-write the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. They were doing their exam. The lights went off. (while)
2. I met my friend in the street. I was talking to him on the mobile phone. (As)
3. Ali was studying. The phone rang. (While)
4. Ali was studying. The phone rang. (When)
5. I was playing. My brother was reading a story. (As)
6. Renada was reading a story. Nadine was watching a film. (While)
7. When I met my old friend, he was eating a sandwich. (while)
8. When the match began, we were telling jokes. (As)
9. While she was drinking a cup of coffee, the doorbell rang. (When)
10. When I came home, my father was reading the newspaper. (While)
11. As she was drinking the juice, her younger brother screamed. (when)
12. I was playing computer games when my dad called me. (What)
13. The children (make) -----------------------------------noise at 7 o'clock yesterday. (correct)
14- While Malek was sleeping , I was preparing dinner . (What ?)
15- They were exploring the cave when one of them fell down as he saw a horrible snake.
(Why ?)
16- While the thief was trying to escape, the car hit him. (Who ?)

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Used to / Get used to / Be used to/ Would
# See grammar reference “ student’s book ” p. 163
# Choose the correct answer:
1. I (used – used to – use – didn’t used to) go swimming when I was young.
2. Omar (didn’t use – used not – didn’t use to – use) to ride bikes when he was little.
3. (You used to – Did you use to – Were you used – Used you to) eat salted fish?
4. It was Nada’s habit to play with me. She (is playing – used to – used - using) play with me.
5. What did they (used to – use to – used - use) do when they were 9 years old?
6. We (would – will – should – used) always go to school on Monday when we were little.
7. My little sister would (cry – cried – cries - crying) all the time when she was a baby.
8. My friends and I (didn’t used – would – use - used) play together after school.
9. Did the ancient Egyptians (would – use to – used to- using) build the pyramids?
10. Mirna isn’t used to (sends – sending – send - sent) e-mails from this computer.
11. Unluckily, We (are used to – am used to – is used to – used to) eating junk food.
12. Don’t be shy! You should (get used to – used to – are used to – use) talking to others.
# Rewrite the following sentences:
1. We often visited our grandma on Fridays. (used to)
2. My father was a soldier. He stopped working now. (used to)
3. My uncle never studied computer science. (not use)
4. My old brother no longer smokes. (used)
5. Yes, I’m getting used to my new house. (Are)
6. I don’t go to Alexandria during winter. (be used to)
7. It was my habit to do exercises in the morning. (used to)
8. You should train yourself to eat healthy food. (get used to)
9. Habiba never takes private lessons. (be used to)
10. No, we won’t get used to living in an isolated island. (Will----?)
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General Exercises
- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Hassan: Good morning. I’ve come to report the theft of my briefcase.
Officer: Very well, sir -----------------------------------------------------?
Hassan: Hassan, 32 El-Tayaran Street, Nasr City. My telephone number is 5575891
Officer: All right, sir ------------------------------------------------------?
Hassan: Some business papers and my Cheque-book.
Officer: Now ---------------------------------------------------------------?
Hassan: I left it in my car while I went to buy some fruit. When I came back -----------------------
Officer: Well Mr. Hassan. We’ll do what we can and get in touch with you in case we find the

- Comprehension:
When I woke up in darkness, my head was hurting badly, and I was unable to move my
hands or feet. I could hear the sailors’ shouts and the sound of the wind and the
waves. The whole world seemed to go up, up, up, and then down again. I felt very ill, and at
first could not understand what was happening.
After a while I realized that I must be somewhere inside the ship, which was moving very
fast through the water. I’ve been kidnapped! I thought angrily. It was clear that my
uncle and the captain had planned it together. I began to feel frightened and hopeless, as I
lay there in the dark.
Some hours later, a light shone in my face. Mr. Rich, one of the ship’s officers,
stood looking down at me. He washed the cut on my head, gave me some water, and told
me kindly to go to sleep. The next time he came, I was feeling very hot and ill. He had
brought Captain Harry with him. “Now, sir, see for yourself”; said Mr. Rich. The lad’s
seriously ill. We must take him out of this unhealthy hole at once. “ That’s none of
your business,” answered the captain. You’re paid to do your job, not worry about
the boy. He’s staying down here. “I’m only paid to be an officer on this ship,”
replied Mr. Rich sharply. He looked hard at the captain. “I’m not paid, like you, to
kidnap and murder “Harry turned on him angrily. What did you say?” he cried.

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“What do you mean?” You understand, said Mr. Rich, looking calmly at him. You should
know me by now, Mr. Rich. I’m a hard man.
“But if you say the lad will die.” “yes, he will!” said Mr. Rich. So I was carried up into the
sunlight a few minutes later, and put in a cabin where some of the sailors were sleeping. It
was a wonderful feeling to see the daylight and to be able to talk to people again. I lay in the
cabin for several days, and after a while began to feel better.

Answer the following questions:

1.Who did he think had organized his kidnap?
2.Why did Mr. Rich take Captain Harry to see David?
3-Critical Thinking:
-What do you think the captain was going to do with David?
4-Choose the correct answer:
1. Unlike captain Harry, Mr. Rich wasn't to ---------.
a) sail b) kidnap and murder
c) lead the crew d) run his business
2. David must be taken out of this --------- as he was extremely ill.
a) cabin b) ship
c) deck d) unhealthy hole
3.What does the underlined word "kidnap" mean? ---------
a) crime of taking someone by force b) kill
c) murder d) steal

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Writing “2”
*Write a review of the restaurants for your school magazine giving
your opinion about them and saying why you would recommend /
wouldn't recommend them to others.
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Reading: Cities Beneath the Sea

- New Vocabulary:
*structure (n.): parts of something that are connected together.
*limestone (n.): a type of white stone contains calcium used in building & in making cement.
*shallow (adj.): not deep.
*source (n.): the place where something comes from.
*significant (adj.): important
*regulations (n.): rules or laws to control something.
*illegal (adj.): against the law.
*cyanide (n.): poisonous chemical material.
*aquarium (n.): a building with a large glass tank for keeping sea creatures.
*conservation (n.): taking care of the environment.
*sightseer (n.): a tourist who visits interesting places on holidays.
*trillion: 1,000,000,000,000
*coral polyp (n.): a small animal that lives in the sea.
*cement (n.): a grey powder that is mixed with sand and water to make concrete.
*ecosystem (n.): a particular area in which plants and animals living together have formed
complex relationships.
*mollusk (n.): an animal that has a soft body and is often covered with a shell.
*stunned (adj.): unconscious and unable to move for a short time.

