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*List soal English for tourism*

*KELOMPOK 3 (doing the meal)*

1.) how to choose ingredients for our healthy meal?


In choosing healthy food ingredients, we must pay attention to the following things:

1.Does not contain artificial coloring

2. Pass BPOM Test

3. Check Expiration Date

4. Food Temperature

5. Pay attention to the nutritional value of each food ingredient

6. contains lots of nutrients

7. Choose the lower fat versions of a food if possible

8. Choose lean meat cuts.

2.) Whats difference between type meal american plan and modified American plan ?


Full room and board with three meals included at a hotel or tavern has hence been known as an
American Plan. A reduced two-meal lodging package is called a Modified American Plan and is often
more practical for modern travelers.

*Kelompok 8 (hotel check in)*

1. What is the importance of check-in procedure?

Guest check-in is an important touchpoint between a hotel and guest. Usually the first time a guest
comes face to face with a property, check-in is the moment where the guest's initial impressions are
formed and, as we all know, first impressions count.

2.How do hotels do room checks?

The hotel guest check-in procedure involves all stages from arrival of a guest to the issuance of the room
key to the guest; 1) Receiving and Registration 2) Allocation of the room 3) Secure advance Payment 4)
Information service 5) Complete the check-in formalities 6).

*Pertanyaan Group 5 (Hotel Reservation)*

1. State and explain What are the types of reservation?

Answer :

1) New Reservation, which is the first reservation made by a visitor.

2) Amended Reservation, which is a reservation that has been changed or


3) Canceled Reservation, namely the cancellation of the reservation

4) Confirm Reservation, which is a reservation that has been confirmed

and will definitely be booked.

2. Explain what is meant by confirmed reservation!

Answer :

Confirmed reservation is a room reservation that has been agreed by the hotel with evidence in the
form of a confirmation letter sent to the
guest concerned. This confirmation letter must be brought by the guest at the time of check-in as proof
to get a room.

*Kelompok 6*

1."The existence of a hotel booking application is able to facilitate business while on vacation?"

The answer:

Through the application, you can easily sort hotels according to your budget. Surely this will provide a
separate experience rather than looking for a hotel in a conventional way. Besides being more practical,
of course this can also minimize the budget that swells while on vacation.

Because through the application below, you already know for sure the type and price of the hotel you
will be staying in later.

1. Traveloka


3. Trivago


5. PegiPegi


7. Mister Aladin

8. Airy Rooms

9. Airbnb

10. RedDoorz

2. What are the disadvantages of making hotel reservations through the hotel website?
If there is, what is the loss?

The Answer:

booking through the hotel website has its downsides.

The disadvantage is that not necessarily the hotel we want has a website. As for hotels that already have
a website, there is not necessarily a special staff who is always responsible for managing the website. So,
often the response from the hotel seems slow.

Kelompok 7

1. What the definition of check in hotel ?

Answer : Check In is a Hotel guest who books a room after taking care of administration then stays for a
few days.A hotel is a form of public service that offer a service in terms of providing housing, which
temporary nature and at certain times for anyone who need it.Usually, those who want to stay at a
hotel are people who are traveling in a certain area, where These people come from areas that are not
the same as the place the hotel is located.

2.what are we going to do when Stage Advance Payment.

Answer : 1. Advance payment should be done for security purpose. It is usually done by accepting a cash
deposit or taking a credit card.2. While handling advance deposit, whether cash/ cheque, always:3. Issue
a receipt for cash/ cheque and record the payment in the guests ‘ledger.4. Accept credit card and
evaluate for its credit limit and availability.5. Get the imprint of the card and obtain a guest signature.6.
Get a pre-authorization (pre-auth) from the Credit Card company or EDC machine for the required
amount and record the same to the reservation.

*Kelompok 12 ( Shopping And Souvenir)*

*Nama Kelompok :*

1. Farhana Alya Kamila

2. Ardya Febyanda Azzahra

*1. What makes a souvenir special?*

*Answer :*

A souvenir is valued not for the item itself but for the memories connected with it. Souvenirs remind
people of the places they've been and the wonderful experiences they've had. A souvenir can be a mass-
produced trinket from a shop, or it can be something found or collected by a visitor.

*2. Why do we should collect souvenirs whenever we on travel to foreign city or country?*

*Answer :*

Taking something back home, such as a souvenir, can remind of the memories or allow you to share
your experience with your family and friends, but there are so many more reasons there are : keeping
memories, sharing experiences with family and friends, and keeping study abroad memories.

Kelompok 1 (Dishes)

Nama Kelompok :

- Sulis Septiani

-Yerico Ferginan

1. why is food called a dish?

2. is pizza a food or dish?

Answer :

1. The word dish has two meanings. One is a physical object used to hold cook and serve food.
2. Pizza (Italian: [ˈpittsa], Neapolitan: [ˈpittsə]) is a dish of Italian origin consisting of a usually round, flat
base of leavened wheat-based dough topped with tomatoes, cheese, and often various other
ingredients (such as various types of sausage, anchovies, mushrooms, onions, olives, vegetables, meat,
ham, etc.)

