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Improving intergroup relations between Catholics and Protestants

in Northern Ireland via E-contact
Fiona A. White*, Rhiannon N. Turner† , Stefano Verrelli* , Lauren J. Harvey* &
Jeffrey R. Hanna†
* School of Psychology, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
† School of Psychology, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, UK

Correspondence Abstract
Fiona A. White, School of Psychology (A18),
The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Northern Ireland is characterised by extensive segregation between its pre-
2006, Australia. dominantly Catholic and Protestant communities. With the aim of over-
E-mail: coming this segregation, the current study experimentally evaluated the
effectiveness of electronic or E-contact as a novel indirect contact and prej-
Received: 23 July 2017 udice-reduction strategy. Here, Catholic and Protestant participants were
Accepted: 25 May 2018 not required to meet physically but were involved in a collaborative and
goal-orientated online interaction with a member of the other community.
As predicted, E-contact improved both Catholics’ and Protestants’ outgroup
attitudes via improved contact expectancies and reduced intergroup anxi-
Keywords: intergroup contact, computer-
mediated communication, prejudice,
ety. These findings provide support for the contemporary role of online
anxiety, religion interactions in actively overcoming the physical and psychological barriers
that often prevent prejudice reduction in segregated communities.

During the late 20th century, Northern Ireland experi- not require face-to-face interactions but allows mem-
enced three decades of violent ethno-political conflict bers from segregated groups to interact over the
between Irish nationalists and unionists, who predom- Internet.
inantly self-identify as Catholic and Protestant, respec-
tively (Cairns & Darby, 1998). Despite the apparent
movement towards peace over the last two decades, Intergroup Contact in Northern Ireland
the region has remained physically and psychologi-
cally divided along religious lines. Most notably, Despite the barriers that divide Catholics and Protes-
approximately half of the population continues to tants in Northern Ireland, intergroup contact has been
reside in segregated neighbourhoods, the majority of touted as an effective strategy to reduce prejudice and
people do not have a friendship network outside their improve intergroup relations between these two com-
religious community, and most children (around munities (Hewstone & Hughes, 2015). An extensive
95%) attend religiously segregated schools (Cairns & series of cross-sectional studies has consistently
Hewstone, 2002; McKeown, 2013). While religious demonstrated that Catholics and Protestants who
segregation is not the root of the Northern Ireland reported positive contact with members of the other
conflict, it has played a critical role in maintaining it community also reported more positive outgroup atti-
(Hewstone et al., 2005). tudes (e.g., Paolini, Hewstone, & Cairns, 2007; Paolini,
In contrast, extensive social psychological research Hewstone, Cairns, & Voci, 2004; Tam, Hewstone, Ken-
has demonstrated that positive contact between worthy, & Cairns, 2009; Tausch, Tam, Hewstone, Ken-
groups, in particular contact that involves equal sta- worthy, & Cairns, 2007; Turner, Tam, Hewstone,
tus between the groups, intergroup cooperation Kenworthy, & Cairns, 2013; Voci, Hewstone, Swart, &
rather than competition, achievement of a common Veneziani, 2015). While intergroup contact may
goal, and institutional support, can reduce conflict appear to be a panacea for prejudice in Northern Ire-
and improve intergroup relations (Allport, 1954; Pet- land, this solution relies on both Catholics and Protes-
tigrew, 1998; Pettigrew & Tropp, 2006). Pragmati- tants to have the opportunity for contact. In reality,
cally, however, how can intergroup contact be however, and as described above, these communities
successfully applied to reduce prejudice in contexts are extremely segregated, making direct contact
with high levels of segregation, such as Northern Ire- impractical (McKeown, 2013). But even when the
land? The current study will attempt to address this opportunity for contact exists, negative expectations
question by experimentally evaluating a contempo- and anxiety relating to the intergroup encounter may
rary extension of the contact hypothesis, which does lead to superficial or negative interactions that prevent

European Journal of Social Psychology 49 (2019) 429–438 ª 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 429
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E-contact in Northern Ireland F. A. White et al.