# Choose the correct answer:

1- Do you know how many ---------of fish are there in the Red Sea?
a) factors b) group c) species d) forms
2- People believe that our ---------is in danger because of global warming.
a) food b) planet c) temperature d) kitchen
3- The divers were swimming a few meters below the ---------of the sea.
a) surface b) reef c) bottom d) bay
4- Sam always uses his own shopping bags ---------plastic ones.
a) for b) instead of c) about d) by

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5- What are people doing to ---------pollution in your country?
a) save b) threaten c) stop d) collect
6- The Great Barrier Reef is the most ---------sight I've ever seen.
a) scattered b) extinct c) remarkable d) best
7- The undersea ---------filled with a rich variety of life.
a) regulations b) coral reefs c) source d) structure
8- The builders use the ---------to have a strong structure.
a) cyanide b) coral c) water d) cement
9) Every institution has its own---------to avoid chaos.
a) building b) tropics c) regulations d) structure
10) Many places set up ---------areas to create safe environment for the endangered species.
a) converse b) conservation c) valleys d) ponds
11) ---------are full of brightly marine animals.
a) Fossil fuels b) Coral reefs c) Solar energy d) Organic food
12) Illegal fishing is one of the ---------to coral reefs.
a) threats b) treats c) threads d) tests
13) Cyanide makes the fish ---------to be easily caught.
a) awake b) dumped c) cruel d) stunned
14) In ---------seas the transparency is always reduced in rough water.
a) shallow b) cement c) stunned d) source
15) We expect ---------Investment into this sector.
a) limestone b) significant c) ecosystem d) conservation
16) They are often raised in systems which would be ---------in this country.
a) cyanide b) structure c) mollusk d) illegal
17) Inside was a ---------pill, which he swallowed and died on the spot.
a) factors b) coral reefs c) cyanide d) trillion
18) Why is it so important to find him, if he is only here as a ---------?
a) save b) cement c) mollusk d) sightseer
19) There are good reasons for keeping species distinct, which have to do with the balance
of the ---------.
a) fight b) ecosystem c) kitchen d) sightseer
20) There was already food on her plate, meat from unnamed ---------, vegetables and bread.
a) source b) regulations c) mollusk d) divers
21) The ---------also has games and fun rides for kids and is great for birthday parties.
a) aquarium b) stunned c) cement d) divers

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Vocabulary “1”
- New Vocabulary:
*cliff (n.): steep high rock at the edge of the sea.
*glacier (n.): a mass of ice formed by snow on mountains.
*pond (n.): a small area of water.
*stream (n.): a small river.
*valley (n.): an area of low land between two hills or mountains with a river running through
*coast (n.): a land next to or close to the sea.
*conservation (n.): taking care of something.
*destruction (n.): damage.
*extinction (n.): a situation in which something no longer exists.
*threat (n.): an expectation that something unpleasant will happen.
*global warming (n.): a gradual increase of world temperature because of pollution.
*natural habitat (n.): the original place of a creature.
*power station (n.): a factory where electricity is produced.
*solar energy (n.): an energy that is powered by the sun.
*fossil fuels (n.): things like coal, oil and natural gas.
*renewable energy (n.): a type of energy which can be renewed as quickly as it’s used.
*endangered species (n.): animals that are about to extinct.
*species (n.): a group of plants or animals that are very similar to each other.
*collide with (ph. v.): to crash or hit sth. hard
*cave (n.): earth hole.
*rain forest (n.): jungle.
*planet (n.): like Earth, Mercury, Jupiter, ----etc.
*organic food (n.): natural food.
*Choose the correct answer:
1. Tigers are one of many ---------species that we are trying to save.
a) endangered b) extinct c) organic d) distinct
2. They found many ---------fish in the water.
a) damaged b) threatened c) stunned d) danger
3. Alice sat at the top of the high ---------and watched the children on the beach below.
a) cliff b) rainforest c) pond d) lake
4. Not many people want to live near a power ---------.
a) building b) conservation c) station d) drink

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5. I switched boats mid ---------and expected you to follow me.
a) stream b) conservation c) threat d) fossil
6. A---------is a large mass of ice on a mountain which moves slowly.
a) cliff b) glacier c) stream d) rainforest
7. Using air conditioners is a main reason for global ---------.
a) warm b) warmth c) warmed d) warming
8. Light and heat from the sun is used to produce ---------.
a) fossil fuels b) renewable energy c) solar energy d) environment
9. We shouldn’t depend on the non-renewable---------of energy.
a) sausages b) sources c) pond d) type
10. ---------energy comes from wind, water and other natural sources.
a) Fossil b) Solar c) Organic d) Renewable
11. The natural ---------of this species of turtle is the Aegean Sea.
a) balance b) conservation c) habitat d) survival
12. The ---------are in a great danger because of cutting lots of trees.
a) coasts b) glaciers c) rainforests d) stream
13. Every vacation, we go to the north---------.
a) valley b) stream c) coast d) cost
14. The North pole is the natural ---------of the polar bear.
a) habitat b) residence c) housing d) habit
15. ---------fuels are running out around the world.
a) Fossil b) Fat c) Factual d) Famous
16. Titanic sank when it ---------with an ice berg in 1912.
a) quarreled b) collapsed c) collided d) cried
17. Walking a path that led to the ---------, he found the distinct smell of a human.
a) quarreled b) sausages c) endangered d) pond
18. The ---------continued for miles without end, as far as he could see.
a) organic food b) destruction c) endangered d) awake
19. Pandas are on the margin of ---------.
a) extinction b) solar energy c) habitat d) regulations
20. People have lived in this ---------since ancient times.
a) valley b) fossil fuels c) cruel d) extinction
21. The ---------of war has depressed business activity.
a) cliff b) threat c) power station d) planet
22. Almost every grocery store has some form of ---------.
a) organic food b) dumped c) tests d) stream

