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Philadelphia University
Faculty of Information Technology
Department of Computer Science

Computer Logic Design

Dareen Hamoudeh

Dareen Hamoudeh 1

Chapter 8
Sequential Circuits


Classification of Combinational Logic

Sequential circuits
• Sequential circuits use current input variables and previous
input variables by storing the information and putting back
into the circuit on the next clock (activation) cycle.
• (Sequential circuit = Combinational logic + Memory Elements)

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Memory Element
• A Memory Element: logic device that can store a binary
information, this binary information defines the state of the circuit.
• Can remember value indefinitely, or change its value on command
from its inputs.
• Current State of a sequential Circuit: Value stored in memory
elements (value of state variables).
• State transition: A change in the stored values in memory elements
thus changing the sequential circuit from one state to another
• Types of sequential circuits depending on the timing of their signals:
– Synchronous
– Asynchronous

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Memory Element
• The output Q of the memory element represents the value
stored in the memory element. This is also called the state
variable of the memory elements.
• A memory element can be in one of two possible states:
– Q = 0 (the memory element has 0 stored), also said be in
state 0.
– Q =1 (the memory element has 1 stored), also said to be
in state 1.
• A sequential circuit that contains n memory elements could
be in one of a maximum of 2n states at any given time
depending on the stored values in the memory elements.
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Memory Element
• The commands to the memory element formed
by its input(s) may include:
– Set: Store 1 (Q=1) in the memory element.
– Reset: Store 0 (Q=0) in the memory element.
– Flip: Change stored value from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0.
– Hold value: Memory value does not change.
• Memory Element state transition: A change in
the stored value from 0 to 1, or from 1 to 0 such
as that caused by a flip command.

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Synchronous Sequential circuits

• Synchronous Sequential circuits must employ signals
that affect the memory elements only at discrete
instance of time using pulses of limited duration,
where one pulse represents logic 1 and another pulse
represents logic 0.
• Synchronization is achieved by a timing device called
master-clock generator.
• (Synchronous Sequential Circuits: Sequential circuits
that have a clock signal as one of its inputs)
• Synchronous Sequential circuits that use clock pulses in
the input of memory elements are called clocked
sequential circuits.

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Clock Signals
• A clock signal is a periodic square wave that
indefinitely switches values from 0 to 1 and 1
to 0 at fixed intervals.

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Sequential Circuit Memory Elements:

(Latches, Flip-Flops)
• Latches and flip-flops are the basic single-bit memory
elements used to build sequential circuit with one or
two inputs/outputs, designed using individual logic
gates and feedback loops.
– Latches: The output of a latch depends on its current
inputs and on its previous inputs and its change of
state can happen at any time when its inputs change.
– Flip-Flop: The output of a flip-flop also depends on
current and previous input but the change in output
(change of state or state transition) occurs at specific
times determined by a clock input.

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Clocked sequential circuits.

• Memory elements used here are called flip-
• These circuits are binary cells that can store
one bit of information.

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• Flip-flop types:
– Basic flip flop circuit (latch).
– RS flip-flop.
– D flip-flop.
– JK flip-flop.
– T flip-flop.

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Basic flip flop circuit


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Basic flip flop circuit (latch)

S = 1 and R = 0
– Gate 1 output in ‘complement ’ condition: Q=1.
– Gate 2 in ‘always 0’ condition: Qꞌ=0.
• This is the Set condition.
S = 0 and R = 0
– Gate 1 remains in ‘complement ’ condition: Q=1.
– Gate 2 remains in ‘always 0’ condition: Qꞌ=0.
• This is the hold condition.
Logic Diagram
S = 0 and R = 1
– Gate 1 output in ‘always 0’ condition: Q=0.
S R Q Qꞌ
– Gate 2 in ‘complement’ condition : Qꞌ=1.
• This is the Reset condition. 1 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 (After S=1, R=0)
S = 0 and R = 0
– Gate 1 remains in ‘always 0’ condition: Q=0. 0 1 0 1
– Gate 2 remains in ‘complement’ condition: Qꞌ=1 0 0 0 1 (After S=0, R=1)
• This is the hold condition.
1 1 0 0
S = 1 and R = 1 Truth Table
– Gate 1 in ‘always 0’ condition: Q=0.
– Gate 2 in ‘always 0’ condition: Qꞌ=0.
Dareen Hamoudeh 14
• This is the illegal condition


Basic flip flop circuit

•A flip-flop has two useful states, when:
•Q=1 and Qꞌ =0  Set state.
•Q=0 and Qꞌ =1 Reset state (clear).