prejudice reduction (Plant & Devine, 2003; Stephan & reduction does not require groups to meet physically.
Stephan, 1985). The unique characteristics of the Internet dissolve the
In an attempt to address these concerns, researchers physical and psychological barriers that often separate
have examined indirect forms of contact between groups (Amichai-Hamburger & McKenna, 2006),
Catholics and Protestants, which do not require face- making contact possible in contexts of segregation.
to-face intergroup interactions. To our knowledge, Moreover, in contrast to other indirect contact
however, this attempt has been limited to a single strategies, like extended contact, the synchronous nat-
indirect contact paradigm, namely extended contact ure of the Internet enables members from both groups
(Wright, Aron, McLaughlin-Volpe, & Ropp, 1997). to be actively involved in the same intergroup encoun-
Here, both Catholics and Protestants who reported ter (White, Harvey, & Verrelli, 2015), which can be
knowledge that a member of their community had a structured to incorporate Allport’s (1954) facilitating
close relationship with a member of the other commu- contact conditions (Amichai-Hamburger & McKenna,
nity also reported more positive outgroup attitudes 2006). These conditions can be achieved by connect-
(Paolini et al., 2004, 2007; Tam et al., 2009; Turner ing an ingroup and outgroup member in a collabora-
et al., 2013). Even though extended contact ostensibly tive (i.e., cooperation) and goal-orientated (i.e.,
does not require groups to meet physically, its effec- common goal) online interaction under the supervi-
tiveness is still dependent on direct contact, albeit once sion of a chat moderator (i.e., authority support). The
removed. Moreover, extended contact appears only to online exchange can also be designed to allow each
be effective via proximal contacts that are central to member to contribute equally to the interaction and to
individuals’ social networks, such as friends or family, the achievement of the shared goal (i.e., equal status).
rather than distal contacts, such as neighbours or work Together, these situational factors, which have largely
colleagues (Tausch, Hewstone, Schmid, Hughes, & not been considered in other contact research con-
Cairns, 2011). Consequently, similar to direct contact, ducted in Northern Ireland, should allow for personal
extended contact may not be a practical prejudice- involvement and intimacy during the interaction
reduction strategy in Northern Ireland, where the (White, Harvey, & Abu-Rayya, 2015) and facilitate
majority of Catholics and Protestants grow up with positive attitude change (Pettigrew & Tropp, 2006).
few close contacts from outside their community In acknowledging these strengths, White and Abu-
(McKeown, 2013). Rayya (2012; see also White, Abu-Rayya, & Weitzel,
In addition, this extensive body of direct and indirect 2014) recently developed, and experimentally evalu-
contact research has not been experimental in nature, ated, a structured E-contact programme to improve
which has immensely limited the interpretation and relations between Muslim and Christian high school
generalisability of past findings. Rather than positive students from religiously segregated schools in Aus-
contact reducing prejudice, the opposite causal tralia. The programme required Muslim–Christian
sequence may also be true (Pettigrew, 1998). In light dyads to collaborate on problem-based activities in a
of the protracted history of sectarian conflict in North- synchronous and text-based chat room under the
ern Ireland, it is plausible that more prejudiced Catho- supervision of their teachers. Compared to the control
lics and Protestants are less likely to pursue condition, which involved an online interaction
opportunities for positive contact with the rival com- between students of the same religion, the intergroup
munity and, indeed, may actively avoid it (see Binder E-contact programme successfully improved inter-
et al., 2009). All things considered, it is clear that the group attitudes, increased outgroup knowledge (White
literature now necessitates experimental evidence to & Abu-Rayya, 2012), and improved prosocial emotion
further support the efficacy of intergroup contact as a expression in general (White, Abu-Rayya, Bliuc, &
strategy to improve relations between Catholics and Faulkner, 2015).
Protestants in Northern Ireland. In particular, atten- E-contact has also been effective in reducing preju-
tion is needed to evaluate indirect contact strategies dice among Jewish and Muslim university students in
that actively overcome the barriers that divide the two Israel (Walther, Hoter, Ganayem, & Shonfeld, 2015),
communities. In the following section, we focus on who, similar to Catholics and Protestants in Northern
electronic contact- or E-contact to address these needs. Ireland, have experienced a protracted history of inter-
group conflict and continue to live in segregation.
These findings, however, should be interpreted with
Electronic Contact caution despite their clear relevance to the intergroup
context in Northern Ireland. The E-contact pro-
With the advent of the Digital Age, intergroup contact gramme evaluated by Walther et al. (2015) required
researchers have extended the contact hypothesis to groups of six members (i.e., two orthodox Jews, two
include computer-mediated interactions where mem- secular Jews, and two Muslims) to complete a collabo-
bers of different groups interact online (White, Harvey, rative online course using ‘‘both synchronous chat
& Abu-Rayya, 2015). When used appropriately, Inter- and asynchronous text-based discussion boards’’
net-based interactions offer several advantages over (p. 553) and involved a face-to-face meeting between
other contact strategies. For example, in contrast to participants. Consequently, the intergroup contact was
direct contact, the efficacy of E-contact for prejudice not limited to an online interaction, but also included

430 European Journal of Social Psychology 49 (2019) 429–438 ª 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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F. A. White et al. E-contact in Northern Ireland