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Vocabulary “2”

- Prepositions:
* after years of something: subsequent years or later times.
* take action on something: do something about it.
* go from here to there: from one specific situation to a different one.
*get from this to this: to reach something.
*appear in something: to be seen in some performance.
*get onto something: to start to do or deal with something.
*turn into something: to change or develop from one thing to another.
*before something happens: at a time earlier than the thing happens or mentioned.
*over 60 years: more than 60 years.
*at the moment: at the present time or now.
*Choose the correct answer:
1. ---------Years of searching, scientists find different ways to save energy and fight pollution.
a) After b) Into c) At d) From
2. It's time to ---------action to save our environment.
a) give b) make c) take d) bring
3. Her face hadn’t altered ---------the years.
a) in b) over c) between d) at
4. This stream goes---------the top of the mountain to the bottom of the valley.
a) at b) to c) from d) through
5. I’m may be boss now, but I started out working in a fast-food restaurant, my college
degree is what got me ---------here to there.
a) in b) between c) from d) when
6. The singer will appear ---------the opera with the rest of the chorus.
a) at b) in c) while d) through
7. Strong colors are very fashionable---------The moment.
a) at b) about c) onto d) behind
8. Rain in the morning will turn ---------snow during the afternoon.
a) from b) into c) on d) at
9. ---------sticking the picture to the wall, you should remove the dust.
a) While b) After c) About d) Before
10. The plastic-filled fish could get ---------our dinner plates.
a) onto b) about c) between d) behind
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# See Grammar Reference “ Student’s book ” p. 163 &164

# Choose the correct answer: -

1. We (miss – have missed – has miss – have been missing) the bus twice this week.
2. The dog (barked – has barked – has been barking – barking) since midnight.
3. Rana (hasn't hung – hung – has been hanging – hang) up all the pictures yet.
4. The workers (have been working – have worked – are working – work) since a long time.
5. Bob (haven't drove – drove – hasn't been driven – hasn't driven) a car for 8 years.
6. Salma (haven't spoken – spoken – hasn't spoken – has spoken) French for 9 years, so her
French isn't that good.
7. I am not hungry, I (have already eaten – already have eaten – have been eating – eaten)
8. I can’t stop my tears because mum (cut – has cut – has been cutting – have cut) onions.
9. Since Mike bought a car, he (hasn't travel – travelled – has been travelling – hasn't
travelled) by train.
10. I (have practiced – has practiced – practiced – have been practicing) piano all morning.
11. My friend (has decided – has been deciding – hasn't decided – hasn't been deciding)
whether to continue his work or not yet.
12. I am tired because I (read – has read – have read– have been reading) all day.
13. How long (the coach talking – has the coach been talking – the coach has been talking–
have been talking) to the reporter?
14. We (has eaten – have been eaten– haven’t eaten – have been eating) at this restaurant
15. The toy company (has constructed – has been constructing– have constructed– hasn’t
been constructed) model planes for many years.
16. David (has been going – has gone – has been– went) to London. He will be back soon.
17. I have lived in Alexandria (since – yet – for – ever) 20 years.
18. Our coach (has shouted – has been shouting – haven’t shouted – ever shouted) all
19. Steve (won – has won – have been winning – has win) the darts competition twice this
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# Rewrite the following sentences:
1. My team (win) two matches so far. (correct)
2. Marleen (go out) with Bob for three years. (correct)
3. How long ------------------------------------------------------(wait/you) for us? (correct)
4. I am still doing my homework. (yet)
5. I think the waiter (forget) about us, we (wait) here for ages. (correct)
6. Khaled has been playing football for seven years. (since)
7. Shady (go) to the cinema, he'll be back in the afternoon. (correct)
8. Ms. Nadia has just explained the lesson. (yet)
9. Your clothes smells awful--------------------------------------------(smoke/you)? (correct)
10. Mariam has been studying Maths for two hours, now it's 5 o'clock. (since)
11. I ---------------------(call) you for hours! Where -------------------(be/you)? (correct)
12. The toaster is working now, dad (repair) it. (correct)
13. The teacher has been explaining the lesson for 3 sessions. (How)
14. The player has won the championship three times. (How)
15. Celebrities (appear) --------------------------------------twice on the red carpet. (correct)
16. The children are tired because they (played) football all day. (correct)
17. Have you ever (travel) to London? (correct)

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# See Grammar Reference “ Student’s book ” p. 165

# Choose the correct answer:

1. Nada has got (a – an – the - _) car. (A – An – The - _) car is BMW.
2. This is Hala’s father. He's (a – an – the - _) doctor.
3. I go to school 5 days (a – an – the - _) week.
4. She always goes to (a – an – the - _) cinema with her friends.
5. (a – an – the - _) new project of Suez Canal is very important.
6. Ahmed likes playing (a – an – the - _) guitar.
7. John is (a – an – the - _) cleverest boy I've ever seen.
8. (a – an – the - _) earth goes around (a – an – the - _) sun.
9. She speaks (a – an – the - _) French, English, German and Italian.
10. I think (a – an – the - _) English Language is the most important one.
11. Yesterday I went to (a – an – the - _) work by (a – an – the - _) bus.
12. I went to (a – an – the - _) school to see the headmistress.
13. (a – an – the - _) hour ago, I bought (a – an – the - _) MP3 player.
14. My father doesn’t like (a – an – the - _) sugar in the coffee.
15. Are you coming to (a – an – the - _) party next Saturday?
16. She was wearing (a – an – the - _) ugly dress when she met him.
17. I bought (a – an – the - _) new TV set yesterday.
18. I think (a – an – the - _) man over there is very ill. He can’t stand on his feet.
19. I am crazy about reading (a – an – the - _) history books.
20. She is (a – an – the - _) nice girl.
21. Do you want to go to (a – an – the - _) restaurant where we first met?
22. He thinks that (a – an – the - _) love is what will save us all.