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Basic flip flop circuit

with NAND gates

Logic Diagram

S R Q Qꞌ
1 0 0 1
1 1 0 1 (After S=1, R=0)
0 1 1 0 Truth Table

1 1 1 0 (After S=0, R=1)

0 0 1 1

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RS flip-flop
(Clocked) RS flip-flop

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Dareen Hamoudeh


RS flip-flop
(Clocked) RS flip-flop

Function Table
With the condition:

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D flip-flop
(gated D-latch)
• To eliminate the undesirable condition of the
indeterminate state in the RS flip-flop.
• Ensures that inputs S and R are never equal to
1 at the same time.
• Has only two inputs: D, CP.

Dareen Hamoudeh


D flip-flop
(gated D-latch)
• D input goes with S input,
• D’s complement goes with R input
• If CP=0  gate 3 and 4 outputs =1.. And the
circuit does not change state.
• If CP=1 if D=1 then Q=1.. (Set state).
• If CP=1if D=0 then Q=0..(Clear state).
(The next state = D, whether Q=1 or Q=0)

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D flip-flop
(gated D-latch)

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D flip-flop
• D flip-flop refers to its ability to hold data into
its internal storage.
• The CP input sometimes called G (gate)
because it enables the gated latch to make
possible data entry into the circuit.

Dareen Hamoudeh 23

JK Flip-Flop
• It is a refinement of RS flip-flop where the
indeterminate state is defined here.
• Input J is set and K is Reset.
• When J=K=1 the flip-flop switches to its
complement (last state is inverted):
– if Q=1 it switches to Q=0.
– if Q=0 it switches to Q=1.

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JK Flip-Flop
– When J=K=1: then CP transmitted through one AND gate only
(the one whose input is connected to flip-flop output that is
presently =1):
– If Q=1 the upper K’s AND =1  flip-flop is Cleared.
– If Qꞌ=1 the upper J’s AND =1  flip-flop is Set.

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JK Flip-Flop

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JK Flip-Flop
• Problems:
– Because of the feedback connection in the JK flip-flop, CP
will still =1 while J=K=1 will cause the output to
complement again and repeat complementing until the
• To avoid this, CP must have shorter time duration (pulse width)
than the flip-flop delay time.
• This is a restrictive requirement.
• Solution:
• JK flip-flop is not constructed like this.
• Restriction on pulse width can be eliminated with a
Master-Slave or Edge-Triggered construction.
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T flip-flops
• Is a single-input version of JK flip-flop.
• It is obtained from JK flip-flop when both
inputs are tied together.
• T refers to the ability of flip-flop to Toggle or
complement its state.

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T flip-flops
• When CP=1:
if T=1  flip-flop complements its current state.
If T=0  next state = present state (no change).
( )

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T flip-flops

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Triggering of Flip-flops

Triggering of Flip-flops
• The state of a flip-flop is changed by a momentary change in the input
• This change is called a trigger and the transition it causes is said to trigger
the flip-flop.
• The feedback path between the combinational circuit and memory
elements can produce instability if the outputs of the memory elements
(flip-flops) are changing while the outputs of the combinational circuit
that go to the flip-flop inputs are being sampled by the clock pulse.
• Two types of flip-flops that synchronizes the state changes during a clock
pulse transition :
– Master-Slave Flip-Flop
– Edge Triggered Flip-Flop

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Triggering of Flip-flops
• To solve the feedback timing problem is to
make the flip-flop sensitive to the pulse
transition rather than the pulse duration.

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Triggering of Flip-flops
• Example: The D flip-flop if level sensitive (triggered
on pulse duration)

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Edge Triggered Flip-Flop

• When the clock pulse input exceeds a specific
threshold level, the inputs are locked out and the
flip-flop is not affected by further changes in the
inputs until the clock pulse returns to 0 and
another pulse occurs.
• Some edge-triggered flip-flops cause a transition
on the:
– Positive edge of the clock pulse (positive-edge-
triggered) or (Rising-edge-triggered).
– Negative edge of the pulse (negative-edge-triggered)
or (Falling-edge-triggered).

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D flip-flop
• The D flip-flop:

Graphic Symbol

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D flip-flop
• Example: Positive-edge-triggered D flip-flop.