opportunities for vicarious (e.g., observing a fellow Outgroup attitudes

ingroup member discuss course material with a mem-
ber of the other community on the discussion board) It has long been argued that people’s attitudes or
and direct (e.g., meeting an outgroup member at the feelings towards the rival community are a particu-
face-to-face meeting) contact. While there was no larly important indicator of intergroup relations in
apparent effect on prejudice among participants who Northern Ireland. For example, Whyte (1990) noted
attended the face-to-face meeting relative to those that ‘anyone who studies Northern Ireland must be
who did not, the design of the online programme did struck by the intensity of feelings which the conflict
not allow the researchers to distinguish the effects of evokes’ (p. 94). Moreover, although the violence
E-contact from those of vicarious contact. ceased two decades ago, evidence suggests that
Finally, it should be acknowledged that E-contact intergroup contact has a stronger impact on affect
has also been undertaken in Northern Ireland. The than cognitive outcomes, such as group variability
‘Dissolving Boundaries’ initiative has been running or stereotypes (e.g., Miller, Smith, & Mackie, 2004;
since 1999, and links schools across the border Wolsko, Park, Judd, & Bachelor, 2003). As described
between Northern Ireland and the Republic of above, numerous other intergroup contact studies
Ireland for regular classes (Austin, 2010). This pro- undertaken in the Northern Irish context have
gramme involves small groups of age- and ability- demonstrated a relationship between various aspects
matched students from the two regions working of intergroup contact and improved outgroup atti-
together on a variety of projects, using a combination tudes (e.g., Paolini et al., 2004, 2007; Tam et al.,
of an online learning platform and Internet video 2009; Tausch et al., 2007; Turner et al., 2013). In
links. Rickard, Grace, Austin, and Smyth (2014) the current research, we also examined the effect of
surveyed 611 children one year after the end of the E-contact on participants’ outgroup attitudes. Consis-
programme, 65% of whom had taken part in the ini- tent with previous intergroup contact research, it
tiative and 35% who were from matched classes in was hypothesised that:
the same school who had not taken part in the pro-
ject. Descriptive evidence suggested that children H1. Catholic and Protestant participants in the E-
who had taken part in the initiative: enjoyed it; were contact condition would report more positive out-
more likely to have crossed the border; and felt they group attitudes compared to participants in the
knew the other side of the border better. However, baseline condition.
no direct measures of outgroup perception were
taken, no statistical analyses were conducted, and
the authors acknowledge the survey was undertaken Intergroup anxiety and outcome expectancies
in 2012, a time of significant economic and political
turmoil, and thus it would be difficult to identify any Beyond evaluating the benefits of E-contact on Catho-
single cause of differences between the two groups of lics’ and Protestants’ outgroup attitudes, the current
students. study also aimed to examine the mechanisms that
potentially underlie its effects. One factor that has
been critical in explaining the E-contact effect is inter-
The Current Research group anxiety, which is the discomfort an individual
may feel when anticipating or experiencing intergroup
In light of the growing empirical support for the bene- encounters (Stephan & Stephan, 1985). Similar to
fits of E-contact in contexts of segregation, the current direct contact (Pettigrew & Tropp, 2008), E-contact
study aimed to evaluate E-contact as a novel indirect has been shown to improve outgroup attitudes by
contact strategy to improve intergroup relations directly reducing intergroup anxiety (White & Abu-
between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ire- Rayya, 2012; White, Verrelli, Maunder, & Kervinen,
land. In doing so, it would be the first to provide in press; White et al., 2014). This research, however, is
experimental evidence for the efficacy of E-contact, yet to explain how or why E-contact would affect
and contact more generally, in this regional context. intergroup anxiety. Therefore, to address this gap in
Here, Catholic and Protestant participants engaged in a the literature, the current study examined the role of
synchronous and text-only online interaction with a people’s outcome expectancies.
member of the rival community that was structured to Intergroup anxiety arises when people anticipate
include Allport’s (1954) facilitating conditions (see negative consequences from interacting with the out-
Method for how this was achieved). Moreover, by group (Stephan & Stephan, 1985), such as not being
limiting the interaction to a synchronous online able to make a positive impression (Plant & Devine,
exchange, the current study aimed to address the 2003). This theory of intergroup anxiety is compara-
methodological shortcomings of past research ble with Schlenker and Leary’s (1982) self-presenta-
described above (e.g., Rickard et al., 2014; Walther tion model of social anxiety, which proposes that
et al., 2015), and in doing so, provide a more valid people’s perceived ability to make a desired impres-
examination of the E-contact effect in the context of sion (i.e., their outcome expectancies) is directly and
conflict and segregation. inversely related to their experience of anxiety in

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E-contact in Northern Ireland F. A. White et al.