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General Exercises
- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Keith: Are you free on the thirteenth in the afternoon?
Cathy: --------------------------------------------------------. How about the fourteenth in the morning?
Keith: I'm sorry. I'm attending a meeting at the Hilton then.
Cathy: What about the next day?
Keith: --------------------------------------------------------. I'm meeting Dorothy Heath at North Bridge
Road. Are you free on Thursday afternoon?
Cathy: Yes, I think I am. --------------------------------------------------------.
Keith: Good idea! Is two o’clock, okay?
Cathy: --------------------------------------------------------.
- Comprehension:
Mathew had his hair cut once a month by the same hairdresser. On those mornings, he
brought sandwiches for his lunch to eat them at the hairdresser's shop. The hairdresser's
shop was convenient because it was near Mathew's work. Mathew liked the hairdresser
because he cut Mathew's hair as he liked it and because both of them were interested in
sport. They talked a lot about football or cricket. The hairdresser was not young and he used
to work alone in the shop. One day he told Mathew that he was going to retire soon. Then
another man would have his shop. This news made Mathew feel worried, because he was
afraid that another man would cut his hair badly. But he went to the same shop the next
month. His fears proved to be quite right. The new man didn't cut Mathew's hair as he liked
it. A month later, Mathew went to the same shop and asked the hairdresser to cut his hair
very short on the right side, but to leave it as it is in the left in order to cover his ear. The
young man was very surprised when he heard this and he said that he couldn't cut his hair
like that. Mathew said "Why not?" "That's how you cut it last time."
*Answer the following questions:
1. How did Mathew's fears prove to be right?
2. Why did the hairdresser sell his shop?
3. Why was the shop convenient?
1-The hairdresser is (young – old – teenager).
2-The new hairdresser cut Mathew's hair (exactly as he liked – finely – badly).
3-Mathew and the hairdresser used to talk about (volleyball – cricket – tennis).

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Writing “3”
*Write an informal email to your friend giving some information
about renewable energy in your country.

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- New Vocabulary:
*domestic (n.): ( about animals) prefers home life.
*suspicious (adj.): descries an action that makes you feel something is wrong or illegal.
*acquire (v.): to obtain and have something.
*sniff (v.): to breathe air in through the nose in a way that makes a sound, smell something
by sniffing.
*whippet (n.): small thin dog with long legs .some are used for racing.
*sniffer dog (n.): a dog that is trained to use its sense of smell to detect substances such as
explosives and illegal drugs.
*beagle (n.): a small dog with long ears and short legs, kept as a pet or sometimes used for
*luggage (n.): all the things that a passenger takes on a journey.
*luxury (n.): the state of great comfort living.
*deadly (adj.): causing or likely to cause death.
*patient (n.): a sick person.
*brighten (v.): to become happier or to make something brighter.
*hiker (n.): a person who makes a long journey by foot.
*reward (n.): something given in return for work, effort, etc.
*beneficial (adj.): having a good or useful effect.
*obedient (adj.): doing what you are told to do.
*visually impaired (n.): blind or can't see well.
*rubble: the broken bricks, stones, etc. that are left when a building falls down.
*physical disability: a physical illness or injury that makes it difficult for someone to do the
things that other people do.
*astonishing (adj.): surprising
# Choose the correct answer:-
1- Dogs are used in airport security because they have an ---------sense of smell.
a) athletic b) astonishing c) obedient d) strange
2- It can be ---------for sick people to spend more time with animals.
a) sympathetic b) beneficial c) thankful d) hopeful

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3- He trains guide dogs to help visually ---------people.
a) communicative b) irritated c) impaired d) artistic
4- Trained "service dog" help people with physical---------
a) disabled b) abilities c) disabilities d) unable
5- Eyad’s behavior is a bit---------lately. What do you think he's up to?
a) beneficial b) suspicious c) obedient d) appreciative
6- Maxine and Paul have a ---------relationship. They have been best friends since primary
a) hard b) weak c) strong d) terrible
7- It takes a lot of work to make your pet---------to follow your orders.
a) suspicious b) sniffer c) sympathetic d) obedient
8- Over thousands of years, the wolf has slowly changed into the ---------dog we have today.
a) colorful b) domestic c) lazy d) barking
9- In 1991, there was a strong earthquake that destroyed many buildings, only---------left.
a ) bond b) humans c)peak d) rubble
10-The doctor examined a lot of --------- yesterday.
a) luxury b) patients c) aquarium d) acquaintance
11- During this time, he--------- a lot of experience.
a) hatred b) rewards c) acquires d) effect
12- “Ice age” show was---------last month.
a) astonish b) slow c) rubble d) astonishing
13- Some people are lucky enough to enjoy lives of--------- .
a) torture b) pain c) luxury d)suffering
14- She---------patient's day by love whenever she visits the hospital.
a) brightens b) paints c) widens d) deepens
15- If your--------- is overweight, you will have to pay extra.
a) hiker b) suspicious c) luggage d) luxury
16- Beagles are friendly and cute, so they don’t scare people as they--------- the crowds.
a) eat b) sniff c) taste d) drink
17- The scorpion has a sting that can be---------.
a) amazing b) suspicious c) thankful d) deadly
18- A--------can visit and help very sick children in hospitals as it shows them its love.
a) whippet b) sniffer dog c) sheep d) beagle

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Vocabulary “1”