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D flip-flop

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D flip-flop
• Cp=0 S=R=1 (steady state)

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D flip-flop
• S=0 & R=1  Q=1 ..(set)
• S=1 & R=0  Q=0 ..(Clear)

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D flip-flop

Graphic Symbol

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Master-Slave Flip-flops

Master-Slave Flip-flops
• It is constructed from 2 flip-flops: one serves
as master and the other as slave.
• The following is RS master-slave flip-flop:

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RS master-slave flip-flop
• It consists of: master flip-flop, slave flip-flop
and an inverter.
• When CP=0:
– Slave is Enabled Q = Y & Qꞌ = Yꞌ.
– Master is Disabled.
• When CP=1:
– R & S inputs transmitted to Master.
– Slave Disabled.

Dareen Hamoudeh 45

RS master-slave flip-flop

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RS master-slave flip-flop
Timing Relationship:
• Assume the flip-flop
Is in clear state, so Q=Y=0
• When CP=0 :
- No change.
• When CP changes from
0 to 1:
Master Set & Y=1.

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J-K Master-Slave Flip-Flop

• Solves the problem in the problem when both S=R=1
- When J=K=1 the last state is inverted.

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J-K Master-Slave Flip-Flop

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Analysis of Clocked Sequential



Analysis of Clocked Sequential Circuits

• Behavior of sequential circuit is determined by:
– Inputs.
– Outputs.
– Flip-flop state.
• (Outputs & Next state ) are functions to ( inputs &
present state).
• Analysis is to obtain:
– table, diagram for time sequence of (inputs, outputs,
– write Boolean expressions (to describe behavior of
circuit) that include necessary time sequence.

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Sequential circuit example

• The following clocked sequential circuit
consists of:
– Two D flip-flops A and B,
– Input x.
– Output Y.

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Dareen Hamoudeh 53

1- State equation
• Is an algebraic expression that specifies the
condition for a flip-flop state transition:
– Left side: denotes the next state of flip-flop.
– Right side: Boolean expression that specifies present
state & input conditions to make next state =1.
• Next state equations:
– A(t+1)= A . x + B . X
– B(t+1)= Aꞌ . x
• Present state of the output:
– Y= (A + B) xꞌ

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2- State Table
• Enumerates the sequence of inputs, outputs and flip-flop
states. It consists of 4 sections :
– Current state .
– Input.
– Next state (must satisfy the state equation).
– Output.
• First: we should list all possible combinations of current
states and inputs.
• Second: next-state and output values are determined from
state equations.
• Number of rows (combinations) = 2 m + n , where:
– m :number of flip-flops.
– n: number of inputs.

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2- State Table
In the example there are:
• Two flip-flops, so m=2.
• One input (x), so n=1.
• Then we have 23 combinations

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2- State Table

Next state equations:

A(t+1)= A . x + B . X
B(t+1)= Aꞌ . x
Present state of the output:
Y= (A + B) xꞌ

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3- State Diagram
• The information in the state table can be
represented graphically:
– State is represented be a circle.
– Transition between states represented by directed

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3- State Diagram
• Binary numbers inside
circles identifies flip-
flop states.
• Binary numbers on
lines separated by “/”:
– first number : input.
– Second number:
• Directed line
connecting circle with
itself means no change.

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4- Input Functions
• The part of the circuit that generates the
inputs to flip-flop are described algebraically
by a set of Boolean functions.
• Also called input equations.
– We use two letters:
• First is the name of the input.
• Second is the name of the flip-flop.

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4- Input Functions
• For the following circuit, input functions are:
 JA= B Cꞌ x + Bꞌ C xꞌ
 KA= B + y

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4- Input Functions
• Example:
Write the input functions For the circuit in the
following slide.

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4- Input Functions
• Solution:

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Example 1

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Example 2

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Example 3


Dareen Hamoudeh 67

Analysis with JK and other flip-flops


Analysis with JK and other flip-flops

• In D flip-flop we can derive the next state
directly from next state equation.
• In other types we must return to the
characteristic table:
– Obtain the binary values of each flip-flop input
function in terms of the current state and input
– Use the corresponding flip-flop characteristic table
to determine the next state.
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characteristic tables

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characteristic tables

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1- input functions
• Flip-flop A:
– JA= B
– KA= B xꞌ
• Flip-flop B:
– JB= xꞌ
– KA= A x =(Aꞌ x + A xꞌ)

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2- state table

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3- state diagram

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Excitation table


Excitation table
• characteristic table:
– Useful for analysis and for defining the operation of
– Specifies next state when inputs and current state are
• But, Some times we only know the transition
from current state to next state and want to find
the flip-flop input conditions that causes the
required transition. So we use Excitation table.

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Excitation table

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