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Universidad de Panamá

Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Exactas y Tecnología

Escuela de Matemática – Licenciados en Matemáticos

Final work: “Mathematical Symbols”

Teacher: Rosa Amelia De Gracia Barahona

Participants: Fernando Isaac Sánchez Castillo (M) ID: 2-752-1886 - Coordinator

Abdel Ameth Rodriguez Lopez (M) ID: 3-754-861 – Member

José Pérez (M) ID: 10-715-2209 – Member

Yoselin Mabel Hernandez Rodriguez (F) ID: 9-763-2133 - Member

Meybis Minelys Moreno Vargas (F) ID: 8-1000-2306 - Member

Schedule Code: 4304

Date: July 10, 2022

Final work: “Mathematical Symbols”

Make a chart in the English language where you place the different mathematical symbols of
geometry, algebra, number classes, etc.
Make representative drawings in the box and put the name of each of the drawn symbols.

Outside the box give 15 examples in the language of what you have in the box without
repeating the symbol chosen for your sentence.

Branches of mathematics Symbols Drawing or figure

Greater- than >
Square root √
Equal =
First and last letters of the
a, b, c, x, y and z

If and only if ⇔
Right angle ⊾
Parallel ∥
Perpendicular ⊥
Triangle Δ
1st = First 6th = Sixth
2nd = Second 7th = Seventh

Ordinal numbers 3rd = Third 8th = Eighth

4th = Fourth 9th = Ninth
Number classes 5th = Fifth 10th = Tenth
I = One
V = Five
X = Ten
XL = Fourty
Roman numbers L = Fifty
XC = Ninety
C = One hundred
D = Five hundred
M = One thousand
0 = Zero
6 = Six
1 = One
7 = Seven
2 = Two
Cardinal numbers 8 = Eight
3 = Three
9 = Nine
4 = Four
10 = Ten
5 = Five

Event intersection

Event union probability

Conditional probability
Probability and statistics
Half Population μ
Expected value E(X)
Conditional expectivity E(X|Y)
Probability function P(A)
Difference var ( X )
Adition +
Subtraction -
Multiplication X, d and d
Arithmetic Division and /



Natural numbers

Integer numbers

Rational numbers
Numbers (Types of numbers)
Real numbers

Complex numbers

Set delimiters {,}

Set builder notation { : } and { | }
Empty set ∅
Ensemble membership ∈∉
Set theory Subset ⊆ and ⊂
Union ∪
Intersection ∩
Complement \
Sine Sin
Cosine Cos

Tangent Tan
Cosecant Cosec
Secant Sec
Cotangent Cot
Integration ∫
Derivation f'
Gradient ∇
Partial Bypass ∂

Note: On the next page are the prayers

Sentences with mathematical symbols

1. The blue FX is parallel to the red ZS line.

2. The square root of twenty-five equals five.

3. The Pythagorean theorem allows to find the legs of a triangle.

4. Joshua Bush came in third place in the tennis tournament in Australia

5. In the year CCCLXXXIV B.C, in Stagira, Greece, Aristotle was born, considered together
with Platon The Fathers of philosophy.

6. The children are learning the numbers from 0 to 10 in cardinal form.

7. The population mean (μ) is the arithmetic mean of all elements in the population.

8. The sum of 20A + 50A is equal to 70A

9. The multiplication of (-55f) x (35f) is equal to -1925f 2

10. Complex numbers make up a group of numbers resulting from the sum between a real
number and an imaginary number. Example: ( 7 + 1 i ) + ( 2 + 4 i ) = 9 + 5 i

11. Every element of X is also an element of Z. Example: X ⊆ Z

12. The sine of 90° is 1, while the cosine of 90° is 0

13. The tangent is the ratio between the opposite leg (a) and the adjacent leg (b).

14. The derivative allows us to study the existence of inflection points. For example: f (x)=12x3
the derivative is f '(x) = 36x2

15. The gradient is a multivariable generalization of the derivative.

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