- New vocabulary:
*break the ice: do something that makes others relax when you first meet them.
*have something in common: share interests or characteristics with someone else.
*trust (v.): to believe that you can rely on somebody/something.
*can't stand: hate or dislike
*respect: to feel or show admiration for someone or something that you believe has good
ideas or qualities.

verb + preposition Verb + preposition

*agree with *in love with *proud of
*rely on *angry with *similar to
*concentrate on *keen on
*listen to *jealous of
*belong to *ashamed of

# Choose the correct answer:

1- I really can't --------- people who criticize everything.
a) identify b) communicate c) stand d) know
2- It was the first time I met her so I gave some comments just to break the-----.
a) time b) ice c) way d) meeting
3- They were best friends for years but they don't have anything ---------.
a) in common b) on common c) at common d) same
4- When somebody lies, nobody can ---------him.
a) rely b) trust c) greet d) despise
5- My parents brought me up to --------- others.
a) rely b) lie c) respect d) hate
6- Malaysia and Indonesia --------- open markets for forest and fishery products.
a) ask out b) rely on c) break up d) hang out
7- I --------- every word you’ve just said.
a) go off b) eat out c) agree with d) go out
8- Adam was passionately--------- with her.
a) in love b) similar c) jealous d) different

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9- My parents felt --------- my effort and success in my new project.
a) jealous of b) ashamed of c) proud of d) disappointed
10- Layan is keen --------- studying birds and flowers.
a) on b) of c) at d) up
11- He is unable to --------- his academic work.
a) ask out b) go off c) angry with d) concentrate on
12- The basic design of the car is very --------- that of earlier models.
a) similar to b) ashamed of c) jealous of d) angry with
13- Hany was --------- his mistake, he stood with downcast eyes.
a) thankful b) proud of c) honest d) ashamed of
14- Peter is --------- Julia because he thinks he should have got the job not her.
a) delicious b) trendy c) jealous of d) successful
15- I was --------- myself for making such a stupid mistake.
a) reliable b) scruffy c) brave d) angry with
16- Don’t give up the things that--------- you and keep those lost things in memory.
a) break off b) go off c) belong to d) chop up
17- As a police officer you are expected to uphold the law whether you-----it or not.
a) agree with b) hang out c) break up d) argue
18- You can --------- him. He never lets you down.
a) embarrass b) rely on c) disappoint d) hide
19- Our company is --------- its reputation for fair dealing. It’s great.
a) angry with b) ashamed of c) proud of d) disappointed
20- Mr. Miller is very --------- art. He likes it very much.
a) courageous b) arrogant c) bored d) keen on
21- To my shame I refused to --------- her side of the story.
a) listen to b) despise c) suspect d) die out
22- A driver should --------- the road when driving.
a) argue with b) concentrate on c) break down d) trust
23- Diana was --------- her children’s bad behavior.
a) proud of b) ashamed of c) different from d) like
24- Who does this suitcase ---------?
a) similar to b) break up c) belong to d) go off

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- New vocabulary:
Vocabulary “2”
* argument (n.): a discussion or debate in which a number of people put forward different or
opposing opinions.
*disappoint (v.): dash someone’s hopes
* argue with: speak angrily to each other, with each of you giving your different opinions.
* look up to someone: to admire and respect
* hang out: spend time relaxing
* make-up: forgive each other
* ask someone out: invite on a date
* put someone down: make someone feel stupid, to criticize someone
* get on: like, be friends
* let someone down: disappoint somebody
* stick up for: support
* break up: split up, collapse, end a relation
# Choose the correct answer:
1- I never (argue – argues – argument – argumentative) with my parents.
2- I want to hang (out – up – in – at) with my friends.
3- They’ve really never (took in – pass away – got on – pass out) with each other.
4- Our team let us (in – on – up – down) after losing the match.
5- The couple broke (at – on – for – up) after ten years of marriage.
6- The twins usually (grow apart – stick up – look up to – stand down) for each other when
their mother gets annoyed with them.
7- Ali thinks he's cleverer than everybody else and is always putting us (up – off – on – down).
8- After the argument, you should (disappoint – make up – hang out – grow apart) and
9- He (asked – stuck – put – made) her out to dinner, but she had other plans.
10-Suddenly the (argue – argument – generation – stream) developed into a real fight.
11- David can’t (paint – marry – respect – disappoint) his public by retiring.
12- Students usually (look up to – put out – take in – go off) their teachers.
# Rewrite the following using the words in brackets :
1- Good friends always support each other. (stick)
2- I'm sorry that I disappointed you. (let down)

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* We use Relative Clauses to give more information about the subject or the object of a
sentence. They are introduced by the following words (relative pronouns):

*Who for people. (The book is about a boy who is homeless)

*Whose to show possession. (The woman whose purse was lost was very upset.)
*Which for things. (The program which was about guide dogs was very interesting.)
*Where for places. (This is the house where we grew up.)
*When for time. (A birthday is a time when you feel a bit emotional.)

Defining Relative Clauses

#Relative Clauses can be divided into:
Non-Defining Relative Clauses

-Defining Relative Clauses are used to:

* Give important information about a person, animal, thing or place.
*We don’t use commas.
*We can use that instead of which or who in defining relative clauses.
-These are the rescue workers who/that rescued a lot of people in the flood.

-Non-Defining Relative Clauses are used to:

*Give extra, (non-essential) information which isn’t necessary to understand the meaning of
the main clause.
*We use commas to separate it from the rest of the sentence.
-His father, who is a trainer, has a great love for dogs.
*We can’t use that instead of who or which.