social settings. Here, people’s outcome expectancies Method

are viewed as an antecedent, rather than a conse-
quence, of social anxiety. Building on this frame- Participants and Design
work, Plant and Devine (2003) argued that self-
presentation concerns, such as not appearing preju- Overall, 86 first-year undergraduate students from
diced, often arise during intergroup interactions. Belfast, Northern Ireland, took part in the study
Therefore, insofar as an individual is confident in (65.1% female; Mage = 20.7 years, SD = 4.2; 100%
making a desired and well-received impression dur- White). Of these, 43 identified as Catholic and 43 as
ing the intergroup encounter, they should experience Protestant. The study adopted a 2 (Condition: E-con-
reduced intergroup anxiety (Aydogan & Gonsalko- tact vs. baseline) 9 2 (Religious membership: Catholic
rale, 2015; Plant & Devine, 2003). However, in con- vs. Protestant) between-subjects design. The depen-
texts of segregation, such as Northern Ireland, people dent variables were outcome expectancies, intergroup
have relatively few contact experiences with mem- anxiety, and outgroup attitudes.
bers from outside their community, and conse-
quently, may anticipate increased difficulty in Dependent Measures
successfully navigating intergroup interactions. Thus,
people with limited experiences with outgroup con- Items for all the dependent measures can be found in
tact are likely to report more negative outcome Supporting Information 1. An index for each depen-
expectancies, which is likely to result in increased dent variable was created by first reverse scoring any
intergroup anxiety. By contrast, Plant and Devine negatively worded items and then averaging the mea-
also reasoned that positive outgroup contact improves sure items (higher scores = more positive outcome
people’s outcome expectancies about intergroup con- expectancies; greater intergroup anxiety; more positive
tact by both increasing their perceived abilities in outgroup attitudes).
making the desired impression and reducing the
uncertainty about how to do so. In view of this, pro- Outcome expectancies. Plant and Devine’s
viding individuals with the opportunity to interact (2003) 11-item outcome expectancies scale was
with the outgroup may improve their outcome adapted to measure participants’ positive expectations
expectancies, resulting in relaxed feelings of inter- of outgroup interactions. Participants rated their level
group anxiety and more positive outgroup attitudes. of agreement with statements such as ‘When interact-
There are several reasons to expect E-contact, par- ing with a Protestant [Catholic] person, I would know
ticularly the structured and text-only E-contact pro- what to say in order to come across as nonprejudiced’
gramme examined in this study, to improve people’s and ‘When interacting with a Protestant [Catholic]
outcome expectancies and reduce their intergroup person, he or she would see me as prejudiced no mat-
anxiety. E-contact can provide individuals with a ter what I did’ (reverse scored) on a rating scale from 1
high degree of psychological control over the contact (Strongly disagree) to 5 (Strongly agree). Cronbach’s
situation in a way that is not possible in face-to-face a = .84.
interactions (Amichai-Hamburger & McKenna,
2006). In text-only online interactions, people have Intergroup anxiety. Stephan and Stephan’s
more time to think about what they are going to (1985) intergroup anxiety scale was adapted to mea-
say and how they are going to say it, and they can sure how anxious participants would feel interacting
see and edit their responses before sending them. in a group made up entirely of the outgroup. Partici-
Moreover, E-contact that is structured to include All- pants rated the extent they would feel eight different
port’s (1954) facilitating contact conditions may pro- emotions (e.g., awkward, self-conscious) on a rating
vide individuals with the appropriate norms to guide scale from 1 (Not at all) to 5 (Extremely). Cronbach’s
their behaviour during the intergroup encounter a = .84.
(e.g., completing a collaborative and goal-orientated
task with predetermined roles for each person). Outgroup attitudes. Wright et al.’s (1997) gen-
These features may offer individuals clear guides for eral attitudes scale was used to assess participants’ pos-
their self-presentation and increase their perceived itive attitudes towards the outgroup. Participants rated
abilities to present a desired impression. Together, the outgroup on five semantic differential items (e.g.,
this may assist people to develop the necessary skills cold–warm, negative–positive) on an 8-point rating scale.
that will improve their outcome expectancies, and in Cronbach’s a = .95.
doing so, reduce their levels of intergroup anxiety
(Plant & Devine, 2003). For these reasons, it was Procedure
hypothesised that:
Potential participants were recruited via an advertise-
ment for a lab-based study ostensibly on social cogni-
H2. Improved contact expectancies and reduced tion. This advertisement was published online on the
intergroup anxiety would serially mediate the university’s participant pool management system
E-contact effect on improved outgroup attitudes. alongside other similar studies. Upon presenting to

432 European Journal of Social Psychology 49 (2019) 429–438 ª 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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F. A. White et al. E-contact in Northern Ireland