Group 4 (Doing the meal)

-Mirella Angelina

-Awwaliya muttaqih

-Febri Pratama Putra

" Doing the meal "

1. Based on your understanding, what is doing the meal?

2. How many kinds of meal are there?

Answer :

1.A meal is an eating occasion that takes place at a certain time and includes consumption of food.

2. There are three kinds of meal. They are Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Kelompok 11 (Handling Complain)

1.) When customers are dissatisfied with the service you're providing, they will be one of four kinds of
complainers, what are they?


-Aggressive complainer, is controlling, practical and decisive. To get on their wavelength, avoid small talk
and get straight down to business. Give them options so they feel they're staying in control.

-Expressive complainer, they are more sociable and impulsive. They will respond to an enthusiastic
presentation style and need time to talk.
- Passive complainers, are the most lethal to a business' success, as they will complain to everyone but
the actual business.

- The constructive complainer is organised and critical. They are perfectionists who can suffer from
'paralysis under analysis'. Give them plenty of detail and proof to win them over.

2.) What is the best way to handle customer complaints properly and politely?


1. Accept Complaints Well. ...

2. Show Empathy and Good Communication....

3. Map Customer Complaints Problems.....

4. Immediately Handle Complaints Quickly....

5. Provide the Best Solution....

Kelompok 9 (check out hotel):

1. What are the things that need to be considered before we check out the hotel?


1. Returning hotel furniture to its original place

Usually when we're staying at a hotel, we often, move a chair or table to make it easier,activity while
indoors. Especially when you,holding small children, usually likes to move around,the items in the room.

Before checkout, it's a good idea to return room furniture to its original place. Besides being able to
check items, you can also make it easier for hotel staff to clean the room.

2. Check all places including the bed

Before leaving the room, check the cupboards, drawers and bed. Make sure none of your stuff is left
behind. Especially if you bring small children. They can just put their stuff anywhere.
3. Tidying up the bed Besides checking all the places, don't forget to fold the sheets or bed covers before
leaving the hotel room. As well as helping the staff, this is to make sure nothing gets tucked under the
sheets or blankets.

4. Put used towels in the bathroom Put used towels in the bathroom, especially if they are still wet. That
way, hotel staff only need to bring a pile of wet towels and immediately put them in the laundry basket.

5. Don't forget to unplug the charger. Trivial but often left behind. Because they are small, we often
forget about them. So make sure all the sockets are empty, no charger plugged in.

6. Put personal food in the fridge Some people like to put groceries in the fridge. So when you are going
to pay make sure you take it out.

7. Stack food packaging near the trash. If you pay attention, usually the trash cans in hotel rooms are
small. Of course this is not able to accommodate the rest of the food.

So, before checkout, stack food packaging next to the trash. Do not let piles of garbage scattered in the

2. What is the difference between checkout and departure?


Normally, check out is expected on the departure date, but early check outs are easily handled as well.
The Check Out function is available when the checked in reservation's departure date is the same as the
property's current business date.

Kelompok 10( hotel check out)


How to cek out hotel properly

Answer :

1.The first thing you can do is, go to the receptionist to carry out the Check-out process

2.Then after that, the receptionist will contact the Housekeeping officer using HT to inform that you will
be checking out

3.After that, you can pay the bill to the Receptionist clerk such as additional laundry, mini bar or other

4.Next, the task of the front desk agent is to receive payments as well as print the billing that you pay at
the hotel

5.After you receive the billing and go to it, then after that you are ready to Check-out

6.And finally, you can immediately check-out and leave the counter


Is it possible to rent a hotel but check out the same day without staying overnight?


How to check out the hotel before the time is very easy, all you have to do is report to the receptionist
that you want to check out right away. The receptionist will immediately calculate your bill if there are
additional items. After that, return the card or hotel room key.

And also please note that each hotel has its own terms and conditions relating to the minimum duration
of a guest's stay. However, the majority of hotels stipulate that the minimum duration of a guest's stay is
one day and one night. Generally, the minimum duration for renting a hotel room is six hours. Transit
hotel rates vary, but are usually cheaper than regular hotels. However, there are a number of guests
who use hotel rooms for day use needs, alias less than one day and one night. Even though it is less than
one day and one night, the guest still has to pay the full room rate for one day and one night.

KELOMPOK 2 (explaining dishes)


1. What are the advantages of reservations for hotels?

Answer: For service providers, reservations can make it easier for them to prepare all guest needs,
prepare facilities before consumers use them, and know the capacity of the place on a certain day so
that it will not overlap with other consumers.

2. What the explaning dishes?

Answer: A dish is a dish of food that is characterized by the preparation of unique ingredients,
techniques, and mixtures that are usually associated with a particular culture or geographic area.

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