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# Choose the correct answer:
1. I saw the boy (which – who – when - whose) destroyed your painting.
2. Mr. Jones (who – whose – where - when) wife was once a minister is a politician.
3. We always fear the things (where – which – who - when) are unknown.
4. The electricity will be connected (when – where – which - who) you pay the bill.
5. The girl (who – whose – whom - which) eyes are green, is my daughter.
6. This is the house (when – who – where - whose) I was born.
7. The clothes (where – who – when – which) are lying on the floor are theirs.
8. His car, (where – whose – when – which) cost him a lot, keeps breaking down.
9. The house in (where – who – when – which) we live, is new and large.
10. I don’t know the girl (where – who – when – which) is talking to Eyad?
11. I have two apples, (where – who – when – which) one do you want?
12. I don’t remember (where – who – when – which) I left my schoolbag.
13. The books (where – who – when – which) you need are at this library.
14. The boy, (where – whose – when – which) toy broke into pieces, cried loudly.
15. I got rid of the food (which – who – where - when) expired.
# Rewrite the following sentences:
1. Ahmed Zweil is an Egyptian scientist. He made many discoveries. (who)
2. Rami is my friend. He has passed the music test. (who)
3. He bought an expensive car. (which)
4. This car cost them a lot. It keeps breaking down. (which)
5. A man has gone to prison. He shot two policemen. (The man…..)
6. A footballer has been banned from playing again. He struggled with his opponent.
(The footballer…)
7. A bomb caused a lot of damage. It went off this morning. (The bomb…)
8. My dog always comes when I call him. His name is Rex. (whose)
9. Cairo is the city .I was born there. (where)
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General Exercises
- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Eyad: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?
Layan: I went to Lebanon. But ----------------------------------------------------------------------.
Eyad: ------------------------------------------------------------------didn't you like it?
Layan: It was really expensive. I finished all my money in two weeks.
Eyad: That was a pity -------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Layan: I sent a fax to my bank in Cairo to transfer some money to cover my expenses
Eyad: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
- Choose the correct answer:
1- She suffered from a (deadly- hiker- luggage- acquire) disease.
2- I (gave- made- put- cut) things up with my best friend after we fought together.
3- Adam loves his uncle because they have a lot of things (in different- in similar-expensive-
in common).
4- The programme (who- where- which- when) was about dogs was very interesting.
*Read the passage and then answer the questions:
Italy is a beautiful country with a lot of monuments and buildings. Among these buildings
is a famous tower which is known as "the leaning tower of Pisa". This building has a rather
funny story. The construction started in 1173 and five years later it was clear that the tower
wasn’t completely straight, it was leaning a little .There was nothing to do about that, so they
went on building it. During this period there were a lot of wars all over the world so working
on the tower stopped for many years but it was finally completed in 1350.The tower leans
more and more every year and all attempts to stop it were unsuccessful.
A) Answer the following:
1. Where is the "The leaning tower of Pisa"?
2. Why did the working on the tower stopped?
3. What is strange about the tower?
B) Choose the right word:
4. It took (200-150-177) years to complete the tower.
5. The underlined pronoun "it" refers to (the war- nothing- the tower –working)
6. They (were not able-managed – succeeded- didn’t succeed) to stop the leaning of the

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Writing “4”

* Write a short story which begins with the sentence Alex was the
best friend anyone could have (120-180 words) :

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CH.1 Phileas Fogg Hires a New Servant
1. Phileas Fogg was unusual. Discuss.
2. Why did Mr. Phileas Fogg dismiss his servant?
3. Why did Passepartout like Mr. Phileas Fogg?
Comment on the following:
1. “Your watch is four minutes slow.”

CH.2 Phileas Fogg Makes a Bet

1. What happened in the Bank of England?
2. In the Bank director's opinion, the world was a smaller place. Discuss.
3. What was the bet they made? How did it start?
4. What astonished the gentlemen after signing the bet?

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5. What did Mr. Fogg do with the money he won at the railway station? What would be the
proof of Fogg to the places he went?
6.Why did a police officer want to arrest Phileas Fogg?
Comment on the following:
1. “I don't believe in the unexpected.”

CH.3 Passpartout Says Too Much

1. People thought that the bet was just a clever trick. Explain.
2. Who was Mr. Fix? What did he want?
3. Why did Mr. Fix believe that the thief would not go to Bombay?
4. Why did Phileas Fogg want to have his passport stamped?
5. After having a talk with Passepartout, What made Mr. Fix certain of Phileas Fogg a thief?

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Comment on the following:
1. “That's why my work is not really a job. It's an art.”
2. “I need to keep him here for few days.”

CH.4 Passpartout Visits a Temple

1. Why was Mr. Fix disappointed?
2. Why did Mr. Fix go to the police station instead of catching the train?
Comment on the following:
“He would have been put in jail, and you would have to wait for him.”

CH.5 The Newspapers Are Wrong!

1. Why did Passepartout decide to support his master?
2 Why did the train stop at Kholby?
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3. What made Sir Francis angry?
4. What is a suttee?
Comment on the following:
“It's not a problem. We are two days ahead of schedule.”

CH.6 Phileas Fogg Meets Mrs. Aouda

1. Despite troubles, they decided to go ahead. Discuss.
2. What did the driver tell them about the young woman?
3. Why did the four men go to the temple of Pillagi?
4. What was Phileas's plan for Mrs. Aouda after the escape?
5. Why were they arrested in Calcutta?
Comment on the following:
“I have a rich relative in Hong Kong.”

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CH.7 On Board the Rangoon
1. What did Mrs. Aouda think about Mr. Phileas Fogg?
2. Why did Mr. Fix want to arrest Fogg as fast as possible?
3. Why did Passepartout decide to get revenge on Fix?
Comment on the following:
“Do you really believe this story of the bet to go around the world in eighty days?”

CH.8 Mr. Fix and Passepartout Have a Drink Together

1. What trick did Fix do with Passepartout? Why?
Comment on the following:
“Good, my master will be very happy. I'll go and tell him.”

CH.9 A Storm at Sea

1. How did Fogg try to help Passepartout?

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2. Why did Fix feel guilty towards Phileas Fogg?
Comment on the following:
“I think we need to take shelter in a port.”