the lab, participants who provided their informed contributions to the collaborative task. The online
consent to participate in the study were asked to interaction lasted approximately 10 minutes. Once
indicate their age, gender, religion, and ethnicity, participants logged out of the chat room, they were
before being randomly assigned to one of two experi- asked to complete a post-chat questionnaire, which
mental conditions: E-contact or baseline. Participants asked them to comment, via a free response, on the
assigned to the E-contact condition were informed interaction, their chat partner, and the chat tool.
that they would engage in a synchronous and text- This questionnaire was administered to probe partici-
only, online interaction, like that of Facebook Mes- pants for suspicion, and any participant who
senger or MSN, with another student who was reported awareness of the pre-programmed nature
located in a different building on campus. Partici- of the interaction was marked for exclusion from
pants were told that the purpose of the study was to the study. Participants then completed the depen-
trial a new instant messaging tool for university stu- dent measures.
dents, and in doing so, produce a handout for the Participants assigned to the baseline condition were
student union about their first-year university expe- asked to complete a category-unrelated filler task,
riences. Prior to the online interaction, participants which required them to visualise a positive nature
were not told that the chat would involve a member scene and then write about what they imagined (see
of the other community. Participants were also Supporting Information 2 for baseline instructions).
informed that another experimenter, who would act This task, adapted from Turner, Crisp, and Lambert
as the chat moderator, would lead the online conver- (2007), allowed us to control for engagement and pos-
sation. Both the chat moderator and the E-contact itive affect when evaluating the effects of E-contact.
partner were the same gender as the participant. Similar to the E-contact condition, participants in the
Unknown to participants, however, the outgroup baseline condition had 10 minutes to complete this
member’s and moderator’s responses were pre-pro- task before completing the dependent measures. At
grammed. This procedure was adopted to increase the completion of the study, the experimenter asked
experimental standardisation across each online participants in both experimental conditions about
interaction, ensure outgroup identity disclosure, and any comments or questions they had about the study
remove the need for recruiting equal numbers of before debriefing them. Participants who reported sus-
outgroup confederates. Finally, to increase the real- picion about the true aims of the study were marked
ism of the online interaction, the experimenter for exclusion.
informed participants that the other student was run-
ning late, and consequently, the chat would be
delayed slightly. Results
Participants in the E-contact condition then
engaged in an online interaction with an outgroup The E-contact Effect
member (see Supporting Information 2 for the
E-contact chat script). That is, for Catholic partici- As no participants expressed suspicion about the ‘real-
pants, the E-contact partner was Protestant, whereas ness’ of the interaction or the true aims of the study,
for Protestant participants, the E-contact partner was they were all included in the main analyses. Table 1
Catholic. Once participants logged into the chat displays the means and standard deviations for all the
room, the moderator welcomed both interaction measures by condition and religious group. In support
partners and then invited the outgroup member to of H1, compared to the baseline condition, E-contact
start the conversation by introducing themselves. To significantly improved outcome expectancies, F
reveal the outgroup member’s religious membership, (1,82) = 7.15, p = .009, g2p = .08, reduced inter-
the moderator introduced the E-contact partner by a group anxiety, F(1,82) = 9.17, p = .003, g2p = .10,
prototypically Catholic (i.e., E imhear or Colm) or
Table 1. Means (standard deviations in parentheses) of measures by
Protestant (i.e., Grace or James) name. The E-con-
condition and religious group
tact partner’s introduction to the participant also
included the statement, ‘I’m also a practicing Catho- E-contact Baseline
lic [Protestant] and go to services and social events Dependent Catholic Protestant Catholic Protestant
at my local church.’ The chat moderator then asked measures n = 25 n = 21 n = 18 n = 22
participants to introduce themselves. Following this, Outcome 3.96 (0.76) 3.97 (0.64) 3.68 (0.63) 3.51 (0.45)
participants completed a collaborative task with their expectancies
E-contact partner. This task, which was guided by Intergroup 1.78 (0.64) 1.54 (0.45) 2.09 (0.51) 1.96 (0.56)
Allport’s (1954) facilitating contact conditions, anxiety
required the interaction partners to work together to Outgroup 7.10 (1.01) 7.53 (0.58) 6.46 (1.09) 6.59 (1.33)
develop one strategy each to assist future first-year attitudes
students in their transition to university, under the Note: Possible ranges were 1–5 for outcome expectancies and inter-
supervision of the chat moderator. At the end of the group anxiety (higher scores = more positive expectancies or more
chat, the moderator concluded the exchange by intergroup anxiety), and 1–8 for outgroup attitudes (higher
thanking both interaction partners for their scores = more positive attitudes).

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E-contact in Northern Ireland F. A. White et al.

Fig. 1: Standardized path model (SE in parentheses) for the effect of E-contact on outgroup attitudes serially mediated by outcome expectancies
and intergroup anxiety. †p = .08. *p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001

