Grammar Test 3

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Grammar Test 3

A- Choose the correct answer:

1- She always (wear – wears – is wearing) jewelry.

2- I (wear – am wearing – wears) a costume for next carnival.

3- My brother (sees – saw – seen) a bear an hour ago.

4- I never (watch – watches – am watching) a film on TV this Saturday evening.

5- What (does – do – doing) he (do – does is doing)? He’s a lawyer.

6- (did – do – does) Mike visit his grandmother last night?

7- What (is – are – does) he (do – doing – is doing) tonight? He (is doing – does -do) the


8- Tom (is working – works - work) at the moment. Can I take a message?

9- Alex did not (worked – works – work) last weekend.

10- I often (play – plays – am playing) tennis on Saturdays.

11- We (work- are working) on the smith account this week.

12- (was – were – is) Judy and Liz at last month's meeting?

13- We rarely go out for dinner but this week we (are going – go – goes) out on


14- He (is believing – believes – believe) every word she says.

15- We (were – was -are) not happy after the sad ending.

16- Jack (study – studied – studied) English and math last year.

17- Angela gets up at 7 o'clock and (is having – have – has).

18- Peter usually (asks – is asking) a lot of questions.

19- Jason doesn't know the answer to this question. He ( is knowing – knows – know)

the other answers.

20- Jeff (cut – cuts – cutted) the tree last week.

21- English lectures (begins – begun – began) two hours ago.

22- We (are attending – attend – attends) a meeting in Chicago this weekend.

23- SHE (is wanting – wants) to purchase a new computer.

24- I (hope – am hoping – hopes) that this quiz is easy.

25- Janet (is having – has – have) breakfast at the moment.

26- My friends (are working – work – both are correct) in a factory twenty miles from

their apartment.

27- I (meet – met – meeted) your brother yesterday.

28- She is always (complains – complaining) about how much she hates her job.

29- The children (is being dressed – are being dressed) at the moment by the nanny.

30- The window was open and a bird (flies – fly – flew) in my room.

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