CH.10 Passepartout Needs a Job

1. How did Passepartout get to Yokohama?
2. How did Passepartout have breakfast in Tokyo?
3. Why did Mr. Batulcar give Passepartout a job? What sort of job was it?
Comment on the following:
“The Carnatic! The Carnatic!”

CH.11 Crossing the Pacific Ocean

1. How did Phileas Fogg and Mrs. Aouda reach Yokohama?

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2. Who were the Sioux and the Pawnees?
3. Why was Phileas Fogg angry with Colonel Proctor? What did he promise to do?
Comment on the following:
1."No English gentleman should be insulted like that."

CH.12 Across America by Train

1. What did Passepartout and Fix do to prevent Fogg from seeing Colonel Stamp Proctor?
2. What happened to the train and the bridge after crossing the bridge?
Comment on the following:
1. "If he wants to fight Mr. Fogg, he will have to fight me first."
2. "If the train goes fast enough, we'll get across, even if the bridge falls down."

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CH.13 Attacked By Sioux!
1. Why didn't Phileas allow Passepartout and Fix to fight Colonel Proctor?
2. Passepartout was very brave when the Sioux attacked the train. Explain.
3. How did Fogg manage to rescue the hostages?
Comment on the following:
1. "If you don't get on now, we will leave you here!"
2."It's now or never."

CH.14 A strange Way to travel

1. Why did Mr. Fogg want Mrs. Aouda to stay at the station?
2. What did Passepartout and Mr Fix do after they jumped off the sledge?
3. What was the problem they had when they reached New York?

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Comment on the following:
1."I don't want to stay here! I will come with you!"

CH.15 Mr. Fix wins at last

1. Why did Phileas Fogg let Captain Speedy out of his cabin?
2. Why did Phileas Fogg burn so much of the ship?
3. What was Aouda’s reaction for taking Mr. Fogg to the prison?
Comment on the following:
1. “You are a pirate!”
2. “Here is sixty thousand dollars.”

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CH.16 Phileas Fogg Returns Home
1. What did Passepartout blame himself for?
2. What did Mr. Fogg want to do with Mrs. Aouda? Why?
3. How did Passpeprtout find out what day it was?
4. How did they win the bet although they were late five minutes?
5.How many days did it take for Phileas Fogg to travel around the world?
6. What did Mr. Fogg gain from the journey?
Comment on the following:
1. “It's all my fault!”
2. “I'm sorry that I brought you to England.”

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Introduction to Poetry

What is Poetry?
- Thoughts and emotions written in a rhyming way. It is divided into stanzas; each one
contains specific idea.

What is Stanza?
- Every poem is divided into stanzas. A stanza consists of two or more lines and it usually
deals or covers one item or idea.

What is meant by poet?

- The one who writes a poem.

What is meant by paraphrase?

- A way of re-explaining the poem using your own words.

Tools of the poet

* Rhyme Scheme
* Figures of speech
* Devices

What is RHYME SCHEME? -Words at the end of each line having the same sound.
There once was a big brown cat a
That liked to eat a lot of mice b
He got all round and fat a
Because they tasted so nice b

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- It is a mental picture. They are descriptive writing that appeals to the five senses.

METAPHOR - To give something the image of something else,

-Tiger, tiger, burning bright
*The poet gives the tiger the image of fire that burns strongly and brightly.

SIMILE- To compare two unlike things using like or as

-I wandered lonely as a cloud that floats on high over vales and hills.
*The poet likens himself to a cloud that floats high in the sky.
PERSONIFICATION - To give something the image of a person.
- I am busy, said the sea.
*The poet gives the sea the image of a person that can talk.


- Devices are tools used by a poet to help him improve his writing and deliver the message to
the reader easily and beautifully. They are divided into:

- The use of the same consonant sound at the beginning of many words in the same line.
-Unswerving, sovereign, serene and sole.
*The use of the same sound gives music that appeals our sense of hearing.

- The use of words with opposite meanings,
I wandered lonely as a cloud ,
that floats on high over vales and hills
*(Vales x hills) are opposite in meaning.
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- Sir Cecil Spring-Rice was born on February 1859.He was educated at Oxford. He was a
famous British diplomat who held many posts in the service of his country. He worked as a
British ambassador in the USA he was awarded many times.


- The poet compares between the man's job and the job of the other elements of nature. He
shows that man's job and task in life always end with death, but the natural elements remain
useful for the world till the "Dooms Day" (end of the world)

- The poem consists of five stanzas. Each stanza consists of four lines except the last stanza
consists of three lines. The lines are short and simple. The language used is simple but
beautiful. The rhyme scheme is easy and regular {aaaa, bbbb, cccc, dddd, ddd}. There are
some personifications and devices like alliteration and contrast.

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“I am busy,” said the sea.
“I am busy,” think of me
making continents to be.
“I am busy,” said the sea.

The poet states the elements that build the Earth and help us to live on it. He begins with the
Sea. He stresses on the work it does because the sea is one of the most important natural
elements. Here the sea talks about itself saying that it is busy. It builds lands that will exist in
the future. It asks us to think about its work. The sea insists that it is really busy.

Rhyme Scheme: (a, a, a, a)

Figures of Speech:

(" I am busy," said the sea.)
- The poet gives the sea the image of a person who can talk.

- The repetition of the sound (s) in the first line:
(said- sea) It gives music to appeal our sense of hearing.

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“I am busy,” said the rain
“When I fall it’s not in vain;
Wait and you will see the grain
“I am busy,” said the rain.

- in vain: useless
- grain: crops such as corn, wheat or rice

Here, the rain talks about itself saying that it is very busy as the sea. The rain has a great
importance. It doesn't fall uselessly. It is very important and useful to the land all over the
world as it helps in growing different kinds of crops and plants we need for our food to feed
the world, it is very busy doing an important job.

Rhyme Scheme: (b, b, b, b)

#Figures of Speech:

(" I am busy," said the rain.)
- The poet gives the rain the image of a person who can talk.