and improved outgroup attitudes, F(1,82) = 12.72, through intergroup anxiety was approaching conven-
p < .001, g2p = .13. Across all dependent measures tional levels of significance, b = 0.16, SE = 0.11, 95%
there were no main effects for religion (all ps > .05), CI [ 0.01, 0.40].
and religion was not found to moderate the E-contact Despite finding support for our mediational hypoth-
effect (all ps > .05). esis, three additional exploratory mediation analyses
were estimated. Although there was a strong rationale
Mediation Analyses to expect outcome expectancies to precede feelings of
anxiety and threat (Plant & Devine, 2003; Schlenker &
As outlined in H2, it was predicted that participants in Leary, 1982), we first tested a serial mediation model
the E-contact (vs. baseline) condition would report where the order of outcome expectancies and inter-
more positive outcome expectancies for outgroup con- group anxiety was switched, with intergroup anxiety
tact, which in turn would reduce outgroup anxiety, and outcome expectancies serially mediating the E-
and therefore would result in improved outgroup contact effect on outgroup attitudes (see Figure S1 in
attitudes. This serial mediation model, which is dis- Supporting Information 3). In this revised model, out-
played in Figure 1, was estimated using the PROCESS come expectancies did not predict outgroup attitudes,
macro for SPSS (Hayes, 2013) with 10,000 samples and the specific indirect effect through both mediators
and 95% percentile bootstrap confidence intervals was not significant, b = 0.002, SE = 0.03, 95% CI
(CI). Prior to estimating the model, outcome expectan- [ 0.07, 0.07]. Furthermore, only intergroup anxiety
cies, intergroup anxiety, and outgroup attitudes were was found to mediate the relationship between E-con-
standardised. The baseline condition was coded as 0 tact and outgroup attitudes, b = 0.31, SE = 0.13, 95%
and the E-contact condition was coded as 1. In the CI [0.09, 0.61]. Second, we tested a model where out-
analyses below, Catholic and Protestant were treated group attitudes and outcome expectancies serially
in the same sample because religion was not found to mediated the E-contact effect on intergroup anxiety
moderate the E-contact effect on all dependent mea- (see Figure S2 in Supporting Information 3). In this
sures and the two religious groups demonstrated simi- revised model, outgroup attitudes and outcome
lar patterns of correlations between the variables (see expectancies were found to serially mediate the E-con-
Table 2). In support of H2, the specific indirect effect tact effect on intergroup anxiety, b = 0.10,
through both mediators was significant, b = 0.15, SE = 0.04, 95% CI [ 0.19, 0.03]. Alternative specific
SE = 0.07, 95% CI [0.04, 0.32]. Alternative specific indirect effects, where only one variable (i.e., outgroup
indirect effects, where only one variable (i.e., outcome attitudes or outcome expectancies) functioned as a
expectancies or intergroup anxiety) functioned as a mediator within the full model, were also estimated.
mediator within the full model, were also estimated. The specific indirect effect through outgroup attitudes
The specific indirect effect through outcome expectan- was significant, b = 0.28, SE = 0.10, 95% CI [ 0.51,
cies was not significant, b = 0.003, SE = 0.05, 95% CI 0.10], whereas the specific indirect effect through
[ 0.10, 0.12]. Conversely, the specific indirect effect outcome expectancies was not, b = 0.15, SE = 0.10,
95% CI [ 0.37, 0.03]. A final mediation model was
Table 2. Correlations among dependent measures tested where intergroup anxiety and outcome
expectancies acted as parallel mediators of the E-con-
1. 2. 3.
tact effect on outgroup attitudes (see Figure S3 in Sup-
1. Outcome expectancies – .56** .35* porting Information 3). In this revised model,
2. Intergroup anxiety .63** – .57** intergroup anxiety, b = 0.31, SE = 0.13, 95% CI
3. Outgroup attitudes .38* .56** – [0.09, 0.61], but not outcome expectancies, b = 0.003,
Note: Catholics are below the diagonal, whereas Protestants are SE = 0.05, 95% CI [ 0.10, 0.12], was found to medi-
above the diagonal. ate the relationship between E-contact and outgroup
*p < .05. **p < .001. attitudes.

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F. A. White et al. E-contact in Northern Ireland

Discussion (2003), E-contact reduced Catholics’ and Protestants’

intergroup anxiety, in part, by improving their expecta-
Despite the widespread religious segregation in North- tions about outgroup interactions. A strength of the cur-
ern Ireland, there has been an extensive evaluation of rent study was that it designed the intergroup
intergroup contact as a strategy to reduce prejudice interaction to include Allport’s (1954) facilitating contact
between Catholics and Protestants (Hewstone et al., conditions, which are largely absent from research con-
2005). While some have acknowledged the need to ducted in Northern Ireland. In structuring the online
examine indirect contact strategies that actively over- exchange to include a collaborative and goal-orientated
come the barriers that divide these two communities task, E-contact may have provided participants with the
(e.g., Turner et al., 2013), we are aware of no experi- necessary mastery experience to increase their perceived
mental attempt to do so. To address this gap in the liter- abilities in presenting a desired impression towards the
ature, the current study experimentally evaluated the outgroup. In doing so, the E-contact programme
effectiveness of a novel indirect contact strategy, E-con- increased participant’s self-efficacy and seemingly
tact, which provided Catholics and Protestants with the reduced the anxiety that often results when anticipating
opportunity to meet a member of the other community an outgroup interaction (Stephan & Stephan, 1985). By
in a positive, collaborative, and goal-orientated online also limiting the interaction to a text-based exchange,
interaction. As predicted, compared to the baseline con- participants were afforded a high degree of psychological
dition, E-contact improved both Catholic and Protestant control over the contact situation, which may have fur-
participants’ expectations of outgroup contact, reduced ther reduced their levels of intergroup anxiety (Ami-
intergroup anxiety, and improved outgroup attitudes. chai-Hamburger & McKenna, 2006).
Furthermore, there was provisional support for the This interpretation of the data, however, should only
proposed mechanism via which E-contact improved be made in light of the following considerations. An
outgroup attitudes; the data suggested that the E-con- alternative mediation model, where outgroup attitudes
tact effect may operate serially through improved out- and outcome expectancies were positioned as serial
come expectancies and reduced intergroup anxiety. mediators of the E-contact effect on intergroup anxi-
ety, was found to fit the data equally well. It appears
The E-contact Effect and its (Potential) that E-contact, and contact in general, may also
Mechanisms improve people’s expectancies about the course of out-
group contact by directly improving their evaluations
The current study contributes both to the growing lit- of the outgroup. To the extent that outcome expectan-
erature in support of E-contact as an effective preju- cies encompass concerns about one’s behaviour being
dice-reduction strategy in contexts of segregation (e.g., viewed as prejudiced by the outgroup, as was the case
Walther et al., 2015; White & Abu-Rayya, 2012) and in the current study and previous research (Plant &
to the extensive literature that has argued in favour of Devine, 2003), it is plausible that perceiving the out-
the benefits of indirect contact in Northern Ireland group as friendly and warm may create the expectation
(e.g., Paolini et al., 2004, 2007; Tam et al., 2009; that they will be more lenient or fair when interpreting
Tausch et al., 2007; Turner et al., 2013). In compar- one’s behaviour during the interaction. Contact with a
ison to the effects of extended contact, which can be positive, relative to a neutral or even negative, out-
inconsequential if the outgroup contact is peripheral group exemplar may then directly improve people’s
to an individual’s social network (Tausch et al., 2011), perceptions of the outgroup as a whole, which in turn
E-contact was found to be beneficial despite the inter- improves their outcome expectancies and reduces their
action partners being strangers. Moreover, in compar- intergroup anxieties. It is also plausible that outcome
ison to past contact research in Northern Ireland, this expectancies, intergroup anxiety, and outgroup atti-
study provides initial experimental evidence to support tudes are cyclically related; thus, both the originally
the causal relationship between positive intergroup hypothesised model and the alternative model may be
contact and improved intergroup outcomes amongst equally important in elucidating the E-contact effect.
both Catholics and Protestants. It should be empha- Moreover, although these findings are the first to
sised that this is not a trivial point of contrast (see Pet- demonstrate a causal relationship between positive
tigrew, 1998). If intergroup relations researchers want intergroup contact and improved outcome expectan-
to continue to promote intergroup contact as an effec- cies (cf. Plant & Devine, 2003), the dependent mea-
tive strategy to improve relations in Northern Ireland, sures were assessed at the same time. Further research
they must become less reliant on cross-sectional sur- is now needed to experimentally manipulate these fac-
vey data and evaluate the effects of contact experi- tors to clarify the underlying mechanisms.
mentally. We are optimistic that these initial findings
will encourage future research in this direction. Strengths, Limitations, and Future Directions
While past research has documented the mediating
role of anxiety reduction in explaining the E-contact In contexts of conflict and segregation, past studies
effect (White & Abu-Rayya, 2012; White et al., in press), have evaluated the E-contact effect at the conclusion
the current findings may clarify why anxiety is a key of a multifaceted and long-term E-contact programme.
mediator. Building on the work of Plant and Devine Specifically, Walther et al. (2015) assessed outgroup

