Mbti Self Assessment

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MBTI - Self-Assessment

Behaviour in Organizations (McGill University)

Studeersnel wordt niet gesponsord of ondersteund door een hogeschool of universiteit

Gedownload door Peter Klokhuis (peterklokhuis@yahoo.com)

(Adapted from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)

Instructions: In the following questions, you are provided with a choice. You are to choose the word or
statement that most appeals to you or that you feel seems most characteristic of you. In some cases both
may be equally appealing/characteristic or unappealing/uncharacteristic. Nonetheless, please indicate
the one word or statement in each pair you prefer or you believe best suits you. There is no right or
wrong answers. Answer as quickly as possible. As a rule of thumb, trust your first impression. Once
completed, follow the scoring key to identify your possible 4-letter psychological type.

1. From the following pairs of words, which word is more appealing or best describes you? Circle
your choice.

(E) loud - quiet (I) (E) external - internal (I)

(S) experience - theory (N) (S) present - future (N)
(T) convincing - touching (F) (T) fair - tender (F)
(J) systematic - flexible (P) (J) definite - tolerant (P)
(E) active - reflective (I) (E) do - think (I)
(S) blue print - dream (N) (S) factual - symbolic (N)
(T) objective - subjective (F) (T) clarity - harmony (F)
(J) methodical - curious (P) (J) decisive - openminded (P)
(E) gregarious - private (I) (E) speak - write (I)
(S) details - pattern (N) (S) specific - general (N)
(T) head - heart (F) (T) reason - emotion (F)
(J) organized - spontaneous (P) (J) plan - adapt (P)
(E) outgoing - reserved (I) (E) talk - read (I)
(S) sensible - fascinating (N) (S) formula - hunch (N)
(T) just - humane (F) (T) professional - warm (F)
(J) deliberate - improvising (P) (J) control - freedom (P)
(E) sociable - detached (I) (E) breadth - depth (I)
(S) practical - creative (N) (S) build - invent (N)
(T) principled - passionate (F) (T) determined - devoted (F)
(J) exacting - impulsive (P) (J) permanent - changing (P)

Gedownload door Peter Klokhuis (peterklokhuis@yahoo.com)


2. From the following pairs of statements, which statement is more descriptive of you?
Check the appropriate box.

I am relaxed. (E) My energy grows at parties. (E)

I am intense. (I) My energy wanes at parties. (I)

I like routine. (S) I am present oriented. (S)

I like variety. (N) I am future oriented. (N)

I am critical. (T) I focus on ideas. (T)

I am personable. (F) I focus on ideals. (F)

I like things structured. (J) I persevere. (J)

I like things unstructured. (P) I procrastinate. (P)

I like to talk. (E) Others influence me. (E)

I like to listen. (I) I am inner directed. (I)

I like details. (S) My focus is on reality. (S)

I like the big picture. (N) My focus is on inspiration. (N)

I am direct. (T) I concentrate on tasks. (T)

I am tactful. (F) I concentrate on relationships. (F)

I am punctual. (J) I live up to standards. (J)

I am leisurely. (P) I am open to new experiences. (P)

I look for activity. (E) I respond quickly. (E)

I seek quiet time. (I) I respond tentatively. (I)

I use my five senses. (S) I work on solving problems. (S)

I rely on my sixth sense. (N) I discover problems. (N)

I am hard-headed. (T) I show justice. (T)

I am soft-hearted. (F) I show mercy. (F)

I aim to be right. (J) I live to plan. (J)

I accept being wrong. (P) I like unplanned activities. (P)

Gedownload door Peter Klokhuis (peterklokhuis@yahoo.com)


3. From the following pairs of statements, select the one that best describes you in work
situations. Check the appropriate box.

Like having people around E or Like working alone I

Usually take a step-by-step approach S or Usually proceed in bursts of energy N

Use logical analysis to reach conclusions T or Use values to reach conclusions F

Like to get things settled and finished J or Like to leave things open-ended P

Often act quickly, sometimes without Like to think before acting, sometimes
thinking E or without acting I

Enjoy applying what I’ve already learned S or Enjoy learning new skill more than using it N

Can work without harmony T or Work best in harmony with others F

Like to plan my work and follow my plan J or Enjoy flexibility in my work P

Develop ideas by discussion E or Develop ideas by reflection I

Seldom make errors of fact S or May make errors of fact N

May hurt people’s feeling without knowing it T or Like to please people, even on small things F

Reach closure by deciding quickly J or Put off decisions while looking for options P

Like variety and action E or Like quiet for concentration I

Like to do practical things S or Like to do creative things N

Tend to be firm minded and criticises others Tend to be sympathetic and avoid telling
when appropriate T or people unpleasant things F

May not notice new things that need doing J or May postpone things that need doing P

Often impatient with long, slow jobs E or Don’t mind working on long, slow jobs I

Like to give details of my work first S or Like to give an overview of my work first N

Feel rewarded when job is well done T or Feel rewarded when people’s needs are F

Seek structure and schedules J or Adapt well to changing situations and feel P
restricted without change

Gedownload door Peter Klokhuis (peterklokhuis@yahoo.com)


Scoring Key

Instructions: For each page, add up how many times you selected each letter. Then add up your scores
for all the pages (note that each pair equals 21). Enter the letter of the pair (i.e. E or I, S or N, T or F, and
J or P) that received the highest score. These letters represent your MBTI Type profile.

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E or I S or N T or F J or P

J or P

Gedownload door Peter Klokhuis (peterklokhuis@yahoo.com)

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