-The repetition of the sound (w) in the third line:
(wait –will) The repetition of the sound [w] gives music to appeal our sense of hearing.

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“I am busy,” said the air
Blowing here and blowing there
Up and down and everywhere
“I am busy,” said the air.

- The poet says that the air is busy doing lots of work all over the world, it gives living things;
oxygen and carbon dioxide to breath also it helps us to create electricity as well as it calms
the weather.

*Rhyme Scheme: (c, c, c, c).

# Figures of Speech:
("I am busy “, said the air)
- The poet gives the air the image of a person who can talk.

- There is a contrast between:
(here # there) and (up # down) , which stresses and emphasizes the meaning.

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“I am busy,” said the sun
All my planets, everyone
Know my work is never done
“I am busy,” said the sun.

Here, the poet talks about the work of the sun and how busy it is. He says that no one can
deny the importance of the sun. All the planets know very well that the sun does an important
job that is why they move around it. The poet stresses on the sun's job and that it never
finishes its work; it always shines, as long as there is life on earth, because if it finishes its
work nothing will exist.

*Rhyme Scheme: (d, d, d, d)

# Figures of Speech:
(" I am busy", said the sun)
- The poet gives the sun the image of a person who can talk.

There is a repetition of the sound (s) in the words: "said & sun" appeals to our sense of

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Sea and rain and air and sun,
Here’s a fellow toiler one,
Whose task will soon be done

- fellow: friend, companion
- toiler: worker
- task: job, work

- The poet ends the poem in a stanza of three lines which summarizes the idea of the poem.
He says that every day man has a job to do in life and he works hard to do his job in a good
way. His job isn't as important as the job of sun, rain, sea, and air because he will die one
day and another one will complete his job but the work of these elements of nature is
endless and they will never finish it.

*Rhyme scheme: (d, d, d).

# Figures of Speech:
- The repetition of the same consonant sound (s) in the first line (sea – sun) gives music
which appeals to our sense of hearing.

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by William Wordsworth

* "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" is one of the most famous and best-loved poems written in
the English language. It was composed by Romantic poet William Wordsworth.


- The poem is based on one of Wordsworth's own walks in the countryside of England's Lake
District. During this walk, he and his sister encountered a long strip of daffodils. In the poem,
these daffodils have a long-lasting effect on the speaker. "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" is
a Romantic poem, bringing together key ideas about imagination, humanity and the natural

* Commentary:
- The poem is composed of four stanzas. The rhyme scheme is (a, b, a, b, c, c). The poet
talked about the beauty of the daffodils. He talked about himself, about nature and about
himself in relation to nature.

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I wandered lonely as a cloud,
That floats on high over vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
* Vocabulary:
- wander: to walk without an aim - vales: small valleys.
- hills: raised areas of land smaller than a mountain - crowd: a large group
- host: a large number - daffodils : yellow flowers
- fluttering : moving / trembling - breeze: soft wind

* Paraphrase:
- The poet said that he was walking alone like a cloud in the sky. Then suddenly he saw a
large number of yellow flowers. They were moving and dancing beside the lake and under
the trees.

*Rhyme scheme: (a, b, a, b, c, c).

# Figures of Speech:
* Simile: "I wondered lonely as a cloud." The poet compares himself to a cloud floating alone
in the sky.

* Contrast: (vales x hills) / (high x beneath) emphasizes and stresses the meaning.

* Alliteration:
- (high & hills) the repetition of the sound (h) gives music to appeal our sense of hearing.
- (beside & beneath): the repetition of the sound [b] gives music to appeal our sense of

*Personification: "Fluttering and dancing in the breeze." the poet gives the flowers the
image of a person who dances with the soft wind.

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Continuous as the stars that shine,
And twinkle on the Milky Way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
-milky Way: group of stars in the sky -stretched: spread
-margin: free space -bay: coast
-glance: to look somewhere for a short time -tossing : throwing- raising
-sprightly: lively

In the second stanza the poet said that the daffodils stretched along the lake like the stars
that shine in the sky and like the waves in the bay.

*Rhyme scheme: (d, e, d, e, f, f).

* Simile: (Continuous as the stars that shine,) the poet compared the daffodils to the stars
that shine in the sky.

* Personification: (Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.) the poet described the daffodils
as human beings, dancing and moving their heads lively.

* Alliteration: (the / that) the repetition of the same constant sound / th / gives music to
appeal our some of hearing.

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The waves beside them danced; but they
Outdid the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be a gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed- and gazed- but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:
-outdid: became better than -glee: happiness
-gay: happy -jocund: happy, merry
-gaze: stare at, look fixedly at
The poet said that the daffodils and the waves in the bay were dancing, but the daffodils
were dancing better. He said that their happiness made him happy too.

*Rhyme scheme: (e, g, e, g, h, h).

* Alliteration: (beside-but) the repetition of the sound [b] gives music to appeal our sense of

* Personification: (The waves beside them danced) the poet gives the waves and
daffodils an image of a person that can dance.

* Alliteration:
- (but & be) the repetition of the sound [b] gives music to appeal our sense of hearing.
-(what-wealth) the repetition of the sound [w] gives music to appeal our sense of hearing.

Close Up 1st Preparatory (2022- 2023) P a g e 66 | 67

For often, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude:
And then-my heart with pleasure fills.
And dances with the daffodils.

-couch: sofa
-vacant: empty
-pensive: thoughtful
-inward eye: the eye of mind
-bliss: happiness

- The poet said that when he sat on his sofa in a thoughtful mood, he remembered the
daffodils and he became happy.

*Rhyme scheme: (i, j, i, j, b, b).

* Contrast: (vacant x pensive) emphasizes and stresses the meaning.

* Personification: And then-my heart with pleasure fills.

And dances with the daffodils
-The poet compares his heart to people who can dance.

Close Up 1st Preparatory (2022- 2023) P a g e 67 | 67

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