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E-contact in Northern Ireland F. A. White et al.

prejudice at the end of a year-long E-contact pro- Nonetheless, we observed similar positive effects to
gramme in Israel. Moreover, Rickard et al. (2014) past E-contact research that involved an online inter-
highlighted the potential benefits of the ‘Dissolving action between real community members (White &
Boundaries’ cross-border E-contact programme, which Abu-Rayya, 2012). This comparison should not imply
was administered over an entire academic year, for that simulated interactions with pre-programmed
promoting intercultural awareness in Ireland. responses are a convenient substitute for real online
Although such interventions are commendable and exchanges. Future research should evaluate this possi-
should be the ultimate goal for all intergroup contact bility by considering the pre-programmed version of
research (see Pettigrew, 1998), this research has not E-contact as a preparatory stage for E-contact with a
established whether the benefits of E-contact on inter- real outgroup member (for a similar argument, see
group attitudes manifest immediately or require multi- White, Harvey, & Abu-Rayya, 2015).
ple sessions to be useful in contexts of conflict and Finally, we would like to make three suggestions
segregation. Past research has also been unable to regarding future research on E-contact in Northern
eliminate the possibility that the E-contact effect was Ireland and abroad. First, the use of an undergraduate,
the result of factors unrelated to the immediate E-con- and likely largely middle-class, sample in the current
tact situation, such as participants benefiting from study is not representative of Northern Ireland society
opportunities for vicarious contact or pursuing direct at large. Undergraduate students are, for example,
contact opportunities between online sessions over the more likely to experience intergroup contact at uni-
course of the long-term programme. The current find- versity than individuals living in segregated, working-
ings may help to address these concerns by demon- class communities (McKeown, 2013). Future research
strating immediate improvements in intergroup should examine the impact of E-contact using a com-
outcomes at the conclusion of a single interaction, munity, or even better, a probability sample. Second,
which was limited to a synchronous online exchange, two outcome variables have been identified as espe-
with no opportunity for vicarious or direct outgroup cially important in the aftermath of a conflict: forgive-
contact. However, in the absence of a long-term fol- ness of the outgroup (Tam et al., 2007), and the
low-up evaluation, it is important not to overstate the restoration of intergroup trust (Tam et al., 2009). Hav-
benefits of a single session of E-contact. Despite ing established the basic effect of E-contact on out-
observing medium-to-large effect sizes in the current group attitude, future research should consider
study, E-contact may be more valuable in promoting whether its effects extend to these context-relevant
enduring attitude change when administered across dependent measures.
multiple sessions as part of a long-term E-contact pro- Third, the use of a baseline comparison condition in
gramme. In support of this, White and her colleagues the current study, which comprised a category-unre-
observed a reduction in intergroup bias at the conclu- lated filler task, limits our ability to firmly conclude if
sion of eight E-contact sessions, which was sustained the disclosure of outgroup membership was required
at 6 months (White & Abu-Rayya, 2012) and 12- for prejudice reduction or whether an online interac-
months (White et al., 2014) post-intervention. tion with no disclosure was sufficient in itself. In this
One concern that must be taken into account when regard, past E-contact research (e.g., White & Abu-
undertaking experimental tests of attitude-change Rayya, 2012) has compared participants in the inter-
strategies is demand characteristics. In this case, we group E-contact condition (i.e., E-contact between
must consider the possibility that participants may participants of different religions) to an intragroup E-
have realised that the task they were completing was contact condition (i.e., E-contact between participants
designed to improve intergroup relations and reported of the same religion). While this procedure has
more positive attitudes to meet the expectations of the allowed researchers to control for the effects of a posi-
experimenter. However, we took steps to avoid this. In tive online interaction, intragroup contact may
particular, the cover story for participants in the increase solidarity and identification with the ingroup
E-contact condition indicated that the study was about and, in so doing, increase outgroup prejudice (Voci
trialling a new chat tool, and in doing so, coming up et al., 2015). Consequently, an intragroup comparison
with advice for new undergraduate students for a stu- condition may inadvertently inflate the E-contact
dent union handbook. The outgroup membership sta- effect. Recently, however, Maunder, White, and Ver-
tus of the E-contact partner only became clear from relli (2018) conducted a study concerning stigma
the prototypicality of their name and some of the facts reduction towards people with schizophrenia, which
about themselves given during introductions. No par- compared intergroup E-contact with two different
ticipant commented on the intergroup nature of the controls, namely intragroup E-contact and a baseline
interaction. We are therefore confident that the find- condition. Their findings demonstrated that, compared
ings were not due to demand characteristics. to the two controls, intergroup E-contact significantly
In addition, while no participant expressed suspicion reduced stigma. Importantly, no significant differences
over the ‘realness’ of the interaction, it should be were observed between the two control conditions on
acknowledged that participants were not informed measures of negative intergroup emotions and preju-
that they were interacting with a pre-programmed dice, suggesting that a baseline condition may be a
outgroup member and chat moderator until debrief. viable comparison group when examining the E-

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F. A. White et al. E-contact in Northern Ireland

contact effect, at least in some intergroup settings. Supporting Information

Nonetheless, future research is needed to examine the
E-contact effect against a number of possible control Additional supporting information may be found
conditions, such as E-contact with an individual online in the Supporting Information section at the
whose membership is not specified, intergroup E-con- end of the article.
tact that does not fulfil Allport’s (1954) facilitating
conditions, and outgroup salience but no contact.

Conclusion Allport, G. W. (1954). The nature of prejudice. Reading, MA:

Addison Wesley.
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dice reduction in Northern Ireland. The study demon- 843.
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improved their expectations about interactions with 57–70. Retrieved from
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Acknowledgements Cairns, E., & Hewstone, M. (2002). Northern Ireland: The
impact of peacemaking in Northern Ireland on inter-
The authors thank Stephen Rogers for programming group behaviour. In G. Salomon & B. Neov (Eds.), Peace
the E-contact tool, and the associate editors and education: The concept, principles, and practices around the
reviewers for their very helpful comments and sugges- world. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
tions on earlier drafts of the manuscript. This research Hayes, A. F. (2013). Introduction to mediation, moderation, and
conditional process analysis: A regression-based approach.
was funded under The University of Sydney Bridging
New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Support Grant Scheme awarded to the first author,
Hewstone, M., Cairns, E., Voci, A., Paolini, S., McLernon,
Fiona White, and the Queen’s University Belfast Psy-
F., Crisp, R. J., . . . Craig, J. (2005). Intergroup contact in
chology Summer School Research Scheme awarded to
a divided society: Challenging segregation in Northern
the last author, Jeff Hanna.
Ireland. In D. Abrams, M. A. Hogg, & J. M. Marques
(Eds.), The social psychology of inclusion and exclusion (pp.
265–293). New York, NY: Psychology Press.
Conflict of Interest Hewstone, M., & Hughes, J. (2015). Reconciliation in
Northern Ireland: The value of inter-group contact.
The authors declare that there are no potential con- BJPsych International, 12, 65–67.
flicts of interest with respect to the research, author- S2056474000000453
ship, and/or publication of this article. This study Maunder, R. D., White, F. A., & Verrelli, S. (2018). Modern
received ethics approval from Queen’s University avenues for intergroup contact: Using E-contact and intergroup
Belfast, Northern Ireland. All participants provided emotions to reduce stigma and social distancing against people
their informed consent before participating in the with schizophrenia. Manuscript submitted for publication.
study and were fully debriefed at the end. Our files McKeown, S. (2013). Identity, segregation and peace-building
relating to this study are archived in a secure loca- in Northern Ireland: A social psychological perspective. Bas-
tion on the University of Sydney’s data management ingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
repository to guarantee their continued availability Miller, D. A., Smith, E. R., & Mackie, D. M. (2004). Effects
into the future. of intergroup contact and political predispositions on

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